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Variation in Eligible Patients’ Agreeing to and

Receiving Lung Cancer Screening: A Cohort Study
N. Joseph Leishman, MPH,1,2 Renda S. Wiener, MD, MPH,3,4 Angela Fagerlin, PhD,5,6
Rodney A. Hayward, MD,1,7 Julie Lowery, PhD,1 Tanner J. Caverly, MD, MPH1,7

Introduction: Little is known about how clinicians make low-dose computed tomography lung can-
cer screening decisions in practice. Investigators assessed the factors associated with real-world deci-
sion making, hypothesizing that lung cancer risk and comorbidity would not be associated with
agreeing to or receiving screening. Though these factors are key determinants of the benefit of lung
cancer screening, they are often difficult to incorporate into decisions without the aid of decision tools.
Methods: This was a retrospective cohort study of patients meeting current national eligibility criteria
and deemed appropriate candidates for lung cancer screening on the basis of clinical reminders com-
pleted over a 2-year period (2013−2015) at 8 Department of Veterans Affairs medical facilities. Multi-
level mixed-effects logistic regression models (conducted in 2019−2020) assessed predictors (age, sex,
lung cancer risk, Charlson Comorbidity Index, travel distance to facility, and central versus outlying
decision-making location) of primary outcomes of agreeing to and receiving lung cancer screening.
Results: Of 5,551 patients (mean age=67 years, 97% male, mean lung cancer risk=0.7%, mean Charl-
son Comorbidity Index=1.14, median travel distance=24.2 miles), 3,720 (67%) agreed to lung cancer
screening and 2,398 (43%) received screening. Lung cancer risk and comorbidity score were not strong
predictors of agreeing to or receiving screening. Empirical Bayes adjusted rates of agreeing to and receiv-
ing screening ranged from 22% to 84% across facilities and from 19% to 85% across clinicians. A total of
33.7% of the variance in agreeing to and 34.2% of the variance in receiving screening was associated
with the facility or the clinician offering screening.

Conclusions: Substantial variation was found in Veterans agreeing to and receiving lung cancer
screening during the Veterans Affairs Lung Cancer Screening Demonstration Project. This variation
was not explained by differences in key determinants of patient benefit, whereas the facility and clini-
cian advising the patient had a large impact on lung cancer screening decisions.
Am J Prev Med 2021;60(4):520−528. Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of American Journal of Preventive Medi-

INTRODUCTION in a relatively small high-risk group—heavy smokers.2−4

In 2011, the National Lung Screening Trial demon-

ung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in strated that annual screening with low-dose computed
the world, with an estimated 1.76 million deaths tomography (CT) lung cancer screening (LCS) could
in 2018.1 Most of this mortality is concentrated

From the 1Center for Clinical Management Research, VA Ann Arbor Healthcare System, Salt Lake City, Utah; and 7Departments of Learning
Healthcare System, Ann Arbor, Michigan; 2University of Michigan Health Sciences and Internal Medicine, University of Michigan Medical
School of Public Health, Ann Arbor, Michigan; 3The Pulmonary Center, School, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts; 4Center Address correspondence to: Tanner J. Caverly, MD, MPH, University
for Healthcare Organization and Implementation Research, Edith Nourse of Michigan Medical School, 2800 Plymouth Road, Building 16, Room
Rogers Memorial Veterans Hospital, Bedford, Massachusetts; 5Depart- 326W, Ann Arbor MI 48104. E-mail:
ment of Population Health Sciences, University of Utah School of Medi- 0749-3797/$36.00
cine, Salt Lake City, Utah; 6Informatics Decision-Enhancement and
Analytic Sciences (IDEAS) Center for Innovation, VA Salt Lake City

520 Am J Prev Med 2021;60(4):520−528 Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of American Journal of Preventive Medicine.
Leishman et al / Am J Prev Med 2021;60(4):520−528 521
substantially decrease lung cancer mortality among older examine the extent to which an individual patient’s lung
heavy smokers.5 Yet, screening uptake has remained cancer risk and comorbidity status impact LCS decisions
quite low.6 A number of studies have examined barriers outside of an RCT, compared with the impact of nonpa-
to screening,7−9 including concerns about screening tient factors (i.e., variation attributable to the facility and
harms, especially for people with a higher burden of primary care physician [PCP] advising the patient). Inves-
comorbidity than that included in the National Lung tigators hypothesized that lung cancer risk and comorbid-
Screening Trial.10 These concerns have manifested in ity would not be highly associated with agreeing to or
controversy about how to feasibly select good screening receiving screening during the demonstration project
candidates.10−12 owing to the lack at that time of decision tools that help
At the same time, a growing body of research on LCS clinicians incorporate validated prediction models into
has produced evidence for how to better identify good their decision making with patients.
candidates for screening.4,13−16 Net benefit (screening
benefits minus its harms) varies dramatically across
patients, mainly as a function of lung cancer risk and METHODS
competing risk (life expectancy).15,16 Previous work has Data for this study were obtained through VA Corporate Data
assessed how individualized risk- and benefit-based Warehouse, which stores patient information captured through
approaches to screening can substantially improve the clinical reminders (Appendix Methods, available online, provide
further details).
effectiveness and safety of screening programs.2,4,17,18
Individualized approaches use validated lung cancer risk Study Sample
prediction models or life year gain models (that incorpo- The study cohort included LCS-eligible patients from 8 geographi-
rate comorbidity and life expectancy)16 to select patients cally diverse VA academic medical centers from 2013 to 2015. The
study focused on the time period of the VA LCS Demonstration
for screening. Previous work examining randomized
Project because clinical reminders documenting LCS decision
trial evidence as well as evidence regarding the remain- making were used more consistently across medical facilities dur-
ing scientific uncertainties with LCS found that for eligi- ing this period. Eligibility for screening was determined by LCS
ble patients with at least a fair life expectancy (≥10 clinical reminders.19 Cohort inclusion reflected national guide-
years), an individualized approach to LCS (tailoring lines20 at the time (age 55−80 years, completed reminder docu-
screening decisions to a person’s estimated lung cancer menting ≥30 pack-years smoking history, current smoker, or quit
risk) could accurately identify people likely to have a <15 years ago) and also 2 additional criteria: timing (i.e., initial
high benefit.15 Little is known, however, about how clini- provider LCS reminder completed between October 1, 2013 and
September 30, 2015) and clinician judgment about appropriate-
cians make LCS decisions in day-to-day practice and ness (i.e., no documented clinical exclusions and clinicians felt
how patient characteristics play a role in LCS decision patient to be an appropriate candidate for LCS;
making. Understanding these factors is critical for iden- Appendix Methods, available online, provides details).
tifying gaps in current practice and how to target inter-
ventions for improving screening decisions. For
example, if patient-specific lung cancer risk and life Initial lung cancer risk and comorbidity were included as key
expectancy are found not to be highly associated with patient factors.15 Baseline lung cancer risk was estimated using
decision making in practice, this would indicate a need the Bach risk model, an accurate and well-calibrated model on
for deploying easy-to-use decision tools to help clini- external validation (inputs: age, sex, asbestos exposure history,
cians better incorporate these important factors. and smoking history).17,18,21 The Charlson Comorbidity Index
The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) LCS Dem- was calculated for each patient as a surrogate marker for compet-
onstration Project examined patient outcomes from 1 ing mortality risk.22 Patient-level demographic covariates were
also included in both models (i.e., age, sex, race, and distance to
round of LCS and projected resource needs for the Vet-
the VA medical facility offering LCS). The patient’s distance to
erans Health Administration.19 Unadjusted rates of the medical facility offering LCS was calculated (Appendix,
agreeing to screening were reported, but factors associ- available online). As a measure of familiarity with the central
ated with screening decisions were not examined. medical facility delivering the actual CT screening, a binary vari-
Nonetheless, clinical reminders developed during this able was included indicating whether a patient’s decision-mak-
project recorded whether a clinician and screening-eli- ing location (where the LCS clinical reminder was completed)
gible patient agreed to LCS and whether LCS was was at the central facility or an outlying community-based clinic.
If a patient is typically seen at an outlying clinic, they may be
received, providing a unique opportunity to examine
less familiar with the central facility where they receive the actual
LCS decision making. These reminders were triggered CT screen. In addition, central facilities and outlying clinics
by criteria that followed U.S. Preventive Services Task differ in other important ways: academic (central) versus nonac-
Force guidelines for LCS at the time. Leveraging these ademic (outlying clinic) as well as clinical resources (outlying
data, a retrospective cohort study was conducted to clinics have fewer in general).

April 2021
522 Leishman et al / Am J Prev Med 2021;60(4):520−528
Clinicians documented agrees/does not agree to LCS in the
LCS provider reminder. Current Procedural Terminology codes
were used, supplemented by an approach developed for this proj-
ect (Appendix, available online), to determine the receipt of LCS
within 3 months of the initial decision-making documentation (i.
e., screening utilization ≤3 months after the LCS provider
reminder was completed).

Statistical Analysis
A 3-level hierarchical mixed-effect logistic regression model was
fit for each of the 2 primary outcomes, with patients nested within
PCP and PCP nested within medical facility. The following
patient-level attributes were assessed as predictors of agreement Figure 1. Study cohort.
and receipt of LCS: lung cancer risk, Charlson Comorbidity Index, LCS, lung cancer screening.
distance to the medical facility offering LCS, decision-making
location, race, sex, and age. To aid readers in understanding the the initial decision making. A total of 4,075 (73%) had
absolute magnitude of relative associations, the average marginal
the decision-making discussion at the central medical
effects for key patient factors were estimated. Outcome estimates
for PCP and facility were shrunken using empirical Bayes meth- facility, with the rest of the cohort having discussions at
ods to address the problem that clinics/providers with fewer an outlying clinic (on the basis of where the LCS clinical
patients would have more variance and less stable estimates.23,24 reminder was completed). Cohort demographics are
Next, the intraclass correlation coefficients were estimated to listed in Table 1.
assess the degree of variation in outcomes owing to clustering Agreeing to LCS. Age, sex, and decision-making loca-
within PCP and medical facility. tion were the only patient-level factors found to be sig-
The following transformations were applied to covariates: age was
nificant in predicting agreement for LCS
centered at the mean age of 67 years, initial lung cancer risk was log
transformed, and distance was log transformed. Because the benefit
(Appendix Table 1, available online): older patients were
of screening for those at higher lung cancer risk can be attenuated if less likely to agree (OR=0.95, 95% CI=0.94, 0.97,
the patient also has a limited life expectancy (high competing mortal- p<0.001), women were more likely to agree (OR=1.56,
ity), the study also tested whether the effects of lung cancer risk 95% CI=1.00, 2.41, p=0.05), and those with decision
might be different with varying age and for different degrees of making at the central facility offering LCS were more
comorbidity, including interaction terms (risk X comorbidity, risk X likely to agree (OR=13.54, 95% CI=10.40, 17.63,
age) into the models. To further explore the relationship between p<0.001). The probability of agreeing to screening
lung cancer risk and the primary outcomes—and because interaction
effects (risk X comorbidity) can be challenging to interpret—a subset
decreased by 0.8% on average for every additional year
analysis of patients with no comorbidity (Charlson Comorbidity of age (95% CI= 0.5%, 1.1%). For example, 84.1% of
Index=0) was planned. men aged 57 years were predicted to agree to screening
Analyses were performed in R, version 3.6.0, and SAS, version 9.4 compared with 66.7% of men aged 77 years (an absolute
(Appendix Methods, available online, provide more information on difference of 17.4 percentage points, 95% CI= 5.1,
statistical methods). This project was part of a VA Quality Enhance- 23.7 percentage points). Regarding average marginal
ment Research Initiative, was considered nonresearch quality effects of sex, 76.5% of men were predicted to agree to
improvement on the basis of Veterans Health Administration pol-
screening compared with 83.5% of women (absolute dif-
icy,25 and was declared as nonresearch quality improvement activity
by the VA Ann Arbor Healthcare System (Ann Arbor, MI) IRB. ference of 7.0 percentage points, 95% CI=1.6, 11.0 per-
Investigators used a fully deidentified data set for all analyses (i.e., centage points). It was also found that 86.7% of patients
they were blinded to the patient, provider, and site). with decision making at the central location were pre-
dicted to agree to screening, on average, compared with
32.4% of patients with decision making at an outlying
RESULTS clinic (absolute difference of 54.3 percentage points, 95%
A total of 23,123 patients were identified as potentially CI=11.0, 65.0 percentage points). Those at higher pre-
eligible on the basis of age and smoking history, but screening lung cancer risk were not substantially more
16,780 of these patients did not have an appropriateness likely to agree to screening (OR=0.99, 95% CI=0.89,
assessment documented by a provider in the study time- 1.11, p=0.89). Similarly, comorbidity and distance were
frame and were excluded. An additional 792 patients not strong predictors of agreeing to screening
were excluded owing to documented clinical exclusions (Appendix Table 1, available online).
or missing data. This left 5,551 patients in the study The effect of prescreening lung cancer risk on agreeing
cohort (Figure 1), 3,720 (67%) of whom agreed for LCS, to screening did not differ by comorbidity score. Thus,
and 2,398 (43%) received screening within 3 months of despite a higher expected net benefit for those with higher
Leishman et al / Am J Prev Med 2021;60(4):520−528 523

Table 1. Study Cohort Characteristics

Received LCS Agreed to screen

Yes (n=2,398) No (n=3,150) Yes (n=3,720) No (n=1,831)
Sex, n (%)
Male 2,321 (96.8) 3,047 (96.7) 3,579 (96.2) 1,792 (97.9)
Female 77 (3.2) 103 (3.3) 141 (3.8) 39 (2.1)
Age, mean (SD) 66.88 (5.16) 67.22 (5.53) 66.63 (5.23) 67.97 (5.53)
Lung cancer risk, mean (SD) 0.0072 (0.0048) 0.007 8 (0.005 4) 0.0072 (0.0049) 0.008 2 (0.005 6)
Charlson Comorbidity Index, mean (SD) 1.13 (1.31) 1.15 (1.31) 1.12 (1.30) 1.18 (1.32)
Distance from VAMC, mean (SD) 31.93 (43.00) 40.43 (44.57) 35.76 (46.75) 38.73 (38.05)
Race, n (%)
White 1,782 (74.3) 2,227 (70.7) 2,658 (71.5) 1,354 (73.9)
Black 316 (13.2) 468 (14.9) 575 (15.5) 209 (11.4)
Other 300 (12.5) 455 (14.4) 487 (13.1) 268 (14.6)
Decision-making location, n (%)
Central VAMC 1,930 (80.5) 2,143 (68.0) 3,051 (82.0) 1,024 (55.9)
Outlying outpatient clinic 468 (19.5) 1,007 (32.0) 669 (18.0) 807 (44.1)
LCS, lung cancer screening; VAMC, Veterans Affairs Medical Center.

lung cancer risk who were otherwise healthy,15,16 those By contrast, there was substantial variation in agree-
with no comorbidities and at higher lung cancer risk were ing to LCS across the 8 VA medical facilities and across
not substantially more likely to agree to screening (in the the 363 PCPs (Figure 2). Empirical Bayes adjusted
subset with 0 comorbidities, adjusted probability of agree- (shrunken)26 rates of agreeing to LCS varied from 22%
ing to LCS was 75.9%, 95% CI=59.9%, 86.9%) in the lowest at the lowest site to 84% at the highest site and ranged
lung cancer risk quintile compared with 76.7% (95% from 12% to 85% agreement rate across PCPs. Overall,
CI=61.5%, 87.1%) in the highest lung cancer risk quintile 33.7% of the variance in agreeing to screening was attrib-
(Appendix, available online, provides additional informa- utable to the medical facility (19.7%) or PCP (14.0%)
tion on interaction effects). who offered the screening.

Figure 2. Variation in agreeing to lung cancer screening owing to medical facility and PCP. (a) Displays the adjusted predicted proba-
bility of agreeing to screening by medical facility. An average site has an adjusted probability of 50%. Sites with darker CIs in the plot
have significantly different adjusted rates of agreeing to screening compared with an average site. (b) Displays the adjusted pre-
dicted probability of agreeing to screening by PCP. An average PCP has an adjusted probability of 50%. PCPs with darker CIs in the
plot have significantly different adjusted rates of agreeing to screening compared with an average PCP.
PCP, primary care provider.

April 2021
524 Leishman et al / Am J Prev Med 2021;60(4):520−528

Figure 2 Continued.

Receipt of LCS. Among all patients deemed clinically Prescreening lung cancer risk, comorbidity, age, sex,
appropriate for screening (not limited to only those agree- race, and distance were not found to be significant pre-
ing to the screening), decision-making location (central dictors for receipt of LCS (Appendix Table 2, available
VA Medical Center versus outlying clinic) was the only online). Patients with higher initial lung cancer risk
patient-level factor found to significantly predict the may, if anything, be less likely to receive screening
receipt of LCS within 3 months of decision making (OR=0.91, 95% CI=0.82, 1.00, p=0.057). An estimated
(OR=2.34, 95% CI=1.86, 2.93, p≤0.001) (Appendix Table 52.7% (95% CI=33.7%, 71.0%) of patients in the lowest
2, available online). On average, 52.7% of patients with quintile of lung cancer risk were predicted to be
decision making at the central location were predicted to screened, on average, compared with 43.5% (95%
be screened compared with 32.3% of patients with deci- CI=26.3%, 62.3%) of patients in the highest risk quintile
sion making at an outlying clinic (95% CI=5.1, 21.2 per- (95% CI= 2.4, 9.3 percentage points on the absolute
centage points on the absolute difference). difference). The effect of lung cancer risk also differed

Figure 3. Variation in receiving lung cancer screening owing to medical facility and PCP. (a) Displays the adjusted predicted proba-
bility of receiving screening within 3 months of initial decision making, by site. An average site has an adjusted probability of 50%.
Sites with darker CIs in the plot have significantly different adjusted rates of receiving screening compared with an average site. (b)
Displays the adjusted predicted probability of receiving screening within 3 months of initial decision making, by PCP. An average
PCP has an adjusted probability of 50%. PCPs with darker CIs in the plot have significantly different adjusted rates of receiving
screening compared with an average PCP.
PCP, primary care provider.
Leishman et al / Am J Prev Med 2021;60(4):520−528 525

Figure 3 Continued.

by age (significant interaction effect): higher-risk improvements in the effectiveness, safety, and patient-
patients were even less likely to be screened with older centeredness of LCS programs.2−4,15 As a result, the VA
age. In addition, in the subset of patients with no comor- is studying how to improve LCS decision making by
bidities (Charlson Comorbidity Index=0; prespecified incorporating decision tools that can help primary care
analysis), those with higher lung cancer risk were less teams to quickly estimate a patient’s lung cancer risk
likely to be screened; the predicted probabilities of and also help them understand how their patients’ com-
receiving LCS by risk quintile ranged from 52.2% (95% peting risk and comorbid illnesses might impact
CI=33.2%, 70.6%) in the lowest lung cancer risk quintile decisions.25
to 42.9% (95% CI=25.9%, 61.9%) in the highest lung Importantly, decisions to pursue LCS varied substan-
cancer risk quintile (Appendix, available online, provides tially for eligible patients across 8 VA facilities: the rates
details on interaction effects). of agreeing to (22%−84%) and receiving screening (19%
There was substantial variation in the receipt of screen- −85%) differed to a great extent, even in the context of a
ing across medical facilities and providers (Figure 3). standardized implementation process19 and even after
Bayesian (shrunken) rates of receiving LCS varied from shrinking these estimates.24 Compared with unadjusted
19% to 85% across the 8 medical facilities and from 20% to rates of agreeing to screening reported previously (for a
88% for the 363 PCPs. Overall, 34.2% of the variance in more restricted cohort of demonstration project patients
receiving screening was attributable to the medical facility and not looking at variation in receipt of screening),19
(22.7%) or PCP (11.5%) who offered the screening. the estimates from the multilevel regression framework
provide a better, more reliable indication of the extent to
which rates of agreeing to and receiving screening might
DISCUSSION vary across health systems.24,27
Key determinants of a patient’s chance of benefiting This study quantifies the impact that nonpatient fac-
from screening (their lung cancer risk and degree of tors can have on real-world LCS decisions. The PCP
comorbidity) explained little of the variation in patients’ offering screening and the facility where screening takes
willingness to undergo screening. Even more concern- place explained a large degree of the variation in deci-
ing, the likelihood of getting screened, if anything, actu- sions to pursue screening: 33.7% of the variation in
ally decreased as lung cancer risk rose—the opposite of agreeing to LCS and 34.2% of the variation in receiving
what would be desirable for an effective screening pro- LCS could be attributed to PCP and medical facility.
gram. These results suggest that other patient factors Although variation across providers and medical facili-
and behavioral determinants (unrelated to clinical bene- ties is to be expected,28 particularly in the context of
fit) as well as PCP- and facility-level factors are more implementing a new intervention, the magnitude of the
influential in decision making. Improving the way LCS provider- and facility-level variation that was identified
is offered to patients across providers and facilities by is concerning in light of the finding that screening deci-
better aligning decision making with estimated benefit sions are largely based on something other than impor-
for individual patients could lead to substantial tant clinical characteristics (i.e., lung cancer risk and

April 2021
526 Leishman et al / Am J Prev Med 2021;60(4):520−528
comorbidity). This finding aligns with previous literature systematically vary to the degree observed across the
on drivers of large geographic variations in medical care, providers and facilities in the study.30
which has consistently identified physician preferences
and beliefs about treatment effectiveness as influential in
variation29,30—and that organizational factors are often CONCLUSIONS
predictive of the care received.31
These results provide important lessons as LCS
Decision-making location (central VA Medical Center
uptake grows in the U.S. and elsewhere, raising con-
versus outlying clinic) was an important predictor of
cerns that patient−provider decision making about
agreeing to and receiving screening in the cohort. This
LCS is suboptimal. This may be due in part to bar-
and other patient-level associations with agreeing to and
riers in supporting PCP’s capacity to quickly identify
receiving screening are discussed further in the Appen-
ideal candidates for screening during busy clinic visits
dix (available online) and placed into the context of
with many competing demands.36 A growing number
other literature and additional data from an ongoing
of tools are being developed to help clinicians iden-
quality improvement project.25
tify good screening candidates (i.e., very high lung
cancer risk and >10-year life expectancy), such as the
tool that is currently being studied in a VA imple-
The degree of variation identified in this study may
mentation trial.25,37 These results identify a critical
underestimate the true range of variation across U.S.
need for decision support tools that make it easier
health systems because the findings reflect decision
for clinicians to align LCS decision making with clin-
making during a period where decision-making pro-
ical benefit and patient preferences.38
cesses were more standardized and coordinated across
sites than is typical. Decision making in the VA context
may not be representative of other contexts where
financial incentives for increasing the utilizations of
imaging tests and procedures can be a larger driver of The views expressed in this article are those of the authors and
screening decisions, and such factors could not be do not necessarily represent the views of the Department of
explored in this study. Furthermore, the data are from Veterans Affairs (VA) or the U.S. Government.
All authors’ works on this study were supported by the VA
2013 to 2015. These results may not fully reflect current Quality Enhancement Research Initiative National Program
practice if decision making has systematically changed (PeRsonalizing Options through Veteran Engagement Quality
because of additional coverage decisions,32 new trial Enhancement Research Initiative). The work of TJC was also
results,33 or other influential events since then. How- supported by a Career Development Award from the VA
ever, observing substantial changes in the influence of Health Services Research and Development Service (CDA
lung cancer risk and comorbidity on LCS decisions 16-151).
without targeted policy changes or decision support All authors listed have contributed sufficiently to the project
to be included as authors, and all those who are qualified to be
interventions is unlikely. As with any study using an
authors are listed in the author byline. All authors contributed
administrative database, there may be minor inaccura- to the study concept and design; acquisition, analysis, or inter-
cies with the data. In addition, the Charlson Comorbid- pretation of data; and critical revision of the manuscript for
ity Index was used to estimate competing mortality important intellectual content. NJL and TJC drafted the manu-
risk, which is a simple count of comorbidities and is an script; NJL, TJC, and RAH performed the statistical analysis;
imperfect measure of competing risk/life expectancy. A and TJC and AF obtained the study funding.
more accurate life expectancy estimate would better An earlier version of this work was presented as a poster at
the 2019 Annual meeting for the Society of General Internal
account for competing risks, which is particularly
important for those patients with high lung cancer risk TJC was a coinvestigator on a completed research grant from
who are older and may have limited potential life year Genentech’s Corporate Giving Scientific Project Support Pro-
gains.26,34 Nonetheless, the findings of a possible gram that is unrelated to this study and unrelated to any Gen-
decrease in LCS utilization for those at highest risk per- entech or Roche products. No other financial disclosure was
sisted across all levels of comorbidity, even for those reported.
without any comorbidity (Charlson Comorbidity
Index=0). Last, the degree to which the observed varia-
tion in LCS decision making might represent warranted SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIAL
variation owing to differences in patient preferences Supplemental materials associated with this article can be
across sites could not be assessed.35 However, it is very found in the online version at
unlikely that informed patient preferences would amepre.2020.10.014.
Leishman et al / Am J Prev Med 2021;60(4):520−528 527
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