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Phuc Le Hoang

Cory Northern

I.S. Spring 2 B1


Animal Testing in Medical Research- The Ethical Dilemma

Imagine with me that, on a beautiful day, death comes to you. And then he forces you

to choose, whether he will kill 1 thousand rats or 1 thousand people. The question arises here:

"Which would be the more humane option?" Kill animals or kill people? The fragile

boundary of the concept of humanity. This is also an extremely controversial issue in

scientific research when testing animals in medical research.

First, there is a fact that we all must agree that animal research has played an

extremely important role in medical breakthroughs. Vaccines, antibiotics, and surgical

techniques that have saved millions of lives were developed and tested on animals as the

foundation( National Library of Medicine). Without this process, many medical treatments

would not be developed as they are, demonstrating the importance of this work for human

medicine. Animal testing not only provides information about the effectiveness but also the

safety of new medical treatments. By studying the effects of drugs and their potential risks to

animals, researchers can evaluate their impact on humans.

Although some argue that animal testing may not always accurately reflect human

use, they are still an essential step in the drug development process, providing preliminary

data. kit before testing on humans. The need for new treatments or medical breakthroughs is

something everyone must agree on. But without a previous animal testing platform, the risks,

sequelae, or other diseases that come when these new methods are not yet perfect will be

exchanged with the lives of hundreds, of thousands. thousands or even millions of people.
Despite its benefits, some communities have raised concerns regarding the ethical and

humane use of animal testing for scientific purposes. Critics say subjecting animals to

potentially painful experiments is unethical, cruel, and violates their inherent rights.

Additionally, some people question the appropriateness of using animals as substitutes for

human subjects. All emphasize the need for alternative research methods.

Going back to the question at the beginning of the article, whether it means changing

from 1000 to 100, 10, or even 1 single human compared to 1000 white mice. The most

humane choice should still be human. It should be accepted that although it may be ethically

challenging, scientists should be allowed to use animals for medical research to improve our

understanding of disease and develop new technologies. life-saving treatments. But then this

does not mean accepting the senseless and senseless slaughter of animals to serve some crazy

people masquerading as scientific research. Therefore, there is still a need for reasonable

supervision and coordination.

In short, the ethical dilemma surrounding animal testing in medical research is

extremely complex and multifaceted. While it is imperative to acknowledge and work

together to find ways to address ethical concerns, that does not take away from its

indispensable role in advancing medical science.Therefore, scientists should be allowed to

use animals for medical research, provided that strict ethical principles are followed to

minimize suffering and prioritize animal welfare. By striking a balance between scientific

progress and ethical considerations, we can continue to make advances in medical research

while maintaining our ethical obligations.


Franco, N. H. (2013). Animal experiments in Biomedical Research: A Historical perspective.

Animals, 3(1), 238–273.

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