Girl, 5, in Critical Condition Following Attack Outside School in Dublin

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Girl, 5, in critical condition following

attack outside school in Dublin

Updated / Friday, 24 Nov 2023 17:47

Flowers near the school in Dublin where the attack on children and their carer happened

A five-year-old girl remains in a critical condition in hospital following an

attack outside a school in Parnell Square in Dublin yesterday afternoon.

Two other children and a carer for the children also sustained injuries in the
stabbing incident.

A six-year-old girl is being treated for head injuries and is due to undergo
surgery while a five-year-old boy who suffered minor physical injuries has
been discharged from hospital.

The children's carer remains in a serious condition in hospital.

The suspect for the attack was wounded and remains under guard in

At around 1.30pm yesterday, a group of young children were lining up

outside a school on Parnell Square East.
A man arrived and began attacking the children with a knife.

The five-year-old girl was stabbed and seriously injured. She underwent
emergency treatment.

The two other children were also attacked.

The woman, who worked at the school and cared for the children,
intervened and was also stabbed and seriously injured.

A Deliveroo rider has described how he intervened and hit the man with his
helmet. A number of other people also intervened and the man was
restrained at the scene until gardaí and the emergency services arrived.

Medical staff rushed from the nearby Rotunda Hospital to help.

Gardaí say they are following a "definite line of enquiry" and are not looking
for anyone else at present.

Following the incident, widespread unrest spread across the area of Dublin
city centre.
Dept of Education psychology team offering support to school community

Speaking on RTÉ's Morning Ireland, Minister for Education Norma Foley

said the Department of Education's psychology team is in Gaelscoil
Choláiste Mhuire following yesterday's attack offering support to the
children, staff and school community.

"We are shocked beyond measure. That such an incident could unfold in
Parnell Square and our NEPS teams, the National Education and
Psychological Service teams, are on the ground in the school. They were
there throughout yesterday.

"They will be available to the school again today and they will consistently
work with the school staff to support the school community."

On the riots on the streets of Dublin last night, Ms Foley said those actions
should be balanced "with the initial reaction" to the stabbing and how
passers-by and staff tried to protect the children and "to do the right thing".

"What we saw last night unfold across Dublin were the actions of the few not
the actions of many, and I think we should see it for what it is.
"They were the actions of a violent few who created chaos, who upended
the city, but they are not reflective of the majority.

"They are not reflective of society, and they do not reflect the actions that
were taken by instinct, by all those who were in Parnell Square yesterday,"
she said.

Updated / Friday, 24 Nov 2023 17:47

Girl in critical condition following attack in Dublin (

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