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ADVENTURE BACKGROUND same place: an enraged burgomaster and an empty

The Free City of Hordenheim is not a happy place.
Situated at a natural crossroads, all manner of
undesirables roll through town; marauding armies,
half-mad wizards, and monstrous folk of all
descriptions can be found on the streets and in the
taverns. If Hordenheim is not a peaceful sort of
place, it is at least a profitable one. The wealth of
several neighboring kingdoms flows through the
city, and everybody wants a share of the profits.
This is especially true of Pollard Varice,
Burgomaster of Hordenheim. A resourceful fellow
with a shrewd sense for business, Varice hit upon a
brilliant plan early last year: if folk of unusual
ability and indifferent morals are going to be here
anyway, why not put them to use? After all, the
Watch and the Border Guard were expensive to
maintain, while the living dead do not require a
living wage. Appointing upright citizen and noted
necromancer Findle Stirr to the position of High
Sheriff seemed like an excellent idea at the time.
Unfortunately, Stirr is as power hungry as he is
xenophobic, and now that tax season is come the
necromancer's longplanned coup is coming to
Swarms of his undead rats have secretly pillaged
the city's strong boxes and coin purses for the past
few months. Finding themselves unable to pay, the
populace is rising as never before against the
burgomaster's taxes. As Stirr prepares an undead
colossus to scour the city of the ‘lesser races,'
Pollard Varice has no choice but to send for
adventurers to quell the rabble and restore order.
Answering the burgomaster's call, the PCs take on
the role of tax collectors in the great trade city of
Hordenheim, but as any of the junior clerks can
attest, it's been an exceptionally tough year for
gathering tariffs. The mostly honest officers of the
Watch are doing what they can but whole
neighborhoods are in open revolt, counterfeit coins
have been found in the returns, and the Lord
Assessor's household guard are turning up dead
with astonishing regularity.
The PCs can solve these three problems in any
order they choose. Whether they silence the
ringleaders in The Trots, raid the lair of the
alchemist counterfeiters, or track down the angry
aurumvorax mother who's been trying to retrieve
her kit from the Lord Assessor, it will all lead to the
Findle Stirr's plans are nearing completion, and
he's grown bold enough to steal from Hordenheim's
Following the trail of Stirr's undead rats back to the
Watch House, the PCs will uncover the Sheriff 's
evil plot. They will have to work quickly to keep the
necromantic lawman from unleashing his colossal
golden undead, and they'll have to do it before the
very people they are trying to save run them out of
• The expected hook of the scenario is the
burgomaster's summons for a team of enforcers to
help solve his problems. The PCs are travelling to
Hordenheim in answer to his call.
• Alternatively, the party might start at odds with
the burgomaster. Times are lean in Hordenheim
after all, and if the group wants to play as
Hordenheim natives, nothing could motivate
adventurers more than seeing their guild hall
repossessed. If using this hook, ignore the opening
scenes on the road. Instead, begin play with your
PCs relaxing in their guild hall when the dwarven
tax collector Bisley Billetpole shows up with an
enormous stack of paperwork and an outrageous
demand for back taxes. If the party agrees to do a
few favors for the good of the city, they might be
granted a waiver on this year's taxes.
• It's also possible to begin with the party working
as sailors on the barges or guards attached to one of
the city's many caravans. • In this case, replace the
encounters on the road with a scene of your pig-
headed ship's captain or cheapskate merchant
refusing to pay the customs duty at the border. He
demands to see the burgomaster, storms off into
the city, and leaves the party scratching their heads.
When word comes back that he's been tossed into
debtor's prison and that no one is getting paid until
he's freed, the road to the burgomaster's office is
clear: help out with a few local issues, and the
greedy merchant goes free.
• A final option is to run a monstrous party. If the
PCs are looking to play immigrant goblins or
harpies hoping to take a stab a civilized life,
Hordenheim is the place to do it. What better way
to start a new life than helping out the most
powerful man in the city? For this hook, run the
adventure as normal but offer full citizenship as a
reward for helping the burgomaster.
As the adventure plays out, the Thieves Guild may The Rats of Hordenheim should seem little more
become a target of PC suspicion. After all, when than a background detail. Slip them in along with
money goes missing, who would make a more likely other descriptions of the city, and never make their
culprit? However, while something is indeed presence too overt. Over the course of the
stealing from the people of Hordenheim, it's not the adventure, certain clues should point to the gradual
Thieves Guild, even though all the clues point disappearance of rats in the city.
towards it. Finding the thieves is easy; their
• As the PCs arrive in Hordenheim, they see rats
guildhall is an opulent timbered affair, and the sign
jumping onto barges as they dock. • Rat is a popular
of a gloved hand in gold leaf hangs above their
street food in Hordenheim, but there's no more to
doors. Located near the the Street of Nobles, it is
be had as the adventure progresses. Closed vendor
clear that this is a group which holds itself in high
stalls or wildly increased prices provide a clue.
esteem. • When the PCs are talking to Boss Belle
(see part A), or overhear her later discussions with • The party hears rats in the walls of their sleeping
the burgomaster, it's clear the minotaur believes the quarters. The scratching goes quiet after a few days.
Thieves Guild is unfairly targeting her people.
• The burgomaster is happy about the ‘minimal
• Along the Godsway some of the panhandling impact on municipal granaries' from vermin this
clergymen may be overheard to say, "It's not so year.
lucrative as Thieves Guild work, but it's a living."
• A sign out front of a pest control company
• As the party approaches the Lord Assessor's advertises an ever-increasing sale.
estate, simply pointing out the nearby guild hall
and the conspicuously roguish characters hanging THE ROAD TO HORDENHEIM
about may be enough to rouse the party's The Border Guard
It has been a long few days on the trade road, but
• Hordenheim robberies are surprisingly civil at last you are standing atop a hill, looking down
affairs. It all starts with pleasant men in dark gray upon the great trade city of Hordenheim. Barges
cloaks asking if the victim has been robbed yet this ply the waters of the River Yuen, their goods
fiscal quarter. A few such men may well cross the destined for the famed bazaars, their crews for the
party's path one night. infamous taverns. Hordenheim is not much to look
Regardless of how you introduce the Guild to the at: a few squat gray towers beside the road and
PCs, their arrival at the guildhall should play out as the river, an assemblage of outlying farms and
an understated social call. They will be admitted hamlets, and the dirty warren of streets and alleys
freely by liveried servants and after a lengthy wait that make up the city proper. Hordenheim has a
will gain entry to the Guildmaster's offices. A kindly reputation as a rough and tumble city, but also a
old halfelf named Anrin the Jeweler, the master rich one. With any luck, it will line your pockets
thief will show the PCs every courtesy. He is well. As dusk settles over the countryside, the
entirely blameless in the current rash of thefts, as lights of the city and outlying settlements twinkle
his ledgers will prove. His tight regulation of the in the distance. Much closer at hand, another light
city's cutpurses and cat burglars results in a lower burns beside the road: a lantern, held aloft by a
overall crime rate, so he is indeed a pillar of the grinning man in a black cloak. A death's head
community. Should the PCs push the issue, they brooch sparkles at his neck, and a small troop of
may well make enemies of the Guild, in which case similarly attired figures stand beside him. He
they will possibly find themselves targeted by the squints into the gloom and calls, "Who's there?"
cutpurses of the city. If, on the other hand, they Though friendly and informative, the border guard
ingratiate themselves with the Guild, they may find is a necromancer. Ask for a DC 19 Spellcraft
a ready source of information and pilfered magical check to identify the necromantic nature of the
baubles... for a modest fee of course. Generate 2d4 brooch. Allow a DC 19 Perception check for any
random wondrous items, each worth 1,000 GP or party members curious about the silent troop at the
less, whenever the party visits. The thieves will offer necromancer's back: they're zombies. And while
to sell them at a 50% discount. their undead nature isn't precisely hidden, it is at
least obscured in the dim of twilight.
Spellcraft DC 19 Necromancer Deputy CR 3 XP 800
Success identifies the necromantic nature of the
border guard's brooch. Male human necromancer 4
LN Medium humanoid (human)
Perception DC 19 Init +0;
The silent troop behind the guard are zombies, their Senses Perception +0
nature obscured in the dim of twilight.
The deputy will ask for a toll from the PCs -- five AC 11, touch 10, flat-footed 11 (+1 armor)
gold apiece, plus one for each weapon. He will hp 30 (4d6+16)
attempt to search the PCs and their goods; it's his Fort +5, Ref +1, Will +5
job after all. Whether the party decides to fight or
talk, the necromancer's position as a city official OFFENSE
should give them pause. Speed 30 ft.
Melee mwk quarterstaff +4 (1d6+1)
(6) Zombie CR 1/2 Special Attacks channel negative energy 5/day
(6) Zombies CR 1/2 XP 200 (DC 13, command undead only)
NE Medium undead Arcane School necromancy
Init +0; Spell-Like Abilities (CL 4th, conc +6)
Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +0 5/day grave touch

DEFENSE Wizard Spells Prepared (CL 4th; conc +6)

AC 12, touch 10, flat-footed 12 (+2 natural) 2nd — command undead,
hp 12 (2d8+3) detect thoughts (DC 14),
Fort +0, Ref +0, Will +3 false life,
DR 5/slashing; Immune undead traits spectral hand
1st — chill touch (DC 13),
OFFENSE feather fall, obscuring
Speed 30 ft. mist,
Melee slam +4 (1d6+4) ray of enfeeblement,
STATISTICS 0 (at will) — bleed (DC 12), detect magic, light, ray
Str 17, Dex 10, Con —, Int —, Wis 10, Cha 10 of frost, touch of fatigue (DC 12)
Base Atk +1; CMB +4; CMD 14 Opposition Schools conjuration, illusion
Feats Toughness
Str 12, Dex 10, Con 15, Int 15, Wis 13, Cha 10
Staggered (Ex) Zombies have poor reflexes and Feats Command Undead, Great Fortitude,
can only perform a single move action or standard Improved Channel, Scribe Scroll, Toughness
action each round (it has the staggered condition.) Skills Appraise +8, Diplomacy +3, Intimidate +4,
A zombie can move up to its speed and attack in the Knowledge (Arcana) +9, Knowledge (History) +8,
same round as a charge action. Linguistics +8

Languages Common, Draconic, Goblin, Infernal

SQ arcane bond (amulet), power over undead
Gear bracers of armor +1, wand of magic missile
(CL 3rd, 25 charges), medal of the deputy,
masterwork quarterstaff, officer's robes, bonded
amulet, government credentials, spellbook
Passing on into the strip of tiny hamlets and
outlying farms that surrounds the city proper, the Burgomaster Pollard Varice can be found at Center
party encounters a roadside argument. An unhappy Bridge, the great stone span that links the two
young dwarf is trying to make himself heard over a halves of Hordenheim across the River Yuen. His
gaggle of angry farmers: offices are perched high atop the northern bridge
tower, and are accessed by a long sloping climb up
As you come into earshot, you hear the dwarf say, the support cable stairs.
"...with me or with the Guard. I sympathize, really The offices themselves look rather like an eagle's
I do. But the law is the law, and every man of us nest, extending out on either side far wider than the
has to pull his weight.” This pronouncement elicits tower itself. Yet despite their precarious rocking,
angry shouts from the farmers, as well as a they are a palatial affair constructed of glass and
barrage of turnips and offal. The dwarf stumbles carven wood.
to the road and falls at your feet.
The dwarf is a tax collector named Bisley Billetpole. Although Varice's heritage should not come into
When questioned, he will explain that the farmers play in this adventure, it is nevertheless worth
are refusing to pay their taxes. They blame thieves noting. The burgomaster is actually an Ancient
and extortionate rates, but the dwarf insists that the Brine Dragon named Varicienthirax, and
law is the law. Hordenheim is his responsibility in more ways than
Should the party elect to help him, he will gladly one. When the idea of a monstrous free city
accompany them to the burgomaster's office, acting occurred to him some 500 years ago, the small
as something of a guide to the city. However, he will fishing village of Horden seemed as good a place as
excuse himself before going inside - the any to start. Posing as a civic-minded fishmonger, it
burgomaster is none too pleased with his tax agents was a simple affair to win the office of mayor. Using
at the moment. his spell-like abilities to net a profit and his
diplomatic skill to net a constituency, the founding
HORDENHEIM of the great trade city was surprisingly easy. Posing
N Large city as the son, grandson, and now great-great-
Corruption +3; Crime +3; Economy +6; grandson of the original Mayor Varice, the
Law +2; Lore +4; Society +2 burgomaster continues to amuse himself by
Qualities financial, notorious, prosperous, keeping the powder keg of racial tensions and
strategic location competing interests from exploding.
Danger +20 While the great wyrm could doubtless destroy Stirr,
save his city, and be home in time for tea, he
DEMOGRAPHICS chooses to govern as the simple halfling he appears
Government Autocracy to be. Any dragon might rule through raw power,
Population 25,000 (5,000 humans; 2,000 but Varicienthirax prefers subtlety. So far as ‘Mayor
dwarves; 2,000 halflings; 1,000 elves; 15,000 Varice' is concerned, the governing of Hordenheim
other) is the greatest challenge a brine dragon could wish
for. The PCs are simply the latest pieces upon his
NOTEABLE NPCS game board.
 Burgomaster Pollard Varice (LN male
ancient brine dragon)
 Sheriff Findle Stirr (NE male human MEDAL OF THE DEPUTY
Aura faint conjuration; CL 5th
necromancer 6)
Slot neck; Price 5,000 gp; Weight —.
 Political Boss Belle Greencud (CG
female minotaur urban barbarian 1)
 Lord Assessor Bors Jaulich (LN male This shiny brass medal bears the arms of
half-orc aristocrat 4) Hordenheim: a human hand shaking a monstrous
claw, surmounted by a sack of coins. While worn,
MARKETPLACE the medal renders all damage dealt by the wearer
Base Value 16,000 gp; Purchase Limit 125,000 non-lethal. This includes damage from magical and
gp; non-magical sources. However, the magic is tied to
Spellcasting 7th the city of Hordenheim, and will not work beyond
Minor Items 4d4; Medium Items 3d4; Major its walls.
As you step inside the office you see a quartet of It is at this point that Sheriff Findle Stirr will storm
paintings lining the walls, each depicting a male into the office. His men spotted the party on their
halfling, and all bearing an uncanny family way into town, and they've just informed their boss
resemblance. The rugs are woven rich and red. that adventurers have answered the burgomaster's
The furniture is fine dark wood and sumptuous summons. As is the case with all unasked-for help
upholstery. The cloud of smoke that hangs thick on in all police departments in all cities, Sheriff Stirr
the air smells of the finest pipe weed. And behind a will not be pleased with these new deputies (and
massive oak desk, feet upon the table, cigar doubly so if the party fought the border guard).
clenched firmly in his jaws, sits the burgomaster Despite all evidence to the contrary, he will stoutly
himself. He looks more than a little like the maintain that his necromancers are enough to keep
portraits on the walls, all heavy eyebrows and order within the city. An argument between the the
outsized mutton chops. He says: sheriff and the burgomaster is appropriate here.
However, Stirr will eventually bow to pressure from
Come in, come in. Close the door. You're letting all Burgomaster Varice, and ultimately agrees to brief
the smoke out. You folks have something of a the PCs on the many problems they've inherited. It
martial air about you. Adventurers I'd wager. Yes, is up to the PCs to decide what order they will take
good, excellent. And no doubt you're here to help on the challenges.
with our little tax problem. Even better.
Now I sympathize with the plight of the common
man. Times are lean -- dad gets injured on the job, THE LAW IN THESE PARTS
mom's pocket gets picked at market -- but we've all Sheriff Stirr is the villain of this adventure, but that
got to pay our due, don't we? The Trots is close to should not be obvious. Certainly he should come off
open revolt, counterfeit coins have been found in as an unlikable bigot, but his relationship to the PCs
the returns, and the Lord Assessor's household should seem more of a jurisdictional resentment:
guard are turning up dead with astonishing These out of town hotshots think they can do better
than my department? I'll show them. His role
regularity. Our local constabulary is good enough
throughout the adventure is to act as guide, provide
for standing on corners and looking mean, but commentary on the city, and to try and make the
given the recent unpleasantness your particular party seem incompetent in front of the
expertise will be most welcome. burgomaster. If the party abuses their power as Tax
Inspectors, killing too many citizens for example,
So what do you say? A fat sack of gold and a place
he may even try and convince the burgomaster to
of civic responsibility?
arrest them.
Assuming the party agrees, the burgomaster will
reach into his desk and produce a set of keys and a
fistful of medals identical to the ones worn by the
border guard. These are all medals of the deputy.
Once the PCs accept the medals, the burgomaster

I hereby deputize you in the name of the free city of

Hordenheim. Omet lagro dapet um. That's on the
coat of arms, you know. Means ‘all things in
balance.' City motto. Now aside from those medals
being recognizable badges of office, they'll also
prevent you from killing any citizens in the line of
duty. Very solid magic. The keys go to your
quarters in Crook's Tower. That's the south tower
of Center Bridge, just a short walk through the
backdoor of the office. I hope you aren't afraid of
heights. There you'll find the city treasury and the
Revenue Department, the former of which is
accessible through the latter. Now my fine Tax
THE STRANGENESS OF HORDENHEIM Smoke Shops Ale is for dwarves. Wine is for
Hordenheim is a free city, a melting pot and a elves. Herbal tea is for unwashed druids. But it is
haven for criminals and monsters. Presented below the rare creature who doesn't appreciate a well-
are a number of oddities that can be seen in and packed bowl at one of Hordenheim's famed smoke
around the city. Feel free to add your own. shops. With flavors for all palates, a centaur may
enjoy "Feedbag Blend" while a gnoll at the next
Downspout Couriers Wherever stone spires
table blows rings of "Yesterday's Carcass." While
reach skyward or temple vaults arch into the gloom,
restaurants must cater to the tastes of specific
gargoyles are sure to follow. But where other cities
treat these winged monsters as pests, Hordenheim ghettos and races, tobacconists find it relatively
treats them as a postal service. Should a citizen easy to stock a bit of pipe weed to please all comers,
wish to mail a letter, he has only to tie a bit of meat making the cigar shops and hookah bars the true
to his missive and toss it skyward. One of the melting pots of Hordenheim.
countless courier gargoyles -- equal parts postman
and mailbox -- will catch and deliver, usually in a
matter of minutes. Consequently, Hordenheim is The Avenue of Exotic Pleasures As surely as
one of the few places in the multiverse where cities need news criers, chimney sweeps, or well-fed
residents paint their addresses on their roofs. innkeepers, they need their red light districts. Yet
with so many different races in residence, the
The Guild of Sweeps As with so many of their madams and flesh-peddlers of Hordenheim face a
civic problems, the citizens of Hordenheim have hit bit of a staffing problem. Fortunately for all hot-
upon a unique solution to sanitation: slime. The blooded humanoids heavy on coin and light on love,
Guild of Sweeps set out early each morning, the city's doppelganger community provides a
specially treated alchemical salts at the ends of their solution. There are, of course, specialty houses that
prod sticks, a veritable army of small slimes driven cater to one or two species, but all the really
before them. The slimes sop up the city's night soil, successful brothels employ at least a few shape
while the sweeps collect wages from a grateful (and changers of easy virtue. Such houses prominently
surprisingly fresh-smelling) city. display their star employees in street front
windows, where they put on transformational
Immigration Services New citizens may take shows to tempt all passersby. An Arm and a Leg
some time to adjust to civilization and many of the Given the eating habits of certain monstrous
traditionally evil races need a special hand citizens, it's surprising that there aren't even more
transitioning - that's where the mentors at murders on the streets of Hordenheim. This
Immigration Services come into play. It's not problem is at least partially assuaged by the city's
unusual to see a third generation Hordenheim orc specialty butchers. Any creature desperate enough
touring his just-down-fromthe- hills cousins about for coin can submit himself for amputation,
town, explaining the finer points of self restraint garnering a tidy profit with which to buy a new
(not eating the halflings is usually the first step.) hook or peg leg. Of course, even the poorest of the
Only by submitting to such programs can the poor are often loathe to part with (ahem) a part, so
monstrous immigrants of Hordenheim gain full the city's tough penal code will often make up the
citizenship. demand. The result is a city of well-fed monsters
and left-handed pickpockets.
A. TROUBLE IN THE TROTS (4) Centaur CR 3 XP 800
The mills and factories of Hordenheim are run by N Large Monstrous humanoid
treadmills, and the treadmills of Hordenheim are Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +7
run by the centaurs, satyrs, and minotaurs of The
Trots. A neighborhood at the city's southeast DEFENSE
corner, just downwind of the industrial quarter, AC 20, touch 11, flat-footed 18 (+6 armor, +2 Dex,
The Trots is a labyrinthine mass of converted +1 natural, -1 size)
hp 30 (4d10+8)
tenements inhabited by blue collar ungulates of
Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +6
every description. Of course, being the hardworking
sort, these folk are poorly paid. And being poorly OFFENSE
paid, tax season has hit them especially hard. Speed 50 ft.; 35 ft. in armor
Melee longsword +5 (1d8+2/19-20), 2 hooves +0
The Sheriff's Role Being a racist, the Sheriff will
give a brief history of The Trots en route, referring
Ranged composite (+2) longbow +5 (1d8+2/x3)
to the inhabitants of the neighborhood as overpaid Space 10 ft., Reach 5 ft.
work horses and draft animals. Once the fighting
starts at the barricade, he whisks the tax collectors STATISTICS
to safety while "calling for backup." When the Str 15, Dex 14, Con 15, Int 11, Wis 14, Cha 12
Sheriff returns with his deputies at the end of the Base Atk +4; CMB +7; CMD 19 (23 vs. trip)
encounter, he will be flabbergasted to see the PCs Feats Improved Initiative, Run
still alive. Later, he will tell the burgomaster that Skills Diplomacy +5, Intimidate +6, Knowledge
they were "fomenting ethnic unrest." (nature) +4, Perception +7, Survival +9
Languages Common, Elven, Sylvan
1. THE BARRICADE SQ undersized weapons
Stretching across the Street of Provender, SPECIAL ABILITIES
overturned carts, dust bins, and piles of refuse Undersized Weapons (Ex) Although a centaur
block the narrow cobblestone lane. On the near is Large, its upper torso is the same size as that of a
side, a trio of cowering tax collectors ducks the Medium humanoid. As a result, they wield weapons
garbage and rocks hurled by the citizens on the far as if they were one size category smaller than their
side. These centaurs are shouting slogans like, "Not actual size (Medium for most centaurs).
your beast of tax burden!" and, "Shake the yoke of
The party may attempt to talk the rioters down, but
that could prove difficult. If the PCs are openly
wearing their badges of office then the cries will
redouble, and a number of arrows will join the
volley of stones. If combat is joined, most of the
protesters will run for it. However, a quartet of
burly centaurs will remain to offer battle.
During Combat The barricade is six feet high, five
feet wide, and stretches thirty feet across the whole
street. It counts as difficult terrain. During combat
the centaurs will stick to cover behind their barrier,
firing their bows at the advancing PCs.
Once the party makes it past the barricade, they still
have a bit of investigating to do. Whether they
question a still-conscious captive, gather clues from
graffiti, or are approached by a shifty-eyed satyr
informant, rumors of Boss Belle will point them
towards the rabblerousing minotaur behind the
Trots' unrest.
2. URBAN LABYRINTH Diplomacy Check
Finding a minotaur in the urban maze of The Trots If the PCs try to arrest Boss Belle and can convince
is easier said than done. It will take a series of her to plead the Trots's case before the burgomaster
Knowledge (Local) checks at DC 21 to navigate the she will come along quietly.
neighborhood and find the ringleader. At every  If Belle is Unfriendly the check is DC 21.
failed check, a blind alley or double back street will  If Belle is Hostile the check is DC 26.
result in taunts and further missiles from gangs of
street urchins. When the PCs give chase, they will
find themselves led into the trap of the Meeting Sample Quotes for Belle:
Hall. Should they ignore the taunts and succeed at • You soft feet are all the same, always
three checks total, they will arrive at the meeting stealing from a hardworking ‘taur.
hall in less of a hurry and may choose to enter by • You work hard all month for a slave wage,
the main door or take the stairs to the loft. and all year for an unfair tax.
• Feel like a big man taking oats off our
• We'll pay what's fair. But what you're asking
The Trots meeting hall is a large converted barn, for ain't fair. Not with the Thieves Guild
strung up with pro-labor posters. A small stage over quota.
stands at the far end of the room. Overhead is a loft
where a number of desks are occupied by an equal During Combat
number of satyr scribes, each creating more posters While Boss Belle is a straightforward combatant,
and handbills by hand. the satyrs offer a bit more versatility. They do their
best to avoid melee combat, and will harass the
If the party enters through the main door -- where party as best they can. Only one of the scribes
they will be led if chasing a street urchin here -- the brought his pipes to work, and he will try to use
barn door will slam shut behind them. If they enter them at the earliest opportunity, avoiding targeting
through the loft and are noticed by the satyr Boss Belle if at all possible. The other satyrs will
scribes, they will be viewed with suspicion. If they hurl insults, arrows, and ink pots down at the party
state their business openly, the scribes call for Belle. (treat ink pots as splash weapons that blind the
target for 1 round on a hit). Once Boss Belle is
Boss Belle stands at a podium on the stage, small defeated, the satyrs will give up the fight at once.
glasses perched on her bovine muzzle, a sheaf of
papers in one hand. It appears that the enormous 4. WRAPPING UP
black and white spotted minotaur is practicing a When Belle exits The Trots, either in the paddy
speech. wagon or of her own free will, the rioting will die
down. The tax men, no longer stymied by a manned
Belle Greencud is a political activist and lifelong barricade, are free to go about their duties.
factory girl. She's spent the past several years However, as the PCs leave the neighborhood,
lobbying for better wages for her fellow workers, resentment of the residents should be palpable, and
and more than a few law zombies have been gored it's obvious that few doors will open for the hapless
and trampled in her "protest marches." These collectors.
activities have earned her a number of arrests, but
the community sees her as something of a hero, and
always posts bail.
If the party chased the urchins here, her starting
attitude will be Hostile, though it will merely be
Unfriendly if the PCs found the location
themselves. If the PCs try to arrest her, she will
resist with all the resources at her disposal, but if
they can convince her to plead the Trots's case
before the burgomaster (A DC 21 Diplomacy
check if Unfriendly, or a DC 26 check if Hostile),
she will come along quietly.
Satyr Scribe CR 3 XP 800 Boss Belle CR 5 XP 1,200
Young Satyr
CN Small fey Female minotaur urban barbarian 1
Init +3; CG Large monstrous humanoid
Senses low-light vision.; Perception +18 Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +10

AC 20, touch 15, flat-footed 16 (+3 Dex, +1 Dodge, AC 16, touch 9, flat-foot 16 (+5 Nat, -1 size, +2
+5 natural, +1 size) Arm)
hp 28 (8d6) hp 57 (1d12+6d10+12)
Fort +3, Ref +9, Will +8 Fort +8, Ref +5, Will +5
DR 5/cold iron Defensive Abilities natural cunning

Speed 40 ft. Speed 30 ft.
Melee dagger +5 (1d3/19-20) , horns +0 (1d6-1) Melee greataxe +10/+5 (3d6+6), gore +4 (1d6+2)
Ranged short bow +8 (1d4/x3) or greataxe +8/+3 (3d6+12), gore +2 (1d6+4)
Special Attacks pipes Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 8th) Special Attacks powerful charge (gore +11,
At Will – charm person (DC 13), dancing lights, 2d6+6)
ghost sound (DC 12), sleep (DC 13), suggestion (DC
1/day – fear (DC 16), summon nature's ally III Str 19, Dex 10, Con 15, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 8
Base Atk +7; CMB +12; CMD 22
STATISTICS Feats Great Fortitude, Improved Bull Rush, Power
Str 10, Dex 17, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 19 Attack, Minotaur's Charge, Power Attack -2/+4
Base Atk +4; CMB +6 CMD 17 Skills Climb +4, Diplomacy +5, Intimidate +5,
Feats Dodge, Mobility, Skill Focus (Perception), Perception +10, Stealth +2, Survival +10; Racial
Weapon Finesse Modifiers +4 Perception, +4 Survival
Skills Bluff +15, Diplomacy +15, Disguise +9, Languages Giant, Common
Intimidate +9, Knowledge (nature) +10, Perception SQ Rage (6 rounds/day)
+18, Perform (wind instruments) +19, Stealth +17, Gear Greataxe, Leather Apron (counts as leather
Survival +7; Racial Modifiers +4 Perception, +4 armor), Dagger
Perform, +4 Stealth
Languages Common, Sylvan SPECIAL ABILITIES
Controlled Rage (Ex) When an urban barbarian
SPECIAL ABILITIES rages, instead of making a normal rage she may
Pipes (Su) A satyr can focus and empower his apply a +4 morale bonus to her Strength, Dexterity,
magic by playing haunting melodies on his or Constitution. This bonus increases to +6 when
panpipes. When he plays, all creatures within a 60- she gains greater rage and +8 when she gains
foot radius must make a DC 16 Will save or be mighty rage. She may apply the full bonus to one
affected by charm person, fear, sleep, or ability score or may split the bonus between several
suggestion, depending on what tune the satyr scores in increments of +2. When using a controlled
chooses. A creature that successfully saves against rage, an urban barbarian gains no bonus on Will
any of the pipes' effects cannot be affected by the saves, takes no penalties to AC, and can still use
same set of pipes for 24 hours, but can still be Intelligence-, Dexterity-, and Charisma-based skills.
affected by the satyr's other spell-like abilities as This ability otherwise follows the normal rules for
normal. The satyr's use of his pipes does not count rage.
toward his uses per day of his spell-like abilities, Crowd Control (Ex) At 1st level, an urban
and if separated from them he may continue to use barbarian gains a +1 bonus on attack rolls and a +1
his standard abilities. The pipes themselves are dodge bonus to AC when adjacent to two or more
masterwork, and a satyr can craft a replacement enemies. In addition, her movement is not impeded
with 1 week of labor. The save DC is Charisma- by crowds, and she gains a bonus equal to 1/2 her
based. barbarian level on Intimidate checks to influence
Natural Cunning (Ex) Although minotaurs are
not especially intelligent, they possess innate
cunning and logical ability. This gives them
immunity to maze spells and prevents them from
ever becoming lost. Further, they are never caught
B. MAKING MONEY If questioned on the subject of forgery, Pitwood will
A certain Patrolman Pitwood has shown a confess that upon examination of the most recent
surprising amount of initiative, and has tax returns, nearly one in five were found to contain
apprehended a member of a counterfeiting ring. magical forgeries. The high denomination coins
The counterfeiter is awaiting the burgomaster's disappeared entirely, while the silver and copper
pleasure at the Center Bridge Station House, and is pieces were found to contain telling imperfections.
in the meanwhile being questioned by
Hordenheim's finest. This portion of the adventure This particular problem is fairly open-ended. The
will take the PCs behind the doors of a corrupt tongueless man is a simple fellow, and more
church, and may turn a tidy profit besides. properly named Ilek the Silent, bell-ringer of the
Temple of Wealth. A penitent man and a true
believer, Ilek is well-meaning, but slow of thought.
The Sheriff's Role He is susceptible to the usual means of
Stirr has only a minor part to play here. He will interrogation: diplomacy, intimidation, and
praise his officer's initiative in detecting criminal bribery. He is illiterate, and so cannot write, but can
activity, and then laugh as he leaves the PCs to answer questions with affirmative grunts or shakes
"interrogate the mute." If the PCs successfully break of the head.
up the forgery ring, he will refer to it as a "police Ilek has a small token of the God of Wealth about
activity in collaboration with my department." his neck: a miniature set of brass scales. A DC 21
Dropping a few slurs against "shifty-eyed Knowledge (Religion) check is enough to put
leprechauns" is also in character. the PCs on the right path. If they instead decide to
investigate the scrap metal, the halforc junkyard
1. THE TONGUELESS MAN & THE owner Snurr Brickshed should not be too hard to
CLINKING COAT find (DC 17 Diplomacy check). He deals in
Once the party decides to take on the counterfeiting refuse of all kinds, and is known as the cheapest
ring, Stirr will lead them to Center Bridge Station scrapper on Slag Row. Should the PCs find him, he
House, a small brick and mortar building that will admit to selling the metal easily enough, and
serves as a holding cell. Inside they will find may even be persuaded to show the party the as yet
Patrolman Pitwood, a stout dwarven necromancer uncashed check signed by Father Gleam of the First
eager to show off his catch. Church of Wealth (DC 21 Diplomacy or
Intimidate check).

As you make your way inside the small station Knowledge (Religion) DC 21
house, a cheerful little dwarf looks up from his The party identifies the symbol of the God of
magazine, then springs to his feet. He's wearing Wealth about Ilek's neck, a fruitful line of inquiry.
the black cloak and death's head brooch of the
watch, and it seems he's been expecting you. Diplomacy DC 17
Snapping off an enthusiastic salute, he nods to the If the party investigates the scrap metal they will
shabby looking fellow behind bars. have to find the seller. With a successful check the
We found ‘im clinking up ‘round Crier's Square, party learn of Snurr Brickshed, a half-orc junkyard
m'lords. He could not produce his thieves' papers, owner, known as the cheapest scrapper on Slag
so we apprehended him as an suspicious Row.
character. His coat were stuffed full o' these,
m'lords." The deputy produces a small chest of Diplomacy or Intimidate DC 21
scrap metal: copper plates, silverware, broken Snurr Brickshed deals in refuse of all kinds, and will
pipes, and other oddments. admit to selling the metal easily. With a successful
I read ‘bout these sorts o' scrap collectors in the check, he will be persuaded to show the party an as
latest ‘Astonishing Detectives' story, out 30th of yet uncashed check signed by Father Gealm of the
last month if memory serves. And thought I to First Church of Wealth.
myself, forgery is afoot! He don't have no tongue,
so we have been unable to ascertain his motives.
His name neither, come to think of it.
2. THE GODSWAY There is some information to be gleaned from this
Once the party finds the connection to the Temple simple question. Ask for a DC 21 Sense Motive
of Wealth, Ilek will make signs to show his check to notice the emphasis on "officers." Then
eagerness to lead them to his master. Following the ask for a DC 26 Perception check to hear the
mute, it will be a short walk through the streets to whispers and the panicked clinking sounds from
the Godsway, a row of shrines, churches, and ‘round back.
roadside confessionals perched atop a low cliff
overlooking the north bank of the River Yuen.
There are a few run-of-the-mill citizens here, but a
great many clergymen fill the yards and doors of Sense Motive DC 21
each church. A successful check indicates noticing the particular
Once they spot the PCs coming, they will emphasis on "officers" in the leprechaun's greeting
immediately swarm them, crying their wares as
shamelessly as any market huckster: Perception DC 26
• Blessings of the war god upon you! Glory in A successful check notes the sound of panic 'round
battle, only 50 gold! back, a mixture of whispers and clinking.
• A prayer for luck. Very auspicious. For you a
mere 30 gold!
• Meet your true love today! A poxy 100 gold The leprechaun at the window is none other than
pieces for the kiss of the goddess! Father Gleam, priest of Wealth and head of the
These and other promises all pour from the forgery ring. He will refuse to let the PCs inspect the
assembled altar boys, vestal virgins, and pulpiteers, inner chapel, claiming that it is a holy place.
though none of them confer a mechanical benefit. Forcing their way in requires either going through
Instead, if a PC shells out for an amulet or a the heavy wooden door in the partition (DC 25
blessing, she will precipitate a street brawl as the Disable Device check to unlock), or squeezing
preachers -- all working for commission -- go for through the teller window (a DC 21 Escape Artist
the gold. These are not clerics in the true sense, but check), and in either case they will find an empty
the nonmagical members of the various religions, back room and a slamming trapdoor. A quick trip
all tasked with shaking down donations from down the trapdoor will take them to a hole in the
passersby. riverside cliff, about 10 feet above a small boat filled
with leprechauns, each staring back at them, sacks
The brawl has a 20 foot radius centering on the of coins bulging at their feet.
donating party member, counts as difficult terrain,
and will move along with her. It lasts for 1d4 + 2
rounds, and deals 2d4 bludgeoning damage per Disable Device DC 25
round to all party members caught in the area. A successful check is required to unlock the heavy
Fortunately, the crowd is easily distracted by the wooden door (Hardness 5, 20 hp, break DC 25) in
promise of riches, and can be dispersed easily by a the partition, to inspect the inner chapel.
fistful of thrown coins. An area damage spell is also
effective. Escape Artist DC 21
A successful check allows a character to squeze
through the teller window in the partition to inspect
3. THE FIRST CHURCH OF WEALTH the inner chapel.

The church is a run-down stone and mortar affair

with the scales of the God of Wealth hanging in
flaked gold paint above the door. A long queue of
locals stretches from the door, and as they spot
your badges of office they begin to hurriedly
The inside of the temple looks more like a counting
house than a church. A small humanoid creature,
with a wizened face and roguish smile, eyes you
from the other side of a wooden divide. His teller
window is tiny, and provides little view into the
back of the church. He says, "Welcome to the house
of Wealth, officers. How may we be of assistance?"
During Combat A small fortune in coins appears to line the boat,
This is not an especially large boat, and it's already some 80,000 GP. Only 4,000 GP of that is real. The
weighed down with several thousand gold pieces vast majority of the coins are the product of the
and four extremely agitated leprechauns. Jumping leprechauns' major creation ability, and will
down will require the standard DC 15 Acrobatics
check, but a failure will result in normal damage, a disappear in a little under three hours (a DC 21
good bit of boat rocking, and a plunge into the Spellcraft check reveals this information.) Back
water. Furthermore, only two PCs can fit on the inside the church, the party will find a masterwork
boat safely. As soon as the third manages to board, alchemist's lab as well as one pair of goggles of
the boat will begin to take on water. If a full round minute seeing.
passes with three or more PCs aboard, the boat will
Father Gleam CR 3 XP 800
(3) Leprechaun Forger CR 2 XP Advanced Leprechaun
600 CN Small fey
CN Small fey Init +9; Senses low-light vision; Perception +19
Init +7; Senses low-light vision; Perception +17
DEFENSE AC 18, touch 16, flat-foot 13 (+5 Dex, +1 size, +2
AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 11 (+3 Dex, +1 size) nat)
hp 18 (4d6+4) hp 26 (4d6+12)
Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +6 Fort +4, Ref +9, Will +8
DR 5/cold iron; SR 13 DR 5/cold iron; SR 13

Speed 40 ft. Speed 40 ft.
Melee +1 club +7 (1d8-1) Melee +1 club +9 (1d8+3)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 4th; concentration +7) Spell-Like Abilities (CL 4th; concentration +7)
Constant – shillelagh Constant – shillelagh
At will – dancing lights, ghost sound (DC 15), At will – dancing lights, ghost sound (DC 15),
invisibility (self only), mage hand, major image invisibility (self only), mage hand, major image
(visual and auditory elements only, DC 18), (visual and auditory elements only, DC 18),
prestidigitation, ventriloquism (DC 16) prestidigitation, ventriloquism (DC 16)
3/day – color spray (DC 16), fabricate (1 cubic foot 3/day – color spray (DC 16), fabricate (1 cubic foot
of material only) of material only)
1/day – major creation 1/day – major creation

Str 7, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 14, Wis 15, Cha 16 Str 11, Dex 20, Con 17, Int 18, Wis 19, Cha 20
Base Atk +2; CMB -1; CMD 12 Base Atk +2; CMB 1; CMD 16
Feats Improved Initiative, Weapon Finesse Feats Improved Initiative, Weapon Finesse
Skills Bluff +10, Escape Artist +10, Knowledge Skills Bluff +12, Escape Artist +12, Knowledge
(nature) +9, Perception +17, Perform (comedy) +8, (nature) +11, Perception +19, Perform (comedy)
Perform (dance) +8, Sense Motive +9, Sleight of +10, Perform (dance) +10, Sense Motive +11,
Hand +14, Stealth +14; Racial Modifiers +8 Sleight of Hand +16, Stealth +16; Racial
Perception, +4 Sleight of Hand Modifiers +8 Perception, +4 Sleight of Hand
Languages Common, Elven, Halfling, Sylvan Languages Common, Elven, Halfling, Sylvan SQ
SQ leprechaun magic leprechaun magic


Leprechaun Magic (Sp) When a leprechaun Leprechaun Magic (Sp) When a leprechaun
uses any of its spell-like abilities to deceive, trick, or uses any of its spell-like abilities to deceive, trick, or
humiliate a creature (at the GM's discretion), the humiliate a creature (at the GM's discretion), the
spell-like ability resolves at caster level 8th rather spell-like ability resolves at caster level 8th rather
than 4th. If a leprechaun uses its spell-like abilities than 4th. If a leprechaun uses its spell-like abilities
in this manner, it has a bonus of +11 on in this manner, it has a bonus of +11 on
concentration checks. concentration checks.
At this time of year, the most important official in
Hordenheim is not, in fact, Burgomaster Varice.
Nor is it Sheriff Stirr, though he has his emaciated Past the opulent Thieves Guild and winding up
hands full containing the unrest of the citizenry. Nob Hill, the Street of Nobles climbs towards the
Rather, it's the Lord Assessor Bors Jaulich, a Lord Assessor's mansion. This part of the city is
powdered priss of a half-orc with unlimited vastly different than the others: the sewers are
authority to enforce the tax code. His infamous belowground, the streets are clear of beggars, and
audits are known to send even the most fastidious deputies patrol more thickly than in other parts of
of accountants into fits of anxiety, and he has a Hordenheim. It's as if you're in a different city - it's
fearsome reputation for squeezing every last coin nice.
from those unfortunate souls who rouse his ire. The assessor's mansion is among the richest of all
Where in years past the Lord Assessor made the dwellings in the neighborhood. Iron fences
himself conspicuous at tax time -- riding about surround the property, and the main gate is set
town in his gilded carriage with clipboard in hand, with an oversized gold coin with the likeness of the
his high white wig trailing a cloud of powder behind Assessor stamped onto it. A golden carriage is
-- this year he is nowhere to be seen. Guardsmen parked in its carriage house. The fine gardens are
have been turning up dead near the Assessor's neatly raked.
mansion with astonishing regularity, and Bors As you knock upon the door, you hear a high
Jaulich is convinced that he's been targeted for pitched scream from the other side. Almost
assassination. immediately a kobold in an immaculate butler's
uniform opens the door. He says, "Please excuse
The Sheriff's Role the shrieking. The master suffers from a nervous
If there is an orc or half-orc PC in the party, Stirr disposition. Follow me.”
will use euphemisms for the Lord Assessor (e.g. The kobold leads you through well appointed
"non-traditional background" or "savage corridors to a plush drawing room. Before you sits
disposition."). Otherwise he will let fly with enough Bors Jaulich, Lord Assessor of Hordenheim. His
anti-greenskin sentiment to make a dwarf blush. tea cup is shaking in his hands. He turns as you
Thus far he's refused to risk too many men enter, his eyes go wide, and he shouts, "Who are
protecting the assessor, and will evince a disregard they? Oh gods, they're armed!"
for the lordling's safety. Any deputies that die in the Again, his high pitched scream sounds throughout
process of tracking the aurumvorax are, "The direct the hall.
responsibility of these fools' incompetence."
Crooked Cops It's horrible. You can hear a snarling and a
Particularly brash PCs may attempt to steal the gnashing every time. The noise scares poor little
Lord Assessor’s golden carriage or gate decoration. Truffle half to death. He cries so pitiably it would
Patrolling necromancers and zombies (same stats break your heart. Yes he does. Oh yes he does.
as the border guard above) will not take kindly to
robbery, but the real challenge lies in the sheer Truffle is an aurumvorax kit. He is golden furred,
weight of the the potential loot. eightlegged, and otherwise like a badger in
appearance. He is also the cause of all the trouble.
The Coin Purchased on a whim from a poacher just one
The coin is solid iron plated in gold, about five ft. in month ago, Jaulich's exotic pet cries each night for
diameter, and weighs 1,000 lbs. Attempting to drag its mother. He quiets only when the Assessor stuffs
the coin will reduce a PC’s movement to 5' per a golden pacifier into his mouth.
round. Rolling the coin, on the other hand, allows a Aurumvorax calls are exceptionally loud, so of
movement speed of 15' per round. You may wish to course the mother comes. Rising from her den at
request a DC 18 Strength Check to prevent the coin the base of Nob Hill, she crawls through the sewers
from rolling out of control as the party moves down and straight towards her baby, tearing through
Nob Hill. barriers and guards with equal ease. It's fortunate
for Jalich that he purchased that golden pacifier: as
The Carriage soon as the cries stop, the mother aurumvorax loses
The carriage presents its own set of problems. the trail and wanders away.
There’s little chance that the party will be able to
drive out of Nob Hill without notice, so a few Bluff 2. THE MONSTER IN THE FOG
checks (DC 20 for nosy neighbors, DC 25 for a Jaulich will of course ask the party to stand guard.
necromancer patrol) will likely be necessary. It will be an eventful night.
Failure will result in a high speed chase as
necromancers pursue in their own patrol wagon. Developer's Note On Tone
Opposed Handle Animal checks are a good Pacing is critical in this scene, as you want your
foundation for this sort of chase, with ranged players to feel like they're in a slasher film.
attacks or relevant spells providing penalties and Something out there wants them dead, and they're
bonuses according to their type. vulnerable in the fog and dark. Try to play up the
Even if the party manages to get away cleanly, the "assassin" angle. Refer to the aurumvorax as "them"
carriage is well-known about town as the assessor's rather than "it." Reference the "clash of steel"
property. Attempts to sell it in Hordenheim will rather than "snarling and ripping." When the PCs
lead to instant recognition, a flat refusal from even finally discover the nature of their prey, it should
the seediest pawnbrokers, and the enmity of the come as a surprise.
Thieves Guild at the very least. Some arduous
public punishment from the burgomaster could 1. It will require no check to hear Truffle crying: the
easily result as well. sound can be heard halfway across the city. The
If the party manages to scrape off all the noise lasts for some few minutes before the party
gold leaf, they can get a total of 2,500 GP for hears the shushing noises of Jaulich and a gnawing
the coin and 2,500 GP for the carriage. sound from Truffle.

As the PCs question the clearly terrified taxman, a 2. A few hours pass, and several patrols of undead
few of the details of the "assassination plot" will guards pass by. They and their necromantic
come to light: minders are the only ones out and about in this
• The point of entry is obvious. A mangled place. It is a fearful sort of night, dark and
section of the iron fence is visible from the moonless. Fog creeps up from the Yuen, and
window. visibility is reduced to 30 feet. All quiet. All
• The "assassin" only comes at night. watchful. Until, from out of the gloom, the sound of
• The undead patrolmen are always found battle erupts through the night.
mangled beyond recognition
3. The party arrives at the scene simultaneous with
However, the real clue comes as the Lord Assessor a deputy-led patrol of skeletons. The necromancer's
is ringing his hands and recounting the ‘dreadful face is pale as she surveys the scene. Bits of rotten
experience'. limb and gristle lie strewn about the street. She asks
in a tremulous voice: "Did you see anything?"
4. After the investigation, the necromancer and her receive two small vials, each containing an elixir of
undead horde will shamble off down the street. Few hunter & prey.
lights are lit in the surrounding estates, but the
illumination does little to pierce the fog. Any
attempted search by the party will be cut short, as a
scream comes from out of the night, from the
direction of the necromancer's patrol.

When the party arrives, it is already too late. The

scene is a repeat of the last slaughter, but this time
there is still movement:

Perception DC 25
Success: "You get a brief glimpse of a dark form
with many legs scuttling close to the ground. You
can discern little else before it disappears down a
sewer grate”


A pitch black passage leads off before and behind

you. A filthy, knee-deep sludge blankets the floor.
There is no sign of the "assassin" but a faint
snuffling before you. For the first 100 yards there
is only one direction, and you half expect glowing
eyes and flashing steel at every turning of the
After a hundred yards, a light becomes visible
ahead revealing a cavernous chamber, with
multiple passages leading off into the gloom. In
the center, a rickety shack stays out of the sludge
by means of stilts, a torch burning outside the
front door. There is no trace of the assassin, and
tracking them through the stinking sludge would
be no better than a guessing game. As you take in
the room, the lean face of a hag peers out of the
hut's window at you. "What is it you be seeking?"
she calls.

Once the PCs explain their pursuit, the hag will

invite them up and offer her aid. Her name is Aunty
Scrounge, and her one-room shack is an ugly
structure of scavenged lumber held together by
moldy rope. Arcane reagents hang on the walls and
ceiling: chicken feet, luminous things crawling in
dirty jars, finger bones, and colored powders, while
countless rats peer from every nook and cranny.
Aunty herself is quite a lot younger than she
originally appeared, and prettier too: tangled
mouse brown hair, large dark eyes, and slim
fingered hands, virtually always occupied toying
with a mortar and pestle. The hag persona and
speech are for purely business reasons, and she
drops it altogether when agitated.
Being a businesswoman first and foremost, she will
only offer her help if the PCs agree to perform an
unspecified service in return. If they agree, they will
Aura moderate divination; CL 6th
Slot none; Price 1,500 gp; Weight —

This watery brown elixir is something of a
doubleedged sword, and is used almost exclusively
by large parties of mounted hunters in pursuit of
valuable trophies.
This draught of liquid lets the drinker see through
the eyes of his quarry as if standing where it is (no
saving throw). When perceiving through the target,
the drinker uses its normal and special senses (such
as darkvision), not his own. However, while under
the effects of the elixir the drinker is considered
blind. To find a creature with the spell, you must
have seen the creature or have some item that once
belonged to it. The effect ends at the next sunrise or
sunset, or after the drinker physically touches his

Craft Wondrous Item, locate creature; Cost 750 gp

Through Different Eyes

If a PC drinks the elixir of the hunter & prey, she
will immediately get a view of Aunty Scrouge's hut
from the outside. The implications are clear: the
"assassin” is still lurking in the tunnels. As the party
chases the aurumvorax it will immediately flee,
letting the PCs follow without need for Survival
As the adventure progresses, describe the
aurumvorax's journey down the rancid slope and
towards the fountain as if the drinker were seeing
it. Likewise, the aurumvorax will watch the otyugh
battle from the safety of her den, allowing the
drinker to watch that combat from a distance.

If the party elects not to use the elixir, it will be

nearly impossible to track their prey through the
sewer by normal means. In that case, their best bet
may be to try again on another night. If they go this
route, simply ignore the otyugh encounter and the
fountain. Instead, let the party confront the
aurumvorax as it tears its way into the Lord
Assessor's house the following evening.
4. DOWN THE RANCID SLOPE The otyughs, typical of their kind, have a mound of
Like so many of the affluent places of the city, the useless items hidden nearby. It is a DC 20
Street of Nobles sits perched atop its own hill. This Perception check to find. Among the broken
is for two reasons. Firstly, it allows the upper crust lengths of chain, human skulls, and the collection of
of Hordenheim to look down upon the city's peons soiled left socks, the party will find a pair of boots
(i.e. everyone else). Secondly, it allows their of the hinterlands left behind by an unfortunate
excrement to flow downhill.
plumber who is now, most likely, one of the nearby
The sewer exits dump down onto a singularly
unpleasant hillside, slick and rancid. Small hillocks
of dried filth mark the slope, and two of them are
coming closer: a pair of otyughs ready to defend
their territory. NEW MAGIC ITEM
Aura faint abjuration and transmutation; CL 5th
(2) Otyugh CR 4 XP 1,200 Slot feet; Price 3,500 gp; Weight 1lb.
N Large aberration
Senses darkvision 60 ft., scent; These grimy leather boots confer a number of
Perception +9 benefits upon the wearer. First, he is able to travel
through swampy terrain at his normal speed,
DEFENSE leaving no tracks. Second, the wearer remains
AC 17, touch 9, flat-footed 17 (+8 natural, -1 size) warm and dry in mires, bogs, sewers, and similar
hp 39 (6d8+12) environments as if he were affected by an endure
Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +6 elements spell. Finally, the wearer receives a +2
Immune disease resistance bonus on all saves made against poison
and disease.
Melee bite +7 (1d8+4 plus disease), 2 tentacles +3 Craft Wondrous Item, endure elements, pass
(1d6+2 plus grab) without trace, resistance; Cost 1,750 gp
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. (15 ft. with tentacle)
Special Attacks constrict (tentacle, 1d6+2)

Str 18, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 5, Wis 13, Cha 6
Base Atk +4; CMB +9 (+13 grapple); CMD 19 (21
vs. trip)
Feats Alertness, Toughness, Weapon Focus
Skills Perception +9, Stealth +2 (+10 in lair);
Racial Modifiers +8 Stealth in lair
Languages Common

Disease (Ex) Filth fever: Bite Injury; save
Fortitude DC 14; onset 1d3 days; frequency 1/day;
effect 1d3 Dex damage and 1d3 Con damage; cure 2
consecutive saves. The save DC is Constitution-
5. ONE ANGRY MOTHER Aurumvorax CR 9 XP 6,400
The aurumvorax has made her way back to her den N Small magical beast
by this point. She will defend it with tooth and claw. Init +8;
The den in question lies beneath a fountain in a city Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light
park. The park exists to act as a screen to the vision, scent; Perception +13
unsightly sewage runoff. The fountain depicts a
cherubic version of the burgomaster pissing into an DEFENSE
overflowing chalice. AC 23, touch 15, flat-footed 19 (+4 Dex, +8 nat, +1
As the party draws near, the aurumvorax mother size)
will once more rouse and investigate. She will not hp 114 (12d10+48)
attack immediately, but will crouch in the mouth of Fort +14, Ref +12, Will +7
her den with teeth bared. Defensive Abilities ferocity; DR 10/piercing or
Once the PCs get a good look at her, describe her as slashing; Immune poison; Resist fire 10
a "larger version of Truffle, the Assessor's pet."
Most parties will make the logical connection, but OFFENSE
you may ask for a DC 20 Knowledge (arcana) Speed 30 ft., burrow 10 ft.
check as a means of providing additional details. Melee bite +18 (1d6+5 plus grab), 4 claws +18
This section of the adventure can be concluded with (1d4+5 plus grab)
a difficult fight or by returning baby Truffle to his Special Attacks rake (4 claws +18, 1d4+5)
mother. Of course, the Lord Assessor may take
some convincing to give up his pet. STATISTICS
Str 21, Dex 18, Con 18, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 11
Base Atk +12; CMB +16 (+24 grapple); CMD 30
If the party manages to slay the aurumvorax, the (42 vs. trip)
Lord Assessor will reward them with a letter of Feats Bleeding Critical, Critical Focus, Great
credit in the amount of 5,000 GP, redeemable at Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Iron, Skill Focus
any shop in the city. If the party manages to return (Perception)
Truffle to his mother, the Assessor will not be in an Skills Perception +13, Stealth +17
especially generous mood. He will however forget to
take the golden pacifier, which is itself worth 5,000 SPECIAL ABILITIES
GP. Grab (Ex) An aurumvorax can grab a foe of up to
one size category larger than itself (Medium size for
most aurumvoraxes). It gains a +8 racial bonus on
grapple attempts rather than the normal +4 racial
bonus afforded by the grab ability.
THE RATS OF HORDENHEIM Let the party wander around for a while. If they
Once the PCs conclude the third encounter, allow somehow hit upon the truth, so much the better.
them some time to celebrate. Give them free rounds But if they stake out another vault, round up the
of ale, have Burgomaster Varice present them the usual suspects for questioning, or attempt
keys to the city, put a pouting and resentful Sheriff Diplomacy checks to gather information, they will
Stirr in the corner for them to crow over. However, come up empty. After all, this crisis stems from one
say it will take time to assemble the gold for the
careful man, and the PCs won't stumble upon his
party to get paid - it will make it that much sweeter
plot by accident.
when you take it all away from them.
Overnight -- and from under the party's noses – the Rather, it's Aunty Scrounge that will put them on
treasury of Hordenheim is emptied. With so much the right track. A small black and white rat will find
gold in one place, the necromancer could not resist. the PCs, a tiny scroll tube attached to its back. The
It is enough to conclude his arcane experiments, note reads:
and his golden monstrosity is nearly ready to march
on the neighborhoods and tenements of the city's Can you help a poor old woman? Please, for the
monstrous citizens. little ones' sake, come see me at your earliest
The next morning, when he discovers what convenience.
happened, the burgomaster will be furious. He will –Aunty Scrounge
insist that the party recover his lost gold, and he
promises they'll get not so much as a copper piece
until they do. In the meantime he will be forced to 2. DIRTY ROTTEN COPPERS
raise taxes yet again to make up for the shortfall. If the PCs move about town with their badges on, it
This pronouncement will have a profound effect will only invite trouble. Where before the medals
upon this last part of the adventure. As the PCs may have served to intimidate the disenfranchised
search for the lost gold, the city is in a state of near- poor of Hordenheim, now it's an invitation to
riot, with Center Bridge and the Thieves Guild violence.
under siege by angry protesters and rioters.
During Combat
1. THE INVESTIGATION Unlike the beggars on the Godsway who simply
Any investigation will doubtless begin with the wanted money, the riot is a mob that universally
scene of the crime. If the party searches the empty hates the PCs for being police. United by a single
vault for clues: violent purpose, they are presented here as a single
The door is closed and locked, no magical residue This could be a tough fight for an unprepared party,
is in evidence, and the bare stone walls look solid. and may end disastrously if the riot grapples one or
The thieves did not bother with the small more of the PCs. As such, you should give them
denomination coins: all of the copper and silver plenty of opportunity to run from the angry mob,
are still in place. It's only the gold that's missing. requesting various Climb, Acrobatics, and Strength
checks as the PCs shinny up fire escapes, leap fruit
stands, and smash through wooden fences in their
Perception DC 26 attempt to escape. Likewise, you should be
A successful check will reveal small cracks and prepared to accept creative solutions like
crevices in the masonry, about the width of a improvised disguises or especially well-acted Bluff
halfling's hand. checks.
Hordenheim Riot CR 8 XP 4,800 3. A RETURN TO THE SEWERS
CN Medium humanoid (swarm)
Init +4; Senses Perception +4 Back at Aunty Scrounge's sewer hovel, the witch
will explain the task. Gesturing at her rats she says:
AC 6, touch 6, flat-footed 6 (+0 size) "The small folk are afraid. Can you not feel it?
hp 135 (30d6) Their whiskers twitch in abject terror. They do not
Fort +11, Ref +9, Will +17 know what is happening. They do not know why.
Defensive Abilities swarm traits But something there is that takes them away, that
moves and flows through the deep places of the
OFFENSE city. Many of the small folk leave, though a few of
Speed 20 ft. the brave remain.”
Melee swarm (5d6) (The messenger rat looks absurdly proud at this
Space 20 ft.; Reach 0 ft. last remark.)
Special Attacks overrun "Find the thing responsible. Kill it. Save the small
folk of the city. The last stronghold of the rats of
STATISTICS Hordenheim lies near their best exit from it: the
Str 11, Dex 11, Con 11, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 10 barge docks along the River Yuen. Watch that
Base Atk +22; CMB 22; CMD 22 place. Guard it well. And surely you will find your
Feats Improved Initiative, Great Fortitude, quarry"
Improved Bull Rush, Improved Overrun
Skills Perception +4 Scrounge can tell the party the way to the docks,
but she knows little more. The rats can convey
SPECIAL ABILITIES simple concepts like "danger near the water,” but
Overrun (Ex) If the mob moves over a creature they lack the ability to describe any specifics.
but does not end its move in it, the victim takes 2d6
points of bludgeoning damage. The victim may 4. DOWN AT THE DOCKS
choose to take an attack of opportunity against the As the party approaches the barge docks, one PC
mob or attempt a Reflex save (DC 25) to take half chosen at random will feel a slight stirring in a
damage. pocket or pouch. Upon investigation, they will find
the messenger rat squirreled away there, a straight
Mass Grapple (Ex) The riot is able to maintain a pin for its sword and a walnut shell tied on as a half
grapple without penalty and still make attacks helm. This is Cheapwick, familiar to Aunty
against other targets (normally, attacking other Scrounge, and he clearly wants to go adventuring
targets while grappling imposes a –20 penalty on with the PCs.
grapple checks). The riot is never considered As they move along the docks, their newfound
flatfooted while grappling. companion will attempt to direct them to his
brethren's most populated
Anatomy of a Riot (Ex) Unlike swarms, the riot hiding spots. Unbeknownst to them, there is
is made up of comparatively small numbers of another entity waiting at the city's water gates: the
individual creatures. As such, melee attacks affect undead rat swarm of Sheriff Stirr. Designed as an
riots normally, and the riot loses the Distraction ingenious method of stealing small amounts in
special ability. Furthermore, effects that target huge supply, the swarm has only three instructions:
specific numbers of creatures can have an effect on to go unseen; to gather gold; and to slay the city's
a riot. For every individual creature that is rats for new recruits.
incapacitated by spells or effects that target specific A number of barges are tied to the dock, and as the
creatures, the riot gains two negative levels. A mob PCs walk among them they can hear the movement
that gains negative levels equal to its Hit Dice of countless tiny creatures. Dozens of tiny eyes peer
breaks up as if reduced to 0 hit points. Negative out from every shadowy corner, and for every rat
levels gained in this manner are not the result of within the party's sight, a hundred more sit beneath
negative energy (and thus cannot be blocked by stones or in midden heaps. Then all goes still. DC
death ward or removed by restoration), but never 20 Perception check to note the single rat
result in permanent level loss. crossing an anchor rope to a barge. It will require
only DC 15 to get a good look at the wave of
scurrying undead that close around the poor
Perception DC 20 Undead Rat Swarm CR 2 XP 600
A successful character will spot a single rat crossing
an anchor rope to a barge. NE Tiny undead (swarm)
Init +6;
Perception DC 15 Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +8
A successful check gives the character a good view
of the scurrying undead rats that swarm over the DEFENSE
poor lone rodent. AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 11 (+1 Dex, +2 size)
hp 16 (3d8+3)
Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +5
The swarms will defend themselves if attacked, but Defensive Abilities half damage from piercing
if reduced to 9 HP will attempt to break from and slashing;
combat and return to the Sheriff. Note that, if the Immune swarm traits, undead traits
party has Medals of the Deputy equipped, the non- Weaknesses swarm traits
lethal damage they deal will be unable to harm the
After the fight, ask for a Perception check. The Speed 15 ft., climb 15 ft., swim 15 ft.
PC with the highest check result will note Melee swarm (1d6 plus disease)
something odd in the dead bodies of the rats: all of Space 10 ft., Reach 0 ft.
the skulls are perfectly aligned. A DC 16 Special Attacks disease, distraction (DC 12)
Knowledge (Arcana) check reveals that they act
as a sort of necromantic compass, always pointing STATISTICS
back to the source of the ritual that spawned them. Str 4, Dex 13, Con –, Int –, Wis 10, Cha 10
Base Atk 2; CMB 0; CMD 0
Feats Toughness
Perception check Skills Stealth +9; Racial Modifiers +8 Stealth
The character with the highest check result will
note something odd in the dead rats: all of the SPECIAL ABILITIES
skulls are perfectly aligned. Disease (Ex) Filth fever: Swarm- injury; save Fort
DC 12; onset 1d3 days; frequency 1/day; effect 1d3
Knowledge (Arcana) DC 16 Dex damage and 1d3 Con damage; cure 2 con
Success indicates the skulls of the undead rats are
acting as a sort of necromantic compass, pointing
back to the source of the ritual that spawned them.
5. THE STATION HOUSE If the PCs opt for stealth, passing over the
Shouts echo through the streets as the protests compound's wall should be a simple affair: a DC 16
continue. Crowds rush by at random, waving fists Climb check. If everyone succeeds they make it over
and crying slogans. And all the while the rat skull without any problem. If anyone fails, give any
compass points the way, pulling the party through nearby necromancers a Spot/Perception Check
the twisted streets of Hordenheim. (with their Spot/Perception of -5) vs the offending
Ask for a DC 16 Perception check. Those PCs
PC's Hide/ Stealth. They are, after all, distracted by
who succeed will note a golden glimmer from the
larger matters.
sewers; from between cracked flagstones; in the
underbrush of city parks: coins, Golden Nobles in
fact, as well as the white, emaciated forms of the Climb DC 16
vermin that carry them. A legion of undead rats is A successful check allows a character to climb over
returning like worker ants, bearing loads of plunder the compound's wall.
to... where? If any character fails, any nearby necromancers get
a Perception check (made with a -5 Perception
Perception DC 16 total) vs. the failing character's Stealth check.
Any character who succeeds notices a golden
glimmer from the sewers; from between cracked Once the PCs have made it inside, they are in for a
flagstones; in the underbrush of city parks: coins, surprise. The good constables of Hordenheim keep
Golden Nobles in fact, as well as the white, their patrols here in "undead stables," roofed
emaciated forms of the vermin that carry them. A pavilions designed to keep the worst of the weather
legion of undead rats is returning like worker ants, from rotting the corpses further. Several fresh
bearing loads of plunder. cadavers are piled in carts near the station house
It will not take long for the party to arrive at their The undead do not attack the PCs. They have, in
destination: a walled compound in the City Center effect, been "parked" here. However, they do turn
District. A yellow lamp burns above the door, their heads to follow the party's movements.
illuminating a sign: FIRST MUNICIPAL STATION Needless to say, this is a somewhat unnerving
HOUSE. Necromancers rush in and out of the door, situation, and will prompt a DC 16 Will Save vs.
and a tower stands glowering down from the the fear. Players who fail gain the shaken condition
courtyard. until they are out of sight of the undead.
The necromancers are not hostile. If the PCs
approach and ask questions, the death mages will Will Save vs. fear DC 16
answer respectfully. Sheriff Stirr, as any deputy The undead stand here watching any passing
might tell them, is sequestered in his study -- the characters. The spectacle is unnerving, and a failed
tower -- and is under no circumstances to be saved causes the character to become shaken until
disturbed. they are out of sight of the undead.
Should the party try and explain the situation –
thieving rats, dire suspicions, a veritable river of As you approach the tower, a portly necromancer
gold flowing towards the station house, etc., -- they pokes his head out of the station house door and
will be met with a polite but firm, "We don't have shouts, "Eleven through sixteen, fall in!" A nearby
time to go playing rat catcher. The city is in riot!" troop of skeletons animates and obeys. As they
Further reasoning with the necromancers will be walk towards the station house door, the
impossible. They're far too concerned with the city- necromancer's squinty eyes come to rest upon you.
wide chaos to listen. If the PCs try and force their "What are you lot doing out of file? Raw bloody
way inside, they will have to deal with a cadre of recruits. Can't park their zombies properly."
low-level necromancers, along with their patrols -- He waddles up to you, squinting myopically over
a total of 24 zombies -- waiting to be called in from the rims of his glasses. "Hmmm. Damn good work
the courtyard. though. Barely rotten."
(4) Necromancer Deputy CR 3 XP 800 Should the party decide to take action, the
hp 30 (4d6+16) necromancer is caught flat-footed and will not act
in the surprise round. Should the PCs attempt to
(24) Zombie CR ½ XP play along, every PC must succeed at a DC 10
200 Bluff check to fool the necromancer. Should they
hp 12 (2d8+3) fail, it's time to roll initiative.

Necromancer Deputy CR 3 XP 800

hp 30 (4d6+16)
6. THE SHERIFF'S TOWER You are but new to this city. Yet I was whelped
The sheriff trusts that his deputies are sufficiently here. I've seen the neighborhoods crumble beneath
cowed to not to disturb his work, and he knows that the weight of orcs and harpies, centaurs and
only a fool would attempt to break into a guard gargoyles. These inhuman freaks are the source of
station. As such, the tower door is only reinforced all Hordenheim's degeneracy, and our lackwit
wood with a simple lock (DC 20 Disable Device burgomaster encourages it! ‘We all benefit from a
check to unlock). If any of the PCs think to check,
diverse community?' Pah! These monsters cannot
the stream of rats makes its furtive way through a
be permitted to destroy my city. I won't let them.
pile of crumbled masonry at the back of the tower,
entering in through a crack near the base of the And I will not let you stop me.
wall. Once the party gets inside, they will see where
that masonry came from. With a final incantation, the Sheriff will finish his
spell. The tower rocks as an enormous golden figure
Disable Device DC 20 rises from its mold at the tower base.
The tower door is reinforced wood with a simple
lock (Hardness 5, 20 hp, break DC 25). A SHORT CLIMB UP, A LONG WAY DOWN
It will take a DC 20 Climb check to scale the
The tower has been hollowed out so that only the walls from the top of landing to Stirr's platform.
top floor remains intact. The other floors have been However, it will take only a DC 15 Acrobatics
stripped away and discarded, save for stairs that check to ride the chain and ladles up to Stirr's
run from the door up towards the upper floor, platform. Especially clever adventurers may try
making room for the chains that run to the ceiling. mage hand or a grappling hook to knock Stirr's rope
A pair of undead mules turn the mechanism that ladder over the side.
drives the chains, along with the attached ladles. It's a 30 foot drop down to the floor from the top of
One by one, the rats toss their coins into a hopper, the stairs, and 40 feet down from Stirr's platform.
where the gold is melted and poured before rising
in the ladles to the ceiling. By far the most arresting Stirr's Back Taxes CR 6 XP 2,400
feature of the room lies imbedded in the floor. It is Unique ogre skeletal champion
a mold, like a man in shape but more crude. Some LE Huge undead
20 ft. tall and nearly as wide, it is made entirely of Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +10
A steady trickle of molten metal falls the length of DEFENSE
the tower, glowing redly and hissing as it drops into AC 22, touch 6, flat-footed 21 (+6 armor, -2 Dex,
the mold. From overhead, a familiar voice comes +10 natural, -2 size)
out of the gloom, chanting eldritch syllables that hp 55 (6d8+28)
echo through the tower. At the top, standing on a Fort +7, Ref +2, Will 10
platform some 40 feet above the tower's floor, the Defensive Abililties channel resistance +4, light
necromancer Findle Stirr chants. His top floor is fortification; DR 5/bludgeoning; Immune cold,
little more than a platform thrust out into space, fire, undead traits
filled with arcane equipment, including a runed Weaknesses vulnerability to electricity
hoop through which the gold is poured. The stairs
end abruptly some 10 feet below this platform. Stirr OFFENSE
gets to the top with a rope ladder, which is now Speed 20 ft.
rolled up near the edge of the platform. Melee 2 claws +14 (1d8+12)
Nothing short of magic will allow the party to take Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft.
Stirr by surprise. He has an unobstructed view of
the stairs and will automatically spot the PCs as STATISTICS
they round the final bend in the stairwell. If they do Str 35, Dex 6, Con –, Int –, Wis 12, Cha 17
somehow manage to disrupt the Sheriff, he should Base Atk +4; CMB +16; CMD 24
get some last lines before the start of the battle: Feats Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Lightning
"You're too late. Even in death I will cleanse this Reflexes, Toughness
city of its inferior filth." Then proceed with the Skills Climb +11, Intimidate +12, Perception +10
golden monstrosity. If he spots the party as Languages Giant, Common
expected, Stirr will launch into his villainous Gear breastplate
Light Fortification (Ex) Whenever a sneak
attack or critical hit is scored against a gold leaf
creature, there is a 25% chance the extra damage is
negated and damage is rolled normally
Sheriff Findle Stirr CR 5 XP 1,600 The golden undead climbs ponderously, and will
Male human necromancer 6 take a full three rounds to reach the tower top.
NE Medium humanoid (human) When Stirr is defeated, the creature will go berserk,
Init +6; Senses Perception +6 relentlessly attacking until destroyed, paying
especial attention to the monstrous humanoids
DEFENSE among the party.
AC 22, touch 14, flat-footed 20 (+4 armor, +4
shield, +2 dex, +2 deflection)
hp 39 (6d6+15)
Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +6 TACTICS
Before Combat Stirr casts mage armor and
OFFENSE shield. The power of his ritual gives him control
Speed 30 ft. over the undead rats inside the tower including a
Melee mwk dagger +4 (1d4) swarm at the ready, waiting to do the
Special Attacks channel negative energy 6/day necromancer's bidding (same stats as the undead
(DC 13, command undead only) rat swarm above).
Arcane School necromancy
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 6th, concentration +6) During Combat The swarm will do its best to
6/day grave touch slow the party down, allowing the golden
monstrosity the time it needs to join the battle. Stirr
Wizard Spells Prepared (CL 6th; conc +9) will start combat by trying to catch as many of his
3rd – vampiric touch, enemies as possible within his stinking cloud spell,
stinking cloud (DC 16), and in later rounds will target anyone who tries to
lesser animate dead climb into melee range. If engaged in melee, he will
2nd – command undead (DC 15), use vampiric touch or attempt to leap from the
levitate, false life, platform, relying on feather fall or levitate to save
summon swarm him.
1st – chill touch (DC 14),
feather fall, Base Statistics Without mage armor and shield,
mage armor(cast), the wizard's statistics are AC 14, touch 14, flat-
shield (cast), footed 12.
ray of enfeeblement (DC 14)
0 (at will) – bleed (DC 13), detect magic, ray of
frost, touch of fatigue (DC 13)
Opposition Schools enchantment, illusion

Str 10, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 17, Wis 13, Cha 10
Base Atk +3; CMB +3; CMD 20
Feats Combat Casting, Command Undead, Forge
Ring, Defensive Combat Training, Improved
Initiative, Scribe Scroll, Toughness
Skills Appraise +7, Bluff +4, Diplomacy +6,
Intimidate +6, Knowledge (Arcana) +12, Linguistics
+9, Perception +5, Sense Motive +3, Spellcraft +12
Languages Common, Draconic, Gnoll, Infernal
SQ arcane bond (ring of counterspells), power over

Gear ring of protection +2, bonded ring of

counterspells (magic missile), wand of magic
missile (CL 3rd, 25 charges), medal of the deputy
(not equipped), masterwork dagger, officer's robes,
government credentials, spellbook
If the PCs survive, a group of slack-jawed deputies
will be waiting outside. After seeing the remains of
the tower they'll be willing to believe the party's
story, and will behave as any good group of
policemen in a strange situation: containing all
participants and keeping things calm.
The solution to the tax crisis lies in ruins in the
tower. Burgomaster Varice will arrive upon the
scene quickly, and taking one look at the huge pile
of gold will reverse his previous decision and
declare a tax holiday. At long last, the party will get
some appreciation from the citizenry, and may even
be hailed as heroes.
More to the point, they will receive their promised
payment in the form of a large chunk of golden
undead monstrosity worth 12,000 GP.

An acquired template for constructs, undead, and
outsiders with the fire or earth subtype, gold leaf
creatures have been covered over with a gleaming
shell of gold. The molten metal bonds with such
creatures’ exterior, and when mixed with the proper
arcane rituals it confers a number of interesting

Size and Type

Size remains unchanged. The creature gains the
gold leaf subtype, in addition to any other subtypes
it may have.

Hit Dice: Same as base creature.

A gold leaf creature’s speed is slower by 10 feet than
the corresponding speed of the base creature
(minimum 5 feet).

Armor Class:
The base creature receives a +3 nat armor bonus.

Special Qualities

Light Fortification (Ex) Whenever a sneak

attack or critical hit is scored against a gold leaf
creature, there is a 25% chance that the extra
damage is negated and damage is rolled normally.

Immunity to Fire (Ex) A gold leaf creature is

immune to fire damage.

Dex -6 (min 1), Int +2, Wis -2 (mini 1), Cha +6

Challenge Rating: Same as base creature +1.

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