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For each statement, rate yourself from 1 (one) to 5 (five) in column "C" that describes you best.
Please answer questions as you actually are (rather than how you think you should be).
When you are finished, go to the "Result" worksheet by clicking the "Result" tab at the bottom.

15 Statements to Rate Rating

I routinely set realistic goals for myself, and I track my progress until I've reached
1 3

2 When I have to make a decision, I pick the first good solution I find. 2
3 I approach life with confidence, and I have high self esteem. 4
4 When it comes to managing my workload, I know my priorities. 4

Team development is an area I admit to cutting back on when time and resources
5 4
are limited.

6 I lose time during the day because I'm not sure what I need to get done. 1

7 When I want to motivate people, I try to use the same approach with each person. 1

The work I do on a daily basis reflects my values, and is consistent with the goals
8 4
I've set for myself.

I'm able to communicate my needs, and I make sure that my message is heard and
9 3

10 When I encounter a problem, I immediately begin looking for potential solutions. 4

When there's conflict, I use my communication skills to find solutions and work
11 4
things through.

12 I'm aware of the differences between leadership and management. 3

When discussing an issue with someone, I try to stay one step ahead in the
13 2
conversation, and I actively think about what I'm going to say next.

When I encounter a setback, I have difficulty focusing on the situation positively and
14 2

15 I'm motivated to complete all of my work in a timely manner. 5

Your Skills 2-Apr-24

Leadership & Problem Solving &

Communication Skills Time Management Personal Mastery
Management Decision Making

66.67% 66.67% 73.33% 75.00% 75.00%

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