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List the benefits of using XML.

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Advantages of XML

XML uses human, not computer, language. XML is

readable and understandable, even by novices, and
no more difficult to code than HTML.

XML is completely compatible with Java™ and 100%

portable. Any application that can process XML can
use your information, regardless of platform.

XML is extendable. › docs › topic...

Advantages of XML - IBM

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Bene!ts of XML (in general)

Simplicity Information coded in XML is easy to read and
understand, · Openness · Extensibility · Self-description ·
Contains machine-readable context information

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Features and advantages of XML

1) XML separates data from HTML · 2) XML simplifies
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Advantages and Disadvantages of XML

15-Jun-2009 — 1) It supports Unicode, allowing almost
any information in any written human language to be
communicated. 2) It can represent common computer ...

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What are the Advantages of XML?

25-May-2022 — It allows data to flow more easily
between the application and the database. XML is more
flexible since it enables for the design and use of ...

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Advantages of XML | disadvantages of

Following are the benefits or advantages of XML: ➨It is
text based and hence human readable. ➨It supports
unicode standard and hence text from any character ...

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Advantages and Disadvantages of XML

Advantages and Disadvantages of XML · 1. XML is
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XML can be used for its significant data storage
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