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Vellore – 632014, Tamil Nadu, India


Winter Semester 2023-2024
Digital Assignment – 2
Programme Name : B.Tech. CSE (Core and specialization)
Course Name & code : Software Engineering & CSE301L
Class Number : VL2023240500726
Faculty Name : Dr. Deepika J
Maximum Marks: 10

Module Coverage: 3, 4 and 5 COs: 3 and 4, BL: 3 and 4

Imagine that you are developing a software application for a hospital. The application needs to be
able to perform a variety of tasks, such as managing patient records, scheduling appointments, and
processing insurance claims. Are these modules functionally independent? Justify. (3 Marks)

Develop a simple python application that generates random passwords with length=16.
1) Assess the code quality using any open source python supportive tool. (Example: Pylint)
2) Give the report of your code quality from the tool. (Attach screenshot for this)
3) Review the report and try to fix the identified problems probably the potential areas for
improvement based on the output. (5 Marks)
A team is developing a new feature for a software application. The team has already created a user
story say,
“As a user, I want to be able to log in to the application so that I can access my account
information” for a login feature, but they need to refine the story to make it more specific and to
identify any potential risks or challenges. Develop a refined user story for this scenario. (2 Marks)
1. Creative answers, Critical thinking and Neat Presentation is expected.
2. Marks will be deducted for submissions done after the due date.

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