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GK Questions and Answers on Types of Viruses


February 25, 2020

1. Which of the following diseases are caused due to a virus?

A. Ebola
D. All the above
Ans. D
Explanation: Viral diseases are diseases that are caused due to virus namely AIDS, Ebola,
Influenza, SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome), Chikungunya, Small Pox, etc.

2. Name the virus that is transmitted through the biting of infected animals, birds, and
insects to a human?
A. Rabies Virus
B. Ebola Virus
C. Flavivirus
D. All the above
Ans. D
Explanation: Transmission of the virus through the biting of infected animals, birds, and insects to
humans is known as Zoonoses. Examples: Rabies virus. Alphavirus, Flavivirus, Ebola virus, etc.

3. Based on host range, viruses are classified into:

A. Bacteriophage
B. Insect virus
C. Stem Virus
D. Both A and B
Ans. D
Explanation: There are four different types of viruses based on the type of host namely Animal
viruses, Plant viruses, Bacteriophage and Insect virus.

4. In the host cell, replication of RNA virus took place in...

A. Nucleus
B. Cytoplasm
C. Mitochondria
D. Centriole
Ans. B
Explanation: An example of the replication of the virus within the cytoplasm in the host cell is all
RNA virus except the influenza virus.

5. Which of the following statement is correct about viruses?

A. Viruses do not contain a ribosome.
B. Viruses can make protein.
C. Viruses can be categorised by their shapes.
D. Both A and C are correct
Ans. D

Explanation: Viruses do not contain ribosomes, so they cannot make proteins. That is why they are
dependent on their host. Viruses have different shapes, sizes and can be categorised by their

6. Name the virus that covers himself with a modified section of the cell membrane and
create a protective lipid envelope?
A. Influenza virus
C. Neither A nor B
D. Both A and B
Ans. D
Explanation: Some viruses cover themselves with a modified section of the cell membrane by
creating a protective lipid envelope example the influenza virus and HIV.

7. A virus can spread through:

A. Contaminated food or water
B. Touch
C. Coughing
D. All the above
Ans. D
Explanation: Viruses can spread through touch, exchanges of saliva, coughing or sneezing,
contaminated food or water and also through insects that carry them from one person to another.

8. After which period virus replicates in the body and starts to affect the host?
A. Incubation period
B. Uncoating
C. Penetration
D. None of the above
Ans. A
Explanation: Virus replicates in the body and starts to affect the host after a period known as the
incubation period and symptoms may start to show.

9. Double-stranded DNA is found in which viruses?

A. Poxviruses
B. Poliomyelitis
C. Influenza viruses
D. None of the above
Ans. A
Explanation: Double-stranded DNA is found in poxviruses, the bacteriophages T2, T4, T6, T3, T7,
Lamda, herpes viruses, adenoviruses, etc.

10. A virus is made up of a DNA or RNA genome inside a protein shell known as:
A. Capsid
B. Host
C. Envelope
D. Zombies
Ans. A
Explanation: A virus that is made up of a DNA or RNA genome inside a protein shell is known as a
capsid. Some viruses have an external membrane envelope.


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