Gavin Mackenzie T

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Gavin Mackenzie T.

Buan 7-

Reflection in Math

For our 1st Quarter, we learned about Sets, Set Relations, Set Operations and Cardinality of a Set. There are two
ways of expressing Sets, the Roster Method and the Ruler Method. I learned that set relations have Equal sets,
Equivalent Sets, Subset, Proper Subset, and Improper Subset. And I have also learned that the cardinality of a
set is a number of Elements of the sets. I would say my experience with these lessons is that they are a little bit
easy to understand and internalize but it got a little bit harder towards the end of the Quarter.

For our 2nd Quarter, we learned about Real Numbers, Integers and Operation of Integers.
These lessons were actually quite easy to understand, but it still got hard as we
progress through the quarter, but they are actually easy to remember.

For our 3rd Quarter, the lessons here got harder and HARDER, we learned about powers and exponents,
they’re really easy to understand (for me) we learned how the exponents work, what does it do, and what
purpose it serves. And also learned the meaning of base and value. We also tackled about the 4 rules in powers
and exponents which are the Product Rule, Power Rule, Power of a Product Rule, and Power of a Quotient
Rule. These lessons weren’t that hard but it still got harder as we progress through the quarter.

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