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Neuro Angio.



Katlyn Kiger


Neuro Angiography Essay

From the time the patient hits the table to the start of the case there are many different

things to ensure are complete before access. First, you need to verify your patients name and date

of birth. This can be done many ways such as asking them and comparing to the chart and the

arm band that they have on. Once that is complete you need to verify their allergies and ensure

the consent is signed by them and the physician. You can simply ask if the doctor has gone over

what the procedure will consist of and if they have any additional questions. You will need to

hook the patient up to the various of vital sign monitoring modalities such as a blood pressure

cuff, continuous oxygen and capnography if said to do so. This will watch them continuously

throughout the case and will measure blood pressure, pulse, EKG, oxygen, and CO2 levels if


Once that is complete you will begin to prepare the access sites by feeling for a pulse,

describing how strong or weak it is felt then shaving the hair, and prepping the site(s) with a

sterile cleaning swab and relating to the person who is scrubbed in that the patient is prepped and

ready to be draped. The scrub person will then set up the sterile field on the patient and begin to

bring the equipment needed over for basic access and for the case to begin.
Once the doctor enters the room a timeout will be performed with everyone who is

participating in the case stating: the patients name and date of birth, the procedure being

performed, and allergies and the lab values that pertain to the case. Once that is complete the

doctor will give an order for possible conscious sedation and the procedure will begin. For access

the doctor will need lidocaine, ultrasound machine depending on doctor preference, the access

needle presented with the bevel up, an access wire, and a sheath. You will hand the doctor the

equipment in that said order as well for basic access.

Once access is achieved and the sheath is in place the wire leading the catheter selected

will go up from the femoral artery through the thoracic aorta, to the ascending aorta, to the

brachiocephalic artery and then the right common carotid artery, and into the brain where the

angiogram will take place. This is access assuming it is coming from the right femoral artery.

The wire will be removed, and the contrast will be shot through the catheter of choice into the

selected vessel of the brain.

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