Interview Tips

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# General rules
- prepare stories and situations ahead
- what lessons did you learn from these situations?

# General questions
- Tell me about yourself

# Strengths and weaknesses

- What are your strengths?
- short list
- back up with evidence
- how it’ll be useful in your job
- say something interesting about yourself
- What are your weaknesses?
- never mention perfectionism!
- mention an actual weakness
- show what you're doing to overcome it
- don't try to turn it into a strength
- avoid something that would clearly disqualify you from the current posiiton
- you could mention something that was a weakness but you've managed to improve on
- don't mention "weakness" in your answer
- “One skill I am currently working on…”
- How well do you work under high pressure/in high stress situations?

# Character
- What are your personal values?
- If you started a company today, what would its top values be?
- articulate VALUES which are good fit for the role
- What type of work environment do you thrive in?
- where you keep learning new things?
- where there’s a good balance between independent work and team work or feedback
from a supervisor?
- What three words would your friends and family choose to describe you? Your co-workers?
# Past employment and experience
- What were your responsibilities in your previous job?
- be very specific
- how does this match with what is expected from you now?
- What relevant work experience has prepared you to do well in this role?
- Have you ever suggested a way to increase revenue, lower costs, or improve efficiency?
- What’s the most difficult problem you have had to solve?
- What experience do you have with your current role that will allow you to bring value to our
- Why did you quit ___?
- Describe a time you calmed down an angry customer

# Why you
- Why should we hire you for this position?
- What can you offer us that someone else can not?
- What can you contribute to this company?
- how can you make them more successful?
- what can you do for them in the future?
- how can you make the lives of the staff easier?

# Current position
- Which skills are most important for ___?
- How do you define ____ ?
- What interests you about ____?
- This job can be repetitive. What motivates you to do well?
- What would you do if you were assigned to work with a difficult client?
- What steps would you take to make an important decision on the job?
- strategy
- think about all possibilities
- think about the consequences of each possibility
- think about the opportunity costs
- follow company policy
- seek advice with a supervisor

# Company
- Why do you want to work here?
- provide a good specific reason
- show that you have researched the company well
- show you are truly excited about specific things you will be doing on the job = cultural
- What interests you about our product and customers?
- What do you know about our company?
- show you’ve really done your homework
- any important current events that involve the company

# Team work and Relationships

- How can you contribute as a team player? X focus on personal agenda
- How have you collaborated with your teammates to achieve a common goal?
- Do you consider yourself a ‘people person’? Why or why not?

# Future
- Where do you see yourself in five years?
- talk about your plans in an inspirational way
- how these plans align with the goals of the company
- don’t give a way that the company is just a temporary stop for you
- How do you see your profession evolving in the future? How are you preparing yourself to
stay on top of these changes?

- Specific answers to interview questions (describe when you were on a team)
- be dynamic and self-confident, direct eye contact, gestures,
- clothes dress smartly
- look like someone who's ready to make transition to a job
- keep many doors open when making decisions
- always know what the employer is looking for
- STAR method
- Situation
- Task
- Action
- Result
- Interview questions
- rank the 5 most important things in your life
- tell me about your life: character, who you are
- Kde se vidíte za 5 let?
- Jak by vás popsali bývalí kolegové?
- pouze ty relevantní pro práci
- Jaké jsou vaše silní stránky?
- nezmiňovat perfekcionismus!
- zmiňte nedostatek, se kterým se dá něco dělat (např. nejsem dobrý v
prezentacích, atd..)
- Co bychom podle vás mohli dělat jinak?
- konkrétní nápad na zlepšovák

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