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o re Lect Lit of Exponential usve bu nN a y =aoe Y= 0+ 5580 e , Hitsg of Ke deaquee polynomial : jet uy Sonsiders kK dequee polynomial Ys dg 40, ¥-4 Og xbe 2 + OE @ 1+ 062% let HUY ST = ly Q----N be O Qiuen wet of n PASS oF obsesvalons - ' ; Ss #9 ly nomi al tow these data we Sit a KM dequee POY LUT =O tari t agnt + ----- £0, fohese Ao Qi, Qg---—- Ay Ow the consran> +0 be Estimated by using dhe principe of feat: Aquos: Asom Hee potactple of Leart square soos dum oF Aqua & Minimum - i u me gs [wir POO] Es xh = Ao- Ant - O2%i e- === -a, Xi] min € iy minimum if SE =o. JE JE vs eae 9€ -0, = =0 Sé . A °da ° dag 5Oy o Considux SDE -0 3% st lz (Yi-a, : 2. KD SO Un V- Ap — A XI- AZKE HH 4%) [=o nel pe. az (ai = Ag - ont = Oi cee QS) EEO ag (Yi-ag- ape - Qh ae = ays) = 0 5 7 t Ke 2 Mi= FA - 0 TH~ Oy BH ---- - = Oy 2%) ea > (= NA+ Ar Talo Ag But ---—7 + OK Duh | — 0 YY 3a, = ay |=° a Ui Ap - ant - api - - Ja, ZG 0 2 = (Ui Oo ~Orti = Oya = = === -0, x) CX) <0 -3 z (Ui- Op -arni-Agxti- eer ani) (xi)=0 =I 0 . . . . 2 (Yi Ao -am = QW -- === yuki) (Xi)=0 | =a, Xs?) =o a . . © Gut ant — ati ~ OPK = =~ fz ogee EF a6 ‘20 aq. & xi - Qo 2X - oy 2 ou a + | ne Ady TH i 2x j-00; Bi 4 a > £032 wid {cl —— set SO, aE (i = Qo - ArH ~ AQ = =~ == ARH t)"|-0 | az (4ui- = Qo -0)x1- Agi ------ yx) CX )= ° | at (Yi —Go-arrd = Agxet= = === = => Os) Oi* )zo = (Mi= ao ~a00d = 28> = = anxt ) Ot) =0 k+Q oom at? )so ) S (ui —O0 x! K _gypett! -agxt - y= Q Kal KD Suit yls Ao out 4 art 4 OQ 2 er, Orey =\ “SS AEX >» © -, Apodalten of Asiburess | exint any Talakonshie -Letuwn two in Aome WOH (0%) in othes way en the ot independint angl if these apposed Aiisilbutes au aid to ox mr | Wo Aeehenicatly called’ ansociated . they OmQ Apociation asw yuo tUpe> twy cow \ i Vosi Live ANOO cicion ) Doitive Arsociation ; ps too AUsiloutes (A) ond (8) if Cav) > PUD;.¢ N “2 § >0- ten p and B cow AX ‘Negabive Arsoaiation : yc two abstouk> ‘ Seo Ren Aande et oid Sapoiadi on - -Ompuke Ampociation 2 Complete Disarsoriali on Los ‘Ho Altsiloukrs - to . eh auisibutes A and Bi F A Ccannol occUd ‘Mout ®- though Q@ may ween widhour g ro be positively arsceasion and ® if CAE CANE) je. N J sto Le megotivery ee A and viea vessa- In othes wosde A and B AN aid to by Completely amoociateh iF (Ae= (®) OP (RB) =(B)). ” c os os al B46 Ont A's Eithes al As OHL No Ae caw 8 be, (pe)=0- sthen A % Comp dioorsociatud tien. IF 4 Lame Ad Nok % omg j-e, (ap) =0. Note. WP (Ag = tm then & i complutly anpocialtd with ®. IP (Ag)=(®) then 6 » Completely anoociated with a. Note: (Ae)= ts) > (AB)=0 | (RE) = (8) + @e)=0 Note ; (AB)=0 =) ®)=0 Alisiiputed Teen, of “tes : chasaclesi skies AYsibuien mar 4 ty 8 Mok orth dhe qualitative theosy of adsibutes pirieh cannot fos meadused Cnasanksulstes 0m istt vase quae ramon ENS Quantitakvey : dhe abbsiloutus Oy poenent (06) NOE ey: ainbing Sengkking 5 BUN, Beawky, Hontpte 007 ete, Notations « Suppose the Population 16 divided into two classes according — to Presence lor) Obeence of @ Single attribude . ™ roe 7 Ottibutes aye called positive classes” ang axe de noted by “cop teal Roman lees’ A,8,0,D, ZB” lL _ 7 ‘ , 7 \ postive losses" Ghd at, decatited ri The observe Of) attsibudes 81 Called “yeantive cases” and are denoted by," small Qeeck tedteaes? . 'g.8, 2, 8. ete he two clases A and X are cated “compleme dary closes” f the combinadtton of attributes’ thot having presne ond abseve Of attributes oxt calied * contrary classes’. €h- AB) op, Al...-. ; nie Th Ay epstouck, the attibute Glindnes B vepscseds the artsibute Brow then veprteeds the attibule of non - blindness B repseerts the atiributes oF brindness G bewity AB veprstds the abyibuses of biinines ¢ ran-beamfy a vepeeess the altibife ot ran. bindnuse ¢, beauty . -reprrnde he aliwibales OL von- biirdnss ¢ ron beau Claeshcation ok Bisiate:- | Were are wo types of Classiticasting They axe * Dichotory can DL CHOTOMOUS classiticntion. 2 MANTFOLD — Classificatton \ Dichorornous Classitication | Dicho tory - Th the Universe ak OF Populate i6 divided into two sub-class (089 Complemestary classes and _ . MY mee, with —F] Wespect +0 each catibutes _ os Ar Bile... ete. The division (08) Classiticatig, ie | Gatd tebe * Dichotermous classification Th oo populadton fe divided Ito roof "ul, Crclusve classes aces ding 2 some Qin, Chase and hen each class? 16 divided by refereme to Some second, thisd, ee, chanacteristice » tthe fir {vouping 16 called a * manifoid » classification * Class ond clogs Sequencits : . Dikferedt Odtsbutes and’ they “combinations Ose Called = * Classes”. ABs ot. B, lB AB, AB A No-oF — Obsexyarions _Posecssing 4o class (6 called “Close Frequency? and the, class «Frequencies a denoted bg _ Writing the Qkiributes (os) Combination OS adtibues 10 Poranthesce 6) Le The class tsequencies Of Ag, AB, are, denoted by (A), (8), (AB) — ete. CAD» LB, CAB. (ABO, ane Called postive class | treguencite « (1 (BD). Capa, (4p)... ARE Called nlegakve | Class frequen cits . (8B), (ABI), CBI) ---- axe cated contrary | clase — fregaencies. a > MoL TIPLE CORRELATION: q Sometimes these w Salen -selationahip: beuwaun many asialbles and ghe Value of ona Vasiolule bua inPluenad Jy many ods Wwe au ntesented fh Studying thy, joint eheat oF © Qeouprah lasiolbes upon @ ONL vaviabl € abich, not Fnetudlrol fn tho qooup, our Study 18 Laat mulligh Losvelasion. PR cxop PC Be et 3 ae OF used {%u) > Tesiqasion 5 aA Cee (d og aout (rarest Uz 28 ie soutien (X5)> tenvicsdd (8) > wearer see (as) ond BE ==> Arwdyied ay joink & eek an issigation Iai wes O7 yield of Pesbinzess and i se LOSTCIAHEN - cp cy calladl rnutti? CoePbrerent oF Multiple compeloten’ ay ditsibuten fq whieh each of thw pranesVarions whe netic’ our of 4 on ¥3 &X2 ig dhe Simpr gy ¥ohe jorat Ing XBNOTH asia 1 %a ond%s muldiou cossaatien C Udually Sunored Ju Rigg, Cowselatio n coe? Hele bebwen X Rat oP 2 &%g and d given Pd es as = Bh 1 — Rin His B23 2X I- Vag | ‘Qatial Copselation Multipte Coszelation Alisibutes Tandial Conselation ; In o ivate oF Tultinate distsibution dhe eosselation between ANY w0 Vasial), after - Eliminating dhe \ineas effect oF other vag, som nem is called partial cosselation - Somedimes the cosselation bertoeen She too voy X, ond Xy may be Postal due to she Cowselatien of Thicd vastabre (3) Le %3 wih % 42 in Sucha | situation dtu conselaion teh ean %: ond ¥ a L20uld 12 the effect of xq on each oF % and x , were | eliminated is called pantial Copselation- The pastal cosselaton coePficient between *.6¥2 aftes eliminating Ay linear ebhect of Kg 18 denoted by Bp. Gnd % Given bY io. 4= Sa Tihs \ . (eri, The postal copselation coesfictont betaseen ° ae aftes eliminating the near elect of a ; 3 denoted by Sigg = %s- Bahra the pastel cosselation coefficient belocen 4 %N3 afte eliminating the Linear effect of Xi: ig giuen by . u ag.) : ectea Sg pin vingubyh blvd Losstiaten and Reqsecien a ( Corssetai oN { Reqsenion fis Liason petattonahie lw lx Mod ead Manaus ° asd SHES undin STA te lo ¥ ON esage mesa Ko { ol % TNOse oni ably ene LOssetad on” eau “pUADUsion' ne eae APSA { vnokt 2 Inder ape * OL posse “et : Wer of CHAR of osig® nge of osigid Qg scale | j- R A of I~ daginds ON © é en eget ¢ Ose paps ckasien “nek luo WoO i Reqserd' vote Asi Ino A¥m™ yori NALD AAGNME ot \ doe, ow *% ey% : 6 j re Sxy y% 2 wannot 4 oh ° . ay o bd : a noobie “ enites Bos TH sug sent On - raat oh & heeee Sut ova OF Se qeqsersi or eoe gs & Qseatn - s\ \4 63 J enon ssnity San He ooh rst de ahon sity: : y hewe f no Suah Non- by these Moy de no awe peg serien ta any tosseharien ol dtu variadM- dodo x \ ie or Xe BIST Qi BUTION ASSOMe T) ZONDITION FOR BIALTOTIY OF X™~ Test! U-test & aN appoximate -Lut Lon Lasgs value an. dest 8 g ood rans fos the Natidi EY of 00 +he x? _ dtpyetoul'on tendo to He nosmal distoibution - i, Ig. TP %%X'q, Od Mey O*AL anol indupendint i, Ann ba %) vosiaks. x2 fl 2 ui, So B = = 99 Kirho 8 a Q Br Pisdiboutions | T+ was ‘mbsodverd ‘oy w°S: Gosset, Let i %p---- Xn bE a sandom Sample of g 1 Sxom a noomal population with mean{p) ang Vary ance (0-2). ©. Student 1 Staakistie defined as te x-4 W tan : S|vn - WP wt 3 | fre a Wwhese (x) = Samp Mean = 2X (4°) = Sompu Vosaned= 42 (ni-)” 1S (vi? (s+) = Sampe ruan Squosw =75 Gel: A eontmusws Sandom vosiahe ¥ % pad ena ° i ‘ : ty ’ tb 1 oF wi ) 4p Po \lowd id ste ud en EMS Q 73 : ) — oct ew eh Pare) (ENTE y “udhese yeu sation oF * distoibutien : " pp dstbution had No: oF appeatfens in stakshiey omer man (%) BEPes nici 02 gomedia * wsitiat on man i po vest gre ign Licanes di +Fewence petwan : 0 sone mMeand + 400 pier vu aiogiti Janne SOSECOHON eoekfierent ond > ou made it Studank t-test he : : he paset eo pusasion ahat te sor vonieh ' ‘pod mame 1 Sour nos on por’ . ces ane 4. Some pppessatond OF gndupendene | gang ® sandom he popusasion bron dod dovinkienlo-) © unknown ‘\nogesties of & ~ distsibuton: Nhe taf of t- gigksibuti on » — o Pr = 3 (235 S- Coefficient of skeonen =0 a. coefficient of variation is und e Fins. 10+ Range is infinity in ‘oodh ais ection Us The m-g-P oft - distribution does not exab. Igs b- didteibaten’ > > Leniting coat of Standand nosmak duastsiousion te owe ~ Atppsibusion % ad SO ‘ 13- The gsaon of * dinrsiburte Mineo * - disksibytten + é % & whe satio of Atandosul nosmes goo 0 Aqua Root oF An independur te {quo yasiakn Siniask Jy itn deguers of faces” ysis o Atandasd wosmol Nowsioks + ey & WN (Gs) gd Zs OM independent chi - sqpont Yani ott | wien © dF then Fishes -t & given oy t= poten nity \ ¢- Qinrsibus en + 7! ‘ob defined as dhe Tolio of *Wo independant aiokts dinedctedd lay Aheis TWpective and tt follows Bendwros’s ‘f chi- Aquos jeapet o& Fseadom \o x ond asia. two 10d epandant ehi- Aquat af, Taye ecrively aren yas o3cud wid NV and Ng p- sraxisrie & aekins by po thine wns) Y Psopeotie ; SM 2 te oof Of & _ disesi bution is given vy t wlo Vi|v-] ine Be (¢) de SE —vai > Of (ite i) Lv at) y 9. te Lintky of O- distsibutin aut 0 £ PQ Wr- 1. —_ ava aes 2 +My Vi (Y2-2) (No-) 5. Mode of &- disisibution = (23) a a W 4. Vasiantt = He = Node of £- distsibulion dwoyd wo ghan uni 8. the points of inf \exion of & - distsibution exis, Box Vou ond Coe eqpidiotant Ssomn mode - .s $+ Kan pearwons eoe Licient of Aken Given by 8 = Mean Hoot, 0 heve ‘Her, tos! oS >0 . ¢- distsibuon & hian positively Akewed disrsibution - 8 The p-d-P of ¢ ~distsibutien does not depends on posomatin -but dap ends 0 only de degoee of Sseedom - : Appi catigns : > 1. P- test © wed to ger dhe aqjallty of two popuiation varianees « a F-test tb ured do teat dre Significance of an obsesved -mutkple Loxelodion woeddicient « 3. e- test ty used to beet dhe “rignidicaner of a1 opseswuol wimplt Loss dation Satio - ee 2 Pm Ken betwen F and K* di ~ Distsibution . /) \ tu ro + \Be{n..02) divtnibution 517 we Jas "> pen” remy? Solow gs X7- disksibuti en with ag. Jf of €- distsi bution wv . gos ® the e° Ie (o, a\o. mM ge) Ss Agia)” / or . ay , i BS | a , OF $< O\r-! a2 wy ete Gre _() _ ay = Ee , (whe) tgke Ay . vn ant By oO a gz lw ° a (= i << or re [= aa ins a a +2 \ 3) MR Pe Uae om + Re =| ee) ye \) 1. >+® im = 3 _ nyt ") aa a e “2 i A Nien [Mt om oe mel" \ ; sino ke lh me | =(iro)lim_ \'* x za a ( mm) = \im (1+ le ne wi) ; ' 7 x ms = em —7 8) ae ts i) <4 Sub © a © in@ as ala nila-t OR - lim £(e) = _. oe | eon %>00 ] 7 \ ‘ a L | dre dy as = .—_—— dla (x se a 3 TR ston) = og hs : ae (a) prot oy = oF” gy? sla pay a n2Q : \ Y= la fo £2) yale which is dhe p-d-F oF % ena (yer - distsibution voidh njd-f, ohn Alen ‘Rela! ion belueen Lt and © Stolemant: if a ANatistie () Sollons “Aradert distsibution with'n’! deqoee of Foam Ge i Follows Snedecoss F- diedstoution woldh (1,9)4-4 Psoo?. he e-d-P of &- Ayskoilourton w gis. OY Ma y f (= A. _ yt gegen 6 (go (Wey ii let Yat > Vo2 205 P- E? " she aiPfeventok Paquosion of t2 uy 4 Lyles d ace) | = a4 —- td | (8 (i445) 49 Se a wr - mews) (nye pooodbitity Since g 42) 2 > ey between 9 Od | we neqpet a -, a [ge -—n — Eo) EH ODT >. the oa F of Leye i \ co a . zt ~ at < oO wo 8(> 8) (esa 3 < phich ts se pa F of AwseN widn 10-F 4g 4nr%o wien no: F then 220 F a.) bow digtsi bution oa ; vapor" _mpulaion ample 5 gparneres (@) vy Suaristi Cc Ww ey SaMPUAQ Pin esi loution 2 andasd £so05 38 CGimMasHion + The menos of Estimating population eyigticd ( Pasameress) buy using aample howack hagactes istics (Siatistic) & krownas' ‘esrmanion’ Eskmake and estmasion: Any unetion of dhe sandom ample XK X%q------ Kn) that Ong being, oladesved Soy Tm (date Xq) t» Cables Stastic. and she statisti wy 0 Bondom vosiabls - TP athe Stotist’e zy wad. +0“ estimake” en unknown pasameter ° gre distsioution, i is A eostiewlan value Sgimate" oF £6”. af Types of estimation: wo typed of EsHmationd: “they oon We have |. POINT € STIMATION ; g. INTERVAL @ STIMATION y y \-Yoint Estimation : she method of Estimation tn whieh dhe estimated Value of dhe pasameles w% @ parstieutost vole uy waing Sample cuoatin alone i coud ‘ PONTE ST\MATION": was developed by eA: Fishes. bu: “the $#stimoded value of popwatien mean o1 nosmal distibulfen (n-0) 2 Sompe mean - =) Sample mean (H)= Ub wb a UmMakiol Vou of the pavametes (MH): Q. \neoval Estimation; “Pe mesos of Eevmasien my ta which dhe estimated Value oF dhe pasameres cannot: be pastfeulan Nalus lout Ht must be Li - any value ina Cestain sange (os) intesvos & cated “ \ntesvak £ stmatign” 1 wad developed +4 J Neyman- | $x: The population mean (™) fos nmosmok distsibu hen lien bekwoen -a- 46 ond Q-6a. 5 Poulson mean (H) Fos avsmah distsibution \ées betwen Za TE and At 2a Whese KR & asamp mean = wb B&O oF PoPWAHON 2, 4 csitteat Value nw Aue of dhe sample Sos best &3timator (os) ehasactesistic (sre5iem Estimates : g got HP yndianestias 2 condisten oy CAiicieney » Sufdi cieney nbiabediers . \F the Lupectation oF state & AN Ab paornetes then dhe statistic iw Said to be of ‘ unbiased Cetimatas” 405 dhe Pasametes. let Yykqer Xo be an sandom SamnPle Size Laker som 8 population havfng pasarnetes 6 - Let Tn bedhe dabitc Caleuloted Soom dhe Lonpre oladesvation - \n EL Ta)=0 then TH ww an unbiased Latimatos Sox the posametes 8- 0 € [tae 0, then Tm & bolabed envimcte% fos dhe Poromoden Q- 1 \n Binomial distibution Sample PSOPOSHON & an unbiased Ustimatos fos dw population PoOPOsvon . Conststerny: Ala estimation “Ta =T (%5%5- ---¥%n) based ON a Fandom samp of dize nd Said to be’ consishy So¥imnalos oF 6. TP n eonugestn © tn poobabitity: 7? tre, ln mee hey PY LTo-0l<8} =) P§\Ta-0]>€ 4-0 3 hen Ta 1 Aaid 40 be Consistent edti mates 279. The nearer ond Sufficert condition fet the consistency of unbiased Latimates ow G>) e€(ta)=8 Gi) NOs CTA) =0 iF N—d00 &>0) N30 Cy: In podwon and Nosmal dinisilbuffon sample mans Gu Corsintent >Vienotos Ly dhe ponamotiy y" { eopwatfon cnean) . . o boat > Ip Cardy dutsrows en SEMEL Mean VB not consist Los dhe Ppopwal’ fon Mean oud 4am Pw gimalo® “edn sh €=5 ghen Band G Gu eoquoiy fine ahon & shen AB Mose efRietant ep, tn & 4 mose ef Ficient hon @ & consistent entimates hich 22Ximn alos hos eatad * ebRietont eaienalen™. ougien samp Mean ib Mose ea, a Char feast vasianct io te In qusmok aists' ePhigent hak sanele median - Subjidency :}P @ otatiste gives ghe pasameles oF dhe popubation (08) © Stasi on Chasackesist complaly ERICIENT edrimasss Xow dhe eompue tn fosmatien vegcerdiing hich species Ye poeulo’ then ahe otatise & “SY eatornbin - . Math emodicably, Condi me & doesnot degendson & , dhen cable, Los are. pore etin® - the Wkayhoed Lynctiono8 dhe Sample Hhsewation “an de Vapse%ed 45 oo SunctioMs one funeti or Yonal sepectation oF (xx -%A) 69 d cod puddent Y conten ; « tctce, and dhe PORAMBLE thuy Sunclfon aontain stalish ex veitnaton 408 She Cae g See EE seothic, SOMPL oODseHUDHOND * only and anode the Artatatc Bs dufdirejett <4. . Ex: In qoosmal Aistsitouten Tx and ca osu suc estimates ~Sos de pasometes } anda Bespeetualie

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