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Subject and Predicate For Class 8
A sentence consists of more than two words that make a meaning full of sense.

Every sentence has two parts:-

1. Subject
2. Predicate

1. Subject
A subject in a sentence is the noun or pronoun that is what or whom the
sentence tells us something.


1. The cat is sleeping under the bed.

(The cat is the subject here)
2. The baby is watching TV.
(The baby is the subject here)
3. The sun rises from the East.
(The sun is the subject here )
4. Vaibhav reads the book.
(Vaibhav is the subject here)
5. Mira is going to school.
(Mira is the subject here)

As you see in the above sentences the cat, the baby, the sun, Vaibhav, and Mira
are subjects, who are performing the action in the sentences or the action is
being talked about for them in the sentences.

a. Simple Subject

The subjects that may occur as one word or as a phrase.

1. Ramesh and I were unwell.
2. The captain of the team was unhappy.
3. Many countries are struggling to fight poverty.
4. Playing outdoor games is good for children.
5. Playing cards is his favourite hobby.

b. Compound Subject

When has two or more subjects, we say that verb has a compound subject. A
sentence contains more than two subjects. These subjects are usually joined by
conjunctions: and, or, both...and, either...or, neither...nor, as well as, along with,
or not only...but also.


1. My mother and my sister are going for shopping.

2. Either Payal or Bhavna will win the race.
3. Nikita, as well as Rashmi, are taking part in a yoga competition.
4. A motorcycle along with a car was towed away by a crane.
5. Neither Rakhi nor Rahul will attend the party.

2. Predicate
A Predicate in a sentence tells about the subject and what action is being
performed by the subject.


1. The girls are watching TV.

('Are watching TV' is the predicate as an action being performed by the
2. My brother lives out of town.
('Lives out of the town' is predicate here as the action is being performed
by the brother.)
3. Naina is dancing.
('Is dancing' is the predicate here )
4. The dogs are barking.
('Are barking' is a predicate here)
5. We are going outside.
('Are going outside' is the predicate here)

a. Simple Predicate

The predicate in a sentence may have one word or more than one word.


1. Birds fly.
2. The puppy ran.
3. Geeta went.
4. Bhavna won.
5. Lisa Getout.

b. Compound Predicate

When two or more verbs are phrases that share the same subject joined by
conjunctions is called a compound predicate.

Sometimes a sentence consists of two or more predicates joined usually by the

conjunctions: and, or, both...and, either...or, neither...nor, as well as, along with
or not only...but also.


1. Varun lives in Chennai and speaks Tamil.

2. Reeta came, saw, and conquered.
3. The dolphins swam and splash near the boat.
4. Naina is not only intelligent but also brilliant.
5. Pihu is a dancer and a good actor.

How to Identify the Subject

1. The subject follows the verbs in a sentence. In sentences that begin with
here and there, the subject usually appears at the end.

1. There are fruits of baskets.

2. Here is a shop.
3. There is a big giant elephant.

2. Sometimes we use there as a subject in structures like there is and there are.


1. There is a man standing outside the house.

2. There are many beautiful flowers.

3. In interrogative sentences the subject follows the auxiliary verb.


1. Do they go to the market?

2. Has he met before?
3. Did the dog bark?

4. In imperative sentences the subject is you, but it is not usually not written or


1. (You) Take this book.

2. (You) Look at that bird.
3. You) Study hard.

5. In exclamatory sentences the subject comes before the verb.


1. How beautiful she is!

2. How amazing the Taj Mahal is!

6. To find the subject change the exclamatory sentence into a declarative


1. She looks very beautiful.

2. The Taj Mahal is amazing.

Subject and Predicate Worksheet For Class 8

Identify the subject and predicate in each sentence.

1. She is singing a song.

2. Mehak cleans the floor.
3. The peon closes the door.
4. The soldiers had defeated the enemy.
5. Navya wrote a letter.
6. The Prince loves hunting.
7. Either Neha or Susan will buy a new phone.
8. There is a man behind the tree.
9. I shall give you sweets.
10. They should study hard.
11. He ate a banana.
12. Hunny returned from America on Friday.
13. She saved herself from falling down.
14. The hill is two thousand feet high.
15. The train is twenty minutes late.
16. I go to school by van.
17. You walk very slowly.
18. There are many people in the shop.
19. She teaches well.
20. Here Reema washed the clothes.


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Sentences for Class 8
In the English language, sentences make good use of language and make a
speech or writing sound well-structured manual through thoughts and ideas. It
also helps to express our emotions and experience. A sentence is a group of
words, phrases, or clauses that joins together and makes complete sense.

A sentence always starts with the capital letter and ends with a full stop,
question mark, or exclamation mark.

There are four kinds of sentences:-

1. Assertive Sentences
2. Imperative Sentences
3. Interrogative sentences
4. Exclamatory sentences
5. Optative sentences

1. Assertive Sentences
An Assertive sentence state a fact, history, views, events, feelings, and beliefs
in a simple statement. It declares something that ends with a full stop.

It is also known as a declarative sentence.


1. She enjoys drawing in her spare time.

2. It had started raining heavily.
3. The girls had won a dance competition.
4. In the direction of the East, the sun rises.
5. He always goes to school on time.
6. There are so many books on the shelf.
7. He is going to have dinner outside.
8. The cat chases the mouse.
9. Mahira and Sakshi went for shopping.
10.Rubina had won the drama competition.

There are two types of assertive sentences:-

1. Affirmative Assertive Sentences

2. Negative Assertive Sentences

a. Affirmative Assertive Sentences

An affirmative is a positive sentence that expresses or declaration of positive

thoughts, ideas, actions, and opinions.


1. She loves her pet dog.

2. They won the match.
3. She passed her exam.
4. She looks beautiful in a saree.
5. The dress is so pretty.
6. They are going on a long trip.
7. The mother bought some sweets for his son.
8. The children are playing outside.
9. Gaurav likes to eat chocolates.
10.His brother purchased a new phone.

b. Negative Assertive Sentences

A negative sentence indicates an action that is not happening or no longer

exists and expresses negative thoughts, opinions, and Ideas.


1. He failed his exam.

2. She does not like to play tennis.
3. She is not feeling well during the lecture.
4. He will not go to school today.
5. Reema has not cooked the food.
6. She will not be coming tomorrow.
7. They will not be watching TV.
8. He did not invite him to the party.
9. He is not able to solve my query.
10.Alex will not be working on the project.

2. Imperative Sentences
An imperative sentences sentence that expresses indicates a command,
request, invitation, warning, instruction, or a piece of advice implied to the
second person.


1. Stop there!
2. Call him.
3. Stop making the noise.
4. Close the door.
5. Pick up the papers.
6. Please be quiet.
7. Let's go out.
8. Kindly accept my apology letter.
9. Do not pluck flowers.
10.Let's play the game.

There are two types of imperative sentences:-

1. Positive imperative sentences

2. Negative imperative sentences

The command given in an imperative sentence can be positive or negative

which can be "do" command or "do not" command.
a. Positive Imperative Sentences

In positive imperative sentences "do" verbs addressed the subject.

1. Complete your homework.
2. Run fast.
3. Help him.
4. Shut the door.
5. Keep silence.
6. Put your plate in the kitchen.
7. Call me.
8. Study hard for good results.
9. Eat breakfast.
10.The food is tasty.

As as you can look out the examples of affirmative sentences in which the
subject is allowed to "do" that have been given.
b. Negative Imperative Sentences

In negative sentences, the subject is not allowed to do something. They usually

begin the verb with don't and are the negative form of a verb.


1. Don't forget your luggage.

2. Do not cross the road.
3. Don't drive so fast.
4. You don't complete your work.
5. They are not going anywhere.
6. Do not jump in the pool.
7. She is not going to the party.
8. He may not leave now.
9. You have not attended the Maths lecture.
10.You will not ignore him.

3. Interrogative Sentences
Interrogative sentences are generally used to ask questions direct or indirect
about something. It can be casual or specific.
In these sentences, we can ask people to perform task activity with the helping
verbs shall, can, may, etc.

The interrogative sentences often start with these words:-

1. How
2. When
3. Did
4. Who
5. Where
6. Why
7. Do/Did
8. What
9. Can


1. Can you attend the party?

2. Where are you going now?
3. What is the problem here?
4. Is that your room?
5. Would you like to have some tea?
6. Did John buy a car?
7. Have you met him today?
8. What are you wearing?
9. How much time left?
10.Do you complete your homework?

Types of Interrogative Sentences

Interrogative sentences have been classified into four types:-

1. Wh- interrogatives
2. Alternative interrogatives
3. Yes/no interrogatives
4. Tag questions
1. Wh- questions

The wh- interrogative questions start with who, when, why, Which, what,
where, whom, whose, and how.

(a) Question starts with "who"

Who refers to a person in a question.


1. Who was the judge?

2. Who teaches you?
3. Who is your best friend?
4. Who is your brother?
5. Who was there in the room?

(b) Questions starting with "where"

It is used to get information about the location or the position of an object.


1. Where are you going?

2. Where do you live?
3. Where is he?
4. Where does he come from?
5. Where should he deliver the packet?

(c) Question begin with "when"

It is used to indicate the occasion and time


1. When she will reach the stadium?

2. When You will meet him?
3. When will he arrives?
4. When did the mother will come?
5. When you will complete your homework?

(d) Questions starts with "why"

It is used to provide a recommendation.


1. Why are you going there?

2. Why would he start that?
3. Why he was crying?
4. Why you get up late?
5. Why should I help you?

(e) Questions starting with "What"


1. What is the time?

2. What happened to him?
3. What is he doing?
4. What is wrong with you?
5. What do you like the most?

(f) Question start with "whose"

It refers to the possession with who.


1. Whose book is this?

2. Whose mobile is lost?
3. Whose purse are you carrying?
4. Whose car is this?
5. Whose money is stolen?

(g) Questions starting with "which"
Which refers to objects.

1. Which is your favourite place?

2. Which is your favourite hobby?
3. Which colour you like the most?
4. Which is your favourite cartoon?
5. Which game will you play outside?

(h) Question begun with "how"

It is used to ask direct and indirect questions expressing the degree level.

1. How many students are present?

2. How much money you lost?
3. How was your day?
4. How are you feeling now?
5. How will you carry it?
2. Alternative Interrogatives

The alternative interrogative as you to provide the listener a choice of selecting

from two or more responses.

It's a Multiple choice questions.


1. Do you like to have tea or coffee?

2. Do you want to go Mussoorie or Patna?
3. Will you come now or tomorrow?
4. Do you want to come with us or not?
5. Will you drive a car or not?
6. Is it black or grey?
7. Do you email me or not?
8. Is it sunny or cloudy!
9. Would you like to have cookies or juice?
10.Could you stay or go home?
2. Yes/no Interrogatives
These are the interrogatives that can be answer with yes or no response.


1. Did you complete your homework?

2. Are you ready for school?
3. Do you want to come with us?
4. Do Harshita cooked food?
5. Does she like chocolates?
6. Do you study Spanish?
7. Have you eat breakfast?
8. Do you have a new car?
9. Would you like to go fair?
10.Have she met him?
3. Tag Question

Tag questions are questions that are formed by adding an interrogative tag at
the end. It is used to ask the confirmation in a sentence.


1. Miss Sharma is a class teacher, isn't she?

2. You are a good student, aren't you?
3. You can drive a car, can't you?
4. He works hard, doesn't he?
5. She cannot come, can she?
6. Her father is a businessman, isn't he?
7. She likes to play badminton, doesn't she?
8. Mahak did not go to school yesterday, did she?
9. Nobody knows the answer, do they?
10.Let's go to the party, shall we?

4. Exclamatory Sentences
And exclamatory sentences express or indicate a statements that have a strong
and emotions and feelings. Exclamatory sentences usually and with
exclamatory marks.


1. What a pleasant surprise!

2. Wow! What a design.
3. How beautiful is this?
4. What a pleasant weather?
5. This is fabulous!
6. Oh that was amazing!
7. You done a good job!
8. This is perfect!
9. How great is this!
10.How strange is this!

5. Optative Sentences
The operative sentence expresses a wish, desire, or prayer for someone known
and unknown in a sentence. It indicates expressing a choice preference or
wishes. Generally, these sentences start with the verbs may, wish, let, or have.
It begins with a capital letter and ends with an exclamation or full stop mark.


1. Happy journey!
2. God bless you!
3. Stay happy!
4. Happy birthday!
5. All the best!
6. Good luck!
7. Best wishes!
8. Have a great day!
9. May your wishes come true!
10.Stay blessed!
Sentences Worksheet for Class 8
Identify the types of sentences.

1. The boys are watching a movie.

2. Please help him.
3. Shall I come in?
4. What a wonderful day!
5. May god bless you!
6. Hurrah! he won the match.
7. Do you like chocolate or ice cream?
8. May you live long!
9. Do not wait here.
10.The mirrors are so shiny.
11.That was a great match!
12.What is he doing here?
13.Sit down quietly.
14.Always stay blessed!
15.The dogs are barking outside my house.
16.Congratulations on your success!
17.Do not open the box.
18.It was a great day!
19.He bought a bouquet of flowers for her.
20.What are you doing in the evening?


1. Assertive sentences
2. Imperative sentences
3. Interrogative sentences
4. Exclamatory sentences
5. Optative sentences
6. Exclamatory sentences
7. Interrogative sentences
8. Optative sentences
9. Imperative sentences
10.Assertive sentences
11.Exclamatory sentences
12.Interrogative sentences
13.Imperative sentences
14.Optative sentences
15.Assertive sentences
16.Optative sentences
17.Imperative sentences
18.Exclamatory sentences
19.Assertive sentences
20.Interrogative sentences
Nouns for Class 8

Noun Definition for class 8: A noun is a set of words or a word used to name a person, a
place, an idea, or a thing.

or noun can be determined as a word by which, a person, animal, place, thing, quality, etc.

Person - Peter, Riya, Ram.

Place - School, Home, City.
Animal - Lion, whale, Lizard.
Thing - Car, Phone, Books.
Ideas - Success, Pride, Bravery.

In English, we can say that all naming words are nouns.

5 Examples of Noun

1. My name is Bunny.
2. Riya likes to eat cake.
3. We saw tigers in the Jim Corbet.
4. Your books are on the table.
5. Children are participating in video game competitions.

In the above sentences, the bold words examples are the nouns.

Types/Kinds of Noun Exercise for Class 8

There are 4 Types of Noun for class 8:

1. Common nouns
2. Proper nouns
3. Collective nouns
4. Abstract nouns

1. Common Nouns

A common noun is a universal or a common name for a person, place, or thing in a class.
Common nouns do not belong to any particular person, place, object, and animal where they
don't have specific names. Example: Singer, app, tree, laptop, city, dog, author, language,
and so on.

Always write a common noun in the lowercase. It's not expressed with a capital alphabet
unless it either creates a sentence or appears in a heading.

Examples of a common noun:

1. I saw a few men going towards the hospital.

2. We are going to the city park.
3. In which school did your brother study?
4. I read a new novel.
5. My sister got admission to college.

In the previous sentences, the bold words are the common nouns.

Common Noun Worksheet/Exercise for class 8

Underline the common lines in the Presented Sentences:

1. Divya is a girl.
2. My brother is a doctor.
3. Many people recognize this theory.
4. I will give you all information about the company project.
5. I love rabbits but not more than you.
6. Apart from maths, she also teaches language at home.
7. I want my jacket because it's too cold outside.
8. She was only a talented woman here.
9. I use to live in this country 3 years ago.
10. Her father is a government officer in Delhi.


1. Girl
2. Brother
3. Theory
4. Project
5. Rabbits
6. Language
7. Jacket
8. Woman
9. Country
10. Father

2. Proper Nouns

A proper noun is a name given to recognizes a particular person, thing, or place. The proper
noun leads to a unique item. It is a noun that refers to a specific person or thing may also be
referred to as a proper name. This could be the name of any country, state, person, company,
a brand name like; Ferrari, Amazon, Tata etc.
When we use a correct noun within our written work, it's important to make sure the right use
of capital letters. One major thing to remember when adopting a proper noun is that the initial
or first alphabet should always be a capital lets look at some samples of the proper noun:
Mishu, Delhi, Africa, because we talking about a particular noun.

Examples of the proper noun for class 8:

1. She always goes to the gym with Mary

2. We can me at Mcdonalds
3. Mr.Gautam is the head of the Finance Department in this company.
4. I have watched Infinity War last weekend with my family.
5. I get the train to Delhi.

In the above sentences, the bold highlight words are the proper nouns.

Proper Noun Exercise for class 8

One noun in each of the following sentences has been bold for you. Write "common
noun" or "proper noun" in the given area:

1. Vihaan played with his best friend in society park. ______

2. How many books you have to buy for her. ________
3. Sakshi's birthday is in June. ________
4. Lucy lives in the United States of America. _______
5. Daniel got a job in another company. _________
6. I saw Deadpool last weekend. _________
7. He was passed out from the Cambridge University last year. ______
8. Our new classmate is a good dancer. ______
9. I used to go temple every Monday. _______
10. My favorite dog is named Snoopy._______


1. Proper noun
2. Comm0n noun
3. Proper noun
4. Pronoun noun
5. Common noun
6. Proper noun
7. Proper noun
8. Common noun
9. Proper noun
10. Common noun

3. Collective nouns

A collective noun is used to indicate a collection of particular things, people, animals, or it

belongs to a group. Collective nouns always take singular verb forms. They are words use for
single things that are made up of more than one animal, place, person, thing, or idea. Words
like; bouquet, shoal, colony, crowd, etc. are collective nouns.

Examples of collective noun

1. A Flock of goats/sheep/birds.
2. A nest of mice
3. A Fleet of boats
4. A Pride of Peacocks/Lions.
5. A Range of mountains.

In the above sentences, the bold highlight words are the collective nouns.

Collective Noun Exercise

Match to complete the sentences:

A Dazzle of monkeys

A range of players

A deck of lions

A fleet of stairs

A troop of mountains

A Pride of students

A class of ships

A Team of cards

A Flight of zebras

A swarm of frog

An army of bees


1. A Dazzle of Zebras
2. A Range of mountains
3. A Deck of cards
4. A Fleet of sheep
5. A Troop of monkey
6. A Pride of lion
7. A Class of Students
8. A Team of Players

9. A Flight of Stairs
10. A Swarm of Bees
11. An Army of Frogs

4. Abstract nouns

An abstract noun is untouchable. An abstract noun represents something that might or might
not be tangible, but either way, cannot be touched or viewed like listening, touching,
observing, tasting, or smelling. The things that affect abstract nouns could also be touched
and seen, but the abstract noun itself cannot. Common Abstract nouns include; loyalty,
peace, love, hate, honesty, anger, etc.

Examples of abstract noun

1. Emmy will defeat them.

2. My grandfather lost faith in banks.
3. All the students laughed at my idea.
4. She is afraid to go on a trip with friends.
5. They launched a campaign about covid issues to increase public awareness.


Identify the abstract noun in a respective sentence:

1. The teacher gives punishment to all the seniors.

2. Mr.Steven was well noted for his kindness.
3. My father is chock-full of wisdom.
4. Her mother sacrifices everything.
5. My nature is to remain silent in front of elders.
6. Captain was awarded for his bravery.
7. For girls, happiness is to buy new clothes.
8. Jealousy made Peter angry.
9. Bunny had a fear.
10. Mansi is doing this all to get sympathy.


1. Punishment
2. Kindness
3. Wisdom
4. Sacrifices
5. Silent
6. Bravery
7. Happiness
8. Angry
9. Fear
10. Sympathy

Pronouns for Class 8

Definition: All the words that you simply have listed are pronouns. We usually introduce
people, places, and things by using their name (a noun) first. Pronouns are applied instead of
nouns to prevent a reoccurrence of the noun to which they refer. It can be singular or plural-
like nouns. Pronouns help you NOT to duplicate the same nouns again.

We, He, She, You, They, Myself, Etc.

The noun or group of nouns a pronoun is called the antecedent. A noun must agree to its
antecedent in number and gender.

For Example, Rikki gave me her profile link. (Rikki is the antecedent of her)

Examples of pronouns for class 8

5 examples of Pronoun for class 8

1. I called you yesterday.

2. Everybody was present in the online webinar.
3. They are good at playing football.
4. He is planning to surprise her on birthday.
5. I have lost my pens on the bus.

Types/Kinds Of Pronouns For Class 8

1. Personal Pronouns
2. Possessive Pronouns
3. Demonstrative Pronouns
4. Relative Pronouns
5. Reflexive or Emphatic Pronouns
6. Interrogative Pronouns
7. Indefinite Pronouns and distributive pronouns

1. Personal Pronoun for class 8

Definition: The personal pronoun is utilized for a particular object or person in the sentence
and they change their forms to show the various gender, number, and persons vocalizing.

Personal Pronouns can be separated into two groups:

1. Subjective Pronouns
2. Objective Pronouns

1. Subject Pronoun

They are used in the place of nouns used as a subject, a substitute of a proper noun, and a
common noun in a sentence. They belong to a person or thing in writing or communication.

The titles I, You, He, She, It, We, They are personal subjective pronouns.

A subject pronoun indicates:-

GENDER: Male or female

PERSON: first, second, or third
NUMBER: singular or plural

2. Objective Pronoun:

Object pronouns occur after either a verb or a preposition. Personal pronouns are at times
used as an objective too. Me, Us, It, Them, You, Her, And Him are such pronouns used as
an object of a sentence.


I Me
He Him
You You
She Her
It It
We Us
They Them

5 Examples of the personal pronoun

1. He will take my interview on Wednesday.

2. Rohan, will you please tell them to keep my books safe.
3. They asked me about the road accident case.
4. After graduation, we will go to South Africa.
5. You must ask him about the meeting.

2. Possessive Pronoun

Definition: A possessive pronoun is a part of speech that attributes ownership to something

or someone.

Words Mine, Yours, His, Her, Ours, Their, Its are possessive pronouns. they determine
who or what something relates to.

Like: This chocolate is mine, not yours. The terms mine and yours are possessive pronouns
and settle for "my chocolate" and "your chocolate"

Possessive pronouns are usually involved with possessive adjectives. It depends on how
they're utilized in the sentence.

Personal Pronouns I, We, You, He, She, They, We, It

Possessive Adjectives My, Yours, His, Her, It, Our, Your, Their

Possessive Pronouns Mine, Yours, His, Theirs, Her, Ours, Its, Yours

A possessive adjective modifies the noun following it so as to point out possession.

5 Examples Possessive Pronoun:

1. Her father is rigid than mine.

2. This black car is not ours.
3. The whole room is your form now.
4. Complete your paper first then talk about theirs
5. Vishal and his brother are believable.

3. Demonstrative Pronoun

Definition: A demonstrative points out an area, person, thing, or idea. It is practiced in

place of a noun. Demonstrative pronouns indicate which person or thing is being connected

This, That, These, Those

5 Examples of Demonstrative Pronoun:

1. Those red roses are for me.

2. This is your 3rd-year result.
3. That laptop is costly.
4. These all are my dresses
5. This class of students is so talented.

4. Relative Pronoun

Definition: A relative pronoun is utilized to connect a relative clause or sentence indicating

their relation most approaching to a noun or pronoun. The commonly used relative pronouns
are:- Which, Whose, Whom, Who, That

1. "Which" is used only for things.

2. "Whose" is used for both people and things.
3. "Whom" is used as an objective pronoun for people.

4. "Who" is used as a subject pronoun for people.
5. "That" is used for people and things.

5 Examples of Relative Pronoun

1. Do you remember the dog that is playing with grass?

2. This is the boy who broke my car window.
3. This is peter, whose sister went shopping with me.
4. In this competition which dish you going to make.
5. The lady is in the hospital whom you give the party invitation.

5. Reflexive or Emphatic Pronouns

Definition: These pronouns are used in which the complement of the verb is the same as the

Myself, Yourself, Herself, Himself, Itself, Ourself, Themselves words are used reflexive
pronouns also as emphatic pronouns.

5 Reflexive or Emphatic Pronouns Example:

1. I decide to make blueberry shake myself.

2. She cleans all the house dust herself.
3. They can prepare for the exam themselves.
4. The child eats lunch itself in the school.
5. Give a brief introduction about yourself.

6. Interrogative Pronouns

Definition: An interrogative pronoun maybe a pronoun utilized to ask an issue or questions.

What, Which, Who, Whom, Whose are interrogative pronouns. They simply have one
individual form. They don't differentiate between singular and plural. Interrogative pronouns
create answers to the questions that ask more than a 'yes' or 'no' answer.

Interrogative Pronouns Examples:

1. Who is likes to participate in college functions?

2. Which is the better resort to stay in the summer?
3. What do you like about this dress?
4. Whose father is in the army?
5. To whom you will share your lunch?

7. Indefinite and Distributive Pronouns

Definition: These are pronouns that do not refer to a specific person or thing.

Indefinite pronouns are words like: One, None, Nothing, Nobody, All, Few, Some, Many,
Anybody, and Everybody.

They are used in a general way.

Distributive pronouns also do not specify the person or things, but they are always singular
referring to things one at a time.

Each, Either, Neither words are distributive pronoun.

5 Indefinite and Distributive Pronouns Examples:

1. I'm hungry but I have nothing to eat for dinner.

2. Someone called you in the morning.
3. I have learned everything for the exam.
4. We may take either of these two dresses.
5. Each of these children deserved a prize.

Pronoun Exercise for class 8

Choose the correct pronoun for each sentence:

1. Did she know ____ ? (we/us)

2. Yesterday, my mom and ___ went for coffee. (I/me)
3. Her nursery settled just opposite to ___ . (me/ mine)
4. ___ was nice to meet you after a long time. (this/it)
5. I made maths project ____ . (yourselves/myself)
6. A woman has two kids ____ all go for a morning walk. (it/they))
7. In the class, the teacher thought it was ____ . (he/him)
8. Afrin and I will wait for ____ (no people/none )
9. Seema told me about the syllabus _____ I wrote down on the front page. (when/which)
10. _____ Ammy nor I knew about this accident. (neither/each)


1. Us
2. I
3. Mine
4. It
5. Myself
6. They
7. Him
8. None
9. Which
10. Neither


Singular and Plural For class 8

Here you have Singular and Plural for class 8. Learn How to change
Singular nouns into plural form in an easy way, You will definitely
catch the main points and never make any mistakes while changing
Singular nouns into plural form.

Let’s Understand Carefully and after this you will get Exercises and
Worksheets for practice, answers are also given but try to do

If you want to Download the Pdf of Singular and Plural for class 8,
you can click the link given at the end of this post.

Countable Nouns Definition

The names of things, objects, animals, birds and people which can
be counted are called countable nouns. For Example Cats, Dogs,
Animals, Boys, Cups, Tables, Chairs, Plants, etc. Generally we add
a, an, many, few, a few before countable nouns.

● Countable nouns can be Singular or Plural.

Uncountable Noun Definition

The nouns which can not be counted are called uncountable nouns.
for example, Oil, Smoke, Rice, Sugar, Fear, Beauty, Anger, Art, love,
music, gas, power, furniture, luggage, butter, water etc.

● Uncountable nouns only have singular forms and they do

not have any plurals.
● Uncountable Nouns can be paired with words expressing
plural concepts like two cups of tea, two pairs of shoes, a
spoonful of sugar.
● They are used to tell the quantity and not the number.

Countable Nouns/Common nouns have Two


1. Singular Number
2. Plural Number

1. Singular Number
Singular number is the form of nouns that denote one person, place,
thing, animal, birds.

For Example:

Chair here denotes a single chair. (only one thing)

2. Plural Number

Plural Number is the form of nouns that refers to more than one
person, place or thing.

For Example:

Chairs here denote more than one chair. (more than one chair)

Regular Plurals and Irregular Plurals

In order to change singular nouns into plural form, we usually add

‘s’. The words which take ‘s’ in plural form are called regular
For Examples:

● Book- Books
● Chair- Chairs
● Table- Tables
● Rat- Rats
● Rabbit- Rabbits
● Girl- Girls
● Look- Looks
● Ball- Balls

There are many nouns which don’t follow the simple rule. They are
called irregular plurals.

For Examples:

1. Radius – Radii
2. Amoeba- Amoebae
3. Child – Children
4. Stomach – Stomachs
5. Person – People
6. Analysis- Analyses
7. Locus – Loci
8. Deer- Deer
9. Criterion- Criteria
10. Aircraft – Aircraft

Singular Nouns into Plural Form- Rules

Rule 1. Most nouns change into Plural form by adding the

letter ‘s’.

For Examples: telephone – telephones

Singular Plural Singular Plural

balloon Balloons sister sisters

friend Friends bat bats

gift Gifts rat rats

book books hut huts

tree trees bird birds

girl girls bee bees

table tables ship ships

chair chairs animal animals

pen pens ball balls

Snake Snakes boat boats

Rule 2. Noun that end in –ch, x, s and ss require an ‘es’ to

make their plurals.

For Examples:

● Branch – Branches
● Tax – Taxes
● Virus – Viruses
● Glass- Glasses
Singular Plural Singular Plural

witch witches dress dresses

bus buses bench benches

kiss kisses dish dishes

box boxes fish fishes

boss bosses match matches

class classes peach peaches

glass glasses clutch clutches

bush bushes thrush thrushes

church churches wish wishes

fox foxes watch watches

tax taxes coach coaches

address addresses cross crosses

batch batches virus viruses

beach beaches buzz buzzes

branch branches catch catches

brush brushes complex complexes

flash flashes dress dresses

gas gases eyelash eyelashes

blitz blitzes inch inches

itch itch lens lenses

lunch lunches plus pluses

fetch fetches prefix prefixes

minus minuses prospectus prospectuses

patch patches quiz quizzes

six sixes slash slashes

speech speeches Suffix Suffixes

marsh marshes truss trusses

Rule 3. Nouns that end in a ‘vowel + Y’ take the letter ‘s’.

For Examples: Kidney – Kidneys (a,e,i,o,u are the vowels)

Singular Plural Singular Plural

day days trolley trolleys

key keys kidney kidneys

play plays bay bays

ray rays essay essays

boy boys tray trays

toy toys birthday birthdays

monkey monkeys turkey turkeys

donkey donkeys alley alleys

valley valleys ploy ploys

chimney chimneys guy guys

joy joys decoy decoys

alloy alloys journey journeys

jersey jerseys delay delays

Rule 4. Nouns that end in a ‘consonant + y’ drop ‘y’ and take


For Examples: Country– Countries

Singular Plural Singular Plural

Baby babies fairy fairies

party parties country countries

family families army armies

duty duties beauty beauties

army armies berry berries

curry curries story stories

cherry cherries city cities

sky skies library libraries

theory theories lady ladies

territory territories enemy enemies

cry cries discovery discoveries

Rule 5. Some Noun that end in ‘o’ take ‘es’.

For Examples: Mosquito – Mosquitoes

Singular Plural

hero heroes
potato potatoes

mango mangoes

buffalo buffaloes

tomato tomatoes

mosquito mosquitoes

torpedo torpedoes

volcano volcanoes

veto vetoes

negro negroes

echo echoes

domino dominoes

embargo embargoes

zero zeroes

Rule 6. Some nouns ending in ‘o’ breaks the above rule and
take only ‘s’.

For Examples: Ratio– Ratios

Singular Plural

photo photos

radio radios

piano pianos

studio studios

zoo zoos

boo boos

kangaroo kangaroos

kilo kilos

tattoo tattoos

shampoo shampoos

scenario scenarios

Commando Commandos

stereo stereos

ratio ratios
Rule 7. Some nouns ending in ‘o’ may take both ‘s’ or ‘es’.

For Examples: Zero – Zeros/Zeroes

Singular Plural

buffalo buffalos/buffaloes

cargo cargos/cargoes

volcano volcanos/volcanoes

zero zeros/zeroes

tornado tornados/tornadoes

banjo banjos/banjoes

Tuxedo Tuxedos/Tuxedoes

halo halos/haloes

flamingo flamingos/flamingoes

mango mangos/mangoes

fresco frescos/frescoes

motto mottos/mottoes
Rule 8. Noun that end in ‘f’ or ‘fe’ usually change the f sound
to v and add ‘s ‘ or es’.

For Examples: Loaf – Loaves

Singular Plural

life lives

leaf leaves

knife knives

wife wives

hoof hooves

housewife housewives

half halves

thief thieves

shelf shelves

loaf loves

self selves

Rule 9. Some nouns are exceptions. They end in ‘f’ or ‘fe’ but
they do not change the f sound to v. They take ‘s’.
For Examples: Chief – Chiefs

Singular Plural

giraffe giraffes

cafe cafes

cliff cliffs

roof roofs

belief beliefs

safe safes

gulf gulfs

chef chefs

bluff bluffs

handkerchief handkerchiefs

chief chiefs

reef reefs

Proof Poofs
Rule 10. There are several nouns that do not follow any rules
and have irregular plural form.

For Examples: Genus- Genera

Singular Plural Singular Plural

fish fish Index indices

deer deer focus foci

sheep sheep radius radii

barracks barracks Genus Genera

mouse mice swine swine

man men larva larvae

child children aircraft aircraft

foot feet oasis oases

goose geese alumni alumnae

person people series series

woman women analysis analyses

ox oxen datum data

Rule 11. Some foreign nouns ending in a add ‘e’ to make
their plurals. But some of them adopt the ‘s’ of the English

For Examples: Amoeba– Amoebae

Singular Foreign Plural English Plural

alga algae -

amoeba amoebae amoebas

antenna antennae antennas

Formula Formulae Formulas

larva larvae -

Alumna alumnae -

nebula nebulae nebulas

Rule 12. Nouns ending in us take ‘a’, ‘i’ or the ‘es’ of the
English plural.

For Examples: Cactus – Cacti

Singular Foreign Plural English Plural

Syllabus Syllabi Syllabuses

Radius Radii radiuses

octopus Octopi octopuses

Corpus Corpora -

Cactus Cacti Cactuses

Fungus Fungi Funguses

focus foci focuses

Stimulus stimuli -

hippopotamus hippopotami hippopotamuses

bacillus bacilli -

alumnus alumni -

nucleus nuclei -

locus loci -

Rule 13. Nouns ending in um take ‘a’, ‘i’ or the ‘s’ of the
English plural.

For Examples: Bacterium – Bacteria

Singular Foreign Plural English Plural

Bacterium Bacteria -
Curriculum curricula curriculums

millennium millennia millenniums

medium media mediums

agendum agenda -

stratum strata -

forum fora forums

Memorandum memoranda memorandums

erratum errata -

datum data -

symposium symposia symposiums

addendum addenda -

pendulum pendula pendulums

ovum ova -

Spectrum spectra -

phylum phyla -
gymnasium gymnasia -

quantum quanta -

desideratum desiderata -

Serum sera -

rostrum rostra -

crematorium crematoria -

Rule 14. Nouns ending in ex or ix take ‘ices’ or the ‘es’ of the

English plural.

For Examples: Index – Indices

Singular Foreign Plural English Plural

apex apices apexes

index indices indexes

appendix appendices appendixes

matrix matrices matrixes

fourplex - fourplexes

vertex vertices -
complex - complexes

circumflex - circumflexes

Rule 15. Nouns ending in is change it into ‘es’

For Examples: Analysis – Analyses

Singular Plural

Analysis Analyses

Emphasis Emphases

Thesis Theses

Axis Axes

Oasis Oases

Diagnosis Diagnoses

crisis crises

synthesis syntheses

basis bases

hypothesis hypotheses

Rule 16. Nouns ending in on change it into ‘a’.

For Examples: Criterion – Criteria

Singular Plural

Criterion Criteria

Phenomenon Phenomena

Automation Automata

Rule 17. To make the plural of a compound word add ‘s’ to

the base word or head word.

For Examples:

Singular Plural

tennis shoe tennis shoes

commander-in-chief commanders-in-chief

passer-by passers-by

mother-in-law mothers-in-law

assistant headmaster assistant headmasters

sergeant major sergeants major

assistant secretary assistant secretaries

knight templar knights templar

court-martial courts martial

attorney-at-law attorneys-at-law

Brother in law Brothers in law

Member of parliament Members of parliament

Step-daughter Step-daughters

Man lover Man lovers

Bed-room Bed-rooms

Rule 18. Words without a base word make their plurals in an

irregular way.

For Examples:

Singular Plural

higher-up higher-ups

go-between go-betweens

grown-up grown-ups

good-for-nothing good-for-nothings
Nouns that are Plural in form But Singular in

Some Nouns that are Plural in form but Singular in meaning

and take Singular Verbs.

● Innings
● Summons
● billiards
● molasses
● dizziness
● Linguistics
● News
● Ethics
● Physics
● Economics
● Politics
● Mathematics
● Athletics
● measles
● mumps
● calculus
● rickets

These seem to be plural but they are actually Singular. On the other
hand some nouns never take the ‘s’ of the plural and are always

Nouns that are Singular and never take ‘s’ in

plural form

These words are uncountable nouns and hence will take

singular verb. these nouns will not take Articles (a, an),
‘many’, ‘number of’, ‘few’ and ‘plural form’.
● Poetry
● Evidence
● Knowledge
● dust
● Traffic
● Bakery
● Luggage
● information
● Baggage
● Furniture
● Scenery
● Stationery
● Percentage

Nouns that are Singular in form But Plural in


These are certain nouns that are singular in form but Plural in
meaning and hence take plural verb.

● cattle
● Peasantry
● Children
● Police
● Cavalry
● Poultry
● People
● gentry
● Infantry

Singular and Plural Top 18 Rules

Rules Examples
1. The plural form of most Pen- Pens, Chair- Chairs, Book-
nouns is made simply by Books, Snake- Snakes, Sister-
adding the letter 's'. Sisters, Bat- Bats

2. Noun that end in -ch, x, s Box - Boxes, Kiss - Kisses, Bus -

and ss require an 'es' to make Buses, Witch - Witches
their plurals.

3. Nouns that end in a 'vowel Boy - Boys , Key- keys, Toy - toys
+ Y' take the letter 's'. , Way - ways

4. Nouns that end in a Baby - Babies , Cherry - Cherries

'consonant + y' drop 'y' and , Lorry - Lorries , Fairy - Fairies
take 'ies'.

5. Some Noun that end in 'o' Potato- Potatoes , Tomato -

take 'es'. Tomatoes ,Torpedo - Torpedoes ,
Hero - Heroes

6. Some nouns ending in 'o' Kangaroo -Kangaroos, Piano -

break the above rule and take Pianos, Zoo - Zoos, Boo - Boos
only 's'.

7. Some nouns ending in 'o' Tornedo - Tornedos/Tornedos,

may take both 's' or 'es'. Cargo-Cargo/Cargoes, Zero-


8. Noun that end in 'f' or 'fe' Wife- Wives, Knife - Knives , Leaf
usually change the f sound to - Leaves , Life - Lives
v and add 's ' or es'.
9. Some nouns are exceptions. Cafe - Cafes ,Cliff - Cliffs , Roof -
They end in 'f' or 'fe' but they Roofs , Safe - Safes
do not change the f sound to
v, They take 's'.

10. There are several nouns Sheep - Sheep , Foot - Foot ,

that do not follow any rules Child - Children , Person - People
and have irregular plural form.

11. Some foreign nouns alga - algae (Foreign plural),

ending in a add 'e' to make amoeba - amoebae (Foreign
their plurals. But some of plural) , amoebas (English Plural)
them adopt the 's' of the
English form.

12. Nouns ending in us take Syllabus - Syllabi (Foreign plural),

'a', 'i' or the 'es' of the English Syllabuses (English Plural),
plural. Radius - Radii (Foreign plural),

13. Nouns ending in um take Medium- Media (Foreign plural),

'a', 'i' or the 's' of the English Bacterium- Bacteria (Foreign
plural. plural), Datum- Data (Foreign

14. Nouns ending in ex or ix Apex- Apices, Apexes, index -

take 'ices' or the 'es' of the indices, indexes, Appendix -
English plural. Appendices, Appendixes

15. Nouns ending in is change Analysis - Analyses, Emphasis -

it into 'es' Emphases, Thesis -Theses, Axis -
16. Nouns ending in on Criterion - Criteria ,Phenomenon -
change it into 'a'. Phenomena, Automation -

17. To make the plural of a tennis shoe - tennis shoes,

compound word add 's' to the commander-in-chief -
base word or head word. commanders-in-chief, passer-by -

18. Words without a base higher-up - higher-ups,

word make their plurals in an go-between- go-betweens,
irregular way. grown-up - grown-ups

19. Some Nouns that are News, Gymnastics, Economics,

always Singular and have 's' Politics, Mathematics
in the end.

20. Some other nouns that are Luggage, information, Baggage ,

always singular and never Furniture
take 's' in the plural form.

Singular and Plural for class 8 Worksheet

If you are searching for a Singular and Plural worksheet for class 8
you are at the right place, Try these worksheets and test yourself. If
you want to do more Worksheets click on the link given below. You
will get a lot of Exercises to do with their solutions/ Answers.

Exercise 1- Fill in the blank

Write the correct plural of the word given in the bracket for
each sentence.

1. No candidate fulfils all the (Criterion) ______ for this

2. (Nucleus) _______ are the brain of the cells.
3. (Radius) _______ of these circles are 2 cm.
4. Ferns, mosses and (Fungus) _______ produce spores.
5. Playing the (Index) _____ via spread betting.
6. (Amoeba) _______ found in ponds.
7. The (brother-in-law) _______ have separately denied
any wrongdoing.
8. I had an accident, My (foot) _______ hurt.
9. There are lots of (bacterium) ________ present in our
10. Great (agendum) ______ was made by the


1. Criteria
2. Nuclei
3. Radii
4. Fungi
5. Indices
6. Amoebae
7. Brother in Law
8. Feet
9. bacteria
10. Agenda

Exercise 2 – Write down in Plural form

Write down the plural form of each of the following noun.

1. Thesis-
2. Ray –
3. Synthesis-
4. Sandwich-
5. Nurse-
6. Phenomenon-
7. Octopus-
8. Analysis-
9. Matrix-
10. Cry-


1. theses
2. Rays
3. Syntheses
4. sandwiches
5. Nurses
6. Phenomena
7. Octopi
8. Analyses
9. Matrices
10. cries

Exercise 3- Write down in Singular form

Write down the correct singular form of each of the following


1. phenomena-
2. fungi-
3. indexes-
4. matrices-
5. oases-
6. larvae-
7. Griefs-
8. lorries-
9. torpedoes-
10. Knives-


1. Phenomenon
2. Fungus
3. Index
4. Matrix
5. Oasis
6. Larva
7. Grief
8. Lorry
9. torpedo
10. Knife

Exercise 4

Write Singular for Singular nouns and Plural for Plurals

1. Automata
2. Troops
3. Alms
4. Cattle
5. Crises
6. Oasis
7. Ova
8. News
9. Economics
10. Police
11. Axes
12. Vertex

1. Plural
2. Singular
3. Plural in form
4. Singular (Plural in Meaning)
5. Plural
6. Singular
7. Plural
8. Singular
9. Singular
10. Plural
11. Plural
12. Singular

Exercise 5- Spotting the Error

Spot the Error and write down the correct words.

1. No one available at the station, She carried all his

luggages herself.
2. Cattles were grazing in the field.
3. There are many fishes in the pond.
4. Alms are given to the poors.
5. All his sister in laws are co-operative.
6. She needed money, So she sold all her furnitures.
7. He has many sheeps and cows in his field.
8. She wear a blue trouser.
9. She will give you a good news.
10. Where are my scissor?

1. luggages- luggage
2. Cattles- Cattle
3. fishes- fish
4. poors- poor
5. sister in laws- sisters-in-law
6. furnitures- furniture
7. sheeps- Sheep
8. trouser- trousers
9. a good news- good news
10. scissor- scissors

Also Read,

● Pronouns for Class 8 | Types, Rules, Examples, Exercise,

● English Grammar Synonyms for Class 8 ,Worksheet, pdf
● CBSE, Adjective for Class 8, Definition, Types, Exercise,
Examples, PDF
● Nouns For Class/Grade 8, Types, Exercise, Test and Pdf
● Determiners for Class 8 Worksheet/Exercises with
Answers and Pdf,Quiz
● Verbs for Class/Grade 8, Types, Exercise, PDF, Test
● Subject-Verb Agreement For Class 8, Examples,
Exercises, Pdf

Hope it is helpful for you, keep learning new things, clear concepts
and always support us and suggest your ideas too. Thank you.

Adjective for Class 8

Adjectives for class 8 Cbse with Definition, Example, and Exercise.

What is an adjective?

Definition:- Adjectives are words that describe or give additional information about nouns
and pronouns. Several terms can describe the nature of nouns and pronouns. We call such
words Adjectives. Adjectives help you to raised advanced vocabulary. An adjective often
comes before a noun and sometimes an adjective comes after a verb.

An adjective can tell numbers, size, taste, color, shape, weather, texture, feelings.

Examples of Adjectives For Class 8

 This choco truffle cake is delicious.

 Nitin has blue eyes.
 Ribi looks gorgeous today.
 My brother always wears colorful shoes.
 Vishal is a kind man.

Types of Adjectives for Class 8

1. Adjectives of Quality
2. Adjectives of Quantity
3. Adjectives of Numbers
4. Adjectives of Demonstrative
5. Adjectives of Interrogatives
6. Adjectives of Possessive

1. Adjectives of Quality

Adjectives of quality are used to define the variety of nouns or quality of a noun or pronoun.
Adjectives of quality help to find the nature of a noun. Adjectives of quality give an opinion
about the qualities of the noun by attaching more major information about color, size, good,
smart, loud, wild, and by responding to the question "what kind" or explain further.

Examples of Adjectives of quality:-

1. kajal has long nails.

2. Shivani has one girl and she is so talented.

3. The clever fox defeated the tiger.
4. Ankit is smart enough to deal with customers.
5. Our society security guard is an honest man.

2. Adjectives of the quantity

Adjectives of quantity notify us about how much of the thing is there are used for the
uncountable noun. Adjectives of the quantity are managed to define the quantity of something
that can't be countable. These words represent a noun's quantity. These types of adjectives
answer the question like How much? It accommodates to show the amount or the fair
amount of the noun or a pronoun. They show, 'how much a thing is expected.

All, Half, Many, Some, Little, Much, Enough, Etc.

Examples of Adjectives of quantity:

1. Honey has a little money left in the bank account.

2. There is some student in the tuition.
3. Kajal, I have many English books.
4. Alex, you should bring any type of watch for me.
5. This is sufficient food for me.

3.Adjectives of numbers

Adjectives of numbers tell us how many things are there. They are used for countable nouns.
They show 'how many' They are used for countable nouns.

All, Many, Several, Six, Some, Second, Tenth, Most.

Examples of Adjectives of Numbers:-

1. She saw several animals in the zoo.

2. My sister gave me six gifts on my birthday.
3. The second actor in the movie is the mastermind.
4. I got the tenth position all over India.
5. Many people are there at the school's annual function.

4.Demonstrative Adjectives

Demonstrative adjectives tell us about 'which person' or 'things are meant.' These are words
like this, that, and these, those which precede nouns. Demonstrative Adjectives are also
known as demonstrative adjectives or possessive demonstrative.

Examples of Demonstrative quality:-

1. These people are from South Africa.

2. This is my mobile phone.
3. Those dogs are going back to the ground.

4. That college building looks so beautiful.
5. What are these jeans made up of?

5.Interrogatives Adjectives

Interrogative Adjectives are practiced with nouns to ask questions. An interrogative adjective
may be a word of wh-type question which is employed to interrogate anything during
a sentence. These are the words like which, what, whose, where that are used along with
nouns to ask questions.

Examples of Interrogatives Adjectives:-

1. Where you go for a morning walk?

2. What type of story do you like?
3. Which cap you will wear?
4. Whose company is this?
5. What is the school principal name?

6.Possessive Adjectives

Possessive adjectives are placed before a noun or a pronoun during a sentence to

precise ownership. A possessive adjective is additionally called a possessive determiner.
These are words like our, my, your, its, there and so on Which indicate belonging. They tell
us about the thing.

Examples of Possessive Adjectives:-

1. I always share my clothes with you.

2. Your child's result is excellent.
3. We parked our car in the open ground.
4. Their dance academy is beautiful.
5. Her mother's name is Mrs.Rajni.

Adjectives and Degrees of Comparison Class 8

There are three forms of adjectives quality called degrees of comparison.

1. Positive Degree: It is the mildest form of adjectives. It is used when there is no

differentiation. The positive degree indicates the mere presence of quality. For example,)
Michael Alexander is a rich man. (ii) David has a sharp memory.
2. Comparative Degree: It is utilized to compare two-person or things. For example: (i) Your
sister is taller than you. (ii) She is wiser than her brother.
3. Superlative Degree: It is a free one from all the rest. It is practiced when more than two-
person or items are checked. For example (i) Mount Everest is the highest peak in the world.
(ii) Tiger is the fastest animal.

What Are Some Adjectives to Describe Someone

Elder, older, eldest, oldest: It is used only of a person, not of animals or things.

1. Later, latter: latest, last:- refer to time

2. Farther, further:- Farther means more distant.
3. The little, a little, little:- little means barely any. A little means some quantity. The little
means a small amount.
4. Nearest, next:- Nearest denotes space of distance, while next denotes position.
5. Less, fewer:- Less refers only to quantity. Fewer refers only to numbers.


Underscore the adjectives in the following sentences and name the correct kind of

1. This is not your watch Alex.

2. Our team went to Goa to playing the famous football tournament.
3. A Chinese lady was standing in the tenth row.
4. How much paper did you write in a day?
5. Which is your favorite dancer.


1. This - Demonstrative Adjective

2. Famous - Adjectives of Quality
3. Tenth - Adjectives of numbers
4. Much - Adjective of quantity
5. Which - interrogative Adjectives

Fill in the blanks Exercise for Class 8:

(elder, eldest, oldest, latest, last, nearest, next, later, further, or farther)

1. Please take action without _____ delay.

2. Her house is _____ to mine.
3. The _____ woman in the world was 115 years old.
4. Rubal is _____ than her sister.
5. My house is ______ to the white building.
6. This is the _____ building in the colony.
7. The English newspaper gave me _____ information.
8. The children were taken to the _____ park.
9. Our is the _____ house in the street.
10. Chennai is ______ from Delhi than Patna.


1. Further

2. Next
3. Oldest
4. Elder
5. Next
6. Oldest
7. Latest
8. Nearest
9. Last
10. Farther

Articles For Class 8
An article is a word that combines to determine a noun or a noun phrase is
specific or general in a sentence.

The articles can be classified into two types:-

1. Indefinite articles (a & an)

2. Definite articles (The)

Let us study the articles in detail.

1. Indefinite Articles
Indefinite Articles are used before a noun that is general and unknown.

1. They do not point to a particular person and animal place or thing in a



1. A book
2. A pencil
3. An apple
4. An egg
5. An orange
6. An old woman
7. A place
8. A girl
9. A teacher
10.An elephant

2. We use 'a' before words that begin with a constant sound.


1. A dog
2. A car
3. A cat
4. A girl
5. A fan
6. A stove
7. A pencil
8. A book
9. A letter
10.A toy

3. We use 'an' before words that begin with a vowel sound.


1. An elephant
2. An egg
3. An umbrella
4. An aeroplane
5. An inkpot
6. An eraser
7. An orange
8. An owl
9. An old woman
10.An ice-cream

4. A singular noun always requires an indefinite article but a plural common

and does not require any indefinite article.


1. He saw an elephant.
2. There is a book in the table.
3. He is a brave boy.
4. There is a lizard behind the table.
5. She bought an umbrella.

5. Indefinite articles are used before the group of collective and quantifiers.

1. He buys a dozen of apples.

2. The baby is playing with a doll.
3. He gave a thousand work to his sister.
4. She walk 1 km an hour.
5. He is carrying a bouquet of flowers.

6. Indefinite articles presides whether descriptive adjectives and also can be

used with determiners.


1. She is an amazing singer.

2. What a nice day!
3. There is a little juice in his glass.
4. A few guests are coming today.
5. She bought a beautiful dress.

7. When we talk about something which is new and is introducing it for the
first time to the listener we use indefinite articles.


1. I have a bicycle.
2. I have bought a new watch.
3. She needs a new phone.
4. He buys a pair of clothes from the market.
5. Her mother bought a new dress.

2. Definite Articles
'The' is a definite article. It is referred to a particular person or thing. It is used
when the speaker talks about the specific object that the person is speaking
about and the listener is already referred to.

1. The boys in the garden.
2. He is reading the book.
3. The man is standing there.
4. The clothes are in the cupboard.
5. The girls are dancing.

2. We used the before the nouns that are unique.


1. The sun is bright today.

2. The villa has five rooms.
3. The moon is shining among the stars.
4. The birds are flying in the sky.
5. The train will arrived late.

3. The is used for the noun that is known to the listener.


1. He forgot the bunch of keys.

2. The clothes are dirty.
3. She washed the utensils.
4. He kept the book on the table.
5. She read the novel.

4. The definite article referred to the period of time.


1. The song is most popular in the 1990s.

2. He was good in the past.
3. He has gone to the temple in the morning.
4. She will be attending the meeting today.
5. Neha will meet him after the Trip.

5. Before names of rivers, oceans, seas, maintain ranges, countries with plural
names or that contain the words republic kingdom, or States we use the.

1. The Nile
2. The Indian Ocean
3. The Pacific Ocean
4. The Arabian sea
5. The Netherlands
6. The United Kingdom

Omission of the Articles

We do not use articles-

1. Before the names of substances and abstract nouns that are uncountable


1. Honesty is the best policy.

2. Sugar is bad for our health.
3. Wisdom is the gift of heaven.
4. Gold is a precious metal.
5. Virtue is its own reward.

2. We do not use article with names of people, states, and countries.


1. The mountaineers conquered Mount Everest.

2. He lives in Paris.
3. Her best friend is Mittali.
4. She is going to Shimla.
5. Ritu and Mohan are best friends.

3. We do not use articles before School, College, University, Hospital, and

Prison when these places are visited for the primary purpose.

1. I always reach school on time.
2. He takes admission in Delhi University.
3. Maya attend her College fest.
4. This hospital contains good facilities.
5. The thief are kept in prison.

4. We do not use articles before languages.


1. He is good at maths.
2. They are learning English.
3. He likes to study French.
4. They speak Punjabi at home.
5. I learnt Spanish at school.

5. We do not use articles before the names of meals.


1. Let's go and have dinner.

2. He is starving.
3. The soup is so delicious.
4. It was tasty stuffed Paratha.
5. He bought some snacks.

Articles Worksheet for Class 8


Complete the following sentences by filling a, an, and the as suitable.

1. Copper is the _____ useful metal.

2. He is not _____ honourable man.
3. He always speaks _____ truth.
4. Do you have _____ umbrella?
5. He collects _____ information about the match.
6. They will move to _____Villa next month.
7. French is not _____ easy language.
8. Which is _____ longest river in India?
9. Varanasi is _____ holy city.
10.The boy is sitting on _____ bench.
11.She wants to buy_____ beautiful dress.
12.He will throw _____ party next week.
13.Her mother asked her not to eat _____ icecream.
14.He buys _____ gold ring for his fiancee.
15.Tushar will catch _____ train on time.
16._____ child is fond of sweets.
17.Shiv belongs to _____ Marathi family.
18.Rohit is _____ honest and disciplined boy.
19.Maya has participated in _____ the drama.
20.She cracks _____ funny jokes.


1. The
2. An
3. The
4. An
5. An
6. A
7. An
8. The
9. A


Insert Articles in each of the sentences and rewrite them.

1. Sun rises in East.

2. The brave soldier lost his arm in battle.
3. She is facing problem in solving sums.
4. Riya got surprise on her birthday.
5. She is intelligent and smart girl.
6. It was proudest moment of his life.
7. She likes to eat egg custard.
8. He sold only the best quality of furniture.
9. Zapya is going to prepare omelette for everyone.
10.She looks amazing in red drape saree.


1. The sun rises in the East.

2. The Brave Soldier lost his arm in a battle.
3. She is facing a problem in solving sums.
4. Riya got a surprise on her birthday.
5. She is an intelligent and smart girl.
6. It was the proudest moment of his life.
7. She likes to eat an egg custard.
8. He sold only the best quality furniture.
9. Zapya is going to prepare an omelet for everyone.
10.She looks amazing in a red drape saree.
English Grammar Determiners for class 8

Determiners Definition for Class 8: A Determiners is a word that selects or determines

something about the Noun or Pronoun that happens. They determine whether a noun is
specific or generic.

Determiner + Noun :

1. A girl
2. The girls
3. That girl
4. Seven girls
5. All girls

Types/Kinds of Determiners for class 8

7 types of determiners for class 8:

1. Articles
2. Possessives
3. Demonstratives
4. Distributives
5. Quantifiers
6. Expressions
7. Interrogatives

Let's discuss it in more detail:

1. Articles

Definition: Articles indicate the arrival of a noun. It means that an article introduces a noun.

Articles determiners are:

A, An, The

Two types of Articles

1. Indefinite Article:- A, An

Definition: They are applied before a singular countable noun. It does not lead to any
particular person or thing.

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2. Definite Article:- The

'The' can be applied with both countable nouns — singular and plural and with
uncountable nouns. It represents the person, place, or thing.

Examples of Definite Articles:

1. This is the way to the town.

2. The farmer had four wives.
3. An honest person like ram never lies.
4. They brought a Computer.
5. Have you ever seen an elephant?


Complete the sentence with the correct Article:

1. I am reading _____ really good book.

2. We live in _____ city.
3. Gautam was a _____ artist.
4. Are you _____ teacher?
5. I have _____ one-year-old son.
6. Do you want to go to _____ park today?
7. School children in _____ Uk have to wear _____ uniform.
8. My brother is a _____ surgeon.
9. Riya comes from _____ ordinary family.
10. My grandmother lives in _____ small city center.


1. A
2. The
3. An
4. A
5. A
6. The
7. The, a
8. An
9. An
10. the

2. Possessives

Definition: It is used to arrange the possession of the item referenced by the commemorating
Noun. Possessive determiners are pigeonholed as weak or low possessive pronouns. They
are adopted as adjectives pervious to nouns. They show you who possesses or keeps

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My, your, his, her, Its, their, our are Possessive determiners

Examples of Possessive Determiners

1. I thought my water bottle was Lost.

2. Rohan is in his bathroom.
3. The college is famous for its education and placement.
4. I have lost her phone in the market.
5. They have finished their meeting yesterday.

Worksheet - Fill in the blanks with answer

Fill in the proper possessive determiner into the gaps:

1. _____ vacation was wonderful.

2. They took off _____ dirty shoes.
3. Peter is in _____ bedroom.
4. The lawyers knew _____ client was not guilty.
5. _____ sports day will be held tomorrow.
6. _____ approach towards your cricket is good.
7. We respect _____ elders.
8. _____ father is a doctor.
9. I don't give _____ food to anyone.
10. These people are nice _____ names are Sakshi and Afrin.


1. Our
2. Their
3. His
4. Their
5. Our
6. Your
7. Our
8. My
9. My
10. Their

3. Demonstrative

Definition: Demonstrative pronouns are also used as determiners. They are used to lead
something precise inside a sentence. The consciousness is appealing to the nouns that they
are substituting. Demonstrative determiners are used to specify whether or not the Noun is
being noticed in addition away.

This, that, these, those are Demonstrative determiners.

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Demonstrative Examples for class 8

1. She wanted those boys to go away.

2. I like this dress.
3. These pens are precious
4. Amit likes that tea shop.
5. This is not my kind of thing.

Demonstrative Determiners Worksheet with Answers

Complete the sentences below with demonstrative determiners:

1. I want to buy a _____ necklace for my sister.

2. I will ask Alex to pack _____ gifts quickly.
3. _____ boots are brown.
4. Do you like the _____ picture on the show?
5. We found _____ beautiful flowers from the garden.
6. _____ pens are quite generous.
7. _____ mountains are elegant.
8. I like _____ movie.
9. _____ are my pets.
10. Nikita, _____ are my question papers.


1. This
2. That
3. Those
4. That
5. These
6. That
7. Those
8. This
9. These
10. These

4. Distributive

Definition: Distributes are determiners that are adopted to talk about how something is
divided. Distributive determiners are applied with countable nouns.

Distributes determiners are Each, Every, Either, Neither.

Examples of Distributive determiners :

1. Each student received a certificate.

2. She danced with every celebrity.

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3. Either place would suit me.
4. Neither exam was successful.
5. Every teacher has great knowledge.

Distributive Determiners Worksheet for class 8

Complete the sentence with the correct distributive determiners:

1. The newspaper is published _____ month.

2. _____ sweet and juice are fine for me.
3. _____ employee came to attend the meeting.
4. In the school _____ student bring a water bottle.
5. _____ you eat it, or you don't.
6. My younger brother plays cricket _____ day.
7. My father isn't a doctor _____ am I.
8. _____ of us drink milk _____ day.
9. _____ of the students will get punishment.
10. _____ employee said anything.


1. Every
2. Either
3. Neither
4. Each
5. Either
6. Every
7. Neither
8. Each, every
9. Each
10. Neither

5. Quantifiers
6. Expressions

Definition: Quantifiers are very significant phrases because they let us correlate the quantity
of something. Quantifiers can be practiced with countable and uncountable nouns or with

Countable nouns:- (How many?) a few, several, a majority of, many, etc.

Uncountable nouns:- (How much?) much, a little, a bit of, a large quantity, etc.

Quantifiers and expressions determiners are Some, any, plenty of, a little, much, many,
several, one, two, etc.

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Examples of Quantifiers and expressions determiners :

1. There are some books in the class.

2. How much juice do you need?
3. There is a little sugar in the cup.
4. There are not many fruits in the kitchen.
5. How many chips packets did you buy?

Quantifiers and expressions determiners Exercise

Choose the right option Countably/Uncountable:

1. Can I have some coffee?

2. How many cups of tea do you use to drink in a day?
3. How much-colored paper is in the printer?
4. I meet with my two friends today.
5. I have purchased ten new toy cars
6. I don't have water. Do you have?
7. I have some biscuits.
8. I eat apply in the morning
9. How much honey is there?
10. There is three ice cream for my sister.


1. Uncountable
2. Countable
3. Uncountable
4. Countable
5. Countable
6. Uncountable
7. Countable
8. Countable
9. Uncountable
10. Countable

7. Interrogatives

The interrogatives determiners are used for challenging questions. Interrogatives

determiners come at the commencement of a noun phrase. An interrogatives determiner is a
word that modifies a noun by asking a question.

Interrogatives determiners are What, which, whose, etc.

1. What is used for asking for information specifying something?

2. Which is used for asking for information specifying one or more people or things from a
definite set.

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3. Whose means belonging to which person.

Examples of Interrogatives Determiners:

1. Which book do you think is more interesting?

2. Which color do you like the most five?
3. Whose family has a house near the cinema?
4. What language books she was reading in the library?
5. Whose mother is she?

Interrogative Exercises with Answers for class 8

Complete the following sentences by choosing correct interrogatives:

1. _____ fruit juice do you want for breakfast.

2. _____ name was next on the list.
3. You're visiting _____ place in your next vacation.
4. You want _____ fillings in pizza.
5. You were playing badminton with _____ baby in society.
6. _____ is your mother's profession?
7. _____ movie you like the most?
8. _____ notebook have you borrowed for homework
9. _____ is the secret of your good health.
10. _____ yoga you do every morning.


1. Which
2. Whose
3. Which
4. Which
5. Whose
6. What
7. Which
8. Whose
9. What
10. Which

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Verbs for Class 8

Definition: Verbs are "doing" words. The verb represents the action or the state of the thing.
We cant have a sentence or a question without an action! That's how valuable these action
parts of speech are, which we call verbs.

Every sentence must have two elements:

1. A subject describes what or who the sentence is concerning.

2. A predicate shows what the point is or does. The verb is seen in the predicate.

The verbs in a sentence can be action words, helping words, linking verbs, or modals. Every
complete sentence must have a minimum of one verb. The verb indicates an action, an
incident, or a state of being. They mention the state of the unspecified nouns.

Examples For Verbs in Sentences

1. Reema teaches maths.

2. Dora is writing a novel about forest life.
3. You go to the park every day.
4. Uncle is selling soap to people.
5. Andrew is riding his bike.

Class 8 Types of Verbs With Examples

3 types of verb for class 8:

1. Action verbs
2. Helping verbs
3. Linking verbs

1. Action Verbs

Action verbs are one effortlessly noticeable type of verbs. To understand the action verb you
just have to examine for the word in the sentence that acknowledges the question 'What is the
subject performing or doing.'?

Action verbs are two types.

1. Transitive Verbs: Transitive verbs need objects. These verbs bear the action of a subject and
follow it with any object. To recognize them, you can examine the issue - "What is the object
being modified by " for example- He speaks the truth.
2. Intransitive Verbs: These verbs manifest action. There is no definite object on which the
action performed. for example:- He danced.

Examples of Action Verbs:

1. Anita tasted the cake.

2. My brother bought a new bicycle.
3. Emma wrote a letter to her best friend.
4. Sara is studying for the 12th exam.
5. Ron watched a movie.

2. Helping Verbs

Helping verbs are verbs that support the main verb by transferring the meaning or sense of
the verb. Helping verb include any form of to be, Here are some examples: is, am, are, do,
does, did, have, has, had, shall, should, will, would, can, could, may, might, must. Helping
verbs also called auxiliary verbs and they are of two kinds primary auxiliary verbs and modal
auxiliary verbs.

1. Primary auxiliary verbs are operating both as helping and main verbs. These verbs further
divided as

1. Verbs to be: is, am, are, were, was

2. Verbs to have: had, have, has
3. Verbs to do: do, does, did

2. Modal auxiliary verbs are utilized to adjust the tone and condition of the main verb. Modal
auxiliary verbs are: can, could, may, shall, will, etc.

Examples of Helping Verbs:

1. I have my lunch at 1 p.m.

2. He did hark work this year.
3. She had a wonderful garden.
4. We will wear a black dress to her birthday party.
5. Does she like that place.

3. Linking Verbs

Linking verbs are always supported by nouns called predicate nouns or adjectives called
predicate adjectives. They are nevermore accompanied by direct objects.

It is important to remember that sometimes, a verb managed as a linking verb in the

individual sentence can be an action verb. when a verb is followed by an action direct object
it is called an action verb. When it is supported by a predicate adjective or noun then it is a
linking verb. The helping verb is utilized together with a new main verb to show the action.
The basic linking verbs are: Feel, remain, sound, become, grow, seem, stay, continue,
look, smell, taste, appear, are, is, am, was, were, etc.

Examples of Linking Verbs:

1. Dolly became an independent woman.

2. I am tall.
3. He is a doctor of bioethics.
4. Peter felt hungry.
5. She looks gorgeous.

What are Regular and Irregular Verbs?

1. Regular verbs

Regular verbs do not feel substantial changes while editing forms between tenses. These
verbs form their past participle through 'ed' or 'd'.

Examples of Regular Verbs:

 share - shared
 want - wanted
 kill - killed

2. Irregular verbs

Irregular verbs experience valuable changes when changing forms between tenses. There is
no way to settle what form an irregular verb is continuing to bring in a modified tense; the
only opportunity for an English talker to perform the changes to memory. With practice, it
will a matter of habit.

Examples of Irregular Verbs:

 think- though
 run - ran
 go- went

What is Finite and Non Finite Verbs?

1. Finite verbs

Verbs that have a unique connection with the subject are called finite verbs. These verbs are
the chief verb of a sentence and can be arranged according to the noun. Finite verbs are
utilized in the present and Pasttenses. They can be indicative of numbers.

Examples of Infinite Verbs:

1. She goes to college daily.

2. I love Manali rock climbing.
3. The mother dairy opens sharply at 7:00 AM.

4. Vihaan hit the ball.
5. She was the school teacher.

2. Non-finite verbs

Non-finite verbs are not restricted through the number or person of the subject. The three
types of non-finite verbs are infinitive, gerund, and participle.

An infinitive is a non-finite verb that indicates an action. Infinitive often introduced by the
preposition to. For example; to, do, to speak, to discuss, to select, to write.

Gerunds are verbs in-ing form. The gerund has the identical form as the present participle,
but the gerund acts as a noun instead of a verb. For example; singing, writing, selecting.

A participle does the function part of a verb and partly of an adjective. A participle is of
three types.

1. Present Participle (verb + ing)

2. Past Participle (verb + ed)
3. Perfect Participle (verb + ed/-en)

Examples of Non-Infinite Verbs:

1. All the boys started shouting.

2. It is difficult to play without shoes.
3. They burst out laughing.
4. I want to go home early.
5. Covered with blankets, they ventured out in the cold.

Exercise of Transitive and Intransitive Verbs Class 8

Write the correct answer whether the sentence is transitive or intransitive verbs.

1. He raised his hands.

2. My mother washes clothes every Monday.
3. We talked about the movie at night.
4. I raked the yard on Sunday.
5. James ran in the park every afternoon.


1. Transitive Verb
2. Transitive Verb
3. Intransitive Verb
4. Transitive Verb

5. Intransitive Verb

Regular and Irregular verbs exercise Class 8

Write the correct form of the verb in a given space to make a sensible sentence.

(Regular and Irregular Verb)

1. Mr.Sh arma _____ (buy) a new bike last month.

2. Sam _____ (tell) me a horror story yesterday.
3. I _____ (want) to become an Athleat when I was a kid.
4. Last week I ____ (go) to the mall.
5. I ____ (raise) my hand to answer in the classroom.


1. Bought
2. Told
3. Wanted
4. Went
5. Raised

Verb-Auxiliaries and Modals for Class 8

What are Auxiliary verbs?

Auxiliary verbs are those verbs that help different verbs to form their view, condition, tense.
An auxiliary verb is further recognized as the Helping verb. It is named as a helping verb
because it helps the principle verb.

Auxiliary verbs such as is, are, am, will, were, have, has, do, does, etc. are applied in
conjunction with main verbs to represent variations of time. The mixture of helping verbs
with main verbs creates phrases that are called verb phrases.

List of auxiliary verbs:

1. Be (is, am, are, was, were, being, been)

2. have (had, has)
3. Do (did, does)
4. May (might)
5. Shall (should)
6. Can (could)
7. Will (would)
8. Ought to
9. Used to
10. Dare
11. Must
12. Need

Auxiliary Verbs are divided into two categories:

1. Primary Auxiliaries
2. Modal Auxiliaries

1. Primary Auxiliaries

Primary Auxiliaries help form the tenses, questions, negative, voice, etc. when connected
with the main verbs. These auxiliaries can be used along and function as main verbs.

Primary Auxiliaries are the forms of the verb and we can divide them into three groups:

1. The group consists of a form of (be): are, am, is, was, were, being, be, and been.
2. The group consists of a form of (have): have, having, has, and had.
3. The group consists of a form of (do): did, do, doing, and does.

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Shall, will, and forms of (do), (have), and (be) connect with main verbs to show time and
voice. As auxiliaries, the verb be, have, and do can improve form to show differences in
subject and experience.

2. Modal Auxiliaries

Other than the three primary auxiliary verbs do, be, and have modal or modal auxiliary verbs
are specific verbs that do not change their form for several subjects. It is practiced along with
the main verbs. Modal auxiliary verbs are not practiced individually. These auxiliaries
display the "manner" or "mode" of actions means by the verbs.

You can use modal auxiliary verbs in these patterns-

⇒ modal + main verb

⇒ modal + have + past participle

⇒ modal + be + present participle

Modal auxiliaries are utilized to show roles such as ability, possibility, permission,
probability, lack of necessity, advice, prohibition, obligation, duty, etc. Common modal verbs
are; can, may, could, might, would, will, should, have to, need to, used to, must, dare, etc.

Properties of modals

1. Modals denote actions such as power, request, permission, possibility, willingness, advice,
obligation, etc.
2. Modals never improve their form.
3. The first form of the verb is practiced with modals
4. Modals are not influenced by numbers, gender, or a person of a verb
5. Modals verbs can't merge and they do not have -ing forms.
6. Modals ought and used are supported by to.

Difference between the primary auxiliary and modal auxiliary.

1. Primary auxiliary switch form according to the number and person of the subject but modal
auxiliary does not change form according to the gender, number, and a person of the
2. Primary auxiliary stand along in a sentence and then it can be used as the main verb but the
modal auxiliary does not stand alone in a sentence but always goes with a full verb
3. The first form of the verb can be used after a modal auxiliary. Primary auxiliary 'do' also
takes the first form of the verb after them.
4. Primary auxiliary 'be' and 'have' are followed by present participle and past participle and in
modal auxiliary 'have' or 'be' is put after the modal then the main verb can be put in its
different forms.

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Detailed information about the use of modals

1. Can

Can is utilized for all persons in the present tense. The use of can indicates the right or
authority of the subject or the connections are so informal. Can is utilized to represent:
ability, request, offer, possibility, permission, and suggestion in the present.

Examples of Can

1. We can win the dance competition easily.

2. He can cook sandwiches.
3. You can join any personality development course.
4. She can kick you.
5. Mom, can I attend my friend's wedding function.

2. Could

'Could' is being used for all the people in the past tense. Could is generally accepted to ask
questions. Could is managed to express ability, possibility, request, offer, suggestion, and
permission in the past. Could signify more politeness and courteousness. 'Could' is the past
equivalent of 'can'.


1. I could dance well when I was younger.

2. If I had the car, I could go on a long drive.
3. Could you lend me your earphones for one hour?
4. On weekends I could go to maths tuition.
5. You could succeed if you do smart work.

3. May

The form may is used for all persons of the present tense and the future tense. The use of may
usually denotes the permission granted by somebody else. It is used to express possibility,
wish, permission, suggestion, and offer.


1. May I end the meeting now?

2. My parents may visit here tomorrow.
3. I may buy a new dress from here whenever I need it.
4. You may wear my clothes for the party.
5. Jatin may come today.

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4. Might

Might is used for all persons of the past tense and it shows remote possibility. Might is
utilized as the past equivalent to may. The use of might for requests expresses more
politeness, lack of confidence, or hesitation. Might is used in the perfect tense.


1. He might support me in the competition.

2. Might I have a chance to sing?
3. The children said that the teacher might come.
4. You might try this ice cream.
5. My father might recover.

5. Should and would

Should is practiced as the past equivalent of shall. 'Should' is applied to represent; duty,
responsibility, advice, probability, expectation, obligation, and mild command.

Would is generally utilized for offers it is also related to knowing the choices of the others. It
signifies the future hypothetical conditions, polite requests, preferences, wishes, and
habitual past activity.


1. You should participate in the painting competition.

2. They should work hard to clear this examination.
3. Would to come to my sister's wedding?
4. He would sit for hours playing video games.
5. She should attend the dance classes regularly.

6. Will and Shall

'Will' is utilized to represent pure future actions with the second and third person. 'Will' with
the front person is applied to show promise, threat, determination, resolution, willingness,
or offer. In interrogative sentences 'will' is managed with the second and third person.

With the first person "shall" is practiced to show pure future action, while the application of
shall with the second and third person signifies; determination, threat, command, promise.
The usage of shall with the first person in an interrogative sentence represents suggestions,
the willingness of the other person.


1. I will start the morning walk now.

2. Shall we go to Darjeeling together?

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3. We shall leave for Mumbai tomorrow.
4. She shall get a reward for her kindness.
5. I will explain this topic tomorrow.

7. Need and Dare

Need is used as the main verb they are followed by to + first form of the verb and used only
in the present tense for all the persons. As an auxiliary verb need is used to express
obligation or necessity. Need also used as modal auxiliaries to form interrogative sentences
and negative sentences.

Dare is also called semi-modals as it can be used as the main verbs and they are followed by
to + first form of the verb. Dare denote venture, defiance or challenge, and courage in
negative sentences. Dare can also be used to make interrogative sentences.


1. She needs to speak politely.

2. How dare you touch my laptop?
3. I need your guidance in a Science project.
4. You do not dare to speak about her brother.
5. He needs to revise the Social Science chapters again.

8. Used to and Ought to

Used is accompanied by the complete infinitive 'to'. It has no present tense.

Ought is also a modal verb. The form of ought is applied for the present, past, or future tense.
it signifies the moral obligation, strong probability.


1. You ought to take mike on time.

2. I used to read English newspapers daily.
3. She ought to love dogs.
4. My mother is used to go to the NGO every day.
5. Children ought to prepare a dance properly.

Worksheet of Verb-Auxiliaries and Modals for Class 8

Use appropriate models to fill in the blanks.

1. ___(may/can) you have a long life!

2. He ____(may/could) speak two languages when he was ten.
3. You ___(would/ should) watch her latest movies.
4. ___(shall/will) we go to the long drive today?
5. You ___(might/may) want to try this recipe.

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6. ____(should/will) you, please stop gossiping.
7. He has lost your watch and he ___(dare/must) not to tell you.
8. I ___(used to/need) play cricket daily in the morning.
9. She ___ (may/should) go park whenever she likes.
10. You ___(ought to/dare) consult a Doctor.


1. May
2. Could
3. Should
4. Shall
5. Might
6. Will
7. Dare
8. Used to
9. May
10. Ought to

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English Grammar Non-Finite for Class 8

Some verbs change their form at times based on that understanding we divided verbs into
two types:

1. Finite
2. Non-finite

1. What is FINITE?

Finite verbs are those verbs that are bounded by number, person, and tense. They improve
their form in agreement to the tense, verb, and subject of the verb.

Here, now will study non-finite in detail.

2. What are non-finite?

Non-finite verbs do not have a tense, therefore it is not restricted by the number or person of
the subject. The three kinds of non-finite verbs are:



The finite is the form of the verb that has no inflection to show person, number, mood, or
tense. The most basic form of an infinitive in English grammar is base verbs with or without
'to' such as in to cry, to fear, to sing. This is identified as the 'to infinitive.'

The infinitive is sub-divided into two kinds;

⇒ Bare Infinitive:- It is also called infinitive without 'to' or plain infinitive. The bare
infinitive is used with verbs like hear, bid, let, need, dare, see, make.

⇒ Infinitive Participle:- infinitives that carry 'to' are called an infinitive participle

Rules for Infinitive

1. Used in active voice take infinitive without to; make, know, feel, behold, notice, watch, hear,
2. "Sooner than, would rather, had better, would sooner, rather than, had sooner." Use bare
infinitive after the following words.
3. The bare infinitive is practiced after the conjunction 'than'

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4. After the modal auxiliaries infinitive such as will, shall, should, would, may, can, might, must
come without 'to'
5. Infinitive after 'too'
1. ...+ too + adjective + infinitive
2. ...+ too + adjective +a + noun + infinitive
3. ...+ too + adverb + infinitive
6. If two infinitive is joined by and, the second infinitive's 'to' is usually drooped.
7. + infinitive
8. 'but' and 'except' take the bare infinitive when they follow do +
9. have/had/has + noun/pronoun followed by a bare infinitive.
10. Infinitive after enough
1. ...+ adjective + enough + infinitive
2. ...+ adverb + enough + infintive
11. In positive sentences, the infinitive is (with to) is used after the verb dare and need.

Examples of infinitive for class 8

1. Vishal is mature enough to handle the situation.

2. She plans to sit in the car and go for a long drive with her sisters.
3. Let her dance.
4. This ground is too small to hold five hundred people.
5. Rita appears to sing well.


A gerund is a verbal noun that does the work of a verb and a noun. A gerund is described as
a component of a noun and also verb in -ing form. The words reading and writing are formed
from the verb 'write' and 'read' by adding -ing. The gerund has the identical form as the
present participle, but the gerund appearance as a noun rather than a verb or a transformer.

Specific Rules of Gerund

1. Some verbs followed by preposition/adverb take the gerund. The most common are; care
for, be against/for, give up, keep on, leave off, look forward to, put off, see about, take to,
2. Pardon, forgive, excuse, and prevent are not followed directed by the gerund. These take
either possessive adjective/pronoun + preposition + gerund or pronouns + preposition +
3. A proposition is always followed by a gerund, not by an infinitive. This is a good precept that
has no objections. If we require to practice a verb subsequent to a proposition it is necessary
to be a gerund. It is difficult to adopt an infinitive next to a preposition.
4. The term 'to' often confuses. It is either a component of an infinitive or a preposition. When
'to' is supported by a noun/pronoun or gerund it is a preposition. When applied as a
preposition it is constantly supported by a gerund.
5. Verb + Possessive adjective/pronoun object is accompanied by a gerund and this gerund
refers to the person expresses by the possessive adjective or pronoun.

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Examples of gerund for class 8

1. She should avoid overeating.

2. I am tired of shouting.
3. He is fond of singing.
4. I prefer taking apple juice.
5. What I dislike the most is standing outside.


A participle is a non-finite verb it does the function part of a verb and partly of an adjective.
A participle is also named as a verbal adjective means it has properties of both adjective and

There are three sorts of participles;

1. Present Participle (verb + ing)

2. Past Participle (verb + ed)
3. Perfect Participle (verb + ed/-en)

The Present Participles: Present participle is ending with -ing like seeing, singing,
interesting, etc. Present participles show an unfinished action or state (which is going on).

Rules of Present Participle

1. transforming a noun as an adjective.

2. forming participle form.
3. forming clause.
4. it can substitute since/as/because + subject + verb.
5. adjusting a verb, like an adverb.

The Past Participles: Past participle indicates an entire action (no longer in progress). The
third form of a verb is termed a past participle. The past participle is utilized as an adjective
is passive if the verb from which it is acquired is transitive. Normally, it ends in -d, -ed, -t, -n
-en, or any other third form of the verb.

Rules for Participle

1. forming the perfect tense form

2. it can replace passive verbs
3. modifying noun
4. the past participle is used in the passive voice

The Perfect Participles: Perfect participle is formed by adding 'having' or 'having been' or
'being' to the past participle form of the verb. Perfect participle signifies an action that was
complete at something in the past.

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Rules of Perfect Participles

1. it is used when the first action covered a period of time.

2. it is utilized when there is an interlude of time between the two actions.
3. It is utilized to join two sentences when one action is accompanied by another with the
same objective.

Examples of Participles for class 8

1. I am going to the hotel now.

2. I have visited the chemistry lab two times today.
3. Ram looked at the attached book thoroughly.
4. Having passed her M.A. in Economics, she enrolled for Ph.D. in Economics.
5. My parents had postponed the party date due to covid-19.

Worksheet/Exercise Of Infinite or Non-Infinite Verb For class 8

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of non-finite verbs.

1. Playing is easier than____(to reading/reading)

2. Try____(avoiding/to avoid) being late for coaching.

3. The class needs proper____(having cleaning/cleaning)

4. The medical students refused____(changing/to change) the biology teacher.

5. Most of the boys like___(playing/have played) cricket.

6. Some girls like____(to watch/watch) the TV.

7. She wears a ___(worrying/worried) look today.

8. ____ (failed/having failed) many times in 10th, he doesn't want to try again.

9. She is fond of ____. (cooking/having cooking)

10. Her talk left me___. (thinking/to think)


1. reading
2. to avoid
3. cleaning
4. to change
5. playing
6. to watch

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7. worried
8. having failed
9. cooking
10. thinking

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Tense for Class 8
What is tense?

Tense means time. Time is expressed by using the appropriate form of the verb
in a sentence. Hence the tense of a verb shows the time of action.

For Example:

1. Rohan is doing his homework.

2. Rohan did his homework.
3. Rohan will do his homework

Now we can see, in the first sentence, is doing, which means he is still working
in his present. In the second sentence, did, the verb indicates the past, in the
third sentence, will do, the verb indicates the future.

From the above examples, we know there are 3 types of tenses:

1. Present tense
2. Past tense
3. Future tense

Time and Tense

The relation between time and tense is not as simple as it appears to be.
Sometimes past tense does not refer to past time but present time also.

For Example,

I wish I were at the party.

Here I wish refer to the present tense but I were referring to the past tense

Likewise, present tense refer to future tense

For Example,
We are leaving for the airport.

Here, We are refers to the present tense, and leaving refers to the future tense.
Tenses for class 8 exercise

Rewrite the sentences using the tenses given in the bracket.

1. They had a solution for this problem. (present, future)

2. He will be happy with his exam result. (past, present)
3. These medicines will have serious side effects. (past, present)
4. All flights to Mumbai were late. (present, future)
5. Were you absent from the class? (present, future)
6. We had no financial problems in our family. (present, future)
7. We have all kinds of facilities in our city. (past, future)
8. He will not be in the office. (present, past)
9. Are they happy with terms and conditions? (past, future)
10.Riya is a nurse at the hospital. (past, future)


1. Present: They have a solution for this problem.

Future: They will have a solution for this problem.
2. Past: He was happy with his result.
Future: He is happy with his result.
3. Past: These medicines had serious side effects.
Future: These medicines are having serious side effects.
4. Present: All flights to Mumbai are late.
Future: All flights to Mumbai will be late.
5. Present: Are you absent from the class?
Future: Will you be absent from the class?
6. Present: We are having no financial problems in our family.
Future: We will have no financial problems in our family.
7. Past: We had all kinds of facilities in our city.
Future: We are having all kinds of facilities in our city.
8. Present: He is not in the city.
Past: He was not in the office.
9. Past: Were they happy with the terms and conditions?
Future: Will they be happy with the terms and conditions?
10.Past: Riya was a nurse at the hospital.
Future: Riya will be the nurse at the hospital.

Simple Present Tense

Formation of simple present tense

Singular Subject

When the subject of the sentence is singular (he, she, it) and with other
singular subjects, we add -s or -es to the root form of the verb. We write: root
form+ s/es.

For example

1. He loves sweets.
2. Rohit likes to sing.
3. He swims well.
4. She teaches English.
5. The waves rise high in the moonlight.

Plural Subject

When the subject is plural (we, they), or any other plural subject. We do not
add -s or -es to the root word. We just write as it is.

For example

1. They read books.

2. We laugh.
3. The boys play cricket.
4. The chefs cook.
5. We pray together.
First Person Subject

When 'I' is used as a subject we do not add -s or -es in the root word.
1. I cook meals.
2. I play tennis.
3. I go to the office.
4. I finish my work.
5. I took a walk in the park.


● With first person, second person, and all plural subjects we use the root
form of the verb.
● With third person, we add -s or -es to the root of the verb.

Simple present tense used in a negative sentence .

The sentence pattern will be:

Subject+ do/does+ not + root form of verb

We add does not before the root verb of he, she, it, and all other singular

For example:

1. She does not cook.

2. He does not lie.
3. Riya does not live near my house.
4. She does not like driving.
5. It does not detect negative thoughts.

We add do not before the root form of the verb with I, we, you, they, and all
other plural forms.

For example

1. I do not know the way.

2. They do not go for a swim.
3. We do not play badminton.
4. The boys do not like cricket.
5. The girls do not like makeup.
Simple present tense for interrogative sentence

For yes/no question, the sentence pattern is:

Do/does+ subject+ root form of the verb+ ..............?

For example

1. Do I need to do that work?

2. Do you need tea?
3. Does she like mangoes?
4. Does he play volleyball? Do I need to sing?


● We use "do" with I, they, we and all plural subjects.

● We use "does" with he, she, it and all singular subjects.

When the sentence is beginning with a question what, when, how......

The sentence is written in the following pattern

Question word+ do/does+ subject+ root form of the verb............

For example

● How does he reach school?

● Where do I find ketchup?
● Why does the boy crying loudly?
● Where does Jack work?
● How do the girls reach so soon?
Exercise for Simple Present Tense Class 8

Fill in the blanks with appropriate options.

1. The life of mosquito _____ when female _____ eggs in water. (begin, lay)
2. Catherine _____ medicines to her grandmother. (give)
3. I _____ blueberry cheesecake. (like)
4. Her mother never _____ jeans. (wear)
5. The leopard _____ very fast. (run)
6. She _____ very fast. (walk)
7. The tortoise _____ very slowly. (move)
8. He _____ near my grandfather's house. ( stay)
9. She _____ the treatment from a doctor to treat her blindness. (get)
10.The lady _____ to pay. (decline)


1. Begins, lays
2. Gives
3. Like
4. Wears
5. Runs
6. Walks
7. Moves
8. Stays
9. Gets

Present Continous Tense

Where is a present continuous tense used?

1. An action that is going to take place or is in the progress of taking place.

2. For an action that is to be taken placed in near future.
3. Talking about an action to be taken placed.

Formation of present continuous tense

In affirmative sentences, the sentence pattern is,

Subject+ is/are/am + ing form of the verb..............

For example

1. Ron is playing chess.

2. I am going to the market.
3. We are having a party tonight.
4. She is bathing.
5. He is buying clothes for himself.

In negative sentences, the sentence pattern is:

Subject+ is/am/are+ ing form of the verb.........

For example

1. We are not playing poker.

2. I am not going to school.
3. She is not finishing her homework.
4. He is not working today.
5. They are cooking pizza.

Interrogative sentences are formed by, adding is/am/are before the subject,
the sentence pattern is,

Is/am/are+ subject+ ing form of the verb+.........

For example

1. Are you singing?

2. Is she cooking?
3. Are we playing?
4. Am I snoring?
5. Are they watching a movie?

For questions beginning with question words, the sentence pattern is,

Question word+ is/am/are+ subject+ ing form of the verb+............

For example

1. What are you watching?

2. Where is she going?
3. What are they cooking?
4. Where are they playing?
5. What is he singing?
Exercise for present continuous tense class 8

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate present continuous tense.

1. My mother is _____ my brother. (feed)

2. He _____ with us tonight. (dine)
3. The clouds are _____. (thunder)
4. The military band is _____ a sweet tune. (play)
5. The railway engine is _____ slowly. (move)
6. The boys are _____ with monkeys. (tease)
7. The peon is _____ the bell. (ring)
8. I am _____ breakfast. (take)
9. Lots of people are _____ to take a meeting. (plan)
10.You are _____ a pretty dress. (wear)


1. Feeding
2. Dining
3. Thundering
4. Playing
5. Moving
6. Teasing
7. Rining
8. Taking
9. Planning

Present Perfect Tense

We use present perfect tense for:

1. For the actions which were performed in past but we can see the results
in present.
2. To talk about actions that have just been completed.
3. To denote an action that has started in past and is still happening.

Formation of the present perfect tense

In an affirmative sentence, the sentence pattern is:

Subject+ has/have+ past participle of the verb+........

For example

1. I have finished my homework.

2. The metro rates have gone up.
3. We have done our dinner.
4. She has finished her drink.
5. They have played poker.

In negative sentences, the pattern of the sentence is like this:

Subject+ has/have+ not+ past participle of the verb+...................

For Example:

1. The guest has not arrived.

2. Riya has not bought a new car.
3. They have not submitted their homework.
4. We have not done our work.
5. She has not got her notebook.

An interrogative sentence, the sentence pattern is,

For the yes/no question, the sentence pattern is:

Has/have+ subject+ past participle of the verb+.........

For Example:

1. Have you bought the ice cream?

2. Has she started to drove?
3. Have they completed their work?
4. Has Riya come to the office today?
5. Has he bought the new car?

The question beginning with question words, the sentence pattern is:

Question word+ has/have+ subject + past participle of the verb+..............

1. Where have I left my umbrella?

2. Where has she been in the USA?
3. Where has Riya been sitting?
4. What have you bought from the store?
5. How have you folded the clothes?
Exercise for present perfect tense class 8

Fill in the blanks with the correct present perfect tense

1. They _____ already _____ their luggage. (pack)

2. She _____ the film before. (see)
3. I _____ my keys. (loose)
4. Two boys _____ first position. (obtain)
5. They might _____ the train. (miss)
6. Our team _____the match. (win)
7. I _____ just _____ my car. (clean)
8. Mary _____ a new client. (appoint)
9. We _____ the difficult task. (finish)
10.She _____ a new dress. (buy)


1. Have, packed
2. Has seen
3. Have lost
4. Have obtained
5. Have missed
6. Has won
7. Have, cleaned
8. Has appointed
9. Have finished
10.Has bought

Present Perfect Continous Tense

The present perfect continuous tense is used to talk about action that started
in past and still continues.

For Example:

1. They have been telling a lie.

2. She has been going for shopping.
3. He has been playing football.
4. The mother have been cooking food.
5. We have been working since last two hours.

When we use present perfect continuous tense

We use the present perfect continuous tense to represent an unfinished action

that started in the past.

It can use to depict an action that started in the past and still continues in the

For Example:

1. It has been raining since last night.

2. They have been working as teacher from last two years.
3. She has been practicing dance for a long time.
4. The baby has been sleeping since morning.
5. They have been working on the project from last year.

Formation of the present perfect continuous tense

In an affirmative sentence, the sentence pattern is

Subject + have/ has+ been + present participle of the verb +......

For Example:
1. She have been working on the project.
2. They have been dancing.
3. I have been writing all day.
4. He has been going to gym.
5. She has been learning English this week.

In negative sentences, the sentence pattern is

Subject + have/ has +not + been+ present participle of verb+.....

For Example:

1. She has not been cooking food.

2. He has not met him since last month.
3. They has not been taking English classes.
4. You have not been starting from last week.
5. I have not been completed my project.

In interrogative sentences, the sentence pattern is

Have/has+ subject+ been+ present participle of verb+......

For Example:

1. Has she been working on the project?

2. Have you been crying all night?
3. Has it been raining from last hour?
4. Has he been washing clothes in morning?
5. Have the been playing football from last two hours?

For the question starting with the question words.

Question word + have/has + subject+ been + present participle of verb+.....

For Example:

1. Where has she been working?

2. Where have you been going?
3. What has she been doing?
4. When has she been met him?
5. What have they been learning?

Simple Past Tense

Where do we use the simple past tense:

1. An event that has occurred in past.

2. Describe an action that began or ended in the past.
3. Express an action taken at a particular time in the past.
4. To narrate a story

For Example:

1. Piya and her friends played badminton last weekend.

2. Cath attended a fair at Times Square last night.
3. The waves rose high in the moonlight yesterday at the beach.
4. My friends visited me an hour ago.

The formation of simple past tense

In an affirmative sentence, the sentence pattern is :

Subject+ simple past tense of the verb+..........

For Example:

1. I met her last night.

2. The soldier won the battle last week.
3. Police caught the thieves last yesterday.
4. I had completed my homework.
5. We had a date last night.

In negative sentences, did not is used before the root form of the verb. The
sentence pattern is:

Subject+ did not+ root form of the verb+ ..........

For Example:
● He did not go to the fair last night.
● She did not cook pasta.
● They did not have a party yesterday.
● We did not celebrate our son's birthday.
● I did not buy that dress from the store.

In interrogative sentences, the sentence pattern is:

For Yes/no question the sentence pattern is:

Did+ subject + root form of the verb+......?

For Example:

1. Did you go for the morning walk?

2. Did Ayesha sing well?
3. Did Harry wash the clothes?
4. Did you buy that dress?
5. Did she reach safely?

For the questions starting with question words, the sentence pattern is:

Question words+ did+ subject+ root form of the verb

For Example:

1. Where did Pretti spend her Sunday?

2. What did you cook last night?
3. How did you make this painting?
4. Where did you buy this kettle?
5. What did you order?
Exercise for Simple Past Tense Class 8

Read the story and complete it with the past tense given in the bracket.

Once lord Shiva and goddess Parvati _____ (journey) into the human world.
Suddenly Paravati's eye _____ (fall) on the poor beggar. She _____ (want) that
Shiva could gelp him. Lord Shiva _____ (agree). He _____ (drop) a golden brick
on the beggar's way. The beggar _____ (think) he would get more alms if he
_____ (act) blind. So he _____ (start) walking with eyes closed. He _____ (pass)
without noticing the golden brick. Goddess Parvati _____ (become) very sad.
Lord Shiva _____ (explain) fate cannot be changed. This writ _____ (depend)
on ones good or bad actions.


1. Journeyed
2. Fell
3. Wanted
4. Agreed
5. Dropped
6. Started
7. Passed
8. Became
9. Explained

Past continuous tense

Where do we use past continuous tense

● Express an action that was continuing in the past.

● Explain an action that was happening at a particular time in the past.
● Set a story.

For Example:

1. The shopkeeper was cutting a piece of cloth.

2. The passenger was carrying their luggage.
3. Last night at 9 pm, I was eating dinner.
4. The king was sitting in the garden.
5. When Abay entered the room, Chloe was sleeping.

The formation of past continuous tense

In an affirmative sentence, the sentence pattern is:
Subject+ was/were+ ing form of the verb +..............

For Example:

1. Tia was reading a novel.

2. He was solving the problem.
3. Bees were buzzing around the flowers.
4. She was teaching the class.
5. They were cooking food.

In negative sentences, the sentence pattern is:

Subject+ was/were+ not+ ing form of the verb+.............

For Example:

1. Tia was not reading the novel.

2. He was not solving the problem
3. Bees were not buzzing at the flowers.
4. She was not teaching the class.
5. They were not cooking food.

In the interrogative sentence, just put was/were before the subject

For yes/no question, the sentence pattern is:

Was/were+ subject+ ing form of the verb+........

1. Was the gardener watering the plants?

2. Were the children waiting for the school bell to ring?
3. Was mother cooking something?
4. Were they working late?
5. Was she having a fever?

For questions beginning with question words, the sentence pattern is:

Question word+ was/were+ subject + ing form of the verb+.........

For Example:
1. Where was he studying?
2. What was she wearing to the party?
3. How was she performing in class?
4. What were they playing?
5. When were you joining the army?
Exercise on Past Continuous Tense Class 8

Fill in the blanks with correct past continuous tense giving in the bracket.

1. The child _____ in the room. (weep)

2. Students _____ a noise in the classroom. (make)
3. My mother _____ pizza today. (cook)
4. Why _____ you _____ at him? (look)
5. We saw the helicopter while it _____ (take off)
6. The people in church _____ their morning prayer when i reached. (sing)
7. I _____ vegetables when the phone rang. (chop)
8. They said they _____ in 10 minutes. (reach)
9. My sister _____ when i returned home. (sleep)
10.I _____ when the guests arrived. (exercise)


1. Was weeping
2. Were making
3. Was cooking
4. Were, looking
5. Was taking off
6. Were singing
7. Was chopping
8. Were reaching
9. Was sleeping
10.Was exercising

Past Perfect Tense
The past perfect tense is used to indicate an event that has happened in the

For Example:

1. They had swum in the river.

2. Priya had attended a fair in Pragati Maidan.
3. The waves had slowed down at the beach.
4. My parents had visited the market.
5. We had our lunch before coming.

Where do we use past perfect:

● We use past perfect to talk about a past event that has taken place after
a past event. In simple words, we call it 'past of past'.

For Example:

1. When we arrived the film has started.

2. He had learned Chinese before he moved to Hong Kong.
3. She had her dinner before the guests arrived.
4. We were practicing before the coach arrived.
5. He had to reach early before our boss reached.

Formation of the past perfect tense

In an affirmative sentence, the sentence pattern is:

Subject+ had+ past participle of the verb+ ...............

For Example:

1. We had done the work.

2. The thief had stolen my chain.
3. They had dinner.
4. She had cooked the meal.
5. He had taken the dog for the walk.

In negative sentences, the sentence pattern is:
Subject+ had+ not+ past participle of the verb+............

For Example:

1. I had not written the essay.

2. She had not gone to the pool.
3. They had not had lunch.
4. She had not cooked.
5. He had not taken the dog for a walk.

In interrogative sentences, we just put had before the sentence:

In yes/no sentence, the sentence pattern is:

Had+ subject+ past participle of the verb+...............

For Example:

1. Had they played with the ball?

2. Had they visited the doctor?
3. Had she cooked some food?
4. Had they gone out?
5. Had he taken his dog for a walk?

For the question starting with question words, the sentence pattern is:

Question word+ had+ subject+ past participle of the verb+............

For Example:

1. Where had she gone?

2. When had they left?
3. What had you cooked?
4. When had you slept?
5. What had you prepared?
Exercise for the Past Perfect Tense

Fill in the blanks with the correct past perfect tense.
1. Before she _____ (come) home the house help _____ the cat. (feed)
2. When he _____ (arrive) the match _____ already started. ( have)
3. Before he _____ (sing) a song he _____ on the guitar. (play)
4. At night, the child _____ (tell) her mother what they _____ at the
museum. (see)
5. They _____ (show) me the pictures, they _____ (take) on holidays.
6. The wind _____ (blow) away the leaves, we _____ (collect) them.
7. My brother _____ (live) in India, before he _____ (move) to USA.
8. After she _____ (eat) all the muffins, she _____ (drink) apple juice.
9. He _____ (work) as a manger, before _____ (work) as a postman.
10.She _____ (have) a cup of tea, before she _____ (write) the note.


1. Had came, fed

2. He had, had
3. Sang, had played
4. Told, had seen
5. Showed, took
6. Blew, had collected
7. Lived, had moved
8. Ate, drank
9. Worked, had worked
10.Had, had written

Past Perfect Continous Tense

The past perfect continuous tense is to talk about an action that started in the
past and continued still another time in the past.

For Example:

1. She had been studying for last two hours.

2. They had been performing since morning.
3. He had been improving his communication skills.
4. You had been learning English from last two years.
5. Peter had been running from last thirty minutes.

When we use past perfect continuous tense

We use past perfect continuous tense denote an action that has been started in
the past and continuing her progressing in a particular time in the recent past.

For Example:

1. They had been travelling from last two days.

2. Her mother had been cooking food since last two hours.
3. You had been waiting here from a long time.
4. Myra had been studying since morning.
5. Neha had been cleaning the room since morning.

Formation of the past perfect continuous tense

In an affirmative sentence, the sentence pattern is

Subject+ had+ been + present participle of verb+.....

For Example:

1. I had been cooking food.

2. She had been learning English.
3. They had been watching TV.
4. He had been washing utensils.
5. They had been going to attend party

In negative sentences, the sentence pattern is

Subject+ had+ not+ been+ present participle of the verb+.........

1. I had not being cooking food.

2. She had not been learning English.
3. We had not been invited in the party.
4. They had not been completed the project.
5. Sneha had not been cleaned the house.
In interrogative sentences, the sentence pattern is

Had + subject+ been+ present participle of verb+ .....

1. Had she been cooking food?

2. Had he been learning since morning?
3. Had you been watching TV since last hour?
4. Had he been waiting for a long time?
5. Had I been cleaning utensils?

For the questions starting with question words

Question word+ Had + subject+ been+ present participle of verb+ .....

1. Where had he been going?

2. What had she been cooking?
3. Why had they been working?
4. What had they been doing?
5. Why had you been watching TV?

Simple Future Tense

The future tense is used to talk about an event that is going to occur.

For Example

1. The girl will swim in the river.

2. Manya will attend the fair in London.
3. The waves will rise high in the moonlight.
4. Rio will visit Big Bang during his visit to London.
5. I will go shopping today.

Where we use simple future tense

● We use will to talk about future events in which our own wishes won't
● We also use will when we decide to do something at that time.
● We all use will to express predictions.
● We also use will to make offers and promises.

For Example

1. They will get married in October.

2. She will make sandwiches.
3. I think team England will win the world cup.
4. I will call you when I arrive.
5. She will go for a swim at 6:00 pm

The Formation of simple future tense

In an affirmative sentence, the sentence pattern is:

Subject+ will/shall+ root form of the verb+..............

For Example

1. I will go to the market.

2. She will attend the function.
3. He shall come to the office.
4. They will arrive on time.
5. We will cook.

In a negative sentence, the sentence pattern is:

Subject+ will+ not+ root form of the verb+...........

For Example

1. I will not go to the market.

2. She will not attend the function.
3. He shall not come to the office.
4. They will not arrive on time.
5. We will not cook.

In an interrogative sentence, will comes before the subject.

In yes/no sentence, the sentence pattern is:
Will/shall+ subject+ root form of the verb+..........

For Example

1. Will you go to the market?

2. Will she attend the function?
3. Shall we go together in the car?
4. Will they be on time?
5. Will she cook?

For the question starting with question words, the sentence pattern is,

Question word+ will/shall+ subject+ root form of the verb+..........

For Example

1. When will he go to the market?

2. When will they attend the wedding?
3. What will we do tomorrow?
4. When shall they arrive?
5. What will she cook?
Exercise for simple future tense class 8

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of simple future tense

1. Ron _____ his career as a doctor from next year. (begin)

2. Harry _____ french to American students. (teach)
3. _____ we _____ for the dessert safari tomorrow? (go)
4. I _____ be exams. (give)
5. If I go to London _____ you up every day. (ring)
6. She is _____ a singer when she grows up. (going)
7. I think it _____ soon. (snow)
8. Give it to me I _____ it. (open)
9. The cat _____ milk if left open. (drink)
10.All of us _____ our exam results in July. (get)

1. Will begin
2. Will teach
3. Shall, go
4. Will give
5. Will ring
6. going to be
7. Will snow
8. Will open
9. Will drink
10.Will get

Future continous tense

An action that will be going on for some point in time.

To express an action that will be going to take place at some point in time.

For example

1. I will be going to play tennis in the morning.

2. Prime Minister will be holding a press conference.
3. The boy will be swimming in the competition.
4. My family will be vising the circus.
5. Manya will be going to New York.

Formation of future continuous tense

In affirmative sentences, the sentence pattern will be,

Subject+ will/shall/ ing form of the verb+................

For Example

1. I will be playing tennis.

2. He will be waiting for you.
3. The girl will be cooking.
4. Manya will be going to New York.
5. They will be sending letters.
In a negative sentence, the sentence pattern is:

Subject+ will/shall+ not+ ing form of the verb+........

For example

1. I will not be playing tennis.

2. He will not be waiting for you.
3. The girl will not be cooking.
4. Manya will not be going to New York.
5. They will not be sending the letters.

In an interrogative sentence, just put will/shall before the subject.

In yes/no questions, the sentence pattern is:

Will+ subject+ ing form of the verb+.........?

For Example

1. Will she be playing tennis?

2. Will he wait for me?
3. Will he be cooking?
4. Will they be sending letters?
5. Will, she going to New York?

For questions starting with question words, the sentence pattern is:

Question word+ will/shall+ subject+ ing form of the verb+...................?

For Example

1. When will she be playing the game?

2. What is she cooking?
3. When is Manya going to New York?
4. Where are they sending the letters?
5. Who will he be waiting for?
Exercise for Future Continuous Tense Class 8
Fill in the blanks with the correct form of verbs in future continuous tense
given in the bracket.

1. They _____ to a new home. (shift)

2. I _____ book in the evening. (read)
3. Tonight, we _____ a talk show. (watch)
4. Tomorrow we _____ to the office. (go)
5. The tourist _____ for Paris by the end of the week. (leave)
6. The cold weather _____ by the end of the month. (change)
7. The telephone _____ in the next hour. (ring)
8. The cricketer _____ runs in the next hour. (score)
9. This time next week we _____ at the beach. (sit)
10.The audience _____ (clap) and _____ the racers soon. (cheer)


1. Will be shifting
2. Shall be reading
3. Will be watching
4. Will be going
5. Will be leaving
6. Will be changing
7. Will be rining
8. Will be scoring
9. Shall be sitting
10.Will be clapping, will be cheering

Future Perfect Tense

Where we use the future perfect tense

We use the future perfect tense to express an action that will be completed at
some point in the future.

For Example

1. The boy will have swum in the river.
2. Manya will have gone to New York.
3. The waves will have risen high in the moonlight.
4. My friends will have to visit me.
5. They will have sent the letters.

Formation of the future perfect tense

In an affirmative sentence, the sentence formation is:

Subject+ will/shall+ have+ past participle of the verb+...........

For Example

1. I will have finished the work.

2. They will have shifted to a new house.
3. My family will have visited the church.
4. They will have sent the letters
5. She shall have cooked something.

In a negative sentence, the sentence pattern is:

Subject+ will/shall+ have+ past participle of the verb+...........

For Example

1. I will not have finished the work.

2. They will not have shifted to a new house.
3. My family will not have visited the church.
4. They will not have sent the letters.
5. She shall not have cooked something.

In an interrogative sentence, just put will/shall before the subject

In yes/no question, the sentence pattern is:

Will/shall+ subject+ have+past participle of the root verb+.................?

For Example

1. Will he have finished the work?
2. Will they have arrived?
3. Will your family have visited the church?
4. Shall they have shifted to a new house?
5. Will she have cooked something?
Exercise for perfect future tense class 7th

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the verb

1. By 7, we _____ (finish) our homework.

2. The patient _____ (recover) illness by next week.
3. Harry _____ (sell) his car by next sunday.
4. By this time tomorrow, I _____ (complete) my project.
5. The company _____ (hire) a new employee by next week.
6. Sia _____ (make) dinner by the time we reached home.
7. She _____ (submit) the assigment by next week.
8. He _____ (leave) before you reah home.
9. By this time of the year, I _____ (move) to a new apartment.
10.The children _____ (eat) all the cake before mother arrives.


1. Will have finished

2. Shall have recovered
3. Shall have sold
4. Will have completed
5. Will have hired
6. Shall have made
7. Will have submitted
8. Will have left
9. Shall have moved
10.Will have ate

Future Perfect Continous Tense

Future perfect continuous tense is used to talk about an action that will
continue up until a point in the future.
For Example:

1. She will have been shopping for a whole day.

2. They will have been conducting different task tomorrow.
3. You will have been reading the newspaper for two hours.
4. He will have been watching TV when she enter the room.
5. She will have been cleaning her room tomorrow.

When we use future perfect continuous tense

We use future perfect continuous tense to denote an action or even that will
keep going until on certain point of time or another event in the future.

It is used to depict an action that cause some other action or even that will
happen somewhere in the future.

For Example:

1. She will have been waiting for a long.

2. He will have been living United States for last one year.
3. They will have been work harder to score good.
4. You will have been following the rules of the schools.
5. You will have been working out for last three hours continuously.

Formation of future perfect continuous tense

In an affirmative sentence, the sentence pattern is

Subject+ will+ have+ been+ present participle of the main verb+....

1. She will have been cooking food.

2. He will have been studying a long.
3. They will have been practicing a long time.
4. They will have been going to foreign trip.
5. They will have been eating food.

In negative sentences, the sentence pattern is

Subject+ will+ not+ have+ been+ present participle of the main verb+....
For Example:

1. They will not have been watching TV.

2. They will not have been studying since long.
3. He will not have been cooking food.
4. She will not have been completed her work.
5. You will not have been playing games.

In interrogative sentences, the sentence pattern is

Will+ subject+ have+ been+ present participle of main verb+......

For Example:

1. Will she have been cooking food?

2. Will he have been listening songs?
3. Will they have been watching TV?
4. Will you have been completed work?
5. Will he have been going to shopping?

For the questions starting with question words

Question word +Will+ subject+ have+ been+ present participle of main


For Example:

1. Where will she have been cooking in evening?

2. What will he have been watching tonight?
3. Where will they have been practicing?
4. Whom will they have been attending the meeting?
5. How will they have been completing the work?
Present Tense for Class 8

What do you mean by tenses?

Tense is the grammatical name, tenses are the various forms of the main verb. Tenses notify
us when the subject did something and how the action took place or The tense of a verb is
determine the time of an action, event.

In English, we divide tense broadly into three main parts-


Now we briefly study PRESENT TENSE

Present tense applies to the current time in which the event in the sentence is taking place. A
verb that relates to the present moment is assumed to be in the present tense. It can be applied
to represent past and future actions.

Example of present tense for class 8

1. I play football every day. (This is a current action.)

2. I am glad. (current state of being)
3. John spoke excellent English. (past activity)
4. I will prepare for the exam. (future activity.)

The present tense is divided into four main time slots.





The simple present tense is used to refer to things that happen always, some, often, or never.
it is used to making statements about a person or to talk about facts. Simple tense is used to
express the following:

⇒ A habitual action
⇒ A future action that has a fixed schedule
⇒ A general or universal truths

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⇒ A permanent situation
⇒ Feeling/thought


(a) Active voice; subject + initial form of the verb.

(b) Passive voice: subject + be (is/am/are) + past participle.


In affirmative sentence= I, we, you, they, or plural noun, practice the initial form of the
verb. With he, she, it, or singular noun, apply the first form + s or es.

In negative sentences = I, we, you, they, or plural nouns are ensured by do not. He, she, it,
or singular nouns are supported by does not.

In Interrogative sentences = Place 'Do' or 'Does' before the subject and the initial form of the
verb next to the subject.

Example of simple present tense for class 8

1. Nishtha loves to play indoor games.

2. We do not play chess together.
3. Does Vihan sing a song?
4. I like to watch a cricket match on television.
5. He does not study social science on Wednesday.


Present continuous tense is utilized to introduce an activity that is continuous at that time. It
leads to an activity that is going on at the time when a statement is made, or at the moment of
declaiming. The Present Continuous Tense is usually applied with the terms- still, now, these
days, at this time, nowadays, at the moment, at present. Present continuous tense is used
to express the following;

⇒ An action strategy for the future

⇒ An activity that is performing on at the moment of speaking
⇒ An activity that may/ may not be occurring at the moment of conversing.


(a) Active Voice : Subject + be (is/am/are) + verb + ing.

(b) Passive Voice : Subject + be (is/am/are) + being + past participle

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In Affirmative sentences = 'is' with he, she, it or singular noun; 'am' with 'I' are 'are' with we,
they, you are a plural noun (subject + is/am/are + the first form of verb + ing)

In Negative sentences = 'not' is placed between the helping verb and the principal verb.
(Subject + is/am/are(not) + first form of verb + ing)

In Interrogative Sentences = the helping verb is placed before the subject (is/am/are + subject
+ first form of verb + ing?)

Examples of present continuous tense for class 8

1. I am writing content on women's equality.

2. Tara is not playing in the ground.
3. I am going to Australia next Saturday.
4. Sagar is trying to solve the mystery.
5. Are they going outside?


The present perfect tense is combining the past with the present. The present perfect tense is
practiced with the terms; as yet, yet, so far, even, since, already, just now, just, presently,
once, twice, etc. It leads to an activity that has been performed in the immediate past, and it
is applied with the word 'just'. Present Perfect tense is applied to express the following;

⇒ An action that has been completed in the immediate past

⇒ An action that is expected but has not yet happened
⇒ An action to indicate achievements
⇒ An action that is related to the current time


Active Voice : subject + has/have + past participle

Passive Voice : subject + has/have + been + past participle


In Affirmative Sentences = has, have, are to be used according to the subject. Use 'has' with
he, she, it, and singular nouns and have with I, we, you, they, and plural nouns.

In Negative Sentences = placed not between the verb and helping verb.

In Interrogative sentences = the auxiliary verb (has/have) come before the subject.

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Example of the present perfect tense for class 8

1. I have not gone to the office today.

2. She has visited the taj mahal.
3. We have decided to go by bus.
4. What have they decided about returning from Chennai?
5. He has just visited jodhpur.


Present perfect continuous tense indicates an activity that occurs in the past and continues in
the present, i.e., going on even now. This tense is utilized to represent an action or a state that
began in the past, is in progress at the moment of speaking, and will extend into the future.
We often use since and for with perfect continuous tenses. Since suggesting the point of the
time at which action started. For suggesting the period of time for which an action is going

Present perfect continuous tense is used to express the following;

⇒ Action has just finished

⇒ The action began in the past and is continuing at the time of speaking


Subject + has/have + been + verb ('ing' form).


In Affirmative Sentences has been/have been being used according to the subject before the
first form of the verb + ing (subject + has/have + been + present participle)

In Negative Sentences 'not' is placed between has/have and beens (subject + has/have + not +
been + present participle)

In Interrogative Sentences 'has' or 'have' are placed before the subject and 'been' follows the
subject (has/have + subject + been + preset participle?) or (Wh -question + has/have + subject
+ been + present participle?)

Example of present perfect continuous tense for class 8

1. She has been studying for exams since the afternoon.

2. I have been playing badminton for one hour.
3. Has she been sitting for one hour?
4. They have not been playing with each other for three hours.
5. Boris has been practicing the guitar.

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Worksheet of present tense for class 8

Complete the following sentence with the correct verbs.

1. Neel ____ (lived/lives) in Mumbai.

2. _____(Does/Do) she ____ (feeling/feel) better now.
3. She ____ (learns/learn) cycling quickly.
4. My cousin ____ (earned/earns) money from online business.
5. Rahul need your ____ (supporting/support)
6. ___ (Do/Did) you ___ (working/work) in this industry.
7. ___ (Does/Do) you ___ (broke/break) this cup?
8. It ___ (does not work/does not working) on my hair.
9. She ___ (eating/eats) all the fruits.
10. Shalu and Kapil ___ (likes/likes) to travel together.


1. lives
2. Does, feel
3. learns
4. earns
5. support
6. do work
7. do break
8. does not work
9. eats
10. like

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Past Tense for Class 8

What do you mean by tenses?

Tense is the grammatical name, tenses are the various forms of the main verb. Tenses notify
us when the subject did something and how the action took place or The tense of a verb is
determine the time of an action, event.

In English, we divide tense broadly into three main parts-


Now we briefly study PAST TENSE for class 8

What is past tense?

It is the verb that connects to an activity or an incident that happened in the past. Past tense
applies to the moment or incident that took a position in the time by going.

Examples of past tense for class 8

1. I worked in the school.

2. She bought a new car.
3. I was not present at the meeting.
4. Dr. Sharma went to Delhi last month.
5. Jenny performed on the school annual day.

Past tense is divided into four time slots.




Simple past tense is utilized to refer to something that passed at an appropriate time in the
past and is completed as a one-time activity. It has nothing to do with time soon or present. It
is applied for past activity or experience that is unrelated to the present. Simple past tense is
the single tense in which the second form of the verb is practiced.

Simple past tense is utilized to express the following:

⇒ An activity that was created in the past

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⇒ Past habit


(a) Active voice: Subject + Verb (past tense).

(b) Passive voice: Subject + be (was/were) + Past Participle.


In Affirmative Sentence, the second form of the verb is used with all persons. Subject +
second form of verb + complement/object

In Negative Sentence, place 'did not' after the subject and use the first form of the verb.
Subject + did not + first form of verb + complement/object

In Interrogative Sentence, place 'did' before the subject and use the first form of the verb after
the subject. Did + subject + first form of verb + object or wh question + did + subject + first
form of verb + object

Example of simple past tense for class 8

1. I got a new job yesterday.

2. I lived in goa from 2001.
3. She passed the chartered accountant examination last week.
4. Did you buy coffee from this cafe yesterday?
5. Aarvi did not play for one hour.


Past continuous tense indicates an activity continuous in the past. Past continuous tense is
utilized to show the following:

⇒ An action that was going on for some moment in the past.

⇒ The beginning of another event when the first action is not yet over.

⇒ To express an often repeated past action.


(a) Subject + was/were + verb + ing + object

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According to the subject, in Affirmative Sentences, we use was/were /were the subject, with
the first form of the verb + ing. Subject + was/were + first form of verb + ing.

In Negative Sentences, we put 'not' between the helping verb and the present participle (first
form + ing) of the main verb. Subject + was/were + not + first form of verb + ing.

In Interrogative Sentences, the helping verb is put before the subject. Was/were + subject +
first form of verb + ing or wh question + was/were + subject + first form of verb.

Examples of past continuous tense for class 8

1. Were they looking for a missing mobile phone?

2. She was weeping in the room.
3. Where were the children dancing?
4. I was sitting in the society with my grandmother.
5. Children were not praying in the school assembly.


Past perfect tense put the past action into a sequence. The past perfect tense is used to
express the following:

⇒ An action took place in the past

⇒ An action completed in the past

⇒ An unfulfilled desire of the past

⇒ An impossible condition of the past


(a) Action Voice: Subject + had + Past participle

(b) Passive Voice: Subject + had + been + past participle


In Affirmative Sentences, 'had' and the third form of the verb is used with all the subjects.
Subject + had + past participle.

In Negative Sentences, use 'not' after 'had'. Subject + had + not + past participle.

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In Interrogative Sentences, 'had' is placed before the subject. Had + subject + past
participle or Wh question + had + not + subject + past participle?

Example of past perfect tense for class 8

1. Raman had eaten his lunch before she came.

2. The USA flight had taken off before we reached.
3. Had the kids slept before her grandmother came?
4. Varun had not finished the classwork before you came.
5. Why hadn't you prepared for the dance competition.


Past perfect continuous tense is used to show the following

⇒ An activity that was continuing at some time in the past when another action took place

⇒ An action that is already finished but its effect or result persists


(a) Subject + had + been + verb ('ing' form)


In Affirmative Sentences, had been and the present participle is used with all the subject.
Subject + had + been + present participle + for/since

In Negative Sentences, 'not' is introduced between 'had' and 'been'. Subject+ had + not +
been + present participle + for/since.

In Interrogative Sentences, 'had' precedes the subject and been follows it. Had + subject +
not + been + present particle + for/since? or Wh question + has + not subject + been +
present participle + for/ since?

Example for past perfect continuous tense for class 8

1. Gaurav had been playing a videogame for two hours.

2. He had not been dancing for the last year.
3. Nitin had been wasting his time for two hours.
4. Why hadn't Abhimanyu been attending tuition classes since June?
5. Had Vansh not been standing for one hour?

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Worksheet of past tense for class 8

Fill the sentence with correct present tense and past tense.

1. Rahim had been cooking ____ (for/since) 3 o'clock.

2. Raheja had ____ (taken/took) your purse.
3. She had been making cake ___ (since/from) 8 a.m.
4. He ___ (drink/drinks) cold coffee in the evening.
5. Varun and his friends ____ (has been/were) playing badminton for 3 hours.
6. They ____ (goes/go) to ground at 7 a.m.
7. Neha ____ (had been/is) playing guitar for three hours.
8. My friends ____ (were/was) coming by own car.
9. The teacher was ____ (teaching/taught) us maths at that time.
10. Mishu ___ (gone/went) to the school.


1. since
2. taken
3. since
4. drinks
5. had been
6. go
7. had been
8. were
9. teaching
10. went

PERFORMDIGI.COM | English Grammar Synonyms For Class 8
Future Tense for Class 8

Hello, kid's Today We are going to Learn English Grammar Future Tense For Class 8.
Future Tense Definition, Example, and Exercise and Types of Future tense and We'll do
future tense practice by the Exercise/Worksheet of Future tense for Class 8? Here we have
given CBSE English Grammar Future tense for class 8.

What do you mean by tenses?

Tense is the grammatical name, tenses are the various forms of the main verb. Tenses notify
us when the subject did something and how the action took place or The tense of a verb is
determine the time of an action, event.

In English, we divide tense broadly into three main parts-


Now we briefly study FUTURE TENSE

Sentences that talk about the future or the time that has not yet come, are said to be in the
future tense. We plan several things for the future.

The future tense is divided into four-time slots:



Examples of future tense for class 8

1. I will be back on Sunday.

2. We shall defeat the obstacles.
3. She will be dancing.
4. The boys are going to play cricket here.
5. I will bring ice cream for you.


It is used to talk about an action that place in the future. it describes an action of something
or somebody shortly. 'Will' and 'shall' are used to frame future sentences. With I and We
(first form), the future is expressed by using shall instead of will. Shall I and Shall we are
used in the questions to make offers or suggestions.

PERFORMDIGI.COM | Future Tense for Class 8
The simple future tense is used to express the following:

1. Make a prediction
2. Express the speaker's views
3. Express offer and ask somebody to do something
4. Indicate a promise

Structure of Simple Future Tense

(a) Active voice: Subject + will/shall + first form of the verb

(b) Passive voice: Subject + will/shall + be + past participle


In Affirmative sentences, the use shall with I and we and will with you, he, she, they, for
simple future. Subject + will/shall + first form of the verb + object/complement.

In Negative Sentences, not is added after 'will shall'. Subject + will/shall + not + first form of
verb + object/complement.

In Interrogative Sentences, place 'will' or 'shall' before the subject and first form of the verb
after the subject. Will/shall + subject + first form of the verb + object/complement? or wh
question (how, where, when, why, etc.) + will/shall + subject and first form of verb + object.

Examples of simple future tense for class 8

1. I shall go to Dubai tomorrow.

2. You shall get a computer.
3. I think Jonny will be happy to see you.
4. Shall we go to cape town for a summer vacation?
5. If Dolly works hard, she will become a Doctor.


Future continuous tense relates to the actions that have been planned or are likely to be
planned. It is utilized to indicate an action that will be going on at some time in the future.
Future continuous tense is applied to show future action that starts before a particular time
and apparently continues after it.

The future continuous tense is used to express the following:

1. An action that will progress for a certain period of time in future

2. An action that is certain to happen in the future
3. An action that will occur as a matter of routine.
4. Make a prediction about something or some occurrence in the future.
5. An action that will be in progress at a specified time in the future.

PERFORMDIGI.COM | Future Tense for Class 8
6. A favor from someone by asking about the plan.

Structure of Future Continuous Tense

(a) Will/shall + be + first form of the verb + ing


In Affirmative Sentences, 'will be' or 'shall be' is used according to the subject, followed by a
present participle (first form of the verb + ing). Subject + will be/ shall be + first form of the
verb + -ing

In Negative Sentences, 'not' is introduced between 'shall', 'will' and 'be'. Subject + will/shall +
not + first form of verb + ing

In interrogative Sentences, 'shall' or 'will' is placed before the subject, and 'be' follows it.
will/shall + subject + first form of the verb + ing? or Wh question + will/shall + subject and
first form of verb + ing?

Example of future continuous tense for class 8

1. We will be learning this subject in school.

2. What time will you be joining the music class commencing tomorrow?
3. John will be coming to Canada next Monday.
4. Will you be going to Mumbai by train.
5. Jenny will be feeling glad.


The future perfect tense is utilized to show an action that is required to be performed by a
certain time in the future. It leads to the completion of action before another action takes
place in the future.

The future perfect tense is used to express the following:

An action that would be completed at some time in the future and is linked to another

Structure of Future Perfect Tense

(a) Action Voice: Subject + shall/will + have + past participle.

(b) Passive voice: Subject + shall/will + have + been + past participle.

PERFORMDIGI.COM | Future Tense for Class 8

In Affirmative Sentences, Use will have/ shall have according to the subject. Add the third
form of the verb. Subject + will/shall + have + past participle

In Negative Sentences, 'not' come between 'shall' or 'will' and 'have'. Subject + will/shall +
not + have + past participle

In Interrogative Sentences, 'shall' or 'will' comes before the subject and 'have' follows it.
Will/shall + subject + have + past participle? or Wh questions + will/shall + subject + have +
past participle?

Examples of future perfect tense for class 8

1. I shall have finished the meeting before afternoon.

2. Who will have selected the menu for function?
3. He will have earned about rupees ten thousand by July.
4. Kavya will have studied for three years by next month
5. Will she have danced for the college team.


Future perfect continuous tense indicates an action that will be in progress over time, which
will end in the future. Future perfect continuous tense is used to express the following:

An action that will be continuing for some time in the future

Structure of Future Perfect Continuous Tense

(a) Subject + shall have been/will have been + verbs + ing


In Affirmative sentences, 'will have been'/'shall have been' is followed by present participle
(first form of the verb + ing). Subject + will + have + been + verb (-ing)

In Negative Sentences, 'not' is introduced between 'shall'/'will' and 'have been'. Subject + will
+ not + have + been + verb (-ing)

In Interrogative Sentences, 'shall'/'will' comes before the subject and 'have been' follow it.
Will + subject + have + been + verb (-ing)

Examples of future perfect continuous tense for class 8

1. Our team will have been waiting for you at the station.
2. She will have not been laughing at you.

PERFORMDIGI.COM | Future Tense for Class 8
3. I shall have been playing in the school for two years.
4. Garv will have been living in the society for nine years in 2011.
5. Will you have been cooking for two hours?

Worksheet of future tense for class 8

Fill in the blank with the correct future form of the given in the brackets:

1. The teacher ____ (visit) your society next Sunday.

2. Who ____ (pay) the electricity bill.

3. I ____(take) bath before the sun rises.

4. He ____ (post) the letter for Rahul.

5. We ____ (solve) the sums since afternoon.

6. ___ they ___ (live) in our house next month?

7. It ____ (rain) when you reach the office.

8. We ____ (play) cricket tomorrow evening.

9. I ____ (finish) the work before Saturday.

10. The farmer ____ (reap) the harvest before April.


1. will be visiting
2. will pay
3. shall have taken
4. will be posting
5. will have been solving
6. will, be living
7. will be raining
8. shall be playing
9. shall have finished
10. will have reaped

PERFORMDIGI.COM | Future Tense for Class 8
Active and Passive Voice For Class 8
1. Pihu is eating an apple.
2. An apple is eaten by Pihu.

As you see in the above two sentences, there is no difference as they represent
the same thing and have the same meaning.

In the first sentence, the subject performs an action and in the second
sentence, the subject of the verb is acted upon. It means the subjects become
objects in the second sentence.

Therefore there are two types of voice that show subjects perform an action
and the work is acted upon.

The voice can be classified into two types:-

1. Active voice
2. Passive voice

1. Active Voice
In active voice, the sentence begins with the subject of the action and the
object is at the end of the sentence as it is acted upon.

The subject is the doer of the action.

The structure of the active voice is: (Subject+ Verb+ Object)


1. Radhika writes a letter.

2. Sneha baked a cake.
3. She received a parcel.
4. She will make cookies tonight.
5. The company hired new workers.
2. Passive Voice
In Passive voice, the sentence begins with an object and ends with a subject.

It is the receiver of an action.

The structure of Passive voice is: (Object+ Verb+ Subject)


1. A letter was written by Radhika.

2. A cake was baked by Sneha.
3. A parcel was received by her.
4. Tonight, the cookies will be made by her.
5. New workers were hired by the company.

Rules for changing Active to Passive Voice

1. Identify the subject, verb, and object in the active sentence to convert them
into the passive voice.


1. He is playing cricket.
(Subject -he, verb- playing, object - cricket)
2. She is wearing a necklace.
(Subject - she, verb- wearing, object - necklace)

2. Active voice and passive voice interchange the object and subject with each
other that is object of the active sentence become the subject of the passive


3. The subject is not used in the passive voice sometimes that is the subject in
the passive voice is omitted from the sentence without giving its meaning.


1. He drinks two litres of water.

2. The milk was sold in litres.

4. In an active sentence the verb change into the past participle in the third
form of a verb in passive voice preceded by (by, with, whom, etc.)


While changing active voice sentences to passive voice sentences we also
change the Pronouns in the sentences.

6. The helping and auxiliary verb is according to the tense of the main verb in
the passive voice and the number singular or plural of the new subject.

Change in tenses and active and passive voice.
1. Simple Present Tense

2. Present Continuous Tense
3. Present Perfect Tense

4. Simple Past Tense
5. Past Continuous Tense

6. Past Perfect Tense
7. Simple Future Tense

8. Future Perfect Tense
Active and Passive Voice Worksheet For Class 8
Change the following sentences into passive voice.

1. Mukesh played cricket.

2. The cat ate the mouse.
3. My mother cooked tasty cookies.
4. She bought a ring.
5. He opened the door.
6. The teachers scolded him.
7. He teaches us.
8. She read a book.
9. Does she help him?
10. The children are flying kites.
11. Mr. Sharma teaches Maths.
12. Kritika is washing clothes.
13. Niya is buying a new phone.
14. He will catch the first train.
15. She shall have finished the work.
16. Meenakshi edited the article.
17. She ate the candies.
18. Someone has stolen his little purse.
19. He painted his room.
20. The Gardner will not have planted trees.


1. The cricket was played by Mukesh.

2. The mouse had been eaten by the cat.
3. The tasty cookies have been cooked by my mother.
4. A Ring was bought by her.
5. The door was opened by him.
6. He had been scolded by a teacher.
7. We are taught by him.
8. A book was read by her.
9. He was being helped by her.
10. The kites were flown by the children.
11. Maths was taught by Mr. Sharma.
12. The clothes had been washed by Kritika.
13. A new phone will be bought by Niya.
14. The first train shall be caught by him.
15. The work will have been finished by her.
16. The articles had been edited by Meenakshi.
17. The Candies were eaten by her.
18. His Little purse had been stolen by someone.
19. His room was painted for him.
20. Trees will not have been planted by the gardener.
Adverb for Class 8

Hello kids, We are going to learn Adverb for class 8. What is an adverb Definition, Example,
and Exercise For class 8? Here we have given CBSE English Grammar adverb for class 8.

Adverbs for class 8 Cbse with Definition, Example, and Exercise/Worksheet.

What is Adverb?

Definition: An adverb is a word in a sentence that modifies the meaning of the verb or
another adverb, or adjective or phrase or a clause, telling us how, how often, when, or where
something is prepared.

Examples of adverbs for class 8

⇓ (modifies the verb ate)

 Gautam ate his mango quickly when no one was watching.

⇓ (modifies the adjective delicious )

 These are very delicious cakes.

⇓ (modifies the adverb loudly)

 Aarti speaks very loudly

Kinds of Adverbs for Class 8

1. Adverbs of place
2. Adverbs of time
3. Adverbs of manner
4. Adverbs of degree
5. Adverbs of frequency
6. Relative adverbs
7. Interrogative adverbs

1. Adverbs of Place

Definition: Adverbs of place determine where something occurs or where an action takes
place. They are usually put after the clause that they adjust or after the verb. Adverbs of place
do not edit other adverbs or adjectives. Adverbs of place are normally arranged at the end of
the sentence and adverbs of time are similarly placed at the end of the sentence. The most
commonly used adverbs of place are everywhere, upstairs, where, outwards, inwards,

outside, within, out, above, below, near, far, somewhere. Adverbs of place answer the
question~ Where?

Examples of Adverbs of Place for class 8

1. The old man is sitting outside the house.

2. Abhinav sent his son away.
3. Does Riya stay here?
4. Rajni went upstairs for some work.
5. Ruhi is studying inside.

2. Adverbs of Time

Definition: The word that expresses time and shows us when an activity occurred, including
for how long and how frequently/often is called adverbs of time. Adverb expressions of time
at once, since they are ordinarily fixed at the right start or the right end of the sentence.
Adverb of time such as eventually, later, now, recently, soon, then. today, tomorrow,
afterward, immediately, yesterday, last week, ago, next year, etc. It answers the question-

Examples of Adverbs of Time for class 8

1. They will visit our company tomorrow.

2. I have played this game before.
3. Sonam recently got a job.
4. I have to go immediately to the hospital.
5. I often eat eggs.

3. Adverbs of Manner

Definition: Adverbs of manner show us how, or in what way, or in what manner an action is
taking place. It helps to solve the question- how? Generally, adverbs of manner are set next to
the verb or next to the object. Adverbs of manner are usually created by joining-ly to an
adjective. If the formation of the sentence is verb + preposition + object the adverb can be
arranged next to the object or before the preposition. The most common adverbs of manner
are; safely, regularly, hard, hungrily, quickly, brightly, agreeably, slowly, happily, quietly,
rapidly, honestly, blindly, successfully, etc.

Examples of Adverbs of Manner for Class 8

1. Rishu sings beautifully.

2. Kelly replied to all the questions correctly.
3. He asked politely for food.
4. Rahul ate his breakfast hungrily.
5. Alex quickly completed his homework.

4. Adverbs of Degree

Definition: Adverbs of degree show us the degree or intensity of an action, an adjective, or

another adverb. The adverb simply modifies verbs. Usually, it is fixed after the word to which
it qualifies. It is arranged before the adjective, verb, or adverb. Adverb of degree is also put
before or after nouns and pronouns. The most commonly used adverbs of degree are much,
extremely, just, almost, quite, very, fairly, completely, far, rather, scarcely, so, too,
absolutely, barely, hardly, nearly, only, etc. The Adverb only modifies verbs.

Example of Adverbs of Degree for Class 8

1. The burger was too salty.

2. This novel is quite impressive.
3. It's extremely tough to learn Sanskrit.
4. Jenny only likes painting.
5. I completely agree with Jenny.

5. Adverbs of Frequency

Definition: Adverbs of frequency show us how frequently an action follows. It acknowledges

the question- how often. Adverbs of frequency are normally determined before the leading
verb and after any auxiliary verb. It is arranged at the start and the end of the sentence. The
most common adverbs of frequency are twice a week, even, frequently, occasionally,
annually, always, rarely, often, yearly, once, again, never, seldom, periodically, repeatedly,
usually, continually, etc.

Example of Adverbs of frequency for class 8

1. Vishal always drinks hot water.

2. I never eat non-veg food.
3. Tina washes her hair twice a week.
4. I sometimes dance with my child.
5. I usually go to the park for a walk with my friends.

6. Relative Adverbs

Definition: Relative adverbs act like relative pronouns. Relative adverbs help to join clauses
or sentences by using where, when, and why. They substitute the more precise formation of
prepositions, which is utilized to add a relative clause.

Examples of Relative Adverbs for class 8

1. This is the building where I used to play with puppies.

2. I recognize it when I purchase this yellow dress.
3. This is her purpose why she came to the USA.
4. I visited Jim Corbett where I saw deer and tigers.

5. I don't know why her brother left home.

7. Interrogative Adverbs

Definition: Adverbs that are applied to frame questions are called Interrogative adverbs. The
words like where, when, how, why how long, how far, and how often are utilized to ask
questions and it is set at the beginning of a question. Interrogative adverbs include a noun

Example of Interrogative Adverbs for Class 8

1. I am not sure when he got married.

2. Where did you go on winter's vacation last year?
3. Why are you presenting this again?
4. many chocolates have you distributed?
5. Where is your goat?



Quick +ly Quickly

bad +ly badly

brave +ly bravely

cheap +ly cheaply

tragic +ally tragically

original +ally originally

basic +ally basically

angry i+ly angrily

easy i+ly easily

In most maximum cases, an adverb is formed by attaching -ly, -ally, i+ly to an adjective.

Worksheet on adverbs for class 8

Fill in the blanks with suitable words:

1. My sister is feeling ____ low today. (many, really)

2. Keep this dustbin ____. (everywhere, outside)
3. Rishu was _____ annoyed with his behavior. (much, many)
4. Meenu spoke _____ slowly. (very, much)
5. Kapil complete his homework _____. (quiet, quietly)
6. They could not find him ____. (anywhere, nowhere)
7. Sonu runs ____ than harsh. (fastly, faster)
8. It was ___ cold to drink cold drink. (very, too)
9. I seldom or ___ refused the offer. (ever, never)
10. Geeta gave up her marketing job four years ____ (ago, since)


1. really
2. outside
3. much
4. very
5. quietly
6. anywhere
7. faster
8. too
9. never
10. ago

Form Adverbs From Given Adjectives

1. Annual ⇒ _____
2. Jubilant ⇒ ____
3. Almost ⇒ _____
4. Idiotic ⇒ _____
5. kind ⇒ ______
6. bitter ⇒ ______
7. Anxious ⇒ ______
8. Intent ⇒ ______
9. Merry ⇒ ______
10. Terrible ⇒ _____


1. Annually
2. Jubilant
3. Almost
4. Idiotically

5. Kindly
6. Bitterly
7. Anxiously
8. Intently
9. Merrily
10. Terribly

Preposition For Class 8
A preposition are the words that connects noun phrase a pronoun with
another word in a sentence.

Its function as avoid that combines to form a phrase usually expresses a

modification or prediction.

On, in, at, for, behind, after, among, infront of are some words which describes
prepositions in a sentence.

Uses of prepositions in a sentence

1. They are used indicate to show the direction of something.

2. It refer to the time of something
3. Its denotes position or direct of an object.

List of Prepositions
Types of Preposition
The main types of prepositions are

1. Preposition of time
2. Preposition of place
3. Prepositions of direction or movement

1. Preposition of Time

A preposition of time used to indicate a particular time or specific time when

an action takes place in a sentence.

On, in, at, before, and during are some words that describe the preposition of

Preposition Usage Examples

On Specific dates and days Republic day comes

on 26 January.

At To show a particular or exact He will arrive at 9

time. am.

In To indicate parts of the days, They went for a long

months and year trip in summer

By To indicate a deadline She will come by

Until It is used to indicate the He wait until his
sense of how long mother comes.
something is going to last

For It indicates the length of the They get ready for

action or how long the the party.
action lasts.

During Known period of time, She fell during

duration of an action playing.

Between to indicate the duration of He sit between his

two points of time friends.

Since to say when something He haven't met him

happened and it is still since last month.


1. She went back home in the evening.

2. He went to Shimla in summer vacations.
3. He will visit his house on Wednesday.
4. Megha wash her hands before eating food.
5. Rishabh fall down during playing football.
6. He will be here until next week.
7. He worked since he was having his job.
8. She must sleep by 10 p.m.
9. The exams are continued for a week.
10.We should complete the work within the given period of time.

2. Preposition of Place

A preposition of place as you to refer or indicate a place where an action take

place for something.
Above, after, beside, near, between, among, in front of, behind, and across are
some words describing prepositions of place.

Prepositions Usage Examples

Behind It means at the back (part) The cat is behind

of something the chair.

Between Refers to something in the He is standing

middle of two objects or between the road.

Beside Refers to a thing (or person) Riya sat besides her

that is at the side of another sister.

Near distance between the two The school is near

things the temple.

Above at a higher position The kite fly high

above in the sky.

Under at a lower level The cat is sleeping

under the table.

After One follows the other The child ran after

the cat.

Among In the middle of or The girl is standing

surrounded by other people among the flowers.
or things
In front of At or towards the back of a They perform
thing or person infront of an

Over On something or covering it He put a blanket

over the dog.


1. The dog run after the child.

2. There is a big shop near the school.
3. Sneha is sitting between her friends.
4. The moon is shining among the stars.
5. An Andolan was passed by in front of society.
6. They sit behind the auditorium.
7. The cat is sleeping under the table.
8. They put a cloth over the box.
9. Naina lay beside the pool.
10.He will reach there by bus.

3. Preposition of Direction or Movement

The preposition of direction and movement indicates the movement from one
place to another place. It usually describe some movement or the motion of
direction of something. Across, around, away, down, from, into, off, on, over,
and to are some words which describe preposition of direction and movement.

Preposition Usage Examples

To It is used to indicate a She is going to

destination or direction the school.
Towards To indicate the direction of He runs towards
someone or something the shop.

Through It is used when we talk about He ran slowly

movement from one side to through the
another woods.

Into It is used to talk about the The cat run into

movement that enters a space, the room.
usually with a verb that
expresses movement

Over It refers to movement at a He jumped over

higher level than something else the wall.

Across It is used when talking about The dog runs

movement from one side of across the
something streets.

Along It is used to show movement of He went to the

something in a line that follows park along with
the side of something long his mother.

From It is used to show the place The rat moves

where someone or something from one place to
starts another

Around It refers to the movement in My father travels

circles or in the vicinity of around the
something country.

Up It refers to a higher position or The boy ran up

movement to a higher position the hills.

1. The boy ran across the road and hit by a car.

2. The cat is moving around the chair.
3. The kid ran away from the dog and escaped.
4. They are moving down to the hill
5. The boy threw stones into the river.
6. The children went on the stage
7. The thief jumped over the wall.
8. The train moves through the tunnel.
9. They went to the part at late night.
10.The birds fly high up in the sky.

Preposition Worksheet For Class 8

Fill in the blanks with the correct preposition.

1. He will visit ______ in the morning.

2. Her friends will visit his house ______ Sunday.
3. The bell ring ______ the door.
4. The dog is hiding ______ the bushes.
5. A pen fall down ______ the table.
6. The boy ran ______ the cat.
7. He went to his friend house ______ for a function.
8. The book is all ______ the fairy tales.
9. The children arrived ______ the bus.
10.The birds fly high ______ the tree.
11.He went to party ______ his friends.
12.Siya get early in the morning ______ 6 o'clock.
13.The child can play football _____ his studies.
14.His father is waiting for him ______ the car.
15.There is a big mango tree ______ our school.
16.He jumped ______ the basket of fruits.
17.The design ______ the house is mind blowing.
18.The two girls of our class is selected for dance competition ______ our
class teacher.
19.Her house is ______ the street.
20.He is very hungry ______ there is nothing to eat.


1. To
2. On
3. At
4. Behind
5. Under
6. After
7. For
8. About
9. By
Conjunction For Class 8,
Types, Exercise/Worksheet,
Quiz, and PDF
What is a Conjunction?
Definition: A conjunction is a word that connects groups of
words, phrases, clauses, and sentences. The conjunction is also
named or called a connector, joiner, or sentence linker. The
conjunction can also be described as a word that links clauses
together to make a sentence and shows how the clauses’ meanings
are related to each other.

These conjunctions are: as well as, and, not only, whereas,

nevertheless, but also, else, both, yet, either, however, moreover,
although/though, while, or, neither, nor, so, because, when, if, so
that, whether, alternatively, as though, still.

Types of Conjunction for class 8

There are three types of conjunctions:

1. Coordinating Conjunction
2. Subordinating Conjunction
3. Correlative Conjunction

Different sorts of conjunctions connect various kinds of

grammatical formations. Based on their application.

PERFORMDIGI|Conjunction for Class 8
1. Coordinating Conjunction

Conjunctions combining the identical kind of grammatical systems

are called coordinating conjunction. Coordinating conjunctions
join two terms, phrases, or main clauses of equal significance. They
have never used it at the beginning and the end.

The most usually applied coordinating conjunctions are: but, and,

for, or, nor, so, yet. The word ‘for‘ is most frequently utilized as a
preposition, but it also works as a coordinating conjunction. An
important and exciting approach to identify these conjunctions is to
recognize the acronym FANBOYS.

Each of the alphabets of this word is the initial letter

of one of the coordinating conjunctions.

● F- FOR
● A- AND
● N- NOR
● B- BUT
● O- OR
● Y- YET
● S- SO

The sentence must include two statements of equal

rank or value.

● Phrase with Phrase

● Noun with Noun
● Clause with Clause
● Adjective with Adjective
● Subject with Subject

PERFORMDIGI|Conjunction for Class 8
Examples of Coordinating Conjunction For Class 8

1. Jack is intelligent and Roy is stupid.

2. Jony plays cricket well, yet his favorite sport is
3. Aman is rich but clever.
4. Today is my birthday, so I want a new dress.
5. Do you want admission to Delhi, or do you want to study
in Mumbai?

2. Subordinating Conjunction

Subordinating conjunction adds a subordinate clause in a

complex sentence. Subordinating conjunctions, in the most
abundant class of conjunction, connect the Subordinate clause to
the main clause. It appears at the commencement of a subordinate
clause and builds a connection between the dependent clause and
the rest of the sentence. The sentence must include pair
statements from which one is dependent on the other for its full
meaning. Some more general subordinating conjunctions are; since,
when, till, if, because, that, units, unless, etc.

Subordinating conjunctions may be arranged


Time:- before, after, since, until, as soon as, till

Purpose:- in case, so that
Reason or Cause:- as, because, since, so, for
Result:- so tired that, and
Condition:- if, unless, provided
Concession:- through, yet, even though
Comparison:- so, as, than

PERFORMDIGI|Conjunction for Class 8
Example of Subordination Conjunction For Class 8

1. She will be happy if you come with me.

2. I arrived before the class start.
3. Vishal is taller than Varsha.
4. Take the umbrella in case it rains.
5. She is as good as your nephew in her studies.

3. Correlative Conjunction

Correlative conjunction and coordinating conjunctions are always

applied in pairs. Correlative conjunctions are combining sentence
parts of the same kind that must be grammatically parallel. They
show the relationship between the opinion expressed in different
parts of a sentence. Common correlative conjunctions are
neither—nor, either—or, through—yet, not only—but also, and
both—and, hardly—when, if—then, rather—than, no sooner—than.

Examples of Correlative Conjunction For Class 8

1. She not only sings splendidly but also dances perfectly.

2. I like both whether it’s coffee or tea.
3. Either give a presentation or leave the meeting.
4. I would rather go to the gym than go to the park.
5. If he is a villain, then who is a hero?

Worksheet of Conjunction For Class

Complete the sentence with the correct subordinating
conjunction and coordinating conjunction.

PERFORMDIGI|Conjunction for Class 8
1. He wants candy ___(because/or) cake.
2. Shaireen tried her best___(however/if) she couldn’t
3. She is more creative___(than/then) other students.
4. I was late___(after/because) of traffic.
5. ____(in case/that) you have any issue, please ask me.
6. Jenny has changed a lot___(when/since) I saw her
7. Her parents were shifted to Jaipur____(while/when)
she was eight years old.
8. He lost in the match___(then/nevertheless) he didn’t
lose my heart.
9. We must leave now___(as long as/since) it is getting
10. I can meet her today ___(but/so), not tomorrow.


1. or
2. however
3. than
4. because
5. in case
6. since
7. when
8. nevertheless
9. since
10. but

PERFORMDIGI|Conjunction for Class 8
Complete the Sentence by using
the correct Correlative
1. ___Sunny___Sam is a politician.
2. Your white shirt may be ___ in the cupboard ___ in my
3. She is ___a school coach ___ a state-level champion.
4. ___he is rich ___ he is dependable.
5. He had ___ a shoe___ slipper.
6. Mohan went ___to Jammu___to Jaipur.
7. I have visited___ Venice___America.
8. You can purchase___ a laptop ___ a phone.
9. She mails me an offer letter___I can join ___ company.
10. ___had she left the tuition, ___ it began to storm.


1. Both Sunny and Sam are politicians.

2. Your white shirt may be either in the cupboard or in the
3. She is not only a school coach but also a state-level
4. Though he is rich yet he is dependable.
5. He had neither a shoe nor a slipper.
6. Mohan went neither to Jammu nor to Jaipur.
7. I have visited both Venice and America.
8. You can purchase a laptop or a phone.
9. She mails me an offer letter so I can join that company.
10. Hardly had she left the tuition, when it began to

PERFORMDIGI|Conjunction for Class 8
Subject Agreement For Class 8

Question: What is the subject?

Answer: A subject is a member of a sentence that carries the person or thing that is showing
the activity or doing something in a sentence.

Question: What is a verb?

Answer: A verb is an action made in the subject or state of being in the sentence. The verb is
one of the most significant parts of a sentence.
Example: (To recognize the subject ask here who is acting? and to know the verb what the
subject is doing? )

Question: What is Subject-verb agreement?

Answer: It refers to English grammar rules for using correct verbs according to singular or
plural subjects in a sentence.

Subject-verb Agreement rules Class 8

Singular Subject ⇒ Singular Verb

Plural Subject ⇒ Plural Verb

1. When a subject is singular, must have a singular verb

2. When a subject is plural, must have a plural verb

The subject in the sentence matches the verb. They must accept in two ways:

1. In number: Singular vs. Plural

2. In-person: First, Second, or Third Persons

Subject-Verb Agreement Examples

Here we have 15 best examples of Subject-verb Agreement Examples for class 8, hope
will help you to understand the concept behind Subject-verb agreement.

1. The verb accords with the person of the subject. With first-person use 'am' while with
second person use 'are' and with third-person singular use 'is'.
Example: You are doing your project.
2. The verb matches with the subject in number practice a singular verb with a singular subject.
Example: They play football.
3. When a sentence is made of two singular subjects combined by "and" the verb will be plural.


4. Subjects that are connected by 'either/or, neither/nor' apply a singular verb.

Example: Either my father or my mother is coming to the meeting
5. The verb in a sentence holding 'or' 'either/or, 'neither/nor' coincides with the noun or

pronoun resembling it.


6. When the subject is supported by terms such as 'along with', 'besides', 'as well as', etc. The
verb is practiced according to the initial subject of the sentence.
Example: Aarvi, along with her sister, is going to school.
7. When sentences commence with 'here', 'there', the right subject usually supports the verb.
Example: There is a famous mall in this city.'
8. In sentences that include time intervals, distance, money, and weight as a unit take a
singular verb.
Example: 8 hours is needed to finish this project.
9. Some nouns end with 's' and seem like a plural but are truly singular in meaning, use singular
verbs. Such generally related nouns are: Economics, Wages, Politics, Physics, News.
Example: Economics is hard to understand.

10. Some nouns end with 's' and although they belong to a singular thing, they prefer a plural
verb. Some such nouns are: Spectacles, Tweezers, Tongs, Trousers, Shorts, Scissors, Shoes,
Example: My spectacles are new.
11. In sentences that express some imaginary wish request to the fact, the verb used is plural.
Example: I wish I were a butterfly.
12. Indefinite pronouns require singular verbs. Some indefinite pronouns are someone, anyone,
anything, nothing, everything, something, each, every, much, no one, etc.
Example: No one was willing to learn.
13. Indefinite pronouns such as both, several, many, few take on a plural verb.
Example: Several students are ready to help this cause.
14. Titles of books, poems, movies, plays, and magazines take on a singular verb.
Example: Salman Rushdie's Midnight's children is a famous novel.
15. If the collective noun functions as a whole the verb is singular, but if the collective noun
performs not in unison the verb is plural. Collective nouns like team, army, class, committee,
fleet, jury, staff, family, etc.
Example: The staff has got a raise.

Subject-Verb Agreement Exercises for Class 8

20 questions on subject Verb Agreement for class 8

Choose the suitable form of the verb that accords with the subject:

1. Everyone was/were present at the funeral service.

2. Mumps is/are a sore disease.
3. We ride/rode horses last Sunday.
4. I have/has a clue to show to solve this question
5. Has everyone/anybody seen my purse?
6. I wish I was/were the Chairman.
7. There are various fish/fishes in the fishbowl.
8. Half of the girls was/were present in the hall
9. More workman than one is/are not traceable.
10. Neither Anil or/nor Sunil live/lives near the park.
11. Either he or I is/am to represent the college.
12. God save/saves our king.
13. No woman and no man were/was allowed to enter without a mask.
14. As pigeon other birds have/has wings to fly.
15. The advice of his brother was/are indeed valuable.
16. Both these boys is/are going to market.
17. One month after another have/has passed.
18. He ordered as if he is/were my elder brother.
19. Most of the person/persons are reliable.
20. his shoes is/are shining.


1. was
2. is

3. rode
4. have
5. anybody
6. were
7. fish
8. were
9. is
10. nor, lives
11. am
12. save
13. was
14. has
15. was
16. is
17. has
18. were
19. persons
20. are

Punctuation for Class 8

Hello, kid's Today We are going to Learn English Grammar Punctuation For Class 8.
Punctuation Definition, Example, and Exercise and Types of punctuation and We'll do
punctuation practice by the Exercise/Worksheet of punctuation for Class 8? Here we have
given CBSE English Grammar punctuation for class 8.

What is punctuation for Class 8?

We can say, that punctuation is a collection of symbols that are used to make writing more
apparent to read and understand. It is an arrangement of symbols that we use when writing a

Punctuation is utilized to Build Knowledge, Accuracy, and Pressure in sentences

11. DASH


Every sentence commences with a capital letter and there is some situation when the letter
should be capital.

Capital letters are applied in the following conditions;

1. the first word of every line of stanza

2. the first word of a new sentence
3. the first word of direct speech
4. names of proper nouns
5. abbreviations
6. the pronoun 'I' is perpetually written in capital letter
7. names of months, days, religions, sects, books, historic buildings, newspapers, abbreviations,
festivals, institutions, and historic events

PERFORMDIGI.COM | Punctuation for Class 8

1. Sakshi was born in June.

2. I saw this in Africa.
3. My friend Aarti is from Delhi.
4. Mr. Sunil Sharma is our Chief Guest of Republic Day.
5. I saw a hippopotamus and leopard at Mumbai Zoo.

2. FULL STOP (.)

All sentence ends with a full stop, except when a question mark or exclamation mark is

The full stop (.) is used in the following circumstances:

1. at the end of a declarative sentence

2. to classify date and year.


1. She joined the army on 3.07.2021.

2. I will wait for you on the campus.
3. Close the window.
4. Dr. Jha is coming to this hotel.
5. My D.O.B is 11.01.2011.

3. COMMA (,)

The comma is utilized to divide phrases, words, or clauses into lists. We may not apply a
comma before and/or. The comma should appear before the conjunction.

The comma (,) is used in the following situations:

1. to indicate a division in a sentence that extends and combines information to the subject
2. to express a series
3. to indicate a break or pause within a sentence
4. with two or more adjectives describing the subject in a sentence
5. to divide the city and state from the sentence
6. to divide direct sentences
7. to classify the day of the week, month, and year.
8. to assign an original phrase from the sentence
9. to divide the dependent clause from the independent clause
10. to make a direct approach


1. Ankit, the head boy of the school, has been absent for the last four days.

PERFORMDIGI.COM | Punctuation for Class 8
2. Richard is a loyal, intelligent, good-looking, and hardworking man.
3. Today is Wednesday, I've to meet him on Friday.
4. Muskaan, Tanu, and Riya are participating in the rangoli competition.
5. Anna is good at tennis, basketball, and soccer.


Question mark (?) is accepted in the following situations.

1. at the end of the questioning, sentence

2. to recommend an interrogatory remark or inquiry, such as in the case of question tags and
direct questions.
3. complex questions do not complete with a question mark


1. Did she get admission? Why didn't you tell me?

2. Are you crazy?
3. What? He's not talking to you? Why?
4. This food is delicious, isn't it?
5. Do you want some more novels like this?


Exclamation make is utilized in the following situations:

1. to suggest emotions like excitement, joy, wonder, sorrow, and emphasis in a sentence.
2. it is utilized to show strong or unexpected sensations.
3. it is utilized to emphasize a command or clear viewpoint.


1. Stop! Wait!
2. Ah! I just saw a shooting star in the sky.
3. This cake is really good!
4. Ouch! it's hurting me.
5. Wow! This place is beautiful.


Inverted commas (" ") are practiced in the following conditions:

1. to connect to nicknames and wrong titles

2. to lead to a word itself rather than its meaning
3. to include a direct quotation

PERFORMDIGI.COM | Punctuation for Class 8

1. "What's the matter, Tom?" He asked.

2. Her father said, "come hospital by 7 p.m."
3. Have you read "Invisible Man."
4. Indian cricket team captain is "Virat Kohli."
5. Jenny said her favorite shake is "Blueberry shake."


Apostrophes are used to determine that some letters have been left out of words such words
are known as contractions.

Apostrophes are applied in the following conditions:

1. Apostrophes are used to indicate possession

2. if the owner ends in 's' already, you can the apostrophe without the 's'
3. if a word ends in 's' because it's plural, then you don't need another 's' when you add an
4. it is more comfortable when a plural doesn't end in 's', then you move behind to standard
and attach an apostrophe.
5. some terms don't need an apostrophe when they're showing ownership.


1. you are - you're

2. they have - they've
3. could not - couldn't
4. he will - he'll
5. I would - I'd

There are many examples like - mustn't, there's, you've, it's, weren't, hasn't, let's, he's, I've,
I'm, aren't, we've, hasn't, etc.


The semicolon is effective than a comma but not as strong as a full stop, it divides two groups
of words which could be two sentences, but which are strictly connected in the subject
material that a full stop would be too stiff.

A semicolon is used in the following situation;

1. to form a longer pause than a comma, though it shows a shorter pause than a full stop.
2. to classify two similar independent clauses.
3. to divide a complex list of items, especially those that include commas

PERFORMDIGI.COM | Punctuation for Class 8

1. The train was late; we decided to wait in the cafe.

2. Let's go to the study room; it's the only place where I can study properly.
3. I have a maths test tomorrow; I can't go shopping today.
4. John, aged 25; Alex, aged 20; Jonny, aged 30
5. We went shopping; we brought new dresses.

9. COLON (:)

Colon (:) shows a larger gap than a semi-colon. It is used in the following situations:

1. separate divergent parts of a sentence

2. introduce a title or quotations
3. introduce a list
4. separate hours from minutes
5. introduce the relevant consequence of an action
6. separate chapter and verse in writing
7. show ratios


1. Three things that make me happy: food, music, and car.

2. Pour in the milk and sugar at a 2:1 ratio
3. There is one way he could pass: he has to work hard.
4. Our match starts at 5:30 p.m.
5. Tourist spots in Mumbai: Hanging Gardens, Juhu Beach, and Gateway of India.

10. HYPHEN (-)

A hyphen is a punctuation mark that combines two similar words or two parts of words,
together that make more sense when connected.

Hyphen is used in the following situations:

1. write cardinal and ordinal numbers as words

2. add a prefix to some words
3. divide two words of any number under one hundred with a hyphen


1. Stay up-to-date
2. There are fifty-two people in this auditorium.
3. Rohit is a quite good-looking player.
4. Do you know about twentieth-century literature?
5. He is a well-known doctor in this city.

PERFORMDIGI.COM | Punctuation for Class 8
11. DASH (—)

Dash (—) is a punctuation mark is practiced in the following situation:

1. indicate a pause
2. to separate additional information in a sentence


1. This is the end of our decision—or so we assumed.

2. Rajni needs three items at the store—bread, fruit juice, and milk.
3. I'm learning two languages—Spanish and Hindi.
4. Come with—John Wick—on Sunday.
5. I love small monkeys—my brother big cats.

Punctuation Worksheet for class 8

Name the punctuation mark used here.

1. Oh yes!
2. 5:35
3. With best wishes,
4. Why?
5. Pick-me-up



Punctuate the following sentences:

1. these clothes are dirty arent they

2. how awful
3. which is your favorite book
4. I like vegetable soup
5. kajal is clever fox said rummy


1. These clothes are dirty, aren't they?

2. How awful!
3. Which is your favorite book?
4. I like vegetable soup.

PERFORMDIGI.COM | Punctuation for Class 8
5. "Kajal is a clever fox," said Rimmy.

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English Grammar Synonyms For Class 8

Synonym Words List – A for class 8

abandon - desert
abbreviate - shorten
ability - aptitude
able - qualified
above - overhead
abundant - ample
accurate - correct
achieve - accomplish
adjourn - recess
advocate - support
after - following
afraid - scares
aggressive - militant
aid - assist
always - forever
amateur - novice
ambitious - driven
antagonize - embitter
apparent - obvious, evident
approve - ratify, endorse
arrive - come
arrogant - stuck-up
awful - atrocious
awkward - clumsy

Synonym Words List – B for class 8

ban - prohibit
barren - unproductive
bashful - shy
beautiful - pretty,
before - prior
beginning - start
blend - mix
bottom - base
brave - heroic
break - burst
brief - short
broad - wide, expansive

PERFORMDIGI.COM | English Grammar Synonyms For Class 8
busy - active
buy - purchase

Synonym Words List – C for class 8

calm - quiet
capture - arrest
care - concern
careful - watchful
cease - stop,
certain - positive
charming - enchanting
chilly - cool
chubby - plump
comical - amusing
complex - complicated
competent - capable
comprehend - grasp
complete - conclude
complex - intricate
compress - crush
concrete - real
concur - agree
condemn - denounce
condense - compress
confess - admit
confine - contain
conflict - oppose
conflict - fight
conform - comply
confuse - muddle
congested - overcrowded
connect - join
conscientious - scrupulous
conscious - aware
consecutive - successive
conservative - cautious
considerate - thoughtful
constantly - always
contaminate - pollute
contented - satisfied
continue - persevere
convalesce - heal
convenient - handy
cozy - comfortable
cranky - irritable
crazy - daft

PERFORMDIGI.COM | English Grammar Synonyms For Class 8
cruel - mean
cry - sob

Synonym Words List – D for class 8

dally - linger
damage - hurt
dangerous - perilous
daring - bold
dark - dismal
dawn - daybreak
dead - lifeless
decay - rot
deduct - subtract
defend - protect
defy - resist
delicate - fragile
demolish - destroy
denounce - blame
dense - thick
depart - leave, exit
detach - separate
deter - hinder, prevent
determined - sure
die - expire, perish
different - distinct
difficult - hard
dilute - weaken
drab - dull
drastic - severe
dreadful - terrible
dry - arid, parched
dubious - doubtful
dull - blunt
dumb - dense

Synonym Words List – E for class 8

early - before time

easy - simple
eccentric - unusual
ecstasy - elation
empty - unload
encourage - urge
enemy - opponent
enjoy - like
enlarge - expand

PERFORMDIGI.COM | English Grammar Synonyms For Class 8
evident - apparent
evil - bad
exceptional - outstanding
excite - arouse
exhilarated - elated
explicit - exact
exquisite - delightful
exterior - outside
extravagant - luxurious

Synonym Words List – F for class 8

fabulous - marvelousd
face - confront
fair - honest
fake - artificial
false - incorrect
fancy - ornate
fantastic - outrageous
fast - rapid
fat - chubby
fatal - deadly
fatigue - tire
feasible - possible
feeble - weak
ferocious - fierce
fertile - fruitful
fiction - fantasy
fill - load
fix - mend
follow - succeed
forbid - prohibit
forgive - pardon
former - previous
fraction - part
frank - candid
frenzy - fury
fresh - unused
friend - comrade
frigid - freezing
frivolous - trivial
front - fore
full - packed
furious - enraged
future - coming

PERFORMDIGI.COM | English Grammar Synonyms For Class 8
Synonym Words List – G for class 8

gain - acquire
gallant - chivalrous
gather - accumulate
gaudy - showy
gaunt - scrawny
generous - giving
gentle - mild
genuine - authentic
gigantic - immense
give - donate, present
glad - happy
gloomy - dark
glorious - splendid,
good - nice
gratitude - thankfulness
great - outstanding

Synonym Words List – H for class 8

handy - useful
hard - firm
hate - loathe
help - aid
high - lofty
hold - grip
honest - sincere
hospitable - welcoming
hostile - antagonistic
huge - vast
humble - modest
humiliate - embarrass

Synonym Words List – I for class 8

identical - alike
idle - inactive
ignorant - uninformed
immaculate - pure
immature - inexperienced
immune - resistant
impartial - neutral
impatient - eager
imperative - mandatory
imperfect - marred

PERFORMDIGI.COM | English Grammar Synonyms For Class 8
impetuous - impulsive
important - significant
independent - self-reliant
inferior - lesser
infuriate - enrage
intermittent - sporadic
internal - inner

Synonym Words List – J, K, L for class 8

jolly - merry
jubilant - overjoyed
keep - save
kind - considerate
lament - mourn
large - big
last - final
least - fewest
legible - readable
lenient - lax
listless - lethargic
logical - sensible
long - lengthy
loose - slack, limp
lure - attract
luxurious - extravagant

Synonym Words List – M for class 8

magnify - expand
mandatory - required
maneuver - manipulate
maximum - greatest
meager - scanty
mean - unkind
mediocre - fair
mend - repair
migrant - drifting
militant - combative
minor - lesser
mirth - merriment
mischievous - naughty
misfortune - hardship
mobile - moveable
moderate - temperate
momentous - important
monotonous - boring

PERFORMDIGI.COM | English Grammar Synonyms For Class 8
moral - righteous
morbid - ghastly
morose - moody
mourn - lament
mysterious - occult

Synonym Words List – N for class 8

naughty - wrong
neat - clean
negligent - derelict
nervous - flustered
neutral - impartial
new - unused
nice - pleasing
nonchalant - indifferent
normal - ordinary
numerous - abundant

Synonym Words List – O for class 8

obey - mind
oblivious - dazed
obnoxious - abominable
observe - examine
obsolete - dated
obstinate - stubborn
odd - peculiar
offend - displease
ominous - menacing
opaque - obscure
open - begin
opponent - rival
optimistic - confident
optional - elective
ordinary - average
outrageous - shocking
outstanding - distinguished

Synonym Words List – P for class 8

painstaking - precise
passive - compliant
past - former
patience - tolerance
peculiar - weird

PERFORMDIGI.COM | English Grammar Synonyms For Class 8
perfect - flawless
permanent - enduring
perpetual - eternal
persuade - convince
plausible - believable
plentiful - ample
pliable - supple
polite - gracious
poor - destitute
portion - part
possible - conceivable
precarious - dangerous
precious - cherished
prejudiced - opinionated
premature - early, hasty
premeditated - intended
preserve - uphold
pretty - lovely
prevalent - widespread
prevent - prohibit
probable - liable
proficient - adept
profit - gain
prohibit - forbid
prominent - eminent
prompt - punctual
prosperous - successful
proud - elated
push - shove

Synonym Words List – Q, R for class 8

qualified - competent
question - interrogate
quiet - silent
quit - cease
racket - noise
radiant - luminous
raise - hoist
ratify - approve
rational - logical
ravage - devastate
raze - destroy
recreation - amusement
reduce - decrease
refute - contradict
regular - routine

PERFORMDIGI.COM | English Grammar Synonyms For Class 8
regulate - oversee
relevant - pertinent
reluctant - unwilling
remote - secluded
repulsive - hideous
resist - oppose
retaliate - avenge
reveal - disclose
risky - hazardous
rowdy - boisterous
rude - impolite

Synonym Words List – S for class 8

sad - unhappy
same - alike
savage - uncivilized
save - preserve
scarce - scanty
scrawny - skinny
seize - apprehend
separate - divide
serene - peaceful
serious - grave
shrewd - cunning
shy - timid
sick - ailing
slim - thin
sluggish - listless
small - little
smooth - slick
sociable - friendly
sorrow - woe
special - exceptional
spontaneous - instinctive
stable - steady
stationary - fixed
stimulate - motivate
stop - quit
strenuous - vigorous
strict - stringent
strong - powerful
stupid - unintelligent
subsequent - following
successful - thriving
sufficient - ample
superb - magnificent

PERFORMDIGI.COM | English Grammar Synonyms For Class 8
suppress - restrain
surplus - excess
swift - fast,speedy,hasty
synthetic - artificial

Synonym Words List – T for class 8

tall - high
tangible - concrete
taut - tense,tight,stiff
tender - delicate
terrible - dreadful
thaw - melt, defrost
thrifty - economical
thrive - prosper
total - whole,entire
trivial - insignificant
turbulent - tumultuous
turmoil - commotion

Synonym Words List – U, V for class 8

unbiased - impartial
upset - perturb,ruffle
urgent - crucial
vacant - unoccupied
vague - unclear
valiant - courageous
vibrate - quiver, tremble
vulgar - offensive, uncouth
vicious - malicious
victory - triumph,win
virtuous - righteous

Synonym Words List – W for class 8

wealth - riches, prosperity

weary - tired, fatigued
wholehearted - earnest
wild - uncivilized
win - triumph,prevail
wise - knowing, smart
wonderful - marvelous
worn - used
wrong - mistaken

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Synonym Words List – Y, Z for class 8

yearn - desire, aspire, crave, urge, longer

yield - produce, surrender, submit, admit, agree

zeal- passion, enthusiasm, tempo, zest

zenith - peak, pinnacle, apex, acme

Worksheet of synonym and antonym for class 8

Match the words under column A with their synonyms under column B


militant accumulate

future unoccupied

prohibit combative

vacant restrain

gather coming

suppress forbid


1. militant - combative
2. future - coming
3. prohibit - forbid
4. vacant - unoccupied
5. gather - accumulate
6. suppress - restrain

PERFORMDIGI.COM | English Grammar Synonyms For Class 8
English Grammar Antonyms for class 8

Antonyms Words List – A for class 8

1. Above - below
2. Absent - present
3. Abundant - scarce
4. Accept - decline, refuse
5. Accident – intent
6. Accomplishment - failure
7. Accurate – inaccurate
8. Achieve – fail
9. Add – subtract
10. Adjacent – distant
11. Admire - detest
12. Admit – deny, reject
13. Adore – hate
14. Advance - retreat
15. Advantage – disadvantage
16. Affirm – deny
17. Afraid – confident
18. After – before
19. Aid - hinder
20. Against - for
21. Agree – disagree
22. Alert - asleep
23. Alive - dead
24. All - none, nothing
25. Allow – forbid
26. Alone – together
27. Amateur - professional
28. Ally - enemy
29. Always – never
30. Amuse - bore
31. Ancient - modern
32. Answer - question
33. Antonym - synonym
34. Apart – together
35. Apparent - obscure
36. Appear - disappear, vanish
37. Approve – disapprove
38. Argue - agree
39. Arrive – Depart
40. Arrogant - humble
41. Artificial - natural
42. Ascend – descend

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43. Attack - defend
44. Attractive – repulsive
45. Attract - repel
46. Awake – Asleep
47. Awkward – graceful

Antonyms Words List – B for class 8

1. Back - front
2. Backward - forward
3. Bad – good
4. Backward - forward
5. Beautiful - ugly
6. Before- after
7. Begin - end
8. Below - above
9. Bent - straight
10. Best - worst
11. Better - worse, worst
12. Big - little, small
13. Birth – death
14. Bitter- sweet
15. Black - white
16. Blame - praise
17. Bless - curse
18. Blunt – sharp
19. Bold – timid, meek
20. Borrow - lend
21. Bottom - top
22. Bound - unbound, free
23. Boundless – limited
24. Bravery – cowardice
25. Break – repair
26. Brief - long
27. Bright - dim, dull
28. Brighten - fade
29. Broad – narrow
30. Build – destroy
31. Busy – idle
32. Buy- sell

Antonyms Words List – C for class 8

1. calm - windy, troubled
2. can - cannot, can't
3. capable - incapable

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4. captive – free
5. capture – release
6. careful – careless
7. cause-effect
8. cautious – careless
9. center - edge
10. cheap – dear, expensive
11. cheerful - sad, discouraged, dreary
12. child – adult
13. chilly – warm
14. clean - dirty
15. clear – vague, cloudy, opaque
16. clever – stupid
17. clockwise – anti-clockwise
18. close – distant, open
19. cold – hot
20. combine – separate
21. come – go
22. comfort – discomfort
23. common – rare
24. complex – simple
25. compliment – insult
26. conceal – reveal
27. constant – variable
28. continue – interrupt
29. cool – warm
30. cope - original
31. correct – incorrect
32. courage – cowardice
33. crazy – sane
34. crooked - straight
35. cruel – kind
36. cry - laugh
37. cunning – simple

Antonyms Words List – D for class 8

1. Dainty – clumsy
2. Damage - improve
3. Danger – safety
4. Dark – light
5. Dawn – sunset
6. Day-night
7. Decrease - increase
8. Deep - shallow
9. Definite - indefinite
10. Demand - supply

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11. Despair – hope
12. Destroy – create
13. Difficult - easy
14. Dim - bright
15. Disappear - appear
16. Discourage - encourage
17. Disease – health
18. Dismal – cheerful
19. Divide – unite
20. Doubt - trust
21. Down - up
22. Downwards - upwards
23. Dreary - cheerful
24. Dry - moist, wet
25. Dull - bright, shiny
26. Dusk - dawn

Antonyms Words List – E for class 8

1. Early - late
2. East-West
3. Easy - hard, difficult
4. Economize - waste
5. Empty - full
6. Encourage - discourage
7. End - begin, start
8. Entrance - exit
9. Even – odd
10. Evil - good
11. Excited - calm
12. Expand – contract, shrink
13. Export-import
14. Exterior - interior
15. External - internal

Antonyms Words List – F for class 8

1. Fade - brighten
2. Fail - succeed
3. False - true
4. Famous – unknown
5. Fancy - plain
6. Far - near
7. Fast - slow
8. Fat - thin
9. Feeble – sturdy, strong, powerful

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10. Few – many
11. Fiction - fact
12. Find – lose
13. Finish – start
14. Firm - flabby
15. First – last
16. Fix - break
17. Float – sink
18. Follow - lead
19. Foolish - wise
20. Fore – aft
21. Forgive - blame
22. Free- bound, captive, restricted
23. Fold - unfold
24. Forget - remember
25. Found – lost
26. Frank - secretive
27. Fresh - stale
28. Frequent - seldom
29. Friend - enemy
30. For - against
31. Fortunate - unfortunate
32. Full – empty
33. Funny – empty
34. Future – present, past

Antonyms Words List – G for class 8

1. Gather - distribute
2. Generous – stingy, mean
3. Gentle – rough, violent
4. Get - give
5. Giant - tiny, small, dwarf
6. Give - receive, take
7. Glad - sad, sorry
8. Gloomy - cheerful
9. Go – stop, come
10. Good - bad, evil
11. Grant - refuse
12. Great - tiny, small, unimportant, minute
13. Grow - shrink
14. Guest - host
15. Guilty – innocent

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Antonyms Words List – H for class 8
1. handsome - ugly
2. happy – sad, miserable
3. hard – easy
4. hard - soft
5. harmful - harmless
6. harsh – mild
7. hasten - dawdle
8. hate - love
9. healthy - diseased, ill, sick, unhealthy
10. heat - cold
11. heaven - hell
12. heavy - light
13. help - hinder
14. here - there
15. hero - coward
16. high - low
17. hill - valley
18. hinder - help
19. honest – dishonest
20. hopeful - hopeless
21. horizontal - vertical
22. hot - cold
23. humble – proud
24. huge – tiny

Antonyms Words List – I for class 8

1. ignore - notice
2. ill - healthy, well
3. imitation - genuine
4. immense – minute, tiny, small
5. immigrate - emigrate
6. important – trivial
7. imprison - free
8. in - out
9. include - exclude
10. increase - decrease
11. inferior - superior
12. inhale - exhale
13. inner – outer
14. innocent - guilty
15. inside - outside
16. intelligent - stupid, unintelligent
17. interesting – boring, dull, uninteresting

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18. interior - exterior
19. internal - external
20. intentional – accidental

Antonyms Words List – J for class 8

1. jeopardize - secure
2. join - separate
3. junior-senior
4. just - unjust
5. justice – injustice

Antonyms Words List – K for class 8

1. keen – uninterested
2. kind – cruel, nasty
3. knowledge - ignorance
4. known – unknown

Antonyms Words List – L for class 8

1. lack – abundance, plenty
2. landlord-tenant
3. large - small
4. last – first
5. late -early
6. laugh - cry
7. lawful - unlawful, illegal
8. lazy - industrious
9. leader-follower
10. left - right
11. lend -borrow
12. lengthen - shorten
13. lenient - strict
14. left - right
15. less - more
16. light - dark, heavy
17. life - death
18. like - dislike, hate
19. likely - unlikely
20. limited - boundless
21. little – big
22. live - die
23. lofty - lowly
24. long - short

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25. loose - tight
26. lose – find
27. loser - winner
28. loss – win
29. loud - quiet
30. love - hate
31. low – high
32. lower - raise
33. loyal - disloyal

Antonyms Words List – M for class 8

1. mad - happy, sane
2. major - minor
3. many - few
4. mature - immature
5. maximum – minimum
6. mean - generous
7. melt-freeze
8. mend - break
9. merry - sad
10. messy - neat
11. minor - major
12. minority-majority
13. miser – spendthrift
14. miss - catch
15. misunderstand - understand
16. more – less
17. much - little

Antonyms Words List – N for class 8

1. narrow-wide, broad
2. native – foreigner, stranger
3. natural - artificial
4. near - far, distant
5. neat - messy, untidy
6. negative - affirmative
7. never - always
8. new – old, ancient
9. nice – awful, nasty
10. night - day
11. no – yes
12. nobody - everybody
13. noisy - quiet
14. none – some

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15. nothing – everything
16. notice – ignore
17. now - then
18. North- South

Antonyms Words List – O for class 8

1. obedient – disobedient
2. occasionally - frequently
3. odd- even
4. offer – refuse
5. often – seldom, sometimes
6. old - young
7. old - new
8. on - off
9. open - closed, shut
10. opposite- same, similar
11. optimist – pessimist
12. order - mess
13. out - in
14. outer – inner
15. outside – inside
16. outskirts - center
17. over – under

Antonyms Words List – P for class 8

1. pass-fail
2. past - present
3. patient - impatient
4. peace - war
5. permanent – temporary
6. permit - forbid
7. please - displease
8. plentiful - scarce
9. plural - singular
10. poetry - prose
11. polite - rude, impolite
12. poor – rich, wealthy
13. poverty - wealth
14. possible - impossible
15. poverty - wealth, riches
16. powerful – weak, feeble
17. presence – absence
18. pretty – ugly
19. private - public

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20. prudent - imprudent
21. pure - impure, contaminated
22. push-pull

Antonyms Words List – Q for class 8

1. qualified – unqualified
2. quick - slow
3. question - answer
4. quiet - loud, noisy

Antonyms Words List – R for class 8

1. raise - lower
2. rapid - slow
3. rare – common
4. rear – front
5. receive – send
6. reduce – increase
7. refuse – agree, accept
8. regular - irregular
9. real – fake
10. rest - work
11. rich - poor
12. right - left, wrong
13. right-side-up - upside-down
14. rough – smooth, soft, gentle
15. rude – courteous

Antonyms Words List – S for class 8

1. sad - happy
2. safe – unsafe, dangerous
3. same – opposite, different
4. satisfy – unsatisfied, dissatisfy
5. secure – insecure
6. seldom - often
7. scatter – collect
8. senior-junior
9. separate - join, connect, together
10. serious – trivial, funny
11. second-hand – new
12. security – insecurity
13. sense - nonsense
14. shallow – deep

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15. sharp - blunt
16. shrink – grow
17. short – long
18. shut - open
19. sick - healthy, ill
20. simple - complex, hard, complicated
21. singular - plural
22. sink - float
23. slim - fat, thick, stout
24. slow – fast
25. smooth - rough
26. sober - drunk
27. soft – hard
28. solid- liquid
29. some - none
30. sorrow - joy
31. sour - sweet
32. sow -reap
33. straight – crooked
34. stand - lie
35. start - finish
36. stop-go
37. strict – lenient, indulgent
38. strong - weak
39. success - failure
40. sunny - cloudy
41. synonym - antonym
42. sweet-sour

Antonyms Words List – T for class 8

1. take - give
2. tall - short
3. tame - wild
4. them - us
5. there - here
6. thick – thin
7. throw - catch
8. tight - loose, slack
9. tiny - big, huge
10. together - apart
11. top - bottom
12. tough - easy, tender
13. transparent - opaque
14. true - false
15. truth - lie, untruth

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Antonyms Words List – U for class 8
1. under - over
2. unfold – fold
3. unity - division
4. unknown - known
5. unqualified - qualified
6. unsafe - safe
7. up - down
8. upside-down - right-side-up
9. upstairs - downstairs
10. us - them
11. useful - useless

Antonyms Words List – V for class 8

1. vacant – occupied
2. valuable - valueless
3. vanish - appear
4. vast - tiny
5. victory - defeat
6. virtue - vice
7. visible - invisible
8. voluntary – compulsory
9. vowel - consonant

Antonyms Words List – W for class 8

1. war - peace
2. wax - wane
3. weak - strong
4. wet - dry
5. white – black
6. weak – strong, powerful
7. white - black
8. wide - narrow
9. win-lose
10. wisdom - folly, stupidity
11. within – outside
12. worse – better
13. worst - best
14. wrong - right

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Antonyms Words List – Y for class 8
1. yes - no
2. youth - age
3. young - old

Antonyms Words List – Z for class 8

1. zenith - nadir
2. zip - unzip

Antonyms Worksheet For Class 8

Match the word under column A with their Antonyms under column B:

Column A Column B

borrow cruel
sour notice

patient enemy

rude careless

ignore brighten

ally lend

kind courteous

careful defeat

fade impatient

victory sweet


1. borrow - lend
2. sour - sweet
3. patient - impatient
4. rude – courteous
5. ignore - notice

PERFORMDIGI.COM | English Grammar Antonyms for class 8
6. ally - enemy
7. kind – cruel
8. careful – careless
9. fade - brighten
10. victory - defeat

PERFORMDIGI.COM | English Grammar Antonyms for class 8

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