Augspurger 1988

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New Ptiyiol.

(198S), 108, 357 36S

Mass allocation, moisture content, and

dispersal capacity of wind-dispersed
tropical diaspores

BY C. K. A U G S P U R G E R

Department of Plant Biology, Universitv of Illinois, 505 S. Goodwin, Urbana, IL 61801,

{Received 22 December 1986; accepted 30 October 1987)

Among 34 wind-dispersed tree species on Harro Colorado Island, Panama, the wet mass of diaspores ranges over
six orders of magnitude. The seed mass as a percentage of diaspore mass iS/D) varies greatly among species from
14 to 94",, with a mean value of 61 "o. The mean percent moisture of diaspores is 10 "„ ; no consistent differences
occur between seed and non-seed components of diaspores in percent moisture. Wing-loading (weight/area) and
hence dispersal capacity varies over one order of magnitude among these species and is correlated more highly with
S/D than with percent moisture of diaspores. Compared to fruit diaspores, seed diaspores have less mass and a
greater S/D, and are slightly more dehydrated. As a result, seed diaspores have lower wing-loading and greater
dispersal capacity than fruit diaspores. The morphological/aerodynamic feactures of a diaspore also have a
significant eflect on the mass variables. Overall, the type of diaspore (fruit or seed) is of major importance in
explaining mass differences of diaspores among these wind-dispersed species; morphological features and
dehydration ability contribute secondarily.

Key words: Dispersal capacity, fruits vs. seeds, mass, moisture content, wind-dispersed diaspores

I N T R O i:> II C T I O N
ment of the seed coat as dispersal appendages. For
fruit diaspores it accrues from the seed coat and from
A diaspore is the dispersal unit that is moved from ovarian tissues that enlarge, so increasing appendage
tbe parent plant and establishes the offspring as an area for photosynthesis (Bazzaz, Carlson & Harper,
independent seedling. For wind-dispersed species, 1979) and later for dispersal, and that surround the
added diaspore mass increases wing-loading seed to protect it from premature dehydration,
(weight/area) and thus causes a decrease in dispersal pathogens and predators (Janzen, 1971). A fruit
capacity. Natural selection of species with wind- diaspore also has added mass if it is multi-seeded; a
dispersed diaspores might be expected to minimize seed diaspore, by definition, is always single-seeded.
any components of mass tbat result in loss of Thus, relative to seed diaspores, fruit diaspores, on
dispersal and/or seedling establishment. However, average, are expected to have a greater total mass,
minimization of mass may be constrained evolu- but a lower percent of total diaspore mass devoted to
tionarily by the type and amount of tissues com- those seed components necessary for seedling estab-
prising the diaspore. lishment.
Seed components necessary for seedling establish- Second, the morphological/aerodynamic features
ment, i.e. embryo and cotyledons (or endosperm), of a diaspore will affect the amount of added mass
are the first determinants of diaspore mass. Two due to appendages (Fig. 1). Species vary in their
additional factors affect the total mass of a wind- degree of morphological elaboration, e.g. area and
dispersed diaspore: (1) tissue derived from ovary number oi wings, and nattire of the construction
and/or seed coat (hereafter termed non-seed com- material, e.g. woody, membranous, or hair-hke
ponents) and (2) moisture content of all tissues. fibres.
The amount of diaspore mass from non-seed Diaspore mass also depends on the amount of
components depends on two factors. First, the tissue dehydration that occurs before dispersal. It
diaspore may be a fruit or a seed. For seed diaspores would be expected tbat wind-dispersed diaspores
the added non-seed mass accrues only from enlarge- would lose moisture, so lowering mass during flight.
358 C. K. Augspurger

Aerodynamic grt)up Representative morphology Aerodynamic behaviour in still air

Fi.t)ATER ,^'' '^.^^ Floats dt)wnward in a vertical line.

ROLLING AirrocYRt) Rotates t)n two axes simultanet)usly ;

(1) arout-id diaspt)re's lot-igitudinal axis;
(2) around one end t)f the diaspt)rc in a
semi-tight circle.

AUTOGYRO Rt)tates tightly around the seed end t^f

the diaspore.

UNDUI.ATOR Glides and undulates, but not with

cumulative forward motion (not
continuous glider).

HnLICOPTER Spins tightly around a vertical line;

similar to autogyro with added wings.

TUMBI.ER Tumbles hut not on a ct)nsistent axis;

randomly oriented tumbles; also rotates
around a vertical line, but in a very
large circle.

UNCLASSIFIED ^I ^> Ct)n-iplex and variable behavit)ur within

and between diaspores; closer to
autogyro and undulator than rolling
Figure 1. A description of the aerodynamic behaviour of seven groups of wind-dispersed diaspores and
representative drawings of their morphology (reprinted with permission from The American Journal of Botany).
See Augspurger (1986a) for drawings of all 34 species.

In general, mature seeds bave considerably lower (Harringtt)n, 1973). At values above 10-13% moist-
water content (5-20%) compared to most plant ure, seed viability decreases due to damage from
tissues in an active state (80-95 "/i,) (Street & Opik, insect reproduction, fungal invasion, or heating from
1975). Tbe decline in moisture content during seed microbial respiration (Cbristensen & Kaufmann,
developinent is due primarily to an increase in dry 1969; Harrington, 1972, 1973). Tbere are lower
mass of nutrient reserves. Only in tbe final days of limits to seed debydratitjn ; at values less tban 5 %
maturatit)n does a simple drying process occur mt)isture, deterioratit)n occurs, probably due tt) lipid
(Pollock & Rt)os, 1972). In general, tbe moisture autoxidation (Harrington, 1973).
content is maintained at low levels by impermeable Given tbis background, two questit)ns about
seed coats (Mayer & Poljakt)fT-Mayber, 1975). In diaspore moisture arise. Do non-seed ct)mponents of
legumes tbere is a bygroscopic one-way valve of the wind-dispersed diaspores have an equivalant cap-
hilum that opens only wben the seed is surrounded acity ft>r dehydration as seed components ? Do fruit
by even drier air (Hyde, 1954). diaspores, due to their thicker ovarian-derived
I)ebydratit)n causes the metabolic rate of seeds to tissues, bave prt)portionately a greater mt)isture
be extremely low and greatly increases seed long- content tban seed diaspores.'
evity; in general, eacb 1 "„ decrease in seed moisture Few data exist on tbe ct)mparison of different mass
doubles tbe longevity t)f crt>p seeds during storage components tjf wind-dispersed diaspores (but see
Mass and moisture of diaspores 359

Sheldon & Burrows, 1973). The present study of 34 were correct within 1-2 "„, because they were not
wind-dispersed tree species on Barro Colorado determined at standardized relative humidity and
Island, Panama, was designed to measure the wet temperature (Harrington, 1972).
and dry mass of diaspores and their component parts To obtain values for seed mass as a percent of
(seed and non-seed). Those data were used to diaspore mass (S/D)
compute ; (1) seed mass as a percent of diaspore mass
(hereafter referred to as S/D) and (2) percent / seed wet mass
xlOO ,
moisture of diaspores and their component parts ydiaspore wet mass
(seed and non-seed). The goal was to determine required definitions that separated those parts of
whether these mass variables vary significantly the diaspore necessary for seedling establisbment
between fruit and seed diaspores, betweet-i morpho- (i.e. 'seed') from all other components; these
logical categories, ar-id between seed and non-seed definitions for seed and fruit diaspores differed as
compotients of diaspores. Tbe species vary widely follows. The seed component of a seed diaspore
in wing-loading^ (range = 3-7-26-2 m Pa), rate of excluded the part of the seed coat modified into
descent in still air (range = 32-198 cm s~'), esti- appendages, i.e. wings, membranes, hairs, or fibres,
mated mean dispersal distance (range = 44—388 m at while the seed component of a fruit diaspore included
mean wind velocity of 3-5 m s ' ) (Augspurger, the entire seed coat. Exceptions for fruit diaspores
1986 a), and in shade tolerance of seedlings (Augs- occurred for five species with ovary and seed coat
purger, 1984). Using published values, I determined tissues that were fused and inseparable. For these
how mass factors correlate with those affecting species, {Aslronium graveolens, Cordia alliodora,
diaspore dispersal and seedling establishment. The Terminalia atnazoniea, Terminalia oblonga, and Trip-
overall objective was to identify factors related to laris cumingiana), ovary tissues directly surrounding
mass that explain, in part, the wide disparity in the seed were included as part of the seed component,
dispersal capacity among wind-dispersed species. thus leading to overestimates of seed mass. A seed
diaspore thus included seed (as above) plus append-
ages; a fruit diaspore included seed (as above) plus
appendages (all ovary-derived tissue dispersed with
tbe seed).
Field collections of diaspores of the 34 wind- In total 11 variables were computed for each
dispersed tree species were made from 1981-4 on species (see Appendices 1 and 2). All variables,
Barro Colorado Island, Panama. Descriptions and includmg S/D and percent moisture, were deter-
nomenclature of the species occur in Croat (1978) and mined first for individual diaspores prior to statistical
drawings of the diaspores in Augspurger (1986 a). analyses. Statistics for percentages were done on
The species differ in whether the diaspore is a fruit arcsine-transformed data. After mean values were
(« = 15) or a seed (n = 19) (Appendix 1), and in determined for each species, species were ranked for
morphological and aerodynamic properties (Fig. 1). each variable before any non-parametric rank corre-
All are generally one-seeded diaspores. lations were made.
During the dispersal period 15 diaspores of one
tree of each species were collected from the ground
immediately beyond the canopy of the tree. Excep-
tions occurred for very small seed diaspores that
were collected directly from dehisced fruits of one Seed mass us. diaspore mass
tree. Small sample sizes arose because of the For the 34 species, the mean wet mass of the diaspore
difficulty of locating viable seeds of many of the at the time of dispersal is 394 mg; values range over
species which are rare, reproduce infrequently, and six orders of magnitude. The mean wet mass of the
produce low crop sizes of filled, undamaged seeds. seed component of the diaspore is 134mg; values
Diaspores with a mass greater than 100 mg were range over five orders of magnitude (Fig. 2, Appen-
measured on a Mettler top-loading balance, tbose dix 1). Wet and dry mass measurements in Appendix
less than 100 mg on a Cahn electrobalance. Wet (i.e. 1 are highly correlated with one another (Kendall's
fresh) mass was determined immediately after col- T = 0-986, n = 34, P < 0-001).
lection. Values for wet mass were not substantially Values for S/D vary widely among species from
modified by weatber because collections were made 14-2% for Cavanillesia platanifolia to 93-7 "i, for
in the extended dry season with low humidity. Tabebuia rosea\ the mean value for all species is
Diaspores were dried to constant mass at 105 °C and 60-6% (Appendix 2).
remeasured to obtain values of dry mass. Values for Relative to fruit diaspores, seed diaspores have 1)
percent moisture. lower wet and dry mass and 2) greater values tor S/
D (Table 1). Seed diaspores also bave lower wing-
dry mass\ loading, lower rate of descent in still air, and greater
wet mass/ estimated dispersal distance than fruit diaspores
360 C. K. Augspurger

ever, tbe fibres prt)vide tbe diaspore w itb only a drag,

and no lift, component to lower its rate of descent
(Augspurger, 1986o).
When botb tbe diaspore type (fruit or seed) and
the mt)rpholt)gical category are included in a 2-w-ay
analysis of variance, two generalities emerge. First,
for all 1 1 mass variables in Appendices 1 and 2, tbere
are significant effects due to diaspore type, morpho-
logical category, and their interaction. Sect)nd, ft)r all
mass variables, except percent moisture of diaspores
and non-seed ct)mptjnents, tbe diaspore type bas a
larger F-value tban eitber mt)rpht)logical categt)ry or
the interactit)n term. The /^-values are particularly
large for the wet and dry variables t>f S/D.
Wet mass directly determines the diasporc's wing-
loading value that, in turn, effects its dispersal
capacity. Wing-lt)ading t)f the 34 species is positively
correlated witb their rate t)f descent in still air (T =
0-604, P < 0-001) and negatively ct)rrelated with
their estimated mean dispersal distance (T = 0-441,
Wet mass of seed (g) P < 0-001) (values ft)r the 34 species taken from
Figure 2. Mean wet mass of seed (without dispersal Augspurger, 1986a). Wing-loading is negatively
appendages or tivarian-derived tissues) as compared with correlated with S/D (T = 0-358, n = 34, P < 0-003).
the mean wet mass of the diaspore (entire dispersal unit) Species with high S/D values thus have lower
for 34 tree species dispersed by vvit-id on Barrt) Ct)lorad() dispersal capacity as their diaspore makeup has a
Island, Panama. Note the log-log scale. The I : 1 line is
large emphasis on the seed ct)mponent and less
added for visual interpretation. Some diaspores are fruits
(O), other seeds ( • ) . For species' identification, see emphasis t)n nt)n-seed ct)mponcnts, including dis-
Appendix 1. persal appendages.
Previous work on tbese species demonstrated that
tbe more sbade-tolerant species tend to bave a faster
(Table 1). Wing-loading increases more as wet mass rate of descent and therefbre are mt)re likely tt) be
increases for fruit diaspores (T = 0-543, n = 15, P < dispersed in shady areas closer to the parent tree
0-005) tban for seed diaspores (T = 0-240, n= 19, (Augspurger, 1984). It would be expected tbat these
P = 0-152). Tbis result suggests tbat fruit diaspores mt)re shadc-tt)lerant species wt)uld invest more in
do not bave sufficient area to balance tbe added mass seed mass than in dispersal appendages and have
of ovarian-derived tissues. As a result, tbeir wing- bigber S/D values, relative to more sbade-intolerant
loading increases as diaspore mass increases. Tbe species. Ht)wcvcr, fbr a subset t)f 18 species, sbade
above ct)mparist)ns bt)ld for all species witbout tolerance t)f seedlings is not significantly ct)rrelated
regard to aerodynamic category and alst) within an witb S/D (7- = - 0 - 2 0 3 , « = 1 8 , P>(}-10; values
aert)dynamic category (e.g. rt)lling autogyrt)s t)r taken from Augspurger, 1984). Tbis lack of correla-
autogyros). tion may reflect conlbunding effects due tt) variation
Tbe 34 species represent seven morpbological/ amt)ng families in amount of t)varian tissue (see
aerodynamic categories (Fig. 1). Wben tbese cat- below) and tbe compositional differences of seed
egories are compared, witbout regard to fruit vs. seed versus fruit diaspores. Wbilc seed diaspores bave
diaspores, significant differences exist among cat- greater values for S/D tban do fruit diaspores (Table
egories for eacb tjf tbe 11 mass variables (Table 2). 1), shade-tolerance values for seed diaspores (/( = 9)
Particularly striking is tbe one tumbler, Cavanillesia do not differ from those for fruit diaspt)res (n = 9)
platanifolia\ it is tbe beaviest diaspore, bas tbe lt)west Mann Whitney U, U = 56, n.s.).
S/D, and bas a very bigb percent moisture (see
belt)w). Its large fruit contains a gelatinous hygro-
scopic core (Garwt)t)d, 1985) and a very large
Percent moisture
embryo witb relatively moist leafy ct)tyledotis. Tbe
second heaviest group, the auttjgyrt)s, includes three For the 34 species, the mean percent mt)isture is
species with particularly large legume fruits witb 10% for tbe diaspore, as well as for seed and non-
heavy protective ovarian walls surrounding the seed. seed components separately (Appendix 2). No con-
Tbe two Tabebuia species (unclassified) and tbe sistent differences occur between seed and non-seed
floaters (largely species in tbe Hombacaceae) have tbe components in percent moisture (letter Z in Appen-
bigbest S/D. Both grtiups have only seed diaspores; dix 2). l-'ercent mt)isturc is not significantly ctirre-
their appendages of thin membranes and fibres, lated witb wet mass of the diaspore (T = 0-196,
respectively, add little tt) ttjtal diaspore mass. Htjw- n = 34, P> 0-10). Relative to fruit diaspores, seed
Mass and moistt(re of diaspc 361

T a b l e 1. Cotnpartson of mass variables a?id dispersal capacitv betzveen 15

zvind-dispersed species zvith fruit diaspores and 19 species zvith seed
diaspores on Barro Colorado Island, Panama

Seed diaspore Eruit diaspore

(n = 273) (n= 199) t(P)
Wet mass (mg)
Diaspore 87-48 (11-02) 815-33 (74-86) 9-62***
Seed 62-00 (8-21) 232-80 (18-61) 8-39***
Non-seed 25-48 (3-29) 582-53 (60-03) 9-27***
Dry mass (mg)
Diaspore 80-45 (10-35) 680-20 (60-61) 9-76***
Seed 57-60 (7-83) 186-24 (14-82) 7-68***
Non-seed 22-85 (2-92) 486-39 (49-13) 9.42***
S/D(" )t
Wet 73-71 (0-91) 42-53 (1-34) 19-62***
Dry 73-98 (0-91) 42-59 (1-38) 19.49***
Moisture ("n)J
Diaspore 9-08 (0-26) 12-37 (0-45) 6-97***
Seed 8-72 (0-28) 13-02 (0-67) 6-15***
Non-seed 9-78 (0-64) 12-03 (0-60) 4-05***
(Wing-loading)^ (mPa)§ 8-2 (0-66) 14-6 (1-43) 4-07***
Rate of descent (cm s ' ) | | 89-95 (8-70) 126-11 (8-33) 2.94**
Estimated dispersal 143-5 (18-8) 99-3 (7-8) 2-17*
distance (in)l

Values represent mean (SE). Statistics for variables that are percentages are
done on arcsin-transformed data.
* P < 0-05 ; ** P < 0-01 ; *** P < 0-001.
f S/D = values for seed mass as a percent of diaspore mass, i.e.
/ Seed n-iass ,
\Diaspore mas? X 100 .

X Values for percent moisture = 1 —:—'- |100

Wet massj
§ Wing-loading = (mass X acceleration)/projected area; values fron-i .Aiigs-
spurgcr (1986(3).
II Based on rate of descent through 27 m of still air; values from AXugspurger
1 Based on average tree height, rate of descent in still air, and a mean velocity
of 3-5 m s ' (8 mph); values from Augspurger (1986rt).

diaspores have slightly lower percent moisture diminishes dispersal capacity, unless accompanied
( T a b l e 1). by an increase in area (and hence mass) of append-
T b e morphological categories difl'er slightly in ages to maintain wing-loading area (.'Kugspurger &
percent moisture of botb seed and non-seed c o m - Franson, 1987). Among tbe tropical species in tbe
p o n e n t s (Table 2). T h i s result suggests tbat con- current study, a wide and 'continuous range in
struction materials in the various structures difier in cotyledon reserves and shade tolerance exists (.Augs-
tbeir abilities to be dehydrated before dispersal. purger, 1984). l^beir seed mass ranges widely over
Highest moisture content occurs in the tumbler, five orders of magnitude. This extremely wide range
Cavanillesia platanifolia (sec above) and the heli- of mass dispels the notion that wind-dispersed
copter category with species that exhibit enlarged species necessarily are small-seeded, shade-intol-
calyces as dispersal appendages and bave fused erant species. Probably tbe most extreme mass for
ovarian and seed tissues. Such diverse morphological any wind-dispersed species is 17-8 g for the diaspore
categories as floaters, rolling autogyros, and auto- of Centrolt)biuni from lowland Amazonia (Augs-
gyros do not differ in their moisture content. purger, 1986fl); it is fi\-e times heavier than the
heaviest species in the current study. However, seed
mass is generally less for wind-dispersed than
D I S C U .S S I O N animal-dispersed species. In the same forest in
Seed mass vs. diaspttre tnass Panama the seed mass of a small percentage of
The mass of diaspores of wind-dispersed species animal-dispersed species exceeds that of tbese wind-
accrues from both seed and non-seed components. dispersed species (Foster, 1982).
An increase in seed n-iass generally promotes seedling The diaspore mass may represent a compromise
survival (Perry, 1976; Howe & Richter, 1982), but between the importance of seed mass for seedling
362 C. K. Augspurger

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-i- O O
o "^
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c^ »-• OO r-i 00 -i- o ^ in c^ t-

fNinl-^ Occcio ^ - ^ O'+

o OO
.-^ OO ro



— ro


s — O
^ 4-1

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« <

-2 ?^

o "^
1o '+^

o to


a •5 0 a
a a
"o E o 6
a d ^6 tl i5 in •;•
Mass and moisture of diaspores 363

establishment, and appendages and other mass ology. Among morphological categories the relation
necessary for photosynthesis, dispersal, and seed between wing-loading and rate of deseent varies
protection. Mass from any source increases wing- significantly (Augspurger, 1986a). Categories with
loading at-id lowers diaspore dispersal capacity. only aerodynamic drag, such as floating diaspores
Among the species, the values for S/D range widely with fibres, fall faster, at a given wing-loading, that-|
frotn 14 to 94",,, indicating how different the speeies do those witb aerodynamic lift and drag, such as
are in their relative balanee of diaspore mass used for spinning autogyros, helicopters, and rolling auto-
seedling establishment versus dispersal and/or seed gyros.
protection, l^hese wide differences in S/D values do
not correspond with speeies' difFerenees in shade
tolerance of seedlings and indieate the complexity of Percent moisture
factors that determine diaspore mass. A third factor affecting mass is dehydration of
A primary faetor in accounting for the differences diaspore tissues before dispersal, l^he 34 species
in balanee between seed and non-seed components is have a mean of 10",, moisture in their wit-id-
whether the diaspore is a seed or a fruit. The n-iean dispersed diaspores. Because tbe species differ
S/D is 74 "o for seed diaspores compared to 43 ",, for significantly in tbeir diaspore moisture content, this
fruit diaspores. Both diaspore types have dispersal is another factor that explains, in part, why wind-
appet-idages; fruit diaspores have additional n-iass in dispersed species vary in tbeir wing-loading and
ovarian tissues surrounding the seed. Ovary tissues dispersal capacity.
surrounding seeds are a particularly large eon-iponent Non-seed components of wind-dispersed dia-
of diaspore mass in legume fruits; the mean S/D is spores are dehydrated, on average, to the same extent
only 33",, for legume fruits in contrast to 54",, for as seed components ; botb a\ erage 10-11 "„ moisture
non-legume fruits. For fruits of 24 herbaceous at tbe time of dispersal. In contrast, non-seed
species of Compositae, the S/D ranges from 39 to components of wind-dispersed diaspores are mark-
85 "o (Fenner, 1983); these values more closely edly drier than the flesby, moist rewards of animal-
overlap those for seed diaspores in the current study. dispersed diaspores that have moisture contents
Thus the distinction drawn in this study between from 42 to 99",, (Wheelwright et al., 1984; Johnson
fruit and seed diaspores in their mass allocation to et al., 1985; White & Stiles, 1985), This dehydration
seed and non-seed components depends in part on lowers considerably tbe total diaspore mass, par-
tbe family of the species. ticularly for those species with a large value for seed
Use of the fruit or the seed as tbe diaspore is mass as a per cent of diaspore mass (e.g. up to
usually a family trait and thus has a long evolutionary 86 "o ii-i Cavanillesia platanifolia).
history that is only partially related to dispersal per Fruit diaspores have a slightly higher percent
se. Pollination, abortion, and seed predation all moisture than seed diaspores, although tbis differ-
affect the evolution of packaging of seeds into ence is exaggerated by two outlier species, both
dispersal units (Casper & Wiens, 1981, Willson, legumes with a high percent moisture in their seeds.
1983). In this study all species with multi-seeded Overall, fruit diaspores have greater mass than seed
fruits are dehiscent and have seed diaspores; those diaspores because of their extra ovary tissues and/or
witb single-seeded fruits are indehiscent and have because of the use of tissues of higher density, rather
fruit diaspores, although some of the legume species than because of a higher moisture content. Wing-
produce a small proportioti of multi-seeded fruit loading values of species are significantly (negatively)
diaspores (Augspurger & Hogan, 1983 ; Augspurger, correlated witb the seed mass as a percent of diaspore
1986/)), mass and not witb percent moisture.
A secondary faetor explaining mass diflerences The moisture content of the seed component of
among these species is their n-iorpbology at-id, by these diaspores averages 10",,; this value is withiti
inference, the type and amount of construction the publisbed range of 5-18% for crop species
material used for non-seed compot-ients. ll-iick, (Harrington, 1972, 1973). The majority of species
woody wings add n-iore mass per unit area than range from 6 to 14",, moisture, although extreme
membranes or fibres. Only seed diaspores have the species range from 4—35 %. Only values for Myroxy-
thin membranes or fibres of lower det-isity; fruit ton balsamum (23 ",,) and Platypodium elegans (35 ",,)
diaspores often have thick, somewhat woody are above the level at which viability of temperate
wings. crop species rapidly declines (Harrington, 1973).
Son-ie morphological categories include both truit How seed moisture affects viability of tropical species
and seed diaspores and species fron-i a diversity of is generally unknown. Platypodium elegans germ-
families. Evolution can affect the mass of a given inates within 1-2 months after dispersal; any delay
construction material, but it is probably more in germination, by artiiicial storage, lowers its vi-
constrained by developmental pathways from switch- ability considerably (Augspurger, unpublished data).
ing to a new construction material ancl converting Comparable data of seed moisture for non-crop
from one morphology to a grossly different morph- species are unavailable. For domesticated species.
364 C. K. Augspurger

seed moisture depends particularly on tbe cbemical CASPER, B. B . & WIENS, D . (1981). Fi.\ed rates of random ovule
compt)sition of tbe seed; moisture is higher in seeds abortion in Cryptanta flava (Boraginaceae) and its possible
with bigb starcb t)r protein tban in t)ily seeds witb relation to seed dispersal. Ecology 62, 866 869.
CiiRis-rENsriN, C. M. & KAUEMANN, H . II. (1969). C/rain Storage,
hydropbobic lipids (Harrington, 1972). Wbetber a the Role of Fungi in Quality Loss. Universitv' ol' Minnesota
seed is in a flesby t)r dry fruit apparently dt)es nt)t Pres.s, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
affect dehydration; tomatt) seeds mature in an CHOAT, T . B . (1978). Flora of Barro Colorado Island. Stanford
University Press, Standford, California.
aqueous environment, but tbey undergo tbe same FENNI-R, M . (1983). Relationships hetw-een seed weight, ash
changes in seed moisture as seeds tbat mature in air content, and seedling growth in twenty-lour species of Com-
on otber species (McIIratb, Abrt)l & Heiligman, positae. Neio Phytologist 95, 697 706.
FosTliR, R. B. (1982). The seasonal rhythm of fruitfall on Barro
1963). C o l o r a d o Island. I n : The Ecology of a Tropical Forest ( E d . b y
Given tbe limited ct)mparative data base, it E.G.Leigh, S. A. Rand & D.M.Windsor), pp. 151-172.
Smithsonian Institution I'ress, Washington, D.C.
appears that seeds of wind-dispersed diaspores have CJARWOOI), N . C . (1985). The role of mueilage in the germination
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Mass and moisture of diaspores 365
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