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Emotional Intelligence


Submitted to:
Prof. Sovanjeet Mishra
Submitted by:
Aditya kumar singh

Characters in "3 Idiots":-

1. Rancho :
Role: The unconventional genius and central protagonist.
A natural learner who prioritizes understanding concepts over rote
Challenges the institute's rigid teaching methods and inspires critical thinking.
Possesses a strong sense of self-awareness and encourages others to find their
true calling.
Played by Aamir Khan.

2. Farhan Qureshi:
Role: The conflicted student initially pressured towards engineering.
Introverted and initially unsure of his true passion due to parental pressure.
An excellent student with a hidden passion for wildlife photography.
Overcomes his fear and pursues his dreams with Rancho's encouragement.
Played by R. Madhavan.
3. Raju Rastogi:
Role: The student burdened by societal expectations.
Solely focused on academic achievement due to his family's financial
Lacks self-awareness and struggles to cope with the immense pressure to
Represents the negative consequences of prioritizing external validation over
Played by Sharman Joshi.

4. Virus (The Principal):

Role: The embodiment of the traditional education system.
A strict disciplinarian who emphasizes obedience, established norms, and rote
Prioritizes academic performance and societal expectations over individual
Represents the limitations of a system focused solely on exams and grades.
Played by Boman Irani.

1. Importance of following one's passion: The film encourages individuals

to discover their true calling and pursue their dreams with dedication,
regardless of societal pressures.
2. Critical thinking and innovation: It highlights the need for a shift towards
an education system that fosters critical thinking, problem-solving skills,
and encourages students to question the status quo.
3. Focus on learning over grades: The film emphasizes the importance of
understanding concepts and acquiring knowledge over rote memorization
and solely focusing on achieving high grades.
4. Balance between academics and well-being: "3 Idiots" highlights the
detrimental effects of excessive pressure on students' mental health and
emphasizes the need for a well-rounded approach that prioritizes their
overall well-being alongside academic pursuits.
5. Overall, the message of "3 Idiots" is one of empowerment and self-belief.
It encourages individuals to challenge the status quo, prioritize their
passions, and strive for a holistic education that fosters intellectual
curiosity, creativity, and emotional well-being.
5 Key Emotional Intelligence Skills



3.Social Skills


SCENE 1- Funny classroom scene

Learning takeaways:
Value of true knowledge:-
Rancho emphasizes the importance of understanding concepts and gaining
knowledge for its intrinsic value. He suggests that a focus on genuine
learning will lead to a fulfilling and successful life.
Individual passion:-
The speech encourages students to identify their true passion and interests
rather than blindly following paths dictated by societal norms. This aligns
with the idea that pursuing what one loves can lead to a more satisfying and
purposeful life.
Avoiding the ‘circus’ Mentality:-
By advising students not to become “jokers of the circus”, Rancho is
discouraging a mindset where individuals perform tasks without
understanding or purpose. Instead, he advocates for meaningful
engagement with knowledge and learning.
Importance of critical thinking:-
The speech encourages critical thinking and questioning the status quo.
Rancho challenges the traditional notions of success and education, urging
students to think for themselves and not blindly accept established norms.
Self-awareness in this scene:

Rancho demonstrates a profound level of self-awareness by challenging the

established norms of the educational system and societal expectations. His
awareness extends beyond mere self-knowledge; he understands his own
values, beliefs, and passions, and he is acutely aware of the impact these have
on his personal growth and fulfillment.
Key points:
 Understanding personal values:
Rancho’s speech reflects an understanding of his own values, particularly
the belief in the intrinsic value of knowledge and the pursuit of passion.
This self awareness allows him to navigate the academic environment
with a clear sense of purpose.

 Questioning societal Norms:

The speech showcases Rancho’s ability to question societal norms and

expectations, indicating a deep awareness of external influences. His

self-awareness extends to recognizing the conflict between his values
and those imposed by the system.

 Alignment with personal beliefs:

By encouraging others others to focus on genuine learning and puruse
their passions, Rancho aligns his actions with his deeply held beliefs. This
coherence between his beliefs and actions demonstrates a high level of
self- awareness.

 Impact on personal Growth:

Rancho’s rejection of conformity in favor of individual growth suggests a
keen awareness of the factors that contribute to personal development.
This self awareness empowers him to make choices that lead to self-
discovery and, ultimately, a more meaningful life.

SCENE 2- Raju's Father Hospitalized

Learning takeaways:
In this poignant scene from “3 idiots”, where Raju’s father is hospitalized in
critical condition the characters demonstrate valuable lessons in emotional
intelligence, specifically intelligence, specifically related to the the self-
regulation framework:

Maintaining Emotional composure:

The character, especially Rancho and Farhan, exhibit self-regulation by
maintaining emotional composure despite the gravity of the situation, instead
of succumbing to panic or despair, they stay level headed , which enables them
to think more clearly and provide effective support to Raju.
Empathy and emotional support
Rancho and Farhan offer empathetic support to Raju, understanding the
emotional turmoil he is going through. By providing a comforting presence and
offering words of encouragement , they contribute to Raju’s emotional well-
being. This showcases not only self – regulation but also the ability to extend
emotional support to other.

Self-regulation in this scene

In this poignant scene from "3 Idiots," where Raju's father is hospitalized in
critical condition, the characters demonstrate valuable lessons in emotional
intelligence, specifically related to the self-regulation framework

 Recognition of emotion:

Rancho and Farhan demonstrate the ability to recognize their own

emotions in the face of a crisis. They acknowledge the severity of the
situation without letting their emotions overwhelm them, showcasing
self- awareness a key aspect of emotional intelligence.

 Emotional balance:

Self-recognition involves maintaining emotional balance, and in this

scene the characters exemplify this by not allowing the emotional
intensity of the situation to compromise their ability to think and act
rationally. They strike a balance between acknowledging their emotions
and responding to the crisis effectively.

 Adaptability in Emotional responses:

The characters adapt their emotional responses to the needs of the

situation instead of reacting impulsively or emotionally, they choose
responses that contribute positively to the overall well-being of their
friend, Raju.
SCENE 3- “All is well” mantra

Learning takeaways:

Intrinsic Motivation:
The scene emphasizes the power of intrinsic motivation. Rancho encourages
his friends to find motivation from withing rather than relying solely on
external factors. This suggests that true motivation comes from a personal
connection to one’s goals and aspirations.
Positive mindset in adversity:
The “All is well” mantra reflects the importance of maintaining a positive
mindset even in challenging circumstances. Instead of succumbing to despair
on negativity , Rancho promotes the idea that a positive outlook can be a
driving force to overcome difficulties.
Encouraging perseverance:
Rancho’s motivational approach encourages perseverance. The repetition of
“All is well” is a reminder to stay focused on long- term goals and not be
deterred by immediate challenges. This aligns with the idea that sustained
effort and determination lead to eventual success.
Motivation in this scene
The ‘All is Well’ mantra scene in “3 idiots”, offers valuable insights into intrinsic
motivation and positive emotional influence. It aligns with the emotional
intelligence framework by emphasizing the importance of understanding and
managing emotions to foster motivation, resilience , and goal-oriented

 Intrinsic Motivation:

In the context of emotional intelligence, intrinsic motivation is a key

component. Rancho’s ‘All is Well’ mantra aligns with the emotional
intelligence framework by emphasizing the importance of internal drive
and passion as essential sources of motivation.38

 Positive Emotional influence:

Motivation is closely tied to emotions, and Rancho’s mantra reflects the

ability to influence one’s emotional state positively. This aligns with
emotional intelligence, which involves understanding and managing
emotions to achieve desired outcomes.

 Goal orientation:

Motivation in the emotional intelligence framework is often associated

with goal orientation. Rancho’s mantra encourages a focus on long-term
objectives, demonstrating the alignment between motivation and the
ability to set and pursue meaningful goals.
SCENE 4- Farhan's Passion for Wildlife Photography

Learning Takeaways:

Empathy fosters open communication:

The scene underscores the role of empathy in fostering open
communication. Rancho’s empathetic approach creates an environment
where Farhan feels comfortable expressing his innermost thoughts and

Validation of personal aspirations:

Empathy involves validating others aspirations and emotions. Rancho
validates Farhan’s passion for wildlife photography, emphasizing the
importance of pursuing what genuinely brings joy and fulfilment.

Encouraging Authenticity:
Rancho’s empathy contributes to Farhan’s journey of self-discovery and
authenticity. By encouraging Farhan to embrace his true passion, Rancho
supports the idea the authenticity leads to a more meaningful and
satisfying life.
Empathy in this scene:
This scene involving Farhan’s passion for wildlife photography in “ 3 Idiots”
Showcases the transformative power of empathy in understanding personal
aspirations, fostering open communication, and supporting friends in their
journey toward authenticity and fulfilment.

 Observing Non-verbal cues:

Rancho observes Farhan’s non-verbal cues, such as his expressions and
body language, which indicate his inner turmoil regarding his passion for
wildlife photography. This demonstrates a high level of emotional
intelligence and empathy.

 Understanding personal Aspirations:

Rancho actively listens to Farhan’s aspirations and the conflict he faces in
pursuing his passion. This understanding of Farhan’s personal desires
showcases empathy, as Rancho connects with the emotional aspect of
his friend’s dilemma.

 Offering Emotional support:

Rancho not only understands Farhan’s passion but also offers emotional
support. He encourages Farhan to follow his dreams and assures him
that pursuing one’s true calling is essential for personal happiness and
SCENE 5- Rancho helps in the delivery of a child

Learning Takeaways:

Rancho and his friends demonstrate empathy by recognizing Mona’s distress
and need for immediate help. Despite their lack of expertise in childbirth, they
empathize with her situation and offer assistance without hesitation.
Teamwork and Collaboration:
Rancho and his friends work together as a team to manage the crisis
effectively. They delegate tasks, coordinate their efforts, and provide support to
each other, demonstrating the importance of collaboration in achieving a
common goal.
Effective communication is crucial in the delivery scene, Rancho communicates
instructions clearly and calmly, guiding his friends through the process and
ensuring everyone knows their role. Clear communication helps minimize
confusion and ensures that everyone is on the same page.
Problem-solving skills:
Rancho demonstrates excellent problem-solving skills by quickly assessing the
situation and determining the best course of action. He improvises with the
available resources and uses creative solutions to overcome obstacles, such as
using a vaccum cleaner .

Rancho assumes a leadership role during the childbirth, guiding his friends and
providing direction in a challenging and high-pressure situation. His calm
demeanor and confidence inspire trust and confidence in his friends, enabling
them to work together effectively.
Social skills in this scene:
In the heart of a college hostel, a moment of unexpected urgency unfolds as
Mona, a pregnant women, goes into labor, Admist the chaos, Rancho and his
friends rise to the occasion, showcasing remarkable empathy, teamwork, and
problem-solving skills. With clear communication and quick thinking , they
navigatethe challenges of childbirth, demonstrating social skills and
compassion in the face of adversity.

 Empathy:
Rancho immediately recognizes Mona's distress and demonstrates
empathy by offering his assistance without hesitation, understanding the
urgency of the situation and responding with compassion.
 Effective Communication:
Rancho communicates calmly and clearly with his friends, delegating
tasks and providing instructions to ensure everyone knows their role in
assisting with the childbirth, thereby facilitating efficient teamwork.
 Teamwork and Collaboration:
Rancho coordinates his efforts with his friends, working together
seamlessly as a team to support Mona during labor, demonstrating
effective collaboration and leveraging each other's strengths to
overcome challenges.
 Problem-Solving Skills: Rancho demonstrates quick thinking and
resourcefulness by improvising with available tools, such as using a
vacuum cleaner to suction the baby's nose, showcasing his ability to
think on his feet and find creative solutions under pressure.
 Leadership: Rancho assumes a leadership role during the childbirth,
guiding his friends with confidence and composure, inspiring trust and
cooperation among the group and ensuring that they work together
effectively to assist Mona in delivering her baby.

Dr. Sovanjeet Mishra

Scene 1
Self-Awareness: Shashi, the protagonist, initially lacks awareness of how her limited
English impacts her self-esteem and her relationships with her family. However, her
experience at the cafe becomes a turning point. She recognizes her own emotional
vulnerability and decides to take action by secretly enrolling in English classes.
Shashi recognizes her limitations with English. She feels left out when her family uses it
casually. (This is evident in early scenes where her daughter corrects her or her husband uses
English terms she doesn't understand.)

Shashi's social skills blossom as she interacts with her classmates and teacher. She learns to
communicate effectively, even with her limited English, building trust and rapport with those
around her.
She communicates her needs assertively while remaining respectful towards her family. She
communicates her needs assertively while remaining respectful towards her family.
Shashi demonstrates effective communication skills. Even with limited English, she manages
to convey her message clearly and respectfully to her family.
This scene showcases her ability to manage interpersonal relationships, even when there
might be potential conflict. She expresses her needs assertively while remaining considerate
of their feelings.
Non-Verbal Communication: Though her English is limited, Shashi effectively utilizes non-
verbal cues throughout the movie. Pointing, gestures, and facial expressions become her
tools for communication, especially in the initial stages of learning.
Building Relationships: As Shashi progresses in her English classes, she forms connections
with her classmates. She demonstrates her ability to build rapport and navigate social
situations despite the initial language barrier.

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