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Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics



Prevalence of levator ani avulsion in a multicenter study (PAMELA

Jordi Cassadó1 · Marta Simó2 · Nuria Rodríguez3 · Oriol Porta2 · Eva Huguet1 · Irene Mora4 · Marta Girvent5 ·
Rebeca Fernández6 · Ignasi Gich7

Received: 20 December 2019 / Accepted: 5 May 2020

© Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2020

Purpose The objective is to determine the prevalence of levator ani muscle (LAM) avulsion using four-dimensional ultra-
sound in primiparous women after vaginal delivery and according to delivery mode.
Methods This prospective, multicenter study included 322 women evaluated at 6–12 months postpartum by four-dimensional
transperineal ultrasound to identify levator ani muscle avulsion. The researcher who performed the ultrasound was blinded to
all clinical data. Meaningful data about the birth were also recorded: mode of delivery, mother’s age and body mass index,
duration of second stage, episiotomy, perineal tearing, anesthesia, assistant, head circumference and fetal weight.
Results 303 volumes were valid for evaluation. The overall prevalence of levator ani muscle avulsion was 18.8% (95% CI
14.4–23.2%). In our multivariate analysis, only mode of delivery reached statistical significance as a risk factor for leva-
tor ani muscle avulsion (p < 0.001). The prevalence according to the different modes of delivery was 7.8% in spontaneous
delivery, 28.8% in vacuum-assisted and 51.1% in forceps-assisted delivery. Compared with spontaneous delivery, the OR for
LAM avulsion was 12.31 with forceps (CI 95% 5.65–26.80) and 4.78 with vacuum-assisted delivery (CI 95% 2.15–10.63).
Conclusions Levator ani avulsion during vaginal delivery in primiparous women occurs in nearly one in every five deliveries.
Delivery mode is a significant and modifiable intrapartum risk factor for this lesion. The incidence is lower in spontaneous
delivery and significantly increases when an instrument is used to assist delivery, especially forceps.

Keywords Levator ani muscle avulsion · Delivery mode · Pelvic floor ultrasound · Childbirth · Forceps · Vacuum extractor

* Jordi Cassadó Pelvic floor dysfunction is a very prevalent disease in the
female population (25%) [1]. Vaginal delivery is one of the
Obstetrics and Gynecology Department, Hospital most important predisposing factors for pelvic floor dys-
Universitari Mútua de Terrassa, Plaça Dr. Robert, 4, function, especially pelvic organ prolapse (POP) [2]. Some
08221 Terrassa, Spain studies suggest that levator ani muscle (LAM) injury could
Obstetrics and Gynecology Department, Hospital explain, in a large number of cases, the relationship between
Universitari de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, Barcelona, Spain vaginal delivery and the occurrence of POP many years later
Obstetrics and Gynecology Department, Hospital [3, 4]. In vaginal delivery, the puborectal-pubovisceral fas-
Universitari de la Vall d’Hebrón, Barcelona, Spain cicle of the LAM must be distended considerably to allow
Obstetrics and Gynecology Department, Consorci Sanitari passage of the fetal head [4]. It has been estimated that this
d’Igualada, Igualada, Spain distension can increase the length of its fibers between 25
Obstetrics and Gynecology Department, Hospital General de and 245% [5]. Such a substantial distension can damage
Granollers, Granollers, Spain or rupture this muscular fascicle, either by detaching its
Obstetrics and Gynecology Department, Hospital insertion from the pubic bone (termed “avulsion”) [6] or by
Universitari Dexeus, Barcelona, Spain hyperdistention of the muscular fibers (termed “ballooning”)
Sant Pau Biomedical Research Institute (IIB Sant Pau) [7]. Muscle avulsion is a permanent injury that is associated
and CIBER Epidemiology and Public Health (CIBERESP),
Barcelona, Spain

Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics

with increased risk of POP in the anterior and central com- • Women aged 18 or older.
partments [8]. • No previous vaginal delivery.
Three-dimensional ultrasound is a very useful tool for • No other pregnancy or delivery during the study period.
the anatomical evaluation of LAM defects. Detection of this • Vaginal delivery between 37–42 weeks of a single fetus
type of injury is important since it carries a risk of develop- in cephalic presentation at the obstetrics departments of
ing POP in the future. Although LAM avulsion is not the the participating study centers.
only predisposing factor of POP, its prevalence in patients • No history of pelvic floor surgery or pelvic trauma that
with POP is high enough to be relevant. Assessment of LAM could distort the pelvic floor muscular anatomy.
morphology requires imaging techniques. Three and four-
dimensional (3D/4D) ultrasound (US) provides access to the The recruitment period was 24 months (June 2016–June
axial plane of the levator, which was previously only pos- 2018).
sible with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). At present, Women who met the inclusion criteria were informed
the reproducibility and low cost of ultrasound [9] make it a about the project during their admission in the labour ward
valuable, objective tool for assessment of levator injuries. for delivery by the medical staff (specialist or medical resi-
Published studies report a variable prevalence of LAM dent). The standard practice at the sites is that most deliv-
avulsion in vaginal delivery, ranging from 14 to 36% [6, eries are performed by a physician resident, midwife or
10–13]. Nonetheless, there are few multicenter studies about resident midwife, always supervised by a present specialist
this topic, and multicenter studies provide more real and that intervenes if there is a difficult delivery. Delivery mode
extrapolable data to the rest of population. To find data with was decided according to the usual clinical practice at each
a multicenter study, we conducted this work. center. The indications of operative vaginal delivery were
Several delivery-related factors are associated with LAM fetal distress or second stage arrest (suspecting dispropor-
damage during vaginal delivery in primiparous women: tion or malposition of the fetal head), in third-fourth Hodge
maternal age, newborn weight and head circumference, plane. The instruments used in the delivery were Kielland
prolonged second stage, anal sphincter tear and the use of fórceps, Naegele fórceps, Thierry spatula (spatulas are two
vacuum or forceps [14–17]. Among all of them, operative symmetric, independent, non-articulated, thin and solid
vaginal delivery, especially the use of forceps, is a signifi- non-fenestrated levers that they were categorized separately
cant risk factor for LAM avulsion [18]. This has been cor- because they work different than fórceps do) and vacuum
roborated by a recently published meta-analysis [19]. (Medela silicone cup). When episiotomy was indicated, it
Here, we present the results of the multicenter study prev- was made mediolateral and in 60°.
alence of the levator ani avulsion (PAMELA by its Catalan Patients who agreed to participate in the study were
acronym). Our main objective was to determine the preva- scheduled a single medical visit between 6 and 12 months
lence of LAM avulsion, as diagnosed by 3–4D transperineal post-partum. Those who attended the visit were recruited
ultrasound in our cohort of primiparous women with vaginal consecutively and written informed consent was obtained.
delivery. Our secondary aim was to analyze the prevalence Afterwards, a clinical examination and a 3D/4D transper-
of LAM avulsion in the different modes of vaginal delivery ineal ultrasound to assess the LAM morphology were per-
in our cohort. formed. Delivery data were taken from the data records of
each hospital [age, body mass index (BMI)], duration of
second stage, fetal position at delivery, episiotomy, mode of
Materials and methods vaginal delivery, baby’s head circumference, fetal weight,
assistant, type of anesthesia and high degree perineal tear-
The PAMELA study is a prospective, multicenter observa- ing: Obstetric Anal Sphincter Injury (OASI) according to
tional study. We followed up a cohort of 322 primiparous Sultan’s classification [20]. The researcher who performed
women with vaginal delivery evaluated at 6–12 months the ultrasound was blind to the clinical data and was differ-
postpartum by three and four-dimensional transperineal ent from those who obtained the delivery data. Data were
ultrasound to identify levator ani muscle avulsion from stored in a common, anonymized and centralized database
six hospitals in Catalonia: Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant in the Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau.
Pau, Hospital Mútua de Terassa, Hospital Vall d’Hebron, The study was reviewed and approved by the ethics com-
Hospital d’Igualada, Hospital General de Granollers and mittee of the Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, Reference
Hospital Dexeus. The delivery was managed according to PAMELA PV 15/197 OBS.
the standard clinical practice at each hospital. We analyzed To assess the integrity of the LAM puborectal-pubo-
some delivery-related risk factors, the prevalence of avulsion visceral fascicle, we used the ultrasound device available
overall and according to the mode of delivery. at each center capable of 3D/4D ultrasound scanning and
Inclusion criteria: analysis of tomographic cuts. The ultrasound devices used

Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics

were Voluson E8 GE, Voluson E6 GE and Toshiba Aplio required precision was set at 5% for calculation of the 95%
300, all with their corresponding tomographic data analysis confidence interval (95% CI). Taking this into account, the
software. Ultrasound was performed transperineally, cover- initial estimated number of patients required was 360. Six
ing the probe with a sheath and placing it directly on the hospitals in Catalonia participated in the study. Categorical
perineum. Avulsion was determined according to the cri- variables were reported as number of cases and percentage;
teria described by Dietz, that is, the presence of a defect quantitative variables were reported as the arithmetic mean
or discontinuity in the muscular insertion on all three cen- and standard deviation (SD). To determine the relationship
tral slices of the eight obtained in Tomographic Ultrasound of all variables with LAM avulsion, bivariate analysis was
Imaging (TUI) mode. The cuts were evaluated at intervals of performed, using contingency tables and Chi-square or
2.5 mm from the plane of minimal hiatal dimensions, bilat- Fisher exact test, as appropriate, for categorical variables,
erally [21]. If a defect was not present on all three images, and independent t-test for quantitative variables. Multivari-
the scan was considered normal or indicative of no LAM ate analysis (binary logistic regression) was also carried out
avulsion (Figs. 1 and 2). We mainly used the qualitative to expand the available information. All variables with a
evaluation system even though in case of doubtful diagnoses tendency to significance in the bivariate approach (p ≤ 0.10)
of avulsion we used the levator-urethra gap measurement were included in the analysis. In all cases, the level of signif-
(more than 25 mm). That is because the measurement of icance used was the usual 5% (α = 0.05, bilateral approxima-
levator-urethra gap is reproducible and strongly associated tion). The statistical package IBM SPSS Statistics (V21.0)
with levator avulsion trauma diagnosed on vaginal palpation was used for the analysis.
[22]. Before starting patient enrolment, all the researchers
undertook a training program led by the most experienced
researcher to ensure that US assessments adhered to quality
standards and they performed at least ten exams to achieve a Results
right learning curve [23]. When the researchers started per-
forming the explorations, the teacher validated their ten first 7048 primipara vaginal deliveries during study period in 6
explorations and all the researchers passed the validation. participating centres (PAMELA group) were enrolled, 766
Sample size was calculated based on our main objective agreed to participate, 322 attended follow-up and 19 vol-
of determining the prevalence of LAM after vaginal birth, umes were not suitable for analysis. The total number of
which was estimated to occur in 20% of vaginal deliver- patients finally included was 303 women (recruitment flow
ies according to previously published data [13, 24]. The chart in Table 1).

Fig. 1  Tomographic ultrasound imatge (TUI) showing the normal appearance of the puborectalis component of levator ani muscle (LAM). No
muscle defects is observed

Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics

Fig. 2  Tomographic ultrasound image (TUI) showing a unilateral avulsion (right side) of the LAM. A muscle defect is seen in the three central
images (arrows)

Table 1  Flow chart of

recruitment of PAMELA study 7048 primipara vaginal deliveries during
study period in 6 participating centres
(PAMELA group)

6262 declined to participate

766 agreed to participate

444 did not attend follow-up visit

322 attended follow-up

19 volumes not suitable for analysis

303 volumes analyzed

Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics

The mean age of the study population was of LAM avulsion for the different instrumental deliver-
32.3 years ± 5.31 SD. The mean BMI was 24.77 kg/m2 ± 4.7 ies was as follows: vacuum increased the risk of avulsion
SD. Regarding quantitative variables, the mean fetal weight 4.78-fold (CI 2.153–10.631); Thierry spatulas 3.93-fold (CI
was 3194.67 g ± 419.98 SD, the mean head circumference 0.961–16.094), and forceps 12.31-fold (CI 5.657–26.800)
was 340.66 mm ± 31.14 SD and the mean duration of the (Table 3).
second stage was 83.98 min ± 61.36 SD. The instrumenta-
tion rate in our study was 37.6%. No forceps deliveries fol-
lowed by malfunctioned vacuum were reported. Discussion
The overall prevalence of LAM avulsion in our popula-
tion of primiparous women as diagnosed by 3D/4D trans- In our study, levator ani avulsion during vaginal delivery in
perineal ultrasound was 18.8% (Table 2). primiparous women occurred in nearly 20% of deliveries.
The prevalence of LAM avulsion according to mode of This rate decreased with spontaneous delivery and signifi-
delivery is shown in Table 2. There were statistically signifi- cantly increased in instrumental deliveries, especially those
cant (p < 0.001) differences according to the different modes with forceps. The prevalence of avulsion in vaginal delivery
of delivery. The lowest prevalence of LAM avulsion was described in the literature varies highly, since the manage-
in spontaneous delivery 7.8%, followed by Thierry spatula- ment of the childbearing process also varies worldwide. Our
assisted 25.0%; vacuum-assisted 28.8% and forceps-assisted rate of 18.8% avulsion in vaginal delivery is similar to that
51.1%. described by others, such as Handa 10–30% [25], Caudwell-
The results of the bivariate analysis of the factors associ- Hall et al. at 16% [12], Skek et al. at 14% [10] or Van Delft
ated with LAM avulsion are shown in Table 2. The variables at 21% [26]. The instrumentation rate in our study (37.5%)
that showed statistically significant results were episiotomy, was similar to the average instrumentation rate among all
mode of delivery and fetal weight. primiparous with vaginal delivery at the six participating
Multivariate analysis of variables reaching or with a centers (34.7%) during the study period.
tendency toward statistical significance showed that the When we analyzed the data on the variables associated
only independent variable with a statistically significant with LAM injury, delivery mode was the only independ-
association with LAM avulsion was the mode of delivery. ent risk factor for avulsion. Therefore, according to our
Thus, taking spontaneous delivery as a reference, the risk results, instrumental delivery is one of the most important

Table 2  Results of the bivariate Variable Measure Normal N = 246 Avulsion N = 57 p value
analysis of risk factors for
levator ani muscle avulsion Age mean (SD) Years 32.1 (5.4) 33.0 (5.3) p = 0.247
BMI mean (SD) Kg/m2 24.9 (4.9) 24.2 (3.9) p = 0.311
Duration of second stage mean (SD) Minutes 79.8 (60) 92.6 (57.2) p = 0.148
Expulsive fetal position mean (SD) Anterior 241 (98) 53 (93) p = 0.068
Occiput posterior 5 (2) 4 (7)
Episiotomy N (%) No 113 (46) 16 (28.1) p = 0.017
Yes 133 (54) 41 (71.9)
Delivery mode N (%) Spontaneous 177 (72) 15 (26.3) p < 0.001
Vacuum 37 (15) 15 (26.3)
Spatula 9 (3.7) 3 (5.3)
Forceps 23 (9.3) 25 (42.1)
Head circumference mean (SD) Mm 338.5 (32.1) 347.8 (35) p = 0.065
Fetal weight mean (SD) Grams 3125.3 (417.5) 3331.5 (433.6) p = 0.004
Assistant N (%) Midwife resident 36 (14.7) 5 (8.8) p = 0.244
Midwife 37 (15) 5 (8.8)
Medical Resident 124 (50) 30 (54.4)
Specialist 50 (20.3) 16 (28)
Anesthesia N (%) No 8 (3.3) 2 (3.5) p = 0.310
Local 7 (2.8) 1 (1.8)
Epidural 232 (93.9) 53 (94.7)
OASI N (%) Yes 8 (3.3) 4 (7) p = 0.245
No 239 (96.7) 52 (93)

Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics

Table 3  Prevalence of levator ani muscle avulsion by mode of delivery and multivariate analysis
Variables Normal N (%) Avulsion N (%) Total p Coef p OR 95% CI

Delivery mode Spontaneous 177 (92.2) 15 (7.8) 192 < 0.001 1a

Vacuum 37 (71.2) 15 (28.8) 52 0.407 < 0.001 4.784 2.153–10.631
Spatula 9 (75) 3 (25) 12 0.719 0.057 3.933 0.961–6.094
Forceps 23 (48.9) 24 (51.1) 47 0.397 < 0.001 12.313 5.657–26.800
Total 246 (81.2) 57 (18.8) 303
Fetal weight 3125.3 (417.5)b 3331.5 (433.6)b 303 0.001 0.068 1.001 1.000–1.002
Episiotomy 133 (76.4) 41 (23.6) 174 − 0.234 0.557 0.791 0.362–1.730
Spontaneous delivery reference group
Mean—grams (SD)

risk factors for LAM avulsion. Many of our findings are high percentage of instrumental deliveries (37.58%) makes
similar to those of other studies in the literature regarding us question its role as a risk factor for LAM avulsion, some-
the role of instrumentation in LAM avulsion. Although the thing which warrants further discussion.
low incidence of Thierry spatula use means that our results Regarding the duration of the second stage of labor, our
for this instrument should be interpreted cautiously, the rest study did not show significant differences between women
of the instruments in our series had avulsion rates very simi- with or without LAM avulsion, unlike Caudwell-Hall et al.
lar to those described in the literature. Spontaneous deliv- [17], who found differences in the duration of second stage
ery had the least risk of avulsion (7.8%). In the literature, in a postpartum retrospective study of 844 women. We found
this percentage is variable (6–13.3%) and our results are neither fetal weight nor posterior position to be risk factors
included in this range [13, 27]. The way of diagnose LAM for LAM avulsion in our population.
avulsion, the population studied, etc., may be responsible It is difficult to control and then to find references in the
for this variation. literature about the "art" or ability for instrumentation in
Our results for vacuum (28.8%) and forceps (51.1%) are vaginal delivery. Sainz et al. did not find statistically sig-
similar to those found by other groups [17]. The risk with nificant reduction in the LAM avulsion rate with disengage-
forceps was triple that with vacuum, as reported by other ment of the forceps (Kielland) branches before delivery of
authors. Dietz et al., in a review article [18], described the the fetal head as compared to the performance of forceps
risk of LAM avulsion (OR) comparing forceps-assisted without disengagement [31]. García Mejido et al. did not
and spontaneous delivery as ranging between 2.45 and 32 observe differences on the LAM avulsion rate between rota-
depending on the results of the various studies included. tional and non-rotational forceps [32]. In view of the results
In a recent meta-analysis, the OR of avulsion with forceps of this multicenter study involving different obstetric teams
relative to spontaneous delivery was estimated at 6.94 (CI and equipment in each center, which yielded similar results
4.93–9.78) [19]. We did not include the indication of for- overall and for each center, we conclude that the technical
ceps delivery because according to Kearney et al. women proficiency in instrumentation may have little influence on
delivered by forceps have a higher rate of levator ani injury the incidence of LAM injury [19]. Nevertheless, more stud-
independently of indication (forceps for fetal distress or for ies are needed to establish whether some technical aspects
second stage arrest) [27]. exist that may influence the results and complications of
Regarding episiotomy, although episiotomy appeared as vaginal delivery.
a significant variable in the bivariate analysis, it lost signifi- Prospective multicenter studies that assess LAM avulsion
cance in the multivariate analysis. This is in line with the after delivery with ultrasound are usually performed in a
findings of other authors such as Speksnijder et al. who did single center. Our PAMELA study is a multicenter obser-
not find differences in avulsion rate between groups with and vational prospective study that evaluates the overall rate
without episiotomy (26.7% with and 22.8% without) [28] or of levator ani muscle avulsion in primipara women. One
Cassadó et al. (10.9% vs. 15.1%) [29], although both studies strength of our study is being multicenter since it includes
included spontaneous deliveries only. Other authors such centers with their own idiosyncratic childbirth management
as Kearney et al. found an OR of 3.1 (95% CI 1.4–7.2) for and thus, reflects diverse practices, therefore being repre-
the risk of LAM injury with episiotomy [30]. However, this sentative of day-to-day clinical practice in our setting.
difference could also be due to differences in the diagnostic The number of women included, 303, was lower than
criteria for avulsion used with MRI. The fact that episiotomy initially calculated due to difficulties in recruitment. This
was not a significant variable in our study, which includes a number was calculated with an estimated incidence of

Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics

LAM avulsion of 20%. As the prevalence in our popula- probably there may be other factors that may have been
tion was lower (18.8%), we recalculated the number of underestimated.
patients needed while maintaining the same accuracy of To conclude, in our study, levator ani avulsion during
5%. This gave a sample size of 280. We therefore trust vaginal delivery in primiparous women occurs in nearly one
that our sample of 303 women is sufficient for our objec- in every five deliveries. Delivery mode is a significant and
tives. Because of the difficulties in the recruitment and to modifiable risk factor for LAM avulsion to occur in vaginal
assess that there was no selection bias we have analyzed delivery in the population studied. The rate of LAM avulsion
the instrumentation rate in the population of primipara is lower with spontaneous delivery (less than one in every
women that gave birth in the participant centers during ten women) and significantly increases when an instrument
the study period to ensure that there are no differences is used to assist delivery, especially forceps. Thus, instru-
with that of our sample. Then, we can say that our cohort mentation of vaginal delivery, especially with forceps,
represents the population of primipara women of the six entails a greater risk of LAM avulsion.
participant centres. The rate of instrumentation was 37.6%
in PAMELA study and 34.7% in the population of vaginal
deliveries in primipara women attended in the participant Author contributions JC and MS project development, data collection,
manuscript writing and editing. NR, OP, EH, IM, MG and RF data
centres during the study period. However, the real total collection. IG statistical analysis.
rate is lower since we have not included the patients with
caesarean section. Therefore, the risk of under-represen- Compliance with ethical standards
tation of women delivering spontaneously that might have
led to a selection bias seems to have been controlled. Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no conflict of
The major strength of our study is its prospective, mul- interest.
ticenter design that reflects the usual clinical practice in
our setting. Also, we consider the quantification of risk
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