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1) Word Limit: 100-150 words. Try to not exceed.

2) Marking scheme: [5 marks x 4 questions] = 20 marks
3) All the questions are mandatory to answer.

1. Which sport do you play, discuss your experience in the same. Further
explain how it will help in facilitating the functioning and fulfilling of
objectives of the sports cell.

Ans. Cricket is the sport I play and even if I want to, it wouldn’t be possible or fair for me to
write about cricket in a mere 150 words.
Cricket has had such a significant impact on my that it’s safe for me to say that whatever I am
today in my life, I owe it all to cricket.
Cricket, being one of the most popular and widely followed sports globally, can play a pivotal
role in enhancing the functioning and fulfilling the objectives of the Sports Cell at SLS, Pune.
Here's how cricket can contribute:
1. Inclusivity and Participation
2. Team Building and Camaraderie
3. Organizing Inter-Collegiate Tournaments
4. Promoting Physical Fitness
5. Leadership Opportunities
6. Enhancing Spectator Engagement
7. Skill Development and Training Programs
2. Sports cell has different areas of work, like drafting, admin work, field
assistance, procurement etc. Which one would you like to be a part of
and why?

Ans. Considering my past leadership experiences, I think that my skills would best
be used in the part of admin work as I’ve got experience in how to manage a
diverse category of people in a team and get work done.
Being the captain of the teams I played in, I’ve got the honour of leading them
multiple times which has helped me a lot in becoming a better leader in general
and also improving my leadership skills.

3. Why do you deserve to be a member of the sports cell? What qualities

and skill sets do you think you need to contribute in order to be a
member of the sports cell?

Ans. Here are some of the key qualities and skills sets that I’ll be able to contribute in order
to be a member of the Sports Cell at SLS, Pune:
1. Passion for Sports
2. Leadership Skills
3. Teamwork and Collaboration
4. Organizational Skills
5. Communication Skills
6. Adaptability
7. Problem-Solving Abilities
8. Event Management Skills
9. Commitment and Dedication
10. Inclusivity and Sportsmanspirit
11. Networking Skills
12. Time Management
4. One of the functions of sports cell is to conduct sports law events. Do you
have any prior knowledge or experience in the same? Discuss the
importance of sports law education.

Ans. Sports law education has become increasingly significant due to the growing complexity
and legal intricacies within the world of sports. Here are key reasons highlighting the
importance of sports law education:

1. Legal Complexity in Sports

2. Player and Athlete Rights

3. Governance and Regulatory Compliance

4. Event Management and Liability.

5. Intellectual Property Protection

6. Contract Negotiation and Dispute Resolution

7. Anti-Doping and Ethics in Sports

8. Career Opportunities in Sports Law

9. Globalization of Sports

10. Protecting the Interests of Stakeholders

In conclusion, sports law education is essential for individuals seeking to work in the sports
industry, providing them with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the legal
complexities and contribute to the fair, ethical, and legal functioning of the sports world.

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