Homework Helpquestions and Answersq1 Figure q1 Shows Structural Frame Rigid Cap Beam Ab Vibrating Horizo

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There are 3 steps to solve this one.

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Step 1

a) Sketch of the equivalent SDOF system for horizontal vibration of beam AB:

-----O---- k ---->x
| |
/\ H
/ \ |
/ \ V
b) Expression for the undamped natural frequency corresponding to the horizontal
vibration of the cap beam:
The equivalent mass of the system can be expressed as:
m' = m+mн

The equivalent stiffness of the system can be expressed as:

k = 3k+ kb

the factor of 3 is due to the fact that there are three columns. The bending stiffness
of the cap beam can be calculated using the formula:

where E is the Young's modulus, I is the second moment of area of the cap beam,
and L is the span of the beam.

The additional mass due to the horizontal reactions at point C can be

calculated as:

H Кн

where k_H is the horizontal stiffness of the system, which can be calculated as:

kH = kbc + kcd + kci


where k_H is the horizontal stiffness of the system, which can be calculated

kH = kbc + kcd + kci

Step 2

m' is the effective mass of the cap beam
k is the equivalent stiffness of the system
H and V are the horizontal and vertical reactions, respectively, at point C
k_c is the stiffness of the three columns,
k_b is the bending stiffness of the cap beam,
m is the mass of the cap beam
m_H is the additional mass due to the horizontal reactions at point C.
k_bc, k_cd, and k_ci are the stiffnesses of the horizontal steel tubes.

c) Calculation of the natural frequency of this SDOF system in the horizontal

direction: The mass of the cap beam can be calculated as:

m=px AxL


m 7,800- x 0.5m x 0.4m x 3m

m = 4,680kg

The additional mass due to the horizontal reactions at point C can be calculated as:

mΗ = H / kH

кп The horizontal stiffness of the system can be calculated as:

kH = kbc + kcd + kci


кп The horizontal stiffness of the system can be calculated as:

kH = kbc + kcd + kci

Step 3

where H can be calculated as the horizontal reaction at point C due to the vibration
of the cap beam. This can be calculated using statics:

H=V₁+V₂ These can be calculated as:

V₁ = V2 = 32,700N

H = 2 × 32, 700N 65, 400N = The horizontal stiffness of the system can be
calculated as:

k_{H} = 97.99 * (MN)/m

The effective mass of the system can be calculated as:

m' = m + m_{H}

m' = 10000 * (kg)/m + (65, 400N)/(9.81 * m/(m ^ 2))

m' =16,656kg


where rho is the density of the material (assumed to be steel),

A is the cross-sectional area of the beam,
L is the span of the beam,
k_bc, k_cd, and k_ci are the stiffnesses of the horizontal steel tubes.
V_1 and V_2 are the vertical reactions at points A and B, respectively.


Therefore, the natural frequency of the SDOF system in the horizontal direction is
approximately 10.49 Hz.

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