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Application of Computers in Electrical

Machines Design

Transformer Design
Lecture 5

Dr. Mohamed Shalaby

Electrical Power Engineering
Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University
Estimation of No-load Current (I0)
• The no-load current (I0) 𝐼0 = 𝐼𝑐2 + 𝐼𝑚 2

• where, Ic is the core loss component of no-

load current and Im is the magnetizing
• No load losses Wi(B,f) is given in the
datasheet by manufacturer of the steel sheets
• If not given in the datasheet, we can assume
that the specific weight of iron is 7600 kg/m3

Estimation of No-load Current (I0)
• For a certain frequency, we can consider approximately that 𝑊𝑖 𝛼𝐵2

Estimation of No-load Current (I0)
1. Core loss component (Ic)
𝑰𝒓𝒐𝒏 𝑳𝒐𝒔𝒔 (𝑾𝒊 ) = 𝒔𝒑𝒆𝒄𝒊𝒇𝒊𝒄 𝒊𝒓𝒐𝒏 𝒍𝒐𝒔𝒔 𝑾/𝒌𝒈 × 𝒔𝒑𝒆𝒄𝒊𝒇𝒊𝒄 𝒘𝒆𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝒌𝒈/𝒎𝟑 × 𝒗𝒐𝒍𝒖𝒎𝒆(𝒎𝟑)
• Bm is the flux density in core of transformer.
• Flux density in yoke, By = Bm (Ai / Ay)
• Volume of iron in core (Vc)
= Number of core in transformer × Height of
window × Core section
= Number of core × hw × Ai
• Weight of iron in core = 7600 × Vc
• Let Pic is the specific iron loss per kg weight of iron
(watt/kg) in core corresponding to the flux density (Bm) in
the core and thickness of lamination of the core.
• Iron loss in transformer core, Wic = Pic × Vc × 7600 watt 4
Estimation of No-load Current (I0)
1. Core loss component (Ic)
• Volume of iron in yoke, Vy = Number of yoke × W × Ay
• Weight of iron in yoke = 7600 × Vy
• If Piy is the specific iron loss (watt/kg) in yoke corresponding to flux
density in yoke, By
• Iron loss in yoke, Wiy = Piy × 7600 × Vy
• Total iron loss, Wi = Wic + Wiy watt
= 7600 (Pic × Vc + Piy × Vy)
• Core-loss current Component 𝑾 𝒊
𝑰𝒄 =
𝟑 × 𝑽𝟏
Estimation of No-load Current (I0)
2. Magnetizing Component (Im)
• atc = Ampere-turn per meter length of core for producing flux
density, Bm in the core.
Ampere-turn or m.m.f. required for core, ATc
ATc = Number of core × hw × atc
• aty is the ampere-turn per meter length of yoke for producing flux
density, By in yoke.
Ampere-turn required for yoke is Aty
ATy = Number of yoke × W × aty
• Total m.m.f. required for core and yoke of transformer is
ATcy = ATc + ATy
• For joints in transformers, 5% additional ampere-turn for core and
yoke can be taken
Total m.m.f., ATt = 1.05 x ATcy
Estimation of No-load Current (I0)
2. Magnetizing Component (Im)
• Magnetizing component current is calculated based on maximum flux density,
Bm. So, RMS value of magnetizing current.

Determination of number of turns and length of
mean turns of windings
1. Inside diameter and outside diameter of L.V. winding

Number of turns and size of conductor are known. The arrangement of L.V. winding conductors and insulation
along the height and width of the transformer window can be done.

Determination of number of turns and length of
mean turns of windings
2. Inside diameter and outside diameter of H.V. winding
Nh = Nl * (Vh / Vl)
Tapping on H.V. winding are to be provided. The number of
turns will increase according to the percentage of tapping to
be provided on H.V. winding.

The thickness of major insulation of L.V. windings and H.V.

windings can be approximately selected from next tables.

For the transformers having voltage more than 33 kV, the

thickness of insulation can be suitably selected depending
upon the voltage of H.V. and L.V. windings.

Determination of number of turns and length of
mean turns of windings

Determination of number of turns and length of
mean turns of windings

Resistance of H.V. Winding and L.V. Winding

where, Nh is the number of H.V. winding turns, and ah is the cross-sectional area of H.V. winding conductor.
where, Nl is the number of H.V. winding turns, and al is the cross-sectional area of H.V. winding conductor.

Leakage reactance
The calculation of leakage reactance is the estimation of the distribution of leakage
flux and the resulting flux leakages of the L.V. and H.V. windings.
Generally, two types of windings are used. Normally concentric windings are used
for core type of transformers and sandwich windings are used for shell type
In the case of concentric winding of core type of transformer, the leakage flux is
mainly confined into the space between windings and runs parallel with the core for
nearly the full length of the coil. The leakage flux in case of sandwich winding of
shell type transformer is confined between the windings and is in parallel along the
width of the coils.

Leakage reactance

Leakage reactance
• The following assumptions are made to simplify the calculation of leakage flux and then the
leakage reactance of the core type transformer. (consider 3-phase core type)

Leakage reactance

Leakage reactance

Leakage reactance

Leakage reactance

Leakage reactance

Total leakage reactance of transformer

referred to L.V. winding side (per phase)

Estimation of losses
1. Copper or Ohmic Loss
Copper loss (at 75°C) at full load for a 3-phase transformer,
𝑾𝒄𝒖 = 𝟑𝑰𝟐𝒑𝒉 𝑹𝒑𝒉
where, Iph is the full load primary current and Rph is the total resistance referred to primary side of
Some additional amount should be considered to consider the stray load loss. About 15to 0.2 per cent
loss should be added in this to give total copper loss including stray load loss
Total copper loss, 𝑾𝒄𝒖 = 𝟏. 𝟏𝟓 𝒕𝒐 𝟏. 𝟐 × 𝟑𝑰𝟐𝒑𝒉 𝑹𝒑𝒉

Main Dimensions of Tank

Principles of Computer Aided Design (CAD)
• Design of machine is proceeded with output equation based upon the
specifications and other parameters of the machine. The different
variables and parameters are interrelated, and the variables and
performance of the machine have non-linear relationships. The design
also depends upon several other factors like mechanical stresses,
magnetic forces, temperature rise and cooling medium adopted for the
• Advantages of Computer Aided Design
o The computer has large memory so it can store maximum data, tables and
other information required in the design.
o Computer can do the calculations in short time.
o It takes very less time to take the logical decisions.
o Change in large number of parameters can be modelled, simultaneously
using loops in computer aided design.
o In manual calculations, there may be errors but there are less chance of error
in computer calculations.
o Optimization of design can be obtained by computers hence it reduces the
cost on fabrication.
Principles of Computer Aided Design (CAD)
Different Approaches for CAD
1. Analysis Method of Design
• In this method, the computer is used only for the purpose of analysis
only and all the decisions are taken manually by the designer.
• In analysis method, the choice of basic parameters and types of
construction are done by the designer. There are given as input to the
computer for estimation of different machine dimensions and
performance calculations. The performance calculated by computer is
examined by the designer according to the required specifications. If the
design is not satisfactory, the designer can make other suitable choice of
the parameters to recalculate the performance. This process can be
repeated till the performance is satisfactory.
• The programs for analysis method are simple, easy to understand and

Principles of Computer Aided Design (CAD)
Different Approaches for CAD
2. Synthesis Method of Design
• In synthesis method, the logical decisions are taken by the computers.
The logical decisions include the suitable change in parameters to
achieve desired design and performance. The logical decisions are
considered as a set of instructions in the program.
• In synthesis method, the analysis and decision both are done by the
computers, so the time required in this method is very less
• Relative disadvantages:
o Large number of logical decisions to be taken by computers.
o Large number of instructions make the program complicated and lengthy,
and hence large computers or resources.
o The programs need changes to incorporate the latest changes in materials
and techniques.

Principles of Computer Aided Design (CAD)
Different Approaches for CAD
3. Hybrid Method of Design
• In this approach, both analysis and synthesis methods are used simultaneously to design a
• To make the design procedure easier, the logical decisions can be partly taken by the designers
and partly by the computers.

Flowchart of transformer design

Introduction to Finite Element (FE) Modeling
1. Defining the problem

2. Mathematical formulation

3. Meshing the volume

4. Solving the equations

5. Interpreting the results

Introduction to FE Modeling
• What we are solving?
• The problem domain is divided into small triangles called elements → shape functions are
generated based on these
• Boundary conditions are applied
• Computer solves the problem and draws nice pics.
• Profit!
FE Problems

3D FE Problem 2D FE Problem 2D Axis Symmetric 1D Problem and 1D

Axis Symmetric

Application like
Long strip where
the flux density is
FE Solution For Toroidal Coil
Magnetic Flux Density Distribution

3D FE Solution 2D FE Solution Analytical Solution


Solution Time = 1min and 30s Solution Time = 4s Solution Time = 0s

Inductance = 2.87mH Inductance = 2.8mH
FE Modeling
What does it solve?
• Five field variables (E, D, H, B, J) are needed to present a complete
electromagnetic field.
 D = 
B = 0 D = E
B J =E
E = −
t B = H
 H = J + Material equations
Maxwell’s equations

+ Boundary conditions are needed

FE Method - Still? How it works
• Find the magnetic vector potential
that satisfies all equations. Values of A

 A = B
• Put all equations function of the
magnetic vector potential. Flux lines

• In other words: A corresponds to the

integration of lines of flux lines
• Compare to the contours (”height
lines”) in a map
FE Method - Dimensions
• In 3D, we solve the magnetic vector potential for all dimensions.
• In 2D, we assume the magnetic vector potential exists in the z-
direction. y

FE Method - Boundary conditions
Some info about the solution on the outer boundary (eg. values,
derivatives, some combination, etc. )

Have to know what happens

here at boundry

Maxwell’s equations satisfied

in here
FE Method
Material Definition
• Relative permeability and electric conductivity are needed for each
• If non linear characteristics are considered, iterative solution is
mandatory. (Newton Raphson is considered)
• Meshing Procedure
• Discretize the area to small triangles in 2D and tetrahedral in 3D.
• Other steps
• Coils are needed to define the current paths.
• Circuit elements – if any
• Define motion – if any


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