Test III°B Unit 0 2024

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P.T P.

O Nota

Test Unit 0 “Rules & Regulations” 53

Nombre: ___________________________________Fecha de aplicación: 02 abril 2024
Curso: III° Medio B Teacher(s): Lady Ponce T.
Objectives: 1. Students apply the use of Be allowed to / Let in different context 2. To
be able to match and analyze the main ideas about the text. 3. To apply vocabulary
about “Discipline” and “Consequences & reasons” in a context.


I. Circle or underline the best option: (Aplicación) ____/10 points
(Don´t use liquid)

1. Students aren´t allowed to / don´t let use a bilingual dictionary

during the exam.
2. Mia´s parents aren´t allowed to / don´t let her go on holidays with
her friends.
3. Dogs aren´t allowed / don´t let into the restaurant.
4. Nobody is allowed to / lets use their mobile in the theatre.
5. Dad is allowed to / lets me use his computer at the weekend.
6. Are / Do you allowed to / let ride your bike to school?
7. My mum is allowed to / lets me use my tablet for one hour a day.
8. Are / Do your parents allowed to / let you stay up late at the

II. Complete the sentences with your own ideas. ____/6 points
III. Rewrite the signs using Be (not) ALLOWED TO. (Aplicación) ___/5

Grammar: Let, be allowed to (Aplicación y análisis) ___/10 points

IV Rewrite the sentences using let or be allowed to.

0 My parents say I can go out in the evening.

My parents let me go out in the evening.
1 Our Maths teacher doesn’t want us to use a calculator.
2 We can’t use the Internet on our own.
3 The children next door can camp in their garden.
4 My brother says I can borrow his clothes.
5 Shirley can’t sleep at her friend’s house.
(Análisis-aplicación) ____/ 5 points
Complete the sentences with the words in the list.
Get into trouble – what she´s told – behaves well – got told off –
get punished

1. If I forget my homework I ____________________________ by the teacher.

This usually means extra homework!
2. You´ll ___________________________ if you talk in class.
3. My sister never does _____________________.
4. My little brother always _________________________ when we visit
Grandma. She thinks he is so polite.
5. I __________________________by my neighbours when I kicked my
football into their garden.
VI. Match the parts of the sentences: (Conocimiento-Comprensión)
_____/ 5 points
1. Kate forgot her dad´s birthday _____
2. Cinema tickets are cheaper today _____
3. I was really tired when I got home _____
4. Bob and Joe got into trouble at school, didn´t they? _____
5. Why did you get home so late? _____
A That´s the reason why I went to bed early.
B Because I missed the bus and I had to walk.
C That explains why there is a long queue outside.
D That´s why he looks upset.
E That´s right. It´s because of their behaviour in class.

VII. READING. (Comprensión y análisis)

For many periods in history, men and women have not had the same chances in life, for
example, women have not always been able to vote in elections. In Spain, women could
any vote in 1931. In Switzerland, women could not vote in every election until 1991.
The USA is sometimes called the “Land of the free”, but if you had been a woman there in
the 1970s, you wouldn´t have been able to have your own credit card or get a bank loan.
Women were only owed to have one after 1974. This meant that most women couldn´t buy
expensive things, for example, a car, unless they had the help of a man.
Men and women are often separated in sport. But until 1972, women were not allowed to
take part in the Boston Marathon, also in the USA. That year, Nina Kuscik, an excellent
runner, decided to run in the Marathon under a fake name. The organisers didn´t know she
was a woman. On the day of the race, many people tried to stop her, but she became the
first woman to finish the marathon, in just over 4 hours.
If you had been a woman in Ancient Greece, you wouldn´t have been able to take part in
the Olympic Games. Only men could play. In fact, the rules were so strict, women were not
even allowed to watch the Olympics!
In Shakespeare´s England, in the 16th century, women could not act on stage. This meant
that all the female parts were played by men. Even in Shakespeare´s Romeo and Juliet,
the character of Juliet was played by a boy!
Another example is the invention of the train, in the 19th century. At the same time, trains
were thought to be extremely fast, and dangerous for women´s bodies. This might seem
funny, but it wasn´t until 1979 that NASA let women become astronauts on their space
The fight for women´s rights continues even today, in many countries. But throughout
history, women have always demonstrated that they are just as good as men.
Read the article. Match the numbers with the information. There are three
extra pieces of information. (Aplicar-Relacionar) ____/ 4 points
04 _____
1 16 __H__
2 19 _____
3 1931 _____
4 1972 _____
5 1974 _____
6 1979 _____
7 1991 _____
a When women could run in the Boston Marathon.
b When women were allowed to become astronauts.
c The number of hours the first women took to run the Boston Marathon.
d When women could vote in the USA.
e The century when the train was invented.
f When the Olympic Games started.
g When women in the USA could own a credit card.
h The century when women couldn’t play characters in the theatre.
i When the Boston Marathon first started.
j When women could vote in Spain.
k When women in Switzerland could vote.
Read the article again. Complete the summary with one word in each gap. Use
words from the article. (Comprensión) ____/8 points

0 Women could not take part in elections in Switzerland until 1991.

1 In the USA, women were not allowed to own a _______________card.

2 It was difficult for women to buy a __________________in the USA in the1970s.

3 The first woman to run a _____________________in Boston was Nina Kuscik, in 1972.

4 Women couldn’t watch the ______________________ , as it was a men-only event.

5 It was typical for a _________________to play female characters in Shakespeare plays.

6 When the ________________ was invented, people thought it was dangerous for women.

7 Women were not chosen to be _____________________ until the late 1970s.

8 Women have always needed to fight for their _________________________.


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