Buil1208 I

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School of Engineering

Department of Built Environment

Coursework Assessment Brief
YEAR 2023/2024

Module Code BUIL-1208

Module Title Construction Technology

Title of Assessment CW1 Individual Assignment

Summative – this assignment is worth 50% of your

Summative (% of module) or Formative
module grade

Word limit 1,500 words

Dr Eng L. Ofetotse
Assessment set by (and contact)

Date of Issue 26th September 2023

Submission deadline (date and time) 19th January 2024, 23:30

All assignments must be submitted by the date and time specified above.
Students are required to submit an electronic copy of their completed assignment via
the Assignments section of Moodle and follow any specific instructions. Any change to
this instruction will be advised via Moodle.

Coursework is submitted on the understanding that it is your own work and that it has
not, in whole or in part, been presented elsewhere for assessment. Where material has
been used from other sources it must be properly acknowledged in accordance with the
University's Regulations regarding cheating and plagiarism.

Important links:


If you experience technical difficulties, please visit https://www.gre.ac.uk/it-and-library

for guidance or ask for assistance in the student IT labs on campus.
Coursework 1


This assignment is designed to test the following learning outcomes:

1. Upon completion of this assignment, you should be able to rationalise basic construction
elements and write a clear brief report illustrated with your own drawings combined into one
2. Demonstrate understanding of principles of domestic and simple commercial building
3. Demonstrate appreciation of the sequencing of works and processes required to construct
simple buildings.


Your client, a residential developer, has asked you to produce a technical document for one of their
two-storey residential buildings. The document will be used as a guide to construct their proposed
development which has London clay soil conditions.

Your Task
You are required to provide a written document providing a detailed hand-drawn annotated section
through a two-storey building. You are also required to provide some written explanations in
addition to illustrations and annotated hand drawings.
 Your written document must focus on the technical aspects of the section explaining how
the components work together. Based on the soil conditions provided above, you can make
assumptions about the type of foundation, wall construction and roof covering but must
explain your reasons for your selection and any advantages or disadvantages.

 Your hand-drawn cross section must include the foundation and ground floor, show the wall
construction and one upper floor, and the roof eaves detail at the top of the wall. The cross-
section drawing must also show a door opening at ground floor level and a window opening
in the upper floor level. Include critical dimensions.

Individual Assignment


 This coursework requires the production of a written client report submitted as a single
coherent document. The report should demonstrate professionalism and must include a
cover page.
 Word Limit: 1,500-word count, excluding figures, tables and appendices.
 You are expected to undertake appropriate further reading and research beyond what is
provided in the lectures in relation to the matters addressed in this coursework brief. A list
of References must be presented at the end of the report listing all sources cited in the main
 You MUST COMBINE your drawing and written document into ONE clear report. (NOTE you
can only upload one report; if you try to upload drawn and written parts separately, one will
delete the other).


Assessment of your submission will be based on the following weighted assessment criteria
as given below, which relate to the specified module learning outcomes.

Marking Criteria Marks

Technical Descriptions
 Explanations of foundations, floors, walls and roofs and how
they work together.
 Advantages and disadvantages of the selected elements
 Assumptions made and justifications for choices

Annotated Drawings
 Detailed drawings, clearly labelled and informative 40
 Drawings must be hand-drawn and well-detailed.

Communication, Research and Referencing

 Presentation and structure (typed numbered pages; neat; bound).
Accurate spelling and command of basic grammar.
 Evidence of editing and proofreading. Writing style appropriate for
academic writing. Evidence of reading around the subject; use of
books and professional literature; Beginning to develop an
understanding of the quality of literature.
 Demonstrates a developing understanding and accurate use of the
Harvard referencing style.

Total Marks

Coursework 1

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