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My Magic Potion

A potion to be star writer is the best potion ever!

Get it and you will glow with pride!

Magic spell

Hissle Dissle Dussle Di,

The star writer you will be!


 25 bottles of mashed rubber

 10g of oats
 15tsp of oil
 7 cupcake wrappers
 75ml of water
 2 felt lids
 1 mixer
 2 cards
 An empty bottle of wine

1. First, take the oats and put 10g into a bowl.
2. Next, take the cupcake wrappers and throw them in.
3. After that, take the water, oil and put it in separate lids.
4. Then, take cards, tear them up and drop some of it in the mixing bowl.
5. Lastly, mix everything and pour the mixture in the wine bottle, then shake.
6. Say your wish.
7. Enjoy!

A story
It was a warm day in London. It was like a beach, but Tom was sad, because today
was star writer and he knew, he would not be it. He had been in school for three years
already but he was never chosen. “It’s all right”, his mother said, just as his older sister came
in, but Tom kept crying.
The mother came into Tom’s bedroom, picked up the boy and hugged him. Then, she
took him downstairs, where breakfast was cooking on the stove. “I wish there could be
something to help me write better”, cried Tom.
Those words hit his mother like a boom! “Potion”, she cried out and ran to get her
coat. She went out.
The next day, as Tom looked at his classroom clock, he was shocked how quickly
time has passed. “Oh no!” he thought. It was going to be star writer assembly in two
minutes. He felt his body shaking, so he looked in his bag for a drink. Just then, he found a
green bottle with a letter with it. He read it:
Dearest Tom, I found this funny looking bottle in a mouse hole, when I cleared up. I
took it to my Buba, who said it must be a powerful potion. She told me to hide it for now
and keep for the right time. I guess it is time to try it now. Love Mum.
Tom was surprised but he drank it all up and said the magic words written on the
label. Tom was sitting in the middle of a day dream, when suddenly he heard a voice: “Tom
is the star writer”. Everyone clapped hard and Tom beamed with happiness!

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