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First Semester 2023-24

CE F320: Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures
Comprehensive Class Test; 02/12/22
Duration: 50 minutes Closed book M.M.: 30
• Follow the provisions of IS 456:2000(LSM). Symbols used have their general meaning as per IS 456:2000.
• Each correct response carries +1 mark. No negative marking.
• Mark the response with pen only. Answers marked with pencil will be considered as unattempted(zero marks).
• Each question contains only one correct response. After marking/writing one of the options/answers, if the response is
tampered with and another option/answer is marked/written, the answer will be considered as incorrect(zero marks).
• In match the following type questions, response will be considered as correct only if all correct options are marked.
• In True/False type questions, provide a brief explanation if the statement is marked false or else zero marks will be
• All given load values to be considered as service/working/unfactored loads, unless mentioned otherwise.


BITS Id.:__________________________________________________________________________________________

Invigilator Signature.:_______________________________________________________________________________

For Examiner Use Only,

Correct responses: ________ Incorrect responses: _________ Not Attempted:________ Marks obtained:__________

Section-A: Fill in The Blanks Type Questions

Q.1 Provision of 𝐴𝑠𝑡,𝑚𝑖𝑛 in beams ensures that ____________________________________________________.

Q.2 Given a choice between increasing either the width of the beam or its depth it is always advantageous to resort

to the later because ______________________________________________________________________________.

Q.3 Minimum percentage of mild steel reinforcement in either direction in slabs is ________________________________.

Q.4 The diameter of reinforcing bar shall not exceed ________________________________time the total thickness of slab.

Q.5 In the case of coldworked bars(Fe 415, Fe 500), the transition from linear elastic behaviour to non-linear

elastic behaviour is assumed to occur at a stress level equal to ___________________________________________.

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Section-B: Objective Type Questions (Circle the correct answer).
Q.6 As per the IS 456:2000, the modulus of rupture of M 25 grade of concrete(in N/mm2) is,
a. 3.0 c. 2.5
b. 2.0 d. 3.5
Q.7 Maximum strains in an extreme fibre in concrete and in tension reinforcement (Fe 415 grade and Es = 200 kN/mm2) in
a balanced section at limit state of flexure are respectively,
a. 0.002 and 0.0018 c. 0.0035 and 0.0041
b. 0.0035 and 0.0038 d. 0.002 and 0.0031
Q.8 The span to effective depth ratio for two-way simply supported slabs of shorter spans(up to 3.5 m) reinforced with high
strength deformed bars of grade Fe 415 and subjected to a live load of magnitude less than 3kN/m2, for satisfying the vertical
deflection limit is,
a. 20 c. 28
b. 26 d. 35
Q.9 A simply supported slab of dimensions 3m x 4m has overall depth 140 mm. The clear cover to reinforcement is 20 mm
and, bar diameter in both directions is 10 mm. The distance of the centroid of 4 m long bars from top fiber of slab will be?
a. 120 mm c. 110 mm
b. 115 mm d. 105 mm
Q.10 As per IS 456:2000 for the design of reinforced concrete beams, the maximum allowable shear stress(τcmax) depends
on the,
a. Grade of concrete and grade of steel c. Grade of steel only
b. Grade of concrete only d. Grade of concrete and percentage of
tension steel

Q.11 When the reaction in the direction of the applied shear introduces compression into the end region of the member,
sections located at a distance less than______ from the face of the support may be designed for the same shear as that
computed at the distance_____.
a. 2d, d c. d, d
b. 3d, 2d d. d, 2d
Q.12 If at a section ultimate shear force is Vu and the nominal shear stress is greater than the design shear strength of
concrete, the shear reinforcement should be designed to carry a shear equal to,
a. Vu c. Vu - τcbd
b. Vu + τcbd d. τcbd
Q.13 For a longitudinally spanning staircase with the following details: riser 200 mm, tread 400 mm, waist slab thickness
300 mm, the unfactored UDL due to the self-weight of the waist slab only in kN/m2.
a. 7.56 kN/m2 c. 9.876 kN/m2
b. 6.78 kN/m2 d. 8.385 kN/m2
Q.14 In the case of beam with varying depth, with bending moment increasing numerically in the same direction as the
effective depth increases, the nominal shear stress is calculated by, (symbols have their general meaning).
𝑉𝑢 +( 𝑢𝑡𝑎𝑛𝛽) 𝑉𝑢 −( 𝑢𝑡𝑎𝑛𝛽)
𝑑 𝑑
a. 𝜏𝑣 = c. 𝜏𝑣 =
𝑏𝑑 𝑏𝑑
b. 𝜏𝑣 = 𝑏𝑑𝑢 𝑉𝑢 ×( 𝑢𝑡𝑎𝑛𝛽)
d. 𝜏𝑣 = 𝑏𝑑

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Q.15 The loads on beams supporting the slab spanning in two directions at right angles and supporting uniformly distributed
loads, may be assumed to be in accordance with,
a. triangular distribution along shorter edge c. trapezoidal distribution along shorter edge
and trapezoidal along the longer edge. and triangular along the longer edge.
b. rectangular distribution along the four d. rectangular distribution along shorter
edges. edges only, no load transferred along
longer edges.
Q.16 The modification factor for compression reinforcement which must be multiplied to the span to effective depth ratios
for satisfying the vertical deflection limit, depends,
a. only on the area of tension steel provided c. only on the area of compression steel
b. on the area of tension steel required and
the grade of tension steel. d. on the area of compression steel required
and the grade of compression steel
Section-C: True or False Type Questions
(Provide an explanation in brief if statement marked as false or else zero marks will be awarded)

Q.17 Torsion reinforcement provided in the slab, at a corner having both the edges discontinuous should be equal to half
the area of reinforcement required for the maximum mid-span moment in the slab, and it should be provided for a minimum
distance of one third the shorter span.


Q.18 The maximum spacing of shear reinforcement measured along the axis of the member shall not exceed d for vertical
stirrups and 0.5d for 45° inclined stirrups. In no case shall the spacing exceed 500 mm.


Q.19 Side face reinforcement is provided in a beam when the depth of web exceeds 550 mm. The total area of such
reinforcement shall not be less then 0.5 percent of the web area.


Q.20 If the nominal shear stress at a section(τv) does not exceed the permissible shear stress(τc) no amount of shear
reinforcement is provided in the beam.


Q.21 Where bent-up bars are provided, their contribution towards shear resistance shall not be more than half that of the
total shear reinforcement.

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Section-D: Match the Following Type Questions

Q.22 A.__________; B.__________; C__________; D__________.

Component Effective Length
A. Simply Supported Beam 𝑑
1. (𝑙 + 2 )
B. Continuous Beam, width of support > 1/12, intermediate span 𝑑 𝑤
2. min[(𝑙 + 2 ), (𝑙 + 2 ) ]

C. Cantilever Beam 3. 𝑙
D. Continuous Beam, one end continuous and another end simply supported 4. min[(𝑙 + 𝑑 ), (𝑙 + 𝑤)]

*w represents the support width, & l is the clear span.

Q.23 A.__________; B.__________; C__________; D__________.

Problem Solution
A. Flexure 1. Minimum depth of section
B. Shear 2. Longitudinal reinforcement
C. Bond 3. Stirrups
D. Deflection 4. Anchorage in support

Q.24 A.__________; B.__________; C__________; D__________.

Beam section Effective flange width
A. T-beam 1. 6
+ 𝑏 + 6𝐷

B. L-beam 2. 𝑙 +𝑏
( +4)

C. Isolated T-beam 3. 𝑙 +𝑏
( +4)

D. Isolated L-beam 4.
+ 𝑏 + 3𝐷

Q.25 A.__________; B.__________; C__________; D__________.

Slab Boundary condition

A. S1 1. All four edges continuous
B. S2 2. Two adjacent edges discontinuous
C. S3 3. One short edge discontinuous
D. S4 4. One long edge discontinuous

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Section-E: Numerical Entry Type Questions

Q.26 The moment of resistance of a singly reinforced rectangular RCC beam of 300 mm width, 550 mm effective depth

and M 25 grade concrete, reinforced with 4-16 mm dia. bars of Fe 500 grade steel is equal to ___________________kN-m.

Q.27 A Calculate the moment of resistance of a 250 x 500 mm deep beam, reinforced with 2-12ϕ bars in the compression

zone and 3-20ϕ bars in the tension zone, each at an effective cover of 40 mm. The materials used are Fe 500 steel and M25

grade concrete. Values of design stress at specified strain for Fe 500 grade steel are given in the table below. Use iteration

method only, Do NOT use direct computation method. Perform a maximum of two iterations, if required._______________

Fe 500
Design stress, Design stress,
Strain Strain
N/mm2 N/mm2
0.00000 0.0 0.00277 413.0
0.00174 347.8 0.00312 423.9
0.00195 369.6 0.00417 434.8
0.00226 391.3

Q.28 Calculate the spacing of the 2-legged vertical stirrups of 8 mm dia., to be provided as shear reinforcement in a

rectangular RCC beam with the following details: width = 300 mm, effective depth = 500 mm, factored shear force = 90

kN, design shear strength of concrete = 0.69 MPa. Consider the grade of steel and concrete as Fe 415 and M 25, respectively


Q.29 For a simply supported slab with internal(clear) dimensions of 5 m x 7 m and 330 mm thick brick walls all around and

subjected to a factored area load intensity of 15 kN/m2 (including self-weight), the design bending moment along the shorter

span is equal to ___________________ kN-m, and that along the longer span is equal to ___________________ kN-m.

The bending moment coefficients as per IS 456:2000 corresponding to the shorter and longer spans are 0.099 and 0.051,

respectively. For simplicity, take effective span as the c/c distance between the supports.

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Q.30 The plan of the staircase supported on landing slabs on both the sides as shown in figure (SS-Simply supported). The

effective span of the staircase will be ______________________m.


Free 2000


2500 3000 1500



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Answer Key

Section-A: Fill in The Blanks Type Questions Section-C: True/False

Q.1 a sudden failure of reinforcement is avoided. Q.17 False, Torsion reinforcement provided in the slab
should be equal to 3/4 times the area of reinforcement
Q.2 it results in improved moment capacity and improved required for the maximum mid-span moment in the slab,
flexural stiffness. and it should be provided for a minimum distance of 1/5
Q.3 0.15% times the shorter span
Q.4 1/8. Q.18 False, The maximum spacing of shear
reinforcement measured along the axis of the member
Q.5 0.8 times the yield strength. shall not exceed 0.75d for vertical stirrups and d for 45°
inclined stirrups. In no case shall the spacing exceed 300
Section-B: Objective Type Questions
Q.19 False, Side face reinforcement is provided in a beam
Q.6 d when the depth of web exceeds 750 mm. The total area of
Q.7 b such reinforcement shall not be less then 0.1 percent of
the web area.
Q.8 c
Q.20 False, If the nominal shear stress at a section(τv)
Q.9 d
does not exceed the permissible shear stress(τc) minimum
Q.10 b shear reinforcement is provided in the beam.
Q.11 c Q.21 True
Q.12 c
Q.13 d Section-D: Match the Following Type Questions
Q.14 c Q.22 A-4, B-3, C-1, D-2
Q.15 a Q.23 A-2, B-3, C-4, D-1
Q.16 c Q.24 A-1, B-4, C-2, D-3
Q.25 A-3, B-4, C-2, D-1

Section-E: Numerical Entry Type Questions

(Answer range ± 3, if applicable)
Q.26 173.38 kN-m
Q.27 164.76 kN-m
Q.28 300 mm
Q.29 Mx = 42.19 kN-m; My = 21.73 kN-m
Q.30 4.75 m


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