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Home  Molecular Weight Frequencies  How to Convert Molecular We


How to Convert Molecular Weight to

Frequency and Run It in Spooky2 Software
Molecular Weight Frequencies  August 28, 2023  Spooky2

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This instruction will show you how to convert the known molecular weight to
frequency and run it in Spooky2 software.

Firstly, find the Molecular Weight of the substance.

You can find the Molecular Weight on this website: For example, the Molecular
Weight of Vitamin B17 is 457.432 g/mol. r n0

Secondly, create a program for the Molecular Weight.

1. Open Spooky2 software. Choose Create Program in the File Menu.
2. Enter the Information: Program Name, Frequencies and Program
r Mn0
Description. Please notice that in the Frequencies Pane, you should type
first, then enter the Molecular Weight after it, for example: M457.432.

3. Click the Save button to save the program.

Thirdly, run the Molecular Weight Program in the Spooky2 software.

We recommend using specific MW Shell Presets for all the Molecular Weight
programs. If you use Spooky2 Remote, you can choose MW Emulate or MW
Remove. Then go to the Programs tab to search the MW program you just
created. And go to Control tab to start it. Spooky2 will automatically convert
the Molecular Weight into a frequency.

Before choosing the suitable MW Shell Preset, please have a check with their
Notes area.

MW Emulate: The preset has been designed to emulate (copy the function of)
substances within the Spooky2 MW database. Select this preset, then select
the substances you wish to emulate.

MW Remove: The preset has been designed to disable substances. Select this
preset, then select the substances you wish to disable.
r n0

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By what algorithm are you calculating frequency from molecular weight?

Dave Weese November 19, 2018 Reply

r n0

You can see in the ‘System’ Tab, bottom right.

Spooky2  November 19, 2018 Reply


Thank You for thank You for the info, My medicine cost me $42, 000 Dollars a
year. I have some stored but good to know that i can use the MW for an
sincerely, Lazaro Michael Gonzalez

Lazaro Gonzalez December 30, 2018 Reply

I’m glad that this blog helps you. Learn more about MW here:

Spooky2  January 2, 2019 Reply

r n0

#Atom Molar Mass (MM) Subtotal Mass % Subtotal Mass g/moll

(g/mol) (%) (g/mol)
20 C 12.01 52.51 240.21
27 H 1.01 5.95 27.21
1 N 14.01 3.06 14.01

11 O 16.00 38.47 175.99

pedu63 November 30, 2021 Reply

Thank you for using Amygadalin as the example. The establishment tries so
hard to crack down on Laetrile for cancer treatment. Spooky2 offers a
wonderful alternative, in fact, to many substances they try to ban.

David December 1, 2021 Reply

Thanks for your support:)

Spooky2  December 2, 2021 Reply
r n0

Fantastic information! Thank you for sharing this link.

Chuz May 17, 2022 Reply


Hi, thanks for your support and affirmation! And so glad that this blog
can be helpful for you:)

Spooky2  May 17, 2022 Reply

I do not understand how the MW frequency works. It is explained that the

frequency is derived from the molar mass. But there are many molecules that
can have the same molar mass, that is, the same mass per mole. Some
examples are:
Ethanol (C2H5OH) and dimethyl ether (CH3OCH3) both have a molar mass of
46.07 g/mol. r n0
Acetic acid (CH3COOH) and propionitrile (CH3CH2CN) both have a molar
mass of 74.08 g/mol.
Ethylene glycol (HOCH2CH2OH) and propan-1,2-diol (CH3CH(OH)CH2OH)
both have a molar mass of 76.09 g/mol.
Cyclohexane (C6H12) and hexafluorobenzene (C6F6) both have a molar mass
of 84.11 g/mol.
Pentan-1-ol (CH3CH2CH2CH2CH2OH) and diethyl ether (CH3CH2OCH2CH3)
both have a molar mass of 88.15 g/mol.

Molar mass is not necessarily the unique signature of a molecule, so why use

this mass to infer a frequency?

Elie February 27, 2023 Reply

I would like to see and answer for this also, very good point.

Jeanne October 9, 2023 Reply

Thank you. Its pretty amazing information. I have use certain settings on pain
patients with great success so far.

+Dr. Karl Buchanan March 29, 2023 Reply

r n0

Dear Dr. Karl Buchanan, thank you so much for your feedback and
kindness. We are glad to hear such good news!

Spooky2  March 29, 2023 Reply


Thank you for these steps and video.
Have a blonde question regarding the molecular weight.
In pubchem site they do not publish 3 digits anymore, it is one digit only for
all the substances; for vitamin B17 the MW is now 457.4 g/mol
( . Checked some other
substances and only 1 digit is there. It seems some accuracy is not there
Then I was checking other sites, like ChEBI from UK, the MW for Vitamin B17
there is 457.429 g/mol (
In Wikidata the mass is 457.158411 g/mol
Could someone please explain why these numbers differ? Is this normal? And
where to find the most accurate data lately? How does this affect the
correctness of frequencies?
Thank you in advance, Polona
Polona August 29, 2023 Reply
r n0

Dear Polona, thank you very much for sharing, our example for this
content is to teach customers how to use this in Spooky2. For the
differences in the data provided by each official website, which may be

affected by the environment they are doing the experiment or other

factors, you can contact these official websites to find the answer. If you

have any questions, please feel free to contact us via email:

Spooky2  September 4, 2023 Reply

I ref: Elie February 27, 2023

Can you point me to the papers/studies on how molar weight translates into
it’s resonant frequency? Wonderful concept but I have doubts. Very eager to

Anthony Jones August 29, 2023 Reply

r n0

Dear Anthony, Thank you very much for your support! You can see if this
essay answers some of your questions: And you can
also go to your local library or authoritative academic websites to find
information about the paper, and we are also looking forward to your

feedback. Feel free to contact us at: with any


Spooky2  September 4, 2023 Reply

What does molecular weight mean? I am on blood pressure medication so if i

run the MW FOR ramapril i can run through program

holly allen August 29, 2023 Reply

Dear Friends, we have molecular weight frequencies for over 8,000
r n0
medicines, essential oils, vitamins and minerals. You can run these
frequencies to achieve the effects of these substances, and you can learn
more about them in this blog: https://www.spooky2- If you have any questions,
feel free to contact us at our email:

Spooky2  August 31, 2023 Reply


How can we recharge a frequency of herbs that is not in the database?We
tried this with the herb ‘Huang Qi’ by putting it in a bottle and sticking the tens
pads around it, but the frequency we then get and recharge has a bad effect,
we tested this on 6 people and everyone was tired, sick, as if we had the flu?
What are we doing wrong?


Anja Souffriau September 13, 2023 Reply

Dear Anja, this is most likely a Herx reaction when you use the
frequency, have you been drinking more water while using it to help you
detox? This blog will help you learn more about the Herx reaction: Any
r n0
questions, feel free to contact us via email:
Spooky2  September 14, 2023 Reply

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