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Model 20-115

5 kV Sputter Gun Control

Part No. 617641 Rev. A

Copyright© 1996
Physical Electronics, Inc.
6509 Flying Cloud Drive
Eden Prairie, M N 55344
PHI Model 20—115 Ion Gun Control

April 6 , 1976

The following correction concerns the March 1976 manual ::or

this unit. ' i

T h e Ion Gun Control checkout procedure indicates the) deflection

voltages that should be observed at the output o f th|is ui|iit.
The stated voltages are actually between corresponding
deflection terminals rather than between these terminals and
ground, a s stated. The deflection terminal t o ground voltages
are half the stated voltages.

PHI Model 2 0 - 1 1 5 Ion Gun Control

May 2 6 , 1 9 7 6

The f o l l o w i n g c l a r i f i c a t i o n concerns the March 1 9 7 6 manual

for t h i s u n i t .

P a g e 3 o f the manual indicates that the meter connected between

filament terminals F 1 / F 3 and F 2 during the initial checkout proce-
dure should display a p o s i t i v e response t o the EMISSION c o n t r o l .
Without the u s e o f a n Ion Gun functioning i n a n evacuated t e s t
chamber, the feedback circuitry a s s o c i a t e d with the EMISSION
control cannot f u n c t i o n . Under these conditions the OP
amplifier a s s o c i a t e d with t h i s control w i l l saturate a t most
control s e t t i n g s — r e s u l t i n g i n a maximum filament c u r r e n t . This
current w i l l b e reduced o n l y when the EMISSION c o n t r o l i s turned
f u l l y down.

PHI Model 2 0 - 1 1 5 Ion Gun Control

March 2 0 , 1 9 8 0 j

The following change should b e made t o page 3 1 o f the March

1 9 7 6 manual for this unit:

I n s t e p 6 . 1 . 3 , terminal V2 should b e changed t o terminal F2 .






IV. OPERATING PROCEDURE. . . . . .... . . . . . . . 16

V. MAINTENANCE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23


VII. MANUAL CHANGE INFORMATION . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .36


The PHI Model 04-191 Sputter Ion Gun and Model 20-115
Sputter G u n Control comprise a complete system designed
t o sputter etch a specimen surface using inert -gas ions.
The Ion Gun i s flange mounted and ready t o install i n
standard vacuum systems. The control u n i t contains a l l
the electronics necessary for operating the g u n .

Important operating parameters are conveniently adjustable.

The focusing capability provides beam densities o f u p t o
200 p A a t the specimen. Ionization curreht and beam energy
are easily adjusted and well regulated. Beam energies, o f
U p t o 5 keV can b e obtained i n calibrated step 5 for repro-
ducible etching rates. Beam-position controls permit the
operator t o electronically position the ion beam o n the
specimen. The beam rastering capability--coup Led with
high current density and energy— permits unifo:rm sputter
etching over a relatively large area.


2.1 Unpacking and Initial Checkout.

1. T h e Ion Gun.

T o prevent damage o r contamination during ship-

ment, the Ion Gun i s enclosed i n a n aluminum
container that i s bolted t o the 7 c m ( 2 3/4 in.)
O.D. flange. The Ion Gun may b e removed b y
placing the container i n a n upright position,
removing the screws holding the container t o
the flange, and carefully lifting the gun assem-
bly o u t o f the container.


The ion Gun has been thoroughly

cleaned prior t o shipment. D p
NOT touch any parts that are b n
the vacuum side o f the flange
without using polyethylene
gloves o r degreased tools.

Once the Ton Gun has been removed f r o m the ship-

ping container, i t should b e visually inspected
for damage during the shipment.

a. Inspect a l l ceramic feedthrough tor breakage.

b. Check for filament continuity between fila-

ment terminals F j and F 2 , and between fila-
ment terminals and F 3 . Also sheck for
shorts between these and all othsr terminals,
and between a l l terminals and ground.

2. The Ion Gun Control.

Unpack the Ion G u n Control and inspept for any

obvious damage during shipment. I f there i s
damage, contact the carrier and PHI headquarters
a t once. I '
f there
‘ i s n o obvious damage, proceed
with the checkout.

a. Turn the REMOTE/NORMAL switch a t the rear o f

the i o n Gun Control t o the NORMAL position.

b. Turn the RASTER and BEAM VOLTAGE switches


c. Turn the EMISSION control fully counterclock-


d Plug i n the Ion Gun Control' and :urn the

POWER switch O N.

e. Connect a 5 A D C meter between terminal F

F , and terminal F 2 .

Turn u p the EMISSION control until 3 A are

indicated b y the external muter, Positive
control o f the filament curtent should b e

g I f there i s a positive response :o the EMIS-

SION control, the regulating circuits are
functioning properly~_r. I f curren-: control i s
not observed o r i f 3 A cannot b o obtained,
refer t o the MAINTENANCE section o f this

h Use a high-voltage probe t o connect a D V M

between terminal V x and ground, Then turn
the BEAM VOLTAGE switch O N . T h e voltage
measured by the D V M should b e within 10%
o f all BEAM VOLTAGE control settings.

Connect the DVM, With high-voltage probe,

between terminal “"L
V 2 and around.
ground. I The D V M
reading should change with the setting o f
the FOCUS control. Once this has been ob-
served, turn the BEAM VOLTAGE switch OFF
and disconnect the DVM.

j. With the BEAM VOLTAGE switch stiil OFF,

turn the BEAM VOLTAGE control t o the 5 k V
position. Make certain that the RASTER
switch i s also turned OFF ahd then connect
the D V M (without the high-vdltage probe)
between DEFLECTION terminal; A and ground.
The voltage indicated o n the external DVM
should range between -600 V D C and + 600 V
D C depending upon the setting o f the X-AXIS
POSITION control.

k. Repeat Step j , but with the. D V M connected

between DEFLECTION terminal! B and ground.
The voltages observed should b e h e same
— b u t o f reverse polarity.

1 With the controls set a s indicated i n Step

j , connect the D V M between REFLECTION ter-
minal C and ground. T h e voltage indicated
o n the external D V M should range between
-600 V D C and +600 V D C , depending upon the
setting o f the Y-AXIS POSITION control.


m. Repeat Step 1 , but with the DVM (connected

between DEFLECTION terminal! D arid ground.
The voltage observed should b e tjhe s<ime—
but o f reverse p o l a r i t y .

n Replace the external DVM with anj o s c i l l o s c o p e ,

using a n AC-coupled high-voltage p r o b e . Then
turn t h e RASTER switch ON and the RASTER
control fully c l o c k w i s e . d be a
1 6 0 0 V P-P 7500 Hz sawtooth wave! observed a t
terminals A and B with respect t o ground.
The signals a t these two terminals should
b e 180® put o f phase

o With the controls a t the sajme setting check

t o see i f a 1 6 0 0 V P-P 5 0 0 !Hz sawtooth wave
i s observed a t terminals C and D| with . respect
, t o ground. These two signals should ;a l s o b e
1 8 0 ° out o f phase.

2.2 Installation.

I f the Ion Gun and Ion Gun Control p a s s the checkout

t e s t s described i n Section 2 . 1 , thely are- ready t o b e
installed and operated. ■


Do not operate the Ion Gun unlless

i t i s mounted i n a n evacuated
vacuum system.

1. Ion Gun

The Ion Gun i s mounted t o the vacuum, s y s t e m via

a copper gasket sealed UHV f l a n g e , pare should
b e taken t o prevent excessive fprce (from occur-
ring directly o n the ioh gun while ijnsertLing i t
into the 3 . 8 cm ( 1 . 5 i n . ) I . D . (vacuum p o i t .
The rotational orientation o f t|he Ion Guh i s
important for proper referencing o f the X - and
Y-AXIS DEFLECTION controls. The Ion, Gun i s_ nor-
madly Oriented s o that terminal labels d o not
appear tilted o r upside down.


The Ion Gun i s constructed entirely

o f UHF compatible materials and i s !
bakeable t o 250®C (482®F) .

- 4

2. Ion Gun Control

Connections from the Ion Gun Control t o the Ion

Gun are made with one multilead cabl a and four
single-lead cables. The multilead connector o n
the Ion Gun i s Amphenol Part Number 165-35,
while its mating cable connector i s Amphenol
Part Number 165-34. The five single -lead con-
nectors o n the Ion Gun are Kings Connectors P a r t
Number KV-79-15. These connectors a r e mated t o
Amphenol Part Number 309-29100 connectors.

The Kings Connector labeled Vi proviies the beam

voltage connection, and the connector labeled
V 2 provides the focus connection. T i e connector
labeled F 2 i s the common connector between the
two filaments within the Ion Gun. Connector Fi
i s used t o supply power t o the second lead o f
filament 1 , while connector F 3 i s u s ad t o supply
power t o the second lead o f filament 2 . {Should
o n e filament cease t o function properly the
filament lead i s moved from one connactor t o the
other.) Connections t o the multilea 1 connector
are illustrated i n Table I , and more details
concerning changing filaments are included i n
the MAINTENANCE section.


Table I — Connections i n the Multilead Connector


A Left deflection plate

( a s seen facing target)

B Right deflection plate

(as seen facing target)

C T o p deflection plate

Bottom, deflection plate

E N o connection

There i s one additional terminal besides that for

the power cord and the connectors described thus
far i n this section. I t i s the REMOTE terminal.
T h i s terminal m a y b e connected t o the SPUTTER GUN
CONTROL terminal a t the rear o f the PHI Model 20-055
Multiplex Control. With this circuit, the Multi-
plex Control can b e permitted t o automatically turn
O N and OFF the Sputter Gun beam voltage.

A n Amphenol 165-33 mating connector m a y b e attached

t o the REMOTE terminal. T o remotely turn O N the
high voltage, move the NORMAL/REMOTE switch t o the
REMOTE position. Then short together connector
contacts A and C t o actuate the beam-voltage con-
trol relay. (Caution should b e taken w’len working
with these contacts since the line voltage i s pre-
sent across these terminals during normal operation.)
Switched A C power i s also available a t connector
contacts A and D t o run a n external timar.


3.1 The Ion Gun.

tained i n the I o n Gun i s shown i n Figura 1 . When

one o f the filaments i s heated, i t emitts electrons
that are attracted t o the more positive anode.
Some o f these electrons strike the; molecules o f
inert g a s present i n the test chamber, driving o f f
valence electrons and producing ions.

Since the Ion Gun filaments, anode: and shield are

biased positive with respect t o the tarjet, the
positive ions are forced out o f the Ion Gun and
accelerated — bombarding the target area O n route
out o f the Ion Gun they are deflected b y voltages
applied t o opposing pairs o f deflection plates
and focused b y additional optics. Typi
profiles are shown i n Figures 2 and 3 .

The current o f positive ions striking t i e target

t o knock o f f surface atoms i s determine i b y both
the emission current o f electrons between the
filament and the anode, and the beam voltage ap-
plied between the Ion Gun and the specimen, T h i s
relationship i s shown i n Table I I , included a s
part o f Section I V . A s indicated i n that; table,
optimum ion current occurs when the Emission Cur-
rent i s.2.5 m A and the Beam Voltage i s 5 k V

The response o f the ion beam t o the deflection

plates i s opposite that o f a n electron oeam since
one has a negative charge while the othsr has a
positive charge. The ion beam i s repelled b y a
positive voltage and attracted by a negative voltage.

3.2 The Ipn Gun Control.

The P H I Model 20-115 Ion Gun Control provides the

filament current, emission voltage', foe as voltage
and deflection voltages required for opsrating the
PHI Model 04-191 Ion Gun.

1 The Emission printed-circuit (Board 573 shown

o n Sheet 4 o f the functional

The Ion Gun emission current i s determined b y

both the temperature o f the filament (resulting
from the filament Current) and; the voltage be-
tween the filament and the anode. This printed-
circuit board i s therefore designed t o regulate
both factors i n order t o maintain a ly selected




i_________ __f BEAM

F 3 --------<1 -----------------------> 1 CURR*



Figure 1— ’Ion Gun component and connection diagram

JOO -<



240 -

2 5 mA

Figure 2
P H I MODEL 0 4 - 1 9 1
CURRENT D E N S I T Y , p A / c m

160 -






f I


0 ■ - "'*r ■ J* j 7- ■ “J-- - i ■ - --;j ■■ — .........

-2 -1 0 12

Figure 3
P H I MODEL 0 A - 1 9 1
-----------FULL R A S T E R : ~--------
CURRENT D E N S I T Y , y A / c m 2

uiui *

emission current. Both o f the corresponding

power supplies are biased positive with respect to
the specimen and ground b y the output o f a Spellman
high-voltage power supply (PSI). . (Printed-circuit
board ground symbols are shown i n ierror o n this
sheet. They instead represent a board common.)

The emission voltage i s provided b y bridge-rectifier

diodes D104. The negative output i s applied t o
filament terminal ,by way o f resistor R125 a n d
the board common. The positive output i s applied
t o anode terminal V j b y way o f the pass transistor
(Q101) and EMISSION meter (Ml).

O P amplifier IC102 compares a sample o f the emission

voltage (obtained through resistor R108) with a ref-
erence voltage across the input diodes, T h e result-
ing output i s coupled t o transistor Q102 which
regulates transistor Q101 for a regulated emission
voltage o f 1 8 0 ±10 V D C .

O P amplifier IC101 i s used t o sense the emission

current between the filament and abode of the Ion
Gun. The major portion o f this current i s repre-
sented b y the current passing through resistor R125.
Thus the resulting voltage drop i s applied to a n
input o f the O P amplifier b y w a y o f resistor R102.
This measurement alone, however, includes a minor
error since i t does n o t take into Account the cur-
rent also conducted b y transistors. Q101 and Q102.

I n order t o compensate for the current conducted b y

transistor Q I01, the Ion Gun i s removed from the
circuit s o that there i s n o Ion Guin emission CALI-
BRATION switch SW101 (mounted o n tjhe printed-circuit
board) i s pressed t o open the emitter circuit o f
transistor Q102, and potentiometer P 1 0 1 i s adjusted
for a zero output o f O P amplifier I C 1 0 1 a t T P 1.
Upon releasing the CALIBRATION switch (SW101) the
additional power-supply current thirough transistor
Q 1 0 2 i s compensated f o r b y adjusting potentiometer
P 1 0 2 t o obtain a zero output o f O P? amplifier IC101
a t TP1.

The greater the filament current, the greater the

emission current. Thus the emission current c a n b e
controlled b y regulating the filament current. The
voltage present a t terminal TP1 represents the
actual emission current, while the voltage provided
b y the EMISSION control (P4) represents the desired
emission current. These two voltages are combined
and applied t o O P amplifier IC103 t o determine the
filament current. T h e range o f this applied voltage
i s limited b y diodes D119 and D120i.

The filament current i s provided bjy the powe r supply

containing bridge rectifier CR101. The negative out-
put o f this supply i s applied direictly to either
filament terminal F l o r F 3 The positive ortput i s
applied through the cascaded pass trans istois (Q103
and Q104) and resistor R121 t o fillament terminal.
F 2— b y w a y o f t h e common.

The voltage drop across resistor R121 corresponds t o

the filament current. This voltage i s oompa red with
t h e voltage selected with potentiometer P102 a t the
input t o O P amplifier IC104. This ampl serves
t o limit the Ion G u n filament current t o expend the
filament's period o f usefulness, the output o f this
O P amplifier (IC104) overrides the! output of the
emission control amplifier (IC103) whenever the fila-
ment current becomes excessive. Thus these 'outputs
serve to regulate the filament curjrent flowing
through the cascaded transistors (Q103 and €■104).

2. The BEAM VOLTAGE switches (shown oil a l l o f t h e func-

tional schematics).

The BEAM VOLTAGE switches relate e l l func-

tions o f the Ion Gun and Ion Gun Control, T h i s i s
due t o the f a c t that the greater the voltage used t o
accelerate the ion beam the greater t h s voltage r e -
quired t o deflect the beam and focbs i t Thus these
switch contacts affect a multitude: o f functions.

There are two BEAM VOLTAGE switches Ope is used t o

turn the beam voltage O N a n d OFF, while the other
< is
used t o select the desired beam voltage (Both
switches are shown together o n Sheet 1 jof trie func-
tional schematics.)

The BEAM VOLTAGE-ON/OFF switch (3A and 3B) determines

when power i s applied t o REMOTE teirminaL pir A light-
emitting diode D 3 and relay coil Kl. T i e diode i s
located near the switch and lights t o indicate when
the high voltage i s O N . This need; not always occur
when the switch i s O N since the remote
also be used t o keep the beam voltage O?F

When the diode i s not l i t the relay coil is n o t

energized and relay contacts KIA (£hown o n Sheet 4
o f the functional schematics) and K1B (0howr| o n Sheet
5 ) are i n the positions shown. Whjen i n this position
both Spellman high-voltage power supplies (ESI and
PS2) are turned OFF.

When the diode lights, the relay cpil i s energized

and the relay contacts respond t o this change. The
output voltage o f power supply PSI: i s then determined


solely b y the position o f the BEAM; VOLTAGE switch

(SW5E) i This determines the positive voltage (with
respect t o the target and ground) Applied t o the
anode o f the Ion Gun. (As previously indicated,
the Ion Gun filament i s 1 8 0 ±10 V i>C less positive
than the anode.)

The second s e t o f relay contacts (RIB) also respond

a s the indicator diode lights— connecting the con-
trol input o f the second high-voltage supply t o the
output o f the focus circuitry o n pfinted-circuit
board N o . 587.

3. The Focus printed-circuit (Board 5$7 shown o n sheet

5 o f the functional schematics).

The voltage selected with the FOCU$ control (P4) i s

applied t o a n O P amplifier (IC901) through one o f
several resistors that can b e selected b y the BEAM
VOLTAGE control (SW5F). A portion o f the resulting
input current i s shunted t o ground jthrough resistors
Selected b y means o f another section o f ' * same
BEAM VOLTAGE control (SW5H). With this added c i r -
the setting o f the FOCUS cpntro:. need not
change a s the beam voltage i s changed.

Once the proper FOCUS setting has been nade the

appropriate voltage i s present a t the O P amplifier
input for optimum focusing. The applied voltage
IC902 before
being applied to terminal W o f the Highfvoltage
supply (PS2 ), which i n turn applies the correspond-
ing voltage t o Ion Gun terminal V 2 for focusing
the ion beam o n the target.

4. The Deflection printed-circuits (Boards 5 7 5 and 576

o n sheets 2 and 3 o f functional schematics).

There are two printed-circuit boards that are used

t o control the X-axis deflection o f the ion beam
and another, two that control the Y raxis deflection.
The X - and Y-axis circuits are basically the same
except that, the X-axis sweep frequency :.s preset a t
7500 H z while the Y-axis sweep frequency i s preset
a t 500 Hz. The X-axis deflection boards are there-
fore called 4he high-frequency boards while the Y -
axis deflection boards are called the lew-frequency
" "
boards. Due t o these similaritiesi the following
description o f X-axis circuit functions i s nearly
the same a s a description o f Y-axiS circuit functions.

High frequency board 576 i s D C coupled t}o respond

t o the setting o f the X POSITION control (Pl).
The voltage provided b y this control i s amplified


b y O P amplifier IC401 and then appliedL t o O P ampli-

fier IC402. The gain ‘ o f this secdnd - amplifier i s
controlled: with the u s e o f negative-feedback resis-
tors selected b y the BEAM VOLTAGE switch (SW5D) t o
compensate for any change i n control se ttings that
would otherwise b e required t o maintain the relative
position o f the ion beam a s the beam vcltage i s

A portion o f the output o f O P amplifier IC402 i s

inverted b y O P amplifier IC404. 'Shis p
the balance o f the circuit i n a pdsh-pull manner.
The output o f O P amplifier IC40 2 i s amplified b y
O P amplifier IC403 and transistor Q401 while the
output o f O P amplifier IC404 i s amplified by O P
amplifier IC405 and transistor Q4Q3.

Transistors Q 40 1 and Q403 drive two phe tocouplers

designed t o float the inputs t o transistors Q 40 2
and Q404. Both o f these transistors a r e connected
t o the +390 V and -390 V power supplies They
function i n such a manner that with one extreme
setting o f the X POSITION control the collector
voltage o f one driver transistor i s near +390 V
while the collector o f the other driver transistor
i s near -390 V . There should be rjearlj 0 V a t the
collector o f both transistors when the X POSITION
control i s turned t o a midrange sdttinc . And with
the other extreme setting o f the X POSITION control
the original collector voltages should again b e
obtained — but o f reverse polarity.;

High-frequency board 5 7 5 i s al£o used t o control

the X-axis position o f the ion b e a m — meving i t a t
a more rapid rate (7500 H z ) i n order tc raster a
crater o n the surface o f a target.

The 7500 H z oscillator i s contained i n IC301 The

output o f this oscillator i s coupled tc O P amplifier
IC302, and the function o f this amplifier i s deter
mined b y the two RASTER controls. :

When the RASTER switch i s OFF, the output o f O P

amplifier IC302 i s shorted t o ground ard the ion
beam i s n o t rastered. However, when the RASTER
switch i s O N , a negative feedback circuit i s com-
pleted with a portion o f the output being returned
t o the input. The amount o f negative feedback,
and therefore the g a i n o f the amplifier i s deter-
mined b y the setting o f the RASTER potentiometer
(P3A). The smaller the resistance o f this control
the greater the negative feedback and t h e smaller
the circuit gain.

14 -

Potentiometer P302 i s used t o calibrate the applied

output o f O P amplifier 302. With the BfeAM VOLTAGE
switch i n the 5 k V position, the RASTER switch O N
and the RASTER potentiometer turned fully clockwise
the calibration potentiometer i s adjusted for a ;
1600 V P-P output.

The adjusted output o f O P amplifier IC332 i s applied

t o O P amplifier IC303. The gain o f this ladder
amplifier i s controlled b y a negative-feedback cir-
cuit consisting o f a resistor selected h y the BEAM
VOLTAGE switch (SW5A). Less negative feedback and
greater resulting gain i s required when the BEAM
VOLTAGE Switch i s i n the 5 k V position, since a
larger signal i s then required t o deflect the higher-
energy ion beam.

The output o f O P amplifier IC303 i s capacitor

coupled t o O P amplifier IC304, which i n turn applies
the sweep signal t o transistor Q306. T h i s tran-
sistor drives a pair o f complementary transistors
to provide a push-pull type output. A third tran-
sistor (Q301),••connected i n series with the output
transistors, !serves t o regulate the voltage applied
to these transistors; while diodes D303! through
D3Q6 serve t o restrict the range o f outbut voltages.

The X-axis position signal provided by ligh-fre-

quency board 576 and the X-axis raster signal pro-
vided b y high-frequency board 575 are combined b y
means o f the circuitry shown o n the right portion
o f Sheet 3 o f the functional schematics. T h e X -
axis raster signal i s applied t o secondary terminal
2 o f transformer T 3 . The resulting pri:nary signal
i s capacitor coupled t o pins A and B o f the DEFLEC-
TION terminal, where i t i s combined with the X-axis
position signal obtained through 1 Mfi resistors
from high-frequency printed-circuit board 576.

Although the sweep oscillator (IC301) generates a

triangular waveform, this waveform becomes increas-
ingly sinusoidal a s i t i s processed b y the raster
circuit. However, such signal modification i s
desirable since i t results i n the ion beam being
deflected for slightly longer periods a t each end
o f the X-axis deflection—thus allowing a slightly
longer sputter time for a n ion beam that looses
some o f its intensity a s i t i s deflected.


4.1 Beam-Voltage and Emission-Current Settings

Although sputtering rates differ with the physical and

chemical properties o f the specimen,:these rates are
dependent upon the ion beam current.[ Table I I provides
a n example o f current densities that:might b e expected
from a typical PHI Model 04-191 Sputter Ion Gun.

Table I I — The relationship o f bearti current

densities into a 5.07 x 10”* c m 2 opening o f
a n unbiased Faraday cup positioned 5 c n
from a PHI Model 04-191 Sputter I<j>n Gun i n
5.0 x 1 O “ 5 Torr o f argon. .


(ma) 5 4 3 2 1

50 .925 .815 .697 .581 .:164

45 .954 .861 .737 .610 .:181
40 .9 7 1 .902 .772 ,627 .-!99
35 .965 .942 .783 .668 [05
30 .977 .960 .798 .685 :16 ,
25 1.000 .971 .827 .702 [45
20 .971 .936 .827 .725 [83
15 .919 .884 .809 .720 [83
10 .772 .725 .685 .595 !41
5 .303 .268 .262 .200 .()57

Note from this table that the density o f idle ion beam
current/ a< s measured by means o f a n Unbiased 0.254 m m
Faraday cup, i s dependent o n both the bean voltage
and emission current. The greater the be<im voltage,
the greater the beam-current density'*— a relationship
that i s also true for a n increase in: emission current.
Note, however, from this table that i f the emission
current i s permitted t o become greater than typically
2 5 mA, the corresponding beam current decreases rather
than continuing t o increase. Even though the Ion Gun
, .., . . - - ’ • . .. ■ •
will not b e damaged b y increasing the emission: current
above 2 5 m A this i s the recommended setting for maxi-
mum sputtering efficiency

There i s a minor change i n beam diameter over a range

o f beam voltages— i t being 1.15 times the 5 k V diameter
a t 2 k V and 1.4 times that diameter £t. 1 l|cV. However,


this i s only apparent when the system i s not i n the

RASTER mode o f operation but i s instead p producing a
stationary ion beam,
beam. r"
When i*n the
” 7- - - node, changes
i n beam voltage are automatically compensated for s o
that the size o f the raster and resulting crater r e -
main virtually independent o f this vpltagd adjustment.

4.2 Position and Focus Control Settings

Ion beam positioning i s accomplished b y means o f de-

flection plates located inside the Ion Gun assembly—
the voltages o n these plates being controlled b y
means o f 10-turn X - and Y-AXIS POSITION potentiometers
located o n the front panel o f the loh Gun Control.

Turning the Y-POSITION control i n a Clockwise direc-

tion (from a smaller t o a larger scale setting) bends
the ion beam upward (as seen when facing the target
area). Turning the Y-POSITION contrCl i n a counter-
clockwise direction (from larger t o Smaller scale
settings) deflects the ion beam downward.

Turning the X-POSITION control i n a Clockwise direc-

tion bends the ion beam toward the right a s seen
when facing the target area). Turning the X-POSITION
control i n a counterclockwise direction bends the ion
beam toward t h e left.

The scales provided with the X - and Y-POS"TION con-

trols are used a s a reference for repeating previous
alignment adjustments and are n o t calibrated t o indi-
cate a specific degree o f deflection* Although inter-
nal control circuitry i s designed s o that there i s
virtually n o change i n beam deflection w i h changes
i n beam voltage, the amount o f deflection must, o f
course, vary with the distance o f the ion Gun from
the specimen. When the specimen i s located 5 c m from
the Ion Gun, the ion beam m a y b e moved u p t o 2 c m
along either the X - o r Y-axis.

The RASTER control i s used t o adjust:t h e pize o f the

sputtered area. This area m a y b e reduced b y turning
the control counterclockwise t o produce merely the
diameter o f the ion beam, o r i t m a y b e increased b y
turning the control clockwise s o that the resulting
sputter beam raster produces a sputter crater that
i s o f uniform depth over a large a r e a — u p t o 1 c m
1 c m i f the specimen i s positioned 5 c m fiom the Ion

A CALIBRATE position i s provided for the FOCUS con-

trol. This position represents the control setting
a t which the ion beam i s best focused o n 4 specimen


located 5 c m from the Ion G u n , The focus voltage

will, o f course, vary with different samp Le-to-gun

Optimum settings o f the X - and Y-POS|lTlON controls,

the FOCUS control and the RASTER-siz0 control can b e
precisely determined only b y experimental means. The
Faraday cup technique (described i n Section 4.3) i s
the most commonly used method for loh-Gun alignment.

The sputter rate o f the PHI Model 04+-191 Ion Gun m a y

b e calculated b y inspecting a sample o f anodized tan-
talum a s i t i s being sputtered. This technique i s
described i n Section 4.4.

4.3 Faraday-Cup Alignment Procedure

The Faraday-cup alignment procedure Requires the

mounting o f a Faraday cup i n a vacuuijn chamber and
connecting a microammeter between the Cup and ground
for measuring beam current Once these connections
have been made, s '
seal the vacuum chamber and proceed
t o perform the following steps:

1. Turn the Ion G u n Control POWER switch OFF, the

EMISSION control fully counterclpckwiise and the
NORMAL/REMOTE switch o n the rear panel t o the
NORMAL position.

2 Backfill the vacuum system t o 5 £ 1 0 ” 5 Torr o f

the g a s that will b e used t o provide the sputter

3 Position the Faraday C u p s o that i t i £ centered

a t the location where the sample i will eventually
b e placed.

4. Move the Faraday cup slightly o f f center and u s e

a 2 k V elastic peak t o adjust the Z a x i s o f the
front surface o f the Faraday cup
cup; with respect t o
the analyzer. Upon making this Z-axi? adjustment,
realign the Faraday cup with the ; analyzer--using
a T V monitor functioning i n the absorption mode,
if this unit i s available i n the system; Then
. turn OFF the electron gun.
5. S e t the BEAM VOLTAGE control for ;5 k V , turn the
BEAM VOLTAGE switch O F F , the RASTER switch O F F ,
the POWER switch O Nf, rotate the FOCUS control t o
the CAL. position, and< adjust the EMISSION con-
trol for 2 5 m A— a s indicated b y the panel meter.

6. Turn the BEAM VOLTAGE switch t o the O N position

- 18 -

7. Adjust the X-POSITION control fot a maximum c u r -

rent reading o n the external microammeter attached
t o the Faraday cup.

8. Adjust the Y-POSITION control for a maximum cur-

rent reading o n the external microammeter attached
t o the Faraday c u p .

9. Adjust the FOCUS control (Ion Gun Control) for a

maximum current reading o n the external microam-
meter attached t o the Faraday cup.

10. Continue t o repeat Steps 7 , 8 and 9 i n sequence

until the maximum possible ion beam current i s
measured o n the external microanuheter . This m a y
require repeating these steps several times.
Once the maximum ion beam current has been ob-
tained, the ion beam i s properly; aligned and fo-
cused o n the opening i n the front o f the Faraday
cup. The alignment procedure has then been com-

11. With the alignment completed, tuin the ion gun

BEAM VOLTAGE switch OFF and substitute; a specimen
for the Faraday cup.

12 Turn the BEAM VOLTAGE and RASTER i switches O N and

adjust the RASTER control t o sputter a crater o f
the desired size-— turning t h e control counter-
clockwise t o sputter a smaller surface o r turning
i t clockwise t o sputter a larger surface.

4.4 Anodized Tantalum Sputter-Rate Measurement

1. The 1000 A anodized tantalum specimen used i n

this alignment procedure may b e chemically pre-
pared i n the following manner:

a. "Polish" two .125 m m foils o f tantalum b y

dipping them for u p t o 1 o r 2 sec i n a n acid
solution (59.0% H 2 S O 4 , 17.0% H F , 23.5% HNO 3 ) .

b P a s s the samples through two. rinses o f deion-

; ized H 2 O .

c Blow them dry with N 2 .

d. Using one "polished" foil a s a n anode and

another a s a cathode, apply 66.6 V D C between
them while they are suspended i n a n electro-
lyte (94.3% deionized H ? O , 5.7% HNO 3 ). One
o f these plates i s sufficiently anodized when
the current drops t o zero.

- 19 -

e. Rinse the "gold" anodized specimen i n acetone*

The '‘gold" color indicates 1000 X o f Ta,O_.

f. Blow i t dry i n N 2 .

2. Once the anodized tantalum specimen he.s been

mounted i n the desired sample location, seal the
vacuum chamber and proceed t o perform the follow-
ing steps:

a. Turn the Ion Gun Control POWER switch OFF and

the EMISSION control fully cdunteiclockwise.

b. Backfill the vacuum system t o 5 x 1 0 “ 5 Torr

o f the g a s that will b e used t o provide the
sputter ions.

c. Position the anodized tantalum sample s o that

i t i s centered i n front o f the iori beam.

d. Obtain the following Ion Gun Control settings:

i. BEAM VOLTAGE control t o 5 k y .

i i. BEAM VOLTAGE switch OFF.

ill. RASTER switch OFF.

i v. POWER switch O N.

v. FOCUS control t o CAL. position.

vi. EMISSION control adjusted for 2 5 m A a s

indicated b y panel meter.

e. Turn the BEAM VOLTAGE switch O N again.

f. Adjust the X - and Y-POSITION <controls and

the RASTER control s o that the ioy beam pro-
duces a blue crater o n the "gold" surface
that i s o f the desired size. Crater depth
can b e visually observed b y noting the0 inter-
ference patterns produced i n the 1000 A ano-
dized surface a s i t i s sputtered.

g. With the alignment completed; turri the Ion

Gun BEAM VOLTAGE switch OFF and substitute a
specimen for the anodized tantalurii.

4.5 Shutdown Procedure

When the Ion Gun is. t o b e turned OFF, the following

shutdown procedure should b e followed:


1. Turn the BEAM VOLTAGE switch OFF.

2. Turn the EMISSION control fully counterclockwise.

3. Turn the RASTER switch OFF.

4. Turn the POWER switch OFF.

4.6 Operating Hints

1. Switching between the two filaments o f the PHI

Model 04-191 Ion Gun can b e accoihplished by r e -
moving the cable connected t o gun terminal F }
and attaching i t t o gun terminal F 3 .
. I n case o f
filament burnout during operation,"measurements
can be continued simply b y returning the EMISSION
control t o the full counterclockwise position,
turning OFF the BEAM VOLTAGE, moving the cable
and then readjusting the EMISSION control t o ob-
tain the desired emission current, before turning
O N the BEAM VOLTAGE. Minor adjustment o f the
FOCUS o r DEFLECTION controls may b e required when
the filament i s switched.

2. Timed experiments: T o start and stop sputtering

a t a particular time, the BEAM VOLTAGE switch
can b e used t o turn the ion beam O N and OFF. O r
i t m a y be desirable t o instead turn the NORMAL/
REMOTE switch o n the rear panel t o the NORMAL
position and u s e a timer connected between REMOTE
connector contacts A and D t o measure the length
o f time that the BEAM VOLTAGE switch :.s turned O N .

3. Admitting and cleaning the sputtering gas:

When sputter etching a specimen, ■ the sputtering
g a s must b e very pure. I f a n ion-pumped vacuum
system i s being used, i t i s generally neither
necessary nor desirable t o operate i n a flow-
through mode. I t i s usually preferable t o operate
i n a static mode, using titanium getters t o purify
the sputtering gas i n the working chamber, A
typical procedure would b e a s follows:

a. I n a clean outgassed vacuum fcysteip a t a pres-

sure o f 1 0 ~ 8 Torr o r lower, flash the
„ „ tita
_ _
nium getters and then turn OFF the; Ion Pump.

b. Backfill the system t o the desired pressure

with the sputtering gas. The freshly evapor-
ated titanium will remove the undesirable
active gases from the system, leaving clean,
inert g a s for sputtering.

21 -

c. When sputtering i s continued for a n ex-

tended period, flashing the titanium get-
ters periodically will remove|active out-
gassing products from the ambient t o allow
a clean operation. i

4. ion beam sputter rates, raster si::e, etc.,

should b e periodically checked with anodized
tantalum specimens like those described i n
Section 4.4.


5.1 P H I Model 04-191 Sputter Ion Gun

Under normal operating conditions, the Ion Gun will

give long reliable service. However, excessive fila-
ment current can burn out the filaments. ::f this does
occur, the filaments can b e replaced a t PH" Headquar-
ters b y returning the Ion Gun. I t should b e shipped
prepaid with a purchase order for filament replacement,
Always u s e the aluminum Shipping container t o protect
the Ion Gun during shipment I f the container i s n o
longer available a n e w one may b e obtained from P H I
Headquarters upon request.

I t i s also possible t o replace the filaments i n the

field using the following procedure:

1. Remove the Ion G u n from the Vacuum system and

s e t i t b n a bench with the connectors down, the
Ion Gun pointing up.


Care must b e exercised when work-

ing o n the parts o f this appara-
tus exposed t o the vacuum i n order
t o avoid contamination. Only de-
greased tools should b e used and
polyethylene gloves should b e
worn. This work must b e done i n
a dust free atmosphere.

2. Remove the two 0 - 8 0 flathead screws securing the

portion o f the shield covering the filament (refer
t o Figure 4 ).

3. Remove the cover*

4. U s e a small pair o f tweezers t o remove the old

filament and hook n e w filaments i n the notches
provided i n the support rods. Note that the
filaments are held i n place b y spring tension.
They therefore must not b e Stretched beyond their
elastic limit during the installation.

5. Check the continuity o f the n e w filaments with

a n ohmmeter.

6 U s e the ohmmeter t o check for short circuits be-

tween all feedthroughs and the flange cind between
all pairs o f feedthroughs.

23 -



Figure 4— Ion Gun filament assembly.

- 24 -

7. Replace the cover and the two 0-80 flavhead

screws, making certain never t o touch them with
anything but gloved hands o r oil-free tools.

8. Remount the ion gun i n the vacuum chamber and pump

the system down.

9. The initial heating o f the new filaments should b e

done slowly t o ensure the proper seating o f the
filaments i n their supports. I f a P H I Model 20-115
Gun Control i s used, begin heating one o f the two
filaments with the EMISSION control a t the minimum
setting. Then increase the setting o f the control
a t a rate o f one revolution per minute until the
EMISSION CURRENT meter indicates 3 0 m A

10. Repeast Step 9 with t h e second filamen

11. The Ion Gun i s n o w ready for operation

5.2 P H I Model 20-115 Sputter Ion Gun Control.

I f a malfunction o f the Ion Gun Control i s suspect-

e d , make certain that the problem i s really i n the
Ion Gun Control and not i n the Ion G u n instead.
Once i t has been determined that the problem lies
i n the control, there' i s the option o f either con-
tacting the Customer Service Department a t P H I
Headquarters o r seeking the services o E qualified
local electronics personnel, I f in-house servicing
i s elected, this must b e done using a systematic
approach t o the problem based o n observed symptoms.

2. The table that concludes this section m a y b e used

a s a n aid i n locating defective components. Once
the function o f a n O P amplifier o r transistor i s
subject t o question, i t may b e checked by substi-
tuting a comparable component. Any digital VOM
may b e used for the suggested voltage, current o r
resistance checks.

Before preceding t o the table and following sec-

tions two o f the power supplies should b e checked
with a VOM t o make certain that the output Voltages
are within 10% o f those specified. Evan some po-
tentiometer controls will fail t o function if
these voltages are not present.


The Emission printed-circuit board

floats ;at t h e output voltage o f
the Spellman high-voltage supply

- 25 -

(PSI) 4 D O NOT ATTEMPT t o make

any DVM measurements o n this
board unless the BEAM VOLTAGE
switch i s turned OFF. Any board
ground symbols shown are i n error
and represent a board common that
can float a t u p t o 5 KV with r e -
spect ;t o ground.

There should b e -15 V D C between terminal 1 and

ground (terminal 33) o f the Power Supply Board

There should b e + 1 5 V D C between terminal 2 and

ground ■(terminal 33) o f the Power Supply Board

There should b e - 1 0 V D C between terminal 2 5

and ground (terminal 33) o f the Powar Supply
Board (589).

There should b e +10 V D C between tejrminal 2 6

and ground (terminal 33) o f the Powar Supply
Board (589).

There Should b e +24 v D C between terminal 1 5

and ground (terminal 33) o f the H i g i Voltage
Supply Board (577).

There should b e +390 V D C between terminal 23

and ground (terminal 33) o f the Higi Voltage
Supply Board (577).

There should b e -390 V D C between terminal 2 4

and ground (terminal 33) o f the H i g i Voltage
Supply Board (577).

There should b e 1 0 V D C between terminals 1 3

(+) and 1 6 ( - ) o f the Emission Board (573).

There should b e 1 8 0 V D C between the collector

o f transistor Q102 and ground (terminal 1 0 ) o n
the Emission Board (573).
PHI Model 20-115 Sputter Ion Gun


EMISSION CURRENT. Open Ion Gun Filament. Check continuity o f Ion Gun filament.
Open filament-current regulating Remove transistors from circuit and
transistors (Q103 and Q104). check for 10-to-l change in measured
collector-to-base and emitter-to-base
resistance when meter leads are

Open EMISSION CURRENT meter (Ml). Substitute another meter.

Open emission-voltage regulating Remove transistor from circuit and
transistor (Q101). and check for 10-to-l change in
measured collector-to-base and
emitter-to-base resistance when meter
leads are reversed.

abie to control Open EMISSION control. Check continuity of potentiometer P 4.

Substitute another OP amplifier for
OP amplifier IC103. IC103.
oper FOCUS setting Circuitry directly associated with Check continuity of switch contacts
ries with BEAM sections SW5F and SW5H of BEAM and associated resistors.







able to focus ion FOCUS control. See if wiper voltage of potentiometer

arn a t any BEAM P4 varies with control setting.
OP amplifiers. See if voltage between terminal 12 and
ground (terminal 13) of Focus printed-
circuit board varies with setting of
FOCUS control. If it does not, try
Substituting OP amplifiers for IC901
and IC902.

Spellman high-voltage supply. Connect neon lamp between terminal V 2

and ground. Momentarily see if lamp
. lights when BEAM VOLTAGE control
turned to .5 kV position and BEAM
VOLTAGE switch turned ON.

oper X POSITION Circuitry directly associated with Check continuity of switch contacts
ntrol setting section SW5D of BEAM VOLTAGE switch. and associated resistors.
ries with BEAM

ither X POSITION DEFLECTION 'terminal or cable. Check for both continuity and possible
ntrol nor X-axis shorts with DVM.
ster functions.
n beam fails to X POSITION control. See if wiper voltage o f potentiometer
spond to only Pl varies with control setting.
POSITION control.

' _ _ _ __ ___________ _ _ •sasrjiidure_JiQL __


Try substituting OP amplifiers. (All
are of same type i n this circuit.)

Optical coupler or driver transistor. Use DVM to see if voltages a t terminals

3 and 3 0 both respond to X POSITION
control. Optical coupler o r driver
transistor associated with output
failing to respond may be defective.
Substitute optical coupler and driver
transistor in stages that work with
- 28 - those in stages that do not t o deter-
mine defective component.
[. ■ ■'
ster cannot be RASTER switch (SW2A/SW2B) not Check with ohmmeter.
rned OFF. properly grounded.
L • • •

ze o f X-axis raster Either RASTER switch (SW2A) or RASTER Check for continuity with ohmmeter.
not be controlled. control (P3A).

oper setting of Circuitry directly associated with Check continuity of switch contacts
STER control changes section SW5A o f BEAM VOLTAGE switch. and associated resistors.
L_ _ _ _:______ _ ______________„.; _ _ _ _____
X-axis raster. Any X-axis raster component. Connect an oscilloscope to terminal 3
of oscillator (IC301). If raster
signal observed there, move oscillo-
scope probe to output of each stage
that follows until signal disappears
at output o f defective stage. (No
raster signal heed appear across
transistor Q301.)

oper Y POSITION Circuitry directly associated with Check continuity of switch contacts
ntrol setting section SW5C o f BEAM VOLTAGE switch. and associated resistors.
ries with BEAM
ither Y POSITION DEFLECTION terminal or cable. Check for both continuity and possible
ntrol nor Y-axis shorts with DVM.
ster functions.
.. . ... . .. . ... . ... ..


n beam fails to Y POSITION control. See if wiper voltage of potentiometer

spond to only P 2 varies with control setting.
POSITION control.
OP amplifiers. Try substituting OP amplifiers. (All
are o f same type in this circuit.)

Optical coupler or driver transistor. Use DVM t o see if voltages a t terminals

3 and 30 both respond to Y POSITION
control. Optical coupler or driver
transistor associated with output
failing to respond may be defective.
Substitute optical coupler and driver
transistor in stages that work with
those in stages that do not to
determine defective component.

ze of Y-axis raster Either RASTER switch (SW2B) o r RASTER Check for continuity with ohmmeter.
nnot be controlled. control (P3B).
oper setting of Circuitry directly associated with Check continuity of switch contacts
STER control changes section SW5B of BEAM VOLTAGE switch. and associated resistors.

□ Y-axis raster. Any Y-axis raster component. Connect a n oscilloscope to terminal 3

o f Oscillator (IC601). If raster
signal observed there, move oscillO“
scope probe to output o f each state
that follows until signal disappears
a t output of defective stage.. .(No
raster signal need appear across
transistor Q601.)

- 30 -

The P H I Model 20-115 Sputter Ion Gun should b e checked out

every time i t i s repaired. All measurements required for
calibration may b e accomplished with a DVM and a n oscillo-
scope— used i n conjunction with corresponding high-voltage
probes. The relative locations o f the printed -circuit
switch and potentiometers used for calibration are shown
i n Figure 4.

6.1 Initial setup.

1 Disconnect the Ion Gun Control from the Ion Gun.

2. Connect a n ammeter i n series with a 1 Q ±10%

resistor between terminals F j and F 2 o f the Ion
Gun Control.

3 Connect a 4.5 K Q ±10% resistor i n parallel with

a DVM between terminals V j and V 2 o f the Ion G u n

4. Plug i n the Ion Gun Control.

5. Turn the POWER switch O N and note the pilot lamp

6.2 Calibrating the Emission board (573)


The BEAM VOLTAGE switch must

remain OFF when calibrating
this printed-circuit board.

1 Turn the EMISSION control fully clockwise

2 Adjust potentiometer P l0 3 f o r a reading o f 3 A

o n a n external ammeter.

3 U s e a n external D V M and oscilloscope t o see that

there i s 175 ± 5 V D C and less than 2C m V o f rip-
pie between terminals V x and F 2 o n the Ion Gun

4 Disconnect a l l external resistors anc instruments

connected t o terminal F 2 o f the Ion Gun Control.

5 Connect a DVM between terminal TP1 aid ground.

6 P r e s s test switch SW101, included a s part o f the

printed-circuit board, and adjust potentiometer
P 1 0 1 for a reading o f 0.000 V o n the external DVM.
f ,06d

*907- ------------------

z*rO6d Co6d




Figure 5 — Location o f calibration switch and potentiometers

in Ion Gun Control.

- 32 -

7. Release test switch SW101 and adjust potentiometer

P102 for a reading of 0.000 V on the external DVM.

8. Disconnect the external DVM.

6.3 Calibrating the Focus board (587).

1. Connect a DVM between the wipers of the FOCUS
control (P4) and ground, and adjust this control
for a reading of 0 V.

2. Connect a DVM with matching high-voltage probe

between terminal V 2 and ground.
3. Mechanically center potentiometers P903, P904,
P905, P906, P907, P908 and P909. i

4. Potentiometer P901 is a null control|while poten-

tiometer P902 is a gain control. Turn the BEAM
VOLTAGE switch ON and repeatedly switch the BEAM
VOLTAGE control between the .5 kV and the 5 kV
position:— adjusting potentiometer P901 for 375
±20 V in the . 5 k V position and potentiometer
P902 for 3690 ±20 V in the 5 kV position.

5. Turn the BEAM VOLTAGE switch to the j. kV position

and potentiometer P905 fully clockwise. Then
adjust potentiometer P903 for 750 V on the exter-
nal DVM. i


Should any of the potentiometers

adjusted in Steps 6 through 1 1
not have sufficient range to ob-
tain the specified voltage, read-
just potentiometer P903 to obtain
that voltage and then repeat steps
6 through 11.

6. Turn the BEAM VOLTAGE switch to the L5 kV position

and adjust potentiometer P904 for 375 V o n the
external DVM.

7. Turn the BEAM VOLTAGE switch to the 1 kV position

and adjust potentiometer P905 for 780 V on the
external DVM.

8. Turn the BEAM VOLTAGE switch to the kV position

and adjust potentiometer P906 for 1525 V on the
external DVM.

9. Turn the BEAM VOLTAGE switch to the 3 kV position

and adjust potentiometer P907 for 22 0 V on the
external DVM. i
- 33

10. Turn the BEAM VOLTAGE switch t o t h e 4 k V position

and adjust potentiometer P 90 8 for 2920 V o n the
external DVMi.

11. Turn the BEAM VOLTAGE switch t o the 5 k V position

and adjust potentiometer P909 for 3690 V o n the
external DVM.

T h e preceding adjustments o f potentiometers
P904 through P909 are only preliminary! Once
the I o n Gun Control i s wired t o the lori G u n and
the I o n Gun i s installed i n a vacuum chamber, the
focus tracking from one beam voltage t<b another
must b e adjusted. The I o n Gun must f i s t b e
mechanically aligned t o the faraday cup. Poten-
tiometers P904 through P909 o n the 587-|-l board
are used t o calibrate the tracking. Monitor t h e
faraday cup current with the front p a n l focus
potentiometer a t mid range and the beam voltage
a t . 5 kV, adjust P904 s o that t h e current i s a t
its peak. Repeat this same step for e c h o f t h e
beam voltages settings and use the corresponding
potentiometer ( s e e previous steps 6 - 11).

12. Disconnect the external DVM arid probe.

6.4 Calibrating the X-axis position board (high requencv


1. Connect the DVM between the wiper o f potentiometer

P 4 0 1 and ground.

2. Adjust the potentiometer for a DVM reading o f 0 V

6.4 Calibrating the Yaxis position board flow frequency


1. Connect the D V M between the wiper o f potentiometer

P 7 0 1 and ground.

2. Adjust the potentiometer for a DVM readipg o f 0 V .



The preceding adjustments o f potentiometers

P 4 0 1 and P 7 0 1 are only preliminary. Once t h e ion
G u n Control i s wired t o the Ion G u n and the later
i s put t o use i n a vacuum chamber,these calibra-
t i o n potentiometers are adjusted s o that t h e
point o f ion-beam impact o n the target
centered i n front o f t h e analyzer when the X
POSITION and Y POSITION controls are centered.

6.6 Calibrating the X-axis raster board (high frequency


1. Connect a n oscilloscope and corresponding A C

coupled high’-voltage probe between pins A and B o f
the DEFLECTION terminal.

2. Turn the HIGH VOLTAGE switch t o t h e 5 k V position.

3. Turn the RASTER switch O N and the RASTER control

fully clockwise.

4. Adjust potentiometer P302 until 1600 V P4-P i s indi-

cated b y the oscilloscope.

5. Check t o see that t h e following voltages can b e ob-

tained (+/-10%) when turning the BEAM VOLTAGE

a. 5 k V position 1600 V P - P

b. 4 k V position 1280 V P - P

c. 3 k V position 9 6 0 V P-P

d. 2 k V position 6 4 0 V P-P

e. 1 k V position 3 2 0 V P-P

f. . 5 k V position 1 6 0 V P-P

6.7 Calibrating the Y-axis raster board ( l o w frequency


1. Connect a n oscilloscope and corresponding AC-

coupled high-voltage probe between pins C and D o f
the DEFLECTION terminal.


2. Turn the HIGH VOLTAGE switch to the 5 k V position.

3. The RASTER switch should remain O N and the RASTER

control should still be fully clockwise.

4. Adjust potentiometer P302 until 1600 V P-P is indi-

cated by the oscilloscope.

5. Check t o see that the following voltages can be ob-

tained (+/-10%) when turning the BEAM VOLTAGE

a. 5 kV position 1600 V P-P

b. 4 kV position 1280 V P-P

c. 3 kV position 960 V P-P

d. 2 kV position 640 V P-P

e. 1 k V position 320 V P-P

f. 5 kV position 160 V P-P

Physical Electronics Division of Perkin-Elmer strives
t o update and improve its instruments by adding cir-
cuits and component improvements as soon as they are
developed and tested. Some of these changes may occur
after the manual has been printed. Therefore, the
balance of this -section of the manual is reserved for
such instrument change information. If no additional
pages appear in this section, your manual is correct as

II- - -
Isec E C O toltoo' pYnw

V SEC, ecjo I V A
W 5fc& ECO 900Q
Y s e e c o 9a9z .






D. DATE C O D E tyj*lYR)

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