Exam Explorer Units 3-5

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Imię i nazwisko: __________________________________________ GROUP A

I. Wpisz zawody.
someone who tests people’s eyes and sells glasses: ________________________________
someone who installs and repairs pipes: ________________________________
someone who looks after babies: ________________________________
someone who buys and sells houses or land for people: ________________________________
someone who writes computer programs: ________________________________

II. Połącz słowa lub wyrażenia z kolumny A z ich odpowiednikami z kolumny B. Jedno wyrażenie w kolumnie B
podano dodatkowo.
start a job
make on strike
go for a new post
apply a business
take at a job
a living

III. W jakim pomieszczeniu w domu możesz znaleźć następujące przedmioty.

1. pillows and a duvet: ________________________________
2. old or unused furniture and clothes: ________________________________
3. a coffee table and a sofa: ________________________________
4. an ironing board and a washing machine: ________________________________
5. a sink and a fridge: ________________________________

IV. Użyj słów/wyrażeń podanych w ramce w następujących zdaniach. Jedno słowo/wyrażenie podano

candles block of flats cluttered top floor can’t afford chimney

1. The satellite dish is on the roof, next to the ________________________.

2. You can use ________________________ to light the room if the electricity isn’t working.
3. Your room is very big and ____________________.
4. This car is much too expensive. We ________________________ it.
5. My friend lives on the sixth floor of a ________________________.

V. Połącz słowa lub wyrażenia z kolumny A z ich odpowiednikami z kolumny B. Jedno wyrażenie w kolumnie B
podano dodatkowo.
1. a room with a lot of light be out/away
2. having not enough space well-kept
3. to be absent from home nightmare
4. neat and clean cramped
5. sleep very hard well-lit
like a log
VI. Jaki rodzaj produktów reprezentują poniższe słowa? Wpisz kategorie.
1. beef, lamb: ________________________________
2. cod, herring: ________________________________
3. beetroot, leek: ________________________________
4. basil, parsley: ________________________________
5. lollipop, candy floss: ________________________________

VII. Przeczytaj artykuł na temat diety poprawiającej pracę mózgu. W każdą z luk (1–6) wstaw jedno
ze zdań (A–G). Jedno zdanie podano dodatkowo i nie pasuje ono do żadnej z luk.
You’ve heard them before – all the sayings that emphasise the importance of eating the ‘right’ food . ‘You are what
you eat,’ your grandma keeps telling you. ‘Eat right,’ says your health education teacher. Hearing the same advice
over and over again may be boring and annoying, but this particular advice is good and you should follow it. 1)____ It
makes you healthy, it improves your mood and it also helps you concentrate, think and remember.
It is your brain that is the greediest part of your body. 2)____ When you revise for a test, you feel hunger pangs more
often than during a game of football. That’s because your brain needs its food and it won’t be satisfied with just
anything, like a hamburger or a bag of crisps. 3)____ So what does your brain need to work properly?
You will not be surprised to learn that it is sugar that gives you energy. 4)____ Sweets make the level of sugar in your
blood rise very quickly and then drop suddenly, so you soon feel even more exhausted. Try eating more fruit,
vegetables, brown bread and whole meal pasta. They are all excellent sources of sugar and their great advantage is that
they keep your blood sugar at the same level for a long time.
The next important element of your daily diet is protein: your brain won’t be able to remember and think without it.
The best sources of protein are meat and fish, so you should have some meat or fish every day. If you prefer meat,
remember to eat fish at least twice a week, because it also contains essential fats – the fats that much of the brain is
made of. 5)____ Make sure you eat eggs, cottage cheese, soya and beans, which will give you the protein you need,
and include a lot of nuts in your diet as nuts are a good source of essential fats.
The ‘right’ diet can work wonders. Several schools in the UK have replaced junk food and sweets in their canteens
with healthy foods that are good for the brain. All of those schools have seen improvements in classroom performance
and exam results. 6)____ Interestingly, their behaviour has also changed for the better.

A However, that doesn’t mean that you should eat a lot of chocolate and biscuits.
B You don’t have to completely give up fast food – just avoid eating too much of it.
C The students experience fewer problems with concentration and achieve more.
D Filling your stomach is not the same as feeding your brain.
E If you are a vegetarian, don’t panic.
F The ‘right’ food matters.
G Hard physical work does not make you as hungry as thinking.

VIII. Do każdej z wypowiedzi (1–5) dopasuj odpowiednią reakcję (A–G). Dwie reakcje podano
dodatkowo i nie pasują one do żadnej z wypowiedzi.

1. May I take your order? ___

2. Do you like grilled salmon? ___
3. I’d like to see the menu, please. ___
4. The soup seems rather bland to me. ___
5. May I have one of those doughnuts? They look so delicious! ___

A Actually, I prefer it fried.

B Black.
C Certainly, here you are. The dish of the day is grilled salmon.
D Help yourself!
E How about a second helping, then?
F I’ll have the roast turkey with carrots and peas.
G Why don’t you add some pepper to it?

IX. Odpowiedz na pytania

1. What is your dream job? Why? ...................................................................................................................
2. What are the minuses of living in your area? ................................................................................................
3. Who do you think has the most stressful job? Why? .......................................................................................

X. Uzupełnij zdania stosując simple past, present perfect, past perfect lub past perfect continuous:

1. We (not understand) ........................................... the maths problem until Mr Smith explained it.
2. She (try) ............................... to learn how to ride a horse for months, but she (not succeed) ............................ yet.
3. She (knock) ........................................... at the door before she (open) .................................... it.
4. Who (not read) ....................................... this book yet?
5. He knew that she (be) ........................................... waiting for him since 1 o’clock.
6. She (read) ........................................... his diary since 8 a.m., but she (not finish) ................................... yet.
7. While we (have) ............................................... a game of bridge all the lights went out.
8. He (paint) .............................................. his room all day yesterday.
9. Why (you not invite) .......................................... her to the party last night?
10. By that time they already (fly) ........................................ for 2 hours but they weren’t tired.

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