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pou UNIT-A. ra ‘Anb Le luo Weite alt the Prefiaw numbog between { to Zoo. 28 SG ud, unce 2) UPB 197 dE 29, 31,3741 re 7 F819, Sly ALATA, 79, 23, 24,977,101, lee ¢ $67 1094 vig, (07, Ist, 187139, mars, 7, eZ, tbe7 | t UTS 174 (tay LIA rs, VATE IDF; 21 224 927 9229 oe ET BES 259, 0. gat 2977 38 2g2) 248) as), 257,243,265, Ofera tions oF numbers’ Wore Ty numbed” 7 Bn Hrd -Avabte syste we have ee liga nanoly 0 6 2, Be 4,5,6,7,8,9 Alled Jew, ene, two, th, Pow ¥ Rive, 81%, seven, eight and nine respectively 4 number th denoved hy gout | ligt, called, neat: Fau value and Pla tdalece ie local Value) ef 4 tuna neencAal + Orrifae Value 6 a alight by a numa! lb 1k? en Value, at whatever, plate it may fe ex: En the nemtial 68 12 ite fate |Maluee. of. ts a the” Fave Value of TES. Ke fau Value of & (3° and the Faw Malus of Gis. tS at (iy a given aca 5 } Plate Vatue of unit, altgit canoe) Plate AJatuc of tens Ligit = teovediqio | Bio Plan, Value of hundiale digit <(hundvale di | X 00 ard 96>, Ga | En dhe Aumegal 7°94 , we hay, Plow’ Valuer of bie Gerry zy Plate. vatus o$.- 2 = @kw) 29, fla. Vatue oF ae xe ce ue Pace Yolures 1 2 271 alt x Imes cm, ' Nanious, Tyres es “og! plarbeas ce ic Sistine atunibleass~, prt, try ray “coun tng, eae Are Lalled natuzal number Thut 2,3 HeSie ea tativa) RUMmbet ye RP G talhole numberg '- cues vs Pu Counting ‘numbers and » Pay Hea! set of Whale, number so, «THUS 0,1,,045 Cre. PR! wphese” numites: Ve Urea tip so emg. natuaal num bes “h¢ whale fm bear and ier h sm whee _ Reerevbes lh ts “nee a. ne tea | numbers >| a Bt Ce un th, num Leas, sand “negatives ‘es Counting numbers iden the Set of in eegens - | Tes, heey “3,2, lot, “3 “th regs : ° : A , Sek of positive Integers = ER, 284,86 4 See of rugsvive Cutperg = & fost, Boe ted i Sey off Non ~ negestves integers fol 25g to. D weal nee | Aen and odd ‘numbers | l= —= CO Xen numbers > | . A tountsn _nurbea divisible by. ats tallies, “ah even’ numbers Thad O/B ph py 810,13 2 eb Or OL . eV rim bert: Wyoad WOM beer de ge as by © ¢, » Ab tounitin number not divisible FS, Aled. anadd pum bes , a Thus, LB Se T VMS Ee at ee a oda num bers © peime hurabsds = ! yee | 2 counting number ls gid pemben, tf tt, has esackly tue, ave ane eee and |; ; , [699 than sled we | Bes bl pom Narn ber 9, darter ASU P7) 237%, 21,3. 7,44,U3, Nae 3, £5, bh. FAR, + by 7 a FS ad ot3 ark be, be, eae iy'en , num ber ard let coun tthg number suth | fest For (ach l= {et P bel: 4! iw bersdhes Sentes* taroeinttiare® SI 8: or ee Now . best whetlut P ts divisible less than or of tu mM £ ; 4 - ; A Cn Nye Bor, thee p is hot Prue KY! cast phi eh oF the Following ane frome, numbes? (hy) wt Gh) tag (ivezes UdGat &) a Kiute lenew that Ct b> olS7 Sane, MUMbAS LESS than 12 S23, | Pan 3g, Tittle clearly rene Of them Aiwdes 127+ AGT NSA, Pre numbey: | QWrrute row thar Cir) ee Prime, nium ber ‘(Gg “Hath 14 Ow 275 ax wv) of Them vidos 179, Wits ‘ealy, , none ° tic ns a er Fitba Wate Enow hat dy > 219 ie pum bey (e3'¢ ‘than Ug > re 23, tlt out oF these Prone, humbere | Mo aw Natale ee eatin FON Sy 14, és. pot a Prime. ares. tnat “(U4 kb (eg¢ than 21 ang (v) ye Know Prime mumbes . Radai A socest Gale Inyta Cleaaly 437 15 disiy D 4.6/1 Mele, by taPet plteons aos ay a) pes ‘d ~ Sued <3 pot a!) Pema hums. Qu) \ Wwe tenew Haat, ($05% Set uh Pome numbed (eg “pas, ‘Qe aw AB IL Nay eS, 14 Clearly , none af Bw Be pV, we Huse rut ker Ai vides gue av tea Ponte numb, aot Aim bes: yt The palrad huurn berg. tohich axt a [net Pome are called Composiee .numbers- SAM} > i : $434 et ‘ ‘ - : > yw Tse: via Phila “umn berg a eee ig Harr Hor fs are said *0 be, dor prime tee 013). C46), ¢9,4 4 CaN “EHC. QL Poivs of conPi ned © ? Tesco pivisibility” =—— pivisible by oe . A number is dAivigibte Ly! 2 if | 6,8- unit dug is od ©, 2,4, J ‘hile ie lapiwar ba oe ’ euie e694 { 9 bang! hee ane Oe pivisthie b , ty - r B numba, ia divistele, L Z only whan Hue sum of ors digeld | tg sdjviatt te or Ear Oth the number sacusl ' te suum oF digsU27, which is divieible by 2: ‘ 4 tsdmun sAT at > Coneual *soaivisible bat: (Moen the number Fe eses ,Hecunr ABI BSS pe yshith We inet aivsibe Ly s- tg nee avi gthte bys re AUCSZ PIS Lypieedees 6 wy pivdibiiey Lyin Lg Pimumbea 3S. daiwa c 4 only, When He sum edt tes Ag '8 18, tg ivisibe fees Exti) en. “th rumber su begi , fre sum y ig it 01, wohigh ts Afvisivie by q. OUST Te A? rte let by 7, USAT rember 7345) the cum oF agrees 294, wohiUi'l @ Abe abiibIeby 7 UE OSTA rs hoes Atviglbre *7 7 (ug Diva's! hey bya ———— A number sig! at glbte by 4 te (| Phe geen ef) the lass two wae hg ld ig'ble by a. ; ex ati 6879376 Js abipsible fy sine 16 is, ddviorble by &s sh > u4buse Ug ‘otk kivigibte Ly 4 ‘ i ging Revs not Alvigibie, byw. © Piyiaietity bye oda as i Ye, , Aivisibie by @ 1 thy member Fowmed Lb hernabreds tone and unit's’ Aigit oft tee given rai ben j ¢ seh, kg g. ex tp mn te numbes tino aces : : inde Bea Formed by ‘tase 2tgi be say ta Aivisibie by @ 0 lerersen | Bhat tbid lye Wen the number ‘Veyau, TL hum umte, Formed © by ‘latte’ lan 9 weg Yay ie spnerw divi eib ee by 8.. “.w G1bE!ed o's hot, Aue my &. CG srittiigy ‘by te " Lode nm ‘ A number. i divisible to : ee ies Leni are vig e, ta a ss t> 194 9820 Ve ea. fare Lin ity Lene digit” Ate) CE MOL ont manda” Gh b1euer is nos di sFibie: by losin ent sty ‘uaa unte vhigit ‘9 hoe eo. ee . ey) Ding Soh bili by Sr oo ae MEO o + {7 A numbeacte . divierbté by sonty [When ies Unie, digix, tS 0 or Ss CX} Cath of. the, puroberr, viene and 6e190 "s Aiviaibie , by at ‘piWnst bits by We, ct i F - a : | A nlmber "paiva tadsibie thy U ig tre AifPeunis besween Hee ‘sumed (6s AUB EI AE oad oP Ta Ua and she sun of fre bytes at! aviens Flay oe eetun 0 O14 e ) Pe aN herd wa’ ex C2 onside) Hae numb Osan oF its digit at odd plausd- (Sean eg che Agits at even plas: 21 2Fq 4 3S4lT = Cat atts) -Clagtytr gs (23129211; abt ws diwaibie by We 2 9use wl, is divisibe dee Oy tensid er he number, eo ubaga2 tSura , oe tg “digits all od Plaus)- (sum og. rs digits “at even "pais 4) £ “Catedber) eLabardts) 2 Cart °F whith Ra pee adivisibte by tl’ Fae toa hai yee Pew aivisibtes bythe (4) pivinLinty by b toih BS sity oe: oS : \ pn numb te atuentle by $F by o ov B last number "he Aivis'ele ve wig bn ly Ss : Ce) pink bi Vtg by: a 2 | Sams as 3 adel, Allnum ba & aw eeti be ah ba diterb ce by Pernet: etomples” Dares -9 shesa yace let 9587 a DUET uscd: Ther, ‘Ager -2 2807) es 4587-3071 = bSl& 30 = @ Srastee k4999 29 FAVBWOS F999 £7 FUL C10000"/9 aft 2240 $0000 -S79 Sys (S747 ae 2eheImIEeK A waar xISG6 =O rit ® @Bayte xb2t= 9 g3qu7s Kore cE LIPYTEX GS (© 839478 x(B \ cep, Any | . £8314,7 80000 a ery Ak "2 ® 41642574976 16329 : using Aig tr butive ‘law, we gee Ab KES TEATER TOL FIEx (2274768) 24h x 1000 = ee A Tlode, vis al QAGE XBT = Bb a0 2 29 By Ai'atm bust ve \aco we Re NEE FO1- FebKD0TS ‘9486 (207- 207) 2 186 Xt0o = Dees © Lb6o7 xlbos7- i ih tt (wor e1bETE Creed ye e - Cleoet J atincetiy “E2% [60087 = EL becCe+ WIFI oo: 0 = 28824949, (SVb MSIE =Cle aes 2 € tas0 47 = Cluoo) ay ox 1 400%} elbUboood|bet| 2005 1 4yeed Aicursada creme? we have (are Jay Caresa cant) Cais) ettesy Ve Cldisd insstacureans$) Fo eye tedaare ceres J’ Ci Yo. Cz becost (2 1too) eVe KNO 266, > 2UIASO Aye A) (rae xrae- poy xrow ove 9 “Tee ATE ae xeod, 2h146 t- (204F = (46 troy (196 20U) bie ne (oes KET’ fi Pagene! § 6‘ @ (ga KRRATA US mienpXeet ct eal 2 Given ex? > (8é7)% cps sht ee 2TH 2 (atabrerab )i whan ar Key 6 b=''3 © Cathe ecse7tiisy = C5009” ne So000, O tax arvsi many stan ad x! a3) 2 (atth wtak), w bare ace1 b=6) = (a-b)*s Cassi = Creo: (20t8 ™ c usotiet nue 2 bb. Hees oF . dinisnb Weg le. ndiaet Find Hu teased. Valut ot * For whieh 3 aera. os divrgibe Lyd. let Hen reqsbeitivalus be x SAF ORTH BAUCS SB etm. hg Antes lyr 3 | Me vy LGAbt Malus of % 12.8.5 ¢ (8) rind te. least. Valin of % Fow whi g, 1 HSub2 ts alivisibte ty 4. let tag vesulved Value by x. qa eeeeub ees Aout he Use bag, vs Lage value ot fhe. Oy hati (ASH Viallsd op bk Foy to hie, ne Rie fo, divtelvie Ly tts C3UM of bgt jr odd Plates ~euy ja UBS in even pla us). ' = C@taasta d Create) \{b12 yo sbtatn a ie whith is aia Aleve. by stp - et eee i : : (672 | : py ene: 4G 2 (a6 bok Number go be ‘cuptracred +: b. () what (east Rumber cust be add fo Solo + Obtain a member which /s Cnepretily divill ig -¥ fe (4 2e0 unre tle as ese De =la4qs 4 Numba 4s be” added - re Bion piadicg no} ‘ty a eitarn number, we get ‘76 ‘as Quotiont anol 2 as vematrde7 dividencl = Colu'sor x auatiant Jr Remaindlea | l2uol 2 Cbiv'toer x76 Fe 12 S N22 = pivisor , . 76 4S Aiv'sor = 168 @®on dividing teacatn: numbes by 34L we Get 41 as vemalrte op vig came numba 1S dyided bY 18% What wi Le He remain . Suppese that en divic ing Hae ger | é indy | num bea by se we ae Austen zle. & vera! then, . Dividend =Cpivisor xX Quotient J 4 Bemalnden me Cevexey +47’, mS CEG OTe Clet2 9) = Le Clatet lati Qo the rumba whan dividadd ey le given wemas' nd 4 2 I), a @| sievplisy 19711 89K7BT + NAH Aa 784 *%794 789 NRE, geigis the form of astb? — at2abth2 = Cath) (at-2h tb%) «. (729 tet! SCtre9)*— au 1e9 Xon end) OAS OR ET KEM A Cone Sept Se gq = locos | (@ sieplify Org x BPR XbSE- BL EK B2ENL09 bse XOLk FEE K SPBALIWO ND et atch L4 ea qbes (arb) targa ts) ' ArrAbth® so os w = 6F&r 328 | Js BBR ag vey ops yh | A) (eas cree yh -Co1s ~Te6 3? TSF 243 K796, = Cathy —Cacto® aL Solipteran cyt bth ay bay K 784 Kals 4676s ushat e the unit digit tn the “papal tt ae as etn tee, Product f 42 491K ee “loka “hg the unit digit’ in te product: ¢aswi 2 ceenyee UN? & Cro - arts aaa ol (23) what hg Hee uwnlt digit fn Thea, given ad fobs) era ney 31°? s t my iviars elegy | by” ag tors ee too fo zu pe g* +8 | 5 bt bro ytes o | : > Find ts tals no- De of ‘prim fauors In He. Product ‘Ce! THU CB eee = oe eke Pro nr factor cet et2: n a How REputs sn form Lerner C Formulae ) i) Ce : 4A) el Ont) pe ee eel , = 167 (net lent) ee 0 ao tas) Flan* (ne) a (wv) Aap thee Pov wasion (4p) of a | fg) ’ | ats? , whsr yz! Owe mang hotwal number berween\ ad Awad, AAD A; ATA,» & OMe pas Avy in nen tlre st TAME K and ty Me vin “od oe a ter the ath car be tn and ie lags, terrras tn Men wath FAM oat, tn Idd. “gum ege ata 2/2 Cras uray gum of nears ON fy (441) why, Li re last eae: heomety) renege == ' aie gal'd te be 3 10 v 2) A ? ° | a),ar, aw”, art,» b- whr'th Fin Se tom cd and Mmm, crab EY . go nth pam ay nel Gf sure of ntwm $ By m tion? 2 pwhen VL] {cv Ke by\- divistote by be an “tote ne, ay 1424, 1 82, 2he tts 18 TMse 19 an AiR mn phith alg dos No 7nd L278: Le artnet 48 eta x tn re 19-8 2 Cacloe & be 2 (ah) whe ‘ & eae he : hg Find tu Jum of all elfen natwal Number 9 /e8f than, 7S. The required mo art 54,64 74 ase dues or on IR hear gn ~My favars 4 2 Mponwy = eal mh X16 nyt 2371 x28 “ Sn 2 bods | ea eier i eveces ie ase “G24 = at One . oe oor brent? 9q ated ea. tt one) Le los \ SO neie aS an aNn%® (até) 21 aX Cbttes) — KIN) = bbb Glens fin Sum L4r*t 244280. pale This $o@ bop INwhidh goo ase nee’, FUner bn p Alert) = 221) rel Lo D (tort) 2 2K 1022 FS DeUg, <= w number b eaauty jwo Say that ay farrey of b: Th thas Use bis leg afl Chapt Het and bem of Num berg, tor anal muelt ples. Te a number ®A divides Mute le ef At wighut Ceramon Pater CHOE) wy Pray Cormmon Meas re CGLOM ) ov Curcate,, Ve ramen pivtsor (Gre D>: ae oe od, oe More thay tase numbers 1g th ganesh mero Hy dlivids card rote stoe erally: Tu ar toe metheds *f finddg ta hey lop a gtver See of humbear Fa edowi pition petbd e's Expresd each bone ef the gh Numb af Hu Peduct . of Pr'nas Fathers Tie Produ of- least, Powers od lore? Poime Farr $ gives her. Dupirese wa habe ™ fing Tae her [OF ae akvon pum biis’ prude. the [ge Aumb by Me nra eh One +. Vow ; divide tee obi'sey by the eatin)» Pepaet tus pour af dividiiy hy Preuinp number by thee Vt pobaind HU ge obeaud Y , BoMad Us Vos - [Ost hiv sey pg te vr? OE Finding Hue Ole at nipve tan fwo Lele ae of Move than pwo Suppose ute have te Find Ht WCF of hum bes » THEN Hoe of (CH Ce oF any [me ) and the third number J gives dhe er oF Hisee giver numbers. gimilazly the He of more Han thaw num bers May be eltand: w least Common mulhple Clement” The [det humber whith 1s exattly Uivistbie by ath ent of the given numbers he called therr Lam: Examples" —=—= OD rind Tee ror, oF a3 ng? ExT, 2A stations a . et j . «a ! 2 i 28 gtx stxq? The Prt numbsus Lommon ts given humbys aw 2,667: Hore fVrKieXT*S 7 ho @) Find tee HOF: of lod, 288 and 260: coe eats, eee eras and poor B x tee tha F 2 2°x3 a a & oe oo { O) pind Ma Her oF E12 ,N8U and 12i¢™ “se ais ef (2q/ Gee oi SHOP a (ita and (rte ty F! “90, crejiived: Her OH OF | of nw mT ay e (fa | 4 ' Yeb oJ ai] 8 Q) = ® —— Lid of ven numb j 4 299, @) eduee 391 tm lowed terme. bbT beer ef: $41 and 667 ig 22 on dividing the Numtabor ard deneming. by VS we get: ea) 2 89ides = 17 Ger 667t23 [-4) Blind fur bem oF Ib, 2¥ eb acy [bre dopey MAS 1A le, 27 DN be 907 2 809,29 2p Py Br A 4 Li C4 s2xe yo yersyon ayer O) tind toe oer and Lem of orbs la moetrg the fan’ reenter op dull plaud the gfren number aw 0, bo, ler od yetor Witteud decual pflaud , Trese numbed wa | 63 les and ro now Wor of $4, (of and Lie *8 ol" Wor CF e169 ,LOr ad ol god! Lom ef b3,!6r ade (6 450 LeoleM Be 0962 J7% fo ad 2S 5 Sa O 4 Tle Hee of (do, numbers, ‘git and thelr Litem 3 692+ Bf one of Me hum bers ‘S77 Find the oft Other Number pu = 99 Find the Quatesd fost/bie feng th whith can be used te measure Cxattly the feng ths ym Arum ,9m and thm , b&em: Required length Her ef VIE, {665m Fe0m ana i U4e 22 KORN, Gon = KAS, fe A His Res xe ete sHhdn LA, yy eel weds ERAT “a! f Daa Has Guabes' num bes whi an diniding | bo and 2097 leave £ vemainders & and 5 mes peltivel Y: Required numb clbree of C1bE7T- -$) ang “(2027 -5°) ) = BO of feel and 2032 lest 3020] aL BE TRANS ord fe wel ney : le2y eae ae | om | —— wegulred numbe 2 127° - 6| ‘pind fae “tag t number ennely ie by [ete pro & LT *y Pegutred number et: G ma “of ey ve 7) (2,16, 2029 (yea bam eg XBL BxX-XL Noo Oy Find Pre league number af four di gire vay Ns sia ae Le 4 Sy 10nd 27° [arya man bOL- of PUA digiees | aa Required number must be d'vtile| by Lem of [n, 18718, Oe. fue on dividing 4994 ty S40, wk ge rig, remain - per iced number 207999 -279) 2 fo @ Find tre Soalest numeo of five Hgts Craly biu'sthe “ (6,24, ¢b, and 4 Smauest Numbers of five fg 15 (eo Pogue) Number mut be diiybe ©) af phy bast poy foe, yar on dividing loooo +f ULd, we gr Oh yuasn AD poll pequived MUMbU zc loo + (4S? 4) 7 : (D) Find Hur lard number which wher auided ty 20, 20, er and yo (eavet remands 419,24 and 24 04 Peltively. Wea (20.28, lre-i4j2 & P24 and (4o-3b)24~ Dequired num bey DULIOMa Of 20,25 60 40)-8 = 1344: (® Pied the léagt rumen whith when ode LIS b,1 and lequet a remand %, hug wlan divided by 9 leaves no repagind B . LOM e+ ©, 4,7 and #oP4R Required numbe, |g of the Form ie: leapt Valin of 12 For whith CP 4042) 1S aU vy'b le by. $ phy dé 22>), Bojuired number = (Pyore 434)71443- &) The pyadfie light. at Hace didterurt vad Loin 3s thange aff evar 4G $C, 7286 lgnd lee 286" we spectively, p Hay al Urge Gin wi tanwout ly ath, 22/00 hauns , Hn ae | t \ what Kaw will Huy Again charge simuttancous! 9 7 Ag snpval of Aange a(n a | pert Gaieselsd A Rad nung gy te lights wit mien Cured Selling “ap ton evi or Se und J bree, rani lesee. tpn w noth Sieruhan tous thange. wil! rake Plate gk #27612 AF: /12,) 08) at Pe Luny'n J peUma)- (Contre G Huan sur a a number WIT —— "Chapa i Decimal Tua PRA CON Important Fars and formulae’ a = — spina peuma | Fra tion Figuas of a set of Frquwus 4 "plate, tag xe tuning divmal Dn a re caning divine ha Single Pade’ ig VepLAeed , Hen ip js Onp vos kad Lg Puehing a dot onit. Ifa Sek of gly ures is repeated +P i ¢ epem, by puttin a ban on te Seb Thus 1 /g 2 0 833. O18 oe 8 ECT YUE OST Tse hat pure be euning beumal : a oe , pb demas Ferg Us on In whith Qik me’ ig vaca ated Had, de vrad Pobt On re pad , he Lalleal. a pute rel dium 4). : Converting & Puts be turning Decimal Prt? Vulgar Fravtion wWo'ht He vepared prguus only batt | qn tw Nuntruroy and bane as nt Lan tVL Din Mian. mA NE Hee, A rv Gung Prous Thad 0 82 Sq 2SYyq ', 8.087 281 Mize Peering beuiena |t- RB deumal Fratll’o JA whith Some Figure ds oe repeat. aind Jame of then are Yepeated Vhs ailted ag mixed! eas dfeuimal: Ca Cee ere Soman Resid Formulae! . : ' (ath) Cab) 2 athe) @ tats: latturteab) ®) lab)>= (arentoab) W (atbreyt catenrteraa (abtberac) O Catesy: (ater Cae acest) (1) Cab-b8) > Cad) tattabesy) €u (aS+b3tP sab Jn(athte Jaret chabteta) B} when atbtere, then ateettetzale. dame e J’. fs ahs 4- J } (QD) convert the Following into Vulgar Punth'ong’ Dol UWDgB-004 Ci) woes => OTL = Whoo "Yo = rool, 2 Soot 5 ae] 5 Toor fo ryoosh = Sho 4 (0800 /pso @ pow : Ns | Ya 19 sending orden ef Magn tude st Prevage tue Foaunons S75, Vier By he denying érth of tre giveh Pray, {ato decimal form we get; SF cobss, Vso ses 13, ¢ Paton b ie TOSslt yero-1 Now 76423 Zo C¢it Lorkre L076, ay tb Zyl 2 ORs : ‘ Poo Ue Ye © Wel, hrearge ne Prauilns S/e hyn, By by tee destending owder ' \FA Ait olearly Bleed b yy co.S1l, alg z oe Ahi ‘socal! : New, oO G8 Qa Say B/e ‘opp, Veale oe POI Th \ Evaluakey my) Brorer 28. red en oa be DAEt ©4244 Grobe + B4et sorbet at tty. G Hh BORY Bt i wriel Groene : 42 - 625- +202. — Oo. brore 641) San gy Dd ¢- oty 3-98 »- 7034 a. ot Evatuare | (1) Blrooy -1q-o206 Ql eoyuo (1s 23e6 (he VelCbY ea UO Pre.) g6r (%. ecco S467 1° ¢ 033 Seeds @ What Value Wilt replat tre question mae (no Hw faa (leeaing Fuh tons 7 CP S12 894878) 260 49 2 gay, = Led Ste 44d BIe. were £2 92/8 LTZ b7¢. THN TBF ere oiqeugd 879-12) DLT 48ig.bre -sFre-eyr DL SE STST: O22. 2 54428 THE SLEEP LG feb 9¢ KTB28 SFE 5 $164.99 OL ELIEA BHAT ID. ag DC FIZ4 VB-LY Q) Fird te produ | | ©) & 3204 Keoo 6: t20H Ker bea.6y IR) 10 64 X levee 0'069xX lo000 290. @| Find tee Products’ O 2-1 ANs DOL xIL > 8399 1 Sum of deta , Fi, of Qiven numba cet) 29 Obi XrR =2-294 (2 1643 Any DL bLIBKINS SoRZTD of deuma) Plaus of Fen ty, Lurie a (EAZK IG OB vba Toa Wee). 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