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‭KQs and Object selection task‬

‭Knowledge and Technology‬

‭Object and Prompt Handout 2023‬

‭Aim:‬ ‭To develop an understanding of what makes an excellent object for the IB TOK Exhibition‬


‭ .‬
1 ‭ elect a KQ from the list below.‬
‭2.‬ ‭Chose two objects that address the KQ (see list of criteria that makes a good object)‬
‭3.‬ ‭Use the writing guide below and the assessment rubric below to justify your choice of objects.‬
‭4.‬ ‭Submit a .pdf of this document to managebac by‬‭08:20‬‭on the 4th December‬‭.‬

‭List of Knowledge questions (prompts)‬

‭ . How might personal prejudices, biases and inequality become “coded into”‬
‭software systems?‬

‭2. How does technology extend and modify the capabilities of our senses?‬

‭ . How does technology extend or transform different modes of human cognition‬

‭and communication?‬

‭ . Do social networks reinforce our existing perspective rather than boosting our‬
‭engagement with diverse perspectives?‬

‭ . How has technology had an impact on collective memory and how knowledge‬
‭is preserved?‬

‭6. To what extent is the internet changing what it means to know something?‬

‭7. In what sense, if any, can a machine be said to know something?‬

‭Criteria for excellent objects‬

‭An excellent object:‬

‭ .‬
1 I‭s specific‬
‭2.‬ ‭Is real-world‬
‭3.‬ ‭Addresses the KQ‬
‭4.‬ ‭Has a personal link‬
‭Guidelines for the 300 word text‬

‭KQ‬ ‭In what sense, if any, can a machine be said to know something?‬

‭Object 1‬

‭Use the following questions to guide your writing about your object (150 words):‬

‭ his is an image guide to the language model chatGPT’s method of learning and output.‬
‭Explain how this object is specific and real-world?‬‭This is the specific route developed by openai‬
‭which uses real-world data, and therefore is specific to the question. It’s a process that exists. This is just‬
‭a visualization of it.‬
‭How does the object address the KQ?‬‭It addresses it‬‭in that it explains how it works, and more‬
‭importantly, explains how the answer is “no”. It proves that AI’s knowledge is simply limited to others'. It‬
‭doesn't make anything on its own, it just generates based on examples.‬
‭What is the difference between object 1 and 2?‬‭Object‬‭1 is a diagram explaining the process which‬
‭generates the output of knowledge, and object 2 is the knowledge itself which is being outputted.‬
‭What is the personal link in one object?‬‭They both‬‭come from the same program‬

‭Object 2‬
‭Use the following questions to guide your writing about your object (150 words):‬

‭ hy did you select the object?‬‭It’s a direct output‬‭from chatGPT on a question, and it represents the‬
‭machine’s knowledge and how fallible it is.‬
‭Explain how this object is specific and real-world?‬‭It’s specific to machines and the outputs of its‬
‭learning, and it sure is real-world.‬
‭How does the object address the KQ?‬‭It addresses it‬‭in that it’s a representation of what the lack of‬
‭knowledge an AI holds entails in its outputs. It’s visibly fumbling with a simple question.‬
‭What is the difference between object 1 and 2?‬‭Object‬‭1 is a diagram explaining the process which‬
‭generates the output of knowledge, and object 2 is the knowledge itself which is being outputted.‬
‭What is the personal link in one object?‬‭They both‬‭come from the same program.‬

‭Assessment rubric‬

‭Rudimentary‬ ‭Basic‬ ‭Satisfactory‬ ‭Good‬ ‭Excellent‬

‭E‬ ‭D‬ ‭C‬ ‭B‬ ‭A‬
‭Object is not‬
‭highly generic‬
‭appropriate ie‬ ‭Real world‬ ‭ pecific real‬
S ‭Highly specific real world‬
‭images of types of‬
I‭s the‬ ‭is a‬ ‭object chosen‬ ‭world object‬ ‭object‬
‭object‬ ‭representation‬
‭and real‬ ‭Object is not‬
‭highly generic‬
‭world?‬ ‭appropriate ie‬ ‭Real world‬ ‭ pecific real‬
S ‭Highly specific real world‬
‭images of types of‬
‭is a‬ ‭object chosen‬ ‭world object‬ ‭object‬

‭ he is no link‬
T ‭Object allows‬ ‭A detailed‬
‭ bject and KQ‬
‭between the‬ ‭an‬ ‭ xploration of‬
e ‭A nuanced exploration of‬
‭have a general‬
‭object and the‬ ‭exploration of‬ t‭he KQ is‬ ‭the KQ is possible‬
‭Does the‬ ‭link‬
‭KQ‬ ‭the KQ‬ ‭possible‬
‭ he is no link‬
T ‭Object allows‬ ‭A detailed‬
‭the KQ?‬ ‭ bject and KQ‬
‭between the‬ ‭an‬ ‭ xploration of‬
e ‭A nuanced exploration of‬
‭have a general‬
‭object and the‬ ‭exploration of‬ t‭he KQ is‬ ‭the KQ is possible‬
‭KQ‬ ‭the KQ‬ ‭possible‬

I‭s there a‬ ‭ wo different‬

‭ wo different‬
T ‭Objects are very different,‬
‭difference‬ ‭ he objects‬
T ‭objects have been‬
‭objects have‬ ‭ bjects are‬
O ‭consequently allow a‬
‭between‬ ‭are almost‬ ‭selected but both‬
‭been‬ ‭very different‬ ‭varied exploration of the‬
‭the‬ ‭identical‬ ‭offer the same‬
‭selected‬ ‭KQ‬
‭objects?‬ ‭analysis of the KQ‬

I‭s there a‬
‭The object‬
‭personal‬ ‭An attempt to‬ ‭The object is‬ ‭A strong‬ ‭A‬‭strong personal link‬‭to‬
‭has no‬
‭link in at‬ ‭ ake the object‬
m ‭somewhat‬ ‭ ersonal link‬
p ‭the object that‬‭ties into‬
‭least one‬ ‭personal is made‬ ‭personal‬ ‭to the object‬ ‭the KQ‬

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