Artigo - Computing Solar Irradiance e Average Temperature From The Maximum Power Point Coordinates

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2, MARCH 2020 655

Computing Solar Irradiance and Average

Temperature of Photovoltaic Modules From the
Maximum Power Point Coordinates
Caio Felippe Abe , João Batista Dias , Gilles Notton , and Philippe Poggi

Abstract—The electricity produced by photovoltaic sources is temperature, the season of the year, and weather condition) and
mainly influenced by the solar irradiance and temperature of the the system output parameters usually informed by the inverter,
cells. The literature presents methods to estimate these parameters such as the maximum power point Pmpp and the respective
through the measurements of open-circuit voltage and short-circuit
current of the array. However, in an actual photovoltaic system, operating voltage Vmpp and current Impp . However, such elec-
changing the operating point of the module to short circuit or open trical quantities are influenced by both G and Tc in different
circuit requires the array to be disconnected from the inverter, proportions, making it quite difficult to deduce the PV array
thus causing an impact on the electrical energy production. Such a behavior without quantifying them.
problem could be avoided if the irradiance and the cell temperature
In the literature, methods to compute the solar irradiance
were computed by means of the maximum power point coordinates,
which is the focus of this article. To perform the calculation of the and cell temperature from the electrical measurements of PV
irradiance and the temperature of a photovoltaic module, a study of modules have been proposed. For instance, Tan et al. [1] concern
the relationship between the electric parameters and the operating the estimation of the solar irradiance from the measurements
conditions has been carried out. This concerns the modeling of the of the short-circuit current Isc of a small PV module, using
photovoltaic cell with respect to the identification and translation of
an equation derived from a model of PV cells written for G.
parameters. In addition, IEC-60 891, which proposes equations for
the voltage and current translation of photovoltaic generators, has For that, identification of the model parameters is required. In
been considered. Finally, application and performance evaluation [2], a small PV sensing panel is connected to a load resistor,
of a new equation using the thermal coefficient of power, which and the voltage across it is measured, therefore also allowing
relates the maximum power to the irradiance and cell temperature, the operating current to be quantified. These values, as well as
is also presented. Experimental verification of the methods has been the measured PV module temperature, are used as inputs in a
carried out, presenting consistent results.
low-cost microcontroller, which implements a neural network
Index Terms—IEC-60 891, photovoltaics (PVs), PV cell capable of computing G. An estimator presented in [3] also uses
temperature estimation, single-diode model (SDM), solar the measured values of voltage, current, and cell temperature to
irradiance estimation.
compute solar irradiance, providing practically the same results
as [2], with the advantage of smaller latency. In turn, Farivar and
I. INTRODUCTION Asaei [4] use the voltage and current at the maximum power
point to compute the temperature of a PV module, based on
HEN dealing with photovoltaic (PV) systems, regardless
W of their size, knowing the solar irradiance (G) and cell
temperature Tc levels is an essential requirement to relate the
the modeling of the PV device. The paper also presents the
procedures to compute the parameters of the model. In contrast
with [4], Abe et al. [5] present a method to compute the cell
electrical behavior of the PV system to the operating condition.
temperature of a PV module from the measurements of the
Due to the cost of instruments and installation, it is not uncom-
open-circuit voltage Voc and solar irradiance. None of the articles
mon that small PV systems operate without the quantification
[1]–[5] regards the calculation of both G and Tc . However, this
of such variables. As a result, the system operator might es-
is accomplished in [6]–[8], and particularly in [6], different
tablish empirical relations between the ambient conditions (air
algorithms to compute G and Tc are presented. They employ,
as inputs, Voc , Isc , and the operating voltage and current of the
Manuscript received October 2, 2019; revised November 28, 2019; accepted module. It is, therefore, necessary to shift the operating point of
January 7, 2020. Date of publication January 30, 2020; date of current version
February 19, 2020. This work was supported in part by the Coordenação de the PV module, which is carried out by an electronic converter.
Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - Brasil - Finance Code 001. An estimator for G and Tc is presented in [7], where voltages
(Corresponding author: Caio Felippe Abe.) near Voc and currents close to Isc are used as inputs; therefore,
C. F. Abe and J. B. Dias are with Photovoltaic Solar Energy Laboratory, Unisi-
nos Unversity, São Leopoldo 93022-750, Brazil (e-mail:; the method requires shifting the operating point of the module. Finally, Moshksar and Ghanbari [8] present a procedure for
G. Notton and P. Poggi are with the UMR CNRS 6134 SPE, University of the determination of G and Tc from the maximum power point
Corsica, 20000 Ajaccio, France (e-mail:; poggi_p@ condition, which requires the identification of the parameters of
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JPHOTOV.2020.2966362 a PV cell model and the use of several nonlinear relations.

2156-3381 © 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

Authorized licensed use limited to: Universidad Federal de Pernambuco. Downloaded on March 09,2021 at 17:39:45 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

A diode ideality factor;

k Boltzmann constant, 1.3806505 ×10−23 J/K;
nc number of cells connected in series in the module; the
parameters Voc , Rs , and Rp scaled according to nc .

1) Identification of the Single-Diode Model Parameters: The

Fig. 1. Single diode model of a PV cell. operating current and voltage at the output of a PV module can
be related using (2). Therefore, if such values are known, the
equation can be solved for Tc , as long as the parameters Iph , I0 ,
The present study proposes a simple method to estimate the A, Rs , and Rp have been previously defined. In the literature,
solar irradiance G from Impp , without relying on the measure- methods regarding the identification of such parameters have
ments of the short-circuit current. Furthermore, it presents a new been proposed. For instance, Sera et al. [12] present an exact
equation to compute Tc based on Vmpp , G, and the temperature method to compute the five SDM parameters using the infor-
coefficient of power (γ). In total, six different approaches to mation found on the datasheets of PV modules. Such a method
compute Tc , which do not depend on the measurements of Voc , is referred to as 5-Par and concerns the iterative solution of a
are considered in order to determine the associated errors and to system of three nonlinear equations to define the parameters A,
compare the complexity regarding their application. The goal of Rs , and Rp , whereas the remaining parameters Iph and I0 are
this article is to provide a straightforward method to quantify G explicitly computed.
and Tc of a PV module based only on the datasheet information Since iterative approaches require considerable computing
and measurements of Impp and Vmpp . This way, the operating effort, approximate methods have been proposed, thus allowing
condition of the PV array is not shifted, and it keeps operating faster and simpler explicit solutions. The study presented in [13]
at the Pmpp , whereas the use of sensors to measure Tc and G concerns the assumption of a predominant resistance and leads
is avoided. It is worth noting that using the PV array as an to cases where Rp can be considered infinite or cases in which
irradiance and temperature sensor requires the modules to be Rs can be considered zero. Therefore, in either case, a set of
clean and free of any malfunctioning. four parameters has to be computed since the effect of one of
This article is organized as follows. In Section II, an overview the resistances is neglected. Such a method is referred to as 4-Par.
of modeling methods for PV modules is presented. Furthermore, 2) Adjusting the Single-Diode Model Parameters: The iden-
in Section III, the methods are employed to compute G and Tc tification methods provide the SDM parameters under standard
based on the datasheet information. In Section IV, simulations test condition (STC), where G = 1000 W/m2 and Tc = 25 °C. For
and experimental verifications under outdoor conditions are different levels of irradiance and cell temperature, the parameters
presented, and finally, Section V concludes this article. Iph and I0 have to be adjusted accordingly. In this article, the
parameters A, Rs , and Rp are considered constant, although Rp
II. MODELING THE BEHAVIOR OF PHOTOVOLTAIC MODULES can change with respect to G. Thus, for Iph and I0 , two translation
methods have been considered: one proposed in [14], which
To compute the irradiance and the temperature of PV modules
relies on the semiconductor bandgap energy Eg ; and another
from the current and voltage at the maximum power point,
presented in [15] using data extracted from the datasheet of the
different modeling methods of PV sources have been considered
module under analysis, considering STC, nominal operating cell
and are presented in this section.
temperature (NOCT), and low irradiance condition (LIC). It is
worth noting that the condition for NOCT is G = 800 W/m2 ,
A. Single-Diode Model (SDM) of the Photovoltaic Cell:
the ambient temperature of 20 °C, and wind speed of 1 m/s.
Identification and Translation Procedures
In addition, under LIC, G = 200 W/m2 and Tc = 25 °C. The
The SDM for PV devices presents good balance between method introduced in [14] is referred to as the translation method
the complexity and precision [9], [10]; therefore, it is normally A, presenting
employed to simulate PV generators [11]. The electrical circuit  3  q Eg  
regarding this model is presented in Fig. 1 in which the currents  Tc Tc,STC − Tc
1 1
I0 = I0 e AK
can be written as Tc,STC

Ipv = Iph − Id − Ip (1) and

where Iph is the photogenerated current, and Ipv is the current at Iph = Iph (1 + α (Tc − Tc,STC )) . (4)
the output of the PV cell. Writing the current Id as the Schockley GSTC
junction equation and Ip as a function of Ipv and Vpv results In turn, the method introduced in [15] is referred to as transla-
  q V +I R   tion method B, where the adjustment of Iph is performed by the
( pv pv s )
n c A K Tc Vpv + Ipv Rs same equation as in [14], and (5) is introduced. Details regarding
Ipv = Iph − I0 e −1 − (2)
Rp the calculation of δ(Tc ) can be found in [15]
where G
Voc = Voc,STC (1 + β (Tc − TSTC )) 1 + δ (Tc ) ln .
I0 diode dark saturation current in A; GSTC
q elementary charge, 1.60217662 ×10−19 C; (5)

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B. IEC-60 891: Using the Voltage and Current Temperature

The IEC-60 891 [16] presents the procedures for the transla-
tion of the I–V characteristic of PV devices, according to the
irradiance and temperature conditions. Procedure 1 presents an
equation for voltage correction that does not include the effect
of irradiance. Such a procedure should be used for translations
regarding irradiance values within +/−30% of the level at which
the reference measurements were made [16]. Since this is a rather
limited approach, Procedure 1 has not been considered in this
study. In turn, Procedure 2 presents the equations for current
(6) and voltage (7) correction, which includes the effect of solar
irradiance. The norm describes the procedures to determine the
three unknown coefficients of (7): a, Rs , and k. The parameters
αrel and βrel (in °C−1 ) are the temperature coefficients of Isc and
Fig. 2. I–V curves under different irradiances and temperatures.
Voc , respectively
I2 = I1 (1 + αrel (T2 − T1 )) (6)
G1 In (12), ψ is the coefficient of irradiance dependency of
   Vmpp , and it can be computed using datasheet STC and NOCT
V2 = V1 + Voc1 βrel (T2 − T1 ) + a ln information, along with the voltage thermal coefficient β from
Vmpp,NOCT − Voc,STC β (TNOCT − TSTC )−Vmpp,STC
− Rs (I2 − I1 ) − kI2 (T2 − T1 ) . (7) ψ=   .

C. Pmpp Translation: Using the Power (13)

Temperature Coefficient It is worth mentioning that in (12) the effect of the series
resistance of the module is neglected. In turn, τ is a correction
The datasheets of PV modules usually include the thermal factor for γ, which can be adjusted once ψ has been defined.
coefficient (γ) for the maximum power point. The Pmpp,STC Such an adjustment can be carried out using (11) with Pmpp =
can be translated according to the irradiance and cell temperature Pmpp,NOCT , Tc = Tc,NOCT , and G = GNOCT . As a result, the
using (8), which is a power model adopted in the PVFORM PV method will produce an error on Tc equal to zero at NOCT.
system simulation program [17] Reorganizing the terms in (11) provides
Pmpp = Pmpp,STC [1 + γ (TC − TC,STC )] . (8) Pmpp GSTC 1
GSTC TC = −1 + TC,STC .
G Impp,STC (Vmpp (G)) τγ
Considering the case where Tc is equal to Tc,STC , the trans- (14)
lated Pmpp in (8) depends only on G and on the parameters of
the PV module. Thus, since D. Estimating the Irradiance From the Impp
G As earlier mentioned, solar irradiance quantification can be
Vmpp Impp = Pmpp,STC (9)
GSTC achieved from the measurements of Isc and Tc of a calibrated PV
module, but in this article, only measurements of Impp and Vmpp
are considered. Thus, the behavior of such variables has to be
G studied in order to establish a method to estimate the irradiance
Impp = Impp,STC (10)
GSTC from these measurements. Under the same irradiance levels and
the maximum power voltage Vmpp is considered constant in (9) different temperatures, the Impp presents a very slight variation.
and, therefore, in (8). However, it is known that Vmpp presents This is illustrated in Fig. 2, which presents the simulated I–V
variation according to the irradiance, therefore using (8) in cases curves of a multicrystalline Sun Edison model P265 module. The
where G differs too much from GSTC may produce considerable curves have been computed using (2) with the SDM parameters
errors. Since the voltage of a PV cell changes according to the computed by means of the exact five-parameter method [12]
logarithm of the ratio G/GSTC , (8) can be rewritten as along with translation method A [14]. The maximum power
point of each curve is marked with “x.”
G The plot on Fig. 2 shows that the Vmpp varies widely according
Pmpp = Impp,STC (Vmpp (G)) (1+τ γ (TC − TC,STC ))
GSTC to the temperature and slightly with irradiance, whereas the Impp
(11) varies widely according to G, but is quite stable under the same
with G, even when the temperature changes widely. This allows, as
G an approximation, the relation of the Impp with the irradiance
Vmpp (G) = Vmpp,STC + Voc,STC ψ ln . (12)
GSTC G. For that, the short-circuit current can be estimated based on

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the assumption that the relation Isc /Impp is constant. Relating

the estimated Isc with Isc,STC allows the computation of the TABLE V
irradiance. Such a method relies, also, on the assumption that
the influence of the temperature on Impp can be neglected. Thus
Isc,STC 1
G ≈ 1000 Impp (15)
Impp,STC Isc,STC
which simplifies to
G ≈ 1000 . (16)
Table III. The respective results are presented in Table IV as well
as the percent errors. It should be pointed that for all modules,
the irradiance under the NOCT condition is 800 W/m2 .
In this section, the datasheets of six commercial PV modules The absolute errors on G computed from (16), as reported in
are used as a reference. From the reported Impp and Vmpp under Table IV, show that neglecting the temperature effect on Impp
STC and NOCT conditions, the solar irradiance and the average while considering Isc /Impp constant provides a simple, however,
temperature have been computed by employing the methods reliable approximation for the irradiance. Tests considering
presented in Section II. Since the values of such quantities are higher temperatures of operation as well as different irradiance
informed on the datasheets, the errors regarding each computing levels are studied further in this article.
method and each module could be assessed. The STC exter-
nal parameters of Sanyo HIT-H250E01 and HIT-N230SE10, B. Tc ,NOCT From Vmpp and Impp Using Single-Diode
SunEdison SE-P265NPB, Canadian Solar CS6K-280P, LDK Model Modeling
Solar LDK-240D-20, and Yingli YL260C-30b modules are or-
Writing (2) for Vpv = Vmpp and Ipv = Impp allows the
ganized in Table I. These modules are referred to, respectively,
relataion of the Pmpp coordinates with the cell temperature
as H250, N230, P265, 280P, 240D, and 260C, for simplicity.
Tc . However, the parameters I0 and Iph have to be adjusted
Complementary data are presented in Table II, where mSi and
according to the operating condition, being written as the func-
pSi refer, respectively, to monocrystalline and multicrystalline
tions of Tc and G. Inserting the translating equations of Iph
cell technologies.
and I0 in (2) allows the solution of the resulting equation
Regarding the operation under the NOCT condition, Table III
for Tc , provided that the parameters of the SDM have been
presents the external parameters for each module. It is worth
properly defined and that G is known. To compute the SDM
noting that the operating temperature of the six modules under
parameters, Sera et al. [12] and Luna et al. [13] have been
NOCT is not the same.
employed in a MATLAB code, which is capable of comput-
ing the parameters of all the modules considered in this sec-
A. Computing the Irradiance Under Nominal Operating tion relying only on the datasheet information. The parame-
Cell Temperature
ters obtained by means of the approximate method [13] are
From (16), the solar irradiance for each module under NOCT presented in Table V, whereas the complete five-parameter
has been computed, using the reported Impp,NOCT values of sets calculated according to [12] are provided in Table VI.

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The point marked with “+” refers to the datasheet information
concerning the Pmpp under NOCT. Although 4-Par,B performed
very well to compute the average temperature of the P265
module under NOCT, the results provided by such a method
considering the other modules are not convincing. In fact, none
of the methods studied in this section has been found to present
uniform results for all the six modules, as each method produced
errors higher than 5% on Tc for at least half of the modules
From Fig. 3, it can be observed that concerning the Pmpp ,
method 4-Par,B presents a smaller deviation than the others.
This is in agreement with Table X, which shows that for the P265
module, the Tc,NOCT computed by means of 4-Par,B presents a
negligible error, considering the reported Tc,NOCT of 45 °C.

C. Tc,NOCT From Vmpp and Impp Using IEC-60 891

Procedure 2 of IEC-60 891 [16] presents (7), which is a
translation equation for the voltage and can be used to compute
Tc from the Vmpp . For that, the Vmpp,STC is taken as V1 , whereas
the Vmpp under a certain condition of G2 and Tc2 is taken as V2 .
It should be recalled that in this section, the datasheets of the
modules studied have been used as a reference, and the task
Fig. 3. Simulated I–V curves under NOCT for the P265 module using four is to compute the Tc,NOCT from the reported Impp,NOCT and
combinations of methods. Vmpp,NOCT . Therefore, the quantities with subscript 1 in (7)
refer to the STC condition, while subscript 2 refers to the NOCT
It is worth recalling that such parameters are referred to STC Quantification of the unknown variables in (7) has been car-
condition. ried out as specified on IEC-60 891. For that, different I–V curves
To compute the Tc under NOCT from the reported Impp were needed. The first set concerns the curves under the same
and Vmpp by means of the SDM modeling, four combinations temperature and different irradiances, in order to compute the
between the parameter identification and translation methods parameters a and Rs . The second curve set is formed by curves
are possible: the exact five-parameter and the approximate under the same irradiance level, however, at different tempera-
four-parameter sets can be used in conjunction with translation tures so that the parameter k can be adjusted. The curves have
methods A and B. Such combinations are referred to as 5-Par,A been obtained using the exact five-parameter set for the SDM
and 4-Par,A, considering identification methods [12] and [13] [12] along with translation procedure A [14]. The adjustment
used in conjunction with translation procedure [14]; and 5-Par,B of parameters has been performed by successive increments
and 4-Par,B, concerning the same identification procedures used on their values, followed by the quantitative inspection of the
along with translation method [15]. From the reported Impp and resulting transposed curves. The parameter adjustment process
Vmpp under NOCT, the Tc,NOCT has been calculated for each has been repeated for the six modules considered in this article,
module, and the resulting values are presented in Table VII. and the resulting values are presented in Table VIII.
From Table VII, it can be observed that for each of the six Once the parameters a, Rs , and k have been quantified, (7) has
modules, the computed Tc varies widely according to the method been computed using the Vmpp and Impp under NOCT provided
employed. This is because of the inaccuracies presented by each on each module datasheet. Solving (7) for Tc , thus, results in
combination of methods regarding the Pmpp . To illustrate this, the calculated NOCT temperature of each module, which is also
Fig. 3 presents the I–V curves under NOCT for the P265 module. presented in Table VIII.

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D. Tc ,NOCT From Vmpp and Impp Using Pmpp

Translation Equation
A simpler approach to compute the cell temperature from the
Pmpp is by means of (14), which is a new equation proposed
in this article. It employs the thermal dependency factor γ and
requires the parameters ψ and τ to be previously calculated,
which is done based only on the STC and NOCT data extracted
from the datasheet of the module under analysis. This way, it is
not necessary to rely on the SDM modeling equations or on the
measured curves. The values of ψ and τ , computed according
to Section II-C, are organized in Table IX, which also presents
the calculated values of Tc .
It can be observed that concerning parameter ψ, negative and
positive values have been found. This is because of the particular Fig. 4. Reference G and Tc and percent error on computed Tc of P265 module
characteristics of each module: a negative value of ψ means that using (14).
the Vmpp,NOCT corrected to 25 °C is higher than the Vmpp,STC .
In fact, when simulating the condition given by G = 800 W/m2
and Tc = 25 °C using 4-Par,A, 5-par,A, 4-Par,B or 5-Par,B Tc,NOCT with considerable errors. In (6) and (7), the irradiance
methods for the six modules, no strict correlation regarding the has been computed by means of (16).
Vmpp position relatively to the Vmpp,STC has been found. The Finally, the simplest approach (14) proposed in this article is
Vmpp under 800 W/m2 and 25 °C can be higher or lower than a translation equation for the Pmpp relying on γ, which has been
the Vmpp,STC , depending on both of the PV module and the adjusted to coincide with STC and NOCT information reported
modeling method chosen. on the datasheets of the modules. Such a method produced the
smallest percent errors on Tc . It is worth mentioning that (14)
E. Discussion depends on G, which has been computed from the approximation
presented in (16). The percent errors are summarized in Table X,
Six approaches to compute Tc,NOCT based on the information
per module and method.
provided on the datasheets of six commercial PV modules have
The performance of (14) to compute Tc has also been studied
been studied in this section. The first four approaches, regarding
considering conditions different from NOCT; in fact, arbitrary
the SDM model of the PV cell, are the most complex since they
levels of G and Tc have been used to compute I–V curves
concern the identification and translation of the SDM parameters
from which the Impp and Vmpp values have been extracted.
prior to solve (2). Nevertheless, the Tc,NOCT computed from
This procedure considers 4-Par,B combination and the P265
the reported Impp and Vmpp under NOCT present relatively high
module, since this is the combination of methods and module
errors, owing to the inaccuracies of each combination of methods
that produced the smallest error on the computed Tc,NOCT .
at the Pmpp .
This way, the error introduced by the SDM modeling method
Another approach, which is through IEC-60 891 [16] and
is minimized, allowing the performance of (14) to be checked.
presents intermediate complexity, requires that three parameters
The irradiance and temperature levels, as well as the absolute
are computed based on two I–V curve sets. These curve sets can
percent errors on the computed Tc , are illustrated in Fig. 4. It
be obtained through the use of a solar simulator, which is not
is worth mentioning that the highest error on the computed G,
always possible, given the high cost of such an equipment. Thus,
which has been estimated using (16), is 0.37% and is related to
in this article, the I–V curves have been computed by means
the case under 400 W/m2 and 45 °C.
of the 5-Par,A combination, which concerns the quantification
and translation of the SDM parameters. However, it has been
demonstrated in this section that the SDM modeling does not
consist a reliable resource to compute the Tc,NOCT of the six Practical tests have been carried out using a Sun Edison P265
modules considered at this phase because of the inaccuracies module to evaluate the performance of the methods considered in
at the Pmpp . As a result, the IEC-60 891 method provides the this article. Laboratory equipment used at this phase of the study

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Fig. 5. Resources at Unisinos PV Solar Energy Laboratory.

are presented in Fig. 5. Since the computed variables are G and

Tc , consistent references for such quantities have been selected. Fig. 6. I–V curves of the P265 module traced under different conditions.
The reference for the irradiance is a calibrated Komaes KM(P)5
PV module, installed at the same inclination as that of the P265
module. This sensor module operates close to the short-circuit
point by means of a precision shunt resistor. The temperature of
the sensor module is measured using an LM-35 sensor, fitted in
its back surface. Since the Isc,STC and its temperature coefficient
α are known, measuring the Isc and the cell temperature allows
the computation of the irradiance G, through the use of (6).
To quantify the reference temperature of the P265 module,
the use of sensors attached to its back surface has been initially
avoided, given the size of the module and the fact that the
temperature distribution along its surface is not uniform at
outdoors. Instead, the Tc has been computed by means of G,
Voc , and the parameters of the module under STC and NOCT,
using translation method B to compute Tc , as proposed in [5].
For the measurement of Impp and Vmpp , an I–V curve tracer Fig. 7. Percent errors on Tc for each method: I–V curves.
whose construction is outlined in [18] has been employed, as
this ensures that the actual Pmpp coordinates are used for the compared with the reference values. The resulting percent errors
calculation of G and Tc . Testing of the methods described in this relative to the reference Tc , which has been calculated for each
article considering the use of an inverter, which establishes the curve and method via the open-circuit method, as described in
operating voltage and current through a maximum power point [5], are provided in Fig. 7. From it, it can be observed that the
tracking (MPPT) system, is described in Section IV-B. errors provided by 4-Par,B and (14) when computing Tc are
almost coincident until curve 7. For curves 8–12, (14) produced
A. Computing Tc From Impp and Vmpp : I–V Data smaller errors. Since the proposed Pmpp equation introduced in
this article (14) and combination 4-Par,B provide close results,
I–V curves under different known conditions of G and Tc
a better-scaled comparison is illustrated in Fig. 8. In turn, the
have been measured and are illustrated in Fig. 6. From the
percent errors on G computed by means of (16) are presented in
respective Pmpp coordinates, the methods presented in Section II
Fig. 9.
have been employed to calculate G and Tc . The coordinates of
the maximum power point of each curve presented in Fig. 6
B. Computing Tc From Impp and Vmpp : Inverter With MPPT
as well as the reference values of G and Tc related to each
measurement are presented in Table XI. For each case, G and The current and voltage of the P265 module, in operation
Tc have been computed by means of the Impp and Vmpp and along with a Sunny Boy SB-240 microinverter, have been

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Fig. 8. Comparing the proposed Pmpp (14) with 4-Par,B: I–V curves case.

Fig. 10. Percent errors on Tc for each method: MPPT.

are constant. Voltage variations up to 1.2 V (peak-to-peak) have

Fig. 9. Percent error on G for each curve.
been observed during the tests, which is sufficient to cause the
computed Tc to change as much as 10 °C.
recorded using a microcontroller-based acquisition hardware, To overcome this issue, the data have been filtered based
which provides data to a monitoring platform built on LabView. on the voltage values. A moving average of voltage has been
The voltage and current values registered by such a system have calculated based on the previous ten measured points (10 min).
been checked prior to the beginning of the tests described in Then, a filter has been applied removing the data referring to
this section. Since this phase of the study considers relatively the voltage values presenting +/−1% of the deviation from the
long-term recording, computing Tc by means of the Voc method moving average. Such a filtering allowed the data to be free of
described in [5] is not practical, since it requires disconnection the steep variations in voltage introduced by the MPPT system,
between the module and the microinverter. This way, an LM-35 whereas not distorting the data, since the usable points have
temperature sensor has been attached to the rear surface of the not been changed, the average values have been used only as a
module, and its voltage output has also been recorded. It is worth reference to remove spurious points, not to reshape the data used
mentioning that the temperature measurements using such a sen- to compute G and Tc .
sor have been previously checked under different temperatures, When analyzing the data registered by the acquisition system,
using the Voc method described in [5] as a reference, presenting one particular day presented the interesting results: the measured
the maximum absolute error of 2.2 °C considering the range values of Impp , Vmpp , reference G, and reference Tc were quite
from 42 to 64 °C. coincident with NOCT datasheet information. Eight sequential
The microinverter keeps the module operating around its points have been selected and are provided in Table XII.
maximum power point; therefore, the operating current and Using the Impp and Vmpp data from Table XII to compute
voltage are close to Impp and Vmpp , respectively. A challenging G and Tc , the maximum error of 2.95% on G has been found,
topic is the fact that the calculation of Tc is strongly affected by referring to point number 8. The errors on Tc , computed by all
voltage variations, which is precisely what the MPPT system of the methods studied in this article, are illustrated in Fig. 10. It
the microinverter performs in a regular basis, to locate the actual can be observed that the responses of the proposed method (14)
maximum power point; the operating point is shifted using the and of 4-Par,B, regarding their use to compute Tc , are almost
so-called perturb and observe algorithm. As a result, the operat- coincident for all the points. Furthermore, these two methods
ing current and voltage present variations even though G and Tc present the smallest error in Fig. 10. A better view of the errors

Authorized licensed use limited to: Universidad Federal de Pernambuco. Downloaded on March 09,2021 at 17:39:45 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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