8 Positives of Home Workouts PDF

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It seems the internet has exploded with a multitude of home workout videos
during the lockdown period. The majority of these are truly beneficial to the
physical and mental health of the nation and it will be interesting to see if some
amazing lifelong habits will be formed. Below we will discuss some of the
benefits of a squash based home workout.

1. Racket control

Following the home workout sessions

will significantly improve your racket
control. This is a good time to work on
a correct grip as well and the
adaptation needed in a game of
squash. Hitting the ball hard in a big
court is more forgiving than close skills
requiring dexterity and manipulation.

2. Physical improvement
There are a lot of specific and non-
squash specific workouts that you
can access and do. Be sure not to try
and do too much too soon though,
and start with just a little time each
day. Over time you can really make
some significant improvements to
your health, and to the physical side
of your game. Something as simple
as going for a run can be a good
place to start, then begin to add
some variation to this with circuits,
bodyweight strength sessions, and
some of Gary’s amazing workouts
on the SquashSkills site.
3. Deeper knowledge
Watching more videos, matches,
coaching tips, and squash
documentaries will give you a deeper
knowledge of the game. This is a great
time to go through some of the back
catalogue on the site and dive deeper on
certain areas you may be struggling with.
Simply by watching, observing and
analysing, certain parts of your game will
improve as your knowledge of these
areas grows.

4. Visualisation & meditation

In this time where we cannot hit balls,
spending a part of your time on
visualisation will add so much to your
game. Researching meditation
routines alongside this would be
highly recommended, and you could
work on being a calm, balanced player
when things are not quite going your
way, or alternatively being more
aggressive and attacking when the
opportunities are there.

5. Work on your weaknesses

Within reason, you could be able to

work on your weaknesses. There will
be a limitation of course but you can
develop areas of your game such as
flexibility, balance, ball control, calm
thinking, tactics, etc...
6. Set goals
You will have time to reflect and think
about your game and where you want to
go with it. Setting some short and
medium-term goals for when you are
back on court will keep you focused and
give you direction. Also, practice
journaling and reflection, they are
powerful mental tools for the game. If
you have any recorded matches of
yourself, watch them back and take
notes. Try and take these habits into your
squash life when things get back to

7. Solid habit-forming
Getting into a good routine each day
will really help form some solid habits
in your lifestyle. These habits, once
formed, can then be extended into
normal life when it resumes. Little
things, such as mediation, stretching
or core work each day, will certainty
help improve you as an all-round
squash player.

8. Freshness and eagerness to get back

The enforced lockdown may be a
blessing in disguise for some squash
players, especially those that were getting
a little stale and frustrated with their
game. It is way better to be playing when
mentally and physically fresh, this
enforced break may be an opportunity to
recharge and get excited about stepping
back on court, as soon as life returns to
some semblance of normality.
Missing the squash court but still looking
to stay on top of your game? Check out
Jesse Engelbrecht's home-based ball
skill development session. Improving ball
control is an essential part of becoming
a better squash player, this free playlist
should help you to get your squash fix
whilst being kept off the court... Enjoy.



we've enlisted the help of Gary Nisbet
to create your ultimate guide to
exercising from home.The new series
focuses on the training methods that
can be done in a confined space,
allowing you to cover the core
components of squash specific
fitness wherever you are.


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