Answer Key B A Prog (SEC) SET-1 Question Paper-SEC Data Analysis BY DR.D.APPALA NAIDU

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Answer Key

Unique Paper Code/Subject Code: 62273506

Name of the Paper: Data Analysis
Name of course: B A Prog SEC
Scheme/Mode of Examinations: CBCS Semester – V
Q1 a) Levin, Ch.1 , 1.2 : Collecting Data ( Page No-39-40)

Explain different types of Data in Social Science ; Primary Data and Secondary Data with

Different methods of Analysis of Data I.,e Descriptive Statistics., mean , median , mode
SD, Quartiles, Coefficient of Correlation, Regression. (6.5 Marks)

b) Mean =8.44, Median=1.25, Cumilative Rainfall = 504.9

Rainfall in Cm2 Cumilative rainfall

0.1 0
0.6 0.7
33.8 34.5
1.9 36.4
9.6 46
4.3 50.3
33.7 84
0.3 84.3
0 84.3
0.1 84.4.
(10 Marks)

Q2 i) 𝐻0:𝜇𝐷 ≤0

𝐻1: 𝜇𝐷 > 0

ii)since t stat is larger than critical value , we reject 𝐻0 and say data
supports H1
(reference t critical value for one tailed test Rejection region: Reject 𝐻0 if
t>1.689 t= - 4.09 implies do not reject 𝐻0
t critical one tail=1.689

since p value is smaller than alpha ( i.e., 0.05 in case of one sided and
0.025 in case of two sided) , we reject H0 and conclude H1

t critical one tail=1.689

(10 Marks)

b) Levin Ch.1 Page N0 30-33. (6.5 Marks)


Mark Gardener Ch.9 Page No-30-35

Q3 a). Levin Ch.9 Page No 300-301,208-309 (8 Marks)

b) Levin Ch.2Page No.70-71,78-79. (8 .5Marks)

Q4 a)
category succesful not successful total
films 17024 26857 43881
games 5105 10075 15180
music 19275 17050 36325
technology 2556 8770 11326
total 43960 62752 106712

Con>ngency table based on percentge of total

category succesful not successful total
films 15.95 25.17 41.12
games 4.78 9.44 14.23
music 18.06 15.98 34.04
technology 2.40 8.22 10.61
total 41.19 58.81 100.00

Con>ngency table based on percentge of row total

category succesful not successful total
films 38.80 61.20 100.00
games 33.63 66.37 100.00
music 53.06 46.94 100.00
technology 22.57 77.43 100.00
total 41.19 58.81 100.00

Con>ngency table based on percentge of column total

category succesful not successful total
films 38.73 42.80 41.12
games 11.61 16.06 14.23
music 43.85 27.17 34.04
technology 5.81 13.98 10.61
total 100.00 100.00 100.00

(10 Marks)

b). (8.25 Marks)

5 a) Other than RBI World bank DataBase and (6.5 Marks)

b). (10 Marks)


i)Levin Ch.1.3 .Page No-41-43.

ii)Levin Ch.1.3 .Page No-298

iii). (16.25 Marks)

*Thank You*

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