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My first day at work

Taller 1. “Reading comprehension”

A. Read the following text about Nilufar´s first day and take into
account the words in bold.

Nilufar´s first day.

I can tell you about my first day in office when I was 18. I felt surrounded by
a bunch of older people and comparing to my University crowd these people
were absolutely not cool. There is so much more positivity at school than in
office. Our office had glass doors and I called it aquarium but without water as
I myself was pretty much suffocating there. Somehow I felt like I wanted to
run away from that weird place where people cared about career and gossiped
a lot. My boss was narcissist and I hated every day of my job. Luckily it was a
part time job and after I gained two years of experience that every Company
wants to see in student’s resume before hiring I found a job that paid 10 times
more. However, there is one thing my first job taught me for sure. It taught me
to be patient and have faith that one day I will find a better job. I have changed
3 jobs after that until I found a good one and guess what? I still go to
interviews just in case there is something better for me to consider.
B. Write the meanings of the words in bold shown in point A.

1. Office: Oficina
2. Career: Carrera profesional
3. Company: Empresa
4. Experience: Experiencia
5. Job: Trabajo

C. How was Nilufar´s experience? Was it Good or bad? Write a least 3


On the first day of work, Nilufar felt bad, because the people who worked
there were not the same age as her. On the other hand, she felt exhausted from
so much work and the other thing she didn't like was that her boss was a
D. What do you like to do on your first day of work? Write at least 3
On my first day of work:
 I like to meet the people who work in the company.
 know the company and know my functions within it.
 meet the boss and socialize with colleagues to share experience.

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