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💡 AP Physics C: E&M – 2023 Cheat Sheet | 👉🏽 See all AP Physics study guides | @thinkfiveable

⚡️Unit 1
🔋Unit 2 🔌Unit 3
Conductors, Capacitors, & Dielectrics Electric Circuits

● Capacitor: device that stores electric charge and energy, ● Current: I = dq/dt
made up of two conductors separated by an insulator ○ Current Density: J = I/A, I = ∮J dA
○ Q = CΔV ■ J = neVd
● Law of conservation of charge
● Parallel Plate Capacitor: C = Eo A/d ● Resistance: R = V/I, R = Lρ/A
● Conductors
● Isolated Sphere: C = 4πEoa ○ ρ = E/J
○ Charge distributes evenly throughout, does not hold
● Multiple Capacitors: ● Ohm’s Law: V = IR
its charge
○ Parallel: Ceq = C1 +C2 +... ● Power: describes brightness
○ Inside has zero net charge
○ Series: 1/Ceq = 1/C1 +1/C2 +... ○ P = dW/dt = IV = I²R
● Insulator:
● Energy Storage: ΔU = QV/2 = Q²/2C = Cv²/2 ● Electromotive force: = ε= dW/dq
○ Charge will not distribute evenly, holds charge in
○ U = ½ Eo E² Ad ● Kirchhoff's Loop Rule: ΔV = 0 for closed loops
one spot
○ Stored energy density: µ = ½ Eo E² ● Kirchhoff's Junction Rule: In = Iout for any junction
● Grounded: object touches earth through conductor, electrons
● Dielectrics: nonconducting materials become ionized at ● Emf= V=ε -ir, internal resistance of the source
dielectric breakdown 3*10^6 ● RC Circuits Resistor + Capacitor
● Ways to induce charge: friction, conduction, induction
○ Since capacitors are limited by dielectric ○ Charging: q = Cε(1- e^(-t/RC)
● Coulomb's Law: Fe = kq1q2/r²
strength of air we introduce dielectrics to ■ I = Ioe^(-t/RC)
○ Positive Fe: repel, Negative Fe: attract
increase capacitance ○ Discharging: q = qo e^(-t/RC)
● Electric fields: E = F/q, E = kQ/r² for a point charge
○ They increase the electric field strength or ■ I = Ioe^(-t/RC)
● Density of electric field lines proportional to magnitude of field,
increase the charge on the plates if there is ● Capacitors in Circuits:
direction is direction of a positive charge
a battery ○ Initial State: t = 0
● Electric Field due to a continuous charge distribution: E = ∮dE
○ C = K Cair ■ Q = 0, Vc = 0, I = Vb/R
○ dE = k/r² dq
○ ε= kεo = permittivity of material ○ Steady State: t = ∞
● Charge Densities:
○ K > 1 for capacitor with a dielectric ■ Q = CVb, Vc = Vb,I = 0
○ dq= λ dx, dq= σ dA, dq= ρ dV
○ If a battery is connected, constant voltage
● Gauss’ Law: Flux of an electric field: Φ = E*A cos θ = ∮EdA =
○ If grounded, constant charge

🧲Unit 4 ⚛️Unit 5
● Gaussian Surfaces:
○ Symmetries: planar, cylindrical, spherical
○ Field needs to be tangent/perpendicular Magnetic Fields Electromagnetism
● Electric Potential Energy:
○ Electric field is doing work on particle, goes from
● Magnetic Force: Fm = q(v xB) ● Electromagnetic induction means generating electricity
high potential to low potential energy, gaining KE,
○ r=mv/qB when sinθ = 1 by using a magnetic field to produce a voltage
losing U
○ Magnetic fields do no work because ● Magnetic Flux: Φ = B*A cos θ = ∮BdA
○ Must be a conservative force, Δ U = -Fd
velocity never changes, only direction ○ Can be changed in three ways:
● Electric Potential: electric potential energy per unit charge in an area
● Right Hand Rule: thumb is velocity, fingers are magnetic ■ Changing magnetic field, loop area, angle
of space, positive plate is always high potential
field, palm is direction of force ● Lenz’s Law: fixes negative sign in Faraday by finding
○ Vo = Uo/q
● Current Carrying Wires: dF = dq (dl/dt)xB direction of induced current
● Potential Difference (voltage): ΔV = -W/q = ΔU/q = -∫Edx
○ Fµ = ∫I dl xB ● Faraday’s Law: ε= -dΦ/dt = -N dΦ/d
○ V = k ∫ dq/r, V is a scalar!
○ B = µoI/2πr ● Inductors: typically a solenoid
● Equipotential Lines/Surfaces: perpendicular to electric field, regions
● Biot-Savart’s Law: when you can’t use Ampere’s law ○ Vl = 1/2Li^2, ε=-LdI/dt
of space at same electric potential
because the B-field is not constant ○ Φ=LI
○ Es = -dV/ds
○ dB = µoIdlxr/4πr^2 ○ Act open at t=0
○ If two charges are the same, pulling them apart
● Ampere’s Law: basically Gauss’s law, draw an amperian ● LC Circuit: cycle between charged for each at opposite
increases potential energy, pushing them together
loop times
decreases potential energy and vice versa for same
○ ∮B dl = µoI ● LR Circuit: same as RC but time constant is R/L
● Solenoids: bunch of tightly wound wires ● Maxwell's equations: changing E-field induces magnetic
○ B = N µoI/l = Bs = µoI field and vice versa
○ Gauss’ Law + Ampere’s Law + Faraday

💯FRQ Tips: Electrostatics is the most tested unit! // Always list your givens at the start of the problem (m, v, a, F, etc.) // If you are given a graph, solve that problem first! // Make sure you know how to
integrate and differentiate (i.e. u-sub) // Make relationships between variables clear // Visualize, draw a picture, and draw your gaussian surfaces and amperian loops // Apply all your laws!

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