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Consider your frame of mind – your "mind-set" – toward visionary leadership. Being totally honest with yourself,
assess your current mind-set and determine how you need to improve or adjust it.

Visionary Leadership Mind-set

Degree of agreement (1 = none, 5 = a great deal)

1 2 3 4 5
I'm open-minded to different options and possibilities.
I have a sound understanding of where my organization is going.
I have the courage needed to take risks, and I'm not afraid of failing.
I like to emphasize the positive and minimize negative thinking.
I value my employees' ideas and concerns.
My employees know they play an important role in creating a vision.
I can get people involved and help them feel empowered.
I can lead a vision creation process and still remain productive.

List a few areas where you could improve or adjust your frame of mind towards visionary leadership, as well as
some actions you can take.

Improvement Areas

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