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Dear friend,

Many thanks for your letter. Sorry for not writing for so long. Hope everything’s going well.
Well, in my opinion, you shouldn’t tell your suspicion straight to your friend. It will surely cause
an argument and finally lead to a quarrel. Better, try to hint that she’s wrong and prevent her from
using people for her own purposes.
As for me, I have many friends, but my best one is Roman. We are classmates. He’s really a kind
and generous person. He always helps the others either in school or apart from it.
The first time we met was at school in the 1st form. So we’ve been studying together in the same
class for almost 11 years. Although we had some quarrels during this time, we always realized our
mistakes and put up.
Of course, we spend most of the time together at school. Beside it, we often gather a company
and hang out. We have many common interests, like programming, football, computer games. So
we are never bored. It’s a pleasure to have a friend like him.
Well, I must go now. Hope to contact you soon! Give my best regards to your family!
Take care,

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