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1.-A dart is thrown at a target that has the numbers from 1 to 12.
Assuming that the dart is nailed to a random number, answer the
following questions:
a) Write the sample space of the possible results of the
b) Calculate the probability of the following events in this
experiment. Remember to write the favourable cases to the
result being studied.
A:"The dart is nailed to an even number"
B:"The dart is nailed in a number greater than 6"
C:"The dart is nailed to a multiple number of 3"
D:"The dart is nailed to the 13"
c) Calculate the probability of the following events:
E:"the dart is nailed to an even number or greater than 8"
F:"the dart is nailed to an odd number greater than 6"

2.-A die and a coin are rolled. The experiment of writing down the
number that comes out on the die and on the coin is studied.
a) Determine the sample space using a table.
b) Determine the probability of the following events:
A:"obtain a number greater than or equal to 3 on die and head
on the coin"
B"get head on the coin"
C"get even number"
c) Are events B and C complementary events?
3.-An experiment consists of throwing a coin. If it comes out head we
go to a bag A that has 10 white balls and 5 black balls, and if in the coin
comes out tail we take the ball of a bag B contains 5 white balls and 10
black. The experiment of draw a random ball from one of the two bags
is done:
a) Draw a probability tree to obtain the sample space of the
b) Give the answer to the following questions of probability:
A) The probability that the ball is white and the bag A.
B) The probability that the ball is white no matter what bag it
comes from.


4.-The advantage of using tree diagrmas for probability is that we can

calculate the probability directly of the tree. This problem is intended
to try to understand how they are used and how the probability can be
calculated. Suppose the following problem: We have two screw
factories A and B. Both produce screws of the same type, but factory A
produces 5000 and B 8000. In factory A the probability of a screw
being defective is 0.3% and in B 0.4%.
a)Complete a probability tree.
Answer the following questions:
a) What is the probability that if we choose a screw at random it
will be defective?
b) What is the probability that a randomly chosen screw is
defective and comes from factory A?
c) What is the probability that a randomly chosen screw is correct
and comes from B?
d) What is the probability that choosing a screw at random is
5.-Of the students in a class, 60% are girls. 20% of girls and 30% of
boys play the violin.
a) Makes a tree diagram of the experiment.
b) If a random person is chosen, calculate:
1.-That he is a boy and that he does not play the violin.
2.-Let him play the violin.
6.-It is played to throw twice the toy that is seen in the figure:

a) Make a tree diagram of the possible results of the experiment.

b) What is the probability that in the end we have obtained two
black colors?
c) What is the probability that in the end we have obtained two
yellow colors?


d) What is the probability that in the end we have obtained two

different colors?
e) What is the probability that at the end of the experiment the
color black has not appeared in either of the two releases?
7.-A machine produces 40% of a factory's bottles. Machine B produces
the rest of the bottles. Machine A produces a percentage of defective
bottles of 5% while machine B only 2%. Make a tree diagram to
describe the sample space of the experiment and calculate the
probability of taking a bottle and that it is defective.
8.-One jar contains 2 white discs and 3 red discs. Jar B contains 3 white
discs and 1 red disc. A coin is thrown and one of the jars is chosen at
random, and then a disc is extracted, determining the probability that
the disc is red.
9.-Three bags contain blue and red balls in different amounts. An
experiment is performed of randomly choosing a bag and extracting a
ball from it. To choose the bag, a die is thrown that has, on its faces,
marked 3 letters A, 2 letters B and a C. Once it has been thrown dice
and we have chosen the bag from which we will extract the ball then
the ball is extracted. Determine the probability that the ball is:
a) Blue
b) Red.
10.-It is played to throw a random dart at a target that is divided into
36 numbers, as seen in the figure:

Determine the probability that throwing the dart towards the center of
the target is keyed in:


a) A multiple number of 4.
b) A number between 6 and 9 both included.
c) A number greater than 20.
d) The number 9.
e) A multiple of 13.
f) An even number and multiple of 3.
g) A number that is a multiple of 4 and 6.
h) A multiple of 4 or 6 or both.
11.-In a bag are placed 5 balls numbered from 1 to 5. Then two balls
are taken out as follows:
1.-A ball is taken out and the number is written down, and then before
extracting the second one it is returned to the bag.
2.-Once the first ball has been returned to the bag, the second one is
taken out and the number is written down.
a) Make a probability tree that responds to the experiment to be
b) Determine the probability that once the two balls are extracted they
have been odd number.
c) Determine the probability that once the two balls are extracted they
have been number even.
d) Determine the probability that once extracted the two balls are an
even number and the other odd, regardless of the order.
12.-Five papers numbered from 1 to 5 are placed inside a bag. Two
papers are chosen from the bag without replacement.
a) Makes a tree diagram of the experiment.
b) Calculate the probability of:
1.-That at the end of the experiment the two papers have even
2.-That at the end of the experiment the two papers have odd
3.-That at the end of the experiment a paper has an even number
and the other odd.


13.-Marta has a bag with candies that are identical. In the bag you have
6 orange candies and 4 lemon candies. She chooses a candy at random
and eats it and then chooses another.
Calculate the probability that:
a) The two candies are orange.
b) The two candies are lemon.
c) That the first is orange and the second lemon.
d) That the first is lemon and the second orange.
14.-In a second round of a presidential election in a South American
country in which there are only two candidates A and B. 45% of voters
vote for candidate A of which 54% come from the south of the country.
Of the 55% who turn to the winning candidate B, 60% come from the
north of the country. By choosing a random voter, calculate the
probability that if we choose one voter at random:
1) Comes from the south of the country.
2) Votes for candidate A and 1s from the north of the country.

15.-Two experts, E1 and E2, conduct appraisals for a certain insurance
company. The probability that an appraisal has been carried out by E1
is 0.55 and by E2 0.45. If an appraisal has been carried out by E1, the
probability that it will lead to the payment of an indemmination is 0.98
and if it has been carried out by E2 the probability that it will lead to
the payment of indemmination is 0.9. A claim has involved the
company the payment of an indemmization, calculates the probability
that the appraisal has been carried out by E2.
16.-In a group of stock market investors, 20% make operations using
Internet. Of the investors who carry out operations using Internet,
80% consult the InfoBolsaWeb website. Of the stock market investors
who do not make investments online, only 20% consult the
InfdoBolsaWeb website. Give the answer for the following questions:
a) Get the probability that a randomly chosen stock market investor
will consult InfoBolsaWeb.


b) If an investor is chosen at random from the collective, knowing

that he consults InfoBolsaWeb, what is the probability that he
will make operations online?











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