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1. In page zero hunger, they said Hunger is the leading cause of death in the
world. Our planet is full of resources, but if people had equal access to these
resources, we could take better benefit of these. Inefficient handling leaves millions
of people malnourished. If we promote sustainable agriculture with modern
technologies and fair distribution systems, we can sure that nobody will ever suffer
from hunger again.

2. According to Torres in 2020. Ending world hunger is one of the greatest

challenges of our times. Across the globe, up to 783 million people do not have
enough food and 47 million people in 54 countries are at 'emergency' or worse
levels of hunger. Parts of Yemen, South Sudan, Ethiopia and Nigeria may be close
to, or are already in, the grip of famine. The consequence of diets poor in vitamins,
minerals and other nutrients are affecting the health and life prospects of millions
more, and casting a shadow over the future of communities and entire countries.
Although enough food is produced to feed everyone on this planet, the goal of a
world with zero hunger, as set out in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
Development and specifically in Sustainable Development Goal 2, remains hugely
challenging due to a toxic cocktail of conflict, climate change, disasters and
structural poverty and inequality.


A presentation about zero hunger is crucial if hunger remains as one of the biggest
global challenges. Millions of people around the world don’t have enough access to
nutritious food which has terrible consequences on human health, and economic
productivity. And finally, if we do a well-prepared zero-hunger presentation, it will
motivate real change. If everyone worked together in an organized way to
implement effective solutions, it would have the power to fight against this basic
threat to human dignity.

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