Managing A Conversation

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43> Lesson outcome Lead-in VIDEO Dare ‘Goto MyEnglishtab for ‘xtra video activities, Options I 6.32 options 23 Reflection COMMUNICATION SKILLS Managing conversations Leamers are aware of different approaches ta managing a conversation and an usea range of expressions to signal and respond toa change af topic ‘LA Workin small groups. ive examples of your own experiences of meeting people Uo are diferent fom you Here are some posble ferences to think about their national cutture 4 the culture oftheir organisation their age 5. their work/profession ‘their education ‘Whats easy or difficult aboutsuch encounters? a 2 3 8 Discuss the questions. 1 2 How isiteiferent from meeting fiends colleagues and members of your family? Why? 2. B+31_ Watch the video of Alex and Besta talking about Beata’ forthcoming ip to Rio de Janeiro, Answer the questions. tas Alec everbeen to Ride Jane? How well doesheknow Mateo? \WatdesAlxmean when he sas, ts ficult to stay ontracksometimes? What preparation has Beata done forthe tp? What advice does Aleve Beata? Do ou tink tisusefl advice? Why? Watch the video again. Why is Beata worried about the trip? 3A Based on what you have seen so far, how should Beata behave in the meeting with Mateo? Asa class, decide which option to watch first. Option A~ Listen to Mateo, but politely try t stay onthe topic ofthe Diabsensor and not be distracted. tay focused on why shes Ro. Option B~ Listen to Mateo, show interestin what he saying and not worry about the Diabsensor Go with the low ~ heistheclien, after all B Watch the video in the sequence the class has decided and answer the questions for each video. hat topics do Beate and Mateo talk about? How does Beata try to turn the discussion towards the Diabsensor? How does Mateo reactto these attempts? ‘Alex warned Beata that Mateo likes to multitask do different tasks tthe same time). \What example of this dowe see? Overall, how well does Beata manage the conversation? What topics do Beata and Mateo talkabout? How does Beata show an interestin what Mateo Is saying? Does Beata try to turn the discussion towards the Diabsensor? ‘Alex warmed Beata that Mateo likes to multitask (do different tasks at the same time). ‘What example ofthis do we see? Overall how well does Beata manage the conversation? Po In pairs, discuss what you have learnt from Beata’s experience about adapting your communication style. 1. Whatis the effect of going with the low? 2 Whatis the effect of focusing onthe taskin hand? 5 [434 Watch the Conclusions section of the video and note down the m: learning point. How far do you agree with this? Why? Compare yourself to Beata ina similar situation, How do you think you would manage? 6 Think about tha following questions, Then discuss your answers with a partner 1 2 Is go with the flow’ a useful tip for you when you meet new people? Why / Why not? Teacher's resources entra acnumies =D page 115 See Pronunciation bank: Pronunciation otis encings 10a CE > Neu lteo ue Wes ao Renee Functional Changing the subject and staying on track language 7 cok at these phrases from the vdeo. Decide which are for changing the subject () and which are for staying ontrack). 1 Terese plenty of tinea tat ater 5 Thatremindse, 2 realy hinkwe shoud eta the 6 Wellgettthe..inamoment 2 Isthisa good momenttostarttalkngaboutthe..? 7. Cenwemoveto.-? 4 wellcomero that ate: 8 ef ge, 8 Usewords fam the phacesin Exercise 7to complete the dialogue. In pairs, practise reading the dialogue. So, item 3 onthe agenda, the new minibus? 8: Yes ofcourse. fle deliered net Monday mering Sowecan se Rforthe pt thefactoryon Tuesy nist factor vst whats the plan? well deta ofthe factors fe Acwaly that ned to check mychilden are being picked up from schoo today, Thebus OMY won se m sure there Could we first finish discussing the minibus? Then we'l have a break and you can sor out your children’s bus. ‘9A. Workin pairs and discuss one ofthese topics using phrases from Exercise 7. One person res totale abo the top, the theres fo change the subject. After fem minutes, change partners and choose anew tpi + Plans for next week + Anewsmartphone on the market + Organising a surprise birthday partyforafiiend + Atripabroad B Write short dialogues based on your discussions. Work in pairs. Read the situation and decide who will be the supplier (S) and who will be the client (C). Go to page 128 (5) or page 131 (C) and read your instructions. A suppliers visiting a client to talk abouta new app which hiner company has just produced. This app will be ‘very useful for managing adatabase of business contacts, and is easy to instal, simple to use and inexpensive Hold your meeting. ry to change the subject and stay on track as necessary, using phrases from Exercise 7. When you have finished, discuss how the meeting went. Was it successful? What was easy and what was difficult? What could you do better? Find a new partner, change roles and repeat the conversation. ‘+ How successfully have you achieved the lesson outcome? Give yourself ascore from 0(/ need more practice) o5 (know this well + Goto My self-assessment MyEnalishLab to reflect on what you have learnt.

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