Excel Important Formulas

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Certainly! Here are some of the most useful Excel formulas along with their
actual formula forms:
1. SUM: Adds up a range of numbers.
○ Formula: =SUM(B1:B5)
2. AVERAGE: Calculates the average of a range.
○ Formula: =AVERAGE(B1:B5)
3. COUNT: Counts the number of cells with values.
○ Formula: =COUNT(B1:B5)
4. MAX: Finds the highest value in a range.
○ Formula: =MAX(B1:B5)
5. MIN: Determines the smallest value in a range.
○ Formula: =MIN(B1:B5)
6. CONCATENATE: Combines text from multiple cells.
○ Formula: =CONCATENATE(A1, " ", B1)
7. IF: Performs conditional checks and returns different results based on a
○ Formula: =IF(A1>10, "High", "Low")
8. VLOOKUP: Searches for a value in a table and returns a corresponding
value from another column.
○ Formula: =VLOOKUP(A1, TableRange, 2, FALSE)
9. HLOOKUP: Similar to VLOOKUP but searches horizontally.
○ Formula: =HLOOKUP(A1, TableRange, 2, FALSE)
10. INDEX & MATCH: A powerful combination for flexible lookups.
○ Formula: =INDEX(ColumnRange, MATCH(A1, LookupColumn, 0))
11. TEXT: Converts a value to text with a specified format.
○ Formula: =TEXT(A1, "yyyy-mm-dd")
12. LEFT, RIGHT, MID: Extracts portions of text from a cell.
○ Formula: =LEFT(A1, 3)
13. LEN: Calculates the length of a text string.
○ Formula: =LEN(A1)
14. TRIM: Removes extra spaces from text.
○ Formula: =TRIM(A1)
15. DATE: Creates a date from year, month, and day values.
○ Formula: =DATE(2024, 3, 31)
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16. NOW: Returns the current date and time.
○ Formula: =NOW()
17. DATEDIF: Calculates the difference between two dates.
○ Formula: =DATEDIF(A1, B1, "d")
18. SUMIF: Adds values based on a condition.
○ Formula: =SUMIF(A1:A5, ">10", B1:B5)
19. COUNTIF: Counts cells based on a condition.
○ Formula: =COUNTIF(A1:A5, "<>0")
20. IFERROR: Handles errors gracefully.
○ Formula: =IFERROR(A1/B1, "Error")
Feel free to use these formulas in your Excel work! 😊

1. 500 Excel Formulas | Exceljet
2. Excel formulas with examples - Ablebits
3. Overview of formulas - Microsoft Support
4. 101 Advanced Excel Formulas & Functions Examples - MyExcelOnline

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