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Introductory Questions:
1. Could you please introduce yourself, covering your complete work background?

2. What's currently keeping you busy in life?

Exploring Aditya Kumar Sharma's Life:

1. Could you share with us your journey in the Indian Army and what that experience was like
for you?
2. What are a few misconceptions about being in the Army that you realized were incorrect
after joining the force?
3. You served in Indian Army. How then, after serving your country do you develop the
rationale to leave the country and pursue a life in another country? This is the case with a
lot of people moving abroad.
4. How did you finalize your decision to join the Army?

5. Did you serve on the border? If so, could you share some of your experiences from that
6. Do you feel there has been any change in Kashmir since 2014?

7. You were in the Indian army during Covid, and that is around the same time that Dhoklam
happened, and we have heard a lot about the mobilization that happened despite covid
being around. Any key insights / stories about how Army had to deal with Covid situations
and overcome limitations?
8. You also indicated that you used machine learning models for this, let's go deeper into it,
and how much the forces adopt concepts of AI and ML these days and how rapidly?
9. Army is an industry in itself, an ecosystem as it is. Let's dive deeper into this "city within a
city" ecosystem.
10. How does the ruling government affects army? What are some differences you saw
between Congress and BJP in terms of how they operated the Military?
11. Have you watched films or documentaries like "Article 370" or "URI"? If yes, could you share
your thoughts on them?
12. Shifting from the Army to a Program Manager role is quite a transition. How did that
transition happen for you?
13. What advice would you give to other Army members who retire at 35 or earlier and want to
start a new career?
14. How did you come up with the ideas for your GreenField Project Innovations?
15. Army is logistics on steroids! And eventually you entered a career of logistics and operations
even post retirement. Can you give us a few examples of the scale at which logistics in the
army works?

Concluding Question:
11. As we wrap up, is there anything else you'd like to share with our listeners, perhaps a piece of
advice or a lesson you've learned throughout your journey?

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