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Prevention of Spreading Fake News by using

Two-Point Processes Based Intervention

Arunakumari B N Subrahmanya Lakshmi Sai Harshit

Dept. CSE Keshav Bhumaraju Dept. CSE
BMS Institute of Dept. CSE BMS Institute of
Technology and BMS Institute of Technology and
Management, Bengaluru Technology and Management, Bengaluru
Karnataka – 560064 Management, Bengaluru Karnataka - 560064 Karnataka - 560064

Abstract- Social-media has always been used widely by almost This change is because sharing news on applications based
everyone across the globe to maintain a global network and on social networking is cheap, takes negligible time and is
connections in the world. Since its advent, applications based on very easy to use. In 2016, 62% of U.S. adults received news
social networking have unanimously gained widespread critical on social media [1], surpassing television as a major news
acclaim and popularity because of its easy and feasible nature of
interacting with several people across the globe. News is known
source [2]. However, the lower quality of news on social
to be the relevant social content found out by interdisciplinary media, coupled with the ease of online news dissemination,
research and which is ought to be universally shared with has caused a widespread flow of non-original news and
everyone for creating widespread awareness throughout the rumors on the internet.
global citizens. Sharing headlines on applications based on
social networking has thus always been a sensation because of its Fake news, articles intentionally disseminating false
reachability worldwide. The news headlines and information on information, poses significant risks to individuals and
applications based on social media are often shared as stories or society. It disturbs the news channels working and their
posts. Each intriguing post containing sensational news often work of making the society aware about what is currently
goes viral on the social network with appropriate responses and
emojis, thus increasing the interest among the users to be
prevailing in the society. Moreover, it manipulates readers to
instantly known about news updates and headlines. But in the adopt biased or false beliefs, serving political agendas. The
recent times, it has been known that the phenomenal ability of impact extends to shaping how people interpret and respond
content spreading on applications based on social networking is to real news, fostering confusion and distrust.
being misused by generating fake news and spreading it without
intimation, due to which there are various misunderstandings The imminent and implicit existence of fake news,
among people. Sometimes even a slightest ambiguous news may exemplified by the "Pizzagate" [7] controversy with over 1
lead to disturbance as these could be sensitive issues. Thus, there million related tweets, underscores the urgency for effective
is a need to solve such issues by using appropriate means for detection methods. Manual oversight and aggressive
getting to know if the news is not original and preventing it from
spreading across the internet. This article uses two point
actions, such as fact-checking and content flagging, have
processes-based intervention to find a solution to this problem drawbacks, prompting the exploration of alternative
that users of social media are prone to. The article introduces the strategies. The focus shifts to optimizing the propagation of
technique and its usage in online social networks because news real news, ensuring exposure to authentic information
is really important and can often affect the psychological alongside fake news.
conditions of people, if not conveyed properly. Therefore, this is a
step to obstruct the dangers of deceptive content and irrelevant It isn’t that easy to find out if the news gathered is original
social theories on social media. or not. Fake news intentionally misleads readers, making
content-based detection difficult. Diverse topics, styles, and
Keywords: Social Media, Fake News, Detection, Interdisciplinary platforms further complicate their utilization for day-to-day
research, online social networks, Psychological and social
purposes. Additionally, users meeting up virtually online, is
theories, Point-Based Intervention
crucial but introduces data quality challenges. Big,
incomplete, unstructured and noisy responses are common
to such news headlines.
The increasing numbers of people making use of social
media applications for getting to know about news headlines
has shifted people away from traditional news organizations.
The urgency to develop strategies to mitigate fake news III. LITERATURE SURVEY
impact is emphasized by its real-world consequences. In The proliferation of fake news and misinformation on social
2016, when elections for elections for electing presidents networking applications [1] has emerged as a critical
were being held, news that was not real were shared on challenge with profound societal implications [2].
Facebook were more than 37 million times within three Researchers worldwide have embarked on extensive
months [8], influencing a significant audience. This investigations into various methodologies and techniques
underscores the critical need for methods to find out and aimed at both detecting and avoiding the sharing of
fight the negative effects of fake news. information that is not real.

Addressing these challenges requires a comprehensive Early endeavors in this domain primarily centered on
approach. The paper proposes a novel perspective on fake traditional content-based approaches. Linguistic features
news mitigation, framing it as an optimal point process were find out by processes based on natural language, while
intervention in a network. By modeling fake news and sentiment analysis [3] and pattern recognition sought to
mitigation events as multivariate point processes, the identify characteristics indicative of fake news. Despite
authors aim to optimize the activity policy of campaigner initial success, these methods faced challenges as purveyors
nodes, obstructing the sharing of such news that is fake. of misinformation adapted, employing more sophisticated
techniques to deceive both algorithms and users.
Related work has explored classifiers and factuality
prediction based on linguistic features. However, the focus Recognizing the limitations of content-based approaches , a
here is on designing incentive strategies for users to notable shift occurred towards social context and network
spontaneously promote real news, addressing a real-world analysis. The credibility of users emerged as a critical factor
fake news epidemic. Point process models, particularly influencing the dissemination process. This efficient and
Hawkes processes [5], are utilized to model activities in good understanding brought out a good method for
networks, with a unique focus on optimizing a mitigation preventing spreading of news that is fake.
process against a competing process.
The combination of classification algorithms within ML has
The proposed reinforcement learning approach employs marked a significant leap forward in the world of news that
function approximation to address large-scale policy is not real. Various other algorithms including machines
evaluation and iteration problems. An inspiration of the supporting vectors [4], algorithms with feature and label
process optimizing the least square difference method [6] values and classifiers with random forests, were applied to
for improving the news policy, can offer a really good classify news articles based on diverse features such as
approach to avoiding the spread of news that is not real. language use, source reputation, and user engagement.
These techniques demonstrated enhanced accuracy,
In summary, the paper addresses the critical issue of news showcasing their ability to discern between authentic and
that is not real on social media, proposing a novel deceptive information effectively.
perspective on mitigation through point process-based
intervention. The urgency and real-world consequences The advent of deep learning brought about a change in the
necessitate innovative strategies to combat the challenges methodologies employed for fake news detection. Advanced
posed by fake news proliferation. models, including neural networks were deployed to capture
intricate patterns within textual data. This evolution in
approach allowed for a more nuanced understanding of the
multifaceted nature of fake news, leading to increased usage
of such models for finding out the difficulties of situation
II. MOTIVATION and the languages being used in that decision.
Detecting and mitigating fake news and misinformation on
social media is to be carefully and protect the integrity of With changing and improvement of technologies,
information ecosystems and protect public trust. Social researchers began exploring hybrid approaches [6] that
media platforms, being primary sources of news for many, amalgamate content analysis, social context, and machine
are susceptible to the rapid dissemination of false learning techniques. By integrating multiple perspectives,
information, potentially causing widespread societal harm. these hybrid models aimed to enhance detection accuracy.
Misinformation can manipulate public opinion, influence This interdisciplinary approach showcased the recognition
decision-making, and even pose threats to democratic that a singular methodology might not suffice in addressing
processes. As the volume of misinformation grows, there's a the intricate challenges posed by misinformation on social
critical need for effective detection and mitigation strategies. media.
Rapid technological advancements lead to the development
of sophisticated tools and algorithms to identify and Parallel to detection efforts, initiatives focused on
counteract fake news. Addressing this challenge is vital to fact-checking and verification gained prominence [7].
uphold the credibility of information sources, maintain Automated fact-checking tools and platforms were
informed citizenry, and make sure that the applications developed to assess the accuracy of information circulating
based on social networking are used wisely. online. However, challenges persisted, particularly in the
scalability of fact-checking efforts to match the vast volume
of information generated on social media platforms.
dissemination of real news to counteract the influence of
Temporal dynamics and event-based analysis emerged as fake news. The two-point based intervention method has
pivotal themes in the literature, acknowledging the been elucidated in a step-by-step fashion as follows:
time-sensitive nature of misinformation. Researchers sought
to understand how fake news evolves over time [8], 1)Identification of Campaigner Nodes:
identifying patterns during critical events. This temporal Identify key nodes within the applications based on
perspective became crucial in adapting detection strategies networking social and virtually. These nodes will play a
to the dynamic nature of misinformation campaigns. crucial role in disseminating real news and countering the
impact of fake news.
Despite the significant strides made in fake news detection,
challenges persist. The adaptability of misinformation 2)Formulation of Objectives:
tactics remains a formidable obstacle, as purveyors Define clear objectives for the intervention strategy.
continually refine their techniques. Data quality issues also Objectives may include minimizing the quantity of
pose challenges, particularly in scenarios where emerging, end-users exposed to fake news without exposure to real
time-critical events lack proper verification. There is news, maximizing the reach of real news, or achieving a
increased usage of prototypes and codes that can be balance in spreading information.
explained and understood easily, especially considering the
potential implications of automated decisions in the 3)Temporal Randomness Modeling:
detection process. Model the temporal randomness of fake news and
mitigation events as multivariate point processes with self
Looking forward, future research directions include and mutual excitations. Understand the temporal dynamics
interdisciplinary collaboration to holistically address the of how fake news spreads and how interventions can impact
multifaceted aspects of fake news. Incorporating user the dissemination process.
behavior analysis is seen as crucial, as knowing about news
that is not real contributes to a more comprehensive 4)Quantification of Influence:
understanding of the issue. Ethical considerations in the Quantify the influence of fake news and mitigation activities
development and deployment of detection strategies are using event exposure counts. Measure the total quantity of
gaining attention [9], ensuring responsible and unbiased use users exposed to news that is not real thus determining the
of technology in combating misinformation. impact on them.

In conclusion, the literature survey illustrates a dynamic and 5)State Space Definition:
evolving landscape in the pursuit of finding out if the news Define a state space for the online media network,
is real or not and mitigation on applications based on social considering factors such as user interactions, content
networking. The journey has progressed from traditional dissemination patterns, and the temporal evolution of news
content-based methods to more sophisticated analyses, that is not real. Creating a comprehensive state space is
showcasing the resilience and adaptability of researchers in crucial for accurate modeling and intervention.
the face of ever-evolving challenges.
6)Mapping to decision process by markov :
This article talks about utilizing point process-based Map the avoidance of spreading of news that is not real
intervention [5], which includes choosing a feature problem to an optimal policy problem in a decision process
representation of states, defining mitigation actions and by Markov. This involves defining actions as exogenous
constructing reward functions to find out how effective the intensity, creating reward functions, and formulating the
mitigation activities are. It involves mapping the problem of problem to be solved through MDP techniques.
news that is not real and preventing it from spreading into
the reinforcement learning framework. 7)Optimal Policy Design:
Design an optimal policy for campaigner nodes to mitigate
While advancements in fake news detection have been news that is not real. The policy should aim to optimize the
significant, challenges persist. Misinformation tactics activity of campaigner nodes in a way that aligns with the
evolve, and data quality issues persist. To address this, our defined objectives, such as maximizing the reach of actual
paper proposes a novel two-point process-based news to users who have been wrongly notified with news
intervention, leveraging reinforcement learning. This that is not real.
approach aims to enhance adaptability and overcome
limitations, offering a promising solution to the dynamic 8)Solution via Model-Based Learning:
challenges posed by misinformation on social networking Solve the optimal policy problem using model-based
applications. least-squares temporal difference learning (LSTD). Thus,
this helps us out in understanding the policy that is directly
IV. PROPOSED METHODOLOGY proportionate to the defined state space and objectives.

The proposed methodology for point-based intervention in 9)Real-Time Intervention Experimentation:

combating fake news involves a strategic approach to Conduct real-time point process intervention experiments to
mitigate the spread of misinformation in social media validate if the discussed procedure of point process
networks. The primary focus is on optimizing the intervention is correct or not. Implement the optimized
policy in live social media networks and observe the
spreading of news that is not real and the actual news that is

10)Iterative Refinement and Evaluation:

Iterate on the methodology based on real-time
experimentation results. Refine the intervention strategy,
adjust parameters, and incorporate lessons learned to
continually improve the effectiveness of point-based

Thus, this procedure aims to strategically intervene in the

dissemination process of news that is not real by optimising
the propagation of real news. Through careful modelling,
policy formulation, and real-time experimentation, this
approach efficiently prevents the spreading of news that is
fake on applications based on social networking.



w – weight which denotes the weightage of the difference

between the actual news data point and the fake news data
a - fake news data point matrix
b - actual news data point matrix
ea – error in fake news point matrix.
eb – error in actual news point matrix.
w – difference between eb and ea.

1.Start the process.

2.Initialize the weight vector and point matrices a equal to
zero and b equal to zero.
w = 0.5
3.For each sample S:
Compute w = eb - ea Figure 2: Flow chart for the two Point Process Based
Update w = w + w Intervention
4.Generally eb will be less than ea, so thus weight difference
is generally a negative quantity, and it may cause the
convergence of the two point matrices being used.
5.If the condition becomes true, then the misinformation has VI. EXPECTED OUTCOMES
been successfully mitigated for all the samples else the
control would go back to step 3. Some of the expected outcomes of using this algorithm are:

The flowchart below (Fig.2) briefly illustrates the above News Source Verification:
algorithm as follows:- Outcome: Increased transparency in news sources.
Impact: Greater public trust in verified and reliable sources,
discouraging the creation and spread of fake news.

Automated Fact-Checking Systems:

Outcome: Timely identification and correction of
Impact: Reduction in the spread of false information and
increased trust in online content.

Interdisciplinary Research and Collaboration:

Outcome: Continuous improvement in understanding and across diverse science, social
countering fake news. domains. sciences,
Impact: Development of innovative and effective strategies political science,
through collaboration between technology experts, social and journalism.
scientists, and policymakers. Following ethics May not focus Strictly focusses
much on on following
following ethics. ethics during the
phase of
deployment after


Methods Process-Based
Using a two-point based intervention method, on two data Intervention
point matrices based on actual news and fake news, as Accuracy Moderate to expected to be
mentioned in the above algorithm, has ultimately led to a High (e.g., High (e.g., 80%
convergence between the fake news and actual news thus 60-80%) and above)
preventing the spread of the misinformation. The tables Test Case Results Varies based on Expected to be
below show the comparative study between the existing method (e.g., effective (e.g.,
system and the proposed proposed system as follows:- 5/10) 8/10)
Effectiveness Moderate to Expected to be
Aspect Existing System Proposed High (e.g., 6/10) Very High (e.g.,
Methodology 9/10)
Approach Typically Integrates Innovation Moderate (e.g., Highly
conventional and state-of-the-art 5/10) Innovative (e.g.,
outdated technologies and 9/10)
methods. interdisciplinary
Comprehensive Limited (e.g., Encourages
Understanding 3/10) Collaboration
Techniques Uses traditional Utilizes (e.g., 8/10)
textual analysis; advanced
Real-time Limited Focus Strong Ethical
may lack techniques such
Adaptability (e.g., 4/10) Considerations
sophistication. as point process
(e.g., 9/10)
Scope May not Aims to
effectively comprehensively
address dynamic address
misinformation. multifaceted
Original Headline: "Local Heroine Honored for Community
adapting to
Typo-Induced Fake News: "Local Heroin Honored for
Community Service"
Innovation Relies on Introduces
established innovative and Two-Point Process Algorithm for Fake News Detection:
methods without cutting-edge
innovation. technologies. -Point 1: Linguistic Analysis
Comprehensive Primarily focuses Considers social Original Headline:
Understanding on content context, network - Positive indicators: "Local Heroine," "Honored,"
analysis. dynamics, and "Community Service."
user behaviors Fake News Headline:
for a - Negative indicators: "Local Heroin" (typo).
understanding. - Point 2: Contextual Analysis
Real-time Limited Designed for Original Headline Context:
Adaptability adaptability to real-time - Positive contextual indicators: Consistency with honoring
real-time adaptation to individuals for community service.
changes. evolving Fake News Headline Context:
misinformation - Negative contextual indicators: Typo contradicts the
dynamics. positive context of community service.
Interdisciplinary Often lacks Encourages
Collaboration collaboration collaboration Outcome:
across computer 1.Analysis Result:
- The algorithm flags the fake news headline for review (
[7] Khan, A., Brohman, K., & Addas, S. (2022). The anatomy of ‘fake
due to a significant linguistic deviation and contextual
news’: Studying false messages as digital objects. Journal of Information
contradiction. Technology, 37(2), 122-143.
2.Intervention: [8]Burger P, Kanhai S, Pleijter A, Verberne S (2019) The reach of
- System generates an alert for potential correction or commercially motivated junk news on Facebook. PLoS ONE 14(8):
removal of the misleading content.
[9] P, Deepak & Chakraborty, Tanmoy & Long, Cheng & G, Santhosh.
(2021). Ethical Considerations in Data-Driven Fake News Detection.


This paper's main goal is to illuminate the pervasive

challenges posed by news that is not real on applications
based on social networking and advocates for a paradigm
shift in addressing this issue. Existing systems, reliant on
conventional methods, often prove inadequate to prevent the
spreading of news that is not real. The proposed
methodology emerges as a beacon of innovation, integrating
cutting-edge technology of two-point process based
intervention Unlike traditional approaches, it not only
analyzes content but incorporates crucial contextual factors
such as social dynamics and user behaviors. Its distinctive
feature lies in real-time adaptability, offering swift
intervention and iterative refinement to counter the
ever-changing landscape of misinformation. Encouraging
interdisciplinary collaboration, the research emphasizes the
pivotal role of experts from computer science, social
sciences, political science, and journalism in collectively
advancing strategies against fake news. Moreover, ethical
considerations are integral to the methodology, ensuring
responsible and transparent deployment. By preventing the
irrelevant of news that is non-original on democracy, public
trust, and individual beliefs, this thesis solves the ongoing
major problem caused by spreading news that is not real on
social networking applications and helps in spreading
awareness about the right information headlines to the
society in present and even in future.


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