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Team Building

DATE 28-29 October 2017

TEACHING STAFF PhD Katarzyna Stankiewicz

AIMS The aim of the module is to raise awareness in the field of Team
Management. Factors increasing and decreasing the effectiveness of the
team will be indicated, psychological mechanisms influencing certain
aspects of the behaviour of the team’s members will be explained.
On completion, the participants will be familiar with the concepts of
synergy in reference to the outcomes of group decision making and
effective behaviors in task groups.

LEARNING OUTCOMES After completing the programme/lectures the students should be able to:

 identify and manage psychological mechanisms influencing team

 know the stages of the team’s development, and understand their
 identify important factors that influence the member’s
relationships and should be taken into consideration in managing
 evaluate individuals roles and utilise it to "Managing Diversity"
 explain the ways in which the diversity of team members can
affect team functioning;
 identify and evaluate critically collaboration process.

 lead themselves and others in the achievement of organisational

COMPETENCES goals, contributing effectively to a team environment;
 think critically and make decisions based on complex information;
 maximize resources for the benefit of organisations and society;

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COURSE STRUCTURES The course will cover topics in the following areas:

 how groups and teams differ

 what makes a team,
 key attributes of effective teams
 synergy in the team
 characteristics of team roles
 stages of team development

TEACHING METHODS The teaching methods are lecture (including handouts), discussion, team
work, exercises.

RECOMMENDED 1. Adair,J. Effective Teambuilding reviseded: How to make

a winning team.2009
2. Belbin, R.M. Management Teams: Why They Succeed
or Fail 1999
3. Belbin, R.M. Team Roles at Work. 2010
4. Egolf D. Forming Storming Norming Performing: Successful
Communications in Groups and Teams. 2001
5. Katzenbach, J. Wisdom of Teams (European version) - Creating the
High Performance Organisation. 2005
6. Lencioni, P.M, Bass, J. Overcoming The Five Dysfunctions of a
Team: A Field Guide for Leaders, Managers, and Facilitators. 2005
7. West, M. Effective Teamwork, 2012
8. Thompson L.L. Making The Team. A guide for managers. 2013
9. Levi D.J. Group Dynamics for Teams 2013.
10. Perkins, D., Murph, J. Into the Storm: Lessons in Teamwork from
the Treacherous Sydney to Hobart Ocean Race. 2012


activity during course and active participating in the team task to
accomplish a goal 25%
class attendance 20%

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