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Assessment 1: Details and instructions

Assessment 1 A Critical Analysis of a Social Media Advertisemnt.

Due date 11.59 pm (AEST/AEDT), Sunday 31st March 2024 (Week 4)

Weighting 25%

Word count/length 1,000 words

(+/-10%) The introduction, reference list and appendices are not included in the wor

SILOs  SILO 1 Critically analyse various forms of marketing communications e

 SILO 2 Communicate marketing communications ideas in a professional

Feedback 'Written feedback will be available within three weeks of the due date' on LMS


The world of Integrated Marketing Communications has undergone a significant transformation

with the rise of social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram. This assignment aims to
critically analyze a current advertisement on social media, employing an informational model to
understand its underlying structure and objectives. A persona of a typical customer will be
created. Subsequently, appropriate evaluation methods will be chosen to assess the ad's
effectiveness, and a new advt. will be proposed to demonstrate an improved approach to meeting
the objectives.

Task details

You are to conduct an analysis of a real-life social media advertisement. Use IMC theory to
critically evaluate a social media advertisement from the clothing industry and make
recommendations. Any type of clothing is acceptable.

In your report , you are required to cover the following:

· Choose a compelling clothing advt. (A single image) on Social Media (Facebook or

Instagram). The ad should provide sufficient content for analysis.

· Provide a 1 page visual of this advt. in the appendices. Include URL.

· Select an informational model (CPM or HEM)to analyse your advt. Justify your choice of
model for this advt.

· Identify the primary objectives of the ad? Is it aimed at promoting brand awareness,
driving sales, changing attitudes or creating engagement etc. ?

· Create a persona of a typical customer who would be targeted by the chosen advt.
Include demographic information, interests, and preferences etc. Present this information in a
table format for clarity, using bullet points where necessary.

· Select appropriate social media evaluation methods to the analyse the effectiveness of
the advt. against the identified objectives. Use your judgement in the analysis.

· Create a new advt. that addresses the identified shortcomings or areas for improvement in
the selected advt. and explain how this better meets the original objectives. Explain how the new
ad aligns with the primary objective and incorporates elements that resonate with the target
persona. Include a one-page visual of the new ad in the appendices.

· Provide a 1 page visual of the new advt. in the appendices.


1. Introduction* (≈100 words)

2. Choice of informational model (≈200 words)

3. Social media objectives of the original advt. (≈100)

4. Persona (bullet points in a table) ≈(100 words)

5. Evaluation of original advt. (≈350 words)

6. New advt. and explanation (≈250 words)

7. References*

8. Appendices*
a. A 1 page visual image of the original advt. (use print screen) and URL.

b. A 1 page visual image of the new advt.

c. Other information

*Note the introduction, references and appendices are not included in the word count.

Further information

Warning: The use of generative AI in this assignment is forbidden.

You must keep a copy of your assignment.

Appendices: Attach a visual of the original advt. and include the URL. Include the visual of the
new advt. on a separate page, ensuring it is clear, visually appealing, and directly addresses the
objectives outlined in the assignment. Other relevant appendices may be included.

References: use APA 7. See Academic Referencing Tool - Expert help guides at La Trobe
University ( Include a list of
references citing relevant academic literature, articles, and any other sources used in the

Students should reference at least two academic references in the report, and at least three other
references. Academic references an be accessed through Google Scholar with the LTU library
selected for access. Other references can be sourced from company websites or annual reports.
La Trobe University Library Databases: IBIS World, Marketline Advantage, WARC (World
Advertising Research Centre), Emerald Insight and many more.

Resources and readings relevant to the assessment

Refert to the weekly materials on the LMS.

Assessment criteria

See Rubric on LMS

Submission details

Submit a Word or PDF file (only) to the LMS submission link.

Use an easily readable font in 12 pt with 2cm margins.

All pages must be numbered.

Include a coverpage with your:

 name
 student no.
 subject
 assignment title
 word count
 class day and time

Last modified: Thursday, 29 February 2024, 1:21 PM

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