Esp Approach

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The E.S.P.

Approach to Musical Theater Performance

Created and Developed by John Znidarsic
EXCITE your audience with every role you are playing - or every song you are singing!
SIMPLIFY your approach so that your intent and ultimate message are nice and clear!
PERSONALIZE your connection to the character so the audience can see a bit of YOU!

NAME: _______________________________________________________________________

SONG: _______________________________________________________________________

OBJECTIVE: (What are you trying to ACHIEVE?)

UMBRELLA ACTION: (What is the BASIC “THRU-ACTION”? Make as VIBRANT a choice as possible.)

THE MOMENT BEFORE: (What has happened right before this song that motivates you to sing?)


THREE ACTS: (If your song were a three-act play, what would happen in each act? Take us on a dramatic journey!)

Act 1
Act 2
Act 3

IN CONCLUSION: (In as few words as possible, state the BASIC MESSAGE of this song.)


(Think of ONE experience – IMAGINARY OR REAL - that most connects you to what the character is experiencing)

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