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Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention please? Our seminar is about to begin.
Please have a nice seat. Thank you very much for preparing yourself to join our seminar.
Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb. Good morning, everyone.
Respectable the Chair of manajemen Department, bapak Dr. Irwan Idrus., MM. The
honorable all lecturers of the Manajemen Department and the honorable all participants
of this seminar.
Ladies and gentlemen,
I’m Alfiyah Zhafirah, the moderator of today’s seminar. I’m very pleased to see you here
and welcome all of you to this seminar. Today’s seminar is about pemanfaat potensi Blue
Economy menuju indonesia emas 2045.
Ladies and gentlemen, Our speaker today is He Eka Chanra Buana, SE,. MA. Is Deputy
Dean For Research, Community Service and Cooperation, Faculty of Geography UGM
Before the presentation begins, let me inform how the presentation will be going on.
First, Eka Chanra Buana, SE,. MA will be invited to present the material. After that,
there’ll be question and answer session and followed by conclusion.
Now allow me to welcome the speaker, , Eka Chanra Buana, SE,. MA, to deliver his
presentation. _________ (pembicara), the floor is yours.
Thank you very much , Eka Chanra Buana, SE,. MA for giving us such informative and
interesting presentation.
Ladies and gentlemen, now come to the question and answer session. I’d like to have 3
questions from the participants. Please.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, I have already had 3 questions here. The first one is coming
from 1) Izzatul Amaliah, asked about what sectors be developed Using blue ekonomy
principels?). The second one is from Mukriani 2), how big is the potential for the blue
Economy in indonesia . And the last one is from Resni Pratista asked about wahat makes
indinesia have enormous potential in developing the sea?. Are you ready to answer
them, _______ (pembicara)?
Ladies and gentlemen, we finally come to the end of this seminar. Before I close the
seminar, I would like to take the conclusion from what the speaker has presented.
Based on the results of research in 2020 regarding the preparation of the concept and
application of the Archipolis Model. The Archipolis model is a locational-geographical
concept in determining and handling certain areas based on integrative parameters
between ecosystem aspects of small islands and government administrative units. This
model has requirements for determining the management area, namely that the
district/city administrative unit consists of more than one island and a minimum area of
30% is a group of small islands and the district sea management area is 4 nautical miles
from the island coastline. The 2019-2021 KKN on Sailus Island produced the concept of
Regional Resilience, namely self-reliance in developing knowledge, independence in
health and the environment, based on local economy, food security and energy
I’d like to thank the speaker for the informative and interesting presentation and all the
participants for the very active participation. Finally, give the applause for the speaker
and for you all. Thank you.

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