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Guns should be banned

Guns are everywhere, they are an integrated part of society and lots of people, in
certain places around the world, have them. Many people believe that guns help them in a
day to day life, especially those living in dangerous places. As far as I can see, the
communities would be very much safer than they are now, if there wouldn’t be an access to
guns. Billions more people would be alive now, if not for guns.

Firstly, in the UK to be able to have a gun, you have to have several background
checks for mental, terrorism links and financial issues and even then, to get a gun license
you have to pass those checks. Even more so, people still buy guns illegally without the
license and it is nearly impossible to thwart them. However, we can still decrease the
number of people who have a gun by increasing security in the countries.

In support of this, the FBI in America estimate that there were 16,929 murderers.
Many of these deaths happen in school because children don’t like their teachers and take
revenge on them by taking a gun to school and killing innocent people. Many people don’t
understand why this happens. Don’t you think that this is unnecessary cruelty that could be

To conclude, in my opinion, guns are important and should not be banned as police
need them for their safety, in case of dealing with murderers but on the other hand, I
believe that guns should be execrated for people that aren’t dealing with criminals, as this is
ominous for society and can be bedlam.

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