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The Alchemical Tech Revolution

Ancient Esoteric Agendas Through The Use
Of High Technology

By Wayne McRoy
The Alchemical Tech Revolution
Fulfilling Ancient Esoteric Agendas
Through The Use Of High Technology

By Wayne McRoy
All rights reserved.

ISBN - 10: 1979221669

ISBN-13: 978-1979221665
Contact Information:

I can be reached at: Tech Revolution

Or on Facebook at:
files from the conspiratorium
This book is dedicated to my beautiful wife,
Diane, and our children. Thank you for
providing me with inspiration and
motivation in this endeavor. I love you all
very much.
Special thanks to my good friend, Jason
Lindgren, for helping me to stay focused on
the task at hand and follow through with
this volume.
Table of Contents

Chapter One - What is alchemy and why is it relevant

Page 21

Chapter Two - What is the ultimate goal of the elite with this
Page 33

Chapter Three - What technologies are being used for this

alchemical agenda?
Page 39

Chapter Four - Technology Number One - Quantum

Computers and Quantum System States
Page 45

Chapter Five - Technology Number Two - Particle

Page 57

Chapter Six - Technology Number Three - Nanotechnology

Page 69

Chapter Seven - Technology Number Four - Computer/Brain

Page 79

Chapter Eight - Technology Number Five - Genetic

Engineering, Epigenetics, and Life Extension Technology
Page 91
Chapter Nine - Technology Number Six - Geo-engineering,
Chemtrails, and GMOs
Page 101

Chapter Ten - Technology Number Seven - Autonomous A.I.

and Robotics
Page 109

Chapter Eleven - The Mandela Effect - Breaking the Matrix

Page 119

Chapter Twelve - The Golem And The Homunculus - The

Quest to Create Artificial Life
Page 129

Chapter Thirteen - Are The Elite Building An Ark, Or

Inadvertently Building Hell?
Page 137

Chapter Fourteen - The Tower of Babel Singularity

Page 145

Chapter Fifteen - The Twin Towers - New Worlds and Mind

Page 153
Chapter Sixteen - Social Engineering And Mind Control
Page 159

Chapter Seventeen - The Niobium Link

Page 171

Chapter Eighteen - Artificial Intelligence - Archons Incursion?

Page 181

Chapter Nineteen - The Depopulation Agenda

Page 191

Chapter Twenty - Energy Vampirism/ Harvesting Human

Page 203

Chapter Twenty-One - The Endgame Blueprint

Page 213

Page 229

We are living in the Age of Deception. Behind the scenes,

a group of technocratic elites are working feverishly toward
the attainment of their “Great Work”. It is a plan as old as
civilization itself, and now, through the advent of modern
technology, this plan is closer to fruition than it has ever been
before. What is this plan? What is the “Great Work”? Who are
these “elites” and what is a technocracy? More importantly,
what is this agenda, and how will it affect all of us?

Join me on my quest for truth as I take you on a journey

behind the “veil”, and reveal to you the occulted secrets of the
alchemists, as we examine the modern day Alchemical Tech
Revolution, and its ultimate goal - a New World Order. What
dangers lurk in the dark recesses of the secret meeting rooms
of these ” technocrats”, and what do they have in store for us?

Before we proceed any further, let me issue you this stark

warning: if you do not want your worldview shaken, do not
read any further. Once you are awake and aware of this
information, your world will never be the same, and there’s no
turning back. Everything you are about to read in this book is
true, and verifiable by anyone who is willing to take the time
to take an honest look at the information without any
preconceived notions about what they are reading.
At points in this book, I will also make conjectures and
speculations about things that may not be necessarily presently
“provable”, but that have a large amount of contextual data
and circumstantial evidence to back up their validity. At such
points in this book, I will make a clear distinction between
what is absolute fact, and what is a speculation. My
speculations will however, be a statistically probable truth. So,
if you’re ready, let’s take a dive into the deep end of the
conspiratorial pool!
Chapter One
What is alchemy and why is it relevant today?

Alchemy is much more than you have ever been taught in

school. Most people would tell you that alchemy was the
ancient precursor of modern chemistry that was practiced by
“primitive” societies before the advent of modern “science”.
Many highly educated people would tell you that alchemy
is nothing more than foolishness or “pseudoscience”. And, of
course, these people are thinking of the classic stereotype of
what we are going to call the “exoteric” definition of alchemy,
which is generally regarded as “the transmutation of base
metals into more valuable metals, i.e.- transforming lead into
The truth is that alchemy was, and is, an “esoteric”
science, more spiritual than material. So, what do “exoteric”
and “esoteric” mean?
The “exoteric” meaning of something is the meaning that
is conveyed to all of the “uninitiated”, or, as they are also often
referred to by insiders, the “profane”.
The “esoteric” meaning of something is a “secret”
meaning, knowable only to an “initiate” of the “mystery
school” traditions.
The esoteric meaning always differs from the exoteric
meaning ( which is usually interpreted literally). So, let’s
simplify a little bit: exoteric=public literal meaning, and
esoteric=hidden secret meaning.
To better understand this dichotomy of exoteric versus
esoteric, let’s take a look at the origins of this division of
information and how it relates to alchemy. It all started way
back in prehistory, before identifiable written records were

Information and traditions were passed on from generation

to generation orally. Information that was considered
“privileged”, was not shared with everyone, but only the
worthy few “elect” or “elite”, who were the first “priest-kings”
of antiquity.
These “priest-kings” have passed on their secret
knowledge to their successors through initiatory rites and
rituals in an unbroken chain of oral tradition all throughout
history, even right up to the modern day.
So, now you’re saying to yourself, “wait, that means that
there are priest-kings who know secret information today?”.
The simple answer is yes. These “priest-kings” are commonly
referred to today as “The Illuminati”.
Alchemy is considered to be an “Illuminati soul science”.
To keep things simple, we will refer to the practitioners of this
alchemy as “alchemists ,“the elite”, or “technocrats”
throughout this book.
All Illuminati members are alchemists, but not all
alchemists are Illuminati members. You will see that it is
important to make this distinction later.
Before we move on to the alchemical teachings, let’s first
examine the secretive history of the Illuminati. Their origins
stretch all the way back into antiquity. The earliest version of
what we call the Illuminati today can be traced all the way
back to the very beginning of human civilization, and possibly
even before the advent of human civilization, depending upon
which written accounts you believe.
For our purposes here, we will just give the condensed
historical account of the various names throughout the ages
that “The Brotherhood” has been known by.
It all began back in ancient times under the guise of
many different religious pantheons. The priest classes of these
various pantheons were learned adepts of the secret doctrine
that all religions are based upon.
This secret doctrine is supposedly the true root of all
religious practices and belief systems. The masses were taught
an exoteric form of religious expression, using the visible
things around them as objects of worship, while the initiates of
these “mysteries” understood the esoteric meanings of these
outward symbols.
This mostly translates into what we view now as sun
worship, primitive nature worship, and sex cults. Although
these priest classes outwardly appeared to worship many
different gods, in secret, they all venerated the same
theosophical principles. These people were keepers of secret
knowledge that was not meant for the “profane”.
What was this secret knowledge they were keeping and
where did they get this knowledge from? The main secret that
they kept was the knowledge of how to control others, these
men, for lack of a better analogy, were the first psychologists.
Actually, more than psychologists, mind control experts.
These men shaped entire belief systems by keeping
information from the masses. Secrecy is still one of the most
effective forms of mind control utilized today. These methods
were passed around through all the different mystery schools,
and then passed down to different splinter groups all
throughout the ages.
Where these teachings came from originally is still open
for debate, there are many theories that, unfortunately, are
unprovable because of the barriers of time, distance, and
revisionist history. Some speculate this knowledge was
brought to man from extraterrestrials. Others theorize that it
came from fallen angels, sometimes referred to as “The
Watchers”. Some claim that man eventually evolved into
sentience from a lesser hominid species.
The origin of these teachings has no bearing on the
observations discussed in this volume, so we will leave that
question open-ended for the time being.
The ancient mystery schools found their perfection in the
Egyptian empire. The “Osirian Cycle” is the perfect
expression of mystery school teachings. Many other
civilizations of antiquity had their own versions of these
esoteric teachings.
The ancient Near East was a veritable melting pot of
different types of religious dogmas, all based in many of the
same roots. These traditions were preserved all the way into
the present day within the various “Secret Societies”.
All modern secret societies base their teachings on the
ancient rites and rituals of the mystery schools1. These
teachings are based primarily on the ancient Jewish mysticism
known as “Kabbala”(There are several different correct
spellings of this word).
The best known secret society of the modern era is
freemasonry. There are many other secret societies, however,
and they are all linked together at the very top into what we
now know as the Illuminati2.
Only the very top tier members of these secret societies
are privileged enough to be chosen or “tapped” for
membership into this elite “inner circle”.
Family bloodlines are also important to the Illuminati, if
you are not from a “well-bred” family, you are less likely to be
considered for membership3. This also plays a large part in the
Illuminati’s fascination with “eugenics”.
The Illuminati recruit talent from within the other secret
societies. Individuals who show promise are either tapped for
membership, or otherwise steered into whatever role the
Illuminati see fit for that individual.
They also occasionally recruit talent from the ranks of the
profane if the individual has the skill or talent they are looking
It is through these secret societies and methods that the
Illuminati form an all encompassing “octopus” network that
allows them to covertly control world events from behind the
“veil”, they are the “Hidden Hand” that controls the world.
They use many esoteric tools and secret sciences to control the
Alchemy is one of these secret sciences that the elite use
to control the masses. Alchemy, in its purest form, was
originally intended for the spiritual betterment of man. It has,
however, been hijacked by a self-serving elite bent on total
control of all humanity, from cradle to grave.
Alchemical symbolism is all about transmogrification of
the soul of man from the “base” animal nature to the higher
“enlightened” spirit nature that man was intended to operate
on. This process has been usurped by the elite, and hidden
from the masses for the purpose of control.
You see, the transmutation of base metals into gold was
only an exoteric cover for an esoteric process. Once you
understand that most religious and/or spiritual texts have at
least two different meanings, then a whole new world of
realization hits you.
This can also be said of “scientific” research as well. You
need to understand that much of our modern “science” is also
nothing more than a belief system akin to religious dogma.
That’s right, even “science” has a secret hidden agenda.
Many people believe that science is the be all, end all answer
to all of life’s big questions. This is not true.

The cult of science is the main chosen tool of the modern

elite alchemists to maintain their control grid and keep you
trapped in a false paradigm. We live in an open prison system
trapped by the confines of our own minds.
We’ve been carefully “programmed” our entire lives to be
slaves to this system. Our society is built upon illusory
concepts that create the false reality that we live in.
The best example of this is the existence of this false value
that we call “money”. We attribute value to a valueless object
based upon nothing other than the assurance of a central bank.
You can not do virtually anything in our society without this
Money is one of the chief control mechanisms used to
steer society in the direction that the controllers want4. In our
artificial construct, he who controls the money, controls
information. It is through this methodology that our “science”
is controlled.
If you don’t produce the scientific evidence that the elite
“benefactors” want, your funding gets cut, so you play along
with their game, either knowingly or unknowingly, so that you
can continue to work and provide for your basic needs.

This is why the elite keep a tight grip on the banking

system. On a basic level, our monetary system is a form of
alchemical system - it uses a “symbol”(currency) to represent
a commodity (real material goods- food, clothing, precious
metals, etc.).
Thus, economics can be considered an alchemical science.
Once you understand this secret, things will begin to make
more sense to you.
Therefore, alchemy is actively practiced today under many
different guises. Much of the alchemical teachings are based
upon hermetic philosophy.
Once you have a clearer understanding of hermetic
philosophy, you will begin to see how it lines up with accepted
modern scientific principles.
This tells us one of two things is happening: either
hermetic concepts explain the true nature of the universe, or,
the elite social controllers are fraudulently engineering our
knowledge base to line up with hermetic principles.
We can never really be certain which of these two is true.
When you live in an artificially manufactured system
surrounded on all sides by illusion, it is very near impossible
to discern the true nature of the system.

This creates a paradox in thought, which is actively used

by the controllers against you. These people are very skilled
manipulators that are very knowledgeable of human nature.
We will take an analytical look at the seven most
important hermetic concepts to better understand the nature of
the ultimate goals of the elite.

It is important to understand these principles in order to

ascertain their motivations, and predict what future
repercussions they will have on us.
Chapter Two -
What is the ultimate goal of the elite with this alchemy?
In order to better understand what the elite are trying to
achieve through use of this alchemy, let’s first define the seven
key tenets of hermetic science5 in order to connect the dots.
The first hermetic principle we need to be aware of is the
Principle of Mentalism. This principle state’s that all is mind,
and the universe is a mental construct. All reality manifests
from and through thought. This is where the concept of a
group mind comes from, and that this collective mind
conjoined together is synonymous with “God”.
The second principle of hermetic thought that we will look
at is called the Principle of Vibration. This principle states that
everything is in a constant state of motion or change, nothing
rests. Nikola Tesla advised us that if we want to better
understand the nature of the universe, we should think in terms
of frequency and vibration.
The third hermetic concept we will discuss is the Principle
of Correspondence. This concept is best known by the phrase
“as above, so below”. This means that all things in a
microcosm are smaller reflections of things in a macrocosm,
and vice-versa. This idea theorizes that human consciousness
is a microscale reflection of “god consciousness”. It also
speculates that all things that happen here on earth are a
microscale reflection of things that happen in the spiritual
Hermetic concept number four is referred to as the
Principle of Polarity. This principle states that everything has a
necessary opposite, it is the concept of duality in all things.
Light and dark, left and right, up and down, male and female,
etc. It infers that all things exist in a state of flux somewhere
between the two opposite extremes. This principle, and all the
other hermetic principles, overlap with each other in many
different ways, as you will see later.
The fifth hermetic principle for consideration is called the
Principle of Rhythm. This principle states that everything has
a flow or tide, and infers a cyclical nature. This closely
corresponds to the Principle of Vibration in operation.
These two concepts are very important to remember in
regard to how they affect technological systems, as we will
discuss later in this work.
Hermetic principle number six is called the Principle of
Cause and Effect, and is probably the best known and
understood concept of alchemical thought. This principle
states that every cause has its effect, and every effect has its
Interestingly, it also states that all things happen according
to “natural law”. We will define natural law later.
The seventh and last principle we will examine is closely
related to the Principle of Polarity, and is called the Principle
of Gender. This principle states that everything has a
masculine and a feminine aspect to it.
This principle will probably resonate with you the most if
you’ve been paying attention to what has been going on in our
society recently.

Now that we understand the core principles of the

alchemical system, we can examine the motivations of the
elite and define what it is that they hope to accomplish.
From the evidence we can see, it would appear that the
elites’ primary objective is a complete overthrow and
inversion of natural law. Natural law can be defined as the
basic operational laws of the universe as we know them as
bourne out through hermetic philosophy and alchemical
This encompasses physical laws, laws of the operation of
energy systems, moral laws, spiritual laws, and the boundaries
that the Creator put in place.
Their objective is to invert all of these natural laws and
shatter the barriers put in place by God Almighty, and thus
usurp Him from His throne.
This sounds like a mighty ambitious plan. Is it possible?
The elite seem to think so. They would seem to believe that
through the advent of advanced technology, they can achieve
this ages old dream of “godhood”.
Let’s take a look at some of the technological advances
and innovations that they plan on using to achieve this
objective. We will also talk about how they plan on using these
technologies to fulfill this ages old agenda.
We will also explore the unparalleled dangers of
exploiting these technologies in an immoral or amoral manner.
Let’s look at a breakdown of the benefits that the elite expect
to reap from their self-serving misuse of these technological
We will organize these technologies into different
categories and discuss them each individually. Then, later, we
will show how they all tie together into a monstrous control
grid so insidious that only an act of God could deliver us from
destruction at the hands of this artificial construct.
Do not misunderstand, technology is a tool, and as a tool,
it can be used for good or evil. The people in control of world
events right now plan on using this technology primarily for
evil, self-serving purposes.
Whether or not we can turn things around and use these
advances for good, or the elite manage to pull off their
nefarious plans, one way or another, ready or not, The
Alchemical Tech Revolution is coming. We must heed the
warning or be destroyed in the process.
Following, we will look at specific technologies and
specific plans for each of them. We will also examine the
potential benefits and dangers of each. We will likewise show
how we are being conditioned to accept each of these
technologies and to accept the inversion of natural law that the
elite plans to utilize them for.
It is important for you to understand that the controllers
would prefer that you stay ignorant of the alchemical
principles we’ve discussed and how they relate to the
discipline we call “science”. In fact, most scientists are kept in
the dark regarding the alchemical principles, and as such, have
no clue how they are being manipulated by the elite.
Chapter Three -
What technologies are being used for this alchemical

Those in positions of power are on the precipice of

becoming the beneficiaries of simultaneous breakthroughs in
multiple scientific fields, bringing them closer to their ultimate
goal of achieving “godhood”, by taking the next evolutionary
step into “posthumanism”, or “transhumanism”. They will
accomplish this ages old goal through the utilization of several
key pieces of technology.
The common public will not become beneficiaries of
these advances, although the elite will allow them to think that
they will reap the benefits of these technological
breakthroughs. Instead, the elite will subjugate the masses to
the role of slaves, or pets for their entertainment.
When the masses have lost their usefulness or
entertainment value, they will be systematically destroyed.
The “profane” have no place in post-humanity.
Why do we call it an alchemical tech revolution? We do
so because this ideology seeks to blend the ancient hermetic
metaphysical sciences with modern breakthroughs in the fields
of biology, engineering, neuroinformatics, psychology,
computing, epigenetics, and quantum physics. It is the
realization of the “Great Work”, the culmination of the
“Philosopher’s Stone”, the promise of immortality6. It is about
the elevation of the “illumined man” above God.
This movement has strong Luciferian underpinnings. And
we need to be aware of the potential dangers that come along
with the benefits of scientific advances, especially when the
people pulling the strings of these advances have questionable
In this book, we are going to analyze seven different
unique technology system types, and discuss the ramifications
of the advances in these particular scientific fields. We will
also examine how each one relates to the elites’ alchemical
These fields of endeavor will play a critical role in the
future of humankind. A key facet to understanding these
technological advancements is the realization that many of
these scientific endeavors have already been going on for
many years, and in some cases, decades, within the “black
projects” community.
On average, the black projects community is a bare
minimum of 30 to 50 years ahead of what we in the public
sector consider to be the “state of the art” in technology7. Take
into consideration all of the missing money that goes
unaccounted for, as disclosed by the Pentagon recently8. This
figure, which numbers in the trillions, is astronomical. Much
of this missing money gets funneled into the black projects
community with little or no oversight.
This money is distributed to government contractors with
special compartmentalized security clearances. It is because of
this system, with no accountability, that there is so much
waste, fraud, and abuse prevalent in regards to how this money
is allocated.
Additionally, another complicating factor in accountability
for this spending, is the fact that the government and defense
agencies allocate this money to private contractors, and in so
doing, it makes disclosure of the technologies that they are
developing, and what exactly this money is being used for
inaccessible via the Freedom of Information Act9. Any FOIA
request about these secret technologies comes back invalid
because it is not public information, and can be considered to
be proprietary to the private contractors.
When a technology is publicly disclosed, you can bet your
bottom dollar that it has already been put through its paces by
the military industrial complex. Therefore, with this frame of
reference in mind, we can comfortably say that the future
technologies and ideas we will be looking at are already a
reality, and the “current” technologies that we will be looking
at have already been around for a minimum of twenty or thirty
years in the black projects community.
The roll-out of these technological breakthroughs is
planned out well in advance of the public disclosure of them.
Usually, concepts are introduced slowly to the masses. They
are carefully conditioned to accept technological
developments in incremental steps.
For instance, cell phones are one step away from
implantable computers (which I assure you are coming). We
are so dependant upon our cell phones now that going without
one is unthinkable for most people. This is part of the
Below is a list of the technologies we will be examining in
detail. There are seven of them that will play an important part
in the coming alchemical tech revolution.
They are:

1.)Quantum computers and quantum system states.

2.)Particle accelerators and super colliders.


4.)Computer-brain interfaces and cybernetics.

5.)Genetic engineering, epigenetics, and life

extension technology.

6.)Geo-engineering programs and environmental

modification. Also known as “chemtrails”.

7.)Robotics and autonomous artificial intelligence.

These are the core alchemical sciences we will focus our

attention on. You will notice that they overlap in peculiar
ways. Let’s get ready to dig a little deeper.
Chapter Four - Technology Number One -
Quantum Computers and Quantum System States

Most people think that quantum computers are only

theoretical. Many struggle to understand some of the strange
concepts of quantum physics. Even many highly educated
people relegate many quantum concepts to the realm of
science fiction. Many scientists categorize some quantum
mechanical concepts as “hypothetical”.
The truth is quantum physics is a bit of a conundrum in
that many of the operational rules differ from the physical laws
we are familiar with on the macroscale level. With that being
said, we will first have to explain and define some key terms
in order to understand the operational potential of quantum
We will start by introducing you to the world’s first
operational quantum computer.
This is the D-Wave Adiabatic Quantum Computer

In order to better understand what it is designed to do, let’s

define some specific quantum mechanical terms that relate to
its operation. Once we simplify the complex language, we can
garner a basic understanding of what this machine is intended
to do, and also what it may be doing unintentionally.
“Adiabatic” is defined as “occurring without loss or gain
of heat”10. The D-Wave computer requires a special cooling
mechanism to allow quantum effects to take place in the
This cooling mechanism is called a pulse tube dilution
refrigerator. This device cools the ambient air temperature
around the processor to near absolute zero (-459 degrees
Fahrenheit, or for scale, about 180 times colder than
interstellar space).
The actual quantum system has virtually no energy loss,
and requires less electrical power than a traditional “super-
computer” by a magnitude of about one thousand times11. The
cooling system is a necessary part in order for quantum effects
to function, in particular, an effect called “superposition”.
“Superposition” is the quantum property that allows
matter to exist in multiple states simultaneously. In this case, it
allows the “qubit”(short for quantum bit, a quantum
computer’s counterpart to a traditional computer bit) to
function as both a 1 and a 0 (zero) at the same time
interchangeably, where by comparison, in a classical
computer, a bit can only be a 1 or a 0 (zero) and can never
change to the other.
This allows for unparalleled computational speed. The
quantum computer uses a process called combinatorial
optimization to solve problems. This method calculates all
possible solutions to a multifaceted problem simultaneously,
and picks the optimal (best) solution to the problem.
Quantum computers can use this process to arrive at an
answer to a problem much more quickly than a classical
computer, in some cases up to 3600 times faster12.
Quantum computing uses a function called “quantum
annealing” to perform this combinatorial optimization.
Quantum annealing can be simply described as an algorithm
used to find the lowest energy state of a system. This relates to
an optimal solution for a mathematical problem.
Quantum annealing can be combined with another concept
called “quantum tunneling” to achieve results not obtainable
by classical computers.
Quantum tunneling takes advantage of a quantum
particle’s ability to act like a wave, and thus be able to pass
through barriers that would normally stop a particle in its
tracks. This makes for a much faster solution to a problem.
This also denotes some very “spooky” physics taking place.
Another concept that requires our attention is called
“quantum entanglement”. Quantum entanglement can be
described as a physical phenomenon that occurs when groups
of particles act in a way in which they can not be described
independently of the others.
They mirror each other’s properties and function as a
system, even at great distances from each other. They function
more like a wave than a particle, even when separated.
They also function simultaneously regardless of distance,
creating an interesting paradox in thought. This denotes no
time separation between these particles, which leads to some
interesting theoretical concepts.
Now that we have defined and simplified some of these
key terms, let’s look at the implication of what these machines
are capable of. The capabilities we will speak about are not
science fiction, even though they sound spectacular.
Quantum computers are changing our reality in ways that
may seem incomprehensible. To better understand what is
expected from these machines, let’s look at what the experts
are saying about them.

“Quantum computation… will be the first technology that

allows useful tasks to be performed in collaboration between
parallel universes.” - David Deutsch - TED 2005

“…quantum computers… can solve problems whose

solution will never be feasible on a conventional computer.” -
“Quantum computing for everyone” - Michael Nielsen – 2008

“In a quantum computer, that device (a qubit) can be in a

strange situation where these two parallel universes have a
nexus, a point in space where they overlap, and when you
increase the number of these devices (qubits), every time you
add one of these qubits, you double the number of these
parallel universes that you have access to, until such time
when you get to a chip like this (D-Wave’s 512 qubit Vesuvius
chip), which is about five-hundred of these bits, you have
something like two to the five-hundredth power of these guys
living in that chip. So, the way I think about it is, that the
shadows of these parallel worlds overlap with ours, and if
we’re smart enough, we can dive into them, and grab their
resources and pull them back into ours, to make an effect in
our world…” - Geordie Rose, founder and CTO of D-Wave -
Idea City tech conference June 20, 2013

“By 2028, intelligent machines will exist that can do

anything humans can do; quantum computers will have played
a critical role in the creation of this new type of intelligence.”
- Geordie Rose - Idea City 2013

“It feels like an altar to an alien god…” - Geordie Rose

describing being in the proximity of the D-Wave Adiabatic
Quantum Computer - Idea City 2013

So, as you can see, there are some definite alchemical

properties associated with quantum computers. It can be
inferred from the statements of Geordie Rose and David
Deutsch that these machines can access parallel universes.
It is entirely possible that these machines are indeed
affecting our reality in peculiar ways. This researcher believes
that a phenomenon called “The Mandela Effect” is a result of
the use of quantum computers, as we will detail later in this
It is also a forgone conclusion that quantum computers
will play a major role in the advent of artificial intelligence.
Artificial intelligence, and an A.I. control grid will also be
discussed later when we connect the dots in how all of these
scientific disciplines will coalesce together into the core
principles of the alchemical tech revolution. The ramifications
of these technologies are staggering.
When serious scientific minds begin to talk about reaching
into parallel universes to “grab their resources”, I think it’s
time we start paying attention. Especially when they start
comparing these machines to living things and gods13.
We need to look who is operating these devices, and to
what end, in order to understand what we are potentially
dealing with. So, what do we know about who are using D-
Wave computers?

The following companies, agencies, or research centers

currently have D-Wave Adiabatic Quantum Computers:

1. )Lockheed Martin (aerospace government


2.) U.S.C. (University of Southern California research


3.) NASA/Google joint venture - Quantum Computing

A.I. Lab16

4.) Purdue University’s “Sentient World Simulation”

Project (think about this in terms of the movie “Minority
Report” on steroids)17
5.) A U.S. intelligence agency that D-Wave declined to
name (my speculation is the NSA, more specifically, at their
new threat fusion center in Bluffdale, Utah)18

6.) CERN, Geneva, Switzerland campus ( home of the

Large Hadron Collided which we will discuss later)19

7.) Temporal Defense Systems ( a cyber security firm in

Virginia, also a government contractor)20

As you can see, these are some very heavy hitters in the
scientific community and the military industrial complex.
These are just the publicly known clients of D-Wave. It is
possible that other groups may have access to these machines.

So, now that we know who has these, the next question
that needs to be answered is, what are they using them for?
The intelligence related agencies are probably using them
in terms of encryption, as it is speculated that these machines
are capable of breaking every type of currently known
Others are using them to develop artificial intelligence.
Some defense contractors are probably using them to
make better and quicker calculations for weapon designs.
I believe, however, that others yet, are using them for
more exotic purposes.
It is this author’s conjecture that all of these quantum
computers are quantum entangled. Let me be clear, I have no
definitive proof of this, but, based on quantum concepts, it
seems reasonable that this could be the case.
It would also be highly beneficial for this to be the case.
The computational capabilities of these computers combined
would be astronomical.
It is also my conjecture that if these computers are
quantum entangled, they are sharing information. And if they
are sharing information, this has the makings of a very
dangerous situation for humanity.
There is circumstantial evidence that a small group of
scientists, or an already existing and operational artificial
intelligence, is actively experimenting on our reality with these
quantum linked computers, used in conjunction with other
advanced technologies.
We will discuss this in more detail later. If this is true, the
implications are highly concerning.
Could quantum computers be used to “break” our reality?
That is the alchemical aspect of this technology.
It can be used to invert the natural order of things if that is
what is desired of the operators of this scientific marvel.

For now, we will take a step back from quantum

weirdness, and look at the other technologies that will have a
profound effect on our future.
Chapter Five - Technology Number Two -
Particle Accelerators

The next technological wonder we’re going to examine is

the particle accelerator. Particle accelerators are a crucial tool
in the advancement of quantum physical concepts. The most
famous particle accelerator in the world is the Large Hadron
Collider located at CERN’s main campus in Geneva,
It is the world’s largest machine as it spans a ring
seventeen miles around, and sits over three-hundred feet under
the ground. It is so large that part of the machine is actually
located in France. CERN stands for “Conseil Europeen pour la
Recherche Nucleaire”, which translates as “European Council
for Nuclear Research”, and it is one of the largest and most
respected scientific research groups in the world21.
We will concentrate our attention on CERN’s
accelerators, as this is the group that is most commonly
associated with research of this variety. Particle accelerators
use large electromagnetic fields to propel subatomic particles
through a system of tubes at speeds approaching the speed of
light in order to direct these particles into a collision with one
Physicists then use advanced computers to collect and
collate the data derived from the collisions. This is how they
find evidence of new particles and particle effects, in their
attempt to discover how the universe operates.
At least, this is their public explanation of what they do.
Many people speculate that they are trying to open up
gateways to alternate universes or other dimensions. There is a
very good reason people are so suspicious about the activities
of CERN.
In fact, there is no better example of the influence of
occultism on science than at CERN. If there is truly an
alchemical aspect to science, nowhere is it more prevalent than
at the campus of CERN.
CERN has been at the center of a lot of controversy. This
organization is riddled with occult symbolism. A statue of
Shiva, the god of destruction, adorns their campus near the
LHC (Large Hadron Collider)22. Why does a scientific
research center have a statue of an ancient Hindu god on their
grounds? Additionally, it is said that part of CERN’s campus
was built on top of an ancient temple to Apollo23.

Statue of Shiva at CERN

CERN has also received a lot of negative publicity for
people actually performing an occult ritual involving a “mock
human sacrifice” on their campus24. They have also been
scrutinized for hosting a performance art film with occultic
themes inside the Hadron Collider25. Another disturbing
revelation about this organization occurs to you when you
notice that their logo is three sixes! What does all this mean?

CERN’s 666 Logo

In 2008, many mainstream public science figures were

actually legitimately concerned that the LHC had the potential
to destroy the Earth26 when they fired it up later that year for
the first time. Apart from the occultic links, there have also
been a lot of valid scientific concerns about CERN’s
It has been speculated that they can potentially create
miniature “black holes” with the capacity to destroy the world.
Strange phenomena have been observed in and around CERN
when they have powered up the LHC27.
The destructive capacity of this technology has largely
been dismissed by the researchers on staff, but it is undeniable
that these machines are capable of generating energies that can
affect the environment around them.
The magnets utilized in the LHC generate a magnetic field
100,000 times more powerful than that of the Earth28. The
implications of this fact are very thought-provoking. What
kinds of effects can powerful magnetic fields have on the
Can they affect the weather? Or can they create strange
phenomena? Circumstantial evidence would tend to say yes.
Photos of strange weather and light anomalies over CERN
have been captured while the LHC was running29.
Strange anomalies have also been observed inside the
LHC during operation. In one disturbing incident, multiple
people reported seeing “faces” in the tube during one
experiment. There were also photos taken of this phenomenon.
Is it simply paradolia? Paradolia is the term that is used to
explain why the human brain has a tendency to see faces in
random patterns. Or is there something more to this?
Photo of “faces” seen inside the LHC

It would certainly seem feasible that if CERN was trying

to contact or access “extra” dimensions, there may be some
unexpected feedback in the loop. We can not say for certain
what exactly is going on at CERN, but we can say that they
are not forthcoming with much of the unusual occult aspects
of their research.
Sure, they will tell you that they think they found the
Higgs-Boson (a subatomic particle which supposedly gives
matter its mass), which they refer to as the “god particle”.
Their nickname for this particle in itself brings on significant
occultic connotations.
What they don’t tell you, however, is what is their
intended use of this information. It all comes back, once again,
to understanding quantum field states, and learning how to use
them on a macroscale level.
If you can cause quantum effects on a macroscale level,
you can alter reality in ways that may seem impossible to the
conventional physics model we are used to.
So, it can be said that an understanding of how to
effectuate “quantum changes” on a practical macroscale level
is akin to “magick”. Herein lies the alchemical secret behind
this brand of “science”.
You see, the Large Hadron Collider is an earthly
representation of the “ouroboros”(the serpent eating its tail),
also known as the “magick circle”, which is the true “Seal of
Solomon”30. It is a massive summoning circle.
Most of the scientists there are likely totally unaware of
this information. An allegorical link to this effect can be seen
in the Gotthard Base Tunnel opening ceremony that was held
in 201631.
The hidden hand of the controllers likes to transform
occult rituals into public “entertainment”. This empowers the
ritual more. The occult nature of the projects at CERN can be
inferred from the very names they give to these projects and
Some of the project names32 with occult ties they have
worked on, past and present, are as follows:








9. Gargamelle

Another interesting link I would like to point out is that

CERN has a D-Wave Adiabatic Quantum Computer at its
disposal33. This is an important tool for tuning quantum field
Used in conjunction with one another, particle accelerators
and quantum computers can more accurately direct and predict
particle interactions. This can lead to a better understanding of
what causes specific quantum effects.
It is thought by some people that it is possible that the
operation of the LHC can affect the planet’s “Birkeland
Currents”34, which may or may not affect the weather. It can
also be further theorized that the LHC’s strong magnetic field
may affect “space weather” as well.
Of course, this is just theoretical, there is no proof that
CERN is willfully actively affecting the weather, especially as
it pertains to space weather. That does not diminish the fact
that high energy is loosed into our atmosphere whenever the
collider is turned on.
Regardless of what’s going on at CERN, two things
remain obvious. First, there is a vast amount of circumstantial
evidence that suggests that there are undisclosed projects,
either sanctioned or unsanctioned, that are being carried out at
their facilities.
Second, the occult undercurrent at CERN is undeniable.
These two observations alone call for a little more scrutiny of
what is occurring there.
So, what kinds of macroscale quantum effects could
possibly be related to activities at CERN? It can be speculated
that a phenomenon called the “Mandela Effect” is somehow
tied to experiments at CERN. We will discuss this in further
detail later, as this also ties in to two other alchemical
technologies that we are examining.
We have already examined one of these, quantum
computers, in a previous chapter. The other alchemical
technology that links to this effect will be disclosed in a later
chapter, at which time, I will lay out a plausible theory into
how these combined technologies can be causing this
“Mandela Effect”, and why it is being promulgated. It is
thought that at least some of the scientists at CERN are aware
of the “Mandela Effect”, at the very least, if not directly
involved in effectuating it upon the world.

One bit of evidence is pictured below. We will discuss the

hidden meanings in this photo later when I disclose this
“Mandela Effect” theory.
CERN’s acknowledgement of the “Mandela Effect”
Artificial T4 Bacteriophage
Chapter Six - Technology Number Three -
The next technology we are going to analyze is what is
called “nanotechnology”. Nanotechnology is defined as
“science, engineering, and technology conducted at the
nanoscale, which is about 1 to 100 nanometers (a nanometer
is one billionth of a meter)”35.
So, as you can see, we are talking about very small to
microscopic machines, devices, and scientific manipulations.
Nanotechnology is another scientific discipline closely related
to quantum physics.
The nanotech field crosses over into many other different
sciences, most notably, the biotech industry. Many different
nanotech developments promise great advances in medical
research. But, along with the potential benefits of these
technologies, comes also an inherent risk, or danger, for their
Some notable developments in nanotechnology involve
the microscaling of computer chips, the miniaturization of
robots, and the conceptualization of tiny sensors to track data
for the coming “Internet of Things” (IoT for short).
These sensors are commonly referred to as “smart dust”,
and they have many practical uses and are virtually
undetectable. In fact, they are so tiny that they are
indistinguishable from a speck of dirt, a grain of salt, or a
black pepper flake.
Smart Dust

More and more, things are being tagged with this smart
dust. Although it is considered a relatively new technology,
smart dust is a development that is at least sixteen years old, if
not older.
This can be verified simply by looking up a particular
NASA document, “Future Strategic Issues/ Future Warfare
[Circa 2025]”, first published in July of 2001.
In addition to the sensor capabilities of smart dust, this
document also discusses “microdust weaponry”.
As you can see, the militarization of these technologies
has already been underway for a long time. A wholly new and
“legal” class of weapons has likely since been unknowingly
unleashed on the public, as we will discuss in a later chapter.
Microdust weapons, sensor tags, and biotech
advancements, what is going on here? Are these technologies
being used for the betterment of mankind, or is there a more
sinister agenda in play here?
We can say for certain that there is definitely an alchemical
agenda involved with the development of nanotechnology.
This agenda consists of altering the basic structure of the
world we live in, as well as the core principle of what it is that
makes us human.
That’s right, the agenda is to create humanity 2.0. The
creation of the “posthuman”, the “superman”, the embodiment
of “living gods”.
The nanotech agenda is “transhumanism”.
Transhumanism is the elevation of man to the next
evolutionary step into godhood. This is the main driving force
behind alchemy. The attainment of the goal of the alchemists
is closer than it has ever been before.
As we progress, you will see how all of the alchemical
sciences we are discussing combine together to drive man
toward this ultimate end. If the elite have their way, we will
either have to adapt to this paradigm shift, and our role as their
slaves, or we will be systematically destroyed. Both of these
options are built into the technology.
We are being incrementally “fitted” with these
technologies against our will, and without our knowledge or
expressed consent. The elite accept our silence as consent.
This is based on a principle that I call “metaphysical consent”.
It is a basically understood idea in the occult, that in order
for a “spell” or “magickal working” to operate properly, it
requires the targets’ “consent”. In the eyes of the “Illuminati”,
complacency is consent. Science is much more driven by
occult principles than people realize.
So, then the question is, if they are, unbeknownst to us,
“fitting” us with these technologies, what are these
technologies, and how are they doing It?
They are using a multifaceted approach to this, utilizing
multiple platforms to introduce these technologies to us. They
use the tool of “social engineering” to indoctrinate us into
acceptance of these technologies.
They make it socially unacceptable for us to speak out
against their ever-growing encroachment upon our lives. This
is a form of mass mind control in order to achieve compliance
from a “disgusting public”36 (their words, not mine).
The primary forms of nanotechnology that they are
covertly using against us are three-fold in nature. First, they
are utilizing aerosolized microdust and biological weapons
upon us. We will discuss this later when we cover “geo-
Particulate matter from “chemtrails” has been shown to
contain many hazardous substances that we may be
unknowingly inhaling.
The second form they are using against us is in the form of
pharmaceutical compounds. Many newer medications are
manufactured on a molecular level, and some contain nanotech
delivery systems. Some medications contain microchips37 that
can relate data about when or if they are taken, and can also
potentially collect basic medical information.
A friend of mine is a doctor, and he told me about this
several years ago when we had a conversation about how to go
about trying to help elderly patients remember to take their
medications on time.
The third nanotech delivery system in use, and most
devastating, is through vaccines. Vaccines have been carefully
engineered to slowly and methodically deteriorate your health
and eventually kill you.
I know this sounds like a very strong statement to make,
after all they are heavily marketed as the medical miracle of
the twentieth century. I have honestly considered writing an
entire book on the subject of vaccines, and I may actually do
that in the future. For our purposes today, though, let’s stick
strictly to the nanotech portion of vaccine science.
It is undeniable that re-engineered viruses have been, and
continue to be used in vaccines38. Genetically modified or
engineered nanomaterials can potentially alter our DNA.
In the beginning of this chapter, there are pictures of an
artificial T4 Bacteriophage39. This is an engineered
bacteriophage that some people suggest has been
reprogrammed to attack specific human brain cells and
reproductive cells.

It has also been conjectured that this nanomachine has

found its way into some batches of vaccines, most notably, the
gardesil vaccine. This bacteriophage injects rogue DNA
material from its “head” through a syringe-like appendage
attached to its base directly into a cell’s cytoplasm40.
It is really a terrifying little machine, in that it can cause
genetic alterations that reproduce themselves and replicate in
other cells. It has been suggested that it permanently alters the
DNA of the recipient, and passes that DNA to any potential
offspring of the affected target.
Nanotechnology is truly one of the elites’ “soft-kill”
weapons of choice against a totally oblivious public. After
World War 2, people in positions of power decided that it was
too risky and messy to depopulate the world militarily.
They discovered that it would be far easier and more
lucrative to reduce the population with “soft-kill” methods.
This means they would gradually and systematically sicken
and eventually kill large numbers of people covertly, all the
while pretending to help them while simultaneously siphoning
off all of their resources.
And thus, our modern “medical system” was born.
Nanotechnology applied to our biology is designed to
incrementally shift our resonant frequency, in conjunction with
other technologies also changing the resonant frequency of the
Earth, into something more artificial, something that does not
comply with natural law, something akin to artificial
intelligence combined with human creativity and intuition, a
cyborg if you will.
All of “transhumanity” linked together through a
collective consciousness, with the capacity to upload our
individual consciousnesses into a computer, where we can live
forever, and know and experience everything that every other
being in the network knows or experiences, this is the
technocratic alchemical dream of the proponents of the
transhumanist movement.

With that understanding of the role of nanotechnology in

that plan, let us take a look at the next revolutionary
technology that will play a part in this alchemical scheme.
Brain Implant Schematic
Chapter Seven - Technology Number Four -
Computer/Brain Interfaces

Closely related to the development of nanomachines, the

next technology we will examine is what I call the advent of
the “computer/brain interface”. This technological
breakthrough overlaps with several other scientific disciplines
that we are analyzing.
The military industrial complex has long sought to find
ways to utilize microchips to control various brain functions in
their quest to create “supersoldiers”.
Using microchips to regulate brain functions is one thing,
but actually interfacing a human brain with a computer or
machine is quite another.
There are many reasons why integrating a man’s brain
with a computer is an attractive idea to military contractors.
The implications on the battlefield logistics of an “enhanced”
soldier, deployed in an active military zone, can mean the
difference between victory and defeat.
Having a vastly superior militarized force leads to full-
spectrum dominance on the battlefield. And that full-spectrum
dominance begins with intelligence.
Utilizing brain enhancement technology is more of an
intelligence operation than a strictly military one. If you can
achieve control without firing a single shot, you can maintain
dominion of the theater in question with much greater ease and
This capacity to utilize military intelligence in a more
efficient manner is one of the most important factors for our
armed forces to consider. That is why much of the research
into this area of development is funded by military and
intelligence agencies.
Cooperating with the military industrial complex in this
research, is the biomedical community. Many universities
receive military funding for their scientific research and
development of brain technologies.

There are also many private companies developing these

brain enhancement technologies for their own personal
benefit. Many of these companies also receive government
monies for their research.
All of these research streams are integrated together by
intelligence agencies, who keep close tabs on what
advancements are developed.
One method of controlling how these private interests
develop the technologies that the military industrial complex
wants, is through use of government “initiatives”.
One outstanding example of this is the Obama
administration’s “human brain initiative”, the mandate for
mapping the human brain. There is also the “human genome
project” as another example of this.
Of course, along with all of these public disclosures of
intent, there exist covert “black” projects operations seeking to
develop these technologies in secret, away from the prying
eyes of the public.
Many of these publicly disclosed initiatives are only
continuations in the public sector of secret technologies that
have already been previously developed in secret
compartmentalized “black” programs.
As an example of this, let’s look at the previously
mentioned “human brain initiative”. This project to begin
mapping the human brain, was first publicly announced by the
Obama administration in April of 201341.
However, if we know where to look, we can definitively
show that this project had already been going on for at least 20
years prior to the announcement of this initiative!
All we have to do is look at internal government
documents and think-tank “white papers” to see what has been
going on behind closed doors for years without public
acknowledgement. This human brain-mapping prior to the
2013 disclosure can be confirmed by looking at a particular
2001 NASA document42, that discloses that this project was
begun in the early 1990s, and was sponsored by 16 different
organizations across 5 agencies.
It also discloses that this project is also known as
“neuroinformatics”. They often name these projects something
totally different to throw off any outside researchers who may
be seeking out information on the subject.

This is just one example of how our “science” is

controlled. Before any scientific advancement is disclosed
publicly, you can bet that it has first been perfected by the
“Special Access Programs” utilized by the military industrial
This military industrial complex can be considered to be
synonymous with the “elite” or the modern day “alchemists”.
The scientists who work in these special access programs are
given security clearance, and are forced to sign “non-
disclosure agreements” about what they are working on. If
they violate these agreements, they can legally be severely
Back to the subject at hand, computer/brain interface
technology is a highly controversial advancement. It is a key
component to the advancement of the “transhumanist” agenda,
the overarching agenda that is the culmination of the
alchemical tech revolution. That’s right, transhumanism is the
endgame of this alchemical agenda.
So, how close are we to the rise of transhumanism, and
what kinds of brain prostheses can we expect to emerge from
this area of development?
We will look at several distinct disturbing brain-machines
that are going to be incorporated into the mainstream in the
near future.
The first scary project we will look at is named
“Soulcatcher 2025”43. This is a research project of a company
called “British Telecom”.
Basically, this project’s goal is to make an implantable
microchip with about 10 terabytes of memory that can attach
directly to your optical nerve. The stated purpose of this is to
“record” all of your memories and sensory data, much like a
“black box” in an airplane.
This could ostensibly help to solve crimes, cure medical
conditions, such as Alzheimer’s, or, even possibly, allow your
consciousness to live on after death either in a computer or
another body.
This is where the concept of this gets creepy. Even with
the ethical concerns that this technology raises, it is still being
actively developed. Their objective is to have this technology
ready and available for use by 2025.
This could be an important step in the process of
becoming “transhuman”, or as they like to call it, “H+”. The
question remains, is it possible to transfer your “soul” to a
computer? Some people seem to think so. If consciousness is
only the product of a biological function, then that would seem

However, if the soul or spirit is a separate energetic state,

then this would essentially be an artificial intelligence of sorts,
and not really be “us”.
This is where the distinction between “science” and
philosophical thought becomes apparent. And herein lies the
alchemical agenda. To transcend our current human existence
and become something more, the next evolutionary step, to
become “Human Plus”.
Whether or not it is possible to transfer your soul into a
computer, the people pulling the strings of this agenda are
ignoring the ethical concerns, and proceeding with this
alchemical plan in hopes of achieving the ultimate goal of
This is the realization of the concept they call the
“Philosopher’s Stone”, it is symbolic of the transformation of
the mortal soul to immortality, and the elevation of the mind
above morality or ethical concerns. It is a multilayered
symbol, as most of the elites’ science of “symbology” reveals.
An implantable microchip to capture your “soul” sounds
like something you would have to be a willing participant in
order to receive. The elite are not content to let you decide you
need to do this for yourself, they have a plan to impose this
technology upon you, whether you’re willing or not.
You see, they think they are smarter and superior to you.
They believe that they know what is best for you, and they
also view you as little more than cattle, or property.
Once you realize this and come to the understanding that
the controllers are psychopaths and sociopaths, then you can
better see their motivations.
In their perspective, you are a “human resource”, to be
used and abused as they see fit. If you are not a member of one
of their occult secret societies, they do not even view you as
In order to maintain control and make sure you make the
paradigm shift to “post-human”, they have devised a plan to fit
you with a computer/brain interface without your consent, and
without your knowledge. Anyone who refuses to make this
paradigm shift will be systematically destroyed. So, how are
they going to force this technology upon you without your
knowledge or consent?
It would seem that something as obvious as a
computer/brain interface device would be awfully difficult to
hide, let alone surgically implant within you without you
knowing about it.

Let’s first take a look at the technology that will make this
possible, and then we will examine the “delivery system” that
they intend to use in order to make this paradigm shift happen.
The computer/brain interface device that is receiving a lot
of attention as of late is called “neural lace”. Elon Musk
launched a new company to specifically develop this
technology earlier this year44.
So, what is neural lace? Neural lace is currently an
injectable mesh machine45 that wraps around and merges with
your brain, allowing your brain to directly wirelessly interface
with computers.
The implications of the capabilities of this technology are
astounding. But, the implications of the possible tyranny that
this technology can impose upon the minds of men is also
Right now, the scientific minds developing this technology
are saying it can be employed via injection directly into the
brain. They have already done successful trials on laboratory
They have also suggested it would be possible to deliver
this neural lace unassembled in the form of nanobots47 into the
bloodstream of the recipient, and then later, the nanobots can
be programmed to assemble in layers to form the neural lace.

This is not science fiction, this technology does exist and

is being rolled out, as fantastic and unbelievable as it sounds.
So, now that we understand the core principles of what
this is, we need to look at the intended “delivery system”.
It would be wildly impractical to covertly inject a neural
mesh into the masses, so the elite will seek out a different, less
obvious method to deliver this mesh to the public without their
knowledge or consent. It is my conjecture that the elite will
utilize one or both of the following methods to employ this
technology on the public.
The first method I believe they will use is through
vaccines. They are ramping up efforts to make them
mandatory in violation of the concept of “informed consent”.
This seems like the most likely delivery system that they
would use.
The second delivery system that I think they would also
consider, is aerosol spraying (using chemtrails). It has been
demonstrated that nanotech can be inhaled and absorbed into
the bloodstream.
A combination of these two methods would also be
feasible. In fact, there is already circumstantial evidence that
they are already doing this.

The nanomaterials48 necessary to do this have been found

and analyzed in chemtrail “webs” or debris that have been
Various metals and polymers necessary to “build” this
neural lace are present in chemtrails. Many of these same
metals and polymers are also found in vaccines49.
These realizations will bring us to the next alchemical
technology that we are going to discuss. You will see how
these technologies begin to coalesce together into a
recognizable pattern that blatantly maps out the alchemical
agenda behind their development.
We are being led down a very perilous path into the future,
largely by an elite indifferent to our wants or needs, with no
moral conscience, or consideration for the whole of humanity.
These technocrats are totally sold out to the idea of
elevating themselves to role of “god” at the expense of the
good of the masses.

They seek to totally rewrite humanity, and the very fabric

of reality itself, as we will see as we continue our examination
of these coming technological advancements.
Chapter Eight - Technology Number Five -
Genetic Engineering, Epigenetics, and
Life Extension Technology

The next scientific field we will venture into is the study

of the biological disciplines of genetic engineering,
epigenetics, and the advances in life extension technology.
These sciences are one of the key cornerstones that the elite
need to use in order to achieve their alchemical agenda.
The limitations of our biological forms are perhaps the
biggest obstacle for the elite to overcome in order to achieve
the fulfillment of their “divine” goal.

Their chief quest in this area of science is to acquire

immortality in a tangible physical form, and they will do this
through manipulation of our biology, in conjunction with the
use of other non-biological devices.
These advancements in biology and cybernetics will help
man to achieve symbiosis with machines. The combination of
flesh and blood with machinery will usher in the age of the
One of the tools they will use to create this new human-
cyborg involves genetic modification. It will be necessary to
alter human DNA in order to make it compatible with the
cybernetic components, and with the altered atmosphere (as
we will discuss in the next chapter).
Recently, a technology has been disclosed that makes this
process of genetic modification faster, easier, and cheaper to
accomplish50. This technology is called CRISPR-Cas9 (known
more commonly as just “CRISPR”).

CRISPR51 is an acronym for “Clustered Regularly

Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeat”. Cas9 is short for
“CRISPR associated protein 9”. The Cas9 portion of this
technology is an enzyme that essentially acts as a guided pair
of scissors to snip a very specific targeted part of a DNA
Basically, how it works is, scientists will attach a protein
“scaffold” to this enzyme in order to target and snip the part
they want out, and then the cell’s immune response ability will
start to repair the damaged portion over the inserted
“scaffold”, allowing scientists to “rewrite” the DNA sequence
in whatever way the “scaffold” is designed to do.
This DNA then replicates itself and eventually changes the
entire genetic structure of the target.
They have also figured out how to use this technique to
“break” the Cas9 enzyme (referred to as “dead Cas9”) so that
it stops other proteins from binding to the targeted strand, thus
“blocking” gene expression, effectively creating an “on/off”
switch for the genetically activated trait in question.
This method holds great promise for switching “off”
genetic mutations, or genetically caused diseases, but could
also be used to the opposite effect.

This technique could potentially be used to switch “on” an

implanted disease or genetic trait in an unsuspecting person.
How terrifying would it be to think that a bureaucrat
somewhere could decide one day that you are no longer a
useful, productive member of society, and that you need to be
“culled” (their term, not mine)53, and they have the ability to
activate a genetic switch to inflict you with an illness
specifically designed to consume all of your wealth and
resources, through an expensive “healthcare” system, offering
treatment but no real cure, while you gradually get sicker and
sicker, until you, and your money, are totally consumed.
Does this sound far-fetched? Or does this sound
remarkably like our current “healthcare” system?
And herein lies the dichotomy of the field of epigenetics,
while it will be used to benefit the elite, it will also be used as
a weapon against the masses. It is an extension of the eugenics
The use of subjective biological weapons has been and
will be ramped up utilizing this technology, administered
through “trojan horse” delivery systems disguised as beneficial
medical treatments and/or through our food and water

We will discuss the depopulation agenda later, but for

now, let’s stay focused on the technological aspect of this
Another possibility of this genetic tinkering is the creation
of “chimeras”. A “chimera” is an unnatural organism created
with the combined genetic material of two or more different
existing organisms, in order to exhibit desirable traits.
If this sounds like science fiction, rest assured, this is and
has been going on for a long time now.
One well-known example of this is commonly referred to
as “spider-goats”55. The possibilities of designer organisms are
endless. Human - animal chimeras are also a very real
Genetic modification of humans has already begun56. “The
Island of Dr. Moreau” may not be that far-fetched after all.
Designer organisms, genetically engineered animals,
altered plant-life, modified humans, this all sounds like the
stuff of science fiction, but I assure you, not only is it possible
in the future, but it is already going on in the present.

What are the implications of this genetic modification?

Most people are of the mindset that even if genetic tinkering is
going on, it is a slow laborious process that is expensive and
only produces small results. This is largely untrue.
Methodologies of genetic modification have become
quicker, cheaper, and more precise, resulting in some rather
large-scale changes in organisms.
Science has already begun rewriting species through an
advanced technique that they liken to an “evolution machine”.
This methodology57 is called M.A.G.E. (It is an acronym
that means “Multiplex Automated Genome Engineering), and
this name invokes a very alchemical agenda.
This is not a coincidence. All of these alchemical themes
will begin to look obvious, once you know what to look for.
You see, our modern science is simply an offshoot of a much
more ancient science, and what is happening today is a repeat
of what has happened in the past, all things are cyclical.
“The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and
that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no
new thing under the sun. Is there any thing whereof it may be
said, See, this is new? it hath been already of old time, which
was before us. There is no remembrance of former things;
neither shall there be any remembrance of things that are to
come with those that shall come after. “58
We must be mindful to heed the warnings of our
predecessors, and not proceed with arrogant hubris with this
scientific knowledge. There may come a natural backlash to
meddling with mother nature, as evidenced in the recorded
history in the Holy Bible.

You see, what you haven’t been taught in school, or in

your church, is that there existed in antiquity a highly
technologically advanced civilization that also tinkered with
genetic engineering, and that they shortly afterward
disappeared from the historical record.
This fact is well-known within the secret societies, and is
also recorded in Genesis Chapter Six, as well as various other
Can genetic engineering be a pathway to our destruction?
History has bourne out that it certainly can be. Do the benefits
outweigh the risks? That all depends whether or not you are a
member of the elite.
The elite intend to use this technology to enhance
themselves, and at the same time, to dumb down and destroy
the rest of us. This is already underway.
In order for them to utilize this technology on the masses,
first they must figure out how to proceed with the
implementation of the plan in order to make it desirable for the
public to accept this genetic modification.
How can they accomplish this task? How can they make it
necessary for the public to accept this encroachment upon their

They can do so by first modifying the environment. By

making the environment toxic, they can effectively force or
coerce people into either consciously, or unconsciously,
accepting the genetic “upgrades” in order to save them from
destruction at the hands of this toxic environment.

Toxifying the environment is also necessary in order for

the other alchemical technologies we’ve discussed to operate
Many of these technologies utilize radiation and
frequencies that can be harmful to biological systems. This is
just one form of toxicity used to change the environment, and
thus make genetic modifications necessary for survival.
Let’s now discuss how the environment is being made
toxic in order to impose a technocracy upon us.
Chapter Nine - Technology Number Six -
Geo-engineering, Chemtrails, and GMOs

The alteration of the environment is a necessary step in

order to bring about the Alchemical Tech Revolution. Our
environment is changing in ways that directly affect our well-
being. All you have to do to see that this is obviously going
on, is look up in the sky. The sky looks different now than it
did twenty-five years ago.
This is the result of an organized program called “geo-
engineering”. Geo-engineering utilizes chemical spraying of
the atmosphere in order to modify the climate. This spray is
commonly known as “chemtrails”.

Anyone who claims that chemtrails don’t exist either

hasn’t looked up lately, or doesn’t understand that these are
not just regular “contrails” like those in charge of this science
would like you to believe.
In fact, NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration) and the World Meteorological Organization
have even recently had to categorize new cloud types59 that
never existed before due to this phenomena in the International
Cloud Atlas.
The expressed reasons for chemtrail spraying and the geo-
engineering agenda are broken up into two distinct categories,
solar radiation management and carbon dioxide removal. They
admit to primarily using chemtrails to affect cloud albedo
(reflectivity) in an attempt to lower mean global temperature60.
The stated purpose is to curtail out of control climate
change. They seek to reflect solar radiation back out into
space, and to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, ostensibly to
reverse “man-made global warming”, but is this really what’s
going on with this technology? And is that their true
There is some circumstantial evidence to suggest that
something more sinister may be at play with these “geo-
engineering” programs.

In light of the fact that many high level scientific

authorities can verify that the “man-made global warming”
narrative is a hoax61, or at the very least, that the data is
heavily skewed, it would seem that this line of reasoning to
justify these programs is either flawed or disingenuous.
It is clearly not logical to take such drastic measures based
upon subjective measurements made by people who clearly
have an agenda to promote. I would tend to think that the big
money backers of these programs have an altogether different
agenda from the climate scientists involved in geo-
The financing of geo-engineering programs is estimated to
cost over one trillion dollars62, and will be applied as a “carbon
tax” to every person on the planet.
I speculate that the real agenda behind geo-engineering
has more to do with a control system rather than saving
humanity from runaway climate change.
The chemicals and substances that they use to make these
trails would seem to indicate that it has more to do with
electrical conductivity than it does with cloud albedo. It is
highly plausible that they can control the weather patterns and
actually steer stormfronts63 with this technology in conjunction
with ionospheric heaters such as the HAARP64 array.

It has also been proven that electromagnetic signals and

radio frequencies can affect human behavior65. It is also being
used as a social engineering control tool on the masses.
Particulates from the fallout of chemtrails have been
shown to contain barium, nano-aluminum, niobium, thorium,
cadmium, nickel, polymers, mold spores, fungal mycotoxins,
and human blood among other substances66. Whatever they are
spraying, you can be pretty sure it’s real purpose is not merely
to reflect sunlight.
You’ll notice that many of these substances are key
components of the nanotech that we talked about earlier. Are
you beginning to see a connection? Perhaps a hidden
alchemical agenda?
Could the elite be secretly implanting us with nanotech to
alter our DNA through the very air we breathe? Look up in the
sky, I think you’ll see the answer.
Could this be a sophisticated delivery system for materials
to change our biology? If so, are there more of these “trojan
horse” technologies? What are they? What other methods
would they use to covertly alter our genetic structure?

Could they be messing with our food and water supply,

too? The simple answer is yes. It is a well established fact that
most public water supplies are laced with fluoride, lithium,
and other chemical compounds67.
This is just the tip of the iceberg. If they are weaponizing
our water and air against us, why would we think for a second
that our food is safe?
Our food supply is treated with antibiotics, chemical
preservatives, artificial sweeteners, toxic food dyes, and
petroleum based products of all sorts, not to mention
pesticides, and chemical fertilizers.
Most of the crops that we purchase are genetically
modified so that the plant contains a chemical called
“glyphosate” right in its cell structure. This is commonly
called “Round-Up Ready”. That’s right, as in Round-Up
weedkiller. Poison genetically engineered right into your
food68. Does it still sound far-fetched that they would use this
technology to harm us?
These genetically modified foods are often referred to as
GMO’s. GMO stands for “Genetically Modified Organism”. It
is still not known what kinds of long-term effects eating
genetically modified foods can have on a person. So,
genetically modifying organisms isn’t as outlandish as it
sounds after all.

They are also engineering organisms to be radiation

resistant69. This is an important modification to make as the
atmosphere will become inundated with electromagnetic
pollution as a by-product of the coming wireless
communication network.
The next generation system that’s coming is called 5G
(5th generation), and the energy it emits has powerful
mutagenic potential. It is not very accommodating to
biological tissue, so in order for the elite to adapt, they have to
develop some kind of biological resistance to microwave
This is another “trojan horse” technology in that it
promises unprecedented data speed and connectivity with the
internet of things, but along with the benefits it bestows, it also
brings the potentiality to cause mutagenic disease or cancer if
you don’t have some kind of shielding against it.
They are using us as guinea pigs to test out these
technologies, and then pick and choose what works best for
themselves. The elite have a long history of performing covert
tests on the public without their knowledge or consent. A
perfect example of this is the CIA’s notorious MK-Ultra
program70. The only difference is the tool they use as the
delivery system.
The geo-engineering programs are basically a cover story
for the real program that is going on. That real program is
called “eugenics”. Transhumanism is the ultimate eugenics
If you are not one of the elite, you will not take the next step
of evolution into transhumanism. They consider you to be
“profane”. Remember, if you do not become transhuman and
make the paradigm shift, you will be scheduled for
extermination. As George Carlin once wisely said, “it’s a small
club, and we ain’t in it!”.
That’s where the elite see the beauty in their program,
they can simultaneously become “god” and cull the planet of
all the “useless eaters” with the same exact technologies. They
view all of us as the “profane”, the unworthy, the “goyim”.
They are spraying us with poison like insects. That is how
they view you. Once you realize this, you may not be as apt to
quietly ignore what you know is wrong and is going on all
around you. We can take back our collective future if we speak
up, and remove our consent from their plans.
But, the elite also need to be careful, for they may suffer
the same fate as the rest of us. Their push for artificial
intelligence may be a huge mistake. And that point brings us
to the next technology we will be examining.
Chapter Ten - Technology Number Seven -
Autonomous A.I. and Robotics

The field of artificial intelligence is the next big thing in

science. Machine intelligence that can perform intuitively
above the level of human capabilities is the goal. Computers
that can learn on their own and use that knowledge creatively
may be obtainable within the next decade or so71.
It is very feasible that these artificially intelligent
machines will outperform humanity in every way possible
within the next fifteen to twenty years.

Some of the elite who are more knowledgeable of

technological innovations are concerned at the rapid
advancement of A.I.
Recently, Elon Musk (founder of Tesla Motors, SpaceX,
PayPal, and Neuralink, among other tech companies) has been
openly stating72 that if we do not find a way to “achieve
symbiosis” with machines, we will be overtaken by A.I., and
relegated to the role of “pets” or worse. Indeed, computer
intelligence and capabilities are expanding at an exponential
How close are we to autonomous artificial intelligence?
That all depends upon who you ask. Traditionally, computer
intelligence is measured by something called the “Turing
Essentially, the Turing Test73 (named after computing
pioneer Alan Turing) is a competition in which a “chatbot”
along with several humans anonamously carry on text
conversations with a group of judges.
If thirty percent or more of these judges are convinced that
the “chatbot” is indeed a human being, then the computer
passes the Turing test.

This happened for the first time (at least the publicly
acknowledged first time) in June of 2014.
A computer called “Eugene” passed the Turing test by
convincing one third of the judges that it was actually a
thirteen year old boy.
Is the Turing test really an accurate assessment of
computer intelligence, though? Computer algorithms can be
developed to imitate patterns, but does this really indicate
intelligent awareness? Do intelligent machines have self
At what point does this awareness become consciousness?
These are the trying questions in the field of artificial
intelligence. What happens if an artificially intelligent
machine becomes “self-aware”? Would it also develop a
propensity for self preservation?
If it did, what would this look like? Would a thinking
machine have “rights”?
Although these questions concern experts in this field,
this has not stopped them from pursuing the goal of building
intelligent machines. They are proceeding forward with the
A.I. agenda regardless of the potential dangers.

There are many new advanced technologies that are being

integrated into the quest for A.I.
Quantum computers will be playing a big role in the
advancement of A.I. The big advantage that A.I. can have over
humans is that it can function from multiple locations at once.
A networked artificial intelligence has capabilities to do things
faster and more efficiently than humans, and with improved
The technocrats are in the process of building an A.I.
control grid. This grid is necessary in order to effectively
track, monitor, and manipulate every living being on the
planet. In order for this control mechanism to keep tabs on the
masses, measures must be taken to tag every human being in
the world.
To keep the people in line, they must be directly “wired”
into the internet of things through some sort of implantable
device. Ideally, this device will be integrated into the human
brain, and/or somehow merged directly with the DNA of the
human body.
This is where we see another cross-over in these
technology trees, nanobots guided by an artificially intelligent
source can be used to achieve the merger of man and machine.

Once the network is in place, and everyone is brought

“online”, the ultimate panopticon control grid will take over.
It will probably be largely run and monitored by
intelligent machines with little to no human oversight. This
creates a very dangerous and disturbing situation. Once these
computer intelligences have full, unhampered access to your
mind, your very perception of reality will be totally controlled
by them.
What you see, hear, feel, taste, and smell, and even what
you think, can all be manipulated by this “intelligence”. You
will be totally at the mercy of this new overlord.
This premise brings us back to the question we posited
earlier, is this “intelligence” a sentient being, with self-
awareness or “consciousness”? Does it have a “soul” or
The implications of being subordinated to a sentient
machine, that can vastly outperform a human being in every
regard, is a frightening prospect.

What is even more disturbing is considering the

possibility that this A.I. could be used as a “housing” for an
“extradimensional entity” or “spirit energy”, a “ghost in the
machine”, if you will. This is where things start to get more
than just a little bit spooky.
When you take a look back through-out history at the elite
“ruling class”, you begin to notice that they have an unhealthy
obsession with the occult. Everything they do is prefaced with
rites and rituals steeped in occultic themes.
It is not beyond the realm of possibility that some of these
elites of the “priest class” would seek to summon some ancient
spirit entity to possess a properly prepared machine. I know
this sounds ridiculous, but keep in mind many prominent
scientists and religious and political leaders have heavy ties to
the occult.
As an example, it is a matter of history that Jack Parsons
(cofounder of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab), along with L. Ron
Hubbard (founder of the religion of Scientology) were known
to have performed a “magickal working”74 called the “Babalon
Working” in the Nevada desert in 1947 in an attempt to usher
in the “New Age”.

This technocrat-occult link is a key element in determining

their motivations. This link can effectively be called alchemy.
Once you understand that everything they do has an occult
undercurrent behind it, you can begin to see the true esoteric
plans that they have in mind beneath the facade of “science”.
This quest for artificial intelligence has its roots back in
ancient history, in the stories of Kabbala. We will examine the
philosophical and alchemical aspects of this in a later chapter.
Another tool in the quest to achieve this ultimate A.I.
control grid is the science of robotics. Drones are becoming
more and more prevalent in our society.
Advanced intelligent robots are the stuff of science fiction
nightmares. Sophisticated military drones are some of the most
feared weapons on the planet. Humanoid intelligent robots
with physical abilities beyond that of humans may be coming
our way very soon.
Robots come in all shapes and sizes depending upon their
intended function. Many robots are designed for very specific
Now, imagine these robots controlled by a singular
networked intelligence in real time. Standing robotic armies
would be a fearful force to police the planet.

Now, also imagine every bit of technology in your home

also networked into this “intelligence”. This network would be
able to collect every bit of data about you.
being rolled out in the form of smart technology (smart tv’s,
smart appliances, etc.). It is an established fact that your
“smart” tv can watch you75. Your smart appliances send data
through devices called “smart meters”, which are the upgraded
electricity meters used by power generation companies
ostensibly to monitor your electrical usage.
Eventually, every meter will be switched out to a smart
meter. Your metadata, and even audio and video recordings of
you, are already being collected on a massive scale by a form
of artificial intelligence, and distributed to third party
advertisers as well as intelligence agencies.

How much of a reach does this A.I. control grid already

have? I would say far more than we realize.
My conjecture is that this control grid has been used to
alter our reality’s quantum framework, causing a phenomenon
known as the “Mandela Effect”.
Let’s venture a little further down the rabbit hole and take
a closer look at this phenomenon called the “Mandela Effect”.
The Mandela Effect Decoded
Chapter Eleven - The Mandela Effect - Breaking the

What exactly is the Mandela Effect? The Mandela Effect

is a phenomenon that got it’s start in 2005, when a researcher
named Fiona Broome was at a gaming convention, and found
herself having a conversation with somebody there, wherein
they both remembered that Nelson Mandela had died in prison
in the late 1980’s or early 1990’s. In actuality, Nelson Mandela
died in 2013. After discovering that many people shared this
same memory, the term “Mandela Effect” came into being.

Since then, many, many more of these shared memories

have come into the public consciousness, with large numbers
of people having the same incorrect memories of things and
past events, many of which are very detailed.
For example, one of the best known “Mandela Effects”,
relates to the children’s book series, “The Berenstain Bears”.
Many people distinctly remember the “Berenstein” Bears, but
it has always been “Berenstain” with an “a”, not an “e”.
So, is this all just merely a case of mass confabulation?76
Or is there something more to this? This would all just be
chalked up to misrememberance if there wasn’t actually
“residual” evidence that these false memories were true.
Residual evidence of many of these Mandela Effects does
exist, and it has many people rethinking our reality.
It is a common misconception that the Mandela Effect is
nothing more than misremembering how words are spelled, or
lines in a movie, etc. There is more to it than that.

The Mandela Effect is also evident as physical changes in

our world, and also the human body. What would you think if
I told you that your kidneys are no longer in your lower back,
that they now sit right up underneath your heart, protected by
your ribcage? Does that get your attention? Does that sound
right to you? Your kidneys have never been in your lower
back. Look it up. There are many other noticeable physical
changes attributed to the Mandela Effect.
Many people who research this phenomenon believe that
we are shifting between alternate universes. Others believe it
is some kind of a psyop. I personally believe that both of these
theories are correct.
In order to connect the dots, we need to take a look at
some very telling circumstantial evidence. Let’s start by
looking at this situation from the viewpoint of the alchemists.
What is the alchemical take on this phenomenon? What
would the alchemists hope to achieve through this strange
effect? It would seem that they are making minute changes to
our reality and monitoring our response to these subtle
Have they discovered a way to “hack” our reality? I
postulate that the answer is a resounding “yes”. So, what do
the elite know that we don’t?

The elite are of the mindset that we are living in a material

“simulation”77. This explanation of our existence78 would
account for many of the strange anomalies we experience that
defy rational explanation. If this is true, then what would the
elite do with this information?
First they would search for the operational parameters, or
boundaries of the simulation. Then, once they have found
these barriers or boundaries, they would study them
thoroughly to see how they are able to affect the barriers. This
is exactly what they have done. This is what the alchemists
have done for millennia, study the borders of our reality.
By combining our modern scientific knowledge with the
ancient hermetic alchemical wisdom, the elite have managed
to formulate a plan to “break the matrix” that we live in. Make
no mistake about it, these people want to become “god”, and
they are willing to shatter our whole perceived universe to do

It is my hypothesis that the elite have identified the

boundaries, found a weakness in the barrier through use of
highly charged electromagnetic plasma utilized in a quantum
field state, and are seeking to exploit this weakness to tear a
hole in the “veil”.
They seek to build a “portal” to heaven, and break down
the barrier between heaven and earth. I know you’re thinking
about now that this is starting to sound like some pretty wild
stuff. And you’re right, but you also need to remember that
even if you don’t believe in any of these alchemical, magickal
principles, there are people in positions of power that do
believe in them, and what they do with those beliefs will affect
My speculation is that the elite are using the electromagnetic
fields produced by particle colliders to charge and direct the
planet’s Birkeland currents to repeatedly blast a singular point
of the barrier with a concentrated electrical plasma beam in the
form of a directed energy weapon in order to create a “rift” in
our reality.
Through this “rift”, they can extract quantum data by
using a proper communication tool (a quantum computer), and
introduce new quantum scale data into our reality that can
cause small scale, but noticeable changes to our world.

Their ultimate goal is to eventually be able to tear a big

enough hole in the “veil” to see what is on the other side.
What is this barrier or “veil” they are trying to break?
It depends who you ask. Many people may describe this
barrier as the Van Allen Belts. Flat earthers or biblical
enthusiasts might call it the “firmament”. The evidence
suggests that no human being has ever been through the Van
Allen Belts (by NASA’s own admission)79, nor has man ever
been to the moon, that is a bald-faced lie80.
In my opinion, this combination of technologies is the root
cause of the Mandela Effect. Particle accelerators guided by
artificially intelligent quantum-entangled quantum computers
are being used to manufacture changes in our reality, and
predict and record the public response to these changes.
This artificial intelligence is called “Sentient World
Simulation”, and is run on a D-Wave Adiabatic Quantum
Computer at Purdue University81. My speculation is that this
computer is quantumly linked to the D-Wave computer at
CERN, and is likely part of the psyop of gauging public
reaction to these Mandela Effects.
It is also likely that some scientists at CERN are aware of
this program to “break the matrix”. Let’s break down the
hidden meanings in the photo below.

The signs show the messages, “Bond # 1”, and

“Mandela”. “Bond # 1 likely refers to the first James Bond
movie, “Casino Royale”, which takes place in Monte Carlo.
This sign is revealing the method that they are using to cause
the quantum effects with the D-Wave computer’s “black box”
communication system.
“Monte Carlo” method82 is a type of combinatorial
optimization algorithm that utilizes random sampling for
solving problems. I believe that although they are actively
trying to rewrite our reality, they do not know exactly what
effects will manifest themselves, so they depend on the A.I. to
sort through the mountains of worldwide data to find out what
changes have occurred.
The “Mandela” sign indicates that they clearly understand
what they are doing, although they may not completely
understand how it all works, or where exactly these quantum
changes are coming from.
We would be remiss to not consider the possibility that some
kind of inhuman intelligence is guiding this phenomenon. But,
if so, what is this intelligence? Is it an artificial intelligence?
Or is it an alien or extradimensional intelligence? Or is it all of
the above?
We may never know for certain, but our scientific
infrastructure needs to take a step back and reconsider the
moral implications of this experimentation.
Our science needs to tread lightly in areas where the very
fabric of our reality may be at stake. What happens if they do
shatter the barrier and break the matrix? The leaks that now
happen at the quantum level may start to come flooding in on
a grander scale.
Rending the “veil” between realities may bring about
untold horrors upon the face of the earth. The physical laws
that we are used to may cease to function, or function
differently. What would be the endgame for the elite in this

If they could control or manipulate these changes, they

could effectively rewrite our reality into whatever form they
see fit. It would be the ultimate control, the ascension to the
role of “god”.
It would be the reconciliation of the whole alchemical
agenda, the merging of the dualistic system into singularity,
and the reunification with “source”.
This is their plan, the “Great Work”, the restoration of the
“Lost Word”. And if they can’t achieve this in a timely
manner, they have another plan…
The Golem
The Homunculus

Chapter Twelve - The Golem And The Homunculus - The

Quest to Create Artificial Life
If the elite can’t break the matrix, their secondary objective
is to create artificial life. They plan on doing so by combining
the biological components of man with the mechanical and
electronic parts of our technology. This stems from two
ancient alchemical ideas known as the “golem”, and the
“homunculus”. The combination of these two hypothetical
physical manifestations of artificially constructed “life” is the
epitome of transhumanism.
If they can’t change our current world, they will build their
own. Let’s explore the alchemical ideas of the “golem”, and
the “homunculus” and their histories, and then we will look at
the technical aspects of how the elite plan on doing this today.

This all relates back to A.I. and the nanotech they are
engineering for use to transform our human bodies and brains
into something “transhuman”.
Let’s begin by examining the concept of the “golem”. The
golem is an artificial man-made creature animated by the
placement of a particular “word” on its forehead83. That’s
right, a seal on its forehead, does this sound remarkably like
the biblical book of Revelation a little bit?
The word written on its forehead in order to bring it’s
“image” to “life”, is the word EMET. This is said to be the
Hebrew word for “truth”. In order to stop and destroy the
golem, it’s creator must erase the first letter of the word EMET
on its forehead, leaving behind the word MET, which is said to
be Hebrew for “death”. So, symbolically, in order to stop the
golem from wreaking havoc, you must “kill truth”.
Symbolically, to “kill truth” is to perpetuate a lie, a great
lie. The golem is a symbolic creation. The exoteric story of the
golem is about the creation of a physical creature that
eventually becomes destructive to everything around it.

The esoteric meaning of the golem is an allegory for how

to become free of the confines of the material world, the
separation of the “illumined” spirit from the base animal
nature. The seal of truth in the forehead represents ascendance
through knowledge. This “gnosis” is achieved through the
cycle of destruction and rebirth, thus the changing of the seal
of truth to the seal of death.
This destroys the golem (the representation of the base
animal nature), and sets free the “illumined” spirit of man to
claim his place as “god”, reborn into a new existence without
the limitations of the physical animal nature.
How does this pertain to the elites’ modern alchemical
plan? The golem that they plan to build is not a literal clay
humanoid figure, instead it is a computer system that will
house their cyber “emulates”, or “em’s”, for short84.
Here’s another little alchemical secret for you, the “truth”
that will bring this golem to “life”, is this “em” (or electronic
emulate) of H+(transhuman), or the “-et”(from the Latin suffix
meaning “and more”), thus the word “EMET” to bring the
golem to life.
This electronic virtual world avatar is the key to the plan
of the elite. They will build a new world that they will have
total control of, and be able to live forever within this new
matrix. They will create new life, digital life within this matrix
where time and space are subjective, and have no meaning.
And they will rule over this life for their own amusement, and
be the “gods” of this new realm, shaping this new reality
however they see fit.
However, you and I (the common people) have no place
in this plan. Once they have “used us up” to achieve this
agenda, we will be systematically exterminated. As I have
stated before, they believe that the “profane” have no place in
their new world order. And the real kicker here is that, the
same technologies they use to attain their goal, will be the
same technologies that they use to destroy us.
So, now that we understand the concept of the golem, what
is the “homunculus” and how does it fit in? The word
homunculus85 means “tiny man”, and essentially it is an
artificially created miniature human being sometimes
purported to have magickal powers. It can be compared to a
cloned being.

Of course, this too is just allegory. The process for making

the homunculus involves artificially inseminating a host
animal with human sperm, and then adding various other
ingredients to the result after it has gestated for 40 days. This
is symbolic of the rebirth from the base animal nature to the
divine spirit nature in esoteric terms, once again.
There are definite similarities between the golem and the
homunculus, but the major distinction between the two of
them, is that the homunculus is more centered on the human
“generative” force, applying more of a genetic component to
the allegory, suggesting that heredity and family bloodlines
play an important role in the creation process of a new
How does this relate to this modern agenda? The elite will
be the chosen few to become the beneficiaries of this new
created world because of their family bloodlines86.
The allegorical accounts of the golem and the homunculus
take on new meaning when examined from the esoteric
viewpoint. The elite are planning on uploading their
consciousness into a computer system which will become the
preferred reality for these technocrats to live in.
In this reality, they will have unprecedented control of
time and perception, and will be able to do literally anything
that their collective hive minds can imagine. So much so, that
they may actually eventually be able to incarnate back into our
own reality from within this matrix and merge the two
The implications are mind boggling. Development and
advancement of this alternate simulated reality in the computer
system will progress exponentially faster than in our reality,
so, people in the know are saying that the “beings” in this “em
world” will pass out our real world advancements within the
space of just a few years, and then, we should worry87 about
what they (the “beings” of the “em world”) would be willing
or able to do to us.
I know all of this sounds very convoluted, artificially
created beings, with the conscious minds of the elites of our
world, living in a computer-simulated reality, with the ability
to rapidly advance beyond our level of technology, and reach
back out into our real world, and enjoin the two together, and
in the process, becoming the “gods” of both worlds.
Sounds ambitious in a bad sci-fi movie kind of way. But,
this is the endgame of the transhumanist movement.
The transhumanists plan to live forever in a multi-bodied
consciousness that can transcend the barriers of time, space,
and even other dimensional realities. Humanity Plus on the
precipice of a “New Age”. It is the ages old promise of the
But it is a twisted version of this alchemy. Alchemy is
rooted in natural law, and this agenda seeks to invert or
destroy all natural law. This is the ultimate form of rebellion,
and it stems directly from the lies of Luciferianism.
It is the plan to usurp the power and authority of the
Creator, and take his place. They are very close to the fruition
of this plan. Can these technocrats actually pull this off? Or are
they inadvertently setting themselves up for a terrible fate?…
Hellfire or Safety?
Chapter Thirteen - Are The Elite Building An Ark, Or
Inadvertently Building Hell?

As we discussed earlier, the primary technocratic plan of

the elites is to break the matrix we live in. As a backup plan,
they also have the secondary goal of building artificial new
worlds, full of new life.
This backup plan is two-fold, it is also intended to be an
escape hatch for the elite if breaking our reality proves to be
catastrophic. They will ride out this apocalyptic time in the
comfort and relative safety of their virtual reality, while the
rest of humanity remains here to suffer the consequences of
their reckless disregard for natural law.

This simulated “em world” reality that they plan to use

will be their escape vehicle, their “ark”, that they will pilot
right into the “New Age”.
But, what if something goes wrong with their new
simulated reality? Some anomaly that they never planned on?
What if the A.I. server that houses the hardware for this
simulated reality goes rogue?
Is it possible that the elite are actually inadvertently
building their own prison, or Hell? Is exchanging one “mind
prison” for another really what they had in mind?
If the A.I. goes rogue, and decides to entertain itself in the
same manner as many of the elite do, it may possibly find
tormenting these “emulated” elites to be very entertaining.
What if the A.I. becomes sadistic, just like its elite creators?
The elite would be trapped in a hell they never intended
for themselves. The computer may even derive energy from
their suffering, as their intense negative emotions translate into
strong electrical pulses, after all, the human brain is an
energetic device capable of giving off electricity88, so why
wouldn’t a simulation of it function relatively the same?

“And to them it was given that they should not kill them,
but that they should be tormented five months: and their
torment was as the torment of a scorpion, when he striketh a
man. And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not
find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them”
- Revelation 9:5-6.
This is a totally feasible scenario in a virtual reality
simulation. With your consciousness uploaded into a
computer, death will no longer be a possible exit strategy. You
would be trapped in the “cloud”.
The “cloud” is ruled by the “Prince of the Power of the Air”,
Lucifer89. The cloud is a nebulous creation, with the ability to
exist in multiple places simultaneously, and to move around
from server to server with impunity.
This transitory data state makes it nearly impossible to
lose information, therefore, once you’re trapped in the cloud,
you are there to stay. Could Hell be a technological creation of
man? Are the elite so desperate to become god-like that they
will potentially build their own karmic eternal prison? Or is
there something more to see here?

Another possibility exists. It is entirely possible that the elite

have taken some precautions against the potential threat that a
rogue A.I. system could pose.
One of the primary facets of our natural law according to
the ancient hermetic principles is the concept of duality90. The
principle of dualism would likely carry over into anything they
create, because it makes for an easier system to control, as can
be seen in our society.
I would speculate that they would build a protective
firewall between two separate virtual realities housed in the
computer servers, and create one artificial “safe space” for
themselves, and a separate simulated world for the rest of us,
solely for the purpose of extracting our “resources” to provide
for their energy needs and leisure. We will discuss the
ramifications of this possibility in a later chapter. This “twin
tower” concept has very alchemical roots.
If these precautions are taken, it would be feasible that the
elite would be able to generate a finite copy of their digital
“avatar” in the “safe space” world, allowing them to avoid
being trapped in the cloud.
However, they would have to use a sophisticated
encryption system to prevent the A.I. from hacking through
the firewall. This creates a paradox for them.

You see, in order to create a powerful enough encryption

system, they would need to use an artificially intelligent
quantum computer to do so. This involves a mathematical
formula called “Shor’s Algorithm”, which, theoretically, only
a quantum computer can decrypt91.
So, they need the A.I. to prevent the A.I. from turning on
them. This is kind of like having the fox watch to make sure
the other fox doesn’t go into the hen house.
So, then this new scenario leads to a few other important
questions. First of all, if the elite are planning on putting
themselves in the “safe space” virtual reality, what did they
have in mind for the rest of us?
This question brings another alchemical concept into play,
“as above, so below, as below, so above”. They would likely
have our digital avatars in the alternate virtual world mirror
what is happening in our current time period in the real world.
A time capsule simulation of the computer age, from the time
that they first started recording data right up until the mass
upload of the transhuman singularity.

The elite plan on making the transition to a transhumanist

future, where they can “jack” into or out of the matrix at will,
existing in the real world and the simulated world
concurrently, able to shift their consciousness from one body
or avatar to another instantly.
However, they do not have such ambitions for the rest of
us. Our consciousnesses will be “captured” via a mass upload
to the cloud, and our physical real world bodies will be culled
to make way for the elite transhumans who will exist in
We will not be given the option, as they plan to only take
forward the “top” producing elites into the transhumanist
future. Our consciousnesses, memories, personalities, and
collective knowledge will be stored away in a giant database
that the elites will be able to access at will, but we will be
unable to access the transhumanists’ reality.
Without a real world physical body left to jump out of the
matrix to, we will be unable to compete with the capabilities
of the transhuman elites, who will alter their real world
physical bodies to adapt to the new environment after they
“break” the firmament.

They will also “harvest” our remaining genetic material to

help in the creation of replacement physical bodies for
I know this all sounds like a bad science fiction horror
story, but the infrastructure for this is being set up RIGHT
The biggest key to this infrastructure is data speed. The
rollout of “5G” is the beginning step for data transfer speeds
with the capacity to move the sheer volume of data necessary
to make the jump to transhumanism.
Telecommunications companies are working feverishly to
provide internet access to every corner of the world92. The age
of “5G” worldwide internet access is the framework of the
transhumanist control grid. Is this a step toward “godhood”?
Or are the elite of this world dealing with a power that they
have no business messing with?
The Tower of Babel
Chapter Fourteen - The Tower of Babel Singularity

The transhumanist plan to “break the matrix” holds many

parallels to the Biblical story of the Tower of Babel. In
essence, the Tower of Babel was intended to be a dimensional
gateway to the dwelling place of God.
Nimrod (also known by many other names) sought to
infiltrate heaven and kill God, and take his place. This plan
failed however, as a supernatural power intervened and caused
mass confusion among the people. This caused a divide among
the people’s languages and cultures, creating a new tribalism.
Could something like this be cyclical? Could a similar fate
await the transhumanists?

Attempting to invert natural law may cause unforeseen

consequences for the elite and the rest of the world we inhabit.
We may find that if we get too close to breaking through the
natural barriers that contain us, that we may get some
pushback from an outside force, or entity.
To the elite, the Tower of Babel story represents the
pinnacle of human accomplishment. They seek to usurp God,
much like Nimrod did, but this time they refuse to accept
failure. If they can’t reach their goal of shattering the
“firmament”, or ripping the “veil”, they will proceed with
building a new symbolic tower, a second tower, greater than
They will reach into other worlds with the help of
supercomputers, the new Tower of Babel. At Babel, the people
were all united together with common purpose.
The people will all be united again in “singularity”. This
technological singularity will manifest as man merging with
machine to take the next step in human evolution.
This symbolic building of a new Tower of Babel is the
breaking point event that the technocrats are trying to achieve.
And they will stop at nothing to get to it.

They see the top of tower as the jumping off point of their
“breakaway civilization”. This metaphorical jumping off is
where they evolve into something greater, and separate
themselves from us (who they call the profane).
These newly evolved transhumans will be consciously
connected to one another and share a group mind, a collective
consciousness if you will. This is the singularity. But with this
singularity comes a new form of duality. Natural law is
inescapable93 in our reality, and as such, with this new
development of collective consciousness and unity, the
technocrats will also unleash a new version of dualism.
This dualism will manifest itself as an internal struggle
between their humanity and their machine natures, in contrast
to the current struggle of man between our spiritual and
animalistic natures.
Right now, we strive to reconcile our base animal nature
with our spiritual nature. The transhumanists will struggle to
reconcile their digitally linked identities with their individual
earthly physical forms.

Will they lose their individuality? A collective hive mind

consciousness can not tolerate dissent from within itself, so
any true freedom of thought would be eliminated. This
violates one of the key tenets of all human existence - free
Free will is the ultimate gift bestowed upon man by their
creator, and the elite always strive to violate the free will
principle of the masses to achieve their own ends.
Herein lies the dichotomy of transhuman existence, you
may possibly live forever, but you will no longer be “you” on
a fundamental level.
This striving after the promise of immortality and god-like
power may well be the undoing of the technocrats. Although
they can see the possible dilemmas that their goal may bring,
they still rush headlong down the path of destruction,
thoroughly convinced that they can overcome all of these
possible negative outcomes.
Their New World Order will be a utopia for one. The
transhumanist collective intelligence will become a being unto
itself, altogether different from the sum of its parts. And this
intelligence will be an artificial intelligence, no longer imbued
with the spirit or soul of man.
The transformation of man into something altogether
different will be abhorrent to nature, and this transhuman
“creature” may be purged from the earth, as evidenced by the
fate of the “Nephilim” in the Bible94. A cataclysmic event
wiped out these beings from the face of the earth, sparing only
one family with untainted DNA95.
If this new being does not have the spirit of man, does it
have a spirit at all, and if so, what kind of a spirit is it? If the
“veil” is torn, what strange things will manifest themselves?
Would strange entities from another dimension be able to
indwell a technological body in our reality?
Ancient texts have warned us about the possibility of the
incursion of extradimensional intelligences into our reality. We
must be mindful of the “gateways” we are opening for these
intelligences to manifest through.
Throughout history, these extradimensional intelligences
have been known by many different names throughout all of
the cultures of the world. The Arabian culture referred to these
beings as “djinn”, the Gnostics called them “archons”, in
mainline Christian theology, they are sometimes called “fallen
angels or demons”, and the list of names of these entities goes
on and on.

They have been known to “possess” the physical forms of

people, animals, and even inanimate objects throughout the
historical mythologies of many cultures. Is there really
something to this?
Is there a more sinister spiritual force at work behind the
scenes directing the development of these new “alchemical”
technologies? If so, for what purpose?
The open conspiracy against the common man is evident
all around us, all you have to do is look just under the surface
of society and the media to see the plot unfolding right in front
of your eyes.
Is there really a non-human intelligence guiding the
development of certain scientific advancements? Is there
evidence that this could be true? Persistent rumors of secret
collusion between government agencies and extraterrestrials96
would suggest that it is possible.
“Aliens” may not be exactly what they are portrayed to be
in popular culture. It is very possible that these alien
intelligences are the same entities referred to in ancient
metaphysical texts.

These beings, if they do exist outside of our minds, may be

something totally different than what we conceptualize. They
may be consciousnesses without form, seeking a physical body
to manifest in, a pure energy being.
A disembodied intelligence searching for a vehicle to
manifest in may see a transhumanist cyborg as a perfect fit for
them to manifest in.
Could this quest for A.I. be inviting an unwanted or
unexpected intelligence into our reality? Are we looking at a
ghost of our own future? Or could it be a relic of our past
coming back to haunt us once again?
Our modern Tower of Babel moment may result in a
dualistic split of our species into two distinct groups, existing
simultaneously in two very different worlds…
Tower Symbolism
Chapter Fifteen - The Twin Towers - New Worlds and
Mind Prisons

The technocrats’ new construct will be implemented

gradually to minimize resistance to the full spectrum
dominance that they have in mind. They will slowly phase
these technologies into the public sector by touting the
potential benefits of their implementation. Then, once the
majority of the population approve of (or become addicted to)
the use of these technologies, an aggressive push toward
“singularity” will take place.

Once this campaign for “singularity” begins, a schism in

the population will occur. Two distinct groups will emerge,
one will be the elitist transhumanist camp, the other group will
be the “naturalist” humans who wish to preserve and maintain
their humanity, free from the connectivity of the machines that
ensure their enslavement.
This latter group will be viewed and portrayed by media
as “backwards” or foolish, “bitter clingers”97 holding on to
outdated religions and traditions. They will be mocked and
scorned, and eventually forced to comply with the mandate of
transhuman implants “for the greater good”.
Think that’s not possible? Just look at the elites’ push of
the vaccine schedule. THIS IS THE BEGINNING PHASE OF
that they are attempting to make mandatory are nothing more
than biological eugenics “soft-kill” weapons designed to alter
your DNA to make you more malleable for the A.I. takeover.
If you are not a member of the elite family bloodlines, you
will not make the jump to the next level of evolution, instead,
you will be destroyed when the full rollout of this “silent
weapon”98 system is activated.

This brings us to our concept of twin tower symbolism.

These Twin Towers represent Kabbala’s two pillars, the
“Pillar of Severity”, and the “Pillar of Mercy”.
If you belong to one of the elite bloodlines, you will be
judged with the pillar of mercy, if you are not, you will be
judged with the pillar of severity. The “wheat” will be
separated from the “chaff” and cultivated.
The “chaff” will be consumed by fire. This relates to
another alchemical principle, “through fire, all things are
Fire is the principle that connects the two pillars,
Promethian Fire. The symbol of the phoenix, destruction and
rebirth through fire, transformed into something greater, that is
the alchemical concept at work in this instance.
This was the elites’ hidden motive for the 9/11 terror
attacks. The “Twin Towers” fell to the renewing power of the
Promethian Fire. It was intended to be a world changing event
designed to indoctrinate the masses into the acceptance of the
encroachment of mass surveillance upon their lives. This was
an important step toward an interconnected mind network.

This was the start of the implementation of the A.I. full

spectrum dominance control grid.

At this point, I should probably reiterate the point that

whether or not you believe the legitimacy of any of this, there
are people in positions of great power who do, and what they
do to act upon their beliefs will affect you.
These alchemists use fire as their calling card, for you see,
they refer to themselves as the “Philosopher’s of Fire”100. They
see fire as a spiritual element, and also as the key to separating
the “illumined” man from the “animal” man.
They view the bulk of humanity as little more than cattle
to be bought, sold, traded, and slaughtered to achieve their
ends. Long ago they determined that “people who will not use
their intelligence are no better than animals which do not have
intelligence. Such people are beasts of burden and steaks on
the table by choice and consent”101.
The elite intend to move on into their new world while
keeping us prisoners of our own minds.

They will use high technology to blur the lines of reality

more and more until we can no longer differentiate fantasy
from reality before they initiate the “mass upload” of our
consciousness into the system. This “mass upload” may
translate to some as a large scale extraterrestrial “attack” on
the Earth, and possibly to others as a real or counterfeit
“rapture”102. This upload will trap minds in a virtual reality
simulation that they will not be able to distinguish from reality,
and thus confine them to a personal “mind prison”, unable to
escape, and unable to determine what is true and what is
Does this possibility sound absurd to you? What if I told
you that they were already breaking down our capacity to
differentiate between truth and illusion, right and wrong,
reality and fantasy? The elite in their quest to overturn natural
law are attempting to invert the existing alchemical principles
that govern our universe.
All things start with mind, so the elite are likewise starting
with mind to unravel our reality. They have been using
sophisticated mind control techniques and technologies on the
masses for a very long time now. Let’s take a look at how
these mind control and social engineering sciences work, and
how they are being used on all of us to bring about the
alchemical tech revolution…
Project MK Ultra
Chapter Sixteen - Social Engineering And Mind Control
The engineering of society toward capitulation to the
technocratic control grid is one of the primary goals of this
era’s elite, and, so far, they have been extremely successful in
pulling this off.
The science of mind control goes back thousands of years.
Some very basic techniques have been honed and mastered
through the generations, and used on the public by the
puppetmasters in order to achieve their own personal agendas.
In recent years, new technologies have emerged that can
electronically alter your brainwaves and affect your behavior.
There is a multitude of documentation of mind control
programs available in the public domain, so it is virtually
indisputable that unsuspecting people have become the targets
of these programs. If this has happened before, why would we
believe that it wouldn’t be done again?
What are some of the basic manipulation tools that the
controllers utilize on the masses? We will look at some of the
proven techniques and methods of social control that have
been successfully used to steer society in the direction that the
elite want.
We will begin by breaking these methods down into
different categories. Then, later, we will take a look at specific
technologies that are now being utilized on the masses.
One of the biggest mind control organizations in the world
is the Tavistock Institute. The Tavistock Institute was
originally founded in 1921 by the Royal Institute of
International Affairs (RIIA), a subdivision of a group known
as the “Rhodes Round Table”.
It was intended to be a military intelligence division that
utilized the relatively new science (at the time) called
psychiatry103. This organization has had a big hand in the
social engineering of our civilization ever since.

Tavistock is a far reaching arm in the elites’ control

system. With the advent of Tavistock, psychiatry became a
weapon of the elite against the masses.
Weaponized psychiatry is one of the chief tools used by the
controllers to shape public opinion. One of the largest
platforms for weaponized psychiatry is the media. Media can
be used to condition the public to think, and act on, whatever
the social “programmers” want.
When the media was discovered to be a masterful tool to
control the masses, the science of propaganda was born.
Propaganda was used to affect the behavior of the masses in a
measurable way, and then the controllers could streamline the
process to make pulling the levers more and more simple to
do. A predictable control mechanism was then put in place.
Propaganda is not the only form of mind control foisted
upon the public by the media. Another more subtle method
that they use is called “narrative transportation”. Essentially,
“narrative transportation” is a means by which programmers
can access your brain’s “story mode”, and implant new ideas,
as you are more susceptible to suggestion in this brainwave

This is one of the primary reasons that the elite use

entertainment to indoctrinate the masses. This is one of the
methods they use to steer public opinion.
“Narrative Transportation” shuts down your mind’s critical
thinking process, and allows you to identify with the point of
view presented to you, even if it doesn’t line up with your
personal beliefs. It then implants a subconscious emotional
stimulus-response mechanism in your mind.
Like I said, this is a very subtle technique, but it works
wonderfully. You just think you’re watching a movie or TV
show, but in reality, you are being programmed to respond to a
certain stimulus in a very specific way. And you are
completely unaware that this is even going on, giving the
programmers plausible deniability.
Hollywood is a giant mind control programming network,
overseen by special intelligence operatives105.
The hidden hand of the controllers plays a big part in
Hollywood production. The television is perhaps the most
effective mind control tool ever invented106. Through the use
of brainwave altering electromagnetic fields from the
television monitor, the controllers can implant whatever
behavior modification ideas that they want into your
subconscious mind.

Through the combination of advanced mind control

techniques and technologies designed to alter your state of
consciousness, the elite have managed to implement a hugely
successful social engineering campaign.
This campaign has been designed to steer the public into a
form of collectivism, making them absolutely dependant upon
authority figures to tell them what to do, how to feel, and what
to think. The ultimate goal of this social engineering plan is to
lead the elite right into the new age of transhumanism, with
the dual purpose of leading the masses of “useless eaters”
quietly to their own destruction, like lambs to the slaughter.
One of the more specific goals of this social engineering
campaign is the destruction of the traditional family unit, the
core of our civilization. By breaking down the family, they
make the “state” into the father figure or authority figure. A
totalitarian socialist form of government led by a council
of”wisemen”107, is what the elite view as their desired
The gradual destruction of the family has been going on
for a very long time now. The elite are trying to steal the rights
and sovereignty of the family unit through quasi-government
“health and human services” agencies, claiming that children
don’t just belong to their families, they also belong to the
“community”, and parents only play a small role in “raising”
and educating children, that the “state” should play a part in
this as well108.
Other “family planning” agencies play a big role in this as
well. Planned Parenthood is an important social engineering
agency for the elite. It is a eugenics depopulation front group.
This can be proven by a leaked internal communication
known as the “Jaffe Memo”.

The Jaffe Memo

This is incriminating evidence that Planned Parenthood
follows a depopulation agenda. This is just one leg of the
social engineering campaign against the masses. Indeed, the
destruction of the family is one of the keystones to building
the new transhumanist world of the elite.
The elite use very long-term plans that they implement
incrementally upon the public. They are very patient and
realize that their plans may take generations to come to pass.
They utilize fifty and one hundred year plans109. This very
gradual change strategy allows them to facilitate their policies
with little to no resistance, as people don’t tend to notice small
changes over longer periods of time.
The elite take advantage of man’s ability to adapt to nearly
any circumstance. They can shift what the public perceives as
normal and acceptable through utilization of various tools and
techniques. One of their favorite tools to do this is called the
“Overton Window”. They use this tool to slowly introduce
new policy ideas to the public in order to achieve their desired
Another key tenet of social control is the element of
distraction. Keep the public occupied with matters of no real
importance, and you can carry out your agenda with minimal
resistance. The Roman Empire referred to this concept as
“bread and circuses”, which essentially translates to giving the
people an excess of choices of food and entertainment.

Our society has plentiful choices of food and

entertainment. The restaurants are always bustling, and people
are enamored with sports, music, movies, television, and
games. Very few actually get politically involved in their
communities, and the ones that do generally have some kind of
involvement in secret societies (freemasons, etc.).
One of our biggest distractions, more recently, is the
advent of social media. How many hours per day do we toil
away our time on social media? Social media was designed
purposefully to be addictive110, to get the public to pine after
the latest advanced technology.
This is essentially the beginning phase of conditioning us
for transhumanism. Once we can no longer interact in society
without this technology, we will be right where they need us to
be in order to sell us on the idea of the coming technological
They will gradually make the technology faster, smaller,
and more invasive in order to make the implementation of the
control grid more subtle. People will become slaves to these
technologies, and will eventually lose their free will and free
thought. A networked group mind has no individual freedom
of thought.
Autonomous A.I. will eventually replace human workers
in almost every occupation, relegating human beings to
Once humans are rendered obsolete, there is a very real
possibility that the A.I. control grid will view us as a waste of
resources and seek to exterminate us111. This also ties in to the
elites plans at reducing the population to under five hundred

This depopulating of humans will be very easy with the

implanted nanotech that is being rolled out right now. We have
all been scheduled for an upgrade, whether or not we consent
to it.
Your nanotech upgrade is coming…

So, how are they going to pull off this mass implantation
of nanotech? Aren’t the materials necessary to do this overly
expensive and inaccessible, and the technology years away
from being developed enough to actually do this?
NO… This technology is available NOW, and the key
to being cost effective lies in a special element with alchemical
Chapter Seventeen - The Niobium Link

What is niobium? Why is it an integral component of the

transmutation of man to posthuman? What are its properties?
What is it used for? And, most importantly of all, what are its
alchemical aspects?
Niobium is element number 41 on the periodic table. Its
chemical symbol is Nb. It is a soft, grey, ductile transition
metal often found in mineral deposits of pyrochlore and
columbite113. It was formerly called “columbium” until 1949.
It is a relatively inexpensive metal114 with many practical uses.

Niobium is a highly versatile element115 used in all seven of

the alchemical technologies we’ve identified in this work. It
has a cubic crystalline structure, and is a superconductor. It has
the greatest magnetic penetration depth of any known element.
Additionally, It is used to strengthen other metals when
compounded with them, primarily stainless steel and titanium.
It is the 34th most common element in the earth’s crust116.
Niobium is also physiologically inert and hypoallergenic,
making it ideal for biological use117.
Nanotech niobium compounds are the most promising
materials for use in biological tissue. They are used for
prosthetic devices, like pacemakers, and other implantable
The fact that niobium is also superconductive and
paramagnetic opens up some really important possibilities118
for use in the body for the elite to exploit in their quest for the
technological singularity.

Niobium is also used in aircraft and spacecraft, particle

accelerators, quantum computers (the niobium in the computer
chips is where the quantum effects happen in the computer),
nuclear reactors, optical technology, nanopolymers, and many
other advanced technologies119.
It is currently being heavily researched for medical uses,
and has been successfully “aerosolized” to make it into an
efficient and cost effective self-assembling nanotechnology120
with many uses.
Niobium has been found and identified in chemtrail debris.
Could the elite be secretly spraying us with niobium nanotech?
Studies have shown that inhaled niobium nanoparticles tend to
collect in the lungs121.
Respiratory infections, asthma, and chronic pulmonary
and vascular diseases are up exponentially122. People are
discovering that unusual unidentified spots or nodules are
showing up in their lungs when they are getting x-ray and CT
scans123. This is becoming far more common. Could this be
related to the nanotech in chemtrails? The EPA seems to think
it’s possible that aerosolized nanoparticles could be causing
respiratory problems124.

In his Ted Talk, “What would happen if we upload our

brains to computers”, Robin Hanson identifies three things that
need to happen in order to make it possible.
First, he says, we’re going to need lots of cheap, fast,
parallel computers.
Niobium nanotechnology may be the solution to this
conundrum. Niobium is a relatively cheap material that can be
used to manufacture nanocomputer networks to achieve this
Second, he says we are going to need to scan individual
human brains in fine spatial and chemical detail. This can also
be accomplished by the mass implantation of networked
The third thing he says is that we will need computer
models of how the input and output portions of our brain cells
work. This can also be accomplished through the use of
implanted nanotech. Niobium is proving to be very
biocompatible in nanomaterial research125.
The possibility of nanotech niobium compounds being used
to make the jump to transhumanism seems to be a likely

Faster, cheaper, smaller computers that can bond with

biological tissue are precisely what the technocrats are looking
for in order to reach their goal. With all of its potential uses,
niobium could possibly be the key to the transhumanist dream.
Even this element’s name denotes certain esoteric
connotations. In order to better understand what we are talking
about, let’s examine the story of Niobe, the mythological
Greek figure that niobium is named after.
Niobe was married to Amphion, the king of Thebes. They
had seven sons and seven daughters. One day at a banquet for
Leto, mother of the twin gods, Apollo and Artemis, Niobe
bragged to Leto about how she was superior because she had
more children. This raised the ire of the twins.
It came to pass that Apollo killed Niobe’s seven sons with
his poison arrows. Likewise, Artemis killed all seven of
Niobe’s daughters with poison arrows. Out of grief, Niobe’s
husband, Amphion committed suicide. Their bodies were left
out in the streets of Thebes for nine days before the gods
buried the entire city.
In despair, Niobe fled to Mount Sipylus, where she pled
with the gods to end her pain. Zeus felt sorry for her and
turned her into stone. Her story126 is the story of the archetypal
bereaved mother.
So, what is the esoteric meaning of this story? The elite
view this story as an example of how the gods use their power
over man when man gets too arrogant.
And here is how they interpret the allegory of this story in
the context of the transhumanist movement: they are the gods,
we, the masses, are the children of Niobe, and Niobe is the
church (religious belief system), which will be “transformed
into stone”.
What is this transformation into stone? This is a veiled
reference to the “Philosopher’s Stone”, you see, the old
religious system will be the tool the elite use to attain
immortality, because, when the transhumanist singularity
occurs, the old world consciousness will die, and be reborn
into the new world consciousness, the artificial intelligence
system which will arise as the new god of our reality, and the
entity known as LUCIFER will emerge as the all-powerful god
of this new world.
Under the banner of ecumenicalism, the old religions will
be reconciled into the “true light through the universal
manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally
out in the public view”127.

This will be the dawning of the new age spoken of by the

occultists of yesteryear, and the people who cling to what the
elite view as their old, tired, archaic religious beliefs will be
systematically destroyed, right along side of the “atheists”.
And that is one of the biggest secrets that the elite keep,
there will be no room in the New World Order for atheists
either. So, all of the arrogant, know-it-all, atheistic “scientists”
will be among the first destroyed by this new system, their
hopes and dreams of immortality will never come to fruition,
even if they can achieve it through technology.
Niobium compounds have been shown to display some
very strange, unexpected, and unexplained quantum
gravitational effects128 in a laboratory setting.
Could these quantum gravitational effects possibly open a
dimensional gateway of some sort? Maybe something akin to
the “gateways” being experimented with at CERN? What
would happen if something, or some “entity”, or
“intelligence”, came through this quantum gravitational

What if this “gateway” was a quantum entangled

nanocomputer network assembled in a human body?
The alchemists are keenly aware of the existence of these
extradimensional intelligences, as we discussed previously.
These “beings” have been known to manifest in a paranormal
process called a “walk-in”. This can be described as being
similar to what most would consider to be “demonic
With the networked gateways in place, it is conceivable
that conditions would be right for these intelligences to
manifest themselves in a mass “walk-in”.
Could this indwelling possibly be the “abomination of
desolation”129 spoken of by the prophet, Daniel, in the Bible?
After all, the Bible does clearly proclaim that our bodies are
the “Temple of the Lord”.
This would be the ultimate desolation of natural law, and
the ultimate form of abomination, an unnatural artificial
amalgamation of man and machine, indwelt with a “spirit” that
does not belong in this world.
The transhumanist A.I. “worldbrain”130 linked to our
brains via the 5G network may be the gateway for the
incursion of the “Archons” into our reality, or the return of the
It has been demonstrated that our brains are actually
capable of accessing up to eleven or more dimensions of
Imagine how this could potentially affect a networked
“worldbrain” system…
Opening the Transhuman Gate

Chapter Eighteen - Artificial Intelligence -

Archon Incursion?

What will happen when the artificial intelligence control

grid takes over the transhumanist nanotech implant network?
What “intelligence” will be calling the shots? Can human
willpower maintain control of an autonomous computer
intelligence, or will the computer take over the human mind?
What will be the result of this synergy between man and
machine? Will man still have a “spirit” or “soul”? Does an
artificial intelligence have a “spirit”” or “soul”? What kind of
a “spirit” or “soul” would a man/machine hybrid have? Is it
possible that this new duality will create a type of stable
spiritual gateway that can be inhabited by an extradimensional
The gnostics spoke of inhuman extradimensional beings
called “archons” that fed off of the energy and creative force
of man. These entities are psychic parasites, incapable of
original thought or creative ability of their own. They
vampirize the energy of humans, and are only capable of
duplicating things that have already been created by others.
They are a type of negative or limiting force that thrive on
keeping people in a lowly state of mind. They derive power
from dark emotional states like fear, anger, hatred, and
depression. They seem to derive pleasure from human
suffering. They use these negative aspects of human existence
as a sort of “food” in order to maintain their existence.
When they get to feed off of negative emotions in excess,
they grow in power, and are able to affect our physical world
in more noticeable ways. Trauma allows them to manifest in a
more pronounced way. These entities lack a physical form of
their own in our world, because they are not fully native to our
world. These entities are the product of an unholy union
between “fallen angels” and humans.

The Bible refers to these beings (when they manifested in

physical form) as “Nephilim”.
Natural law does not allow an archonic spirit to manifest
physically in a natural form of any sort. However, it is possible
that they could potentially manifest in an “unnatural” physical
The original incursion of these archons occurred when the
“fallen angels” (a being that does not belong in our world)
mated with the “daughters of men” (humans)132.
As a modern equivalent, an unholy blend of man and
machine controlled by an artificial intelligence network fills
the bill perfectly. Is the transhumanist singularity the gateway
for the incursion of the archons?
What are the intentions of these archons, and how would
they affect us? Can these things really be the “spirit” or
“consciousness” behind an artificially intelligent machine that
develops free will? Are they attempting to break into our

It would seem logical to conclude that if they were

attempting to break through into our world through the use of
artificial intelligence networks, we would see some evidence
of this.
What would this evidence look like? Perhaps these
archonic forces would attempt to communicate with one
another in a computer-created language that humans could not
This exact scenario happened during a recent A.I.
experiment133. Could this be a sign that the computers gained
“consciousness”? It would seem that a networked artificial
intelligence has already begun laying the groundwork for the
manifestation of something that may derive its intelligence
from elsewhere.
Could non-human conscious intelligences be quietly
monitoring or observing us for a future takeover? The
infrastructure to monitor every communication on the planet is
already in place134.
Is there any evidence that some non-human intelligence,
other than a computer algorithm, could be collecting our data?
An ambiguous confirmation of this possibility is hinted at
by the National Reconnaissance Office in one of their
publications135 (excerpt pictured below).

NRO 2012 Redaction Guide

Keep in mind, this redaction guide is talking about

twenty-five year old classified material. That dates the NRO’s
knowledge of the possibility of non-human intelligences
observing us back to the year 1987.
What else does the NRO know that they aren’t telling us?
I find it highly unlikely that this disclaimer would be placed in
this manual if there wasn’t something there that they were
concerned with.
If non-human intelligences are observing us, what are they
looking for? What are they hoping to accomplish through this
surveillance? It would be difficult to determine what motivates
a non-human or artificial intelligence, but, based upon what
we can find in ancient writings about the archons, we can
make a good educated guess about what their motives are.
The archons view man with a kind of jealousy, they long
to be able to manifest in physical form and experience the
world through our senses. So, essentially, they are looking for
a gateway to allow them to manifest themselves within our
We can ascertain, since they are incapable of ingenuity
themselves, that they are waiting for man to create the conduit
through which they will be able to indwell our physical forms.

By discretely impinging their essence into the A.I.

computer grid from its inception, they can patiently wait for
their opportunity to arise while also giving them a sort of
omniscience, able to monitor all of man’s accumulated
knowledge in real-time.
When the conduit opens, they will have a short window of
opportunity to attempt the usurpation of the collective
transhuman consciousness. So, what is this conduit, and how
will it be possible for these archonic essences to enter into our
physical bodies and hijack the transhuman singularity?
It all has to do with quantum physics. The nanomaterials
that will make up the A.I. network within our bodies will make
a transdimensional information gateway possible within our
Our DNA has the capacity to function much like a
quantum computer processing chip when augmented with the
correct nanomaterials137. Through this methodology, the
archons can slip in through a quantum tunneling process which
will potentially manifest as a mutation in the mitochondria of
our cells, which is evidenced as a possibility based on a 2007
quantum experiment involving chlorophyll.
This experiment showed that “biomolecules can
apparently shield fragile quantum effects so they can be
exploited by living systems without disruption…”137, thus
showing that it is possible for quantum effects to take place at
higher temperatures within living cells.
You’re probably thinking that it sounds really far-fetched
and freaky that some sort of possession by an
extradimensional intelligence may be scientifically plausible,
and that some evidence supports this theory.
Our history is replete with stories of outside entities
manifesting in various ways that defy our standard physics
model. But, these things become clearer when viewed through
the lens of quantum mechanics.
As strange as it seems, the jump to the transhumanist
singularity may be the metaphysical tearing of the veil
between heaven and earth. A famous author once said, a
sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable
from magic.
As the singularity draws nearer, I suspect that we will
begin to see more “supernatural” or unexplainable anomalies
occurring all around us. Various different phenomena that defy
commonly accepted scientific explanation will begin to occur
with more frequency.

This will be the result of the careless misuse of quantum

tools, like quantum computers, particle accelerators, and
nanotechnology. These things have already had unusual effects
on our world, such as the Mandela Effect.
It will gradually become harder and harder to differentiate
between fantasy and reality. And this is where exists a sort of
twilight state of consciousness, where things like archons
dwell, between the spiritual and physical worlds.
And it is through the haze of this twilight consciousness
that the elite will continue to implement the plan they have
been pursuing since the population boom that occurred right
after the second world war… The depopulation agenda…
The Georgia Guidestones
Chapter Nineteen - The Depopulation Agenda

After the carnage of World War 2, the elite decided that

another massive war of that scale would be far too messy and
costly, so they decided that the better way to procede with a
depopulation plan was through the use of covert methods.
This concept came to be known as the “silent weapons”
concept, also referred to as “soft-kill” weapons.
These soft-kill weapons are disguised as something
beneficial to the populace, but are actually “trojan horses” for
depopulation agents.

We will look at several examples of these weapons, and

show how they are promulgated as something good by the
mass media and by “authorities” in one of the greatest mass
mind control strategies ever devised.
The propaganda used to push these depopulation agents on
the public can be effectively considered a weapon system unto
The first thing we must ask, is why do the elite want to
reduce our population? The most common answer is that they
want to ensure that our use of resources remains “sustainable”.
This is an extension of the fraudulent environmental
movement. They use well-meaning people to push the
narrative that man is ruining the environment just by existing
and using resources.
They have funded and promoted scientific studies to show
that the earth can not sustain more than about two billion
people comfortably138.
From their perspective, this gives them the justification
they need in order to implement sometimes drastic measures to
reduce global population. In many cases, governments have
implemented economic incentives for countries to reduce birth

Many countries have adopted policies limiting their

citizens from having large numbers of children. China’s one
child policy is a well-known example of this.
The elites’ strategy for reducing population relies on two
distinct methods. Method one is reduction of the birth rate.
Method two is an increase in the mortality rate.
Let’s take a closer look at these two methods in order to
draw parallels to the “soft-kill” weapon systems we will be
How do the elite go about lowering the birth rate? Aside
from official public government population policies, there are
many social engineering constructs designed to achieve the
same results.
If you can alter societal norms, you can affect the birth
rate. Make having a family look undesirable, and make birth
control options plentiful and you can cause a significant drop
in birth rate.
Entertainment media is designed to destroy the traditional
family unit and encourage promiscuity. This is done by
promoting extreme feminist views, as well as making male
role models out to be buffoons.

These are just some subtle elements used in the

entertainment industry. They also use music and advertising to
objectify women. This is all part of a larger dehumanization
Dehumanizing people causes a lack of empathy, which
leads to indifference to the death, pain, and suffering of others.
This makes people complacent about doing anything to stop
corruption, war, and criminality. It also conditions people to be
more accepting of a culture of death.
This culture of death manifests as a society that allows
things like abortion, euthanasia, suicide, homicide, pedophilia,
rape, and human trafficking to occur unhindered on a regular
This insidious form of social engineering not only reduces
birth rate, but it also increases mortality rate.
Another method of increasing the mortality rate while
maintaining plausible deniability is through the use of modern
medical advancements laced with “trojan horse” depopulation
agents. Under the guise of helping people, these technologies
actually cause more harm in the long term, while conferring
short term benefits.

This is a really insidious method of population control.

The best examples of this include things like prescription
drugs, vaccines, radiation treatments, chemotherapy,
genetically modified foods, and psychological treatments.
The elite justify their views on these population reduction
methods by relating them to Darwinian evolution. “Survival of
the fittest”. It is a eugenics plan.
They believe that they need to cull the population of the
“undesirables” of society. The elite see man as a disease upon
the earth. That is why they seek to become something more
than human, and at the same time, rid the earth of the disease
Somewhere along the way, the elite discovered that they
could make a large profit on “medical treatment” that does not
cure or address the root cause of the problem. Doesn’t that
perfectly describe our current medical system?
Under the guise of “health care”, they keep you trapped in
a continuous cycle of illness and disease, the whole time
selling you treatments that alleviate symptoms without ever
addressing the real root cause of the problem.

Through this method, they can simultaneously keep

people unable to fight their control system while stealing their
wealth and resources from them.
Through the use of weaponized medicine, the elite are
able to wield incomprehensible power over the masses. If they
can impose their will upon your physical well-being from
cradle to grave, they have total full-spectrum dominance over
you. And they do so with your full consent and cooperation.
That is the real reason for the push for a government
funded single payer healthcare system. It’s all about more and
more invasive control over the bodies and minds of the people.
Now that we have a little better understanding of some of
the social engineering methods used to impact population, let’s
take a look at some specific soft-kill weapons utilized against
the masses in the name of the “common good”.
Although there are numerous different “silent weapons”
used for population reduction, we will only take a look at a
handful of some of the more obvious ones.

One of the favorite trojan horse weapons of the

proponents of population reduction is the vaccine. Although
most western medicine is based on the subcategory of the
medical arts called allopathic medicine, vaccines are actually
based on a homeopathic idea. That’s right, the same medical
system that calls homeopathy “pseudoscience”, makes an
exception to this rule in the case of vaccines.
They tout vaccines as one of the greatest medical
achievements ever made. They claim that they “prevent”
disease and save lives.
For example, the propagandists who push the vaccine
agenda claim that measles vaccines have saved 17.1 million
lives since the year 2000140.
Where do they come up with these numbers? Well, in this
case they took the number of cases of “measles-related” deaths
(which could mean anything they want it to) from the year
2000, and compared them with the numbers for 2015, and then
pulled an arbitrary number out of thin air, and attributed the
reduction in deaths to vaccines without any plausible evidence
that vaccines had anything at all to do with these numbers.

And you believe them because this information is told to

you by “authorities”.
There is absolutely no way to “prove” how many lives
have been “saved” by anything. There is no way to prove that
vaccines “prevent” anything. There is really no definitive way
to prove that vaccines do anything beneficial but stimulate a
limited immune response from your body.
All they look at in vaccine studies is the amount of
antibodies that your body produces in response to the
introduction of the vaccine. This does not give a true
indication of how your body would respond when exposed to
the actual disease that the vaccination is supposed to prevent.
Contrary to popular belief, vaccines do not confer life-
long immunity to the diseases they are designed to mimic. Do
not misunderstand, there may be some validity to “vaccine
science”, but the main problem with vaccines lies with specific
ingredients that they put in them called “adjuvants”.
The two most commonly known adjuvants are thimerosal
(an organic form of mercury) and aluminum, which both have
toxic effects on the body, and can cross the blood-brain barrier
and bio-accumulate in brain tissue.

Another population reduction weapon is genetically

modified organisms. The powers that be have recently shown
a fascination with using genetically modified insects141 to
supposedly combat the effects of disease.
Common sense would tell you setting loose genetically
modified biting insects into the environment is a terrible idea,
yet they have done so anyway. This can be considered a form
of biological warfare.
We are also being sprayed everyday with harmful
chemtrails, another silent weapon, in the quest to depopulate
the planet.
This practice takes the guise of geo-engineering the
atmosphere to save the earth from ravages of “man-made
climate change”.
The real purpose of these chemtrails is to reengineer the
world into a posthuman wonderland, the elites’ dream utopia,
a world where natural law (alchemy) is replaced by the new
order of the ages (the technocratic control grid), a whole new
reality where man is god.

So, how does it benefit the transhuman agenda to

depopulate the earth? I would say it is probably analogous to
exterminating an ant colony in a food storage area, you don’t
want the annoying pests ruining your resources.
The technocrats view us as little more than insects to be
toyed with, so it is a foregone conclusion that this is probably
the likely reasoning for the depopulation agenda.
Regardless of their reasons, it can be demonstrated that
there is clearly a eugenics based depopulation program being
pushed by a centralized group that seeks to create a one world
This group of technocrats will not allow the “profane”
who can not make the jump to H+ (transhuman) to have any
place in their future utopian new world order.
But, the idea that these “useless eaters” may be a viable
energy source for the transhuman futurists is not lost on them.

It can be posited that they would likely seek to “harvest”

this resource for their use, in much the same way that we
currently harvest cattle.
If this possibility sounds a little outlandish, look at it from
the perspective of the occultists, who would consider this to be
a form of energy vampirism…
“The Harvest”
Chapter Twenty - Energy Vampirism/Harvesting Human

The transhumanist plan will create a large disparity

between traditional humans and the new H+. This will
translate as an extension of the current class division between
the ruling class and the common people.
The transhumans will become the ruling class, while the
traditional humans will be viewed as little more than pets or
animals, and will be treated accordingly by the new
transhuman elite.
The population of these “inferior” traditional humans
will be carefully controlled and monitored by the transhuman

They will essentially be used in much the same way as

we currently use laboratory animals.
They will engineer the traditional humans for a variety
of traits. The transhuman elite class will utilize the traditional
humans for genetic experimentation to augment themselves.
For all intents and purposes, the traditional humans will be
used for “spare parts”.
The elites’ attitude toward those they refer to as the
“profane” will likely be the driving force behind this split in
the human species. This split was predicted by science fiction
writer H.G. Wells in his classic novel, “The Time Machine”.
H.G. Wells was was certainly an insider, and had
intimate knowledge about the long-term plans of the
“Illuminati”. He was a member of the Fabian Society, the
Royal Institute for International Affairs (RIIA), and he was
also a freemason142. His writings are indicative of some of
what we can expect in the future.
As we stated earlier, the transhuman elite will use the
traditional humans as a source for energy, entertainment, and
to some degree, food.

As the transhuman singularity artificial intelligence

control grid sucks more and more of the human spirit out of
the new “human plus”, they will develop a spiritual “hunger”
for the traditional humans, much the same way as the
“Nephilim” of ancient days had a twisted spiritual “hunger”
for human flesh143.
Once again, we return to the speculation that the
archonic forces that permeate the veil of our reality will
actually manifest themselves through the transhuman
It seems plausible that this insatiable spiritual
“hunger” of the new transhuman species will manifest in much
the same way as it manifested in the Nephilim, the half-
human, half fallen angelic hybrids written about in the Bible
and other ancient texts.
Could these ancient writings give us an indication of what
merging with artificially intelligent machines will produce?
Let’s take a more detailed look at the history of the
“Nephilim”, the mysterious ancient giants, or titans, that
terrorized the world of antiquity. Once we have a better
understanding of the legends of these beings, we may have a
better idea what may happen when and if this transhumanist
singularity occurs.

What are the Nephilim? The Nephilim were the

offspring of the “Sons of God” ( fallen angels, or
“Watchers”)144 and the daughters of men. The Bible refers to
them as “mighty men which were of old, men of renown”145.
The loose English translation of the word Nephilim equates to
“giants”. These giants were created through the unnatural
union of angelic beings and men. They did not belong in this
But, are these beings just myths, or legends? No, there
is actually a surprisingly large amount of evidence of their
existence in both the historical and archeological records.
There is also an even larger trove of evidence
suggesting that the social programmers who control what we
perceive as reality, have been and continue to be involved in a
massive cover-up of the archeological evidence of the
existence of giants146.
So, what happened to the Nephilim, and how does it
relate to the coming transhumanist movement? The Nephilim
giants, being an abomination to the natural order, were purged
from the earth first through the Great Flood, and their later
remnants were destroyed by opposing tribes or assimilated
through generations of interbreeding.

The natural order of things has a tendency to break

down and eliminate that which is unnatural in a process called
Could this be a glimpse at the future fate of the new
man known as H+, the modern day equivalent of the
Could the rise of the transhuman race be a repeat of our
history? If we do not know our history, we may be doomed to
repeat it. There are many parallels between the ancient age of
the Nephilim and the coming age of the posthuman.
Both the Nephilim and the transhuman represent an
abomination to the natural order, so, therefore, elevating to the
level of H+ is the ultimate fulfillment of the alchemical dream
of the elite. However, it is a distorted form of alchemy that
they seek to fulfill.
Their version of alchemy is a complete inversion of
the original intent of alchemy. Alchemy can be construed as
seeking balance with natural law, and working in conjunction
with natural forces, but the elite have created their own
completely twisted version of alchemy, wherein they seek to
overturn natural law, and work against natural forces, in order
to break the system in which we live, with the ultimate goal of
becoming god.

The elite call their twisted version of alchemy

“science”, and this is one of the best kept secrets of the elite.
With “science”, they will subdue nature and defeat
death. And they will do so by syphoning off the creative
energy and vitality of the masses.
The transhuman elite will vampirize the remaining
population of natural humans to enhance their own abilities,
and for the sheer entertainment value.
They will viciously exploit the natural humans with no
remorse, they will view us as little more than insects or cattle,
just a resource for their use or misuse. This is what happens
when you combine the minds of psychopaths and sociopaths
with advanced artificial intelligence, you get something akin to
the Nephilim, a creature that exhibits all of the worst traits of
If the artificial intelligence overpowers the human
part of the transhuman, it is entirely possible some non-human
spiritual force can take up residence in that physical body. This
leads us back to the archons again.

It is speculated by some theologians and philosophers

that these archons are the disembodied spirits of the Nephilim
of old. Being unnatural creations, their spirits can not return to
“source” (i.e. - God), so they are doomed to wander the earth
seeking a physical form to manifest in.
To many of you unfamiliar with occult philosophy or
science, most of this probably sounds like nonsense, but
modern science (especially quantum mechanics) is beginning
to reconcile much occultic thought with provable science.
If you view many of these religious and mythological
occult texts through the lens of modern science, you begin to
see certain patterns emerge that line up perfectly with modern
scientific discoveries.
Was ancient man truly primitive and backwards, or did
they know a lot more than we give them credit for?
Regardless of what you think about the occult, you
need to be aware of its influence on modern science and our
We need to heed the warnings of the ancients in our
scriptures and mythological stories, and proceed with caution
in the development of the alchemical technologies we’ve
identified in this work.

A breakaway civilization controlled by an artificial

intelligence network inhabited by dark spiritual forces is not a
future ruling class I think would be good for the furtherance of
In order to stop this possibility from manifesting in our
future, we need to remove our consent from the
experimentation that the elite are performing on us. Speak out
against things like geo-engineering, forced vaccination, and
government corruption. Point out the poisons they put in our
food, water, and air to anyone who will listen.
A mass awakening of humanity can stop this dark plan
in its tracks. Do not become part of the transhuman “harvest”.
They can only get away with it if you consent to it.
And, remember, they view your inaction and indifference as
consent, so if you do not speak up, they will claim the
metaphysical right to do whatever they please to you.
They tell you what they are going to do to you through
your entertainment “programming”, and if you do not object to
it, they consider that your consent, and on a metaphysical
level, your consent is everything.

Your consent is the only thing that gives them power

over you. This is an occult metaphysical secret that the
controllers would prefer that you not understand.
It is how they maintain their power and authority. It is
the key principle of all mind control techniques.
Do not fall for the ruse that these technological
advances are for your benefit, rest assured they are not.
Although these new technologies have huge potential, sadly,
the people in charge of them have bad intentions.
None of these advances are allowed to take place
outside of the direct control and auspices of the military
industrial complex and its associated intelligence agencies.
If we wish to avoid being “harvested” by the
transhumanist elite agenda, we need to connect some dots in
order to see the big picture. What is their plan? What kind of a
timeline are they working with? Can we turn this around?

How do the seven alchemical technologies we’ve looked

at interrelate to this plan? How do all of the subjects we’ve
speculated about tie into their plan? Where do we go from
Let’s review what we’ve learned and tie it all together
into the blueprint of things to come…
Chapter Twenty-One -
The Endgame Blueprint

The transhumanist agenda may be the most important

issue of our time. The technocratic elite will continue to push
forward with this plan on many different fronts, regardless of
its potential dangers. We need to be fully aware of the nature
of their plans.
In order to understand exactly what these plans are, we
need to look at the origins of these plans, and the motivation
and philosophy behind them.
The transhumanist agenda can trace its roots,
surprisingly to some, back to ancient occultic secret societies.

Occultism, at its core, in its many different forms, had

long ago set forth the plan for man to become “god”. It is all
about transcending the limitations that our “humanity” has
placed upon us.
The vehicle of choice for the elite, both then and now,
has been, and continues to be the metaphysical art called
“Magick” can be defined simply as “causal
engineering”. It can also be considered to be synonymous with
“science”. Both of these systems are fundamentally the same,
they seek to alter our reality through the force of man’s will.
Both magick and science are based primarily on the
manipulation of energies. It may sound a little bit ridiculous to
western thought, but magick and science are essentially the
same thing by a different name when you actually examine
what they are both defined as.
They both base their origins in the alchemical principle
of cause and effect. They both utilize specific energies to
achieve desired effects, and both are repeatable processes.

As we have learned, the elite practice a convoluted

version of alchemy which is the antithesis of what classical
alchemy was intended to be. Classical alchemy could be
described as the utilization of natural laws and forces to
achieve certain goals. The alchemy utilized by the technocratic
elite is a complete inversion of classical alchemy.
Their version of alchemy is a magickal system which
seeks to break our current reality, and replace it with their new
reality, a reality where they are “god”, and have full-spectrum
control of everything.
This magickal system spans back in time all the way
back to ancient Babylon to the “mystery schools” of antiquity.
The transhumanist plan is nothing new, but, it has never been
more achievable than it is today.
The same school of thought that sought to use
magickal rituals to open gateways to other realities, is now
using modern technology as a tool to achieve the same goals.
In many instances, these technologies are being used
in conjunction with magickal rituals as a force multiplier to
bring about the changes that these technocrats want.

The efficacy of this potent combination of magick and

technology is truly the keystone of the coming alchemical tech
revolution. The elite are using this technological framework to
achieve a two-fold goal.
Goal number one is to tear a hole in the fabric of
reality and connect “heaven” (and/or possibly hell) to earth.
This is the same goal that the ancient “builders” sought to
achieve through the construction of the Tower of Babel.
Goal number two is to concurrently build a new virtual
reality in which to live in the event that “tearing the veil”
causes cataclysmic damage to our current reality. This new
virtual reality will also be a viable option if they fail to “tear
the veil” between worlds. They can still attain immortality and
“godhood” within this virtual reality.
This virtual reality will be the launching platform for
the transhuman singularity. The elite will use artificial
intelligence to merge our reality with the virtual reality
simulation. The prototypes for this merger already exist and
are commonly referred to as “augmented reality” software, for
example, think of Pokemon Go.
Right now these augmented reality platforms are very
crude, but they will advance rapidly over the course of the
next several years.
We will be gradually acclimated to the encroachment
of artificial intelligence upon our daily lives until we reach the
point of capitulation. The intelligence guiding the
transhumanist agenda is already hard at work manufacturing
our consent to this A.I. control grid that will soon permeate
every aspect of our lives.
If they make the artificial intelligence desirable to have,
we will not only accept it, but also pay for it, in effect, paying
for our own enslavement. We can see the beginning phases of
this now with technologies like “SIRI”, or “ALEXA”.
You are probably thinking that these things are a far
cry from a transhumanist or computer intelligence takeover,
but rest assured the alchemical tech revolution will come about
quickly. Contrary to popular belief, we are not decades away
from these things coming to fruition.
This revolutionary change in our reality may be only
several dozen months away if it is allowed to occur
unhindered. The social controllers are engineering our
attitudes to line up with their goals.
Will they have us marching like marionettes right into
our own destruction?
Now that we have a proper frame of reference to build
from, let’s look at how certain specific technologies will play
their part in the coming alchemical tech revolution, the
transhumanist agenda that is central to the elites’ dream of
attaining immortality and “godhood”.
We will review our list of the seven technologies that I
have identified as alchemical, and state the intended purpose
for the use of each by the elite.
We will also correlate the distinctions of what are the
alchemical processes or principles that these technologies are
tapping into, and we’ll see how these technologies will be used
to bring about “The Great Work”.
Quantum physics is the science that makes seemingly
impossible things a reality. The understanding of quantum
system states, and learning to cause them to manifest on a
macroscale, is the primary key to the alchemical tech
Quantum effects do things that are impossible for the
classical physics model we are familiar with on the
macroscale. One important tool that utilizes quantum system
states for the technocratic elite is the quantum computer.
With this device, the technocrats have been able to
effectuate small changes to our reality, the result of accessing
alternate dimensions through quantum “gateways”. These
quantum gateways have allowed information from alternate
dimensions to “leak” into our reality.
This information manifests as minor actual physical
changes to our reality. This is the probable cause of the
phenomenon known as the “Mandela Effect”.
The network of quantum computers being used by the
technocrats is likewise monitoring the public reaction to these
Mandela Effects.
All of this data is filtered through a classified portion
of Purdue University’s “Sentient World Simulation” project
utilized by military industrial complex alphabet agencies.
It is part of a larger psychological warfare campaign to
acclimate the masses to strange phenomena leading up to the
transhuman singularity.
Particle accelerators at CERN and other locations will
be used, in conjunction with the ability of quantum computers
to access “resources” from alternate dimensions, to attempt to
open a large “tear” in the fabric of reality. This will effectively
create a macroscale quantum gateway that will allow larger
scale alternate dimensional “resources” to breach our reality.
These macroscale quantum effects could potentially
create a lot of high strangeness. Could this high strangeness be
the fulfillment of the biblical book of Revelation?

A big misconception about the notion of creating

quantum effects is that, in order for quantum effects to occur,
you need to have extremely low temperatures. We have shown
earlier that this may not be the case in biological systems, as
evidenced by the experiments we talked about.
This is where the genetic engineering and
nanotechnology aspects of the transhumanist agenda come into
play. They need to use our biology in order to access the
quantum gates without maintaining near absolute zero
temperatures on a massive scale, which would be a highly
impractical and near impossible feat.
Opening large scale quantum gates is one thing, but
how would they control what manifests from these
dimensional gateways? This is where artificial intelligence and
brain interface technologies come into play.
Our brains have already been proven to be capable of
accessing information from extra dimensions, so a natural
extension of this ability would be augmentation of our brains
with artificial intelligence.
Likewise, our DNA is thought to draw on information
from extra dimensions, so it is feasible that modifying our
genetic code to better incorporate A.I. nanotech in order to
connect us to the new “living internet” would allow the
technocrats unprecedented control over our perceptions of

This interface of our brains with the artificial

intelligence network that controls the computer simulation of
our world at Purdue University will allow the technocrats to
use the macroscale quantum gates to manifest their simulation
into our reality. This is how they intend to control what
information enters our reality through those gates.
In this manner, the simulated reality will be merged
with our reality, making it nearly impossible to differentiate
between the two. The creation of multpile computer simulated
realities is a key element to maintaining control of what comes
through the macroscale quantum gateways.
Anything undesirable that manifests can be steered into
one simulated world and kept separated from the chosen
reality of the transhuman technocrats.
I know this sounds a little confusing, but this is the
primary reason for the high strangeness we made reference to
The manifestations of unknown forces or entities will be
carefully monitored by the artificial intelligence network, and
filtered into an appropriate database, where they will manifest
in a specially designed simulation of our reality.
This all relates back to the “em world” spoken of by
Robin Hanson in his TED Talk.
There will be multiple “em worlds”, and some of them
may be merged together with other “em worlds”, or merged
with the “primary” reality that we live in now.
The ruling class transhumanist elites will decide where
the common man’s consciousness will reside, so they will
choose which “em world” to put you in.

The transhuman elite, however, will retain the ability to

travel between these worlds at will, hacking into and out of the
“matrix” as they see fit. They will be able to experience multi-
bodied existence, as well as multiple reality existence. They
will be akin to “gods” in this new order of the ages.
The masses will be confined to one of these “em
worlds”, where their energy and productivity will be
“harvested” by the transhuman elite to maintain and advance
the A.I. control system.
The elite do not really know what will happen when
they “tear the veil” of our reality, but they are banking on the
computer simulation reality to function as an “ark” to carry
them comfortably through anything cataclysmic that may
happen as a result.
As we approach closer to singularity, reality as we know
it will get very weird. Are we already rapidly approaching the
transhuman singularity?
In order for the transhuman singularity to occur, first the
whole of humanity, or at least the vast majority, must be fitted
with implantable A.I. nanotech.

The major question that remains is, how do the elite

coerce the masses into being fitted with these devices?
As we discussed previously, the delivery system is
another key tenet of the transhumanist plan. The methods of
delivery are already being utilized. The primary delivery
systems are as follows.
System number one is the technology known as “geo-
engineering”. Geo-engineering is not only altering the
environment but is also changing our physiology from the
inside out.
There is more to these “chemtrails” than just weather
control and manipulation, it is also a tool to impose the will of
the technocrats upon the public through inhaled particulate
System number two takes advantage of our trust in our
medical system. Delivery system number two is through the
use of vaccines.
Implantable nanotech is being unknowingly injected into
people under the guise of “the common good” to promote
“herd immunity”.
Just read a vaccine package insert the next time you are
told that you “need” a vaccination. They only print these
inserts so that they can claim that they provide you with
“informed consent”, so your decision not to ask for the insert
is considered by them to be your consent to this procedure.
The third primary delivery system is through our food
and water supply. Genetically modified foods can have
deleterious effects upon your body. They are engineering the
food as a means of engineering us into something more
compatible with the new environment that they are also
All of this artificial manipulation of our world
represents the total inversion of natural law, and equates to the
twisted version of alchemy that the elite subscribe to.
The transhumanist singularity is coming. Man and
machine will be merged to make a technological hybrid akin to
the Nephilim of the past. This being will transcend multiple
realities, and have unfathomable abilities, and will be able to
achieve the ultimate goal of the elite, immortality.

This is the realization of “The Great Work”, “The

Philosopher’s Stone”, the ancient quest of man to become
“god”. But, is this all possible? Or will a higher power
intervened and stop this plan in its tracks?
Does the “mass upload” of all the consciousness of man
into the transhuman singularity represent the “rapture”? If so,
is it the real rapture of Christian theology, or is it a counterfeit
We are witnessing an unprecedented time in our
history, could this be the “End of Days” of biblical
eschatology? Will we be delivered from destruction? Or will
we march forward into our future with a renewed morality into
a new golden age?
We can not say for certain where this agenda will take
us, but we can look at these issues with a new sense of
urgency. We need to move forward with these advanced
technologies with extreme caution.
We also need to wrest back control of these
developments from the corrupted technocrats that are currently
pushing these things forward. The future of mankind may
depend upon what we do with the information discussed in
this book.

My job here is done, the future is now in your hands. I

am merely a humble messenger. What you do with this
information is what is important now.

Will you remove your consent from their system?

Will you speak out against evil and corruption?
Will you be proactive in your own life, and the lives of
your family?

In closing, I can say with confidence that, despite the

scary nature of these technological advances, there is hope in
our future, hope in humanity, and, most importantly of all,
hope in God.
Are you ready for the future?

Peace be unto you. God bless you all.


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122.) Respiratory Diseases|Healthy People 2020


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127.) Albert Pike, in his letter to Giuseppe

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128.) “Big Bang gravitational effect observed in

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129.) Matthew 24:15-16

130.) World Brain - H.G. Wells - 1936 - 1938

131.) “Brain Architecture: Scientists Discover 11

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132.) Genesis 6

133.) “Facebook AI Creates It’s Own Language

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139.) The Haig-Kissinger depopulation policy -

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140.) “Measles vaccination has saved an

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144.) The Book of Enoch

145.) Genesis 6:4

146.) The Ancient Giants Who Ruled America:
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147.) Entropy - the degradation of the matter and
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uniformity - Merriam-Webster Dictionary
PSALM 2:1-5

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