Grand Test 2

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5/15/2021 GATE CS Applied Course

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All Correct Answers Wrong Answers Not Attempted Questions

Q.1) Subject: Algorithms Max Marks: 1 

Which of the following is not an inplace sorting algorithm.

A Merge Sort Correct Option

Solution: (A)
Merge sort and Radix sort required additional memory so they are not inplace sorting algorithms.

B Quick Sort Your answer is Wrong

C Insertion Sort

D Radix Sort Correct Option

Solution: (D)
Merge sort and Radix sort required additional memory so they are not inplace sorting algorithms.

Time taken to answer this question 00:00:52 hrs

Q.2) Subject: Theory of Computation Max Marks: 1 

C Your answer is Wrong

D Correct Option

Solution: (D)

Time taken to answer this question 00:01:53 hrs

Q.3) Subject: digital logic systems Max Marks: 1 

What is the minimum number of literals required to represent the given function f? 1/39
5/15/2021 GATE CS Applied Course

A 1

B 2 Correct Option |  Attempted

Solution: (B)
For the given function f, the boolean expression formed will be:
=> X’Y’Z’ + X’Y’Z + XY’Z’ + XY’Z + XYZ’ + XYZ
=> X’Y’(Z’ + Z) + XY’(Z’ + Z) + XY(Z’ + Z)
=> X’Y’ + XY’ + XY
=> X’Y’ + X (Y’ + Y)
=> X’Y’ + X
=> (X’ + X)(X + Y’)
=> X + Y’
Hence, there are 2 literals in the minimal expression.

C 3

D 4

Time taken to answer this question 00:03:29 hrs

Q.4) Subject: digital logic systems Max Marks: 1 

For the given combinational circuit:

The expression for the function F will is ________

Correct Answer

Solution: ()
For the given circuit:
S1 = A . 0 = 0
S2 = B + 1
Therefore, F will be:
F = S1’S0’ . I0 + S1’S0. I1 + S1S0’ . I2 + S1S0 . I3
=> 1. 0. A + 1 . 1. 0 + 0. 0. B + 0 . 1. 1
=> 0

Time taken to answer this question 00:00:41 hrs 2/39
5/15/2021 GATE CS Applied Course

Q.5) Subject: DBMS Max Marks: 1 

Under a relational database in the most general case, if a relation A has a foreign key (FK) constraint referencing table
B, then, via the FK,

A each tuple in A is related to zero or more tuples in B.

B each tuple in A is related to exactly one tuple in B.

C each tuple in A is related to zero, one or more tuples in B. Your answer is Wrong

D each tuple in A is related to zero or one tuple in B. Correct Option

Solution: (D)
A foreign key is defined as an attribute or set of attributes in a relation whose value matches a primary key in another relation. Here A is the
referencing relation and B is the referenced relation. So a single tuple in A can refer to zero(because a foreign key can take NULL values) or one of the
relation B.

Time taken to answer this question 00:02:06 hrs

Q.6) Subject: Algorithms Max Marks: 1 

Consider the following recurrence relation

D Correct Option |  Attempted

Solution: (D)

Time taken to answer this question 00:04:28 hrs

Q.7) Subject: DBMS Max Marks: 1 

Consider a relation R(X, Y), which is empty. Which of the following is correct about the result obtained on executing the
below given query?
Select R.X, MAX(R. Y) as High from R group by R.X;

A A table of columns with one row with the value (NULL, NULL)

B A table of 2 columns with one row with the value (NULL, INF)

C An empty table of two columns Correct Option |  Attempted

Solution: (C)
Since, the relation R is empty, therefore, it will not return any NULL values. The resultant relation will have 2 columns and 0 tuples.

D An error message

Time taken to answer this question 00:02:12 hrs

Q.8) Subject: Data Structures Max Marks: 1 

Time required to check the matching parenthesis if the input consist of n characters 3/39
5/15/2021 GATE CS Applied Course

A Correct Option |  Attempted

Solution: (A)
Since each character has to be either pushed onto the stack or popped or ignored we are doing a constant amount of work for each character hence the
total time required is O(n).

D None of the above.

Time taken to answer this question 00:01:39 hrs

Q.9) Subject: Theory of Computation Max Marks: 1 

A 4

B 6 Your answer is Wrong

C 8 Correct Option

Solution: (C)

D 16

Time taken to answer this question 00:08:40 hrs

Q.10) Subject: computer organization Max Marks: 1 

A 001111, 001111

B 001011, 001011 Correct Option 4/39
5/15/2021 GATE CS Applied Course

Solution: (B)
182 binary equivalent is
000000 001011 0110
O set is 0110 (0-3)
Index bits are 001011 (4-9)
TAG bits are 000000 (10-15)
190 binary equivalent is
000000 001011 1110
O set is 1110 (0-3)
Index bits are 001011 (4-9)
TAG bits are 000000 (10-15)

C 001011, 001110

D 001111, 001011

Q.11) Subject: C Programming Max Marks: 1 

What is the output of the following c code when integer is of 2 bytes ?

A 2 0

B 0 2 Correct Option

Solution: (B)
Union declares the variable of maximum size.
So the 2 bytes of memory will be declared here.
Var.x = 512
X is assigned with 512.
512 = 00000010 00000000
Char variable is also using the same memory in the union.
So var.y[0] = 00000000 = 0
var.y[1] = 00000010 = 2

C 512 512

D 512 garbage

Q.12) Subject: Theory of Computation Max Marks: 1 

Substitution of values for names (whose values are constants) is done in

A Local Optimization

B Loop Optimization

C Constant Folding Correct Option |  Attempted 5/39
5/15/2021 GATE CS Applied Course

Solution: (C)
Expressions with constant operands can be evaluated at compile time, thus improving run-time performance and reducing code size by avoiding
evaluation at compile-time.

D Strength Reduction

Time taken to answer this question 00:02:02 hrs

Q.13) Subject: Engineering-Mathematics Max Marks: 1 

Square root of the following matrix A

C Correct Option |  Attempted

Solution: (C)

D Correct Option

Solution: (D)

Time taken to answer this question 00:04:01 hrs

Q.14) Subject: Engineering-Mathematics Max Marks: 1 

A Correct Option |  Attempted

Solution: (A) 6/39
5/15/2021 GATE CS Applied Course

D None of the above

Time taken to answer this question 00:02:40 hrs

Q.15) Subject: Discrete Mathematics Max Marks: 1 

Correct Answer |  Attempted

Solution: (1)

Time taken to answer this question 00:02:13 hrs

Q.16) Subject: operating systems Max Marks: 1 

Consider the following statements S1 and S2 :
S1 : Multithreading need not always improve the performance over single-threaded versions of the same program.
S2 : Multithreading would guarantee an improved performance over single-threaded versions of the same program.
Which of the following is incorrect?

A S1 only Your answer is Wrong

B S2 only Correct Option

Solution: (B)
Whether or not multiple threads improve performance depends largely on whether the work in a program can be parallelized. Programs that perform
the same operation across alargeset of data (for example, matrix arithmetic) can be easily parallelized and therefore will perform better with multiple
threads. Programs that are largely sequential (for example,a program reading the contents of a file in order) would not run faster with multiple

C Both S1 and S2

D None of the above

Time taken to answer this question 00:01:42 hrs

Q.17) Subject: computer organization Max Marks: 1 

The transfer of branch information to the microprocessor by an interrupting source through the data
bus is called as ________.

A Vectored Interrupt Correct Option |  Attempted

Solution: (A)
Vectored interrupts are achieved by assigning each interrupting device a unique code, typically four to eight bits in length. When a device interrupts, it
sends its unique code over the data bus to the processor, telling the processor which interrupt service routine to execute.

B Non-vectored Interrupt

C Priority Interrupt

D None of the above

Time taken to answer this question 00:00:42 hrs 7/39
5/15/2021 GATE CS Applied Course

Q.18) Subject: Computer Networks Max Marks: 1 

Consider the network where X and Y is connected with a link. Given the size of the packet is D bytes and
the bandwidth is B bits/sec. The link speed is S meter per second and the length of the link is L meters. Acknowledgment is of A bits. Suppose the processing
delay is negligible. What is the total time required to for a packet to reach the Y.[ Assume packet reaches safely without any delay to the Y]

A D/B +2(L/S) + A/B

B 8 D/ B + L/S Correct Option |  Attempted

Solution: (B)
Here we are only asking the time required for packet to reach Y.
Total time = Tt + Tp
Tt = 8 D / B
Tp = L / S
Total time = 8D/B + L/S

C 8D/ B + 2 L/S + A/B

D None of these

Time taken to answer this question 00:12:01 hrs

Q.19) Subject: Engineering-Mathematics Max Marks: 1 

A box contains 10 apples out of which 4 are rotten. Two apples are taken out together if one of them is
found to be good then the probability that the other is also good is

A 1/3

B 8/15 Your answer is Wrong

C 5/13 Correct Option

Solution: (C)

D 2/3

Time taken to answer this question 00:00:47 hrs

Q.20) Subject: computer organization Max Marks: 1 

The table below shows instruction-type breakdown for di erent programs. Using this data, you will be
exploring the performance tradeo s with di erent changes made to a MIPS processor.

Assuming that computes take 1 cycle, loads and store instructions take 2 cycles, and branches take 3 cycles, find the execution time (in ns) of this program on
a 3 GHz MIPS processor.

A 193

B 867 Correct Option

Solution: (B) 8/39
5/15/2021 GATE CS Applied Course

C 617

D 766

Q.21) Subject: Data Structures Max Marks: 2 

Consider an (20*20) upper triangular matrix is stored in a single array in an optimised manner if the address of
the array starts at location 2000 then the address of the element (10, 7) is___ (Assume array indexing starts with 0 and matrix index starts with (1,1))

Correct Answer

Solution: (2150)
The starting address for the array is 2000 and at the ith row we have i elements and the total number elements upto the 9th row are
20+19+18+17+16+15+14+13+12 and in the 10th row we are interested in the address of the 7th element.
Address of (10, 7)=2000+(20+19+18+17+16+15+14+13+12+ 7) -1=2150

Q.22) Subject: Discrete Mathematics Max Marks: 2 

Correct Answer |  Attempted

Solution: (16)

Time taken to answer this question 00:01:15 hrs

Q.23) Subject: Theory of Computation Max Marks: 2 

Correct Answer

Solution: (5)

Your Answer is wrong (6)

Time taken to answer this question 00:01:07 hrs

Q.24) Subject: computer organization Max Marks: 2 

The memory unit of a computer has 256K words of 32bits each. The computer has an instruction format
with four fields : an operation code field, a mode field to specify one of seven addressing modes, a register address field to specify one of 60 processor
registers, and a memory address. The maximum possible opcodes(instructions) in the given instruction format is___

Correct Answer 9/39
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Solution: (32)

Q.25) Subject: C Programming Max Marks: 2 

Find the output of the following program

A Computer PGogrammRng

B Rng Correct Option

Solution: (B)

C Computer Programming

D Computer PGogramming Your answer is Wrong

Time taken to answer this question 00:02:51 hrs

Q.26) Subject: Data Structures Max Marks: 2 

Which of the following does not represent a Binary Search Tree in array format assuming array indexing starts
at 1 and root is placed at index 1

A 7, 6, 10, 8, 4, 8, 7 Correct Option |  Attempted 10/39
5/15/2021 GATE CS Applied Course

Solution: (A)
7, 6, 10, 8, 4, 8, 7 is not valid because 8 is present is the le sub tree of 7(root).
2, 0, 10, -5, 1, 7,9 is not valid because 9 is present in the right sub tree of 10.
3, 4, 10, 12, 7, 8, 12 is not valid because 4 is present in the right sub tree of 3(root).
4, 1, 8, -3, 3, 5, 6 is not valid because 5 is the le child of 8, and 6 is the right child of 8.

B 2, 0, 10, -5, 1, 7,9 Correct Option |  Attempted

Solution: (B)
7, 6, 10, 8, 4, 8, 7 is not valid because 8 is present is the le sub tree of 7(root).
2, 0, 10, -5, 1, 7,9 is not valid because 9 is present in the right sub tree of 10.
3, 4, 10, 12, 7, 8, 12 is not valid because 4 is present in the right sub tree of 3(root).
4, 1, 8, -3, 3, 5, 6 is not valid because 5 is the le child of 8, and 6 is the right child of 8.

C 3, 4, 10, 12, 7, 8, 12 Correct Option |  Attempted

Solution: (C)
7, 6, 10, 8, 4, 8, 7 is not valid because 8 is present is the le sub tree of 7(root).
2, 0, 10, -5, 1, 7,9 is not valid because 9 is present in the right sub tree of 10.
3, 4, 10, 12, 7, 8, 12 is not valid because 4 is present in the right sub tree of 3(root).
4, 1, 8, -3, 3, 5, 6 is not valid because 5 is the le child of 8, and 6 is the right child of 8.

D 4, 1, 8, -3, 3, 5, 6 Correct Option |  Attempted

Solution: (D)
7, 6, 10, 8, 4, 8, 7 is not valid because 8 is present is the le sub tree of 7(root).
2, 0, 10, -5, 1, 7,9 is not valid because 9 is present in the right sub tree of 10.
3, 4, 10, 12, 7, 8, 12 is not valid because 4 is present in the right sub tree of 3(root).
4, 1, 8, -3, 3, 5, 6 is not valid because 5 is the le child of 8, and 6 is the right child of 8.

Time taken to answer this question 00:04:37 hrs

Q.27) Subject: Computer Networks Max Marks: 2 

How much time (in sec) will take to transfer a 30 MB file using the regular token bucket algorithm, if the
token rate is 12 MBPS, the maximum output rate is 20 MBPS and the capacity of the router is 10 MB.[ Write the seal value of the answer]

A 1

B 2 Correct Option

Solution: (B)
C= capacity
M= Max output rate
S= Max burst time
C + ?S = MS
(10 * 10^6 * 8) + (12 * 10^6 * 2 ^3)S = (20 * 10^6 * 2 ^3)S
S = 1.25 sec
So 1.25 sec we transfer with the full rate
1 sec = 20 MB
1.25 sec = 1.25 * 20 MB = 25 MB transferred
Rest of 5 MB will transfer at 12 MBPS
1 sec = 12 MB
5 MB = (1 / 12) * 5 = 0.416 sec
Total time= 1.25 + 0.416 = 1.66 sec

C 3 Your answer is Wrong

D 4

Time taken to answer this question 00:00:43 hrs

Q.28) Subject: Algorithms Max Marks: 2  11/39
5/15/2021 GATE CS Applied Course

Consider the following table which contains the characters and their frequency in which they occur in a message the number of characters required for the
following message if Hu man Encoding is used what is the average length of a character in bits_____

Correct Answer

Solution: (2.25)

The average length of character is given by sum(P(c)*length(c))=1/2*1+1/10*2+1/20*4+1/5*3+1/20*5+1/10*5=2.25

Your Answer is wrong (2)

Time taken to answer this question 00:13:53 hrs

Q.29) Subject: Computer Networks Max Marks: 2 

Suppose host A is sending a large file to host B over a TCP connection. The two end hosts are 10 msec apart
(20 msec RTT) connected by a 1 Gbps link. Assume that they are using a packet size of 1000 bytes to transmit the file. Also, assume for simplicity that ACK
packets are extremely small and can be ignored. At least how big would the window size (in packets) have to be for the channel utilization to be equal to 80%?
[ Take the floor value of the answer]

Correct Answer |  Attempted

Solution: (2000)
Bandwidth = 10 ^9 bits/ sec.
1 sec = 10 ^9 bits can be send
In Round trip time = 20 * 10 ^ -3 * 10 ^9 = 2 * 10 ^ 7 bits
For 80 % utilisation = 0.8 * 2 * 10 ^ 7 = 1.6 * 10 ^ 7 bits.
The total no of packets = 1.6 * 10 ^ 7 / 1000 * 8 = 2000 packets.
WS = 2000

Time taken to answer this question 00:03:15 hrs

Q.30) Subject: Algorithms Max Marks: 2 

The number of longest common subsequences among the following two strings are

Correct Answer 12/39
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Solution: (3)
If we compute the LCS’s of the above two strings can be computed using the DP table we will get
As the 3 possible longest common subsequences.

Your Answer is wrong (1)

Time taken to answer this question 00:04:01 hrs

Q.31) Subject: digital logic systems Max Marks: 2 

A 3

B 5 Correct Option |  Attempted

Solution: (B)

C 9

D None of the above

Time taken to answer this question 00:02:13 hrs

Q.32) Subject: Discrete Mathematics Max Marks: 2 

A S1 is True, S2 is True

B S1 is True, S2 is False

C S1 is False, S2 is True

D None of the above Correct Option 13/39
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Solution: (D)

Q.33) Subject: Theory of Computation Max Marks: 2 

A I and II only Your answer is Wrong

B II and III only

C II only

D III only Correct Option

Solution: (D)

Time taken to answer this question 00:01:12 hrs

Q.34) Subject: Theory of Computation Max Marks: 2 

A S/R conflict

B R/R conflict

C No Conflicts Correct Option 14/39
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Solution: (C)

D Contains both S/R and R/R conflicts

Q.35) Subject: Engineering-Mathematics Max Marks: 2 

There are 5 periods in each working day in a school, then the number of ways you can arrange 4
subjects during the working day is given by (there cannot be any free period and every subject has to be scheduled at least once)

A 180

B 220

C 240 Correct Option

Solution: (C)
We have 5 periods we can arrange 4 subjects in P(5,4) ways and one subject can be selected in C(4,1) ways as 2 subjects are identical we need to divide by 2! the
total no ways =P(5,4)*C(4,1)/2!=240.

D 125 Your answer is Wrong

Time taken to answer this question 00:02:16 hrs

Q.36) Subject: Computer Networks Max Marks: 2 

Consider the e ect of using slow start on a line with 10 msec round trip time. The size of the congestion
window is set to 36 KB. The sender side threshold is set to 18 KB. At the end of 6th transmission a time-out occurs, a er time-out the time taken to completely
send the first full window of 16 KB is (in msec). ? [ Assume that MSS = 2 KB]

Correct Answer

Solution: (70)
First transmission: 2 KB
Second transmission: 4 KB
Third transmission: 8 KB
Fourth transmission: 16 KB
Fi h transmission: 18 KB [ Th reached]
Sixth transmission: 20 KB [ timeout occurs new th = 10 KB]
Seventh transmission: 2 KB
Eighth transmission: 4 KB
Ninth transmission: 8 KB
Tenth transmission: 10 KB [ Th reached]

Eleventh transmission: 12 KB 15/39
5/15/2021 GATE CS Applied Course

Twel h transmission : 14 KB

Thirteenth transmission : 16 KB
Total time = 7 * 10 msec = 70 msec

Your Answer is wrong (120)

Time taken to answer this question 00:04:46 hrs

Q.37) Subject: operating systems Max Marks: 2 

Consider the three file allocation strategies:
a. Indexed files allocation
b. Linked files allocation
c. Contiguous allocation
You have a file system where the most important criteria is the performance of sequential access to very large files.
Rank the three strategies in order of best to worst.

A a, b, c Your answer is Wrong

B b, a, c

C c, a, b

D None of the above Correct Option

Solution: (D)

Time taken to answer this question 00:04:18 hrs

Q.38) Subject: DBMS Max Marks: 2 

Consider the below given lists:

Which of the following matches is correct?

A (1) - (a), (2) -(b), (3) - ( c)

B (1) - (b), (2) - (a), (3) - ( c)

C (1) - (c), (2) - ( b), (3) - (a)

D (1) - (b), (2) - ( c), (3) - (a) Correct Option |  Attempted

Solution: (D)
W1(A), W1(B), W2(A), R2(B), C2, C1: It is not recoverable but it is serializable. The update operations of the schedules are serial, and therefore
serializable. However, since T2 commits before T1 we could end up in the following scenario: T2 commits completely but the system crashes
before T1 does. A er recovery, T2 would remain committed, but T1 would be rolled back because it has no log entry. Since the result of T2
depends on T1's completion, we would have a contradiction; T2 should not be able to complete if T1 does not complete. 16/39
5/15/2021 GATE CS Applied Course

W1(A), W1(B), W2(A), R2(B), C1, C2: It is both recoverable and serializable. The update operations of the schedules are serial, and therefore
serializable. For recoverability, the only read is R(B) in T2, and T2 does not commit until a er T1 has committed.
W2(A), W1(A), W1(B), R2(B), C1, C2: It is recoverable but not serializable. There is a cycle in the dependency graph T2--A->T1 and T1--B->T2, so
it's not serializable. However, T1 commits before T2, so it's recoverable.

Time taken to answer this question 00:04:36 hrs

Q.39) Subject: Algorithms Max Marks: 2 

The time complexity of the following function “fast_funciton” is

A Correct Option

Solution: (A)

B Correct Option |  Attempted

Solution: (B)

C Your answer is Wrong

D None of the above

Time taken to answer this question 00:00:37 hrs

Q.40) Subject: Algorithms Max Marks: 2 

The cost of the MST of the below graph is given by

Correct Answer |  Attempted

Solution: (12)
The MST of the above graph can be determined by Prim’s or Kruskal’s algorithm; the MST consists of the edges AB, BC, CD, DE, DF, the cost is given by
2+2+2+3+3=12. 17/39
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Time taken to answer this question 00:03:51 hrs

Q.41) Subject: operating systems Max Marks: 2 

Consider the following code given below:

Consider the following 3 requirements of synchronization mechanism:

I. Mutual Exclusion
II. Progress
III. Bounded Waiting
Among the above 3 requirements, the number of requirements that are not satisfied by the code given above is ___.

Correct Answer

Solution: (1)
flag[i] set to true means that Pi is requesting access to the critical section.
The code satisfies mutual exclusion, but not progress.
Does not satisfy progress because: If the two processes set their flags to true at the same time, then they will both wait forever.

Bounded waiting is satisfied.

Bounded waiting is number of times(which should have bound) a process will enter CS while other process has already initiated to enter CS

Processes may go to busy waiting.

This also doesn't dis-satisfy the bounded waiting criteria. Because, bounded wait is not related to time. And yet, processes are not able to
continuously go in and dis-satisfy (violate) bounded waiting criteria.

Your Answer is wrong (2)

Time taken to answer this question 00:00:10 hrs

Q.42) Subject: C Programming Max Marks: 2 

What is the output of the following c code ? 18/39
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Correct Answer

Solution: (24)
First iteration
i = 4, j=1
4 + (1 %7)==0 false || j> 5 false
else if
5 % 2 != 0 (true)
Second iteration
5 + (2 % 7) == 0 false || j > 5 false
Else if
7 mod 2 != 0 true
i bcomes = 6
Third iteration
6 + ( 4 % 7) == 0 false || j>5 false
Else if
10 % 2 != 0 false.
K = i + j = 10
Fourth iteration
6 + 8 mod 7 == 0 false || j > 5 true
Break we come out from loop
So i = 6 , j = 8 , k = 10
I +j + k = 24

Q.43) Subject: computer organization Max Marks: 2 

Correct Answer |  Attempted 19/39
5/15/2021 GATE CS Applied Course

Solution: (9)

Time taken to answer this question 00:00:22 hrs

Q.1) Subject: General Aptitude Max Marks: 1 

A Thoughtful in spending only on guests and strangers.

B Unconcerned in treating his friends and relatives.

C Stinginess in dealing with his relatives.

D Extravagance in entertaining guests. Correct Option |  Attempted

Solution: (D)
The meaning of the word “hospitality” is the quality or disposition of receiving and treating guests and strangers in a warm, friendly, generous way
which justifies that option (d) is the correct answer.

Time taken to answer this question 00:01:29 hrs

Q.2) Subject: General Aptitude Max Marks: 1 

Find the sum of all integers of 3 digits that are divisible by 11.

A 49,335

B 41,338

C 44,550 Correct Option |  Attempted

Solution: (C)
The required sum would be given by the sum of the series 110, 121, 132, ….., 990. The number of terms in the series = [(990-110)/11] + 1 = 80 + 1 = 81.
The sum of the series = 81 * 550 (average of 110 and 990) = 44,550.

D 47,300

Time taken to answer this question 00:07:20 hrs 20/39
5/15/2021 GATE CS Applied Course

Subject: General Aptitude Max Marks: 1 

A 1,5,7 ; 2,4,6 ; 3,9,8

B 1,4,7 ; 2,5,8 ; 3,6,9

C 1,5,7 ; 2,4,8 ; 3,6,9 Correct Option |  Attempted

Solution: (C)
1, 5, 7 have two similar elements, one inside the other.
2, 4, 8 have one element placed inside a di erent element.
3, 6, 9 have two similar elements, one inside the other and the area between the two elements is shaded.

D 1,7,9 ; 3,5,8 ; 2,4,6

Time taken to answer this question 00:02:07 hrs

Q.4) Subject: General Aptitude Max Marks: 1 

From the choices given below, select the pair of words which exhibits the same relationship between each
other as the given capitalized pair of words
Glucose : Carbohydrate :: Soyabean : ?

A Vitamins

B Proteins Correct Option |  Attempted

Solution: (B)
Glucose is rich in carbohydrates and soyabean is rich in proteins.

C Minerals

D Legumes

Time taken to answer this question 00:00:21 hrs

Q.5) Subject: General Aptitude Max Marks: 1 

Choose the correct conclusion for the given statements
I. Private companies’ employees work for five working days with 9 working hours every day.
II. IOC’s employees work for 6 working days a week nad 8 working hours a day.

A IOC’s employees are better than Private companies’ employees.

B IOC’s employees work more than Private companies’ employees. Correct Option |  Attempted

Solution: (B)
Options (a) and (d) do not follow as we do not know anything about who is better. From the two statements it is easy to conclude that IOC’s employees
work more than Private company employees. Hence option(b) is correct.

C Private companies’ employees work more than IOC’s employees. 21/39
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D IOC’s employees are more e icient than that of private companies.

Time taken to answer this question 00:01:54 hrs

Q.6) Subject: General Aptitude Max Marks: 2 

__________ the general had been told by the field sta that continuing warfare would be __________ to his
soldiers, he insisted on deploying more battle tanks.

A Although …. detrimental Correct Option |  Attempted

Solution: (A)

B Because …. instrumental

C Although …. formidable

D Because …. Immediate

Time taken to answer this question 00:00:48 hrs

Q.7) Subject: General Aptitude Max Marks: 2 

A 2.689

B -0.0552 Correct Option

Solution: (B)

C 2.2402

D 2.702 22/39
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Q.8) Subject: General Aptitude Max Marks: 2 

A 12, 4, 3

B 12, 5, 4 Correct Option

Solution: (B)
Integrated Circuits have a failure rate of 30 per thousand which translates into 3% [(30/1000)*100]. Thus, for an equipment using 400 of these, we need
to keep 3% spare. 3% of 400 = 12. Thus, we should keep a total of 12 Integrated Circuits as spare.
By the same logic, for capacitors we need 2% spares, for 240 we need a back-up of 4.8 capacitors, which gets rounded o to 5 capacitors.
Hence option(b) can be selected at this point as the correct answer.

C 5, 12, 4

D 12, 4, 4

Q.9) Subject: General Aptitude Max Marks: 2 

A 2 Correct Option 23/39
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Solution: (A)

B 6

C 8

D 4

Q.10) Subject: General Aptitude Max Marks: 2 

PQRS is the diameter of a circle of a radius 6 cm. The lengths PQ, QR and RS are equal. Semi-circles are drawn
with PQ and QS as diameters as shown in figure alongside. Find the ratio of the area of the shaded region to that of the unshaded region.

A 1:2

B 25 : 121

C 5 : 18

D 5 : 13 Correct Option |  Attempted

Solution: (D)

Time taken to answer this question 00:05:30 hrs 24/39
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Consider the following statements S1 and S2 : Subject: Discrete Mathematics Max Marks: 1 
S1 : Every total order is also a partial order.
S2 : If |A| = 4 and |B| = 5, then there is not any surjective (onto) function from A to B.
Which of the following are incorrect?

A S1 is False, S2 is True Correct Option

Solution: (A)
S1 : TRUE. A total order is defined to be a partial order that also has the totality property.
S2 : TRUE. This is a standard result about surjections and size of finite sets.

B S1 is True, S2 is False Correct Option |  Attempted

Solution: (B)
S1 : TRUE. A total order is defined to be a partial order that also has the totality property.
S2 : TRUE. This is a standard result about surjections and size of finite sets.

C Both S1 and S2 are False Correct Option

Solution: (C)
S1 : TRUE. A total order is defined to be a partial order that also has the totality property.
S2 : TRUE. This is a standard result about surjections and size of finite sets.

D Both S1 and S2 are True

Time taken to answer this question 00:03:41 hrs

Q.2) Subject: C Programming Max Marks: 1 

What are the data types that can be returned by the c function ?

A int, float, double, char Correct Option |  Attempted

Solution: (A)
All of the above options can be used as the return type in the function.

B struct, enum Correct Option |  Attempted

Solution: (B)
All of the above options can be used as the return type in the function.

C Pointers to variables, arrays, functions, struct variables, enum variables etc Correct Option |  Attempted

Solution: (C)
All of the above options can be used as the return type in the function.

D Pointer to function Correct Option |  Attempted

Solution: (D)
All of the above options can be used as the return type in the function.

Time taken to answer this question 00:00:16 hrs

Q.3) Subject: Computer Networks Max Marks: 1 

Which of the following are dynamic routing protocols?

A ICMP Your answer is Wrong

B OSPF Correct Option |  Attempted

Solution: (B)
ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) is used by the ping command to
determine if a given IP address is reachable on the network. This is done by
sending out an ICMP Echo Request message and, in response, receiving an
ICMP Echo Reply. While ICMP is used for other purposes, its use by the ping 25/39
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command is probably the most well-known.

OSPF (Open Shortest Path First) is a distance-vector dynamic routing protocol
that uses the Dijkstra Shortest Path First (SPF) Algorithm to determine the best
path to a remote network.
RIP(Routing information protocol) used in the distance vector routing and it is a dynamic routing periodically changes the tables.
ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) allows a network host to request the MAC
address corresponding to a known IP address. Typically, a PC will send out an
ARP broadcast a er being powered on, so that the PC can learn the MAC
address corresponding to the IP address of the PC’s default gateway.

C RIP Correct Option

Solution: (C)
ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) is used by the ping command to
determine if a given IP address is reachable on the network. This is done by
sending out an ICMP Echo Request message and, in response, receiving an
ICMP Echo Reply. While ICMP is used for other purposes, its use by the ping
command is probably the most well-known.
OSPF (Open Shortest Path First) is a distance-vector dynamic routing protocol
that uses the Dijkstra Shortest Path First (SPF) Algorithm to determine the best
path to a remote network.
RIP(Routing information protocol) used in the distance vector routing and it is a dynamic routing periodically changes the tables.
ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) allows a network host to request the MAC
address corresponding to a known IP address. Typically, a PC will send out an
ARP broadcast a er being powered on, so that the PC can learn the MAC
address corresponding to the IP address of the PC’s default gateway.


Time taken to answer this question 00:01:56 hrs

Q.4) Subject: operating systems Max Marks: 1 

Suppose that the following processes arrive for execution at the times indicated. Each process will run for
the amount of time listed. In answering the question, use nonpreemptive scheduling, and base all the decisions on the information you have at the time the
decision must be made.

Which of the following are not the average turnaround time for these processes with the SJF scheduling algorithm in units of time?

A 9.22 Correct Option |  Attempted

Solution: (A)

B 9.45 Correct Option |  Attempted

Solution: (B)

C 9.53

D 9.77 Correct Option |  Attempted

Solution: (D) 26/39
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Time taken to answer this question 00:02:30 hrs

Q.5) Subject: Computer Networks Max Marks: 1 

Suppose computers A and B have IP addresses and respectively and they both
use the same netmask N. Which of the values of N given below can be used if A and B should belong to the same network.?

A Correct Option |  Attempted

Solution: (A)
a.If we take AND between option a and both the available addresses we will get the same net id.
b. If we take AND between option b and both the available addresses we will get the same net id.
c. If we take AND between option c and both the available addresses we will get the same net id.
d. If we take AND between option d and both the available addresses we will get the same net id.

B Correct Option |  Attempted

Solution: (B)
a.If we take AND between option a and both the available addresses we will get the same net id.
b. If we take AND between option b and both the available addresses we will get the same net id.
c. If we take AND between option c and both the available addresses we will get the same net id.
d. If we take AND between option d and both the available addresses we will get the same net id.

C Correct Option |  Attempted

Solution: (C)
a.If we take AND between option a and both the available addresses we will get the same net id.
b. If we take AND between option b and both the available addresses we will get the same net id.
c. If we take AND between option c and both the available addresses we will get the same net id.
d. If we take AND between option d and both the available addresses we will get the same net id.

D Correct Option

Solution: (D)
a.If we take AND between option a and both the available addresses we will get the same net id.
b. If we take AND between option b and both the available addresses we will get the same net id.
c. If we take AND between option c and both the available addresses we will get the same net id.
d. If we take AND between option d and both the available addresses we will get the same net id.

Time taken to answer this question 00:04:10 hrs

Q.6) Subject: Theory of Computation Max Marks: 1 

Which of the following is/are True

A Correct Option 27/39
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Solution: (A)

B Your answer is Wrong

C Correct Option

Solution: (C)

D Correct Option |  Attempted 28/39
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Solution: (D)

Time taken to answer this question 00:02:26 hrs

Q.7) Subject: DBMS Max Marks: 2 

Which of the following are the legal B-Trees when the minimum branching factor P = 3?

A Your answer is Wrong

B Correct Option |  Attempted

Solution: (B)
Here branching factor P is the order of the tree (number of children).
(i) It is not a legal B-Tree because the height is not balanced. More specifically, both the node with “BD” and “KS” are at the same level but “BD” is a
leaf and “KS” is not.
(ii) It is a legal B-Tree because the root node can have minimum 1 key value.
(iii) It is a legal B-Tree. There is no problem in the given B-Tree, the order is not less than 3 and it is balanced.
(iv) It is not legal B-Tree. There is no leaf node corresponding to the keys between G and L.

C Correct Option

Solution: (C)
Here branching factor P is the order of the tree (number of children).
(i) It is not a legal B-Tree because the height is not balanced. More specifically, both the node with “BD” and “KS” are at the same level but “BD” is a
leaf and “KS” is not.
(ii) It is a legal B-Tree because the root node can have minimum 1 key value.
(iii) It is a legal B-Tree. There is no problem in the given B-Tree, the order is not less than 3 and it is balanced.
(iv) It is not legal B-Tree. There is no leaf node corresponding to the keys between G and L.

Time taken to answer this question 00:01:01 hrs 29/39
5/15/2021 GATE CS Applied Course

Q.8) Subject: Discrete Mathematics Max Marks: 2 

Consider the following statements S1 and S2 :
S1 : In a simple graph (an undirected graph with no loops or parallel edges) with n nodes, there cannot be more than 2n - 1 edges.
S2 : Let G be any graph that has at least three nodes and where every node has even degree. Then G contains a cycle that includes every edge exactly once.
Which of the following are incorrect?

A S1 is True, S2 is False Correct Option |  Attempted

Solution: (A)
S1 : FALSE. There could be as many as n(n-1)/2, which is greater than 2n - 1 for most n. For example, n could be 5, and we could have as many as
5(5-1)/2 = 10 edges, but 2n - 1 is only 9.
S2 : FALSE. If G is not connected, for example if it has more than one node and no edges at all, there is no such cycle.

B S1 is False, S2 is True Correct Option

Solution: (B)
S1 : FALSE. There could be as many as n(n-1)/2, which is greater than 2n - 1 for most n. For example, n could be 5, and we could have as many as
5(5-1)/2 = 10 edges, but 2n - 1 is only 9.
S2 : FALSE. If G is not connected, for example if it has more than one node and no edges at all, there is no such cycle.

C S1 and S2 are False

D S1 and S2 are True Correct Option |  Attempted

Solution: (D)
S1 : FALSE. There could be as many as n(n-1)/2, which is greater than 2n - 1 for most n. For example, n could be 5, and we could have as many as
5(5-1)/2 = 10 edges, but 2n - 1 is only 9.
S2 : FALSE. If G is not connected, for example if it has more than one node and no edges at all, there is no such cycle.

Time taken to answer this question 00:04:13 hrs

Q.9) Subject: digital logic systems Max Marks: 2 

A Correct Option |  Attempted 30/39
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Solution: (A) 31/39
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C Correct Option |  Attempted

Solution: (C) 32/39
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D Correct Option 33/39
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Solution: (D)

Time taken to answer this question 00:05:10 hrs

Q.10) Subject: Theory of Computation Max Marks: 2 

Which of the languages is/are True 34/39
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A Correct Option |  Attempted

Solution: (A)

B Your answer is Wrong

C Correct Option |  Attempted

Solution: (C)

Time taken to answer this question 00:02:01 hrs

Q.11) Subject: DBMS Max Marks: 2 

A Correct Option |  Attempted 35/39
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Solution: (A)

B Your answer is Wrong

C Correct Option |  Attempted

Solution: (C)

D Correct Option |  Attempted 36/39
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Solution: (D)

Time taken to answer this question 00:07:19 hrs

Q.12) Subject: operating systems Max Marks: 2 

Consider a paged memory system with a 32-bit memory address and a 8 KB page size. Consider a process
with six logical pages and a corresponding page table of:

Which of the following is/are correct?

A The physical memory address value for the logical address of 16386 is 138446 Your answer is Wrong

B The logical address corresponding to the physical memory address of 90115 is 32771 Correct Option |  Attempted 37/39
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Solution: (B)

C The physical memory address value for the logical address of 16386 is 147458 Correct Option |  Attempted

Solution: (C) 38/39
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D The logical address corresponding to the physical memory address of 90115 is 36432 Your answer is Wrong

Time taken to answer this question 00:01:28 hrs

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