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University of Virginia Library

PS2617 A1 1895
ALD The murders in the Rue Morgue;

CX 000 449 554























During the preparation of this edition of the works of Edgar

Allan Poe, edited by Dr. Ingram, the publisher suggested to

the late Mr. George W. Childs that a facsimile of the manuscript

of The Murders in the Rue Morgue would be an acceptable

treasure to the fellow countrymen and other readers of this

original and unequaled author ; gratified at this opportunity

to share his fortune with the world, the generous and large

hearted man at once consented .

Before the edition was ready for publication , Mr. Childs

preceded the reader, but willed to the Drexel Institute — con-

ceived and endowed by an American Abou Ben Adhem - this

MS . and other literary monuments .

The Board of Trustees of the Drexel Institute graciously

fulfilled the promise and intent of the donor, and the publisher

gladly avails himself of this permanent medium of recording

his gratitude .




The Murders in the Rue Trianon Road Morgue .
By EdgarA.Pol.

Itis not improbable that a few farther steps inphrenological science will lead
to a belief in the existena , if not tothe actual discovery and leation ofan organ
ofanalysis. If thispower (which may be described , although not defined, as the
capacityfor resolving thought into its elements) be not, infact, an essential portion of
what late philosophers term ideality,then there are indeed many good reasons for suppo-
sing it aprimitive faculty. That it may be however
a coristituent of ideality is here suggested
in opposition tothe vulgar dictum (founded upon the assumptions ofgrave authority),
however) that the calculating and discriminatingpowers (causality and comparison)
are at variance with the imaginative?- that the tree, in short, can hardly coexist.
But, although thus opposed to received opinion , the idea will not appear ill-founded
when we observe that the processes of invention or creation are strictly akin with ,the
procesres of resolution - theformer being nearly, is not absolutely, the latter conversed .
Itcannor be doubted that the mental features discoursed" F as the analytical are,
in themselves, but little susceptible of analysis. We appreciate them only in their effects.
We know of theme , among other things , that they are always to their possessor, when inordi-
nately possessed, a source of the liveliest enjoyment. Its the Thong man exuits in his physi-
cal ability, delighting in such exercises as cull his muscles into action , soglones the a.
nalyst in that meral activity which disentangles. He derives pleasure from even the
con -
most trivial occupations bringing his talent into play. He is fond of enigmas , of a-
undrums, of hieroglyphics - Exhibiting in his solutions of each and all a degree of
cumen which appears to the ordinary apprehension præternatural . His results , brought a-
bout by the very soul and essence of mothed, have , in truth , the whole air of intuition .
Thefaculty in question is possibly much invigorated by mathematical study, and
especially by that highest bearish of it which, unjustly, and merely on account of its retro-
gradle operations , has been called , as ifpar excellence , analysis . Zet to calculate is not
in itself to analyse . A chess- player , for example, does the one without effort at the other.
Cam Itfollows that the game of chers, in its effects upon mental character , is freatly mis-
2 understood . Iam not now writing a treatires , but simply prefacing a somewhat pecu -
liar narrative by observations very much at random _ I will, therefore , take occasion
to assert thatthe higher powers of the reflective intellect are more decidedly and more
nafully taxed by the mostentations
the inostentatio ns garne of drauchts than by all the claborate fri-
volity of chess. In this Catter , where the pieces have different and bizarre movions , wim
various and variable values , that which is only complex is mistaken (a not nnn-
Sual error .) for that which is profound. The attention is here called powerfully into play.
an instant, an oversight is committed resulting in injury or defeat . The
If it flag for.
possible mores being not only manifold but involute , the chances ofsuch oversights
are multiplied ; and in mine cases out often it is the more concentrative rather
than the more acuteplayer who conquers . In droughts , on the contrary, where the
moves are unique and have but little variation , the probabilities of inadvertence are
diminished, and the mere attention beina left comparatively unemployed , what advan-
tages ase obturned by either party are obtained by superior acumen . Tobe less abstract.
Let us suppore a game ofsaughto where the pieces are reduced tofour kings , and where,
of wurse, no oversight is to be expected . It is obvious that here the victory can be decided
(theplayers being at all equal) only by some recherche movement , the result of some strong
exertion of the intellect. Deprived ofordinary resources the analyst throws himmelf into
the spirit ofhis opponent, identifier himself therewith, and not unfrequently sees thus,
at a glance , the sole methods (sometimes indeed absurdly simple ones) by which he may
seduce inti oniscalculation or hurry into error.
Whist has long been noted for its influence upon what are termed the calculating
powers; and men Z the highest order of intellect have been known to take are appa.
rendy unaccountable delight in it , while eschewing chess as frivolous . Beyond
doubt there is nothing ofa
a similar nature so greatly tasking the faculty of ana .
lysis . The best chess-player in Christendom may be little more than the bestplayer
of chess - but profinency in whist implies capacityfor success in all those more im-
portant undertakings where mind struggles with mind . When I say proficiency, I
mean that perfection in the game which includes a comprehension of all the sources
(whatever be their character) from which legitimate advantage may me derived .These
are not only manifold but multiform , and lie frequently among recesses of
thought altogether inaccessible to the ordinary understanding. To observe attentively
is to remember distinetty ; and sofor the concentrative chess-player will do very
well at whist; while the rules of Hoyle (themselves based upon the meie mechanism

of the game) are sufficiently and generally comprehensible . Thus to have aretentive
memory and toproceed "by the book" me points commonly regarded as the sum
mere rule where
total ofgood playing . But it is in matters beyond the limits f
the skill ofthe analyst is evinced . He makes , in silence , a host ofobservations
and inferences . So perhaps do his companions ; and the difference in the extentof
the information obtained his not so much in the falsity of the inference as in
the quality ofthe observation . The necessary knowledge is that of what toobserve.
Our player confines himself not atall ;. nov, because the game is the object, does
he reject deductions exising from things external to the game. He examines the
countenance of hisIpartner, comparing it carefully with that y each his opponents.
He considers the mode of assorting the cards in each hand ; often counting trump
by trump, and honor by honor , through the glances bestowed by their holders upon
each . He notes every variation offace as the play progresses , gathering a fund of
thought from the differences in the expression of certainty, of surprise , of triumph or
of chagrin. now the manner a trick he judges whetherthe per-
of gathering upa
Son taking can make another in the suit. Embarrasment hesitation , eagerness, or
trepidation . He recognizes whatand played through feint by the air with which it
is thrown upon the table. aAcasual
card or inadvertent word ; the accidental drop-
king or turning of anythingimportant , with the accompanying anxiety or careless-

ness in regard to its concealment ; the counting ofthe tricks, with the order oftheir
arrangement ; embarrasment, hesitation , eagerness or trepidation - all afford to
his apparently intuitive perception indications of the true state of affairs , thefirst
two or three rounds having been played, he is in full possession . % the contents ร
each hand , and thenceforward puts down his cards with as absolute a precision"
their own .
ofpurpose as if the rest of the party had turned outwards the faces of
The analytical power should not be confounded with simple ingenuity ; for
while the analyst is necessarily ingenions , the ingenious man is often utterly
incapable of analysis . I have spoken ofthis latter faulty as that of resolving thought
into its elements , and it is only necessary toglance upon this idea toperceive the
necessity ofthe distinction just mentioned . The constructive or combiningpower,
which ingenuity is usually manifested, and to which thephrenologests (I be.
heve erroneously) have assigned a separuti organ , supposing it a primitive faculty,
has been so prequently seen in those whose intellect bordered otherwise upon iclivey
as to have attracted general observation amory writers on morals. Between in -
genuity and the unitytic ability there exists a difference for greater indeed than
that between thefancy and the imagination , but of a character very strictly and-
truly befound , in fact, that the ingenious are always funciful , and
beyous. Itwill
the highly insuginative never otherwise then profoundly analytic .
The narrative which follows will appear to the reflective reader somewhat in the light
of a commentary upon the propositions just advanced. Jummer
Residing in Paris during the autumnand "and partofthe waster of18-
partofthe of 18- , Ithere con-
hacted an
intimacy with a konsieur 6.Auguste Dupin . This young gentleman was
of an excellent, indeed of an illustrious family, but, by a variety of untoward events,
had been reduced to such poverty that the quondam energy of his character succumbed
before it, and he ceased to bester himself in the world, or to care for the retrieval 7 h
fortunes . By courtesy ofhis creditors there still remained in his porression a small
remnant of This patrimony ; and upon the income arising from this he managed ,
of life , without
by means of a rigorous economy, toprocure the necessaries,without
troubling himself about its superfluities. Books, indeed, were his sole luxuries , and
in Paris there ure easily obtained our first meeting was at an obscure library in
the same
the Rue Montmartre , where the accident of our both being in search ร
zare and
very very remarkable volume brought us into closer communion . The
Saw each other again and again . I was deeply interested in the little family history
whichhe detailed to me with all that candor ofaRenchmanm which a Frenchman
only indulgeswhen self is his theme. I was astonished too at the vast extent his
reading - and above all I felt all my soul enkindled within me bythe wildfer-
vor, and what I could only term the vivid freshness,ofhis imagination . Seeking
such a man would be
in Paris the objects Ithen sought Ifelt thint the society of
to me a treasure beyond price ; and this feeling; I frankly confided to him Itwas.
at length arranged that we should live together during my stay in the city ; and,
as I was
my worldly incumstances were somewhat less embarrassed than his our ,
permitted to be at the expense of renting, and furnishing in a style which suited
the ratherfantastic gloom of our common temper, a time-caten and grotesque
mansion , long deserted through superstitions into which we did not inquire.
and tollering to itsfall in a retired and desolate portion of The Faubourg StGermain .

Had the woutine ofour life at this place been known tothe world we should
have been regarded us maxmen - although , perhaps, as madmen of a harm-
less nature . Om seclusion was perfect. We admitted no visitors whomsoever.
Indeed the locality of our retirement had been carefully kept a secret from my
own former associates ; and it had been many years since. Dupine hade
ceased to know or be known in Paris. We existed within ourselves alone.

It was apeak offarrcy in myfriend (for what else shull I call it?),
to be enamoured of the Night for her own sake ; and into this bizarrerie,
as into all his others , Iquietlyfell ; giving myself up tohis wild whims
with an utter abandon . The sable divinity would not herself dwell withus
The mor.
always, but we could counterfeit her presence . Atthe first dawn of
ning we closed all the marry shutters of our old building, lighting a couple
of tapers which , strongly perfumed, threw out only the ghasthest and feeblest
ofrays. By the aid of there we then busied our souls in dreams - reading,
writing, or conversing, until warned by the clock of the advent ofthe tie
Darkness . Then we sallied forth into the street's arm in arm , continuing the
topics 8 the day, or roamingfar and wide untila late hour, seeking, amid
the wild lights and shadows ofthe populous city, that infinity of mental ex-
citement which quiet observation would afford .
At such times I could not help remarking and admuring (although from his
rich ideality Ihad beenprepared to expect) a peculiar analytic ability inDupin.
He seemed, too, to take an eager delight in its exercise, of not exactly in it'sdis-
play; and did not hesitate to confers the pleasure this derived . He boasted 5
me ‫ ر‬with a low chuckling laugh , that most men , in respect to himself, wore
windows in then bosoms, and was wont tofollow up such assertions by direct
and very startlingproofs of his intimate knowledge of my own . His manner at
these moments was frigid and abstract; his eyes were vacant in expression ;
while his voice , usually a rich tenor, rose into be which would have .
soundedpetulantly but for the deliberateness and entire distinctuess o
onunciation . Observing him in there moods I often dwelt meditatively upon
the old philosophy ofthe Bi-PartSoul, and annused myself with thefancyy
a double Dupin - the creative and the resolvent
Let it not be supposed, from what I havejust said, that I am detailing any
mystery, or-penning any romance. What I have described in the Frenchman was
but the result of an excited , orperhaps of a diseased intelligence . But of the character
of his remarks at theperiods, in question an exampl example will best
e will best convey the idea.
We were strolling one night down a
long dirty street in the vicinity of thePalais
Royal. Being both, apparently, occupied with thought, neither of us had spoken a
syllable for fifteen minutes at least. All at once Dupin broke forth with there
-" "He
is a very little fellow, thats true , and would do better for theTheatre des
Variétés ".
There can be no doubt of that, Ireplied unwittingly , and not atfirst observi
(so much had Ibeen absorbed in reflection) the extraordinary manner in which the
speaker had chimed in with my meditations. In
an instant afterwards I recollected
myself, and my astonishment was profound.
"Dupin ", said Igravely, " this is beyond my comprehension . Ido not hesitate to
Say that I am amazed , and can scarcely credit my senses. How was itpossible you
should know I was thinking of Here I paused,to ascertain beyond a doubt
whom II thought.
whether he really knew of whom
- "Chantilly ," said he , " why do you pause? You were remarking toyourself
that his diminutive figure unfitted him for tragedy.
This was precisely what had formed the subject of my reflections . Chantilly
was a quondam cobler ofthe Rue 5+ Denis , who, becoming stage- mad , had attempted
the rôle ofXerxes, in brebillou's tragedy so called , and been notoriously pasquinaded
for his pains.
" Tell me, for God's sake ", I exlaimed , " the method - ifmethod therebe - by
you have been enabled tofalhom my soul in this matter". In fact Iwas
even more startled than I would have been willing to express.
"It was the finiterer","replied my friend, " who "
brought you to the conclusion"
that the mender soles was not of sufficient height for Xerxes et id genus omine.
astonish me - "
"The fruiteres !- you I know no fruiterer whatever.
"The man who run upagainst you as we entered the sheet- it m.
have been fifteen minutes ajo."
I now remembered that in fact afruiterer, carrying upon his head a
lunge basket of apples, had
nearly thrown me down, by accident, as we passed,
from the Tue 6 into the thoroughfare where we now stood ; but what this had
to do with Chantilly I could not possibly understand .
There was not aparticle of charlataneric about Dupine . "Iwill explain","
he said," and that you may comprehend all clearly , we will first retrace the
course of your meditations ,from the moment in which I spoke toyou until
the chain
that ofthe rencontre with thefruiterer in question . The larger links of
run thus Chantilly , Orion , Dr Nichol, Epicurus , stereotomy, the street
stones, the fruiterer ."
There are few persons who have not; at some period g their lives, amused
themselves in retracing the steps by which particular conclusions oftheir own minds
have been attained . The occupation is often full of interest ; and he who attempti
it forthefirsttime is invariably astonished by the apparently illimitable distance
* incoherence between the starting point and the goal. What, then , must have
my amazement when I heard the Frenchman speak what he had just
spoken , and when I would not help acknowledging that he had spoken the
truth . He continued -
" We had been talking of horses , if I remember aright, just before leaving the
Pure C. This was the last Furject we discussed . As we crossed into this street,
a pruiterer, with a large bushes upon his head , brushing quickly past us, thrust
you upou apile of paving-stones collected ata spor, where the causeway is
underyoung repair. You stepped upon one y the loose fragments , slipped , slightly
strained your ankle, appeared vexed or sulky, muttered a few words, turned
to look back at thepile , and then proceeded in silence . I was notpar-
ticularly attentive to what you did - but observation has become with me
of late a ་་species of necessity.
You kept your eyes upon theground.- glancing with a petulant ex-
pression ,at the holes and rests in thepavement,( so that Isaw you were still
thinking of the stones) until we reached the little alley called Lamartine, which
has been paved, by way of experiment, with the overlapping andrivated blocks.
Here your countenance brightened up, and, perceiving your lips move, Iwould
not doubt thatyou murmured & yourself the word stereotomic ! you corriston
tinned the same inaudible murmur, with a knit brow, as is the buritof
a man tasking his
memory, until I considered that you sought the
Greek derivation of the word stereotomy.] Iknew that you could notfind .
this]without being brought to think
[ atomies, and thus the theories of
of 8.
Epicurus ; and us, when we discussed this subject not very long ago , I men -
world toyou how singularly , yet with how little notice, the vnque guesses
ofthat noble Greek had met with confirmation in the late nebulas cos-
Ifelt that you could not avoid casting your eyes upwards to
the great rebula in orion , and I certainly expected that you would do 30.
You did look up ; and I now was assured that I had correctly followed
your steps . But in that bitter tirade upon Chantilly which appeared in
yesterday's Musée, the satirist, making some disgraceful allusions to the
cobler's change of nauce upon assuming the buskin , quoted. a very peculiar
Latin Liverse meaning
прочь whore . we have often conversed . I mean the line
Perdidit antiquum litera prima sonum .
I had told that this was in
you reference to Orion; formerly written wrion;
andprom certain pungencies connected witlethis explanation,I was aware Kraf
that you would
you could not have forgotten it. It was clear , therefore,
not fail to combine the two ideas . 7 Orion a Chantilly . That you did
combine them I. saw by the character ofthe smile which passed over
your lips . You bought of the poor cooler's mismolation . Defare, you beut
been stooping in yourgait - but now I saw you draw yourself up to
your full height. I was then sure that you reflected upon the diminu-
this figure of Chantilly. At thispoint I interrupted your meditations
to ressach that as in fact he was a very little fellow - that Share sery -
be would do better at the Théâtre des variétés."

ning extition of Le Tribund " when the

over an eve
Notlong after this we were looking
following parcequiples arrested our attention.
Extraordinary Murders. This morning , about three o'clock, the inbubitants ofthe
Quartier 5+Roch were aroused from sleep by a succession oftermfre thricks , issuing ap-
parently pour the fourthe story of a house in the Rue Morgues, known tobe in the sole
occupancy of one Madame L' Espanage and her daughter Mademoiselle Canville £ '
Espanaye . afte some delay occasioned by a fouitters attempt &prouse admission
was broken in with a crow- bur, and eight
in the usu al manner , thegat eway
orten of the neighbour entered , accompanied by two goutd'amor gendarmes.
By this tirine the cries had ceased ; bit as the party rushed up thefirst flight of
in contention ,were distinguished, pessing
stairs, two or more rou gh voices, angry
and seemed toproceed from the upperpart of the house. As the second landing was
reached, these sounds , also, bad ceased, and everything remained perfectly quiet.
The party spread themselves , and hurriedfrom wour to roons . Upon arriving at
a large back chamber in the fourth story/ the door of which ,being found locked,
with the key iiride, was forced open .) a spectacle presented itself which struck ev-
epresent not less with honor them with astonishment.
The apartment was in the wildest disorder - thefurniture broken and thrown
about in all directions . There was only one bedstead; and from this the bed hand
been removed , and thrown into the middle of thefloor . On a chair lay
razor becueased with blood. On the hearth were two or three long andthick
human hair , also dabbled in blood, and seeming tohave been.
trenes of grey
au ear
pulled bythe roots. Upon the floor were found four tapolcons,
ring of topar , three large silver spores , and three smaller
of metal d'Alger,
and two bags containing nearly four thousand francs in gold. The draw.
ers a bureau which stood in one corner, were open, and had been , ap_
parently rifled , although maing actules ouill remained in them . A small
vion safe was discovered under the bed (not under the bedstead); It was
и f
with the key still in the door . It had no contents beyond ew
open ,
little consequence .
old letters and other papers of bit, a unusual
of Madame L'Erpanage no traces were here seen ; диал
tity of soor being observed in thefive-place, a search was made in the chuiney , and
)the corpse ofthedaughter, head downwards, was dragged therefrom ;
(horrible torelate !
it having been thuis forced up the narwow aperture for a considerable distance-
The body was quite warm . Upon examining it , many excoriations were
percised, no doubt occasioned by the violence with which it had hem thrust
up and disengaged . Upon theface were many severe ſcratches , and upon the trout
, as if the deccused had
dark bruises, and deep indentations of finger nails , as if
been throttled to death .

After a thorough investigation of every portion the house without farther

discovery, theparty made its way with a smallpavedford in the rear o
where the
building , lay corpse y the old lady with her throut to entuely cut
that , for an
attempt to mise her, the wasbend fell off and rolled to some dist_
ance . The body
воду,, as well usthe head,were fearfully mutilated - theformer so
much so as scarcely to retain any semblance &humanity .
To this borrible mystory there is not as yet, we believe , the slightest den!

་ The next day's paper had these additional particulars.

The Tragedy in the Rue Morgue . Many indivictuals have been

excrined in relation tothis most extraordinary and frightful affair !
[Theword affuire
has not yet, in France, that levity of importwhich itconveys with us
, "but no-
thing whatever has transpired to throw light upon it. We give below all the
matinal testimony elicited .
Pauline Dubourg , laundress , deposes that she has known both the deceased
for three years, having washed for them auring that period . The old lady and
her daughter seemed on good terms - very affectionate towards each other . Theywere
excellent pay. Gould not speak in regard to their mode or means ofliving. Be-
lieved that Madame £. told fortunes fora living . Was reputed tohave moneyput
by. Never met anypersons in the houses when the called for the clothes or took them
home. Was sure that they had no sewant in employ. There appeared to be no
furniture in any partofthe building except in the fourth story.
Pierre Moreau ; tobarcaust, deposes that he has been in the habit of selling
small quantities of tobaces and snuff to Madame L'Espanaye for nearly four years.
Was born in the neighbourhood , and has always resided there. The deceased and
her daughter had occupied the house in which the corpses were found for more
than six years. It was formerly occupied by ajeweller , who underlet the upper
rooms to various persons . The house was the property of Madarine L. She became
dissatisfied with the abuse of the premises by her tenant , and moved into them herself,
refusing to let any portion . The old lady was childish . Witness had seen the
daughter some five or six times during the six years. The two lived an exceedingly
the neigh.
retired life were ceputed to have money. Had heard it said among
bouis that Madame d. told fortunes - did noh behave it - Had never seen any
person enter the door except the old lady and her daughter , a porter once or
hoice , and a physician some light or ten trines.
Many otherpersons, neighbours , gave evidence to the same effect. No one
was spoken of as frequenting the house. It was not known whether there were any
lving connexions of Madame I. and her daughter. The shutters the front
wuidons were seldom opened . Those in the rear were always closed , with the
exception of the large back rooms , fourth story the house was agood house -
not old .
Iridore Muset, gendarme , deposes that he was called to thehouse about
three o'clock in the morning, and found some twenty or thirty persons at
thefront door , endeavouring to gain admittance - Forced it open, at lengths,
Gateway with a beynet
- not with a crow -bar. Had but little difficulty in getting it
очень on account it's being a double orfolding do , and bolted neither at gate
bollom nor top. The shrieks were continned mutil the dox was forced - and gate
there suddenly ceased. They seemed to be the sucams of some person or per
sons) in great agony _ were loud and drawn out, not shook and quick.
Withers led the way up stairs . Upon reaching the first landing heard. Two
voices in loud and angry contention - the one a gruff voice , the other much
some words Z the former, which
shriller - a very thange voice. Gould distinguish
was that મ Freshman. Was positive that it was not a woman's voice . Could
น જ
distinguish the words "sacre and diable". The shrill voice was that of of fo-
ragner. Gould not be sure whether it was the voice a woman .
a man or o
Could not make out what was said , but believed the language to be spanish.
Might have distinguished some words ifhe had been acquainted with the spansch.
The state the room and
% ร the bodies was described bythis witness as we
described theur yesterday.
Henri Duval " ∞•neighbour, and by trade a silversmith, deposes that he was one
of party who first entered the house . Carrofborates the testimony of Muset.
in general . As soon as they forced an entrance , they reclosed the door, to keep
the hour.
out the crowd , which collected very fast, notwithstanding the lateness 8
The shrill voice, this withers thunks, was that an Italian . Was certain it was
not French . Could not he sure that it was a man's voice . It might have been
with the Italian language ., and,althoughhe could
a woman's. Was^ acquainted but
not distinguish the words wasconvinced by the intonation that the speaker
was an Italian . Knew Madame L. and her claughter . Had conversed with
the de
both frequently. Was sure that the shrill voice was not that 8 either 8
ieared .


Not speaking trench was examined through an interpreter.



Odenheimer, restaurateur . This witness volunteered his testimony. Is a


native at the time 3 the shrieks . They last-

9 Amsterdam . Was passing the house
ed for several minutes - probably ten . They were long and lond - very awful
and distressing. Was one of those who entered the building . Corroborated the
previous evidence in every respect but one. Was sure that the shrill voice was
that of a man - 1 of a Frenchman . Gould not distinguish the words uttered .
They were loud and quick- unequal - - sometimes quick, sometimes deliberate.

- spoken apparently in fear as well as is anger. The voice was harsh - 201

so much shrill as harsh . Could not call it a shrill voice . The gruff voice

said repeatedly sucre , diable , and once ' mon dieu .

the he
he ,^

Jules Mignaud , banker the firm of chignaud et Fils , Rue Deloraine .


1 an
Is the elder Mignand . Madame d'Espanage had some property . Had opened
account with his banking house in the spring ofthe year — - ( eight yearspre-
viously.) Made frequent deposites in small sums . Had checked for nothing until
the third day before her death, when she took out inperson the sum of4000
francs . This rum was paid in gold , and a cleck sent home withthe money.
Adolphe Le Bon , cluck to Messieurs Mignand et Fils , depores that on the
in question , about noon, he accompamed Mudume L' Espanage to her re-
sidence with the 4000 frames, put up in two bags. Upon the door benig opened
Mademoiselle L. appeared and took from his hands one of the bags, while the
old lady rchived him ofthe other. He then bowed and departed . Did not see
any person in the street at the time . It is a bye street - very lovely.
the party who entered the
William Brid , tailor , deposes that he was one ช
house . Is an Englishman . Has lived in Paris two years. Was one of the first to
ascend the stars . Heard the voices in contention . The gruff vorce was that of a French-
man . Could make out several words, but cannot now remember all . Heard dis-

Lindity sacre and mon dien . There was a sound at the moment as if of several
persons strugglingལ་ scraping & scuffling sound . The shrill voice was very loud .-

Issure that it was not the voiceofan Englishman.Ap-

louder than the gruff one.
peared tobe that of a German . Might have been a woman's voice . Does not understand German.

Four ofthe above- named witnesses, being recalled, deposed that the door of the

chamber in which was found the body of Mademoiselle L. was locked on the in
n. o

side when the party reached it. Every thing was perfedty silent - no groans or
noises of any "Kind . Upon forcing the door no person was seen . The windows
both of the buck and front room were down and formely fastened from within
Adoor between the two rooms was closed , but not locked .The dog ide
from the front room into the passage was exed equeredwiththeweb open,but for.
A small room in thefront of the house, on thefourthe story, asthe head of the par-
was also open , the door being ajar . This room was crowded with old beds
boxes, and so forth. These were carefully removed and searched . There was not
an inch of any portion of the house which was not carefully searched . Sweeps were
sent up and down the chimneys. Thehouse was a four story one, with garrots (mansardes).
A trap door on the roof was nailed down very securely did not appear to have
been opened for years. The time clapsing between the hearing ofthevoices in con-
tention and the breaking open theroom door was variously stated by the wit-
. - Some as Long as five ! Thedoor
nesses .Some made it as short as three minuter
was opened with difficully. Trianon. Morgue .
Alfonzo Garcis , undertaker , deposed that he resides in the Rue they
themurder) is a native ofspain . was one of the party who entered the house .
Did not proceed up stairs . Is nervous , and was apprehensive ofthe consequences of
agitation . Heard the voices in contentions . The griff voice was that of a French-
man . Could not distinguish what was said . " The shrill voice was that 8 an
Daglishmen - is sure ofthis . Does not understand the English language ,but judges by
the intonation .
Λ Several witnesses ,recalled, here testified that the chimneys ofall the rooms in the
forenthe story were two narrow to admit the passage of ahumanbeing. Bysweeps' were
means weeping -brushes such as are employed by those who clean chimneys . There,
brushes were parsed up and down every flue in the house . There is no back passage
bywhich any one would have descended while the partyproceeded up stairs .Thebodyof
Mademoiselle L'Esparage was so firmly wedged in the chimney that it could not begot
down until four orfive oftheparty united their strength .
PaulDumas, physician, deposes that he was called to view the bodies about
day break . They were there both lying on thesacking ofthe bedstead in the cham-
was much
ber when Mademoiselle L. was found . The corpseof
corpse of the young lady
bruised and excrrated . The fact that it had been thrust up the chivinly would
sufficiently account for these appearances. The throat was greatly chafed . There
were several deep scratchesjust below the chin , together with a series oflivid,
spots which were evidently the impression offingers. Theface was fearfully dis-
colored , and the eye-bulls protruded . The tongue had been partially bitten through.
A large bruse was discovered upore thepit of the stomach ,produced apparently by the
Messie 8 a knee . In the opinion of M. Dumas, Mademoiselle L. Esparage had
been throttled to death bysomeperson orpersons unknown. The corpse of
mother was horribly mutilated . All the bones ofthe right leg and arm were
more or less shuttered . The left tibre much splintered), as well as all the ribs
the left side. Whole body dreadfully bruised and discolored . Itwas not
possible to suy how the injuries had been inflicted . A heavy club o wood
or a broad bar of iron
iron ,, a chair
. , any large heavy and obture weapon , would
have produced such results, of wielded by the hands of a verypowerful
No woman could have inflicted the blows with any weapon . The head of
deceased, when seen by witness, was entirely separated from the body, and was
also greatly shattered. The throat had evidently been cut with some very
sharp instrument -probably with a rarior.
Alexandre Etienne , surgeon, was calledwith M. Dunnus to viewthe
M. Dunias.
bodies . Corroborated the testimony , and thequimions. of

Nothing farther ofimportance was clicited, although several otherper-

Jons were


examined . A murder so mysterious , and so perplexing in all

itsparticulars , was never before committed in Paris - of indeed a murder



has been committed atall . The police are entirely atfault - an un


occurrence in affairs o this nature . There is not , however , the shadow & a


ilue apponent.

The eddion
evening the paper stated that the greatest exitement still
continued in the Pa Li -
that thepremises in question had been
carefully re-searched , and fresh exantinations. 7 witnesses motituted , but
all tonopurpose. A posteript , however, mentioned that adolphe Le Bon
had been arrested, and imprisoned - although nothing appeared to criminate musique
him , beyond thefacts already detailed .

Jupin seemed singularly interested intheprogress ofthis affair - atleast

so Ijudged from his manner,for he made no comments whatever. It

was only after the announcement that Le Bon had been insprisoned, that
he asked me my opinion respecting it ..

I would merely agree withall Pav's in considering it an inschuble


mystery. hocdd to thepespectentorofthe bubbery I saw no means by


which it would be horrible to trace besin the murderer.


" shell

"The must not judge ofthe means " ,

" said Dupin "bythis bumsnesie 8
an examination . The Parisian police , so much extolled for acumen , are
cunning, but no more . There is no method in their proceedings, beyond
the method of the moment. The results attained by them are not impre-
quently surprising, but , for the most part, are brought about by simple
diligence and activity . When there qualities are unavailing their scheines
for example
a persevering man . But,without

fail . Vidocq was a good guesser , and a


an educated thought, he erred continually by the very intensity ofhis in-


nestigations. He impaired his vision by holding the object too close. He might
see,perhaps, , one or twopouits with unusual clearness , but in sodoing
he neussarily lost sight ofthe matter, as a whole . Thus there is such a thing
as being too profound. Just does not always be in a well . In fact.
as regards the most important knowledge I do believe that she is in
variably superficial . The depth lies oftener in the valleys where we
for s

Leet her than upon the mountain tops where she isfound. The modes.

and sources of this kind Z error are well typified in the contemplation ofaster.

the heavenly bodies. To look at a star byglances- toview it in a sidelong way

by turning towards it the exteriorportions ofthe retinde inbseeitdistenetty_is
(more susceptibleoffeeble impressions oflight than the interior) is to behold the star 9

" - is to have the best appreciation ofits lustre - a bistre whichgrows dim
just in proportion as we turn om vision fully upon it. Agreater number of wys

avarally full прочи the cye in the lattercase , but in theformer there is the more
refined capacity for comprehension . By undue profundity we perplex and expeeble
thought - and it ispossible tomake even venus herself vanish from thefirmament by
a scruting too sustained , too concentrated, and too direct.
let us enter into some exam K f o .
"Asfor these murder , ina ions or urselves
before we make up as n opissio respect them. An inqui
will afford
n ing
us amuse [ Ithough this are add Cerin , so applied, but saidnothin ]
ment t g
"and, besills , de Bon once render m a servi f w Iam not un-
ed e ce or hich
patefu . We will go and see the premis with our own eyes . Iknow
l es
G_ , the Prefêt dePolic , and shall have no difficu in obtai
e lty ning
thThine ce ss ar y rm is si on
spermistiope n was obtain . ed , and weproceeded at once tothe Rue Morgue .

This is one of those misera ble thoroughfares which intervene between the
Rue Richelien and the Que diRoch. It was late in the afternoon when
great distance from that in
ch che
d it for s rtier is at ayfound ;for there were still many
we we us ided.thi TheQua
house we readil
persons garing up at the closed shutters ,with an objectless curiosity, from the
ordinary Esendale Parisian house, with a
opposite side ofthe way. Itwasan with a sliding
e de wh ich was aglazed watch -box ,
on on si .
Gateway, loge de concurge . Before going in
panel in the winet, dow , indicatin. g a- воде

inm ed
we walked up the stre turned down an•alley, and then, agar turning,passed in the rear

e ce
of thebuilding - Dupair, meanwhile , examining the whole neighbourhood , as well as the

on fi
house, with a minuteness & attention for which I could see no possible object.

and ,
Retracing om steps we came again to thefront of the divelling, rang,
having shown on cred enti als , were adm ixe d bythe age nts in cha rge. We wen t up stairs -
Espanaye had been found , and

, pers
into the chamber where the body of Mademoise lle a

as usual, been

where both the deceased still lay. The disorders ofthe room had ་་

of e
suffered toexist. Isaw nothing beyond what had been stated in the"Iribunal ". Dupin.

sontained every thing, not excepting the bodies of the victims . We then went into themp
gendarme accomponging ing us throughout. One ex- co
other rooms, and into the yard ; a gendarme accompong departure . On our wayhome my
amination occupied us until dark , when we took om and that - Je les
Ihave said that the whi ns ofmyfriend were tmanifold,
men aga is :-for this phr ase ther e is no Eng lis h equ iva len . Itwas his humor now,
to decline all conversation on the subject of the murder until after we hud token
ཅ 、 twoodinght. He then asked me, suddenly, if Ihad of_
a brittle ofwine togetherwon thenextsay
ser ved thin g pecu liar at the scene ofthe atrocity
any someshing in his manner of empicasiring the word "peculiar" which
There was
caused me tohin
shud deruli ar ""out
, with knod ,win g why.
g more , utleast, than we both saw
No, not
" g pec I sai "nothin

stated Trithe
"Lein al "er
bunpap , he replied , "has not entered, Ifear, into the unusual horror
the thing. But we will not revert to the idle opinions ofthispruit.It appears tome
that this mystery is considered insoluble for the very reasons which should cause
ittobe regarded as easyy solution _I mean for the outré chaccedir 8
motive- not for
founded bythe seeming absence of
features . Thepolice are con are purrled by the
the murder itself -butfor the atrocity ofthe murder. They
seeming impossibility ofreconciling the voices heard in contention, with thefact ,
that no one was discovered up stairs but the assessinated Mademoiselle L'
Espanaye, and that there were no means of equess without the notice the
thrust with the head
room j the corpse
party ascending. The wild disorder of the the old
downwards up the chimney ; the frightful mutilation of the body 8
lady ; there considerations , with thore just mentioned , and otherswhich Ineed

not mention, have sufficed toparalyze thepowers, by putting completely atfault

the beasted acumen , ofthe government agents . Theyhavefallen into the grossbutcommon
error of confounding the unusual withthe abstruse . But itis by these deviations
ce re minences from theplane of the ordinary, that
from the common- place - bythe pro
Isus reason feels it-way, if asall, in it search after the true . In rivestigations.
mashed what has occurred' , book as
such as we are now pursuing, it should not be
what has occurred which has never occurred before . Justin proportion as this rat
tea has appeared misolublestothepoles &has beenthat fribity white abach dohave
. In fact, the facility with which I shall arrive , or have.
arrived at its solution
arrived , atthe solution ofthis mystery, is in an exact ratio with its ap-
parent insolubility in the eyes ofthe police.
Istared at thespeaker in mute astonishment . He continued .
I am now "
awaiting", continned he, looking towards thedoor of
o our apartment-
am now awaiting a person who, althoughperhaps not theperpetrator ofthese butcheries,
must haveAin some measure, implicated in their perpetration . Of the worstportion ofthe
cumes committed it is probable that he is innocent .Ihope that I am right in this sup-
position 3for upon it I build my expectation of reaching the entire riddle . I look for the
man here ·in this room - every moment. It is true that he may not arrive ; but thepro.
bability is thathe will . Should he come, it willbe necessary to detain him . Here arepis-
tils ; and we both know how to use them when the occasion demonds their use.
I took thepistols, scarcely knowing what I did , or beheving what I heard , while Dupin
went on , very much as if if in a soliloquy. Ihave already spoken of his abstract manner
in a no
atsuch times. His discourse was addressed to myself ;buthis voice , although by
means loud, had that intonation which is commonly employed in speaking to some one
ata great distance. His eyes , vacant in expression , regarded only the wall.
"That the voices heard in contention ", he said , " by theparty upon the stairs, were not
the voices ร the women themselves, was fully proved by the evidence . This relèves us of all doubt
upon thequestion whether the old wild have first destroyed the daughter , and afterwards have
committed micide , I speak of this point chiefly for the sake of method ; for the strength ofMadame
L'Espanage would have been uttily unequal to the task ofthrusting her daughter's corpse up the
chimney asitwasfound ; and the nature of the wounds upon her own person entirely preclude
theidea ofself-destruction . Murder,then , has been committed by some third party ; and the
veries ofthisthird party were those heard in contention. del me now advert - not tothewhole
testimony respeding there voices - - but to what was peculiar in thattestimony. Did you observe
peculiar about it?
"Iremarked that, while all the witnesses agreed in supposing the gruff voice to bethatofa
Frenchman , there was much disagreement in regard tothe shrill . or,as one individual termed
it, the harsh vorce .
" That was the evidence itself "said dupin, " but it was not the peculiarity ofthe evideme.
You have observed nothing distinctive . Re- employing my own words I may say that you
have pointed out no prominence above the plane of the ordinary , by which reason may feel
her way, yetthere was something tobepointed out. The witnesses, as you remark , agreed
about the gruff voice ;they werebere unanimous. But in to the shrill wice thepe-
culiarity is - not that they disagreed - but that, while an Italian , an Englishman, a Spaniard ,
a Hollander, and a Frenchman attemplid to describe it , each one spoke of it as that of afor.
Each issure that it was not the voice ใ one น his own countrymen . Each likens it not
tothe voice ร an . individual -
of any nation with whore language he is conversant but the
converse . The Frenchman ouppores it the voice of a Spaniard, and " might have distinguished .
some words had he been acquainted with the Spanish ". The Dutchman maintains thereaseit
to have been that of a Frenchman ; but we find it stated that "not understanding Rench
this witness was examined through an interpreter". The Englishman thucks it the voice ofa
German , and " does not understand German ". The Spaniard "is sure" that it is that д an
Englishman , but"judges bythe untonation " altogether ,"as he has no knowledge ofthe English."
The Italian believes it the voice of a Russian, but "has never conversed with a native Russia!
Asecond henchman differs, moreover, with thefirst, and is positive that the voice is that 8.
Italian ; but, not being cognerant of that tongue, is like the spamord ","convinced by the unto-
nation " Now, how strangely unusual must that voice have really been, about which such
testimony as this would have beenclinted !– in whose times, even , denizens ofthe five great
divisiois of Europe could recognire nothingfamiliar! You will say that it might have been
the voice of an asiatic -_ of an african . Neither Asiatics nor africans abound in Paris ; but,
without denying theinference, I willjust now merely call your attention tothreponits which
have relation to this topic . The vorce is termedby one witness "harsh rather than shrill".
no Souns
Itisrepresented by two others tohave been quick and unequal ? Nowords- nothing
resembling words -wwereby any witness mentioned as distinguishable.
"Iknow not"contimed dupin ,"what impression .Inny have made , sofar, upon
Jom con understanding; but I do not hesitate to say that legitimate deductions even
from thisportion 7 the testimony_ the portion uspecting thegruff and shrill voices-
are in therrschues sufficient to Engender a suspicion which should bras, orgive direction
to arefurtherprogress in the investigation of the mystery.Isaid legitimate deductions; but
my meaning is not this fully exprexed . Idisigned toimply that the deductions were
the sole proper ones, and that the suspicion arore . nevitably from them as the sungle re-
wish 4 bear
oult- What the suspicion is, however, Iwill not sayjust yet.Imerely you.
-a certain.
in mind that with myself it was sufficientlyfreible togive a definitefrom
tendency to my inquiries in the chamber.
Let is now transport ourselves , in fancy, to that chamber . What shall we
Seek here ? The means of egress employed by the murderers. It is not too much to vay
we neither of us believe in protemnatural events .Madame and Mademoiselle L'Espanaye
were not destroyed by spirits. The divers of the dark deed were material, and escaped materially .
Then how ? Fortunately, there is but one mode of reasoning upon thispoint, and that mode must
lend us to a definite decision . Let us examine , each by such, the possible means of egress . It is
clear that the assassins were ins the room where theMorde moisellewL'Eshanave wassed , or at least in the
room adjoining, when the party ascended the stairs. It is then onlyfrom these two apart-
ments that wehave to seek for issues. The police have laid lave thefloors, the ceilings,and
the masonry of the walls; in every direction . No secret issues could have escaped
vigilance . But, not trusting to their eyes, I examined with my own . There were, then, no
Secret issues Bothdvors leadingfrom the rooms into thepassage were securely locked, with the keys
inside . Let us turn tothe chimneys. These, although ofordinary width for some eight orten
best above thehearth's, will not admit, throughout their extent, the body of a large cat
The impossibibity of egress bythe means alrecidystatedbeing this absolute , we are reduced tothe
windows. Through thoseof thepoutroom noone would have escaped without noticefrom the
crowd in the street. The murderers must have passed , there, through those 7 the back room .
Now,brought tothis creclusion in to inequivocal a manner as we are, itis not ourpart,
as reasoners, to ‫تان‬
reject on account of apponent impossibilities . It is only leftfor us toprove
that there impossibilities
3 There are two windowsare not such.
in the chamber . One of them is unobstructed by furniture, and
is wholly visible. The lowerportion of the other ishidden from view bythe head The unwieldy
beastead which is thrust close up against it. The former was found securely fastened from
within .It resisted the utmost force of those who encleavoured toraise it. A large gimlet-hole
had been pierced in its frame to the left, and a very stout nail was found fitted therein
nearly to the head. upon examining the other window a similar nail was seen similarly
fitted in it ; and a rigorous attempt to raise this sash failed also . The police were now en-
wely satisfied that egress had not been made in thesedirections. And ,therefore, it was thought
a matterofsupererogation to withchaw the nails andopen the windows,
"My own examination was somewhat more particular , and was so for the reason I havejust
given -because here it was , I know, thatall apparent impossibilities must beproved to be not
such in reality one there windows . This
"Iproceeded tothink thas -aposteriori. The murderers did escape from જ
being so ,they could not have re-furtered the sashes from the inside as they were found fastened.
the consideration which put a stop,through it obviousness, to the scruting of thepolice in this quar.
). yetthe sushes werefastened . They must, then, have thepower offastening themselves .There was
no•escape from this conclusion . I stepped to the unobstructed casement , withdrew the nail with some
difficulty, and attempted toraise the sash . It resisted all my efforts, as Ianticipated . a concealed
Test mypremises,
spring must,I now knew, exist , and this corroboration of my idea convinced me
at least,were correct , however mysterious still appeared the circumstances attending the nails.a
careful search soon . brought to light the hidden spring . Ipressed it, and satisfied with the disco-
I nowtoupravethe
very,forbore sash.
replaced the nail and regarded it attentively . Aperson passing outthrough this window
might14 have reclosed it, and thespring would have caught - but the nail could not have been replaced .
The conclusion was plain , and again narrowed in the field of my investigations . The ussursing must
home escaped through the otherwindow. Supposing,then, the springs upon each sash tobe the same,
aswasprobable, there must be found a difference between the nails , or at least between the modes
oftheirfixture. getting upon the sacking of the bedstead , I looked over the head -board minutely
at thesecond casement. Parsing my arme Lown behind the board Ireadily discovered and pressed
the spring, which was, as I had infpored , identical in character with its neighbour . I now looked at
the mail . Itwas as stout asthe other , and apparently fitted in in the same manner_driven in
nearly up to the head. must have misunderstood the na.
You will Đang that Iwas puzzled ; but if you think
beenso youbeen atfault. The scent had never
I had not once
ture % the inductions. To use a sporting phrase, link
the chain . I had tracked the secret
an instant been lost. There was no flaw in any in every respect, the appear-
to its ultimate result - and that result was the nail . It hud , Isay,
ance ofitsfellow in the other window ; but thisfact was an absolute millity (conclusive as it might
with theconsideration that here, at thispoint, terminated the due .
seem tobe) when compared
something wrong I said , about this nail. I touched it ; and the head with.
There must be something wrong The rest the shank was
an mich of the shank, came offin myfingers.
about the eighth of The fracture was an old one ( for us
in the gimler-hole , where it had been broken off. a ham-
were incrusted with rust) and had apparently been accomplished by the blow of
edges which had partially imbedded in the top of the bottone such , the head portion ofthe nail .I
now carefully replaced this head portion in the indentation whence had taken it, and there-
semblance to a perfect nail wascomplete . I gently raised the sash for a few inches; the head
up with it,remaining firm in it's bed .I closed the window ; and the sembland of
whole nail was againperfect
"The riddle,sofar, was now unriddled. The assassins had escaped through the window
which looked upon the bed. Dropping of its own accord upon their exit ( or perhaps purposely
closed by them) it had becomefastened bythe spring; and itwas the retention .Z
which had been mistaken by the police for that ofthe nail -farther inquiry being
this considered unnecessary
" The next question is that the mode descent . Upon thispoint I had been sufficiently
68 y
sight,fivefeet and ahalf
ng t ment
Satisfied in my wulk with you around the buildi .Abou six feet from the case e
in ques ti on th er e n
ra a li gh tn in g- ro d fr om is ok
th ro it wo ul d ha ve be en si mp os si bl fo r any
one to reach the window itself , to say nothing ofentering it. I observed , however, that the
shutters ofthe four
th story were of the peculiar kind called by Parisian carpenters ferrades
ra rely employed atthe present day, but frequently seen upon very old houses at
-a kuid
Lyons and Bourdeaux . Theyare in the form of an ordinary door (a single , not afoldingtdoor)
an excellen.
except that the lower half is latticed or worked in open trellis -thus affording
half broud.
hold for the hands . In the present instance these shutters are fully threefeet and a
When we saw them from the rear ofthe house , they were both about half open - that is tosay
they stood of at right angles from the wall . It is probable that thepolice , as well as myself,
in the line
examined the back ofthe tenement ; but, if so, in looking attheseferrades
thei brea dt h (asth mu ey st ha ve ne ey
do ) th di no pe d t rc ei ve th is gr ea t br ea dite itself , or,
ion . In fact , having once satisfied them-
at all events , fouled to take it into due considerat
selves that no express could have been m ade in this quarter , they would naturally
bestow here a very cursory examinatio . It was clear to me, however, that the shutter
belonging tothe window atthe head ofthe bed woul d , if swing fully open , reach to
27 was also evident that,by exertion
within -four feua et and a half ofthe lightning ro d
of a very unus l degree of activity and courage, an entrance into the window , might , o
have from the rod , might have been thus effected By reaching to the distance offour
feet and a halfs(we now suppose the shutter open to its whole extent) a robber might have
takena firm grasp upon the trellis -work Letting go, then, his hold upon the rod , placthe ing
his feet firmly against the wall , and springing bolaly from it , he might have suring
shutter so as to close it, and , if we imagine the window open at the time , might even
have into the room .
suring himself unusual degree of
" Iwish you tobeear especialsly in mind th at Ishave spoken of a tvery
ou ul
ac ti vi ty as re qu is it to su cc es in so ha za rd a n d so di ff ic a fe at. It is my design
shed : - but, secondly
to show you .First, that the thing might possibly have been accompli
ing the very extraordinary -the al-
and chiefly I wish toimpress upon your understand
l ed it.
most præternatu ra character of that agility which would have accomplish
" You will say, no cloubt, using the language ofthelaw , that to make out mycase' Ishould
rather undervalue ,than insist upon a full estimation of the activity required in this matter.
This be the practice in law, but itis not the usage ofreason . My ultimate object is only
may lead you toplace in juxta -position that very un-
the truck . My inmediate purpose is tolead
usual activity ofwhich Ihavejust spoken wand that very peuluar shrill (or harsh)and une-
qual voice , about whonational ity e no two persons would be found to agree, and in whose ut-
terance no. syllabi c
cation could be detected ." "
Atthese words a vague and half-formed conception of the meaning of Dupin flitted
mind .Iseemed tobe upon the verge ofcomprehension , without power tocompre-
- as men,at times, find themselves . upon
the brinck remembrance without being
able,in the end , to remember. My friend went on with his discourse. ithad now
assumed all the character ofsuch." to that
You will see", he said , " that Ihave shifted thequestion from the mode of egress
ofcxpressingress .Itwas my design to convey the idea that both were effected in the same man -
to the interior of the room . Let us our-
ner, at the same point. Letus now revert in fancy
ney the appearances here. The drawers ofthe burean , it is sand, had beenrifled , although many
articles of apparel still remained within them. The conclusion here is absurd. It is a mere guess
-a one and no more. How are we toknow that the articlesfound in the drawers
very silly
were not all these drawers had originally contained ? Maciame L'Espanaye and her daughter
lived an - seldom went out - had little use for
exceedingly retired life - saw no company
numerous changes of habiliment . Thosefound were at least of asgood quality as anylikely
to bepossessed by these ladies. Ifa thref had taken any, why did he nottake the best. -
in Gold
why did he not take all ? In a word why did he abandone four thousand francs
to encumber himself with a bundle of linen ? The gold was abandoned . Nearly the
whole sum mentioned by Monsieur Mignand ,the banker, was discovered , in bags, upon.
the floor. I wish you therefore to discard from your thoughts the blundering islea of motive
which has been engendered in the brains ofthepolice by that portion ofthe evidence which
speaks of money delivered atthe door of the house. Coincidences ten times as remarkable
as this( the deliveryof the money, and murder committed within three days upon the
party receiving it) happen toeach and all ofus every day ofour lives without attracting even
momentary notice . Coincidences in general are great stumbling -blocks in theway of
that clars of thinkers who have been educated toknow nothing and care less the theory
of probabilities - that theory towhich the mostglorious objecti of human research are in-
debted for the most glorious of illustration . In thepresent instance , hud the gold
gone,thefact ofits delivery three days before would have forme d someth ing more than
a corniidence Itwould have been corroborative д this idea 8 motive . But, under
the real circinattances the ca se , if we are to suppose gold the motive this out.
% .
rage , we must also imagine the perpetrator so vacillating an idiot as to have

abandoned his gold and his motive together.

"Keeping now steadily in mind thepoints towhichI have drawn your attent
ion - ‫استار‬
peculian voice , that unusual agility, and that starthing absence motive та
- 8 butchery &
singularly atrocious as this - let us glance at the butchery itself . Here is a woman sirangle?
to death by manual strength , and thrust upa chimney head downwards . Ordinam asses-
suis employ
no such modes of murder as this-Least of all do they thus dispose of the murdered .
ju the manner of thinsting the corpse up the chimmey, you will admit that there was something
excessively outre - something altogether irreconcileable with our common notions
action , even when we suppose the actors the most depraved of men . Think, to what must
have been the degree of that strength which could have thrust the body up such an aper-
time soforcibly that the united vigor of several persons was found barely sufficient todrag
it down ! Jum now to other indications.
hear Z the employment ofa vigor most marvellous, on
the sackinghetof hedotcord were thick tesses - verythick tresses - ofgrey human hair. There
had been tom out by the roots . You are aware ofthegreatforce necessary in tearing this
from the head even twenty or thirty hairs together. You saw the locks in question as well as
myself. Then wots (a hodeons .
usEight !) were clotted with fragments of the flesh of the scalp-
sure token
the prodigions which had been exerted in uprooting perhaps a million ofhours
at a time . "The throat
The old lady was not merely cut, but thehead absolutely severed from
the body. The instrument was a mere razor. Here again we have evidence of that vastness.
ength upon which I would fix your attention .I wishyou also to look , and to look.
of elladame
steadily at the brutal ferocity of there deeds. Of the bruises upon the body of
L'Espanaye Ido not speak . Monsieur Dumas, and his worthy coadjutor Monsieur
Etienne , have pronousiced that they were inflicted by some obture instrument ; and sofar
theregentlemen are are very correct . The obtuse instrument was cicarly the stonepavement
in the yard , upon which the victur had fallen from the window which looked in upon
the bed. This idea howeversimple it may now seem, escoped the police for thethe same
reason that the breadth ofthe shutters escaped them - because by the affair of
nails ,thenperceptions had been hermetically sealed against the possibility of
windows having ever been opened at all.
Ifnow ,in adilition to all there things, you have properly reflected upon the odd disorder
of the chamber, we have gone isfar as tocombine the ixcus ideas of a strength superhuman , an
agility astounding, . a ferocity brutal , a butchery without motive , a grotesquerie in horror
absolutely aben from immanity , and a voice forsign in tone tothe ears, man of many
nations , and devoid of all distinct or intelligible syllabification . What result ་then, has
ensued ? what impression have I made upon your favey
J. shuddered as Dupin ashed rue the question . "a madman", I said , "has done this
deed - some raving maniae escaped from a neighbouring Maison de Santé-
"In some respects", he replied , "your idea is not irrelevant . But the voices % madmen
even in their wildest paroxysms , are newer .fored to tolly with thatpeculiar voice
heard upon the stains . Madmen are of some nation, and then language, however inco-
herent in its words , has always the coherence of syllabification. Besicles the hair
ofa madman is not such have as I now bold in my hand . I disentangled this hole
tuft from among thetresses remaining upon the head of Madame L'Espanaye . Tell me
what you can make it.
ས"Good God," I suid, completely unnerved,""this hair is most unusual -this is no human
hair !"
"Ihave not asserted that it was" said he - but, before na decide upon thispoint, Iwish you
to glance youmesses upon the little sketch I have here traced upon this paper . It is a fae.simile
drawing of what has been described in one portion ofthe testimony as "dark bruises and deep
indenbations of finger- nails ' upon the throat of Mademoiselle L'Espanaye, and in another(by
ellessieurs dumas and Etienne ) as a series oflived spots evidently the impression offer-
"You will perceive" continued myfriend," spreading outthepaper upon the table before
no - you will perceive that this drawing gives the idea of a firm and fixed hold .There
is no slipping apparent. Eachfinger has retained -possibly until the death ofthe victim -
the fearful grasp by which it orignally imbedded itself . Attempt now toplace all yourfir-
делю at one and the sauce time in the impressions asyou see them.
་ I made the attempt in vacir.
"We are possibly not giving this matter a fair triail" he said . "The paper is spread out
upon a plane surface ; but the human thro at is cylindrical. Here is a billet ofwood the air-
cumperence of which is about that ofthe throat. Wrap the drawing around it, and try the

experment again
I did so; but the difficulty was even more obvious than before ."This ",I said " is the mack
no human hand ."
"Assuredly it is not","uplied Dupir - read now thispassage from Cavier:
Itwas a minute anatomical and generally descriptive account of the large
୫ the East Indian Solands. The gigantic stature , theprodi-
fulvous tanny OuraugOutang of
under ds

and actualy


gevus strength,the wild ferocity, and the unitative propensities ofthese mammalia are

sufficiently well known to all . Iunderstood thefull horror of the murder al-ouce.

" The description ofthe digits " gard I, " as I made an cud q reading, is in exact accord-
It ar

ance with this drawing . Isee that no ammal but au Ourang-outang of the cluss here men.

tioned could have impressed the indentalcons asyou have traced them . Uus tuft of yellow
have is identical in character with thatof the beast of Cuver . But I cannot possibly cons-
prebend theparticalors of this frigleeful mystery . Besides ,there were two voices heard

in contention , and one ช them was unquestionably the voice of a Frenchman.

་་ Ine ; and you
" will remember an expression attributed almost unanimously bythe

evidence, to this voice - the expression mon Dieu ! ' this, under the circumstances, has
expression of remonstrance or ex-
beenjustly charactenired by one ofthe witnesses as an expression of
hopes of a full
postulation . Upon there two words, therefore , I have mainly built- my
cognizant of the murder . It is possible - it is
solution of the wildle. A Frenchman was
for more than probable that he was innocent of allparticipation in the bloody

indeed for

transactions which took place . The ourang bulang may have escaped from huis. He
- no
may have traced it to this chamber Iwill not pursue there quesses - for I have

ore bared

ид ељ tocall them more than we then
, since the shades of reflectire upon which they

are scarcely of sufficient depth to be appreciable by my own intellect , and suice Icould
notpretend to make them intelligible tothe understanding of another than myself.
then be
We will call them quesses,and speak oftheir as such . Ifthe Frenchman in question
indied , as I suppose , unocent of this atrocity, this advertisement, which I left last night

· will bring him to om residence ."

upon our return home , at the office of Le Monde,

Ife banded me a papers and I read thus
the - inst (the morning
Caught Found In the Bois de Boulogne , early in the morning of
of the murder) a very large lawing colored busang.Outang of the Bosuese species. The rower
who is ascertained to be a sailor belonging to a Maltese vessel) may have the animial
a feu charges arising from
gain , upon identifying it sutisfactorily , and paying
This capture and keeping. Call at No - Rue - Faubourg St Germain – autroisieme.

་་ How was itpossible,"I asked "that you should know the man to be a sailor, and be.
lougong to a Mallèse vessel??"
"I do not know it ", sard Dupin ."I am not sure of it. Here, however , is a smallprece
ofribbon , which has cordeully, from itsform andfrom to greasy appearance ,
used ur lying the hair in thone long queues of which sailors are so fond. Moreover,
this knot is one which few besides sailors can tie, and is peculiar to the Mallèse.
Ipicked this ribbon up ut the foot of the lightning- rod , It could not have belonged to
ither ofthedeceased. Now, if,after all, I am woning, in my induction from this reb-
bon , that the Renchmen was a sailor belonging to a Mallère vessel, still Ican
am in
have done no harm in stating what I did in the advertisement. IfI
error he will merely suppose that Ihave been misled by some circumstance into
which he will not take the trouble to inquire . But ifI am right - a greatpouit
isgained . Coquizant of the murder , although notguilty, the Frenchman will na-
tually besitute about replying tothe advertisement - about demanding the Ourang
Outang . He will reason thas - I am innocent ; Iam poor; my ourung- outang is ofgreat"
value - to one in my circumstances afortune ofitself - why should I lose huntthrough
was found in the Bois de
idle apprehensions of danger? Here it is within my grasp. It was
Boulogue - at a vast distance from the scene ofthat butchery . How can it ever be
suspected that a brute beast should have done the deed ?" " The police are atfault-
they havefailed to procure the slightest clue . Should they even trace the annal,
it would be unpossible to prove me coquvrantof the murder , or to sumplicate
Iam known . The advertiser
quilt on account of that coguiranc a . IAboveall-
the beast. am not
designates me asthepossessor ofthe beast. I am not sure
to what extent his
knowledge may extend . Should I avoid claiming a property of so greata the animal
which it is known that Ipossess , I will render the animal at heart 八liable
eithertomultion tothe beast. Iwill ausuer
to suspicion . It is not my policy to attracta it
the advertisement - get the Ourang- Outang, and keep him close until this
matter hos blown over.
At this moment we heard a step upon thestairs.
"Be ready" " said Dupin ,
, " "withyourpustals, but neither use them nor show than

until at a signal from myself."

The front door of the house had been left open , and the visiter had entered without 15-
ruriging rapping, and advanced several steps upon the staircase . New , however, he
y we heard him descending . Dupin was
seemed to hesitate . Presentl,
moving quickly 6
the door , when we again heard him corning up . He did not turn back a second time,
but stepp
་ ed up quickly and rapped at the doory au chamber.
"Came in , " said Dupin , in a cheerful and hearty tone .
The visiter entered . He was a sailor, evidently - a tall, stout, and muscular - looking
man with a certain dare-devil expression of countenance not altogether unprepossessing.
His face greatly sunburnt, was more than half hidden by a world 8. whisker and mas.
tache. He had with a linge oaken undgel , but appeared to be otherwise unarmed . He
bowed awkwardly, and bade as "good evening " in French accents which, although
a Parisan origin
zomewhat Neufchatel- ish , were still sufficiently isidicativie
" Sit down , my friend ", said Dupin . " I suppose you have called aboutthe Ouraing.
Outang. Upon my word, I almost envy you the possession ofhim - a remarkably fine,
and no doubt a very valuable animal ! How old do you suppose him tobe ?"
a mau scheved 8 some uit lecable
The sailor drew a long breathe,with the an 8
bunden , and then replied,in an assured lone -
"Ihave no way of"telling - but be cant be more than four orfiveyears old.
you got
got him here?
"Oh no - we had no conveniences for keepinghim here. He is at a livery stable
lin in the morning. Of course you
in the Rue Dubourg, jest by . You can get
piepared to identify the property. "
"To be sure I am , sir ."

"I shall be sorry topart with hisis ", said Dupin.

should be at all this trouble for nothing sir " said the
"I don't mean that you
man . " Could n't expectit. Am very willing topay a reward for the finding of
ammal ་ that is to sing any reward in reason .
" Well".replied my friend ,"that is all very fair ,to be sure . Let me think !-what
reward ought I to have . Oh !~ I will tellyou . My reward shall be this . You shall
give me all the information in your power about that affair in the FiveThe Javas " Morque
• Duper said there last words in a very low love, and veryquietly. Just
quiety, too, he walked towards the door, locked it, andput the key in bus pocket.
He then drew a pistol from wishingboo ks
pock et and placed it, without the leash
flurry, upon this table.
evenison .He
The sailor's face flushed up with an ungovern able tide ช
started tohisfeet and grasped his andgel ; but the next moment be fell bach
with his seat trembling convulsively, and with a countenance as colorless as heart
that of death itself. He spoke not a suigh word . Ipitich min from the bottom ofmy
46 My friend ", said Dupin in a kind tone ,"you are alarmning yourself un .
necesarily- you are indeed! We mean you no harne whatever .Ipledge you
ui te nd yo u no
honor of a gentleman , and of a Frenchman , that we intend injury inorgue
imocent the atrocities in the Aue Tries Morque
perfectlywell know that you are ໃ
It will not do , however, to deny that you are in some measure implicated
in them . From what I have already said you must know that Ihave
had means ofinformation about this maller means of which you could never
have dreamed . Now the thing stands thus you have done nothing whichyou would
have avoided - nothing curtainly which renders you culpables. Jou were not even guilty
of robbery, when you might have robbed write impunity.You have nothing to conceal .
you have no reason for concexement. On the other hand,you are bound by everyprin-
ciple ofhonor to confers all that you know. An inwantman is now" imprisoned,
charged with that crime ofwhich you.canponit out theperpetrator:
The sailor had recovered his presence of mund in agreat measure ahile dupin
"..d there words; but his original boldnessof bearing .
" So elp me God, "said he after a briefpause"
" I will tell you all thatIknow

utthis affair; but I do not expect you tobelieve one half that Isay - Iwould
- fore indeed if Idid . Sull, Iam inocent , and Iwill mothe a clean
est ifI die forit."
Ido notpropuse tofollow the man in the accumstantial morative which he now de-
to theIndiour
tailed . What ha trated was in subst ance this. He had lately made a voyage
Archipelago . A,porty cardedatBosses andpassed nito the interior upon au xursun .

of pleasure . Himselfand a companion hard captured the Ourang Outang. This companion
dying the animal fell into his own exclusive possession . After great trouble, 16
casioned by the nitractable ferocity of his captive during the home voyage, he at
Jucceeded in Luist length
lodging safely at his own residence in Davis, where, not to attr act
towards himself the unpleasant curiosity of his neighbours, he kept it carefully secluded,
until such time as it should recover from a wound in the foot received from a splin-
ter on board ship. His ultimate design was to sell it.
Returning home from some sailor's frolic on the night, or rather in the morning,
of the murder, be found his prisoner occupying his own bed-wone, into which he had
broken from a closet adjoining , where he and been, asit was thought, securely con .

fined . The beast, razor in hand, and fully lathered , was sitting before a looking-
glass, attempting the operation of shaving, in which he had no doubt previously watched
his muster through the key hole ofthe closet. Terrified atthe sight of to dangerous a
the man,
weapon in possession of an aminal so ferocious , and to well able to useit,
for some moments, was at a loss what to do. He had been accustomed , however
toquiet the creature , even in its fiercest moods by the use of a strong wagoner's whip,
and to thishe now resorted . Upon sight ofit , the Ourang-Outing sprang at once
through the door of the chamber, down the stairs, and thence, through a window
unfortunately open , into the street.
The Frenchman followed , in dispain - the ape , razor still in hand , occasi-
onally stopping to look back and gesticulate athispursuer, until the latter had
nearly come up with him . He then again made off. In this manner the chase
continued for a long time . The streets were profoundl
profoundly y quiet,
quiet, asit was nearly
o'clock in the morning. In passing down an alley in the rear of the Rue Trianon
The fugitive's attention was arrested by light ( the only one apparent exceptthōre
the town -lumps) gleaming from the open window Z Madame L'Esparages
Chamber, in thefourth story ofher house . Rushing to the building he perceived
the lightning- rod , clambered up with inconceivable agility, grasped the shulter,
which was thrown fully back against the wall, and ,by it's means, suring
head- bourd
himself directly upon the head- bourd of the bed . The whole
beat did not occu.
a musiute : The shutter was kicked open again by the ape as he entered the room
The sailor, in the meantime, was both rejoiced and perplexed . He had strong
hopes of now re-capturing the ape as it could scarcely escape from the trap
the rod , where husustercould iss .
wito which it had ventured , except by it
tercept busiestmight be intercepted as hecame down . On the other hand there
was much cause for anxiety as to what the brute might do in the house. This
to fingitive
lutter reflection unged the smallboybollowthe A timing- nod is ascended without
difficulty , especially by a sailor ; but,when he had arrried as high as the window .

which lay far to his left ,his career was stopped;_ -the most that he could accom-
plish was to reach over to as to obtains aaglimpse of the interior . of the room . At
this glimpse he nearly fellfrom his hold is used through excess ofhorror. Now it
wus that those hideous shricks arose upon the night which had startled from shumber
the insuates ofthe Que Trianon. Madame L'Espaccage and her daughter, habited
in their night -clothes, had apparently been occupied in arranging some papers in
the iron- chest already mentioned , which had been wheeled into the middle & thie
wom . It was open , and itscontenti lay beside it on the floor. Their backs must
have been towards the uxindow ; and, by the time clupsing between the screams and
it seemsprobable that he was not immediatelyperceived.
the ingress of the ape ,
The flappingto ofthe shuller they would naturally have attributed tothe wind .
As thesailor looked in ,the gigantic beast had secred Madame L'Espan
age by the hair (which had was loose, as she had been combing it) and was
flwrishing the razor about her face, in imitation 8 the motions of abarber.
The daughter luy prostrate and motionless& she had swooned . The screams
" .
and struggles of the old lady (during which the hair wastorn prour her head,
had the effect of changing the probably pacificpurposes of the Ourang - outang
nito those of ungovernable wrath . With one determined sweep ofhis muscular
arm he nearly severed her head from her body. The sight of blood exflamed
his anger into phreury. Gnashing his teeth , andflashingfire from his eyes, he
girl, and imbedded his fearful talous in her throat
blew пречи the body of the
retaining his grasse until the expired . His wandering and wildglances welvertedfell
upon r ich those
at this moment & the head the bed , ove wh ‫ ع‬his master, glared
in horror, werejust discernible. The fury of the beast, who no doubt bore still in
instantly converted into dread. Conscious 8 having
mind thedreaded whip, was
deserved punishment,be seemed desirous ofconcealing his bloody deeds, and stripped
about the chamber in an apparent agony of nervous agitation , throwing down
and breaking the furniture as he moved , and dragging the bed from the bed-
stead . In conclusion , he seared first the corpse of the daughter , and thrust itup
The chimney as it was found; then thatofthe old lady, with which he rushed
to the window precipitating it mimediately therefrom.
Asthe ape approached him with his mutilated burden , the sailor shrank
aghast tothe rod, and, rather gliding than clambering down it, hurried at
once home - dreading the consequences of the butchery
,, and
and gladly abandoning
in his terror, all solicitude about the fate of the Ourang- Outang. The words
heard bythe party upon the stancuse were the Frenchman's exclamations of horror
and affriglet , commingled with thefrendishjabberings of the brute.
I have scarcely anything to add. The Ourang- Outing must have es-
caped from the chamber by the rod ,just before the breaking of the door .He
must have closed the window ashe passed through it . He was subsequently
caught by the owner himself , who obtained for him a very large our atthe
Jardin des Plantes. Le Bon was instantly released , upon our narration of
the circumstances (with some comments from Dupin) atthe bureau of the chef
de police . Thus functionary, however well disposed to my friend, could not
altogether conceal his chagrin at the turn which affairs had taken, and
was fain to indulge in sarcasm or two in regald tothe propriety of
every person minding his own business .

་ "Let him talk "said Dupin , who had not thought it necessary toreply.
Let him discourse ; it will ease his conscience . Iam satisfied with having
defeated him in his own castle . In truth, he is too cunning to be acute . There
is no stamen in his wisdom . It is all head and no body - like the pictures .
of the Goddess Lavernd - or at least all head and shoulders like a codfish .
But he is agood fellow , after all . I like him especially for one master - stroke
cant by which he has attained that reputation for ingenuity which he
possesses. I mean the way which he has de nier ce qui est , et d'expli-
quer ce qui n'estpas.
Bei dersi 14
an 16

Mess. Lou & Blanchard, 29683


Iwish topublish a news collect.

ion -
con of myprose Jules withsome such title as this

" The Prose Jules of Edgar A.Joe, Including The Murders in the Rue

Morgue". "
The "
Descent into the Muelſtion
", and all his later
pieces, with
a second . 8 the "Jules
o the Grotesque and Arabesque

The "laterprices" will be eight in number, making the entire

collection thirty-three -- which would occupy two thick novel


I am anx
anxious that your firm should continue to
my publishers , and , if you would be willing to bring out

the book , I should be glad to accept the terms which you

allowed me before _ -
- that is _ you receive all profits, and allow

me twenty copies for distribution tofriends.

Will an
you be kind enough to give me early

reply tothis letter, and believe me


Philadelphia , Elyor

Oftes Graham's ellaguzine.

August. 13./41.
The return of this book is due on the date
indicated below


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JA 3 1 2
2 58
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tnhoete caraerreg‹ed
e a
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