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Si. No. Content Page No.

1 Acknowledgement 3

2 Declaration 4

3 Executive Summary 5

4 Literature Review 6-17

5 About the Company 18-20

6 Objective of the Project 21-23

7 Conceptual Framework for Analyzing the Problem 24-26

8 Web Analytics 31-41

9 Conclusion and Recommendations 42

10 Bibliography 40

I sincerely feel that the credit of the study work could not be narrowed to only one individual.
As the whole work is the outcome of the whole-hearted cooperation from many people with
whose guidance and support I would not have been able to complete this project successfully.
I do express my sincere thanks to my corporate guide Mr.Barendra Kumar Das , CEO of the
company and my faculty mentor Asst.Prof.Mohar Banarjee Biswas (KIIT School of Management)
for their diligent guidance and continuous monitoring of the project.
I must also express my deepest gratitude to the Faculty Council and Placement cell of KIIT
School of Management for their timely help as and when required.
Lastly and importantly I would like to thank my family and friends for their extended co-

Date:- Name:- Debadatta Brahma

I Debadatta Brahma, hereby declare that the project entitled “DIGITAL MARKETING ON
CONSULTING, Hyderabad is an original study carried out by me. I submitted this to the KIIT
School of Management, affiliated with KIIT University, as a record of original work done by me
under the guidance of Mr.Barendra kumar Das, CEO of Ampliskill, Hyderabad, and Asst.Prof.
Mohar Banarjee Biswas (KIIT School of Management).

I further declare that the findings and suggestions made in this report are based on the
information collected by me

Date: - Name:- Debadatta Brahma

Executive Summary:

Many bank executives still view marketing as the champion of brand awareness
through traditional channels - essentially a middleman that helps deliver sales
leads but doesn't add much value to the bottom line. Digital is slowly changing
this perception, by expanding the dimensions of marketing almost beyond
recognition. Interestingly, new channels are only part of the story.

We now know more about customers and prospects than at any other time in
history. The application of big data analytics to distill raw data into meaningful
insight is now commonplace. Organizations regularly apply insights gleaned by
transactional and interactional behavior, as well as explicitly stated and implicit
needs and preferences, to place contextually relevant ads and proffer curated
products and services at the speed of digital.

This white paper reveals how four key forces are shaping banks' marketing
priorities and spending: socioeconomics, shifting demographics, new digital
marketing capabilities and disruption and consumerization (see Figure 1. next
page). The confluence of these forces, powered by new digital technologies and
models, is now driving the rapid transformation of banking's marketing function
into a true revenue center. We also look at customer experience and holistic
customer journey mapping, digital channel optimization and programmatic
advertising in the context of brand loyalty. and their relationship to maintaining
and growing mind and wallet share.

We believe banks will learn how to improve their digital maturity by examining
the evolving intermediary ecosystem and delivery landscape, and will begin
transforming themselves to avoid disruption of their key services and revenue



Journal/ Book: International Journal of DIGITAL RESEARCH
Author(s): Mr. Mavin Sabru
Year: 2019
Volume: 3
Pages: 15
Journal/ Book: journal of dynamic consumer studies
Author(s): dr. Theodre bagwell
Year: 2022
Volume: 16/ Issue: 45
3 Title: An Empirical Study of Customer Experience Management In State Bank Of India
And Housing Development Finance Corporation Bank
Journal/ Book: Digital Market Research
Author(s): N.A Ayer
Year: 2022
Issue: 15
Pages: 11
Journal/ Book: MARKETIG
Author(s): R.M swamy nathan
Year: 2013
Volume: 85/ Issue:4
Pages: 62-70
Journal/ Book: International Research Journal of Management, IT & Social
Author(s): Cristopher and williamson
Year: 2021
Volume: 2 No. 7
Pages: 123-156

6 Title: Development of a search engine marketing model using the application of a

dual strategy
Journal/ Book: Journal of business masters
Author(s): Dr. suman biswas
Year: 2017
Volume: 9/ Issue: 5

Pages: 210-235


Author(s): S N malhotra
Year: 2013
Volume: 1/Issue: 9
Pages: 3
8 Title: A Study of Challenges in Digital Banking Marketing and Level of Customer’s


Author(s): Dr. Kanika Singhal
Year: 2010
Volume: 16,Issue: 7
Pages: 9
9 Title: Paradigm Shift in Banking Scenario – Customer, Banker and
Regulator View
Journal/ Book: the strategy booster
Author(s): porter
Year: 2016
Volume/Issue: 23
Pages: 205-234
10 Title: Inside the Digital Marketing Strategies of Neobanks Revolut
Journal/ Book: International market research
Year: 2022
Volume/Issue: 17
Pages: 08




According to Philip Kotler "Marketing is a human activity directed at satisfying needs andwants through an exchange process"
(Philip Kotler, 2013). It is clear from this definition thatcustomer is the center of marketing which begins with identification of
customer needs andwants and ends with his satisfaction. With the advent of digital technology everything in oursociety has
transformed and marketing too. Digital marketing is the new generationmarketing player in every segment. The Digital marketing
refers to using digital channels,devices, and platforms (regardless of whether they are online or not) to build or promote the
marketing message (“What is the Difference Between Digital and Online Marketing?” n.d.).
The key objective is to promote brands through various forms of digital media ( comprises of different marketing
tools like Search Engine Marketing (SEM), SearchEngine Optimization (SEO), Social Media Marketing, Influential Marketing,
AffiliateMarketing, Display Marketing, Content Marketing etc. The main feature of digital marketingis that it can be used as a
method for customer interaction, real time measurement ofeffectiveness of promotion, market research, cost effective promotion

According to a report from the Internet and Mobile Association of India (IMAI) andmarket research organisation IMRB (Indian
Market Research Bureau) there are about 432million internet users in India of which about 90% are mobile internet users
(December2016).And about 33% of total internet users are active in social media. This proves the scope fordigital marketing.
Presently many marketers effectively use digital marketing as a tool to earnrevenue.Banking sector is not out of the play, they are
also using digital marketing techniques. Digitalmarketing is essential for banks because their customers especially common people
areextensively using digital medias like computers, mobile phones, tablets etc. Apart from thisaspect digital marketing is the
cheapest way to reach their customers and so one cannot moveaway face as digital marketing is the key to open new avenues of
promotion of products.Digital marketing enables the marketer to break geographical boundaries and hence it canreach customers
anywhere in the globe.



Digital marketing, often called online marketing or e-marketing is essentially any marketing activity that isconducted
online through the use of internet technologies. According to Dave Chaffey (2006) Digitalmarketing can be simply
defined as achieving marketing objectives through applying digital technologies.It is the application of Internet and
related digital technologies in conjunction with traditionalcommunications to achieve marketing objectives. It
comprises not only advertising that is shown onwebsites, but also other kinds of online activities like email and social
networking. Every aspect of internetmarketing is digital, meaning that it is electronic information that is transmitted
on a computer or similar device, though naturally it can tie in with traditional offline advertising and sales too.
Although the relativeimportance of the internet marketing for an organization still largely depends on the nature of its
productsand services and the buying behavior of its target audience, there has been a global dramatic change inmedia
consumption over the last 10 years towards digital media which means that the internet is becomingimportant for all
categories. Hence, the internet as a communication medium has broadened the scope of marketing communications
considering the number of people who can be easily reached including thelocations where they are reached, for
example, from desktops to mobile smart phones. It has also increasedthe richness of marketing communications by
combining text, video, and audio content into rich messages.Thus, the web is arguably richer as a medium than some
traditional mediums such as the television becauseof the complexity of messages available, the enormous content
accessible on a wide range of subjects andthe ability of users to interactively control the experience (Laudon and
Traver 2007). Furthermore, theInternet has succeeded in expanding the information intensity of the market place
immensely by providingmarketers and customers with well detailed real-time information about consumers as they
transact in themarket. Consumers are much more available to receive marketing messages due to the “always-
on”environment created by mobile devices which results to an extraordinary increase in marketingopportunities for
firms (Laudon and Traver 2007).

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An Empirical Study of Customer Experience Management In State Bank Of India

And Housing Development Finance Corporation Bank

Banks are the lifeline of an economy as they play a catalyst role in achieving sustained economicgrowth, especially in
developing countries and India is no exception (Parida.T.K). Banking in India has beenthrough a long journey which
includes the traditional banking practices from the British regime to the reformsperiod, nationalization, privatization
and foreign banks. The adoption of technology has brought a revolution inthe functioning of the banks. The
fundamentals of banking shall comprise the trust and confidence of thepeople. The time when world economy first
witnessed some intricate circumstances due to bankruptcy of
banking and financial institutions, India‟s banking industry has been amongst the few to maintain resilience. In
India even though the number of people who are availing banking services continuously increasing, the level
ofservices increasing due to adoption of technology banks have laid emphasis on meeting the customerexpectations.
However, with the changing dynamics of banking business brings new kind of risk exposure.India‟s central Bank i.e.
the Reserve Bank of India has some big concerns about the sustainability of thecountry‟s banking system. In its
Financial Stability Report, 2017, the RBI warned that the sector is under severe
stress, with mounting bad loans and an increasing in bank fraud, among other issues. Hence the key problems
which are plaguing India‟s banking sector according to RBI are –Bad loans, cyber threats, Bank fraud. Thebanking
sector in India has various challenges and opportunities like rural market, customer expectations,technology adoption,
global banking, NPAs, competition, social and ethical issues. The structure of Indianbanking consists of 27 Public
Sector Banks, 21 Private Sector Banks, 45 Foreign Banks, 56 Regional RuralBanks. The banks financial service
organizations willing to improve their relationship with the customers‟
needs constant monitoring of customer experience.

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Customer Experience is the product of an interaction between an organization and a customer over theduration of
their relationship. This interaction is made of three parts i.e. the customer journey, the brand touchpoints the customer
interacts with, and the environments the customer experience during their interaction. A
good customer experience means that the individual‟s experiences during all points of contact matches
theindividual‟s expectations. Customer experience implies customer involvement at different levels such asrational,
emotional, sensorial, physical and spiritual. Customer experience encompasses every aspect of a company ‟s offering
i.e. the quality of customer care, advertising, packaging, product and service features, easeof use, reliability. Customer
experience is created by the contribution of not only the customers‟ values but also by the contribution of the
company providing the experience. All the events experienced by customers beforeand after a purchase are part of the
customer experience. The six disciplines for great customer experience arestrategy, customer understanding, design,
measurement, governance and culture. According Holbrook&Hirchman Studies (1982) customer experience can be
defined as a whole event that a customer comes intocontact with when interacting with a certain business.Customer
Experience Management (CEM) is the process that companies use to oversee and track allinteractions with a customer
during their relationship. This involves the strategy of building around the needs ofindividual customers (Rae
Jeananne). The CEM represents discipline, methodology, process used to manage acustomer‟s cross channel
exposure, interaction and transaction with a company, product, b
rand or service(Bernd Schimitt). Organizations are using CEM approach to anticipate customer needs and adopt the
mindset ofthe customer. The main aim of CEM is to optimize the customer experience through gaining the loyalty of
thecurrent customers in a multi-channel environment and ensure that they are completely satisfied. The keyelements
of customer experience management comprises of strategy, culture, customer expectations, processes,channel
approach, marketing and brand, systems, people.

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Reformations and developments in the banking sector have translated the hopes and aspirations of
numerous individuals into reality. Before the twentieth century, usury or disposition cash at ahigh
rate of interest was wide prevailing in the country. Entry of foreign, private and joint stock banks,
which was further accelerated by development of cooperative movement havea ppropriated an
honest deal of business from the hands of the local money lenders, who although still exist, have
lost his forbidding teeth, losing their market share considerably. The process got momentum with
nationalization of commercial banks. Social media is a phenomenon that drawslot of attention of
firms and people interacting on the networking landscape. Looking back intothe history of
internet, wherever social media need to be evolved, some related ideas will be derived. Some
financial institutions grants permissions to send public messages such as blogs and updates or any
other activities, where these all are user generated codes which are laterg enerated throughout the
social media and which are easily accessible. Social media platforms like facebook, twitter and
lots of different blogs that facilitate in selling their services that enhance their page to produce
customer exclusive offers, product details and client care services.With many banks taking the
lead, the direction is ready for different banks to supply on-linefinancial services through such
platforms sooner instead of later. ICICI Bank, HDFC Bank and Axis Bank are among the prime 10
Banks with Social Media presence as per a recent survey.Banks started providing regular updates
on the most recent offers and perform basic consumer operations through standard social media
sites. Social media selling is that the new trend setter for many brands. Financial institutions are
keeping an eye fixed of the many completely different social media possibilities and beginning to
introduce new social initiatives at a better rate than before. Businesses are utilizing social media
selling to become additional extremely developed inmarket. Some folks cannot afford to own
presence in social channels, wherever the contestant is already creating bigger moves with its
product and services. The explosion of the social media is
as remarkable as that and also the pace at that it’s growing is fabulous. World corporations
everywhere the globe have recognized social media selling as a strong selling platform, I tutilized
with innovations to create their advertisement campaign with social media selling

12 | P a g e
Development of a search engine marketing model using the
application of a dual strategy
There are vast differences between SEO and PPC. SEO is driven from an
algorithmicperspective, which attempts to interpret website contents and link it to
search queries.Although search engines have come a long way, the fact remains that
the search enginealgorithms depend on several factors, including what has been
stipulated on the websiteas well as the links from 3rd party websites which acts as
votes in favour for the targetwebsite.PPC, on the other hand, is a model of Internet
marketing in which the advertiser pays afee each time one of their advertisements is
clicked. Essentially, it’s a way of buying visitsto your website, rather than attempting
to earn those visits through SEO. PPC is alsocurrently one of the most popular online
marketing practices and appears to beremarkably successful, considering the revenue
it produces for search engines.One of the most prominent differences between SEO
and PPC is that unlike PPC, SEO isvery much a long-term strategy. For PPC, as soon
as the bidder start bidding on his/hertargeted keywords, he/she will see almost
immediate traffic to their website. During theearly days of PPC, many users have
complained that unlike SEO results (organic results),PPC results were sometimes
irrelevant.PPC results will be displayed because the bidder had the highest bid for a
givenkeyword/key-phrase. This was maybe true in the past, however, PPC have
come a longway in becoming more relevant. Currently the quality of the landing
page is coupled to thebid price to determine PPC ranking, yielding more relevant
PPC results as compared tothe previous mode of operation.PDF Studio - PDF Editor
for Mac, Windows, Linux. For Evaluation.

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The out-burst in information and communication technology in developing economy like africa,
have invented new ways of doing business as it transcend through all sectors of the economy. The
explosion in internet connectivity has changed and is still changing the face of banking in Nigeria.
The way customers interact with brands have practically changed as a result of proliferation of
communication devices such as smart phones, websites, e-mail, social network sites as occasioned
by technology (Oni, Shumba, and Matiza, 2014; Salawu and salawu 2007). Customer-centric
banks have moved away from slow and stressful analogue operations to faster, more convenient
and stress-free digital operations so as to be visible and connect with customers who are largely
dwelling in the digital world. This is not optional butimperative to gain the mind-set of the
customers and ensure they have a seamless experience (Onwuegbuchi, 2015).Digital marketing
has taken banking beyond the arm-chair, brick and mortar operations to a realm where customers
make transactions from the comfort of their homes by a push of the button (Adewoye, 2013). The
diffusion of technology have made the internet an accessible channel through which banking
services get to the customers regardless of the limits oftime and geographical location as well as
create innovative products and services and more market opportunities for both banks and
customers. Businesses now broadcast their offerings to potential customers across the globe
through digital marketing channels, and have the ability to analyze user interactions with their
website, affording an unprecedented understanding of the needs and wants of their audience .

14 | P a g e
A Study of Challenges in Digital Banking Marketing and Level of Customer’s

Measuring effectiveness of customer relationship management in Indian retail

banks", International Journal of Bank Marketing, Vol. 30 Iss: 4, pp.246 – 266 .
This paper focus on measuring the customer relationship management
effectiveness (CRME) by develop a multi ‐ item scale in Indian retail banks .After
developing and validating the scale , then examine its relationship with key
customer response variable. In this study 197 , Indian retail banking customers
responded to questions to identify key dimensions of CRME. Nomological
validity for the CRME scale was examined by taken a survey sample of 261
active bank customers who do transactions regularly. Data collected was
analysed to find the relationship between CRME dimensions and customer
behavioral outcomes such as customer satisfaction, loyalty and cross ‐ buying
were examined. The identification of the dimension will help bank managers to
implement an effective customer relationship management (CRM) that enhances
customer satisfaction, loyalty and provides opportunities for banks to crosssell
other related and unrelated products to its customers. Exploring customer
switching intentions through relationship marketing paradigm", International
Journal of Bank Marketing, Vol. 30 Iss: 4, pp.280 – 302. This paper focus on the
extent of customer switching and understand the various reasons that lead to
customer switching intentions. Various factors or instances which leads
customer to take a decision to shift to another bank or not. Strongest factor
which influences customer decision to move to another bank, satisfaction
emerged as one of the most important factor to select new bank in expectation of
fulfillment of his needs.

Mislead and Misold : Finacial Misbehaviour in retail banks: An audit

methodology was used where auditors ask for tax saving instruments brochures
and documents from banks used while making disclosures of the scheme to the
customers . In private sector banks with high sales incentives, the high
commission product is recommended. Public sector banks recommends fixed
deposit to the customers when there are deposit mobilization Campaigns. Banks
rarely make voluntary disclosures on product features. It was observed that,
information provided to customers is incomplete and not full disclosure of the
features of the scheme. Our results demonstrate the challenges of mandating
disclosures when buyers have little understanding of the relevance of product
characteristics, and distributors are themselves ignorant or influenced by

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Paradigm Shift in Banking Scenario – Customer, Banker and Regulator View

The changing trends in the retail banking services offered by the financial
institutions and banks to the customers is appreciated by all the customer.
Different modes of direct channels like ATMs, Debit Card, Credit Card, Net
banking, mobile banking and various electronic payment systems ranging from
NEFT, RTGS and IMPS has given the choice to the customers for doing their
banking transactions. Convenience, time savings, cost savings, security, highly
personalized services, priority banking, phone banking and speed are the few
important parameters which customers prefers while adoption of digital banking
. Cyber frauds and mis-representation of facts by banks while marketing of
CASA and third party products are two important barriers for growth of digital
banking. Consumer Survey on Retail banking by Capgemini in 2012 observed
that there will be continuous increase worldwide users of mobile banking more
than 60% and on line user will more than 90% in 2015. With the changing
needs of the customers , banks are also looking new avenues of digital
technology like mobile remote data capture ( RDC) and marketing of on line
banking services. Social media like Face book, Instagram, Twitter and Youtube
have also become preferred mode of marketing of bank products to the
customers. Banks are now transforming their brick and mortar branch network
to more on marketing, sales and financial services advisory with centralization
of operational activities. Various technology initiatives in payment system
introduced by the banks have objectives of providing efficient customer services
and satisfaction. On 26TH April, 2016, The Reserve Bank of India has decided
to set up a Financial Stability and Development Council Sub Committee ,
working group to study the granular aspects and implications of financial
technology . The main objective of this group is to review and reorient the
regulatory framework and respond to the dynamics of rapidly evolving Fin Tech
digital banking scenario.

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Inside the Digital Marketing Strategies of Neobanks Revolut

When it comes to excelling at digital marketing, banks and credit unions can
take a page from what some prominent neobanks do well.
An analysis of the digital marketing strategies of Revolut and Monzo,
conducted by digital media shop GA Agency, drilled deep into the strategies of
both firms and came up with some key takeaways. “Overall, there are a lot of
pros and cons to both Revolut’s and Monzo’s digital marketing strategies,” the
agency wrote, adding that the analysis offers a “a deeper understanding of the
audience they are targeting, countries, performance, keywords targeted, and
their main marketing investments.” By way of background, Revolut,
established in 2013, and Monzo, launched in 2015 are both U.K.-based
neobanks that compete directly with established banks via mobile apps.
Monzo, with about 5 million customers, operates primarily in the U.K., having
dialed back its U.S. ambitions for the moment. Revolut has expanded
aggressively and operates in numerous countries, including all of Europe, and
in the U.S. via partner banks. It has more than 15.5 million users.
The analysis noted that Revolut relies heavily on brand-bidding — a strategy
based on bidding on certain keywords related competitors. GA Agency
observes that Revolut invests a large part of its budget in buying competitors’
keywords such as “Monzo,” “HSBC business” and “Lloyds commercial
business.” “Revolut is really pushing out on buying competitive keywords,
they are being really aggressive about it, which jumped out from the research,”
says Guido Ampollini, founder of GA Agency in an interview with The
Financial Brand. He says this is a tactic traditional banks can be more
aggressive with as well. An article in Search Engine Journal noted that, as of
2019, Google has abolished previous restrictions it had placed on businesses’
bidding on a competitor’s branded keyword.

The GA Agency analysis notes several benefits of a brand bidding strategy.

One is access to very relevant traffic.“If you offer the same services as a
competitor, you know that brand bidding will result in high-quality traffic,”
the agency notes. “As this traffic will consist of users looking for a service or
product provided by a competitor, we can assume that it will have high intent
and is likely to result in a conversion.”
Furthermore, brand bidding can enable financial marketers to increase
exposure to their firm, since the people searching for those terms are looking
for financial products and services the bidding firm likely also provides,
Ampollini states.
About The Company:
AmpliSkill is a training and recruitment consulting company located in Hyderabad,
India. They strive to help the clients elevate their compliance talent via compliance
trainings, certifications, workshops etc. This company provides services to banks, non-
banking financial institutions, FinTech companies as well as compliance professionals .

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They offer training to individuals as well as corporate clients on AML, KYC, Transaction
Monitoring, and Sanctions. They also help professionals aspiring to be certified in AML
as well as looking for a career in this domain .

Their approach of recruitment consulting differently than regular consultancies. Our

team of industry experts have 10+ years of experience in their respective fields.
These experts help identify the best talent based on client’s need .

The Ampliskill values:

When it comes to anti-money laundering, Ampliskill typically prioritize several key

values and principles to ensure a strong compliance framework. Here are some
common company values related to anti-money laundering ;
1. Integrity: Upholding high ethical standards and conducting business with
honesty and transparency, ensuring that financial transactions are conducted
2. Compliance: Complying with all relevant laws, regulations, and guidelines related
to anti- money laundering, both domestically and internationally .
3. Accountability: Taking responsibility for implementing effective anti-money
laundering measures and regularly monitoring and reporting suspicious activities
to relevant authorities
4. Collaboration: Promoting teamwork and collaboration across different
departments and stakeholders to share information, expertise, and best practices
in preventing money laundering

18 | P a g e
5. Continuous Improvement: Commitment to continuously improving anti-money laundering
policies, procedures, and systems by staying updated on emerging risks, adopting new
technologies, and conducting regular risk assessments
6. Customer Due Diligence: Ensuring a thorough and robust customer due diligence process
to verify the identities of customers, assess their risk profiles, and detect any potential
money laundering activities
7. Training and Awareness: Providing comprehensive training and awareness programs to
educate employees about anti-money laundering laws, procedures, and the importance of
their role in preventing money laundering
8. Confidentiality: Maintaining strict confidentiality of customer information and protecting
sensitive data from unauthorized access or disclosure
9. Proactive Risk Management: Identifying and mitigating potential risks associated with
money laundering through proactive risk assessment, transaction monitoring, and
implementing effective internal controls
10. Ethical Business Practices: Promoting fair and ethical business practices by avoiding
transactions with individuals or entities involved in illegal activities or engaged in money

Financial performance and Distinctive aspects of Ampliskill:

Financial Performance:
The financial performance of Ampliskill company can be an important indicator of its success
and stability. Factors such as revenue growth, profitability, and client retention can demonstrate the
company's ability to provide valuable solutions and services to its clients. Strong financial
performance may also signify the company's ability to invest in research and development,
technological advancements, and talent acquisition to stay at the forefront of the anti-money
laundering industry

Distinctive Aspects:
Technology and Innovation: A distinctive aspect of an anti-money laundering company may be
its emphasis on leveraging advanced technologies and innovative solutions. This could include
artificial intelligence, machine learning, data analytics, and automation to enhance the effectiveness
and efficiency of anti-money laundering processes. Such companies may have proprietary software
platforms or cutting-edge tools that provide unique insights into suspicious transactions and

Regulatory Expertise: Another distinctive aspect could be the company's deep understanding of
regulatory requirements and its ability to interpret and apply them effectively. This expertise
enables the company to offer comprehensive compliance solutions tailored to specific industries
and jurisdictions. They may also have strong relationships with regulatory bodies, allowing them to
stay ahead of evolving regulations and anticipate industry trends .

Industry Experience: A company's long-standing presence and experience in the anti-money

laundering field can be a differentiating factor. Having a proven track record of successfully
assisting clients in detecting and preventing money laundering activities can instill confidence in

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potential clients. Industry experience also enables the company to provide valuable insights and

20 | P a g e
best practices to clients, helping them navigate complex compliance challenges

Customized Solutions: Some anti-money laundering companies may differentiate themselves by

offering customized solutions that cater to the unique needs and requirements of different
organizations. They may provide tailored risk assessments, training programs, and consulting
services to address specific industry verticals, organizational structures, and risk profiles

Thought Leadership: Companies that actively contribute to thought leadership and knowledge
sharing in the anti-money laundering domain can establish themselves as industry leaders. This
could involve publishing research papers, participating in industry conferences and forums, and
engaging with regulatory bodies to influence policy and shape best practices .

21 | P a g e
The objective of an anti-money laundering company is to combat and prevent money laundering
activities effectively. Here are the primary objectives of such a company
1. Detection and Prevention: The foremost objective is to detect and prevent money
laundering activities within the financial system. This involves developing comprehensive
systems, processes, and technologies to identify suspicious transactions, analyze patterns,
and mitigate the risk of money laundering
2. Regulatory Compliance: An anti-money laundering company aims to ensure compliance
with relevant laws, regulations, and guidelines pertaining to anti-money laundering. This
includes staying updated on regulatory changes, assisting clients in implementing compliant
procedures, and providing guidance on reporting suspicious activities to the appropriate
3. Risk Management: The objective is to help clients assess and manage the risks associated
with money laundering. This involves conducting risk assessments, evaluating customer
due diligence processes, implementing transaction monitoring systems, and advising on risk
mitigation strategies
4. Enhancing Efficiency: Anti-money laundering companies strive to enhance the efficiency
of compliance processes for their clients. This may involve leveraging technology,
automation, and data analytics to streamline compliance procedures, reduce false positives,
and improve the overall effectiveness of anti-money laundering efforts
5. Training and Education: Educating clients and their employees on anti-money
laundering best practices is an important objective. This includes providing training
programs, workshops, and resources to raise awareness about money laundering risks,
detection techniques, and the importance of compliance
6. Collaboration and Information Sharing: Anti-money laundering companies aim to
foster collaboration and information sharing among industry stakeholders, including
financial institutions, regulatory bodies, and law enforcement agencies. This collaboration
helps in identifying emerging trends, sharing intelligence, and collectively combating
money laundering activities
7. Reputation and Trust: Building a strong reputation and maintaining client trust are
essential objectives. Anti-money laundering companies strive to establish themselves as
reliable and trustworthy partners that provide effective solutions and support to their clients
in combating financial crime
8. Continuous Improvement: Constantly improving anti-money laundering measures and
adapting to evolving threats is a core objective. This involves conducting research,
monitoring industry developments, and staying at the forefront of technological
advancements to ensure the effectiveness and relevance of anti-money laundering

Identifying and Elaborating the Problem

Money laundering poses a significant problem globally, with far-reaching economic, social, and
security implications. The problem of money laundering can be identified and elaborated upon in
the following ways ;

1. Concealment of Illicit Funds: Money laundering involves the process of disguising the
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origins of illegally obtained funds to make them appear legitimate. Criminals and illicit

22 | P a g e
organizations exploit various methods, such as layering transactions, shell companies, and
offshore accounts, to obscure the true source of their funds. “This conceals the proceeds of
crimes such as drug trafficking, corruption, fraud, and terrorism financing, making it difficult
to trace and prosecute offenders

2. Destabilization of Financial Systems: Money laundering undermines the integrity and

stability of financial systems. When illicit funds flow into the legitimate economy, it distorts
market dynamics, inflates asset prices, and distorts financial indicators. This can lead to economic
imbalances, financial crises, and decreased confidence in the financial system, affecting both
domestic and international markets.

3. Facilitation of Organized Crime: Money laundering is intricately linked to organized crime

networks. The ability to launder illicit funds allows criminal organizations to reinvest their
proceeds into further criminal activities, such as drug trafficking, human trafficking, arms
smuggling, and corruption. Money laundering not only fuels the expansion of criminal enterprises
but also undermines social and legal structures, eroding the rule of law and public trust.”

4. “Erosion of Governance and Transparency: Money laundering weakens governance and

transparency by fostering corruption and enabling the illicit flow of funds. It undermines the
effectiveness of regulatory systems, hinders financial reporting, and fosters a culture of impunity.
This erosion of governance and transparency not only hampers economic development but also
fosters an environment conducive to other criminal activities and undermines democratic

5. Financing of Terrorism: Money laundering plays a critical role in financing terrorist

activities. Illicit funds can be used to finance terrorist organizations, recruit members, procure
weapons, and carry out attacks. By channeling legitimate funds through complex laundering
schemes, terrorist groups can obfuscate their financial trails, making it challenging for authorities
to detect and disrupt their activities.

6. Global Implications and Spillover Effects: Money laundering is a transnational problem

with spillover effects that extend beyond national borders. Illicit funds can be transferred across
jurisdictions, impacting multiple countries and undermining international efforts to combat crime
and terrorism. The global nature of money laundering necessitates international cooperation and
coordination to effectively address the problem.

23 | P a g e
Conceptual Framework for Analyzing the Problem of Ampliskill and it’s
Potential Solution:

Here's a conceptual framework for analyzing the problem of anti-money laundering (AML) and its
potential solutions:
1. Risk Assessment: Conduct a thorough risk assessment to identify and understand the
inherent risks and vulnerabilities within the financial system. This includes assessing the
types of businesses, customer profiles, geographic regions, and transaction patterns that are
more susceptible to money laundering activities.
2. Regulatory Framework: Evaluate the existing legal and regulatory framework governing
AML efforts. Analyze the effectiveness, consistency, and enforceability of AML laws and
regulations at the national and international levels. Assess the need for potential
enhancements or amendments to strengthen the legal framework
3. Compliance Measures: Examine the implementation of compliance measures by financial
institutions and designated non-financial businesses. Evaluate the effectiveness of customer
due diligence procedures, transaction monitoring systems, and suspicious activity reporting
mechanisms. Assess the adequacy of compliance controls and the level of adherence to
AML policies and procedures
4. Technological Advancements: Explore the utilization of advanced technologies to enhance
AML efforts. Assess the effectiveness of automated systems, artificial intelligence, machine
learning, and data analytics in detecting suspicious transactions, identifying patterns, and
improving the accuracy and efficiency of AML processes
5. International Cooperation: Analyze the level of international cooperation and collaboration
in combating money laundering. Evaluate the effectiveness of information sharing
mechanisms, mutual legal assistance treaties, and international cooperation frameworks.
Assess the need for increased cooperation and coordination among countries to address the
global nature of money laundering.
6. Capacity Building and Training: Evaluate the effectiveness of capacity building initiatives
and training programs aimed at enhancing AML knowledge and skills. Assess the
availability and accessibility of training resources for relevant stakeholders, including
financial institutions, law enforcement agencies, regulators, and professionals involved in
AML efforts.
7. Public-Private Partnerships: Explore the potential for public-private partnerships to
strengthen AML measures. Assess the level of collaboration between government entities,
financial institutions, technology providers, and other stakeholders to share information,
expertise, and resources. Evaluate the effectiveness of public-private initiatives in deterring
and detecting money laundering activities.
8. Evaluation and Continuous Improvement: Establish a monitoring and evaluation
framework to assess the effectiveness of AML measures and their impact on reducing
money laundering risks. Define key performance indicators and metrics to track progress,
identify areas for improvement, and ensure ongoing compliance with evolving AML

By utilizing this conceptual framework, stakeholders can gain a comprehensive understanding of

the problem of anti-money laundering, identify gaps and weaknesses in current AML systems, and
develop targeted solutions to enhance prevention, detection, and enforcement measures. It allows
for a holistic approach that addresses the multidimensional aspects of money laundering and
promotes continuous improvement in AML efforts .

24 | P a g e
Methodology to Investigate Reasons for Anti-Money-Laundering in India:
To investigate the reasons behind anti-money laundering (AML), you can employ a systematic
methodology that combines qualitative and quantitative research methods. Here's a suggested

Literature Review:
Conduct a comprehensive review of academic literature, research papers, reports, and case
studies related to money laundering. Gain insights into the existing knowledge, theories, and
frameworks explaining the reasons behind money laundering activities. Identify key factors,
motivations, and drivers that contribute to money laundering .

Data Collection:
Gather relevant data from multiple sources to support your investigation. This can include
financial crime reports, law enforcement records, regulatory data, court cases, and industry
reports. Obtain data on specific money laundering cases, patterns, and trends to analyze the
underlying reasons behind these activities .

Stakeholder Interviews:
Interview key stakeholders involved in AML efforts, including regulatory authorities, law
enforcement agencies, financial institutions, and industry experts. Conduct structured or semi-
structured interviews to gain insights into their perspectives, experiences, and observations on
the reasons behind money laundering. Seek their expertise in understanding the motivations of
money launderers and the systemic factors that enable money laundering activities .

Case Studies:
Analyze specific money laundering cases to understand the underlying reasons. Select a
representative sample of high-profile or significant cases and examine the factors that
contributed to the occurrence of money laundering. Identify common patterns, methods, and
motives observed in these cases .

Surveys and Questionnaires:

Design and administer surveys or questionnaires to gather quantitative data on perceptions,
attitudes, and experiences related to money laundering. Target specific groups such as financial
professionals, compliance officers, or law enforcement personnel. Analyze the survey results to
identify common reasons cited by respondents regarding money laundering activities .

Data Analysis:
Apply qualitative and quantitative data analysis techniques to the collected data. This can
involve thematic analysis of interview transcripts, content analysis of documents, and statistical
analysis of survey responses. Identify recurring themes, patterns, and factors contributing to
money laundering activities .
25 | P a g e
Combine the findings from different data sources to develop a comprehensive understanding of
the reasons behind money laundering. Look for converging evidence and connections between
qualitative and quantitative data. Identify interdependencies and relationships among various
factors such as economic, social, political, and legal conditions that facilitate money laundering .

Interpretation and Conclusion:

Interpret the analyzed data and draw conclusions regarding the reasons behind money
laundering. Identify the primary motivations, drivers, and systemic vulnerabilities contributing to
money laundering activities. Provide recommendations based on the findings to address these
underlying reasons and strengthen AML efforts.

26 | P a g e
Digital Marketing
“Digital marketing can be defined as the process of promoting of brands using digital distribution
channels comprising internet, mobile and other interactive channels. The basic advantage in this
form of advertising lies in its low cost model”
“Digital Marketing can be classified into Pull and Push marketing.”
Push Pull strategy:
“A push-pull-system in business describes the movement of a product or information between two
subjects. On markets the consumers usually "pulls" the goods or information they demand for their
needs, while the offerers or suppliers "pushes" them toward the consumers. In logistic chains or
supply chains the stages are operating normally both in push- and pull-manner. The interface
between push-based stages and pull-based stages are called push-pull boundary or decoupling
Push strategy
• “Another meaning of the push strategy in marketing can be found in the communication
between seller and buyer. In dependence of the used medium, the communication can be either
interactive or non-interactive. For example, if the seller makes his promotion by television or radio,
it's not possible for the buyer to interact with. On the other hand, if the communication is made by
phone or internet, the buyer has possibilities to interact with the seller. In the first case information
is just "pushed" toward the buyer, while in the second case it is possible for the buyer to demand the
needed information according to his requirements.”
• “Applied to that portion of the supply chain where demand uncertainty is relatively small
• Production & distribution decisions are based on long term forecasts
• Based on past orders received from retailer’s warehouse (may lead to Bullwhip effect)
• Inability to meet changing demand patterns
• Large and variable production batches
• Unacceptable service levels
• Excessive inventories due to the need for large safety stocks
• less expenditure on advertising than pull strategy”
“Push advantages – personalization of messages, high conversation rate, and detailed tracking of
customer choices.
• Push disadvantages – requires Can Spam Act 2003 compliance, most customers must opt-in,
can be blocked, simply opt-out, and requires delivery technology.”
Pull strategy
• “In a "pull" system the consumer requests the product and "pulls" it through the delivery
channel. An example of this is the car manufacturing company Ford Australia. Ford Australia only
produces cars when they have been ordered by the customers.
• Applied to that portion of the supply chain where demand uncertainty is high

• Production and distribution are demand driven

• No inventory, response to specific orders”

26 | P a g e
“Pull advantages – no restrictions on file size, no opt-in requirements, and low technology
requirements for the company.

Pull disadvantages – marketing required, little tracking of visitors, and no personalization to keep the
visitors coming back”

Objectives of digital marketing:

• “Lead generation/quick response /conversion”

• “Increase awareness/visibility/brand building”

• “Drive traffic/engage people/easily accessible

• “Cost effective”

• “Effective to target youth”

Advantages of Digital Marketing:

• “Digital marketing has proven recession-proof in the times of global economic slowdown.
Digital marketing strategies gave a respite to marketing companies during recession when traditional
marketing tools proved helpless. “

• “Digital media marketing strategies are far more cost-effective than the traditional marketing
media tools”

• “Online marketing strategies don’t require long-standing commitments. Instead, online

media marketing tools like PPC ads can be changed on a daily basis.”

• “Online media marketing output is easily trackable. Digital marketing media strategies have a
high degree of measurability. Thus, designing a target-oriented digital media marketing program
becomes easier.”

• “Digital media marketing has transformed the marketing industry. Online marketing includes
use of mobile phone and internet technology provides a cheap medium to establish direct contact
with the customers.”

• “Digital media marketing tools are more accessible. Therefore, the rate of response is far
higher in comparison to the traditional media.”

• “Focused digital media marketing campaigns most likely attract the prospects that later
convert into leads.”

• “Cost-effective nature and target-oriented approach of online marketing strategies enable

the digital media marketer to hit the prospects regularly and repeatedly. This helps in leaving a long-
lasting impact on the marketing clients”

Business strategies for Ampliskill Organisation:

• “Proven Recession Proof Home Business Marketing System”

• “Online Small Business Marketing”

• “Marketers Use Social Media To Generate Business”

• “SEO Or SEM Enhancing Online Marketing “

27 | P a g e
Digital marketing and non-profit organization

“ A nonprofit organization is formed for the purpose of serving a public or mutual benefit other
than the pursuit or accumulation of profits for owners or investors. "The nonprofit sector is a
collection of entities that are organizations; private as opposed to governmental; non-profit
distributing; self-governing; voluntary; and of public benefit". The nonprofit sector is often referred
to as the third sector, independent sector, voluntary sector, philanthropic sector, social sector, tax-
exempt sector, or the charitable sector.”

“ A lack of resources, budget, and time are challenges that nonprofits can experience when they
need to reach potential donors to support their cause. While most nonprofits have turned to the
online environment looking for help, most of them continue to struggle with communicating the
right message to the right audience. In fact, according to Content Marketing Institute’s research, a
large number of nonprofit professionals use content marketing, but just a small number of those
professionals believe they are effective. There are advantages and disadvantages in digital marketing
for charities. The advantages are the passion of the staff, the compassion of the audience, and the
natural, powerful content that comes about.through its work. The disadvantages are primarily the
lack of resources and budget in comparison to the business world. “


“AMPLISKILL, a standalone and a non-profit association of people designed in order to Engage, Enrich
and Enlight Anti Money Laundering across industries. This exclusive forum provides an opportunity
to HR and business leaders to collaborate and work in partnership through varied this
association is one of the nonprofit then am going to show you how it can be benefited by using a
digital marketing without a huge budget”


“ A digital marketing can be used in different ways by the AMPLISKILL, as we have seen above that a
digital marketing can be used for both profit organization and nonprofit organization for the purpose
of making their product or service to be known to the customers or users, therefore AMPLISKILL as
the nonprofit organization also has an opportunity to use digital marketing to market themselves in
terms of making people be aware of what they are campaigning and to those who face the problem
of ANTI MONEY LAUNDERING to understand what kind of principles or ways they need to use to.
Method which can be used by Ampliskill are as follows;”

Google grants adwords

“Google Ad Grants has helped nonprofit organization to reach thousands of supporters around
the country, helping them effect change through awareness. Google grant adwords will help
Ampliskill to show their search ads to people who are searching Google for nonprofit like your
company and help you reach people who were previously unaware of your cause so by doing so you
can share your message across the globe or focus on people near you. Google Ad Grants makes it”

28 | P a g e
easier for people to donate to your cause. And the easier it is for them to donate, the more likely it is
that they will.

“Once your ads are live, you can use Google Analytics and conversion tracking to understand
how your ads are performing. Which keywords are the strongest? Which ads are driving donations,
or recruiting volunteers? Get answers to these questions and plenty more. As long as you have a
registered charity number you can apply to Google Grants and receive $329 USD per day in free
advertising with Google Ad Words.”

Effective use of video

“Videos can have a huge impact for charities like HR ENLIGHT because you offer a chance to show
viewers the problems they are trying to combat, allowing them to spread awareness about the HR
ENLIGHT and/or individual campaigns whilst triggering an emotional response that other media
types might not.
Video does not have to be expensive. There are plenty of volunteers out there at both the amateur
and the professional level who will help out (there is more on recruiting volunteers later), and for the
video content there are student actors to act, staff members to interview, or people who have been
affected by issues you are campaigning on that are happy to talk about those issues. There are lots of
different types of videos that your association could consider, including trailers, animations,
discussions, interviews, and debates. The most important thing in the video is the message. Those
types are;”
•Video marketing
• Video outreach
•Donation button
•Call-to-action overlay
•Live streaming

Strong Social Media Platforms

“Building a social media community that believes and supports your cause is imperative. In order
to do that, creating compelling posts and sharing real stories from HR ENLIGHTs efforts through social
media on a daily basis will help to increase your cause awareness. Promoting how others have
already helped with your cause and the impact they have made by doing so will also encourage
others to donate. Tell their story by mentioning them in the post and include pictures of the process,
and you’ll increase the chances of others to help support your cause. There are different types of
social media platforms such as facebook, twitter, instagram, snapchat etc.”

• Facebook

• Twitter

• Snapchat

 Instagram

29 | P a g e
“ As I mentioned at the beginning of my report, since AMPLISKILL is a nonprofit organization it
doesn’t have huge budgets for marketing, these digital marketing strategies are relatively
inexpensive, and they become a great choice for AMPLISKILL to enjoy a better Return of Investment
(ROI). To show the cost comparison, outbound marketing costs 62% more per lead than inbound
marketing. Additionally, something to take into consideration is that three out of four inbound
content marketing outlets cost less than any outbound channel.”

“Common problems in implementing of Digital marketing strategies:

• Lack of understanding what image they are trying to project

• No path to acquire and grow an audience

• No cohesion of content

• Placating executives by executing their bad ideas

• Living and dying by data

• Having to dumb things things down for the team

• Trying to reach the wrong group

• Misunderstanding the importance of content

• No plan to actually reach anyone in the first place

• No difference from others

• Lack of influencers on your team

• No forming of relationships/alliances”

Tools and benefits of digital marketing:

 “Digital Marketing in broader terms is the practice of promoting products and services using
digital distribution Medium to reach to maximum consumers in a timely, relevant, personal
and cost-effective manner”

Tools or Channels

1) Social Networks (Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, Delicious)

2) Article Marketing
3) Blog
4) RSS
5) Online Brand Monitoring
6) SEO
7) PPC (aka search engine advertising)
8) E-mail
9) Wiki
10) Website
11) Banner Ads
12) Instant Messaging through Mobile Phones
13) ) SMS/ MMS

30 | P a g e
Web analytics:
• “Web analytics is the measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of internet data for
purposes of understanding and optimizing web usage. “

• “Web analytics is not just a tool for measuring website traffic but can be used as a tool for
business research and market research.”

• “Web analytics applications can also help companies measure the results of traditional print
advertising campaigns.”

• “It helps one to estimate how the traffic to the website changed after the launch of a new
advertising campaign. “

• “Web analytics provides data on the number of visitors, page views etc to gauge the
popularity of the sites which will help to do the market research.”

• “There are two categories of web analytics; off-site and on-site web analytics.”

Off-site web analytics refers to web measurement and analysis regardless of whether you own or
maintain a website.

• “It includes the measurement of a website's potential audience (opportunity), share of voice
(visibility), and buzz (comments) that is happening on the Internet as a whole.”

On-site web analytics measure a visitor's journey once on your website. This includes its drivers and
conversions; for example, which landing pages encourage people to make a purchase.

• “On-site web analytics measures the performance of your website in a commercial context.
This data is typically compared against key performance indicators for performance, and used to
improve a web site or marketing campaign's audience response.”

• “The remainder of this article concerns on-site web analytics.

There are no globally agreed definitions within web analytics as the industry bodies have been trying
to agree definitions that are useful and definitive for some time. “

Hit – “A request for a file from the web server. Available only in log analysis. The number of hits
received by a website is frequently cited to assert its popularity, but this number is extremely
misleading and dramatically over-estimates popularity. A single web-page typically consists of
multiple (often dozens) of discrete files, each of which is counted as a hit as the page is downloaded”

• Page view –“ A request for a file whose type is defined as a page in log analysis. An
occurrence of the script being run in page tagging. In log analysis, a single page view may generate
multiple hits as all the resources required to view the page (images, .js and .css files) are also
requested from the web server.”

• Visit / Session –“ A visit is defined as a series of page requests from the same uniquely
identified client with a time of no more than 30 minutes between each page request.”

31 | P a g e
• “A session is defined as a series of page requests from the same uniquely identified client
with a time of no more than 30 minutes and no requests for pages from other domains intervening
between page requests. “

• “In other words, a session ends when someone goes to another site, or 30 minutes elapse
between page views, whichever comes first.”

• “A visit ends only after a 30 minute time delay. “

• “If someone leaves a site, then returns within 30 minutes, this will count as one visit but two
sess “

• “In practice, most systems ignore sessions and many analysts use both terms for visits.”

• “Because time between page views is critical to the definition of visits and sessions, a single
one page view event does not constitute a visit or a session (it is a "bounce").”

• “First Visit / First Session - A visit from a visitor who has not made any previous visits.

• Visitor / Unique Visitor / Unique User - The uniquely identified client generating requests on
the web server (log analysis) or viewing pages (page tagging) within a defined time period (i.e. day,
week or month). A Unique Visitor counts once within the timescale.. Identification is made to the
visitor's computer, not the person, usually via cookie and/or IP+User Agent. Thus the same person
visiting from two different computers will count as two Unique Visitors.

• Repeat Visitor - A visitor that has made at least one previous visit. The period between the
last and current visit is called visitor recency and is measured in days.

• New Visitor - A visitor that has not made any previous visits. This definition creates a certain
amount of confusion (see common confusions below), and is sometimes substituted with analysis of
first visits.

• Impression - An impression is each time an advertisement loads on a user's screen. Anytime

you see a banner, that is an impression.

• Singletons - The number of visits where only a single page is viewed. While not a useful
metric in and of itself the number of singletons is indicative of various forms of Click fraud as well as
being used to calculate bounce rate and in some cases to identify automatons bots).

• Bounce Rate - The percentage of visits where the visitor enters and exits at the same page
without visiting any other pages on the site in between.

• % Exit - The percentage of users who exit from a page.

• Visibility time - The time a single page (or a blog, Ad Banner...) is viewed.

• Session Duration - Average amount of time that visitors spend on the site each time they
visit. This metric can be complicated by the fact that analytics programs can not measure the length
of the final page view .

• Page View Duration / Time on Page - Average amount of time that visitors spend on each
page of the site. As with Session Duration, this metric is complicated by the fact that analytics
programs can not measure the length of the final page view unless they record a page close event,
such as on Unload().”

32 | P a g e
• “Active Time / Engagement Time - Average amount of time that visitors spend actually ions
interacting with content on a web page, based on mouse moves, clicks, hovers and scrolls. Unlike
Session Duration and Page View Duration / Time on Page, this metric can accurately measure the
length of engagement in the final page view.”

• Page Depth / Page Views per Session - Page Depth is the average number of page views a
visitor consumes before ending their session. It is calculated by dividing total number of page views
by total number of sessions and is also called Page Views per Session or PV/Session.

• Frequency Session per Unique - Frequency measures how often visitors come to a website.
It is calculated by dividing the total number of sessions (or visits) by the total number of unique
visitors. Sometimes it is used to measure the loyalty of your audience.

• Click path - the sequence of hyperlinks one or more website visitors follows on a given site.”

• Click - "refers to a single instance of a user following a hyperlink from one page in a site to
another". A growing community of web site editors use click analytics to analyze their web sites.

Site Overlay is a techniques in which graphical statistics are shown besides each link on the web

Five Steps to Online Marketing Success:”

“Using competitive intelligence strategies and tools will be key to launching successful email
marketing campaigns in 2016, according to a new white paper from Compete.

In the white paper "Five Simple Steps to Online Marketing Success," Compete recommends that
marketers take the five following steps to integrate competitive marketing into their online
campaigns, Marketing Charts reports.”

1.Know the Competition

2. Cover Search Marketing Bases:
3. Copying is a Sign of Flattery
4. Fix Your Leaky Bucket
5. Stay on Top

Email marketing:

• “E-mail marketing is a form of direct marketing which uses electronic mail as a means of
communicating commercial or fundraising messages to an audience.

• In its broadest sense, every e-mail sent to a potential or current customer could be
considered e-mail marketing. However, the term is usually used to refer to:

• sending e-mails with the purpose of enhancing the relationship of a merchant with its
current or previous customers and to encourage customer loyalty and repeat business,

• sending e-mails with the purpose of acquiring new customers or convincing current
customers to purchase something immediately,

33 | P a g e
• adding advertisements to e-mails sent by other companies to their customers, and”

• “Sending e-mails over the Internet, as e-mail did and does exist outside the Internet (e.g.,
network e-mail and FIDO).

• Researchers estimate that United States firms alone spent US$400 million on e-mail
marketing in 2006. “


• “Search engine marketing, or SEM, is a form of Internet marketing that seeks to promote
websites by increasing their visibility in search engine result pages (SERPs) through the use of search
engine optimization, paid placement, contextual advertising, and paid inclusion..

• Usage of the term "search engine marketing" has been inconsistent. The trade association
Search Engine Marketing Professional Organization (SEMPO) includes search engine optimization
(SEO), and SEO is also included in the industry definitions of SEM by Forrester Research, eMarketer,
Search Engine Watch, and industry expert Danny Sullivan.. However, the New York Times restricts the
definition to 'the practice of buying paid search listings.”


• “Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of increasing the traffic of visitors to the
website from search engines via organic means using different algorithms via natural or un-paid ways

• Most Popular SEO platforms are Google and Yahoo Search Engines. People perform various
strategies to appear on the front pages of theses search engines which are widely used by customers
all over the world.

• Typically, the earlier (or higher) a site appears in the search results list, the more visitors it
will receive from the search engine. SEO may target different kinds of search, including image search,
local search, video search and industry-specific vertical search engines.”

• “Methodology is the systematic and objective identification, collection analysis,
dissemination, and use of information for the purpose of improving decision making related to the
identification and solution of problem.

• During the course of conducting the study the information were gathered mainly through the
primary sources.

• Conducting field survey by talking to the retailer and the methodology used in the survey
was personal observation and interview with the customer with the help of questionnaire”

34 | P a g e

• “The task of data collection begins after a research problem has been defined and research
design has been chalked out.

• While deciding about the method of data collection to be used for the study, the research
should keep in mind two types of data viz. Primary and Secondary”


a) Primary Data

b) Secondary Data.


“The observation method is the most commonly used method especially in studies relating to
behavioral sciences”.

Questionnaire method is also very widely used in order to give a structure to the entire study.


“ The secondary data regarding the company which was list of books, internet, a help from
supervisor, websites, their events etc.

These all the categories of the methodology under above the process”




 College,
 students


Survey analysis:

The survey was conducted in surroundings area of KIIT SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT

1) “Do you know the website?

35 | P a g e
2) Do you use only email or do you also host website?”

“3) Do you require any website? Yes/no

4) What is the potential timeline do you want to buy the websites?

(A) 1 month, (B) 3months.

5) Why do you not buying the website?

a) High cost-80%

b) Regular maintenance-20

6) What domain name would you like, for example?




7) What type of content changes do you like to follow?

(A) journal, (B) culture, (C) style type of web design?

8) How often do you want update your website?

a) Daily -32%

b) weekly-20%

c) monthly-30%

d) quarterly-16%

e) yearly-2%

) Do you want to place any advertisements in websites?

10) Do you want to place advertisement in social networking websites or individual websites?

11. What type of content changes will occur?

a) Copy changes

b) Media changes

12. How often will these changes occur?

A) Daily b) weekly c) monthly d) quarterly e) yearly”


1) Do you know the website?

Yes -90%

No -10%”

36 | P a g e
2) “Do you use only email or do you also host website?



3) “Do you require any website? Yes/no

YES – 25%

NO – 75%”

37 | P a g e
4) “What is the potential timeline do you want to buy the websites?

(A) 1 month, (B) 3months.



“5) Why do you not buying the website?

a) High cost-80%

b) Regular maintenance-20%”

“6) What domain name would you like, for example?




38 | P a g e
A) 76%

B) 15%

C) 9%

“7) Do you like a (A) journal,(B) culture , (C) style type of web design?

A) 30%

B) 20%

C) 50%”

“8)) what type of content changes do you like to follow?

A) Copy changes-35%

B) Media changes-65%”

39 | P a g e
9) How often do you want update your website?

a) Daily -32%

b) weekly-20%

c) monthly-30%

d) quarterly-16%

e) yearly-2%

“10) Do you have the staff to respond to email?


No -20%”

40 | P a g e
“11) Do you want to place any advertisements in websites?


No -35%”

“12) Do you want to place advertisement in social networking websites or individual websites?

Social networking sites-73%

Individual websites-27%”

41 | P a g e

 “The first research analyzed the effectiveness of SMS advertising, in terms of attitude
 The advertisement, attitude towards the brand and purchase intention. On the basis of the
research results we could conclude that the variable ‘location and time’ influences the
 Towards the ad. In addition, the advertising’s appeal seemed to play an important role:
 emotional appeal leads to a more positive attitude towards the ad, whereas a rational appeal
 Leads to a more positive attitude towards the brand and to higher purchase intentions.
 Their search results also showed that, in the case of SMS advertising, it is better to advertise
low involvement products.
 Finally, giving incentives appeared to be effective in terms of purchase intentions. Based on
these results, we can confirm that SMS advertising is effective. In
 Addition, we also studied the effectiveness of advertising through newspapers, also in terms
of attitude towards the advertisement, attitude towards the brand and purchase intention.
 Nevertheless, the factors (location and time, interactivity, advertising appeal, product
involvement and incentive) did not appear to be success factors for this form of advertising.
 Finally, both types of advertising (SMS advertising and advertising through newspapers) were
 SMS advertising appeared to be more interactive than advertising through newspapers and
this interactivity had a positive impact on the attitude towards the advertisement, the
attitude towards the brand and the consumer’s purchase intention.
 However, as indicated previously, we ought to deal with some caution with these results,
because our additional research showed that incentives are necessary to increase
 Willingness to accept commercial messages on their mobile phone”

42 | P a g e
Bibliography :

 Internet

Books :

 Digital Marketing Jerry Wind,&VijayMahajan

 Digital media-Dave Chaffey
 Direct Digital Marketing-Drayton Bird

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